The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 22, 1903, Image 4

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    fie ffltftarit fflbwft
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodgo NoGKJmectH flrnt and
third Thursdays of oncli month McConnolls
hull 830 p m E I Huiieb President W S
Gutek Socrotnry
lodgo No HOT montn on i scnnd and fourth Mon
day ovouingn of cacli month nt night oclock in
McConnoll hall R W Dbvoii Illustrious Pro
tector J C MiTcnxr1 Bocrctnry
Sfti moots pecond nnd fourth Thursday after
noons nt2 oclock in McConnulla hall Mich
Thai Shepherd Orada Jlns Aughhta Anton
Arrangements have been made for the
observance of Memorial day Saturday
May 10 1903 It is well for us that one
day in each year should be set apart to
renew our memories of the services per
formed by the dead heroes that wo may
glorify their deeds celebrate their vic
tory and commemorate their death For
the proper recognition of this da suit
able programs have been provided for
morning and aftornoon of the day and
it is requested that all places of busi
ness bo closed from the hour of 10 oclock
a m until 4 oclock p m that as many
as may can repair to the places desig
nated and assist in the ceremonies
Dated this 21st day of May 1903
O E Eldred Mayor
It has come to bo regarded as a proper
caper to organize these days until organ
ization is running to seed The ulti
mate effect will bo the same as though
no organization existod in some respects
at least so far as labor is concerned
Another point has been scored for the
Postal Telegraph against the Western
Union in the fight for right of way along
the Pennsylvania lines It is possible
wo may have competition in telegraph
tolls yet but it is more probable that
the two big telegraph companies after
sparing for vantage will get together and
let the public foot the bills Bee
TJighkr education got it literally
between the eyes in Lincoln the other
day when the university lads indulged
in their annual shirttail parade and
attempted to invade the Eagles carnival
tents without money and without price
A squad of policemen and a number of
deputies and specials were on hand to
welcome the invaders and the scholastics
got the hottest time recorded in modern
university annuals The faculty may
now proceed to remove the bumps and
soreness by exonerating the scholarly
The dome of the capitol at Washing
ton is being painted livery live years
its coat is renewed and 15000 gallons of
white lead are used in the process The
work is being done by eighteen men un
der the direction of Billy Lewis and
Al Ports The latter has been em
loyed for such work about the capitol
for thirty nine years Ports is the only
man who ever climbed to the top of the
statue of liberty surmounting the dome
He did this on Labor day 189i and
fastened a garland of electric light bulbs
around the neck of her majesty
Organize a New Club at Lincoln
The Lincoln club is the name of a new
railway mens organization which re
cently held its first meeting at the office
of Mr Scott local freight agent for the
Burlington There were in attendance
at the meeting a number of men inter
ested in the traffic and operating depart
ments of the Burlington The first meet
ing showed that the interests of the
traffic men and the operating depart
ment people of times clashed more or less
and that a club where an understanding
of the difficulties confronting both de
partments may be had will be of benefit
to all
The subject discussed at the first meet
ing that attracted the greatest interest
was tonnage In this the operating
department isinterested in handling long
trains as cheaply as possible while the
traffic departments are most interest
ed in prompt service and trains that
run on time The discussion of pro
blems relating to this subject brought
out many statements from the traffc
officials that the operating departments
were looking for and had prepared to
answer while the operating men showed
the traffic men the economy due to haul
ing long trains and making slower time
with their freights On this line it was
suggested that business is oftentimes
lost to the company by such moves for
economy and that weak lines get
traffic simply by offering shorter trains
that can and do make better time
The club men will hold occasional
meetings at which subjects relating to
railroad management and traffic getting
will be taken up Tne idea is to improve
the service of the road at the same time
making it possible for the operating de
partments to carry out their ideas of
of economy without hurting the busi
ness getting end
G W Rhodes assistant superintend
ent in charge of the motive power de
partment was in the chair during the
meeting Mr Rhodes has been the
champion of railway mens clubs at
which business matters relating to the
management of the road are discussed
since he came to Lincoln and his ideas
have attracted the interest of many men
employed by the Burlington Lincoln
Indigestion Causes
CatarrK of the
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
1 nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Boitlss caly Re pilar size 1 00 holding 2K time
the trttl size jhlch sells for SO cents
prepared by E O DsWITT CO Chicago UL
Fifty Years the Standard
Highsst Honors Worlds Fair
Highest tests US Govt Gh mists
Idealism in philosophy is one thing
in literature and thought it is another
thing and in daily life it is the apex of
an ascending series the base of which is
