- - l f - JiV r -- - - -T ijafcMaariiTWI hlllllTift fH illilillililillpri wBI 11 iliimi urn irn it i i i iiiiwuiwwwiiihiiiiiiihiiwwimihiibwwiiiwiiwhiiiuiiiwiiiihiiiiwiii nwt i m J I mi mi i mi wmmmmim iH ivtXi tmmMmm WMBwnt mmmmWtimvmMmmmwamumimmi iWnim n nm - ntl m mnimtoi mmmmwmmmmmihrm nw m i bum r JMMMiMra wwiiiwiiniiiwMMWi MMHB Ri Hnnminnnnar f ADDITIONAL RAILROAD HEWS - 531 B j Bni v nKOOK S W9 flutv 0 I npll 11 V ladies 5 It looked qotte dark for 5 KM L W Hafer of tho force M m m 1 1 fffl muion - J night resigned 5 - iFv BRiUa H 3 Monday Si -an S Cnlnfflfto - - - JP vAkvJIHA Xv A S aoiomon j This has been resignation week in J fln II J TTTmi ftft t J f B Y Drulinor is cook Mes went a srike tho machineshop is uuupi j m J wsM mlWi Wri I Conductor J WLine is off duty n fow 1 l iJ WflKV kWYO Sir 1 Denamii1E hiSller Pay- I days T I on Gummero business Is an addition to the I Z H ID i Vi W llJ V lVVt vCIlA VlSlfA 7 W C paintors as helper X 1J1 MKitf JaMfee M G E McBrido went up to Akron last K lllM VfttaWvk i Friday to relieve C W Tyler g f M ISJKWSU AiirMw tekMTC B J Wright wiper resigned Monday M W UrWkTYVwi ms14 l W rVMr -TV and J A Finnegan is on again Tho 265 out in tho Thurs was yard B H IJIUHa zLfSHIPil U fffiTOWlLL day morning being limbered up t Lj - iulflWr 9GsLfl4 l -V iJUJlfrrWWxViiJntTWElL Fireman C H MeBrido visited his i Wk fiw Im VD JIS IV Spi X lfX I VJ MRSfeMKlL parents in Ilolbrook last of last week r i At mry a un x ini i irf n u - aisw ivaii rArRr H l But when his faithful officer S VW ARWHHR BMI 1 Tak0ma bisCDit b0Dgh1 1 MyMwj Sill 3 I rorknn cnM Snfnrnnn 0 ITlii IMmTIT IP This strike will come to LV S iTffcuw ildJJF Li l IfisI 0U5l I L00SEWLES CRAGKER GAHDY G0 Rllj I I IT d Kansa5CU M0 J3HUII1I lift iXLnrJ h Cil Best Offer Ever Made ft hv i tf V The McCook Triuune has succeeded in getting tho special clubbing price from tho publishers of the Nebraska Farmer one of the best they have ever made and during tho past two months a good many have taken advantage of this oiler and are well pleased with it We have had tho time extended for this olfer believing that many more would like to take advantage of it before it is withdrawn For Sl 25 we can send you the Ne braska Farmer and The McCook Triuune both for one full year and worth 8200 The Nebraska Farmer is the leading general farm and live stock journal of the west It prints from 21 to -10 pages each week is well known and well liked having been established since 18G9 Its publishers are practical and experienced men who are now and havo been for thirty years extensively engaged in farming and stock raising in Nebraska and know from experience the needs and conditions applicable to tho west It is a journal for the farmers by farmers No other farm paper can fill its place or be so helpful to the farmers of the west It is contributed to by all the leading agricultural writers and experi menters of the west and at our special club price should be taken by everyone Low Rates West 2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle S2500 to San Francisco Los Angeles 82250 to Spokane S2000 to Salt Lake CityButteHelena Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Washington Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali fornia etc Every day until June 15 Tourist cars daily to California Personally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signa ture is on each box 2 ac BANKSVILLE C F Elliott and Ira have finished listing corn Fair weather nowadays and the grass and grain are responding Mrs William Eelph is visiting her daughter near Eustis Nebraska Mrs W II Hartman Jessie and Glen were visitors at Banksvillo the 20th inst J H Relph and wife are the happy parents of another son to swell the Re publican ranks Mrs V E Knobbs is visiting since Saturday at Banksvilfe before going to Pueblo Colorado A Wesch Joe Wesch A Peters A Weeks and C F Elliott have bought cream separators recently GREATLY ALARMED A Persistent Cough Permanently Cured by Chamberlains Cough Remedy H P Burbage a student at law in Greenville S C had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says greatly alarmed me causing me to fear that I was in the first stage of consumption Mr Bur bage having seen Chamberlains Cough Remedy advertised concluded to try it Now read what he says I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty five cents size was permanently cured L W McConnell William Hoppe is Killed Des Moines la May 