The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1903, Image 8

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    I a
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The postoflice department has decided
a question which will bo of interest to
many wives nil over the country for the
decision is that husbands cannot open
the letters of wives against thoir protest
TTho ruling is as follows A husband
has no right to receive the mail addres
sed to his wife against her protest Mail
addressed to the children the father
has the prior right to receive unless
there be some particular circumstance
in the case which the department might
take in to consideration on a statement
of the facts being presented
July Bargains
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows Saratoga N Y and re
turn 1390 July 4 and 5 Atlanta Ga
and return 83970 July 5 to 7 Baltimore
Md and return 1040 July 17 and 18
iDotroit Mich and return S2925 July
14 and 15 Boston Mass and return
June 30 to July 4 Ask the tick
et agent for particulars G 5 5t
Those Who Live on Farms
Dr Bergin Pana Illinois writes I
have used Ballards Snow Lrtnhnent
always recommend it to my friends as I
am confident there is no better made
It is a dandy for burns Those who
live on farms are especially liable to
many accidental cuts burns and bruises
which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow
Liniment is applied It should always
bo kept in the house for cases of emer
gency 23c 50c 8100 at A McMillens
Oulck Arrest
J A Gulledge of Verbena Alabama
was twice in the hospital from a severe
case of piles causing 24 tumors After
doctors and all remedies failed Bucklens
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him It con
quers aches and kills pain 25c at A
McMillens drug store
Jim Dumps a little girl possessed
Whom loss of appetite distressed
I des tant eat 1 the child would
Jim fixed a dish of Force with
She tasted it then joy for him
She begged for more from Sonny
The Beady-to-Serve Cereal
good fairy to
all youngsters
Perfect Food for Children
Wheat ia a perfect summer cereal and
efforts should be made to teach children
to eat it Louise E Hoqait
In How to Feed Children
Cures When Doctors Fall
Mrs Frank Chiasson Patterson La
writes June 8th 1901 I had malaria
fever in very bad form was under treat
ment by doctors but as soon as I
stopped taking their medicine the fever
would return I used a sample bottle
of llerbine and found it helped me
Then bought two bottles which com
pletely cured me I feel grateful to you
for furnishing such a splendid medicine
and can honestly recommend it to those
suffering from malaria as it will surely
cure them 50c at A McMillens
Give the children Rocky Mountain
Tea this month makes them strong
makes them eat sleep and grow Good
for the whole family A spring tonic
that makes sick people well 35 cents
L W McConnell
Made Young Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens again writes D H Turner
of Dempseytown Pa They are the
best in the world for liver stomach and
bowels Purely vegetable never gripe
Only 25c at A McMillens drug store
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
orown or ncii utacKY i lien use
DliniltinEJARflO mCforthe
DUUIMNUilHM O U I Whiskers
OU CT5 OF UHUGI3T5 UK M f rALl Q UJ rtA3HU n n
i mtm mf mm m
IW n i
V FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
TD 7 T XT -
Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000
A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director
Way In Which Prevarication May
Dc Developed
How does one become a Uar that Is
to say how does the child discover a
He and habitually make ura of it
We can admit that at the beginning
there Is absolute sincerity The child
through all its first years neither lies
nor dissimulates Its sentiments its
desires translate themselves into words
and Into acts Its body is the constant
and perfect expression of Its inmost
being Such Is the starting point sin
cerity absolute transparency
There Is a multitude of little lies
tolerated which we treat as pardon
able We tell the domestic to say we
are not at home when we are we com
pliment people to their faces and crit
icise them when they are gone we say
we are happy to see some one and di
rectly after speak of having been an
noyed No more is necessary The ex
ample has been given
We lie to the child himself We are
pressed by his many embarrassing
questions and in order to free ourselves
from the embarrassment reply with