agnosticism An agnostic is a man who
bolieves nothing that he cannot abso
lutely prove a practical man 19 one who
believes anything that he can prove be
yond a reasonable doubt a hopeful man
is one who believes anything he cannot
disprove and an idealist is one -who be
lieves what ho knows is not true
The therapeutic value of idealism long
ago became so apparent that in the early
part of the last century there sprang up
in Germany a school of doctors whose
only resources in the treatment of disease
were an infinite amount of idealism and
an infinitesimal amount of medicine
They are called homeopaths
So reflects the Lonely Man in a book
filled with epigrams If one is himself
sometimes given to reflection and who
of us is not ho will find between the
covers of this book thoughts that he
himself has had truths whoso verity
cannot be questioned It is a book for
a winters evening and a grate fire A
more appropriate environment can
scarcely be imagined and books like
all else have their times and places
Do not however await the return of
winter to read what the Lonely Man has
to say lie can be read with as much
enjoyment now as on another occasion
The winters evening and the grate fire
are suggestions for lovers of the fitness
of things
First and last nearly every topic of
daily life is touched upon and in the
manner the reader thinks he himself if
he but had the skill would like to have
done it It is a delightful book for a
quiet hour almost as fresh and breezy
one thinks as Holmes Autocrat per
haps not so ambitious certainly not so
long which in these hurried days were
of itself a recommendation It may be
the years that have intervened since the
earlier book was read should militate
against the value of this opinion but let
anyone who considers the praise extrav
agant read for himself the Reflections
of a Lonely Man He will at least
have expended his time to good advan
tage The book is one that is well worth
everyones attention
Baptist Regular services Evening
topic The Power of Habit
C Richard Betts Pastor
Methodist The G A R memorial
sermon at 11 a m by the pastor Ep
worth League at 7 p m Preaching at
8 p m L H Shumate Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Charles D Richards of
Hastings who has been given a call to
this pastorate will preach in the even
ing at 8 oclock Union memorial ser
vices in Methodist church
Congregational Morning preaching
services given up for union memorial
at the Methodist church All other ser
vices at usual hours Evening theme
Does it Pay to Believe in Immortal
ity All welcome P W Dean
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Mornipg prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
The new Baptist parsonage is steadily
moving along toward completion It
will be one of the most attractive com
fortable and convenient dwellings in the
city a credit to the denomination and a
joy to pastor and family
Eat Some Air
Physical regeneration and a spiritual
uplift through systematic breathing ex
ercises A dissertation on the Radiant
Centre and how to arouse Solar
activity within All under one cover
Mailed to any address on receipt of 25
cents Address
PsrcHic Book Co
Box 45S McCook Neb
A Butchering Difference
is the difference between our way and
otherways the difference between good
meat and poor meat and our customers
gain by the difference in methods We
are careful in selecting and killing our
meatSj and in selling aim to please our
patrons Marsh Meat Market
The Cheapest Paint
It is not the paint that costs the least
per gallon that is the cheapest It is
the one that covers most surface wears
longest and is the easiest to apply That
paint is The Sherman Williams Paint
Sold by LWMcCoNNELLDruggist
I have derived great benefit from the
use of Chamberlains Pain Balm for
rheumatism and lumbago says Mrs
Anna Hagelgacs of Tuckohoe N J
My husband used it for a sprained
back and was also quickly relieved In
fact it is the best family liniment I have
ever used I would not think of being
without it I have recommended it to
many and they always speak very highly
of it and declare its merits are wonder
ful For sale by L W McConnell
Francis to Go to Chicago
John Francis general passenger ngent
for the B M is according to reports
that come from ordinarily reliable rail
road sources to be made general passen
ger agent of the Chicago Burlington
Quincy system with headquarters at
Chicago Mr Francis is in Denver and
the matter is not being discussed at the
B M headquarters but local railroad
men outside of tho Burlington offices be
lieve tho report to be true and look for
tho change to take effect within a very
short time possibly not later than July
1 Not only is this report accredited in
Omaha but Chicago railroad men also
give credence to it One Chicago official
who was in Omaha on business a few
days ago said
I cannot tell definitely but all signs
point to Mr Francis as the general pas
senger agent of the Burlington at Chi
cago That is the general supposition
in the official circles in Chicago
Tho Chicago Burlington Quincy is
without a general passenger agent at
present Since the acquisition of the
road by James J Hill P S Eustis
formerly general passenger agent has
been promoted to the office of general
traffic manager while Darius Miller
formerly second viee p resident of the
Great Northern was transferred from
St Paul to Chicago and made general
traffic manager of all the Hill lines This
