r V i f MOVE OF RUSSIA IT PUTS UNCLE SAM IN AN AN GY MOOD SE OGCUPATIONOF MANCHURIA Troopo Put Back Into Nev Chwang Secretary Hay is Conferring- by Wire with President Roosevelt About the Matter WASHINGTON D C The state department has received official con firmation from its agents in China of the Increase of the Russian garrison in Now Chwang Manchuria and there is reason to believe if Presi dent Roosevelt appproves that it is preparing to take vigorous steps in the matter Secretary Hay is in communication with the president in California and upon the latters decision the secre tarys course will depend It is stated that the department has liad it3 patience taxed by the course of events in Manchuria and that it now contemplates a more radical step than any which has heretofore mark ed the negotiations between the pow ers on this subject The proposed step contemplates joint action by Japan England and the United States Preceding negotiations have been hampered by the liability of this gov ernment to act jointly with other na tions without violating its traditions but it is now hinted that some plan of co operation with England and Japan may be devised which will have the effect of convincing the Russian government of the united determina tion of the three nations to insist1 upon Russias evacuation of Manchu ria while not actually committing the United States to a formal alliance This program is subject to the ap proval of the president If it is not looked upon with favor bv him the state department may fall back upon its former method of individual representation to Russia and ask an other explanation to the happenings in Manchuria In such an event the Russian an swer is already forecasted by the of ficials here According to advices to the powers the troops were to have been withdrawn from New Chwang just one month ago Friday It is un derstood that as a matter of fact a portion of tae Russian force was withdrawn from barracks in the city to tents outside It is presumed from Pekin advices that these troops have returned to the city However it is pointed out that Russia employ ed a saving clause in the promise to withdraw from Minchuria the lan guage being provided however that the action of other powers shall not stand in the way Russia it is understood now claims that this provision was a violation by Japan when she mobilized her fleet and otherwise showed signs of mili tary preparations which were con strued as a menace to Russia CLEVELAND NOT A CANDIDATE Statement to that Effect is Made by Willim J Vilas MILWAUKEE Wis A special l j the Sentinel from a staff correspond ent from Madison Wis says Grover Cleveland will not be a ca didate for president on the demo cratic ticket This is the statement of William J Vilas secretary of the interior m Clevelands cabinec ar d beyond question one of the closest political and personal friends the e president has in the country Senator Vilas has recently visited the Cleveland home in Princeton and passed several days in the cqinpany of the ex president He has also re cently corresponded with Mr Cleve land Spotted Fever on the Ships PHILADELPHIA Pa Deaaly co ebro spinal meningitis popularly known as spotted fever and one of the hardest contagious diseases to combat has broken out in the ranks of the 1200 men aboard the receiving ships Minneapolis and Puritan at League Island navy yard Already u has killed three young recruits while five more victims are hoveimg be tween life and death Buys Mexican Mine EL PASO Tex Senator W A Clark of Montana has bought from Sol Charles oPRosario mines the famous GuadaTpupe Colve group of mines in Chihuahua Mex The price was 500000 Rainmaker Goes to Utah ST LOUIS Dr R J Hyatt gov ernment weather forecaster in St Louis for six years left Tuesday to commence his duties as forecaster at Salt Lake City - Because cf the rapid falling of the Mississippi river it maybe necessary fpr the Arkansas to be relieved N of some of her fittings In order to en able her to get to New Orleans in safety 1 H iil S I H H t THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations From South Omaha and Kansas City M frfrfrfrH lllMii M 1 8 Ml ft SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There was aliberal run of cattle and in fact receipts -were con siderably ahead of expectations The beef steer market could bo quoted steady to a shade lower There was quite a little unovenness to the trade and It was very evident that packers wore not very anxious for supplies as the blr run all the wek has tilled them up In good shape As a general thing the medium and handy weight cat tle sold at about steady prices but the heavy cattle were slow The cow market showed very little change The big bulk of the offerings consisted of beef steers so the supply of cows and heifers was not excessive The better grades In particular sold freely at steady prices Bulls held just about steady and veal calves sold in yesterdays notches but they are lower than they were a week ago There wore very few stackers and feeders on sale and the demand was very limited The few cattle that did arrive In most cases had to sell a little lower HOGS There was quite a liberal run of hogs but the market held about steady At the start packers took hold quite freely and a good many traders were calling the market steady to strong The hogs though were a good deal heavier than yesterday which helped out the apeparance of the mar ket on paper to quite an extent To ward the close though the packers