what is frequently a falsehood Some
fine day he discovers the truth and the
evil is done The gravest case is when
the child is taken as an accomplice in a
lie or when his mother tells him
Above all do not tell this to your
papa This is the ruin of all morality
The third stage is the first encounter
of the child with society the first
shock with social life The child who
tells all he knows sees and hears all
that he would better have left unsaid
is called the infant terrible His
parents do not tell him to lie but they
tell him it is not necessary to tell nil
he thinks This is extremely serious
as It teaches the child that he cannot
show himself as he is This is the
revelation of the lie obligatory Above
all among his comrades he quickly
learns to dissimulate because if he is
naive expresses all his joys pains de
siresthey make sport of him nay
worse they abuse his confidence the
hopes projects which he has confided
to them he some day sees used against
Thus the impossibility of living with
out lying is revealed to him Society
excuses certain forms of lying which
are inspired by a feeling of politeness
modesty shame
The child becomes a liar because all
the world about him lies The distinc
tion between the liar and the man of
sincerity is only relative There are in
reality only two categories those who
content themselves with the lies exact
ed by social life and those who have
habituated themselves to lying more
than society wishes to lie because of
some personal interest
An important cause in the develop
ment of lying in children is the em
ployment of excessive and ill advised
punishments The child who becomes
a liar is the one who lives in perpetual
terror of reproaches humiliation or
strokes The lie for him is a supreme
resource Chicago Tribune
His Solemn Oath
A popular comedian tells a story of
a waiter at a London restaurant who
was sadly given to drink A party of
young men determined to reform him
and one day they read to him an imag
inary paragraph from a paper relating
a terrible accident in which an inebri
ate in blowing out a candle was killed
by the flame igniting the alcoholic
fumes of his breath James pricked
up his ears at this and requested that
the paragraph might be read to him
again which was done to the evident
horror of the poor man who imme
diately went in search of a Bible
Returning with this he expressed a
desire to take a solemn oath upon it
bemoaned the fact that he had been a
sorry tippler and was bringing himself
to ruin and then swore that never
again so long as he lived would he at
tempt to blow out a candle
Hut Hot With the Line
He had fished up the stream and
down the stream and used flies paste
worms and every other form of bait
that the ingenuity of man could de
vise but without result and as he
wended his way homeward at the
close of the day his temper was high
and his fish basket empty Still there
was no occasion to publish the latter
fact to the whole world so when he
met a friend by the way the following
dialogue ensued
Been fishing
Had a good days sport
What did you catch
The G30 Answers
Peacli Stones
Peach stones will make a quick hot
fire and one that will last One and
a half or two buckets of peach stones
will last as long as a bucket of coal
One has to be careful not to fill the
stove too full or there will likely be an
explosion similar to a gasoline explo
sion The proper way to keep the fire
going is to put in a shovelful at a time
Peach stones thrown into a damp cel
lar said one who has used them are
said to have a peculiar effect on a per
son After the stones are in a cellar
for a time gases arise and the fumes
Will go to ones head and give the
same effect as if the distilled product
of the peach had been imbibed Bal
timore Sun
Recently Acquired
Tom By George old man thats a
Btunning girl who just bowed to you
Who is she
Jack My sister
Tom Your sister Since when
Jack Since last night Chicago
The spoon Is very ancient and many
fine specimens are in existence that
were used by the Egyptians in the sev
enteenth century B C
Coins the Limit
A drummer named Peck put up at a
hotel in Oklahoma the landlord of
wbir b was the president of the school
board The landlord who was a jolly
whole souled fellow suggested that
they visit the schools the president of
the board first putting on a long tailed
coat saying
She adds dignity an then sio hides
my gun which are a bad example
afore tliem children I dont approve
of anybody under fourteen carryln a