vacated the general passenger agency
Since the abolition of the general ad
vertising department of the B M in
Omaha which under Mr Francis did
a vast amount of work for the Chicago
and St Louis offices railroad men have
been anticipating some other important
changes The rumor has been current
for some time that Hillism would bo
come so dominant on the B M as to
have tho effect of doing away entirely
with the general passenger agency here
and creating a division passenger agency
instead The report of Mr Francis
transfer to Chicago tends to confirm this
rumor and bear out the theory that Hill
proposes to operate his new lines as far
as possible from Chicago The recent
transfer from Lincoln to Chicago of a
large force of clerks is another evidence
of this policy which has so distinctly
characterized all of Mr Hills move
ments as to have become known as
In connection with the report that
Mr Francis is to leave Omaha comes
another report that negotiations are now
on foot for the sale of his handsome
Omaha residence
John Francis is one of the best known
and recognized as one of tho ablest rail
road passenger men of the country His
long service with the B M has
brought him to the front as an alert ag
gressive man and the remarkable strides
which have been made since his incum
bency have given warrant for the high
standard that has been placed upon his
work The position for which he is said
to be slated is of course in the nature of
a promotion Bee
Demands Not Yet Granted
The Burlington and its trainmen have
not yet got together on the wage scale
but trainmen are hopeful that all differ
ences will be settled soon The train
men will have a meeting with the offi
cials of the company in Chicago on June
6 at which time some definite action is
looked for It was thought that the set
tlement with the trainmen on the Great
Northern would effect the settlement
with the men on the Burlington and
that something like what the Great
Northern men secured would be tender
ed the employes of this read It is said
that the provisions agreed upon in rela
tion to double headers by the Great
Northern and its trainmen would meet
the approval of the Burlington men
The engine builders may solve this
double header question for us some day
said a Lincoln trainman yesterday
They are building engines now that
will pull a train so long that it is difficult
for a conductor to signal the engineer or
for the engineer to see the flags of the
caboose Then the problem will come
up under another name and the sugges
tion of a tonnage basis made by the
Great Northern employes will receive
more attention Lincoln Journal
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for all
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that Mrs C B Van
Metre of Shepherdtown W Va says
I had a severe case of bronchitis and
for a year tried everything I heard of
but got no relief One bottle of Dr
Kings New Discovery then cured me
absolutely Its infallible for croup
whooping cough grip pneumonia and
consumption Try it Its guaranteed
byL W McConnell druggist Trial
bottles free Regular sizes 50c S100
Organizing Baseball Team
Red Cloud Neb May 18 Spe
cial The required number of players
for the Red Cloud ball team has not yet
been secured but the promoters have
several good players in view and expect
to have them signed up and in practice
by the time the western Nebraska league
gets started This will be the first time
in several years that Red Cloud has had
a hired team and much enthusiasm is
I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for 12 years The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water At last I tried
Ayers Sarsaparilla and was soon
feeling all right again
Mrs J W Fiala Hadlyme Ct
No matter how long you
have been ill nor how
poorly you may be today
Ayers Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood
Dont doubt it put your
whole trust in it throw
away everything else
100 a bottle Alldnizjists
Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayers
Sarsaparilla He knows all about this grand
old family medicine Follow his advice and
wo trill he satisfied
J C ATEB CO Lowell Mass
Morning hymn
Piano duet
Clara McKonna nnd Alico Bennett
Vocal solo MrsLRKloven
Piano solo Mrs Frank Wallace
Vocal solo Mr John Selby
Piano solo Miss Maude Cordeal
Song 134 School
March Bessie Peterson
Miss Thomson and Mis3 McCarl cor
dially invito tho parents of tho children
attending tho preparatory school in tho
west ward building to spend the after
noon with them and tho little peoplo
Friday May 29 Friends other than tho
parents are likowise included in the in
vitation From 2 until 5 oclock tho
busy work books that tho children have
prepared through tho year will bo on ex
hibition and open to tho inspection of
visitors and in addition tho parents will
have opportunity to hoar the various
classes in this school recite in the regu
lar reading exorcises Inasmuch as it is
the last day of school it is hoped that
the occasion will serve as a happy end
ing to a particularly pleasant years
Long- Jim is Short
J C Rogers who has had a brief
career in our city departed for other
fields on Tuesday evening of last week
Up to the time of his departure Jim
was employed in Ackermans livery
barn after trying for brief spells other
occupations IIo drove one of Acker
mans teams ostensibly down to tho
Willow whore ho announced he purposed
attending a dance but the journey was
really extended on to Indianola where
