The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 19, 1903, Image 1

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fef J
Ever Charming Childrens Day Exercises
Childrens day is one of tho insf
tions most Americans take pleasure and
satisfaction in observing for ar all
there is nothing more helpful than tho
children They afford us our brightest
outlook in life it is always a delight to
hear them oven when tho taste palls
The Congregational church was filled
Sunday evening to witness and hear the
services by tho children of that Sunday
school The program embraced musical
literary numbers by tho children and
afforded keen nnd appreciated pleasure
to all The church was decorated flo
rally for tho occasion palms ferns pot
ted flowering plants and cut flowers
galore making an attractive background
of emerald and color for the services and
youthful participants A collection was
taken for the advancement of Sunday
school work in the state of Nebraska
A Grand Lecture Lantern Entertainment
Prank R Robersons lecture on Im
perial India Tuesday evening in the
opera hall under Junior Normal auspi
ces fairly took the audience by storm
McCook has never seen and heard the
equal Roberson has traveled far and
wide for many years is a close observer
and has superior powers of description
His ability as a word painter comports
well with tho high excellence of his
views and their artistic projection on
canvas The views were exquisite
charming and the lecture was superb
but a little too rapid in delivery for the
greatest comfort to the hearer this fail
ing being perhaps unavoidable The
opera house ought to have been crowded
A O U W Memorial Services
The members of the Workman lodge
and of the Degree of Honor observed
their annual Memorial day last Sunday
afternoon in usual form The order
marched to the Congregational church
in tho afternoon at two oclock where
they listened to a sermon by Rev F W
Dean appropriate to the occasion Af
ter services in the church a detachment
of Workmen marched and a large body
of ladies of the Degree rode to the cem
eteries of tho city where garlands were
placed on tho graves of departed mem
bers of the twin orders and over tho last
resting places of members of families of
Pythian Memorial Sunday
Memorial services Knights of Pythias
will be held in the Episcopal church
next Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock Rev
E R Earle of St Albans delivering the
sermon The Knights will assemble at
their castle hall at two oclock to march
in organization to the church After
services in the chapel the members will
proceed to the city cemeteries and deco
rate the graves of deceased Knights and
of deceased members of families of
We Have
The rest comfort and enjoyment you
get out of a hammock is always worth
many times its cost
This line of goods has been much im
proved in tho last few years and we
think the lines we are showing this year
will provide more comfort than the
styles of previous years
L W McConnell Druggist
This Rye Had Grown Some
Uncle William Coleman exhibited at
this office last week some samples of
rye which had attained the height of
five feet and ten inches Among them
was a bundle of sixty three well devel
oped heads all grown from one grain of
rye The rye was taken from an upland
farm in Coleman precinct and Uncle
Willf states that he didnt even
sharpen the hoe in this case
What You Like
Just the meat you like in just the way
you like it Fine firm and tender beef
young wholesome lamb clean and sweet
pork smoked and salted meats And
last but not least whether you order
from house by phone or come in person
your orders are given our best consider
ation and we guarantee that you will
be satisfied Marsh
Third Quarter Tax Due July 1st
Office of Water Works McCook Neb
July 1 1903 Water tax for the third
quarter of 1903 becomes due this date
Ten per cent will be added to all taxes
not paid before 4 oclock p m Wednes
day July 15 1903
C H Meeker Supt
Mens suits 8350 8450 500 8650
and on up to 81200 boys suits 85c
125 8165 8200 to 8350 mens stout
corduroy pants 8200 boys 50c at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Call in and see our new line of wrist
chatelaine bags ladies and gents purses
card cases boodle books etc
A McMillen Druggist
Short and long kimonas dressing
sacques and wrappers in great values
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
