The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 22, 1903, Image 2

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    Mrs F Wrip ht of Oelwein Iowa
is another one of the million women
who have been restored to health by
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compounds
Overshadowing indeed is the success of Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
tallo Compound compared with it all other medicines for women are
Why has it tho greatest record for absolute cures of any female medicine
in tho world Why has it lived and thrived and done its glorious work
among women for a quarter of a century Simply because of its sterling
worth The reason that no other medicine has ever reached its success is be
cause there is no other medicine so successful in curing womans ills Re
member these Important facts when a druggist tries to sell you something
which he says is just as good
A Young New Yorlc Xady Tells of a Wonderful Cure
yjH Try rj fir
Deaii Mrs Pinkiiam My trouble was
with the ovaries I am tall and the doctor
said I grew too fast for my strength I
suffered dreadfully from inflammation and
doctored contirually but got no help I srJ
fered from terrible dragging sensations with
the most awful pains low down in the side and
pains in the back and the most agonizing head
aches No one knows what I endured Often
I was sick to the stomach and every little
while I would be too sick to go to work for
Circe or four days I work in a large store
Fish Eggs to Travel Far
Covered with damp moss in muslin
troughs and hermetically scaled in
tin iome 20000 Irish rainbow trout
eggs are on their way from Inniskan
non County Cork Ireland to Tokio
for the Japan Exhibition
Linotype for All Kinds of Wcrk
A double magazine linotype machine
now on the market enables the oper
ator to set complicated advertising
matter and any ordinary book pago
without rising from the keyboard
Use Red Cross Ball Bluo and keep theii
white as snow All grocers 5c a package
Sentiment is growing in favor of the
line system It is the system most
profitable to grain dealer3 Why not
for farmers too
mtiiwr r
te no hindrance to Uie
rider who wean
Man or saddle can not get wet
For all kinds of work
JjOOK for trade marK
If noi at tleaiera write
n X Sawyer ts Son dole Sfrs
and I suppose standing on my feet all
day made me worse
At the suggestion of a friend of my
mothers I began to take Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound and it is simply wonderful
I felt better after the first two or three doses it seemed as though a
weight was taken off my shoulders I continued its use until now I
can truthfully say I am entirely cured Young girls who are always
paying doctors bills without getting any help as I did ought to take
your medicine It costs so much less and it is sure to cure them
Yours trul Adelaide Pkaiil 174 St Anns Ave New York City
Women should not fail to profit by Mis3 Adelaide PrahFs
experiences just as surely as she was cured of the troubles enu
merated in her letter just so certainly will Liydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound cure others who suffer from womb trou
bles inflammation of the ovaries kidney troubles nervous exci
tability and nervous prostration remember that it is Liydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound that is curing women and dont
allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place
If there is anything in your case about which you would like
special advice write freely to Mrs Pinkham She can surely
lielp you for no person in America has such a wide experience in
treating female ills as she has had Address is Lynn Mass
her advice is free and alway helpful
FORFEIT if wo cannot forthwith produro tho oricinnl letter and signature of
above testimonial which will prove its absolute kc iiiiincness
Lydia K Piiilclium Medicine Co Lynn Mn94
Eait CioBrlise VgflSy Jj
If winter left
you -all run down
wind up with
That will set you going
live gallons for 25 cents
Charles E Hires Co
Halvsrn Pa
Srnompsoire Eye WafM
Can Read Print at Twenty Miles
A serrchlight of 100000 candle
power will render print visible at a
distance of twenty miles The
nient has been tried from the top of
Mount Washington
Much Ancient Literature Found
The researches of the last few
years have furnished us uith the lost
Constitution of Aristotle fragments
of Sappho Isocrates and Hyperides
When a baby cries in its fathers
arms he at once takes steps toward
appointing a receiver
An industrious agent can disturb
every business man in town for a sin
gle day
A good fellow is the Teilow who has
more dollars than sense
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c
cigar The highest price 5c cigar to tha
dealer and the highest quality for the
smoker Lewis Factory Peoria 111
The chronic fault finder Is arraid to
la jh lest one would think he was
enjoying himself
There are some things that should
be done in exclusion Blowing your
nose is one of them
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch not alone
because they get one third more foi
the same money but also because ot
superior quality
Never look a gift horse pistol in the
If a womans heart could be bared
with all its scars and bruises what a