ho spent tho night leaving for unknown
parts on tho early freight next morning
Mr Ackerman had to send to Indianola
for his team besides was out additional
money as were others here it is stated
Jim is long in body and short in char
acter with wind works abnormally de
One iron gray mare 5 years old with
black head weight about 1100 lbs Any
information regarding it will be thank
fully received and suitably rewarded
Place one and ono half miles north and
one half east of Cedar Bluffs Kansas
C S Van Pelt
That Corn
Can be removed with a bottle of Mc
Connells Lightning Corn Cure Price
10 cents
that string
All sizes
and they
of lawn mowers at
Prices from S3 up
A postoffice inspector
Beaver Valley country
vestigating the situation
establishing- some star
Scotts Emulsion
Scotts Emulsion
and blood bone and
was up the
last week in
with a view of
routes to the
main line in order to give some relief to
the people of that section who now
have poor and insufficient postal service
Shylock was the man who
wanted a pound of human
flesh There are many
Shylocks now the convales
cent the consumptive the
sickly child the pale young
woman all want human flesh
it take
It feeds the nerves strengthens
the digestive organs and they
feed the whole body
For nearly thirty years
Scotts Emulsion has been the
great giver of human flesh
We will send you a couple of
ounces free
409-4-15 Pearl Street New YorfcJ
50c and 100 all druggists
Red Cloud Wants In
At the meeting of the baseball enthusi
asts Tuesday night it was decided to send
F W Cowdeu andM S Marsh to Hast
ings in an endeavor to get Red Cloud
listed in the contemplated league for this
part of the state This league will in
clude McCook Holdrege Minden Hast
ings and Superior and it will at once be
seen that Red Cloud should not be left
off the list Red Cloud Argus
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of cholic or
cholera morbus often before medicine
could be procured of a physician sum
moned A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand The
risk is too great for anyone to take
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people and relieved
more pain and suffering than any other
medicine in use It can always be de
pended upon For sale by L W Mc-
Uonnell druggist
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
Bent free Oldest acency for securing patents
Patents taken through Mann k Co receive
tptcial notice without charge in tho
Scientific Enmim
A handsomely illustrated weekly
dilation of anr scientific journal
Terms U a
year four months JL Sold by all newsdealers
MUNNCo3G1Broadwa New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
Big Railroad Show in McCook
Free Exhibition
Plumber ant
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Soiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bchpse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the Xew York
Sun and special cable of the New
YorK World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribune and
TheWeeLly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
safe Always reliable Ladles ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other Refuse dangerous substi
tutions and imitations Buy of your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particular Testi
monial and Keller for Ladle letter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
aU Druggists
2100 SXadison Square PHIIJL PA
Mention tkli japr
Afternoon at 2 Oclock and Evening at 8
Traveling in its Own Special Train and em
ploying only artists of high order this show
gives an exhibition worth going miles to see
More funny clowns better acrobats gymnasts
and handsome lady trapeze performers than
any other show on the road
Herds of trained horses and ponies rare wi
animals etc
0 loyl rdl
L J J a
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
A enc for
Champion Binders Mowers anaRakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
100 Deposited
In the City National Bank York Xeb
and Sheldon StateBank Sheldon la
To Be Paid to Anyone
Finding any of onr testimonials not genuine
fiN eiA 1Q fca
Is sold under a positive guarantee to do
what it is advertised to do and its
proven by the testimonial- of thousands
of its user Investigate its merits Read
what it has done for others
St Paul Xeb April 9 1MW
National Medical Co York Xeb
Gentlemen This is to certify that I have
used Liquid Koal for ergot disease and be
lieve it a cure for this disease from the ex
periments I have made but believe it ought
to be used when the animal is first taken
with the disease And for a lice killer it
cant be teat by anything I know of Your
respectfully L Little-
Hartington Xeb Dec 8 1S02
National Medical Co York Neb
Dear Sirs Regarding Liquid Koal I
would not be without it as I am sure I saved
most of my hogs with it a year ago and I
have been using it with good results ever
since I would advi e all farmers to keep it
on hand and use it with their hog3 as di
rected and I am sure they will be sati fied
A M Haeeis
Meadow Grove Xeb Dec Id 1C02
XationalMedical Co York Xeb
Gentlemen I have nsed Liquid Koal for
some time and find it all the company rec
ommends it to be I would not be without
it at any price Wm JIankins
Price l per Quart 3 per Gal
Send to the National Medical Co Shel
don Iowa or York Xeb for a Si page book
on Germ Diseases of Animals and it will
be mailed you free of charge
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb