The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1903, Image 5

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HWfe Wh WaiWhSSflSSSi
Tl akoma
- O
WbenSoloooibabiesIcut J
i 8 1 5 their feoty a
A Sf - i fhey how flod ywled aI1 1
I urstroufifcs to hfs officer mfSlmf
King Sbroraon fid tell 1 T J7 - 5 1E
5 Wfio wltfc Tafcoma Biscuit g v 8WiKr
g Air te childrens grief did JMW i
JLrnnnnnmnnrJ Kansas Cty Mo Bill JllJ I I
ftn T I rnf7PirPrrnfiT7ffiPfntlrli i in if n a IBr Mr r WB m9
Best Offer Ever Made
The McCook Tuibune has succeeded
in getting the special clubbing price
from the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer one of the best they have ever
made and during the past two months a
good many have taken advantage of this
offer and are well pleased with it Wo
have had the time extended for this
offer believing that many more would
like to take advantage of it before it is
For 123 we can send you the Ne
braska Farmer and The McCook
Trihune both for one full year and
worth 8200 The Nebraska Farmer is
the leading general farm and live stock
journal of the west It prints from 21
to 40 pages each week is well known
and well liked having been establir led
since 1S69 Its publishers are practical
and experienced men who are now and
have been for thirty years extensively
engaged in farming and stock raising in
Nebraska and know from experience the
needs and conditions applicable to the
west It is a journal for the farmers by
farmers No other farm paper can fill
its place or be so helpful to the farmers of
the west It is contributed to by all the
leading agricultural writers and experi
menters of the west and at our special
club price should be taken by everyone
Low Rates West
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
22 50 to Spokane
S2000 to Salt Lake CityButteIIelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions threo
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
Movements of the Teachers
With the closing of the schools comes
the dispersion of the out-of-town teach
ers Miss Gorby departed on No 2
Tuesday for Nelson whore she will
spend the summer with a sister Miss
Hewitt loft on No 12 Tuesday morning
for Hiawatha Kansas she expects to
attend some Wellesley function or meet
ing during the summer Miss Smith de
parted Thursday morning for Lincoln
where and at her home at Inez Holt
county she will pass the summer vacr
tion Miss Powers returned to her homo
in Trenton lastSaturday andMrs West
to her home in Hayes Center on Mon
day we understand Mrs West expects
to remove to this city in the near future
Miss Griffin left on last Saturday morn
ing for Greeley this state it is broadly
hinted that she will soon exchange occu
pations Miss Andrews departed for her
Cambridge home Saturday morning
last Miss Budlong took No 2 Tuesday
morning for Detroit Michigan where
she will visit a sister during the summer
Miss Rathbun will attend school in Den
ver during the interim Miss Thomson
will visit her brother John in Montana
during the vacation days
A Persistent Cough Permanently
Cured by Chamberlains Cough
H P Burbage a student at law in
Greenville S C had been troubled for
four or five years with a continuous
cough which he says greatly alarmed
me causing me to fear that I was in the
first stage of consumption Mr Bur
bage having seen Chamberlains Cough
Remedy advertised concluded to try it
Now read what he says I soon felt a
remarkable change and after using two
bottles of the twenty five cents size was
permanently cured L W McConnell
More Low Rates
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets July 1 to 10 as follows San
Francisco and return 5000 Los Ange
les and return 5000 San Diego and re
turn 5000 Ask the ticket agent for
particulars 6 5 4t
The Tribune Only 100 per year
JJJjjajJg1 mMumitimiTMmwvrnrrrr7ammaBmaMtaaKaBmmmmmim
Not ALL in the Price
Wlien you Iniy Gloves tliere are
other things to consider the fit
the style the finish and last and
most important the wearing
qualities Besides all the above
we offer you the largest stock to
select from ranging in price from
three pair for 25c to the finest in
dress kids and silk lined mochas
Each and every pair will be repaired or replaced if they go wrong
2 to
l a
z 55
Model Slippers
The Model Shoe Store
Mr J Fletcher Is here from Omaha
visiting the family
Miss Fitzgerald of McCook who has
been visiting Kiss Nellie Farrell return
ed to her home od 5 Monday evening
Miss Lucy Peakeof Indianola who has
been teaching in our school for the last
two years is again engaged for the com
ing year
Miss Maud Vickrey who for two years
past has taught in the primary depart
ment of our schools has been retained
for another year
Prof N J Wyne who has been princi
pal of our high school for the last two
years returned to his home at Peru Neb
Saturday May 30
Mr Etherton Mr G W Jones and
Dr Morefield attended the preliminary
examination Monday at Indianola of
the man who shot Lee Jones
Mrs Jacob Stenner whos visiting her
parents Mr andMrs Cowles inBartley
went to Indianola Sunday afternoon to
visit her sister Mrs Toogood
Ralph Clark who has been attending
business college at Grand Island return
ed home Monday on No 3 His brother
Ivan left the same day for Denver where
he will visit relatives
Thecounty superintendent Mr Dutch
er held a special examination session in
the Bartley school house June 2nd Se
ven or eight teachers from Indianola and
about the same number from Bartley
took the examination
On account of inclement weather the
morning exercises of the program for
Memorial Day were annulled In the
afternoon there was a large attendance
at theM E church where the afternoon
program was carried out in singing and
recitations and an interesting address by
S R Smith of Indianola after which a
monument was erected near the church
and the usual ceremonies to the unknown
dead were executed
The people of Bartley were shocked
Sunday morning to hear the sad news of
the murder of one of our citizens Mr
Lee Jones while at Indianola last Satur
day evening He was fatally shot through
the heart by a drunken man by the name
of McMillan The body of the deceased
was brought to Bartley Sunday evening
about six oclock and lay in his fathers
home until 10 a m when the corpse was
taken to the Christian church Minister
C F Martin preached a pathetic funeral
sermon to the bereaved parents relatives
and sympathizing friends Every seat
was occupied and all available standing
room taken After the sermon the body
was laid away to rest in the Bartley
cemetery and thus a sad scene is closed
which will long remain impressed upon
the minds of the people of this vicinity
as one more crime as the result of the
curse of intemperance
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of cholic or
cholera morbus often before medicine
could be nrocured of a physician sum
moned a reliable remedy foi these
diseases should be kept at hand The
risk is too great for anyone to take
Chamberlains Colic Cholera aid Diar
rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people an 1 relieved
more pain and suffering ther
medicine in use It can alw ys bo de
pended upon For sale by L V Mc
Connell druggist
Mrs W G Dutton is visiting with
the children in Lincoln
We seem to be in the rain belt and
the roads are hardly passable
Amos St Germain is home from Traer
Kansas for a week or ten days He had
just finished listing the Kansas farm to
Frank Everist got stuck in the mud
with a barrel of salt or ratherthe team
did He says he will treat the boys rigit
who helped him out
Mr and Mrs Frank Fitch pleasantly
surprised the home folks Mondavbv
ominsr in unexnectedlv Thevwilfv i
f jr an indefinite time
W S Fitch is having an addition
built to his farm house occupied by John
Hesterworth Mr Fitch has just recen
Iy finished remodelling and building on
the home place
Wheat in this vicinity is looking fine
but beets are a little the worse for the
cold wet weather Several will have to
plant their beets -over as soon as the
ground is dry enough
Your correspondent understands that
Miss Pearl Hayes of Danbury has ap
plied for our school She is an energetic
teacher and the district will be fortunate
in securing her services
June Bargains
The Burlington offers round trip tick
ets as follows Indianapolis and re
turn S2665 June 13 34 St Louis and
return S2060 June 15 and 16 Ask the
ticket agent for particulars
E J CunninRhnin ia h wwr flro up mnn nilits
C W Holt is a uowtnombor of tho boilorwnsh
If Hillary machinist resinned on Saturday
Clyde Scott returned Thursday from Uluo
Henry Iloush is visiting in Beavor City this
A F Maiiffless was in Denver first of the
S R HraBR machinist resigned on Inst Sat
Jo cph Kubicek was a Holrfrege vicitor Wed
V H Rndcliffe is viMthifj Holdrcge relatives
this week
KuKincer and Air- HurIi Drown are visiting
iu Denver
J A FinneRau tpent Sunday in Bartley with
his parents
W D Sweet has just hcen added to tho force
of night wipers
John Eckhardt of tho night forco resigned
first of tho week
C H McBrido visited his parents near Hold
rego over Sunday
Frank Trover boilermakor resigned from tho
service thisweek
Mrs John Schlagel is visiting rclativosin Cul
iMsrtson this week
Abram VnnValkenburgh handed in his resig
nation first of tho week
W J Krautor piecework inspector has gone