sickening sight it would be
Dont you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely supe
rior to any other is put up 16 ounces
in package and sells at same price
as 12 ounce packages of other kinds
These goo goo eyes you hear su
much about men above fifty do not
as a rule care much for them
Look for this trade mark TheKlean Kool
Kitchen Kind The stoves without smoke
ashes or heat Make comfortable cooking
When a girl begins to wear her hair
pompadour it is one sign that she
looks lingeringly at the boys J
f o
Vouchers and Other Papers Prepared
to Mislead Official Inspectors Fur
niture and Cash Wrongly Asked
WASHINGTON The mil text of
the formal charges of irregularities in
the administration of postal affairs
preferred by Seymour W Tulloch for
merly cashier of the Washington city
postoffice was made public Sunday by
Mr Tuuloch The charges are em
bodied in a letter to Postmaster Gen
eral Payne in response to the latters
request Some of the matters com
plained of will be investigated imme
diately by the inspectors
Mr Tulloch says he is at the serv
ice of the postmaster general in ren
dering any further assistance that may
be desired In all instances of irreg
ularity and favoritism he says the
proper allowances records and vouch
ers were executed and kept so but
little information can be ascertained
by investigation as the real facts be
hind the allowances and vouchers are
not on record and are known to few
and therefore being interested can
not talk
For upwards of nineteen years
the letter reads the conduct of af
fairs betweeen the Washington city
postoffice and the postoffice depart
ment was regular then came the first
break the precursor of a system of
allowances to the Washington postof
fice on account of the departmental
expeditures which afterwards led to
irregularities abuses extravagances
and my removal as an obstacles on
June 30 1899
Mr Shephard then chief of the
salary and allowance division of the
postoffice department desired a file
case for the use of his office His re
quisitions were turned down by his su
perior officer Later vouchers were
presented to me for a file case accom
panied by an allowance for its pay
ment out of the funds of the Wash
ington office made by Mr Shepard and
signed by the first assistant postmas
ter general I directed the contractor
to obtain a certificate of delivery Mr
Shephard refused to acknowledge re
ceipts fearing exposure during the au
dit of the vouchers and I refused to
pay for the case until some on was
willing to father the same
Soon after the McKinley adminis
tration came into power the first as
sistant postmaster general sent his
clerk down to me with a voucher for
a lump sum for traveling expenses ac
companied by an allowance for their
payment from the funds of the Wash
ington office Such a demand was ir
regular on its face but the official be
came very angry at the idea of a mere
cashier attempting to mank any sug
gestions to him and refused to amend
and itemize his voucher The post
master explained to him that I had
only a schedule for what was required
by the auditor and according to prece
The postmaster upon his return
said the official had said Look here
now this is a new administration and
a new crowd and we intend to make
our own precedents
Snow Sweeps Over Montana
BUTTE Mont A general snow
storm is sweeping over Montana In
the eastern sections of the state the
snow is wet and unless the tempera
ture should fall will benefit crops and
range In the north however a
blizzard has been raging since 7
oclock Sunday morning and the Great
Northern is experiencing considerable
difficulty in running trains Stock is
suffering greatly and considerable loss
among the sheep is threatened
Pneumonia Brings Sudden Death to
American Opera Singer
PARIS Sybil Sanderson the well
known American opera singer died
suddenly Saturday of pneumonia re
sulting from an attack of the grip
The announcement of tho death of
the famous singer caused a profound
shock in the American colonoy here
where she was well known and
throughout musical and theatrical cir
cles She returned to Paris from Nice
six weeks ago suffering from a slight
attack of the grip Her condition was
not regarded as serious but she grad
ually grew worse and her illness final
ly developed into pneumonia
Father Hopes to Prevail on Governor
to Commute Death Sentence
RICHMOND Ind A strog move
ment is on foot to save the life ot
Wm Rhea a young man of good fam
ily of Posey county Indiana who is
under sentence of death in Nebraska
for murder
Rheas father is a man of means
and wide influence and has enlisted
the services of many prominent men
on his sons behalf who have united in
a petition to the governor of Nebras
ka asking him to commute the sen
tence to life imprisonment The pres
sure is so strong that the governor
has granted a reprieve until July The
crime for which Rhea was convicted
was the murder of a saloonist in a
small town in Dodge county Neb
To Test Anti Trust Law
intended to test the validity of the
Texas anti trust law were docketed in
the United States supreme court The
cases are those of the state of Texas
vs the National Cottonseed Oil com
pany and the Southern Cottonseed Ooil
company both New Jersey companies
The two companies- were consolidated
