IP i r hn V FRANKLIN President Jim Damps had tried some time ia vain To ease an after dinner pain Which gnawed at him his belt below And filled his world with indigo Dyspepsia now cant bother him For Force has made him Sunny Jim force A Foe to Indigestion lErery Bummer I have had to take tonics but now I uso Force 1 am enjoying excel lent hoalth it haB built mo up I eat Force at night and it elves me a restful sloop It builds up satisfies and is picas ant to eat and a foe to indi gestion The Ecadjto Serve Cereal 4ri Vr M 5 - fi gives worii 1 to weaK digestions and supplies the energy MBS KATE w dow MHF JB CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Lucy Kennedy is on the sick list this week Mablo Woirrick is staying at Dr Nichols J W Rush of Oberlin was in town on Monday Jim Mott is much bettor and able to go to work Dr and Mrs Nichols were Oberlin visitors Saturday Quarterly meeting will be held at this place Friday May 22 Flora Avery of Traeris visiting at her sisters Mrs Jennie Nichols I A Rushton and wife were sight seers in the country Sunday Marion Powell of Marion was a Cedar Bluffs business man Monday Minnio Rebman visited at Mertio WooftersatTraerSaturday and Sunday Pearl Ross and her mother are home from Benkelman Nebraska where Miss Ross has been this Winter Childrens Day exercises will be held at the church second Sunday in June Committee has been appointed and a nice program will be had Mr and MrsJW Woofter and Mertie were down Thursday from Traer look ing at the hotel and livery at this place Mr Woofter has sold his farm at Traer and expects to locate somewhere near here 4500 to California and Back Via the Burlington Route for the Gen eral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States at Los Angeles May 21st to June 2nd Tickets on sale May 3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 limited for return to July 15 1903 Stopovers allowed at many points of interest Ask the ticket agent for particulars OF MeCOOK NEB h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 a DIRECTORS 21 V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT It W B WOLFE C H WILLARD - rw5 ps Cures When Doctors Fall Mrs Frank Chiasson Patterson La writes June 8th 1901 I had malaria fever in very bad form was under treat ment by doctors but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine the fever would return I used a sample bottle of Herbine and found it helped me Then bought two bottles which com pletely cured me I feel grateful to you for furnishing such a splendid medicine and can honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria as it will surely cure them 50c at A McMillens Give the children Rocky Mountain Tea this month makes them strong makes them eat sleep and grow Good for the whole family A spring tonic that makes sick people well 35 cents L W McConnell MARION Marion Powell of Lincoln was looking after his ranch interests near Hendley Wednesday Mr Powell is one of the Powell brothers who are the owners of ranches at Indianola Marion Hendley and Orleans Wilsonville Review Your Tongue If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Ayers Pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right Easy to take easy to operate 25c All druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or ricli black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYE Wshkeers 50 cts or Druggists or Ft P Hall A Co Nashua n H u FIRST NATIONAL Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 coo GEO H0CKNELL President B U FREES V Pres F A PEN NELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLAIT Director ii 1 1 rwin i miri ii n i mry ii war aSfejiScjfiioiSk jufikjfficjffic affir aflcjsBc SK ji SMSsjiEkjiCitiiciSzJlicJUiSKiDkr HSJPJPiPt jjycsjjcajji xfgc jgjin jjyi jijj THE a at A C EBERT Cashier f CITIZENS BANK THE BEST DAY OF ALL Itvo ItCBaonH TVJiy Sunday Altrny Appeal to tlie Children On weekday mornings father had gone to work when you came down stairs but on Sunday mornings when you awoke a trifle earlier if anything Father Silence Father5 a little louder Then a sleepy Yes We wont to get up It isnt time yet You children go to Bleep You waited Then Father Is it time yet No You children lie still Bo you and LIzbeth wideawake whispered together and then to while away the time while father slept you played Indian which required two lit tle yells from you to begin with when the Indian You arrived In your war paint and two big yells from Lizbeth to end with when the Paleface She was being scalped Then father said it was no use and mother took a hand You were quiet after that but it was yawny ly ing there with the sun so high You listened Not a sound came from fa ther and mothers room You rose cau tiously you and Lizbeth in your little bare feet You stole softly across the floor The door was a crack open so you peeked in your face even with the knob and Lizbeths just below And then at one and the same instant you both said Boo and grinned and the harder you grinned the harder father tried not to laugh which was a sign that you could scramble into bed with him you on one side and Lizbeth on the other cuddling down close while mother went to see about breakfast It was very strange but while it had been so hard to drowse in your own bed the moment you were in fathers you did not want to get up at all In deed It was father who wanted to get up first and it was you who cried that It was not time Weekdays were always best for most things but for two reasons Sunday was the best day of all One reason was Sunday dinner The other was fa ther Harpers Magazine JAPANESE REGALIA Royal Emblems Witliont tVHicIi tlie Emperor Could Not Rule The Japanese royal emblems consist of a