L M Can aday has moved to Culbert
James McAdams was a Lincoln busi
ness visitor Monday
William Plourd was up from Indian
ola part of tho week on business
D E WmsLKRof Danbury was in the
county seat Saturday on business
Mrs Arthur Richardson visited her
parents in Holdrege part of the week
Thomas Boyd of Lebanon visited the
countys metropolis Monday on busi
Frank Carruth came down from Ft
Morgan Colorado Sunday evening on
No 14
Mrs F II Cornell of Holdrege has
been visiting Mrs Fred L Palmer since
last week
Mrs M U Clyde went down to Lin
coln last Saturday morning on a visit
to relatives
Mrs Samuel Rogers and children re
turned home from Colorado on 14 Sun
day evening
Miss Frances Martin has been a
guest of Brakeman and Mrs George
Martin this week
Miss Vergie Ludwick left on 2 Tues
day morning for Onarga Illinois on a
visit of several weeks
Mrs C G Schlagel of Kenesaw has
been visiting her sister Mrs U S G
Smith since close of last week
Mrs N L Lowman will leave Sunday
for Brownville and other eastern Ne
braska towns on an extended visit
Miss Eunice Munson of Orleans is
attending the Junior Normal and is a
guest of her aunt Mrs G A Noren
Miss Flora McLean has returned
from her visit in Leadville Colorado and
is again a guest in Supt Campbells
Mrs A P Thomson and Leslie de
parted on Tuesday morning for Omaha
on a visit to her sister Mrs William
Mr and Mrs Frank Purvis arrived
home from Fremont Nebraska Monday
night from visiting his brother J N a
few days
Mrs R C Knox departed Monday
for her home in Alliance after a visit to
her parents Her sister Nora accompa
nied her
Mrs A P Lonquest and daughter
of St Joe accompanied the genial con
to McCook on 13 last Friday returning
home on 14
Mrs AD Johnston of Valley Grange
precinct has been visiting her sister Mrs
M E Horner in Fort Morgan Colorado
since last week
C A Ward foreman of the carpenter
shop arrived home fore part of the
week from an extended visit over the
western coast country
Mrs Bert Irwin left Saturday for
Pittsburg Kansas having previously
shipped their household goods which
were temporarily stored
Mrs W C Bulger and child of El
Paso Texas came down from Denver on
14 Sunday and has been the guest of
her aunt Mrs J F Kenyon
Congressman Norris and three little
children and sister Mrs Emma McKean
departed Sunday morning on No 2 for
Wisconsin where they will spend the
Mns R J Branscomb whose severe
injuries were noted in last weeks Tri
bune is getting along as encouragingly
as can be expected under the circum
W F Everist and family reoccupied
their home in town this week and L
R Hileman moved into the Clyde dwell
ing just vacated by Mrs N L Lowman
and Miss Sara
Mr and Mrs Charles Weintz who
have been living in Falls City this state
for the past five years returned to our
city Wednesday night and will make
their future home here
C H Boyle went up to Denver close
of last week and returned on Tuesday
night with Mrs Boyle the baby and
Mrs M A Northrup who had been
visiting relatives there past few weeks
Mrs George LeHew and child re
turned Wednesday night from their
Pueblo visit On the way to the depot
to start home they were involved in a
severe street car collision in Pueblo but
escaped injury Their baggage was con
siderably disturbed A runaway mate
rial car caused the wreck on a steep
grade All that saved a terrible acci
dent was the reversal of his car by the
motorman when he saw the approaching
runaway car coming down the hill
The Roseville bakery dishes are
attracting considerable attention at g
0 the Beo Hive
Standing S W Nebraska League
Won Lost
Uoldrege 4 0 1000
McCook 4 0 1000
Giltner 3 3 500
Red Cloud 1 5 166
Minden 0 4 000
Giltner McCook Games The Mc
Cook B M boys opened up tho week
in Giltner Monday with a conclusive
victory under the following circum
Giltner 00011000 02
McCook 01100031 28
Batteries McCook Beltzer and Ben
der Giltner Waneck and Jeffries
Two base hits McCook Townsend
Home run McCook Bender
Hit by pitched ball McCook Kenne
dy and Converse
Struck out By Beltzer 5 by Wa
neck 4
Double - plays Beltzer to Wilson
Lease to Lease to Bender
Tuesdays game with Giltner came our
way per particulars following
McCook 44021010 416
Giltner 0000102 104
Batterie McCook Schopp and Ben
der Giltner Adams and Jeffries
Base hits McCook 17 Giltner 9
Two base hits Kennedy 2 Rhodes
Three base hits Garvey Jeffries
Home run Townsend