and the consolidation acquired other
oil factories the combination result
ing in the formation of a trust as al
leged by the state and not denied by
the companies It is stated that ons
result of the combination was the fix
ing of the price of cottonseed at 17
a ton The combination was pronounc
ed illegal by the Texas courts and the
oil companies bring the cases to the
supreme court on writ ot error alleg
ing that the Texas anti trust laws are
in contravention of both the federal
and the state constcutions
General Miles Not Invited
Root gave a dinner at the Country
club in honor of the members of the
newly organized members of the gen
eral staff of the army Those invited
included Assistant Secretary Sanger
Lieutenant General John M Schofield
retired Major General S B M
loung Major General Henry C Cor
bin and a large number of army offi
cers now in the cty General Miles
was not present
Divorce Lav Unconstitutional
SAN JOSE Cal Superior Judge
Rhodes Friday declared the new state
divorce law unconstitutional The
new law in his opinion is special leg
islation and in direct conflict with tne
general law which provides that the
divorce decree must be prepared and
judgment entered immediately
One of Ames Appointees Convicted
H Johnson superintendent of the poor
farm during the Ames administration
was found guilty by a jury of the
misappropriation of 150 of city funds
Sentence will be passed Wednesday
and the case will then be appealed
The maximum sentence is five years
in the penitentiary Johnson had re
ceived his appointment from Mayor
Ames and later went on the bond of
the former mayor
The General Lruds Refusal to Carry
Out Brutal Orders and Requests Are
Mailed Home for Action that Would
Stop Cruelty
NEW YORK The Army and Navy
Journal will print a letter from Gen
eral Miles in which he says he went
to the Philippines in an official ca
pacity and that his instructions came
from the president who directed him
to give special attention to the in
struction aisciplino and supplies of
the army
Coming to the subject of cruelties in
tho Philippines General Miles letter
It is idle to assume that campaign
ing in tne Philippines has conditions
that warrant resort to medieval
cruelty and a departure from an hon
orable method of conducting warfare
and that such depredations should be
overlooked and condoned
It is most gratifying that the seri
ous offenses have not been committed
by the soldiers unless under the direct
orders of certain officers who were re
sponsible Soldiers have withheld
tire when ordered to shoot prisoners
protested against acts of cruelty and
written to relatives at home urging
them to take action to put a stop to
these crimes It will ever be one of
the glories of the army that such
deeds committed by whatever author
ity are abhorrent to the American sol
The officers who are responsible do
not by any means constitute the Amer
ican army and there must be an un
mistakable line drawn between the
gFeat body of soldiers whose records
have been commendable and those of
whatever station whose acts have re
ceived and should receive the stern
est condemnation of all honorable
Mutilated Body of a Man Found in a
Box in River
WARSAW Ind While fishing in
the Tippecanoe river Saturday Clyde
Kyle and Frank Miller found the mu
tilated and partly naked body of a
man The trunk and legs clothed
were in a wooden box from which
part of the cover had been washed
away The head and arms naked
were found in the water near the box
The box and the body were in shal
low water near the shore at a se
cluded place along the river north of
No one thus far has been able to
identify the body which is fairly well
preserved No one has been reporated
missing from and the police
and coroner who are working on the
case are inclined to think that the
body was shipped to Warsaw from
some city and hastily placed in the
Senator Tells of Boodle Deals
ST LOUIS Mo Former State Sen
ator Charles Scnweickardt of St
Louis who made a complete confes
sion to Circuit Attorney Folk of his
connection with boodle deals in the
Fortieth general assembly was before
the grand jury While in the jury
room he was confronted by ex Senator
Fred Buscho of St Louis After be
ing examined at length Schweickardt
emerged with flushed face
To Adopt Gold Standard
WASHINGTON D C Nicaragua is
contemplating a change from the sil
ver to the gold standard It is ex
pected the change will have to be
gradual Mr Corea the Nicaraguan
minister at Washington has submit
ted to his government a report on
the financial system of the United
States with a view or its introduc
tion in Nicaragua He will soon go
to Europe to continue his studies of
financial matters
Porshing Will Return Home
MANILA Captain Pershing has
been relieved of the command of the
Lanao expedition and will be succeed
ed by Lieutenant Colonel Rogers of
the Fifteenth cavalry Captain Persh
ing who is ill has been ordered to
Zamboangaga for medical examination
and will probably be sent home
Swedens Sum for St Louis
STOCKHOLM Sweden The Risks
dag passed the bill granting 32000
for the expenses of parricipation in the
St Louis exposition
Mad Driver Vrecks Train
BERLIN Investigation of railroad
disasters which have occurred quite