19 Burlington Superintendent William Hoppe was in stantly killed today at Fairfield He had left this city this morning on an inspection special with a party of Burlington officials When the train reached Fairfield Mr Hoppe stepped off in front of the east bound passenger train on the Trenton division of the Rock Island He was hit before he could get off the track He had been with the Burlington for thirty years and when killed was superintend ent of bridges for the Iowa division The Tribune Only 8100 per year Not ALL in the Price When you buy Gloves there are i other things to consider the fit the style the finish and last and most important the wearing1 qualities Besides all the ahove we offer you the largest stock to select from ranging in price from three pair for 25c to the finest in dress kids and silk lined mochas Each and every pair will be repaired or replaced if they go wrong THE BEE HIVE McCOOK NEBRASKA I Model Slippers p S I 5q - i i 1 4 laMl o 9 to 5 2 92 z 9 G i 2 The Model Shoe Store 2 BARTLEY Doctors Brown and Hathorn visited Indinn ola Wednesday B Q Gossard of McCook was calling in Bart ley Tuesday evening Will Flint is beautifying liis mothers resi dence with a coat of fresh paint The programs aro out for the graduating class of our school They aro vory artistic Dr John Arbogast camo in from Omaha this week whore ho had beon attending medical col lege V Sells formerly of our town is now located at Gas City Kansas whore ho has a position as railroad agent Tho strcots of our village aro being much im proved by the uso of a road grader Tho grader is drawn by an engine Mr Sipos baby swallowed a pin this week and tho parents are grieving for fear tho result may bo very injurious The meetings at tho Christian church have been quite interesting Up to this writing eight young ladies and ono young gentleman have united with the church The beets planted on sandy bottom ground aro not doing well the wind and rain greatly injuring them Those planted on the second bottom are looking nicely and are now being cultivated Tho doctors of Red Willow and adjoining counties will meet in Bartley this week We presume they are going to organize a union as that is all the stylo now They will likely go on a strike about the time cucumbers aro edible A Startling Test To save a life Dr T G Merritt of North Mehoopany Pa made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure He writes a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages caused by ulcer ation of the stomach I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom ache and liver troubles so I prescribed them The patient gained from the first and has not had an attack in 14 months Electric Bitters are posit ively guaranteed for dyspepsia indiges tion constipation and kidney troubles Try them Only 50c at A McMillens INDIAN0LA Plourds lost one of their fine horses Sunday morning Mrs Hostetter and Fay were Lincoln visitors Tuesday Ben Gossard of McCook was an Indianola vis itor Monday Miss Lena Hill is homo from Denver on a visit with her parents E S Hill and daughter Lena were McCook visitors Tuesday Ed Stilgobouer of Danbury was a city visitor one day last week Mrs Arthur Lee of McCook was an Indianola visitor part of the week Miss Lottie Lamborn of Wilcox Nebraska is hero for a weeks visit with friends Mrs Gotschalland daughter Ada of near Dan bury spent last Monday at W H Smiths Miss Mamie Mann spent last Saturday and Sunday in Bartley with her sister Mrs Harry Paine Mrs L L Miller camo in from Hastings on No 3 Wednesday evening for a visit with friends Mesdames Collings of McCook visited the fore part of tho week with MrsW H Short Rev Martin baptized five young ladies from Bartley in the Christian church here Tuesday afternoon Mrs Martin Anderson went down to Cam bridge Saturday morning for a few days visit with relatives Several of our fellow townsmen attended the lecture in tho M E church in McCook last Monday evening Several of the young people of our town at tended a party at the home of Andy Lambert and wife north of town last Friday evening Mrs Jacob Hillars niece who has been spending some timo past with them left Tues day morning for the eastern part of the state to visit a sister Rev Hardcastle of Cambridge preached in the Congregational church here Sunday morn ing and in Danbury in the evening He was accompanied to Danbury by Rev Halbersleben Joseph Pominville Stillwater Minn after having spent over 