After returning to the hotel from the
visit of inspection the president of the
board now transferred into a land
lord said
Peck youre a good feller You
aint goiir to let your light be hid un
der a bushel Peck
No I aint said Mr Peck rather
dubious as to the compliment
Well I tell you what Im goin to
do fer you Bein as youre a good fel
ler Im a goin to have clean sheets put
put on your bed dad me if I aint
Mrs Norton came home from a call
one day in such a disturbed condition
that it was evident tears were not far
in the background She lost no time in
beginning her explanation
John she said to her husband I
am so mortified I dont know what to
What is the matter my dear asked
Mr Norton
I have just been calling on Mrs
Peverill You know her husband Ma
jor Peverill
Well I have just learned today to
my horror that major isnt his title
at all Major is his first name
Why certainly Ive always known
that What is there so mortifying
about it
Nothing said Mrs Norton with a
groan only that Ive been calling him
major every time Ive met him for
the last six months London An
The Cry of Silk
One of the most peculiar features
about manufactured silk is the rustling
sound familiar to every woman In
the silk trade they call it the cry or
sometimes the scroop Of all textiles
silk is the only material which pos
sesses it
As everybody knows the sound is
heard especially when silk is subjected
to friction What is not so generally
known is that the quality is found in
silk yarn before it is woven A skein
of silk unless it has been so treated as
to kill this property in it will when
opened up emit the noise slightly
When the skein is squeezed in the
hand the sound becomes quite audible
The cry is considered a very desir
able quality in silk Dyers try to de
velop it as much as possible
Unexpected Applause
Shortly after Mr Wilson Barrett
joined the theatrical profession he be
came a member of a company perform
ing at the old Theater Royal Dublin
His part naturally was a small one
and greatly to his surprise his first
speech was greeted with a round of
applause This unlooked for tribute
elated the young actor and he exerted
himself to sustain the good impression
he appeared to have made Just as he
was leaving the theater one of the
scene shifters grinningly accosted him
and said Sure its got about among
the bhoys that yere a brother of the
man that was hung A Fenian named
Barrett had that morning paid the ex
treme penalty of the law
An Absurd Custom In Vienna
In Vienna every mans home is his
dungeon from 10 p m to G a m Vienna
is a city of flats and at 10 p m the
common entrance door of each block is
closed and bolted Thereafter persons
passing in or out must pay a fine of
twopence to the concierge until mid
night and fourpence from that hour to
6 a m To go out to post a letter costs
twopence and the same amount to re
turn To prolong a visit to a friend
after 10 p m means twopence to get
out of his house and twopence more to
enter your own A natural result of
this irritating tax is that of capital
cities Vienna is earliest to beo
Sparing His Feelings
Hettie Now that you have broken
your engagement with Fred shall you
return to him tho diamond ring he
gave you
Minna Certainly not Ilettie It
would be cruel to give him a thing
that would be a constant reminder of
the happiness he had missed Boston
Blond persons are more apt to be
somnambulists than dark folk and in
cold climates there is more somnam
bulism than in warm ones In certain
Greenland villages the hut doors are
locked from without by a watchman in
order that those within may not como
forth in their sleep and maybe freeze
to death
The Cnnalboat
The captain was leading the horse
and his lieutenant was at the rudder
said a lawyer in an English court re
cently describing an incident in the
voyage of a canalboat
Where was the crew inquired the
Subscribe for The Tribune the best
paper in the county Only 1 per year
Sprlnpr Ailments
There is an aching and tirod feeling
tho liver bowels and kidneys becomo
sluggish and inactive tho digestion im
paired with Jittlo or no appetite no
ambition for anything ann a feeling
that tho whole body and mind needs
toning up The trouble is that during
winter there has been an accumulation
of waste matter in tho system Herbino
will remove it secure to tho secretions a
right exit and by its tonic effect fully
restore the wasted tissues and irive
strength in place of weakness 50c at
A McMillens
A man living on a farm near hero
