The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1903, Image 3

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1 -
Summer Catarrh
Afflicts Men and
x Register of the United
States treasury in a letter
from Washington D C says
find Peruna to be an
excellent remedy for the ca
tarrhal affections of spring
and summer and those who
suffer from depression from
the beat of the summer will
find no remedy the equal of
Peruna Judson V Lyons
No man is better known in the
financial world than Judson W
Lyons formerly of Augusta Ga
His name on every piece of
money of recent date makes his
signature one of the most familiar
ones in the United States
Two Interesting Letters From
Thankful Women
Miss Camilla Chartier 5 West
Lexington St Baltimore Md
Late suppers gradually affect
ed my digestion and made me a
miserable dyspeptic suffering in
tensely at times 1 took several
kinds of medicine which were
prescribed by different physicians
but still continued to suffer But
the trial of one bottle of Peruna
convinced me that it would rid
me of this trouble so I continued
taking it for several weeks and I
was in excellent health having gained ten
pounds Miss Camilla Chartier
Summer Catarrh
Mrs Kate Bohn 1119 Willoughby Ave
Brooklyn N Y writes
When I wrote you I was troubled with
frequent headaches dizzy strange feeling
in the head sleeplessness sinking feelings
faintness and numbness Sometimes I had
heartburn My food would rise to my
throat after every meal and my bowels
were very irregular
I wrote you for advice and I now take
pleasure in informing you that my improve
ment is very great indeed I did not ex
pect to improve so quickly after suffering
hold up church cannot give the
any uplift
The dutiful are the beautiful
Skin S
calrand Blood
From Pimples to Scrofula
From Infancy to Age
Speedily Gored by Cuticura
When Ail Else Fails
rhe agonizing itching and burning of
the skin as in Eczema the frightful
scaling as in psoriasis the loss of hair
and crusting of the scalp as in scalled
lliead the facial disfigurements as In
ocne and ringworm the awful snffer
J ing of infants and anxiety of worn
I out parents as in milk crust tetter and
ealt rhenm all demand a remedy of
i almost superhuman virtues to success
fully cope with them That Cuticura
j Soap Ointment and Resolvent are such
stands proven beyond all donbt No
statement is made regarding them that
Is not justified by the strongest
dence The purity and sweetness the
power to afford immediate relief the
certainty of speedy and permanent cure
the absolute safety and great economy
have made them the standard skin
cures blood purifiers and humour reme
dies of the civilized world
Bathe the affected parts with hot
vater and Cuticura Soap to cleanse the
surface of crusts and scales and soften
the thickened cnticle Dry without
rubbing and apply Cuticura Oint
lment freely to allay Itching irritation
and Inflammation and soothe and heal
i and lastly take Cuticura Resolvent to
I cool and cleanse the blood This cora
jplete local and constitutional treatment
affords Instant lellef permits rest and
teleep in the severest forms of eczema
and other itching burning and scaly
lliumours of the skin scalp and blood
and points to a speedy permanent and
economical cure when all else fails
Pqt Pru S Roe doll raix Bcttoalv Columbui AT
1 3 oiler Urns Ch em Corp Bole Proprietor
KB Stoi fcr lloir to Cure ETry llnmour
Is attracting more attention than any other district
In ttie world
The Granary of the World The load of Snn
ihlne Tic Natural Feeding Grounds for Stock
Area unilor crop in 1902 1837880 acres
Yield 1902 117922764 buhel
WXttX WU24
W N U Omaha
Abundance or water i uei
Plentiful Cheap urnming
Material Good Grass for
pasture and hay a fertle
soil asufflclentrainfalland
a climate giving an assured
land adequate season or
TUvt rime to Churched Schools etc Hallways tap
r5VV Bennett Canadian Government Agent 601
BldpOniahaNebwho will supply you
Xpw York Life
Icruncateg jou reduced railway rates etc
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
No 231903
inptf iMtirnr nit ncr rmu
URL nnLniHU v
Best cough Syrup Tastes Good Uses
la time soia dt otueeisw
rJMlBBrTfrTBrli ml t fi Vfr ri rT fiiiW
Hon Judson W Lyons j
for five long years I am feeling very good
and strong I thank you so much for Pe
runa 1 shall recommend it to all suffering
with the effects of catarrh and I consider
it a household blessing I shall never be
without Peruna
For those phases of catarrh peculiar to
summer Peruna will be found efficacious
Peruna cures catarrh in all phases and