Earned runs McCook 6 Giltner 1
Double plays Wilson unassisted Munn
to J Lease
Struck out By Schopp 8 by Adams
6 by Waneck 2
Errors McCook 4 Giltner 7
Base on balls Adams 3 Waneck 1
Passed balls Bender 1 Jeffries 1
Stolen bases Bender 2 Kennedy Wil
Umpire Skinner Scorer Kunkle
Shut out for Minden Wednesday
the scene of triumph was shifted to
Minden where they treated the locals
to a shut out according to appended de
McCook 20003000 05
Minden 00000000 000
Batteries McCook Moore and Ben
der Minden Leatherby and White
Base hits Rhodes
Base on balls Leatherby 6 Moore 1
Hit by pitched ball Schopp Bender
and Irwin
Wild pitch Leatherby
Passed ball White
Struck out By Moore 5 by Leather
Double plays Moore and Wilson Ba
lis and Nystrom Irwin Nystrom and
Stolen bases Bender 3 Kennedy 1
Time of game 115
Umpire Milbourn Scorer Kunkle
Thursdays game with Minden was a
little snugger but safely ours as the fol
lowing summary will disclose
McCook 20100210 06
Minden 00100410 04
Batteries McCook Beltzer and Ben
der Minden Ahlin and White
Two base hits Townsend Rhodes
Jenkins Cocoa
Hit by pitched ball Beltzer Bevan
Double plays Kennedy Rhodes and
Wilson Rhodes and Wilson Wilson un
Stolen bases Kennedy 3
Struck out By Beltzer 5 by Ahlin S
Passed balls White 3
Base on balls Beltzer 5 Ahlin 2
Time of game 125
McCook High School Wins The
high school boys went down to Arapa
hoe Tuesday morning and played the
high school team at that place scalping
the Indians to the tune of 13 to 10thusly
McCook 10004400 413
Arapahoe 1 0 0 0 2 13 1 210
Wednesday Red Cloud defeated Gilt
ner 5 to 4
The local baseball team left on 2 Mon
day for Giltner where they won games
on Monday and Tuesday
The Holdrege baseball club seems to
be able to down all comers but the Mc
Cook B M who are the real thing
Holdrege has defeated Minden Red
Cloud and others
The following games are scheduled for
the locals next week on the home
ground With Holdrege on Monday and
Tuesday with Giltner on Wednesday
and Thursday Besides the boys will
play two games on the side Friday at
home with the Havelock B M and
Saturday at Bertrand with the Bertrand
Easton Cain Wedding
Wednesday evening at the home of the
brides parents Mr and Mrs Frank
Cain in this city James O Easton and
Lulu L Cain were united in marriage in
the presence of relatives and friends
Rev L H Shumate performing the
ceremony A wedding supper was served
A nice large cool furnished room for
rent Mrs Mary E Brady corner Den
nison and Melvin streets
MWillHWfrnipniiiiiiiH uiininmni
Southwestern Nebraska Baseball League
official schedule of games
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In the court house and its the
last of the series of three entertain
ments under free library auspices
You cant well afford to miss Fran
co He is an artist as an imper
sonator comedian and reader and
will entertain you brilliantly En
joy yourself and help the library
Lace and passementerie medallions
fringe and ball pendants large and small
pearl buttons and other stylish and de
sirable dress trimmings at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
Handsomest white lawn and white
washable silk waists at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Boys and girls gauze underwear at
Tt e Thompson Dry Goods Cos
School Board Elects Teachers
The board of education held a session
last Saturday evening and elected most
of the teachers for the next school year
George H Thomas superintendent Miss
Celia A Gorby high school principal
W E Heffelbower high school assist
ant Miss Mary Powers Mrs Margaret
E West Miss Ernini Rathbun Miss
Laura McMillen Miss Minnie Rowell
Miss Mabel Wilcox Mrs Ida E White
Miss Carrie Budlong Miss Elizabeth
Thomson Mrs Anna C Schobel All
the old teachers will have their former
positions There remain four places to
be filled Mr Heffelbower and Miss
McMillen are new members of the corps
It is just as well to use the best styles
in stationery We have them and they
cost no more than the less fashionable
L W McConnell Druggist
Bunch of Horses for Sale
Saturday June 27th I will offer for
sale at Steve Wilsons livery barn in Mc
Cook sixteen head of good size western
marfca 4 to 6 years old some with colts
by their sides Will be sold on time if
desired Frank Stillman
Home Painters
Are you going to do some painting
We have paints for every purpose in
sizes to suit all ready for the brush