frequently of late on a suburban line
has shown that an engineer concerned
was insane He has been confined in
an asylum
Ibsen 13 Again in Danger
COPENHAGEN Henrik Ibsen the
Norwegian dramatist is again serious
ly ill His friends are very anxious
regarding the outcome of his illness
Mr B J Scanncll 5309 Waro block
Omaha Nob has just rocolved an
other consignment of that Eczema
cure which so quickly cured thw well
known Hon W A Paxton of Omaha
and who was- so badly afflicted at on
time that ho was comnellcd to mnko
a trly to Carlsbad and several othor
celebrated places in Europe but re
ceived no help whatever until ho no
cured the above mentioned olntmenf
Mr Scannoll is offering it at 250 per
box and anyone who knows Mr Pax
ton is at liberty to wrlto him for in
Corinth Miss and rctufa Sold Miy
2Cth and 27th 2 1 20
Solmer Tunn ami return Sold May
26th and 27th J21 20
Paducah JCy and return Sold May
2Cth and 27th jlGfir
Bellofontalno O and return Sold
May 28th to June 1st S2010
Indianapolis Ind and return Sold
Juno 7th 8th and 3th 10 10
St Louis Mo and return Sold June
ICth and 17th IT TO
Boston Mass and return Sold Jim
30th to July 4tu 75
Saratoga X Y and return Sold July
4th and fth S2 20
Detroit Midi anl return Sold July
14th and IHth 21 fO
Baltimore Md and return Sold July
17th and 18th 12 00
For maps irlvitu full description
trips sido trips and all informa
tion call at Walmsli City Olllce 1C01
Farnam St or address
Omaha Nob
Few people get high enough up tho
ladder of fame to make them dizzy
Hallc Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75c
Loves does not want a bombastic
declamatory I love you fulfills all
tho promises of hope
Storekeepers report that tho extra
quantity together with the superior
quality of Defianco Starch makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
Anyway a has been is far better
than a never was
This Will Interest Mothers
Mothur Grays Sweot Powders for Child
ren used by Mother Gray a nursu in
Childrens Home Now York Guru Fever
ishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders
move and regulate the bowels and destroy
Worms Sold by all DrugRisLsS5c Samplo
FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Only a newly married man evr
dodges when his wife throws things
at him
Great men are ordinary men with
their shoes carefully polished
Shamrock ill Insured for 100000
Sir Thomas LIpton evidently values
the Shamrock III more highly than
either of her predecessors of the same
name The previous Shamrocks were
insured for 00000 each but the latest
challenger has been underwritten at
100000 Of ccuise these amounts are
far below the value of the yachts
No Respector of Persons
The Italian railway officials are no
respecters of persons is shown by an
Incident which occurred the other day
when the Duchess of Manchester ar
rived at Salsomaggiore Her graee
had so much baggage that the railway
officials became tired of watching th
endless stream of trunks pouring from
the baggage car Two porters from
the hotel whither the duchess was go
ing had got into the car to help in un
loading the trunks but before thy
could get out the impatient officials
started the train and they wore car
ried off to Parma with a condiderabie
portion of the duchess baggage
Struck Against an Egg Me u
The servants at Harbor Hills the
country residence on Long Island of
Mr and Mrs Clarence H Mackay havo
gone on strike against a menu consist
ing of eggs three times a day A
cording to the complaining domestis
it was omelettes egg sandwiches
boiled eggs roastPd eggs stuffed egis
or sjme other variety of the same dish
in Lent and out of Lent until finally
the chef was petitioned to change th
menu The man who presented the
memorial was discharged on the 3pot
and then all the other servants but two
went on strike
Its Easy to Shake Off the Coffee
There are many people who make
the humiliating acknowledgment that
they are dependent upon Coffee to
brace them up every little while
These have never learned the truth
about Postum Cereal Coffee which
makes lerving off coffee a simple
matter and brings health and
strength in place of coffee ills A
lady of Davenport Iowa who used
Postum Food Coffee for five years is
competent to talk upon the subject
She says
I am a school teacher and during
extra work when I thought I needed
to be braced up I used to indulge in
rich strong coffee of which I was
very fond and upon which I thought
I was dependent
I began to have serious heart pal
pitation and at times had sharp
pains around the heart and more or
less stomach trouble I read about
Postum and got some to try I drop
ped coffee took up the Postum and
it worked s i wonders for me that
many of my friends took it up
In a short time I was well again
even able to attend evening socials
And I did not miss my coffee at all
Now I can truthfully say that I have
been repaid fully for the change I
made I have no indications of heart
disease and not once in the past four
years have I had a sick headache or
bilious spell
My father 73 years old is a Pos
tum enthusiast and feels that his
good health in a large measure is due
to the G cups of good Postum which
he enjoys each day Name furnished
by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich
There is a reason