seemed to have their more urgent or ders filled so that the last end of the market was slow and weak The bulk of the medium weights sold fiom 6 62 to GG5 SHEEP Quotations for clipped stock Choice western lambs 600 G50 fair to good lambs 5500pG00 choice western wooled lambs G50 715 fair to good wooled lambs G00j G50 choice lightweight yearlings 550 575 fair to good yearlings 4500 525 choice wethers 500 ft 525 fair to good wethers 5425465 choice ewes 54505465 fair to good ewes 5350 425 feeder lambs 350450 feeder yearlings 5350 4 00 feeder wethers S350400 feeder ewes 325350 KANSAS CITV CATTLE Beeves steady to strong quarantine steady cows and heifers steady to weak stackers and feeders steady choice export and dressed beef steers 460fj 525 fair to good 350fi 465 stackers and feeders 5280 515 western fed steers 350475 Texas and Indian steers 250 475 Texas cows 1755365 native cows 150 440 native heifers 2S0ffi475 canners 1107260 bulls 275425 calves 2607i675 HOGS Market steady to strong top 6S0 bulk of sales G60G72iA heavy 66710G80 mixed packers 655 672 light 635fl 660 yorkers 6536G0 pigs 5S5630 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market active and strong native lambs 425 700 western lambs 400 J 690 fed ewes 373 525 native wethers 400 585 Texas clipped sheep 400jGOO stack ers and feeders 370 430 JAPANESE ARMY PERFECT Will Not Be in Background in Event cf Trouble SAN FRANCISCO Cal Mr Shi mizu the recently appointed Japan ese consul at Chicago who arrived here on the Nippon Maru on the way to his new post said regarding the Russian Manchurian trouble The statement that the arsenals are working day and night and turn ing out vast amounts of military stores may be true For the past four years the government has aimed at building up a standing army which would oe ready and capable of enter ing the lists in case of international trouble NEBRASKA GIRL IS SECOND Result of the Interstate Oratorical Contest SIOUX CITY la The interstate oratorical contest in which six states were represented was won by Harry C Culver of Cornell college Mount Vernon la the subject being A Po litical Problem The prize was 50 Miss Florence Hope of Grand Island college Nebraska was wcond Irvin B Wood of Hamline university St Paul third Others in the contest were Garland C Greeve of Central college Fayette Mo James G Get ty of Hedding college Abingdon III Warren Barber of Ripon college Wis consin These six orators were the survivors of a contest in which forty four colleges took part He May Abolish the Route WASHINGTON D C The post office department on Friday sent to Inspector Connor of the rural free de livery service at Nashville Tenn written instructions to investigate the matter of the rural carrier held up near Gallatin Tenn Postmaster General Payne said that he would probably abolish the routs Bills Were Settled for Kim KANSAS CITY Mo Lieutenant John F McCarthy Nineteginfan try was arrested In thiscuSFriflay night by the police and was taken to Fort Leavenworth by Soldiers He is at the post under arest awaiting court martial It was supposed by his fellow officers when they paid the bills of the local merchants who caused his arrest on criminal charges that McCarthys resignation would be accepted LIFE IN FAR OFF OREGON What Old Friends Had to Relato After a Long Separation As a reporter was walking doirn Alder street yesterday a man whom he did not at once recognize accost ed him and in a few words showed that he was an old friend who had been absent from the city for a num ber of years As they walked along he asked the reporter if he remem bered the time Sandy Olds shot Emil Weber The reporter replied that lie remembered the incident Well said the returned friend I happened along at Third and Alder just in time lo see the shooting and the sight got onto my nerves and rather badly rattled me You came along and remarked that I was look ing pale and suggested that we go down to the Reception and get a drink to brace me up We did so he continued and I would like to return the compliment now I had thought that incident was closed was the reply Weber was killed by Olds shot and Olds after serving a year in the penitentiary and knocking about the coast as a roust about gambler for years finally died of consumption in Albina something over a year ago How long is it since that shooting occurred Oh twelve to fifteen years Well that is a long time between drinks but the Reception has moved and I have quit drinking so we will excuse the return of the compliment Your memory of the treat however goes to show that there is something of the old saying Cast your bread upon the waters and it will some times return after many days though generally in a very soaked condition Many old residents will remember the shooting of Weber by Olds but it is doubtful if many of them have any drink coming to them in connection with the tragedy Portland Oregon ian A Toast A toast to those who come to grace This day our board And with the cheer of smiling face To share our board They are our friends and friends are sent O plan benign To be the homes best ornament Heavn spare me mine And may our larder eer contain Of meat and drink Enough to forge for friendships chain Another link Youths Turning to Crime The startling statement is made in Minneapolis that of the forty one pris oners in the Hennepin county jail not one is above twenty three years of age The condition that brings about this state of affairs is worth in quiring into A Hennepin county judge