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleated to
give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Insurance Against Spinsterhocd
Countries have to be educated up to
providing for new economic or social
conditions Denmark is already ad
justing itselt to the altered conditions
which decreased the probability of a
female cnilds marriage It has a sys
tem of insurance against the possibil
ity of spinsterhood In Denmark if
a sum of about 225 is deposited on
beha of a girl at birth she becomes
entitled if unmarried at the age of 30
to receive an annuity of 25 which is
increased by 25 every ten years If
however she marries before she is
30 225 is returned to her or if she
dies before she is that age there is a
contribution ot some 30 or 35 toward
her funeral
Carpets can be colored on the floor
The Men Wont Help
It is pointed out that Miss Marie
Corelli Miss Ellen Terry and Lady
Colin Campbell have waited in vain
for masculine assistance in their ef
fort to Keep the little ancient houses
in Stratford-on-Avon on the site of
the proposed Carnegie library stand
ing These ladies have written to
the English press unsupported and
no man has come forward Mr Car
negie with a brand new public library
and the mayor of the town bent on
pleasing Mr Carnegie are apparently
to have their unwelcome way ob
serves the London Chronicle
No chromos or cheap premiums
but a better quality and one third
more of Defiance Starch for the same
price of other starches
He Made a Famous Knife
A man who has just died at Mount
Vernon N Y Burr Davis was more
famous some fifty years ago when the
pocketknife with 3G5 blades which
he had made was on exhibition at the
Crystal palace in New York city and
attracted much attention He was a
native or Connecticut and grew up
in the cutlery business at Waterbury
If so useRed Cross Ball Blue It will raakc
them white as snow 2 oz package 5 cents
English Kings at Rome
The interesting historical fact that
comes out in connection with King
Edwards visit to Rome last week that
he is only the third English king to
visit the Eternal City King Aethel
wulf went on a pilgrimage to Rome in
the year 855 Canute went to Rome
in 1026 and some of the correspond
ence he sent home still exists Since
Canute no other king of England vis
ited Rome until King Edward VIL
went there last week
Never advertise your troubles II
you have bowlegs dont wear striped
Superior quality and extra quantity
must in This is why Defiance
Starch is taking the place of all
Loaning money strengthens the
memory borrowing it causes foget
The Lau With a Glass
of Hires Root beer brightens her
eyes deepens ue roses in ber
cnecks ana acquires souna
iienim ana Duorani ninis
from her f aTorile beverage
the neat hot westlier
annK is sold every
where or sent by
znau iora cis
A package
mikes five
Kalrera Pa
Became Wealthy in Old Age
Remarkable Career of Capt Ford the Pioneer Plate Glass
Manufacturer Business Success Achieved After
Mans Allotted Span of Life
This city is the cradle of- the plate
glass industry of the United States
says an Albany Ind special to the
ndlanapolis Sentinel The first pol
ished plate glass manufactured In the
country is still in use in the front
window of a New Albany clothing
store There are two plates each
about Cxl4 Capt John B Ford who
erected here the first factory in the
United States lor the manufacture of
polished plate glass and whose name
is a household word throughout South
ern Indiana is still living at 91 years
of age at Tarentum Pa
He came originally from Kentucky
and located at Greenville near here
He was a natural born inventor and
invented and manufactured a machine
for chopping straw He scon moved
to New Albany where he built steam
boats His attention was attracted by
a little factory at Lenox Mass which
was manufacturing a crude form of
rough plate glass for skylights He
set his wits to work and designed the
first machinery for the manufacture
of polished plate glass This machin
ery was made at New Albany foun
dries He interested his cousin Wash
ington C De Pauw a man of large
means and they operated the first
plate glass manufactory which was a
huge success but they cculd not agree
as to business policy and Ford sold
his interest to De Pauw Ford then
established factories at Louisville and
Jeffersonville which failed
Capt Fords history lrcm this time
furnishes the most remarkable in
stance on record of a man building up
an immense fortune in his old age
He was 78 years old when he started
for New York but was smooth shaved