copper mirror symbolic of knowl edge a steel sword symbolizing cour age and agate jewels representing mercy The story of their origin was told thusby a Japanese official The sun goddess became angry with the earth and withdrew into a cave plunging everything into darkness The other deities could not induce her to comeout so began to make a noise t as of great rejoicing which aroused the curiosity of the Irate goddess She finally came to the mouth of the cave to learn the cause of the uproar and was told that they had found a more beautiful goddess than herself The sun goddess came out then demand ing to see her rival and the crafty dei ties held the mirror before her which drove all her sulkiness away i The sword was taken by Susenoo the brother of the sun goddess from the tail of an eight headed serpent that had been annually devouring a beautiful girl Susenoo placed eight great tubs of wine in his way and when he was sleeping killed him and took the sword as a trophy The sword is kept in an apartment near the imperial bedchamber and called the Room of the Sword The jewels have also a room to themselves and the mirror Is in charge of a priest ess The regalia have the highest sig nificance in the eyes of the people and It Is held that no emperor can possibly rule without the three virtues which they represent He must moreover hold the actual tokens and in the im perial code it is enjoined that on the death of the sovereign his heir must take possession of them The Basin of an Apple One end of the apple bears the name of basin and contains the remnants of the blossom sometimes called the eye of the fruit This part of the apple Is deep in some varieties and shallow and open in others This is the weak est point in the whole apple as con cerns the question of the keeping qual ity of the fruit If the basin is shallow and the canal to the core firmly closed there is much less likelihood of the fruit decaying than when it is deep and the evident opening connects the center of the fruit with the surface As It Really Was Lay on Macduff cried Macbeth Macduff was motionless Whatll be the matter noo said Macbeth Dinna ye ken thats the cue I was na sure said Macduff whether ye were just recht in yer grammar I thought ye meant lie on an that I wadna stand but its all recht noo And the conflict began Toledo Bee Quick Promotion I hear your brother is an assistant bookkeeper Yes indeed And do you know he proved himself so clever that theyve passed him over the first and second assistantships and made him third as sistant right off New York World Never Still Mrs Naggem And do you love me still Naggem wearily I dont knowTve never had the chance San Francisco Bulletin No one likes to be reminded that there Is another side to the story Atchison Globe One does not have to fall asleep to dream New York News ft Jrtx Vk mm BARTLEY Judge ICoyes of Indianola was a busi ness caller in our village Saturday It is constable F M Jennings now You must be good or ho will take you in Rev Meeker was in Cambridge this week attending the ministerial conven tion Dr Mackechnio of Indianola was a Bartley caller Wednesday on special business Robert Fisher was taken suddenly sick Wednesday afternoon and a phy sician was called immediately Dr Prevost missed the train Wednes day morning nnd to keep his appoint ment good drove down from McCook Tho ninth and tenth grades of the Bartley high school went to Cambridge Wednesday to get their class pictures taken Mrs Lila Ritchie came down from McCook on 12 Wednesday for n visit with the home folks and her many friends Mrs Kite received word Wednesday morning that her mother was very low and expects to leave for her bedside im mediately Mrs H J Maxwell and daughter Ada came in from Colorado Wednesday morning and will visit with her sister Mrs Brown Messrs Guy Curlee and Will Hanson visited McCook Friday evening of last week They wore attending special Ma sonic instructions Rev Medlin of Cambridge was in Bartley Tuesday selling opera boxes for Bishop Fowlers celebrated lecture on Abraham Lincoln Mr Ira J Ritchie has been appointed street overseer and marshal We may now look for good order and better streets and sidewalks in our city County Attorney Eldred was in our midst Monday looking over the politi cal field as a probable candidate for dis trict judge His election would be satis factory to tho people here Miss Dot Gregory was a Bartley caller Saturday on her way to Wilsonville where she is engaged in the millinery business Frank Premer was her escort Dont tell anyone wo gave it away Samuel Teeters returned home from McCook Saturday morning ne had been visiting for a week with his daugh ters Mrs Bowman and Mrs Pate fo tho capital city Mr Teeters has had very poor health for several months but is much better now A gentleman from near David City Nebraska was in this vicinity last week looking for land for himself and sons He returned home Saturday He found several tracts of land that pleased him and intends returning soon with his sons to purchase homes near Bartley Tho gentleman was one of the jurors in the celebrated Lillie murder case World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers and for its tonic influence on weak and unthrifty children as it neutralizes tho acidity or sourness of the stomach improves their digestion and assimilation o f food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to tho health vigor and elasticity of spirits naturalto childhood 25 cents at A McMillens B3 BANKSVILLE Harvey Roland and B W Benjamin were attracted to McCook to see the horse race Saturday Charles Lee received a bunch of stock cattle last week from Mr Maisel of Bartley to put on the range Charlie Lee and C O