enmo in a short titno ago completely
doubled up with rheumatism I handed
him a bottle of Ciiamborlains Pain
Balm aud told him to use it froely and
if not satisfied after using it ho need not
pay a cent for it savs C P Raydor of
Pattens Mills N Y A few days later
he walked into my store as straight as a
string and haridc d me a dollar saying
give me another bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm I want it in tho house all
tho time for it cured me For sale by
L W McConnell druggist
TJy virtuo of an order of salo is siied from tho
District Court of IJtd Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Samuel C
Kins fa plaintiff and Iiichard M Williams and
Kate 12 Will jams are defendants to me directed
and delivered I shall offer at public sale to the
highest hidder for cash at the east door of the
court house in AlcCook Red Willow county
Nebraska on tho ITind day of June liXM at tho
hour of 1 oclock p in the following docribed
real estate to wit 1 he northwest quarter of
tho southwest quarter of s ection 21 in township
2 north in raunoJO in Red Willow county tlio
southwest quarter of tho northwest quarter of
section 21 Jti township 2 north in ranuUt in
Red Willow county the ast half of tlie
quarter of section 20 in town dup 2 north
in ruuxo XJ in led Wiilow county the west
half of tho southeast quarter of section 20 in
township 2 north range jo in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 22nd daj of May lttM
A Craiitiux Sheriff
W H Stakk Attorney 5-22-3 ts
John Stevens and Mary A Goldsmith non
resident defendants impleaded with John II
Ludwick et al defendants will take notice that
on tho 24th dav of February VJVtt Edward R
Cowles plaintiff heroin filed his petition in tho
district court of Red Willow count Nebraska
against said defendants tho object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lin
upon the following described real estate to wit
Thevsoutheast quarter of section 12 in township
I north range i0 w st for tho taxes for the
j ears WM UKX and 1901 amounting to tho sum
of 1325 tho southwest quarter of section 7 in
townships north range 29 west for the taxes
for tho j ears 1SSD IM and 1901 amounting to
the sum of 817 Plaintiff prays for a decree
of foreclosure of said tax lions aud a salo of said
premises You aro required toanswersaid jxti
tion on or before tho 13th dav of July It05
Edward B Cowies Plaintiff
The northwest quarter of section 18 in town
ship 2 north range 2G west and F W Ror
real first name unknown defendants will take
notice that on the 20th day of May 1901 Ed ward
B Cowles plaintiff herein filed his petition in
tne District uourt or Keu Willow county Ne
braska against said defendants tho object and
prajer of which aro to foreclose a tax purchas
ers lion upon tho land above described for tho
taxes for the years 1899 1900 and 1901 There is
due to plaintiff tho sum of 090
Plaintiffprays a decree of foreclosure and a
salo of said premises You are required to
answer said petition on or before tho 29th day
of June 190 Edwakd B Cowles
5-22-ns Plaintiff
The northwest quarter of section 2l in town
ship 3 north rauge 2ii west and Emma P Rey
nolds defendants will take notice that on the
20th day of May 19a Edward R Cowles plain
tiff herein filed his petition in the District
Court of Red Willow county Nebraska against
said defendants tho object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a tax puichasers lien upon the
land above described for the taxes for the vears
lb99 1900 and 1901 There is duo to plaintiff the
sum of 12i0
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of said
tax lien and a salo of said premises You are
required to answer said petition ou or before
the 29th day of June 1901
V22 4 ts Edward R Cowlks Plaintiff
The northwest quarter of section J0 in town
ship 1 north range 0 west and Alexia Proctor
defendants will take notice that on the 20th
day of May 1901 Edward II Cowles plaiutiff
herein filed his petition in the District Court of
Red Willow county Nebraska against said de
fendants tho object and prayer of which aro to
foreclo e a tax purchasers lien upon the land
above described for the taxes for the year3 lbJO
1900 and 1101 There is duo to plaintiff the sum
of 21 00
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure of said
tax lien and a sale of said premises You are
required to answer said petition on or before the
29th day of June190i Edwakd R Cowles
In the District Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of John Kolb in