and looked much younger He did not
have money enough to buy his rail
road ticket He arrived in New York
penniless but his wonderful genius for
organization enabled him to interest
big New York capitalists who fur
nished the money with which he built
and put in operation two immense
plate glass factories one at Taren
tum and the other at Creighton Pa
Later he founded Ford City sixty
miles east of Pittsburg establishing
there a factory employing and intro
ducing all modern accessories About
four years ago he sold his factories
which were all in his own name to
the plate glass trust for 10000000
and he has been living in retirement
Ke was the first man in the United
States to discover that natural gas
could be used as fuel for manufactur
ing purposes He built his factory at
Tarentum alongside a coal bed ex
pecting to use it for fuel His work
men in making soundings discovered
gas and he was not long in harness
ing the new fuel and makicg it do his
work In his long caecr of large man
ufacturing endcavcrs he never had
a strike beravse he always poid the
highest wages that could be jaid m
the business It k difficult for New
Albany people to realise tlzat the old
man who left here without a p i
hoi rowing rioney to buy hij ralrca1
ticket is new a mnlti niirIouriro He
is afflicted with cr ccr which wii
seen end h s rareei Ke vas built at
Gieenville Ind his clrl heme tnc ol
the finest Methodist churches in the
state and hi other bequest within
tne last two years amounted to at
Iast 5C0fC0C
Short Name Is an Advaniap
Of Very Great Practical Value if You Sho jld Happen to
Be a Presidential Cahinzt Officer Abbreviations
Generally Used in Signing Oflicial Documents
The present cabinet is made up of
men with shorter names than any set
of cabinet officials in many years Five
of the nine advisers of the President
bear names of only one syllable each
These are Secretaries Hay Root
Shaw Postmaster General Payne and
Attorney General Knox Secretary
Moody has not a long name neither
has Secretary Wilson Secretary
Hitchcock has nine letters and two
syllables in his name Secretary Cor
telyou has nine letters and threo syl
lables His is the hardest of all the
cabinet names to pronounce All the
others are plain The predecessors of
these men however did not have long
names and if the letters of all the
men who immediately preceded them
were put together the results would be
almost the same as at present in
fact just one letters difference Sec
retary Hay succeeded Secretary Day
the same number of letters Secre
tary Root succeeded Secretary Alger
a gain of one letter Secretary Shaw
took the place of Secretary Gage the
same number of letters Mr Payne
came into the cabinet when Charles
Emory Smith went out the same num
ber of letter Attorney Gcneial
took the place of Jchn W Gnggs r
gain of two letters and Secretary
Mocdy followed John D Long a loss
ct one letter The five men namel
have two letters less in their names
than the five men who preceded
The value of a short name in de
partmental work is appreciated by
heads of departments and their its
sistantsfl The thousands of documents
to be signed daily make it laborious
and tedious work to repeat a long sig
nature so Gften In fact hundreds of
men have wished that they could have
attained equal fame and importance
under shorter names It is nearly al
ways the case that when a new cabi
net officer takes charge he will begin
by signing his name in full like Ben
jamin B Smith but he will not keep
this up long and in a month will have
reached the conclusion that B B
Smith is good enough for all official
papers In some especial document
he may sign his name in the full style
but he reserves that as a sort of spe
cial affair like a Sunday suit of
The Might of a Lie
Task of Overtaking an Untruth Has Well Been Described
a Hopeless One How Fabrication Wrecked
Political Career of John G Carlisle
Probably the most impossible
hopeless task on earth is to overtake
a lie The other day ex Speaker John
G Carlisle now a successful lawyer
for great corporations with an old
fashioned home in North Washing
ton square passed along Pine street
with the easy gait of a plow horse
Two citizens saluted him and when
he had passed on one remarked
There used to be the making of a
president in that man The entire
country looked up to him If it had
not been for his Cynthiana speech the
northern democracy would have been
solid for him and of course he
owned the southern wing The speech
ruined him He retired from politics
with a broken heart and settled in