commenting upon the situa tion says that he believes the increase of crime among young men is due to their being forced out of many sources of employment by girls The one thing certain is the fact that there are more young men occupying cells in jails and penitentiaries than there were a few years ago and it behooves those persons who interest themselves in criminology to inquire into the conditions that have brought about this increase in the criminal tendencies of young men The War of Corpuscles The war between the white corpus cles of the blood and the microbes of disease was first described by the Russian pathologist Metchnikoff While devoting himself to the study of inflammations he in each case noted the presence of white cells in the blood currents in abnormal num bers Inside these white cells he in variably found the specific microbe of the disease under consideration it seemed that the big corpuscles were devouring the poisonous mi crobes faometimes the number taken up by a corpuscle was too great and it died as a result If this overcom ing of the white corpuscles by th microbes was general the patienn died Bishop Potters Position Bishop Potter was unable to attend the Clara Morris testimonial at tho Broadway theater last week and so wrote a letter saying it wasnt be cause of his lack of appreciation of Miss Morris or of the calling to which she had brought so much honor but because of pressing en gagements elsewhere Besides he wrote on I half fear that the audience might feel toward me as once did an old maid parish ioner of mine whom I visited in ill ness T like you in the pulpit she said but out of it you are simply odious New York Times A Problem for Scientists Prof Reitter recently introduced to the Society for Internal Medicine in Vienna a woman with a musical heart For the last four years she has suffered from palpitation and about eighteen months ago she notic ed for the first time a peculiar sing ing noise in her breast which was also audible to other persons nd rose and fell in strength and pitch The sound is said to be due to a mal formation of the heart valves which sets up vibration Encroachments of the Sea Careful calculations made a few years ago show that the thirty six miles of Yorkshire coast between Flamborough and Spurn Head lost an nually two yards and a quarter or thirty acres a year Over one mile in breadth has been lost since the Nor man conquest and two since the occu pation of York by the Romans Other parts of the English coast also suffer greatly from the encroachments of the ocean The Reason J Do you know what moves the tides As they swing from low to high Tls the love love love Of the moon within the sky O they follow where she guides Do the faithful hearted tides Do you know what moves the earth Out of winter into spring Tis the love love love Of the sun the mighty king O the rapture that finds birth In the kiss of sun and earth Do you know what makes sweet songs Ring for me above earths strife Tls the love love love That you bring Into my life O the glory of the songs In the heart where love belongs Ella Wheeler Wilcox in Chicago Amer ican Bottled Moonshine Nothing in the world is more like bottled moonshine than phosphoric oil A light without heat Astonish ing But it is so The light emitted by phosphoric oil is an unearthly spiritual kind of light However near we are to its luminous influence it nevertheless always appears to be at a distance As it is probable that light from this source will have a practical application in places where the common artificial light would be dangerous we shall explain the pro cess for making it For experiment jf I y J fKmHSfKfk take a thin glass vial about half fill it with olive oil then drop into it a piece of phosphorus the size of a bean Now place the bottle in boiling hot water until the oil is quite hot shake it now and then and the phos phorus will dissolve Keep the vial well corked and let it get cold Whenever you want a little moon shine take the cork out of the bottle shake the oil and there will be light Optical Illusion When the eye is steadily occupied in viewing any particular object or when it takes a fixed direction while the mind is occupied with any engrossing topic of speculation or of grief it sud denly loses sight of or becomes blind to objects seen directly This takes place whether we use one or both eyes and the object which disappears will reappear without any change in the position of the eye while other objects will vanish and appear in succession without any apparent cause If a sportsman for example is watching with intense interest the motions of one of his dogs his companion will van ish and the light of the heath or of the sky will close in upon the spot which he occupied In order to witness this illusion put a little bit of white paper on a green cloth and within three or four inches of it place a narrow strip of white paper At the distance of twelve or eighteen inches fix one eye steadily upon the little bit of white paper and in a short time a part or even the whole of the strip of paper will vanish as if it had been removed from the green clotTl It will again ap pear and again vanish the effect de pending greatly on the steadiness with which the eye is kept fixed This illu sion takes place when both eyes are open though it is easier to observe it when one of them is closed The Same thing happens when the object is luminous When a candle is thus seen by indirect vision if never wholly dis appears but it