Hale of W T Colemans store were looking up the cream hauling job today the 13th inst The wet weather is holding many far mers back from listing their corn but some have continued listing regardless of the mud Quick Arrest J A Gulledge of Verbena Alabama was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors After doctors and all remedies failed Bucklens Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and cured him It con quers aches and kills pain 25c at A McMillens drug store BOX ELDER Miss Velma Sutchell spent last week at Spring Creek Miss Florence Younger is the possessor of a fine new organ These fine rains are making the small grain grow and look nice A fine flock of sheep passed through here last Sunday They were brought from Lexington this state and taken four miles west of McCook gUll HI is all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality Fresh and uniform rich in flavor because always in sealed packages never in DUlk APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Notice is hereby Riven that Georfje W Billinps has filed in tho villnpe clerks office of the vil lage of Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liq uors in a building located on tho main street of said village of Danbury Nebraska for the mu nicipal year ending May 1st 1901 Dated May 13th 1903 Geoege W Billings Applicant LEBANON April 22 1903 at Santa Barbara CaH rnnn Donn ITnafinrra fnrmorlv of tuiS town and W II Slack were united in marriage W C Welborn and his three sons living three miles southeast of Lebanon have out seven hundred acres of fall whoat this year and which they roport no Innlrincr finn RpqidlVq this lafCO Lage of wheat they contemplate nnd are arranging for the planting oi duwuu three or four hundred acres of corn Should tho two crops go through suc cessfully these gontlemen will undoubt edly have enough work on hnnd at har vesting and corn gathering time to keep them away from mischief It is tho largest acreago wo know of at tho pres ent timo Those Who Live on Farms Dr Bergin Pana Illinois writes I have used Ballards Snow Liniment always recommend it to my friends as I am confident thoro is no better made It is a dandy for burns Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts burns and bruises which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow Liniment is applied It should always bo kept in tho house for cases of emer gency 2uc 50c 8100 at A McMillens The Cambridge Clarion knows a man who expects to invest from 15 to 30 thou sand dollars in Southwestern Nobraska within the next two months Send him up here Holly we can fit him out 4 Constipation is nothing more i than a ciojreinir of the bowels and nothing less than vital stag nation or death if not relieved If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system he would soon get relief Constipation invites all kind of contagion Headaches bilious ness colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved Thed fords Black Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics Be sure that you get the origi nal liieurord s Black Draught made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and 100 packages Morgan Ark May 25 1901 I cannot recommend TIteufords ltlack Draught too highly 1 keep It In my house all the time and hare used It for tho last ten years 1 never gave my children any other laxative I think I could never he able to work vt Ithout It on account or being troubled with constipation lour medicine Is all that keeps me up C B McFARLAXD F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA All Calls For Tlie 13 us Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 smsS ff r W H Ackerman fr McCook Nebraska f DONT BE i OOLEDl Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold In bulk Accept no substl incorporated ttea tute ASK your druggist 2000000 TONS of GOLD ORE and Milling Co at Thunder maiiiiiPrv already tain iuiiiiiK - rf 11 secured will convert this ore into bullion at the rate of This will 31200 Bet per month cent yearly on the pay nearly 25 per entire capitalization of the Company at par Detailed information as to tne Companys property price of shares etc can be obtained by writing to or calling at the office of the THUNDER MOUNTAIN CONSOLIDATED GOLD MiNim MILLING CO 346 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY H P SUTTON MCCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS E J MITCHELIi NEBRASKA f AUCTIONEER Phonos Oflica 17 residence 95 Free Phonographic concert Vt hour before sale opens Write or Phono for Terms and Date Dr Herbert J Pratt DENTIST Successor to I Over McConnells Dr J B FIckes Drug store Phone 160 McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1000 nnd upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 i i fc DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Aveune Residence phone 53 Office phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p p Building Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 Mccook Nebraska NOTICE OF GUARDIANS SLE sSoSgaSSfa60 Red WiUoW Connt sa1ieth0matterOf th CState of Jobn Kl in- anXorder ofonRP3 - Paance of trictrcourt ofRed11 WlCowrcountf Nhe fS made on the first day of Mar 1 fieilraska of the real estate lereinafscribedP will be sold at public vnnH V- ero bidder for cash at the Jast Tf ithe hlhest court house in the citv o Vf of the ty on the sizth dSy ofJune 8 Vh a2 conn ft at lhe hour one ocloolr P M r of Said sale wHl remain oSronX Nebra3ka Dated this 14th day of May im I FlTSH Guardian of the f To Cum a Cold in One Day sS 1 I Take Laxative BrlilO QlSmme Tablets M r on every I 1 Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months TfaiS signature W OiTJ ji bog 25c I i V f 0 t l