2000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble with out relief was advised by his druggist Alex Richard to try a bos of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets He did so and is a well man today If troubled with indigestion bad taste in the mouth lack of appetite or consti pation give these tablets a trial and you are certain to be mere than pleased with the result For sale at 35c per box by L W McConnell druggist Maud Last night Jack told me that he wouldnt marry the best girl living unless what unless she took Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible fellow 35 cts L W McConnell Thursday C M McCurdy has been transferred from theTepair track to tho roundhouse forco Brakeman E M Snydor is absent in Denver on a law suit as witness for the company J Churchwoll of the blacksmithshop resigned and is now working in Knip ples store Conductor Willetts is a witness for the company in a suit at law in Greeley this week G L Burney is flagging and n S Spaulding is on with Conductor Wolff temporarily E F Raney has been added to tho machinist force this week and E II Charles is a new machinists helper Switchman A P Ely of the Red Cloud yard has returned from the east where he went on account of an injured eye Brakeman G D LeIIew is in Denver as a witness for tho company in a law suit and Emil Heuckel is relieving him Effective May 1st Burlington oper ators will be paid overtime for work per formed outside their regular working hours J R VanHorn is in Greeley this week as a witness for the company in a law suit L A Hurlburt is flagging in his place FW Jones returned from Red Cloud Wednesday morning and went to Tren ton the same night returning here on Thursday morning Chief Clerk Stayner of the trainmas ters office went up to Denver Wednes day to give instructions on the now sys tem of keeping time in the train service Brakemann J J Barry is attending the B of R T convention in Denver this week as a delegate from the local lodge and George Martin is flagging for him meanwhile Switchman W W Prall of the Akron yard has gone to Denver to undergo an operation which it is expected willl keep him there for a month R A Prigga of the local force has gone up to relieve him Conductor Tim Foley is a witness for Burlington in Denver this week in liti gation F M Washburn and J W Ridenour have his and Earl Snyders run meanwhile Conductor J F Utter has Washburns car during the change and Conductor William Washburn has way car No 127 temporarily Conductor Everett Dwyer fell between the cars at Akron Wednesday morning as the train was moving cut of the yard and one of his legs was so badly mashed by the wheels that amputation below the knee was necessary He was moved to the hospital of St Luke in Denver and his recovery is expected Dyer is well known over the Western division and there will be general regret at his great misfortune ftabldl6s so Sopport Art The government of Bavaria haa voted a considerable sum for the main tenance of art institutions throughout the kingdom during the coming year The allowances for the purchase of paintings and their preservation is particularly liberal The various art Institutes In Munich receive handsome subsidies and the Germanic museum In Nuremberg gets an increased allow ance Various other institutions have been voted large amounts for repairs and maintenance These art allow ances in all reah 3108163 marks 739741 -Emil Hensel In Chicago Record MiitakPS Made at the Mint John Erhard of Philadelphia has a coin dafid 1891 which has a hea I on either 3irle showing that mistakes aie nade evon -it the mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hands- of a great many experts and there is jlt tle chance of an imperfect piece escap ing this scrutiny There are sail to be many of them m circulation how ever No particular value is attached to the corns outside of their rarity aa curioaitios 3111k AttraciH Disease Germs Place a jug of milk near fish for a few hours and there will be a fishy flavor about it In this same way that milk is susceptible to odors so it at tracts disease germs diphtheria tp phoid fever etc are often contracted in this manner This is not always due to carelessness for these bacilli are in the very air we breathe The only true safeguard when contagious disease is about to sterilize the milk To Preserve Wlssahlcboa Monastery Efforts are to be made by Philadel phia people to preserve the old mon astery near Wissahickon The mon astery was