L W McConnell
A Parrot Can Talk
But you cant depend on what it says
being true Its different at Marshs
meat market Their meats talk and
nothing talks truer than the good article
The Hall photograph gallery now un
der the management of Robert Knipple
has been moved into the building one
door west of Zints barbershop formerly
occupied by T J Smith
Good furnished front room to rent one
door north of Albert McMillens resi
dence Mrs L R Hileman
Ladies gaue union suits in regular
and extra sis at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos
Deering binder for sale
Mrs W M Irwin
Childrens fancy parasols 10c and 15c
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
The paycar stimulated the avenues of
trade Monday evening
Lawn tennis threatens to become vir
ulently epidemic
Base ball and tennis goods at Cone
Junior Normal Is Growing
The Tribune takes pleasuro in noting
that the Junior Normal is growing in
both attendance and interest The at
tendance this week reached about 125
and there is definite information that
same will be increased appreciably on
coming Monday and Tuesday On these
dates tho Burliugton will give special
railroad rates to those desirous of com
ing and again those dates mark the
limit of time teachers can get credit in
the Peru State Normal School course
the rules of the statos educational de
partment requiring an attendance of 40
days at junior normal schools and a
standing of not lower than 70 per cent
Mrs Sarah J Brindloy of Columbus
an experienced and able primary teach
er arrived on Saturday last and as
sumed charge of tho model school work
of the normal Monday morning with
enthusiasm and skill Tho model school
is formed one half of first grade and
one half of third grade pupils of our
city schools and holds from 800 to 1000
in tho forenoon All the childien wero
perfectly willing to volunteer for the
purpose This work ought to be of
large practical benefit to the teachers of
the district
The music under H E Bradford is
coming on nicely and a concert will be
announced in tho near future A large
class has been formed and effective
work is being done The Soldiers
Chorus a cantata and another chorus
are now in preparation It is proposed
to give a music program Fridays after
tho plan of our high school assembly
only the hour being ten oclock in the
State Supt Fowler will visit the nor
mal next Tuesday the 23d inst
I B Raichart superintendent of Dun
dy county visited the normal Wednes
Rev F W Dean addressed the teach
ers in chapel Tuesday morning at ten
Dr Clark will lecture on pedagogical
subjects Monday and Tuesday June
29th and 30th
County Supt E S Dutcher of Red
Willow county heard Robersons lecture
and saw his marvelous views Tuesday
The Tribune urges upon tho people of
McCook their attendance 0 far as pos
sible upon the attractions presented by
the normal management
The framed pictures have arrived and
now ornament tho walls of the high
school rooms The work of selection has
been artistic and the effect is altogether
Next Monday evening the 22d Prof
George E Condra of the state univer
sity will deliver an illustrated lecture on
the geography of Nebraska in the court
house commencing at 830 oclock Ad
mission will be 25c Tho professor will
also address the normal both morning
and afternoon at regular sessions
A reception will be tendered the teach
ers attending the junior normal school
next Tuesday evening June 13 at the
court room The local committee has it
in charge and hopes to make it an occa
sion of pleasure and interest State
Supt W K Fowler will be present as a
guest of honor The public is most cor
dially invited to be present
Society Elects Officers
At a meeting of the local board of the
Nebraska Childrens Home Society
called by Miss Irma G Allen represen
tative of the parent society who has been
making addresses in the different
churches in behalf of the organization
lately the following officers were chosen
President Justin A Wilcox
Vice president Mrs Martin Traver
Secretary S C Beach
Treasurer Albert McMillen
This society whose high purposes are
so well known to our readers is doing
splendid work Excellent homes have
been found for several little ones here in
our own city
The Fourteenth Judicial District cen
tral committee held a session in our city
Wednesday evening They decided to
hold the judicial convention September
17th using the vote for Governor Mickey