to Aurora 111 on a vifrit
No ISO got a few cars crossways of tho track
in tho Wray yard Monday
F R Rolfo is calling nights until R H Trow
bridge returns from thgeast
J A Finnegan has been transferred from the
forco of wipers to the paint gang
Tax Adjuster Pollard went east in a special
attached to No 2 Thursday morning
J Powers Switchman Bjrnes and Ed Smith
wore Denver visitors first of tho week
Reports from Conductor Everett Dwyor indi
cate that ho is not getting on very well
Fireman GE Hoxio loft on No 6 Saturday
night for Washington Kansas on a business
Conductor Stevo Dwyer and crew have been
retired from tho service of the Burlington at
J A Cullen having served his time left on
No C last Friday night for Omaha where ho
expects to get work
W H Anderson of tho paint gang has been
transferred to tho machine shop and is now
shop clerk vice Dusty
Brakeman Lewis of Denver visited tho boys
at headquarters a few days on B of R T busi
ness going on to Chicago on tho Trainmens
special Sundaj
Engineer Roy Zint left yesterday with tho pile
driver for use on the Southern division which
is all shot to pieces by tho flood It will be
gono a couplo of weeks
H H Bekey was in Stratton Monday
Miss Mabel Bishop is visiting in Lincoln
J B Meserve arrived homo last night from
a trip to New York City
Verne Nevin of Exter is a guest in the L R
Hiloman home this week
Miss Maggie Lamoxt of Boulder Colorado
is visiting Miss JIabel Wilcox
Mayor Eldked delivered tho Decoration Day
address in Benkelman Saturday
John Gaardee of Minden is assisting in the
work in the First National Bank
Mrs J G Schobel left on No 12 this morn
ing for Minden on a visit to her parents
Miss Stella Fuller departed on No 2 Fri
day morning for Lincoln to be absent until
Sunday night
Another Bloody Kansas Tragedy
Meager details of one of tho most bloody
tragedies in the history of northwestern Kan
sas comes to us from St Francis Kansas It
seems that bad blood has existed between the
cowboys on the great ranch of the Dewey Cat
tle Co and a familj by the name of Berry hav
ing a homestead within the enclosure of the
Dewey ranch fence Wednesday about two
oclock a band of cowboys from the Dewey
ranch rode up to the Berry farm and in a battlo
which ensued tho father and three sons were
shot and killed outright and a fourth son was
shot but not killed he managed it is stated to
save his life by crawling into the bouse The
statements as to the cause of tho trouble are so
at variance that no adequate idea can be gotten
of tho facts But it is known that the trouble
has been one of long standing and to those ac
quainted with the situation over in tho dis
turbed country between Atwood and Bird City
where the tragedy occurred this bloody affair
causes no surprise The cowboys have been ar
rested and will have a preliminary trial at At
wood W S Morlan appearing for them today
or tomorrow
Progressive High Five Party
Dr and Mrs W V Gage Mr and Mrs H H
Tartsch and Mrs Adele Phelan gave a progres
sive high five party last evening at the Gage
home to about fifty guests It was a very clever
and delightful affair Mrs James Hatfield won
the first prize and J E Kelley the booby Dain
ty refreshments were served
This afternoon Mesdames Gage Tartsch and
Phelan gave a keusington of felicitous details
to a large company of lady friends at the Gage
The Great June Flooa of 1903
Will go down into history so far as Nebraska
Kansas Iowa and Missouri are concerned The
deluge of water in the Missouri and Mississippi
and their tributaries great and small has been
unprecedented and the loss of life and prop
erty appalling Railroad traffic has been great
ly retarded and entirely suspended in some in
stances The tale of woe from Kansas City
Topeka Beatrice Des Moines and other places
is especially distressing
Fine Rains Great Crop Prospects
Five or six inches of rain has fallen all over
this part of Nebraska the past ten days and
the prospects for small grain are simply im
mense never have been better in the history of
ihecountry Corn has not been doing very well
on account of so much rain and sugar beets have
suffe red some from the same cause but the gen
eral crop prospect is superb
Broken Leg and Injured Head
By the overturning of a car belonging to the
circus in tho local yards one show attache had
a leg broken and another received head injuries
No formal action has been taken yet by the
b ard of education in the matter of the elec
tion of school teachers However it is quite
probable that a tentative understanding exists
an that an anuouncement will shortly be made
covering at least the greater portion of tho
Wasted School teachers and stu