spreads itself out into a cloudy mass the center of which is blue encircled with a bright ring of yellow light Beetles as Saws Some large bettles are as good as circular saws They seize a branch or twig with their deeply toothed jaws and whirl round and round un til the twig is sawed off They have been known to saw a twig as thick as a walking stick in this manner Beautiful African Turtle One of the most beautiful turtles in the world is found in Africa and a few fine specimens were recently cap tured there and taken to Europe That they will thrive in a strange country is by no means certain Lhough a few naturalists who have spent some months in German East Africa and who have carefully studied these turtles are confident that they will quickly become acclimatized The beauty of these torpid and rather ungainly animals is in the shell which covers and protects almost the entire body Unlike that of the ordi aary turtle which is singularly lack ing in richness and variety of color this shell attracts the eye at once by the beautiful gold and brown stripes which run down it and by the little clusters of critason which are found here and there Firele3s Smoke a Chemical Feat The following experiment is easily made and because of its peculiar action and beautiful result it is well ft The Smoke in the Tubes worth performing Take two small glass tubes of equal size which are closed at one end Into one of them put a small amount of hydrochloric acid muriatic acid and pour it out again Now cover this with a piece of paper or cardboard until you are ready to use it Into the other tube put a little ammonia and pour it out as you did the hydrochloric acid Now place the two tubes together mouth to mouth with the paper be tween and you will notice no change until you pull the paper from be tween the two tubes when the two tubes will fill wun a dense smoke like vapor This is caused by the combining of the two gases left in the tubes by the ammonia and hydroch loric acids Married the Whole Family John Newberry and Patsy Barrom were married at Tullahoma Tenn the other day About 35 years ago Newberry married the widow Sallie Barrom who was then the mother of three daughters Judy Martha and Patsy Four years after the marriage with the widow she died A year later he married Judy the eldest daughter of his deceased wife In two years Judy followed her mother to the grave He then took unto himself Martha to wife who after living a number of years followed her sister and mother to the grave So the marriage last week of Newberry and Patsy absorbs the whole family of original Bar roms Greek Cross Puzzle Draw on a piece of paper or card ie board the form of a Greek cross viz an equal armed cross Then with two clean cuts divide it into pieces which rejoined form a square Mr Badger the Sagacious A badger which had made its home among the granite cliffs dealt with the fire god with sagacity and skill A friend while painting a seapiece dis covered a badgers lair and thought to play the animal a practical joke Gath ering together a bundle of grass and te 2u weeds he placed it inside the mouth of the hole and igniting it with o match waited for the ignominious flight of the astonished householder But Master Badger was a resourceful animal and not disposed to be made a butt of practical Jokers He soon came up from the depths of his hole as soon as the penetrating smoke told him that there was a fire on the prem ises and deliberately scratched earth on the burning grass with his strong claws until all danger was past ino human being could have grasped tho situation more quickly or displayed greater skill in dealing with an un familiar event Nature Urspilt Water in Glass Upside Dovn When we look at a glass of water we quite naturally expect that if wo turn it upside down it will all fall out and this is generally so but with a small place of thin paper wo may turn the glass of water upside down with out spilling a drop Fill a drinking glass as full of water as it will hold Take a piece of paper and press it tightly over the top of the glass Turn the glass upside down holding your hand a moment on the paper over the top and then remove the hand If tho experiment has been done carefully and there is no air left in The Inverted Glass of Water the glass the water will remain in the glass for some time More Conundrums Why is a garden a sociable place Because the plants have numberless s talks WJiat tree is one of the hardest to climb The slippery elm Plant a stove manufactory and what will come up O ranges oranges Why is a knock at the door like an overcoat It is an outside wrap rap Who may be said to have had the largest family in America George Washington for he wa3 the father of his country If a monkey wished to announce that he was sick how could he do it and at the same time mention tho medicine he wanted Ape ill a pill Plant a calendar and what will come up Dates Why is a perfumer like one who coins pennies He makes scent3 cents Why are crockeryware dealers un like all other shopkeepers Because it wont do for them to crack up their goods Why was Independence day 1902 like the letter Y Because it was the last Fourth of July Plant gum and what will come up What you chew sir choose sir How far is it from February to June A single spring Why is a sheet of paper like a lazy dog A sheet of paper is an ink lined plane inclined plain and an inclined plain is a slope up slow pup and a slow pup is a lazy dog PUZZLE v Jf tlalJ M MF - MMm VrL Find the Painter