Notice is herobv given that in pursuance of
an order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the dis
trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on the first day of May 1901 for the sale
of tho real estate hereinafter described there
will be sold at public vendue to the highest
bidder for cash at the east front door of the
court houe in the city of McCook in said coun
ty on the sixth day of June 1901 at tho hour of
one oclock P M the following described real
estate towit the east half of the southwest
quarter and the west half of the soutln ast quar
ter of section number eight in township num
ber two north range number thirty west of
the Cth P M in Red Willow county Nebraska
Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated this 11th day of May 1903
W S Fitch Guardian of the
estate of John Kolb insane
C E Eldked Attorney
Notice is hpreby given tint George W Billings
has filed in the village clerks office of tho vil
lage of Danbury Nebraska his petition for a
license to sell malt spirituous and vinou3 liq
uors in a building located on the main street of
said village of Danbury Nebraska for the mu
nicipal year ending May 1st 1901 Dated May
loth 1903 Geokge W Billings
aSSs rfSSE T9 ft jS
tt M a Mfam tn 6 sfija
tj vjt v visiO j zr tt47
n o rv jS O p
b 8 SisfKl nvFim 0335SmS TaMss JS n
autw aWiliWlwr v TS
I Ssven Million cost oM In past IS racntbs TMs 5 rMrSiTTZ S
2000000 TONS
on tho proportv of the Thunder
Mountain Consolidated Gold Mining
and Milling Co at Thunder Moun
tain Milling machinery already
secured will convert this
ore into bullion at tho rate of
331200 net per month This will
pay nearly 25 per cent yearly on tho
entire capitalization of the Company
at par
Detailed information as to tho
Companys property price of shares
etc can bo obtained by writing to
or calling at tho office of tho
l I Half the Cost I
iS inn I i
m I lbiII a mccook
S si
Hjpft nas better strength and m
ed fancy brands I
S m Bulk coffee at the same I
8 J Pce 3 nt to be com- ft
Jf ff pared with Lion in quality N f
H ff In I lb air tieht i U S I
ff i sealed packages M
Pin iiiu i Ollio 17 residence 95
Freo Phonographic concert Yi hour
noioro dale opens
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
Herbert J Pratt
successor to I Over McConnells
Dr J B FIckes Drugstore
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales One per cent on sales IUX and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
E2STAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office
First door north of Commercial hotel
ItlcCook Nebraska
Office In Court House
Cures Grip
Phone 181
and Surgeon
Office over McMHIona drug store Residence
702 Main Aveuue Residence phono SI Office
phono 2S Calls answered night or day
flcCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p p Building
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
In the District Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Moritz Mohler
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of the Hon R C Orr jude of the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on the first day of May KM for the sale
of this real hereinafter de Jcrilyd then
will be sold at public vendue to tho highest
bidder for ca h at the east front door of tho
court in tho city of McCook in said
county oiit the 13th day of June YM at tho
hour of 1 oclock p m tho following described
real etato to wit The w t half of tho north-
west quarter of section No- I and tho east half
i of tho northeast onarterof No 29 all in
I township No J north rant- No 29 west of the
I ol I 1 T i hii -
iaiu i i in xeu it mow county
sale will remain open one hour
Dated this 14th day of May lOOtt
E Kellet
Guardian of the estate of Moritz Jlohler insane
C E Eldeed Attorney
Helen T Campbell non resident defendant
will take notice that on the 20th dav of May
1901 Edward B Cowles plaintiff herein filed
his petition in the District Court of Red Willow
county against said defendant tho object and
prayer of which aro to foreclose a tax purchas
er s Ren upon the northwest quarter of srction
14 in township 1 north range 29 west of tho
Sixth principal meridian for the taxes for the
years 199 1900 and 1601 amounting to the sum
of 1100
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure and a
sale of said premises You aro required to
answer said petition on or before the 29th day
of June 1903 Edward B Cowles
5-22-3 Plaintiff
in Two Days
a- w jr