dent who are open for a traveling posi
tion for the summer Write to O S
Trigg tity 6 5 2ts
VWS9SWilrt fc
1 1 Dfl 11 11 Lip 1 1
Come Today and
Select from our
Line of
Wash Fabrics
the riaterial for
your Summer
Dresses and Waists
Big assortment of
White and Colored
in the newest
New Line of Parasols
Let us show them to you before the assort
ment is broken
For Groceries call Phone 22
I wasfi
i eMrv -
i nave naa occaion to usz your
Black Draught stock and Poultry Medi
cine and am pleased to say that I never
used anything for stock that gave half as
good satisfaction 1 heartily recom
mend it to all owners of stock
Sick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any more than
sick persons should exnect to bp
cored by food When your stock
and poultry are sick give them med
icine Dont stuff them -with worth
less stock foods Unload the bowpls
and stir up the torpid liver and the
animal will be cured if it be
ble to cure it Black Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver
It cure3 every malady of stock if
taken in time Securea 25 cenfc ran
of Black Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
timesover Horses work better Cows
give more milk Hog3 gain flesh
And hens lay more egg3 It solves the
Jroblem of making as much blood
esh and energy as nossible out o
the smallest amount of food con
1 sumed Buy a can from vour dealer
c o
liltfc ssQfyf swAbi
Bert Wales has over 100 acres wheat
J Lair of Iowa was in town recently
Harry Wales has bought another
W M Rozell has 210 acres of fall wheat
and it looks fine
I M Smith of McCook was in this
town one day last week
S O John from near McCook was up
here and bought a horse of M H Cole
Mrs E M Easterday of McCook was
looking after her interests here recently
J Kelley sowed his farm to fall wheat
and is planting eighty acres of the East
erday farm to corn
A letter from Mt Vernon 111 of June
2nd says A good many farmers are not
half done planting corn yet
Frank and Roy Coleman were hauling
wood out of the grove Monday They
have enough up now for summer fuel for
a couple of years
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They are easy to take and pleasant
in effect For sale by L W McConnell
The steel range men aroin these parts
A creamery station has been located at
John White has taken a cream sepa
rator on trial
Born to Mr and Mrs James Modrell
June 2 a daughter
Glenn Modrell took dinner with Vir
gil Gordon Sunday
Miss Florence Younger visited her un
cle George Harrison Sunday
Mr and Mrs John White spent Sun
day with George Younger and wife
This cool wet weather is hard on tho
corn but small grain was never known
to look better
Miss Allen of the Childrens Home at
Omaha gave a very interesting talk at
the church Sunday morning
Florence Youngers hand has gotten
better and she is now helping Mrs T M
Campbell with her housework
Fred Satchell Len Younger and the
Misses Ida and Stella Modrell spent Sun
day with Maude and Clarence Stone
Rev and Mrs Satchell are expecting
their daughter Mrs Mather of Aurora
Nebraska home this week on a visit
It looks quite natural to see Edward
Shepherd back in these parts again and
making his weekly trips to Spring Creek
Will Stones team took a little spin last
Sunday and tore his buggy to pieces It
was a short run but a rather lively one
Mr and Mrs Ira Harrison expect their
daughters Mrs John Miller and Mrs
Schloscher of Friend home on a visit
Joseph Pominville Stillwater Minn
after having spent over 52000 with the
best doctors for stomach trouble with
out relief was advised by his druggist
Alex Richard to try a box of Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets Ho
did so and is a well man today If
troubled with indigestion bad taste in
the mouth lack of appetite or consti
pation give these tablets a trial and
you are certain to be mere than pleased
with the result For sale at 35c per box
by L W McConnell druggist
Harry Butler is on the sick list this week
Lawyer Starr of McCook was in Danbuzy
Rev Pogue is in Lebanon thi3 week doing
some painting
L Cann has the foundation of his new Iiooeq
nearly completed
D A Waterman of Lebanon was on oar
streets last week
E A Ruby was a Lebanon visitor between
trains Wednesday
The Danbury village board met Monday nighc
but took no action on the saloon question
U O Leisure was a business pilgrim the firs c
of the week to Hprndon and Traer Kansas
Meats For Tender Teeth
Are a specialty at Paul Antons market
Spare your teeth and at the same time
help your digestion by ordering from
him Phone orders just as carefully and
promptly filled as though you came in
See that string of lawn mowers at
Waites All sizes Prices from S3 up