New York to make a little money
Here is an extract from that fa
mous heart rending speech
I deny that the United States is
a nation It is a vicious system that
has destroyed sovereign states and
oppressed nine millions of people in
the south If a state has no right of
secession she certainly has no right
of revolution The most infamous
order ever issued was that of the at
torney general only a few days ago
which caused sixty companies of sol-
At the Postoffice
A young woman called at the post
office and bashfully inquired if there
was a letter for her
Business or love letter jokingly
inquired the clerk
Business was the reply accom
panied by a blush of the deepest crim
As there was no such letter to be
found the young lady took her depar
She came back however after a
little while and said in faltering ac
cents Please would you mind look
ing among the love letters
The laundry bills lengthen with the
lengthening days
diers to march to South Carolina to
take charge of the ballot box and
overawe the voters of that poor
down trodden state the paradise of
carpet baggers and scalawags But
the day will come when South Caro
lina will rid herself of the barbarous
political buzzards of the north that
have fed on her carcass for the last
eleven years and robbed white and
black without discrimination
For ten years Mr Carlisle tried to
run down that report of his Cynthiana
speech but it had too big a lead At
one time he thought it overtaken and
side tracked but several years later
the Tribune of this city resurrected it
in the original form Mr Carlisle ex
plained I did not say that the gov
ernment is a vicious system but that
at that time the policy of the admin
istration was vicious I always held
that the constitutional right to secede
did not exist there was no verbatim
report of the speech for no reporter
was present an opposition paper
picked up from the audience a few
stray recollections of what I said
strung them together and published
them But the lie never was nailed
and Carlisles hopes of political honors
were dashed
First Class in Grammar Stand Up
Johnny never did like school When
his mother told him he had better
study his lessons or his teacher would
give him a bad mark he got sulky
Blame old teacher he said
Thinks she knows it all First she
tells us something and then when we
tell it back she says its all wrong
Why whats the matter Johnny
asked his uncle who hasnt forgotten
ho was a boy himseli
Well you see Nunky it was this
way She told us that postpone meant
to put off Then she asked me to
write a sentence containing the word
I wrote Boys postpone their
clothes when they g in swimming
The lingering results of La Grippe remain with the kidneys for a long time
They suffer from over exertion and the heavy drugs of Grippe medi
cines Doans Kidney Pills overcome this condition
Autoha New Mexico I received
the free sample of Dorms Kidney Pills
which 1 ordered for a girl nine years old
that was Buffering with bed wetting nnd
the improved very fast The pills acted
directly on the bladder in her case aud
stopped the trouble J C Luceiio
Battle Crkek Mich My husband
received the sample of Doans Kidney
Pills and has taken two more boxes and
feels like a new num lie is a fireman on
the Grand Trunk II 11 unci the work is
hard on the kidneys Mrs Geo Giffoud
Plint W Va The free trial of
Doans Kidney Pills acted so well with
me I wrote Ilooff the druggist at Point
Pleasant to send me three boxes with the
result I have gained in weight as well as
entirely rid of my kidney trouble My
water had become very offensive and con
tained a white sediment and cloudy I
would have to get up bix and seven times
during the night and then the voiding
would dribble and muse frequent at
tempts but thanks to Doans Kidney Pills
they have regulated all that and I cannot
Craisc them too much Jab A Laniiam
Aching backs arc cased Hip bnck and
loin pains overcome Swelling of tho
limbs and dropsy signs vanish
They correct urine with brick dust sedi
ment high colored pain In passing drib
blipg frequency bed wetting Don nt
Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel
Relieve heart palpitation sleeplessness
headache nervousness dizziness
ml sy
rntct so ctHTs rs
some one of the eight different Winchester models
xtixmcvc VSSi
vvrtTwa uwiTumv
I FonTsn UiLBUKH Co IlufTnIo N Y
Mail this
with jour
for froo
trial box
riPiuw moll mo frco trial box Donnu KIducy
i 1ills
Poat ofllco
Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential
No matter what your preferences are about a rifle