constructed by the Seventh Day Baptists when they were an order and dates back a century and a half It is of great historic interest but has fallen into declay since the decline of the orders by which it was once in habited Corn -Rotting In Fields Corn is so plentiful in the vicinity of Chelsea I T that the farmers are letting it rot in the fields Twenty cents a bushel is all they can get for it and they do not think that pries pays for harvesting Egyptological Enthusiasm It may be noted as an agreeable evi dence of the spread of Egyptological enthusiasm in America that nearly half the aggregate income of the fund for the last year came from the United Statc London Spectator i Corn Come Today and Select from our ine of Wash Fabrics the riaterial for your Summer Dresses and Waists Big assortment of White and Colored in the newest weaves New Line of Parasols Let us show them to you before the assort ment is broken For Groceries call Phone 22 THE vflSvfea rfyi wasfi THE THIEF OF BEAUTY Is Captured by Bradflelds Regulator Thousands of young women are awaking to the fact that inherited comliness has been stolen and instead of glowing cheeks and bright eyes the tell tale wrinkles of pain have taken their place These are the warning feelings Weak and tired jn the morning no life to enter upon their former pleasures irritable cross dull headaches general dispirited ieeiing sieepiess nignts cold ieet bear ing aown pains arqatti toi i i i i C L DeGROFF GO Vfet fc iW lrtShrtShsS WVSf 4500 to California and Back Via the Burlington Route for the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States at Los Angeles May 21st to June 2nd Tickets on sale May 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 limited for return to July 15 1903 Stopovers allowed at many points of interest Ask the ticket agent for particulars Wheat Oats Rye Hogs Eggs Butter McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning 30 55 35 33 50 12 15 Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice May 20 1903 Bunstock Clarence Frank Fred Feltz Rev D Imel S B Eargan Geo Miller J M Miller G W When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M KiMMELii Postmaster n c v V Y MY 9 All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska SHERIFFS SALE By yirtne of an order of sale issued from tho District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Samuel C King is plaintiff and Richard M Williams and Kate EWilliain are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 22nd day of June 10X at tho hour of 1 oclock p in tho following describe real estate to wit The northwest qnarter of the southwest quarter of section 21 in township 2 north in range 20 in Red Willow county tho sonthwet qnarter of the northwest quartfrof section 21 in township 2 north in range 30 in Red Willow county the fast half of the quarter of section 20 in township 2 north in range 20 in Red Willow county the west half of the southeast qnarter of section 20 fr township 2 north range SO in Red Willow county Nebraska VHP Dated this 22nd day of May 1D03 A C Ceabteee Sheriff W R Staek Attorney Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Teibcnev we havo made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Teibcxe afc ine louowing very low prices PUBLICATION PEICE Detroit Free Pre si ft Aeiie s weekly 4 oq All tfiP K rrrmfnmc Prairie Farmer 1 m indicate deranged and weakened organs i Cuica Inter Ocean 1 00 Cincinnati and exhausted energies follow the weak ened condition of the female organs as surely as night follows day Save your- seu irom worse results by taking BRADFIELDS Female Regulator The most invigorating menstrual regulator in the world It relieves painful profuse obstructed or suppressed menstruation nervousness headaches etcetera Beauty of face and symmetry of form are the re sults of its use Of druggists 1 Ourbook Perfect Health for Women free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA Enquire 1 00 New York Tribune 1 00 Demorests Magazine 1 CO Toledo Blade 1 CJ Nebraska Farmer 1 00 Iowa Homestead 1 00 Lincoln Journal 100 Campbells Soil Culture 100 New York World 1 00 Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 CO St Lonis Republic 1 00 Kansas City Star 21 Farm and Home 1 CO Word and Works 1 CO witjt TEIBGNE 1M 300 125 140 150 125 1 75 125 1 65 125 1 75 150 1 65 150 1 75 120 120 170 We are prejared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Teibuxe McCook Neb MB0SC CTBftffiW