as the basis for representation See call
elsewhere in this issue
The members of McCook lodge 135 A
F A m and invited friends will cel
ebrate St Johns day June 24th next
Wednesday at a picnic to be held in By
fields grove just east of the narrows
east of town It will be better than last
We are turning out many very satis
factory dress skirts to measure Fifty
kept on the line ready to wear 8250 up
To your measure at the same price The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
McCook Castle No 307 Royal High
landers will elect officers at its next
regular meeting next Tuesday evening
For fancy parasols and light weight
umbrellas investigate the offerings at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Ynbvaska Stato Hiator
o iiHt In innnif i
- r V i
Japalac at Cone Bros
Tho best paint Hoath Milligan
You can buy at Cone Bros
Got your garden hose of F D Burgess
McMillen can ploaso you in hammocks
See tho fino lino of hammocks at Cono
See those enamel lined refrigerators at
For wall paper and all insido finish
ings go to Cone Bros
Seo McMillens wall paper boforo se
lecting for your homo
Best grade of garden hose at very low
prices at F D Burgess
Advice to Uncle Billie to pull down
his vest is now unnecessary
Paints oils varnish stains japalac
enamels etc at McMillens
H P Wnito will sell you tho best
grade hose at tho lowest figure
Dont bo deceived There is but one
best tho Heath Milligan paint
Buy anything of Cono Bros pay cash
and you get double trading stamps
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
S250 Special prico 8129 DeGroff
McMillen has a largo lino of wall
paper goods colorings at right prices
Now is tho timo to paint Use tho
best Heath it Milligan Cono Bros
Buy your wall paper of Cone Bros and
got two blue stamps with each 10 cents
McMillen sells tho best mixed paint
you can get guaranteed for threo yoais
II P Waito has a full lino of Alaska
refrigerators and Jewel gasoline stoves
Use Liquid Koal for chicken cholera
mites lice etc For sale by James
Goodrich Rubber Co make tho best
garden hose All guaranteed by F D
Try McMillens sarsaparilla for tho
blood Money refunded if not sat
Sash ribbons also belt and neck rib
bons in largo variety at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
The Jewel is tho most economical and
most durable of all the gasoline stoves
For salo bv II P Waito
If you will go to W T Colemans you
can get a complete and practical hose
repair for only five cents
Orders taken for strictly tailor mado
suits at Kapkes at from S1500 and
upwards Pants at from 84 upwards
You can have the prettiest house in
your neighborhood by using Heath
Milligan paint Buy it at Cone Bros
Coleman handles the superior gasoline
stoves of the market If you want the
best and latest obtainable in that line
seo him
Tailor made suits at from S1500 and
upward ordered by Kapke the South
Main street tailor Pants at from 84
The celebrated Quick Meal gasoline
stove has always been unequalled And
still there are improvements on the
stove this year
Kapke will take your orders for suits
strictly tailor made at from S1500 and
upwards 84 and upwards for pants
Satisfaction guaranteed
The Ocean Wave washing machine
runs so light that W T Coleman feels
safe and takes pleasure in guaranteeing
the machines running parts for a year
What the people say who use them
goes They ought to know They do
Their verdict is that the Empire cream
separator has no superior in the market
The famous Siberian refrigerator han
dled by W T Coleman is built of tho
very best material for saving ice and
preserving provisions from spoiling and
moulding If you are in need of a refrig
erator buy no other
FC gauze corsets in girdles in
nursing corsets in high bust corsets in
long and short waisted corsets in
corset waists 35c to 8100 money back
after four weeks actual wear if dissatis
fied Sold only by The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Every man to his trade and business
Paul Anton makes it his serious business
to provide the juiciest tenderest meats
for his customers Its his trade He
knows how And then again he uses
the best of corn fed beeves They are
the only kind that produce really good
meat It costs you the same as the poor
tough sort
We have just received a line of
S new things in wrist bag3 nitsuka3 g
S pocket books and card cases
L W McConnell Druggist