will suit you Winchester Rifles are made in calibers suita
ble for shooting any game from rabbits to grizzly bears
and in many styles and weights Whichever model you
select you can count on its being well made and finished
reliable in action and a strong accurate shooter
FREE Oar 160 patje illustrated cateloque
Coffee Tried and Found Guilty
No one who has studied its effects
on the human body can deny that cof
fee is a strong drug and liable to cause
all kinds of ills while Postum is a food
drink and a powerful rebuilder that
will correct the ills caused by coffee
when used steadily in place of coffee
An expert who has studied the sub
ject says I have studied the value of
food and the manufacture of food
products from personal investigation
and wish to bear testimony to the
wonderful qualities of Postum Cereal
Coffee I was an excessive coffe3
drinker although I knew it to be a
slow poison First it affected my
nerves and then my heart but when I
once tried Postum I found it easy to
give up the coffee confirmed coffee
fiend though I was
Postum satisfied my craving for
coffee and since drinking Postum
steadily in place of the coffee all my
troubles have disappeared and I am
again healthy and strong
I know that even -where coffee is
not taken to excess it has bad effects
on the constitution in some form or
other and I am convinced by my in
vestigation that the only thing to do if
health and happiness are of any value
to one is to quit coffee and drink Pos
tum Name given by Postum Co
Eattle Creek Mich
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world
of U- M G make is now
accepted by shooters as
the worlds standard for
it shoots well in any gun
Tour dealer sells it
The Union Metallic
Cartridge Co
Bridgeport - - Conn
A laugh is worth a hundred groans
in any market
The Klean Kool Kitchen Kind is the
trade mark on stoves which enable you to
cook in comfort in a cool kitchen
The hotel which advertises home
comforts docs not always specify the
kind of home
Some Eminent Bachelors
Many eminent men whose names are
household words and who have left
their impress upon the world were
bachelors Beethoven Schubert Bel
lini Cinarosa and Donizetti all great
German musical composers were
bachelors John G Whittier our
American poet was a bachelor Kant
the great philosopher Erasmus the
scholar and philosopher Leibnitz the
German mathematician Humboldt
the philosopher Galilei who discov
ered the application of the pendulum
and that the earth revolves Hugens
the German astronomer who discov
ered Saturns ring and one satellite
Leibig the chemist Dr Hahnemann
the originator of homeopathy Dr
Franz Joseph Gail the originator of
phrenology and Guericke the inventor
or the air pump were all bachelors
Champion Circulation Liar
The champion circulation lawyer has
been discovered His lair is in Japan
where he is acting as editor in chief
of the Thundering Dawn a Buddhist
organ just started in Tokio Here is
his greeting to the public
This paper has come from eternity
It starts its circulation with millions
and millions of numbers The rays of
the sun the beams of the stars the
leaves of the trees and the blades of
grass the grains of sand the hearts
of tigers elephants lions ants men
and women are its subscribers This
iniTrnal wii hpnrpfnrth flnw in thf uni
verse as the rivers flow and the oceans
Friendship is all well enough in its
way but when a man wants to make
a touch it is better to strike an ac-
Go wnere duty calls and dont
stand around wii your hands in your
pockets after you get there
1 1 iWfW mmmw wrw 1
To nrovn thR hpuHnir
cleansing power ot laxtlnn
Toilet Antiseptic vo will
mail a large trial package
with book of in5tructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample but a large
package enough to con 1
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are praKing Paxtine for what
it has done in local treat-
fnnnf r fnntnln III ai
an inflammation and discharges wonderful as a
cleaning vaginal douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
will do
KolU by druggists or Kent postpaid hyan BO
cits large box Satisfaction aaranfcu
214 Colurobat At
worth to be sold at 30 per cent
off eastern prices Strictly standard
1903 mckes All positively guaran
526250 ip to 35000
TERMS Only S5 per month
Write at once to
Manufactures wholesale and retail
otano dealers
1313 Farrxam Si Omaha Neb
SStTSSTIiomBsoirs eyo Wales
i he
rf Cor 19th zzi
vcie vure ir
The only positive erne for Drankcrins
Drug Using and the Tobacco Habit Cor
reHpoiUence strictly confidential
WM R BURNS Manacer