The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1903, Image 5

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S I understand said Solomon JLISf I
fr S Each woman claims to be nj
U JO lU W K i5 1 Thc mother 0f ihis IittIe 0ne I
l MbJkII lS sQfn I That they have brought to me
1 But she who says that for the T 5ip i1 ITZIA
S She will Takoma biscuit feSirei
Most surely knows what children j S vSjt 1 J
Best Offer Ever Made
The McCook Tribune has succeeded
in getting the special clubbing price
from thp publishers of the Nebraska
Parmer one of the best they have ever
made and during the past two months a
good many havo taken advantage of this
offer and are well pleased with it We
havo had the time extended for this
offer believing that many more would
like to takt advantago of it before it is
For 123 wo can send you the Ne
braska Farmer and The McCook
Tribune both for one full year and
worth 200 The Nebraska Farmer is
the leading general farm and live stock
journal of the west It prints from 24
to JO pages each week is well known
and well liked having been established
since 1869 Its publishers are practical
and experienced men who are now and
have been for thirty years extensively
engaged in farming and stock raising in
Nebraska and know from experience the
needs and conditions applicable to the
west It is a journal for the farmers by
farmers No other farm paper can fill
its place or be so helpful to the farmers of
the west It is contributed to by all the
loading agricultural writers and experi
menters of the west and at our special
club price should be taken by everyone
A Persistent Cough Permanently
Cured by Chamberlains Cough
H P Burbage a student at law in
Greenville S C had been troubled for
four or five years with a continuous
cough which he says greatly alarmed
me causing me to fear that I was in the
first stage of consumption Mr Bur
bage having seen Chamberlains Cough
Remedy advertised concluded to try it
Now read what he says I soon felt a
remarkable change and after using two
bottles of the twenty five cents size was
permanently cured L W McConnell
Low Rates West
2500 to Portland Tacoma Seattle
2500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
22 50 to Spokane
2000 to SaltLakeCityButteIIelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions three
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
ot ALL in the Price
Wlien you buy Gloves there are
other things to consider the fit
the style the finish and last and
most important the wearing
qualities Besides all the above
we offer you the largest stock to
select from ranging in price from
three pair for 25c to the finest in
dress kids and silk lined mochas
Each and every pair will be repaired or replaced if they go wrong
We have extended for one
IIU LI more week positively the
last our unusual offer to clofciie a man
from head to foot for 795 with the fol
1 Sack Suit 1 pair dress or work Shoes 1 pair Suspenders j yim
1 Hat 1 dress or work Shirt 1 collar 1 silk Tie 1 pair J J
Socks 1 good linen Handkerchief The entire outfit for J
Model Slippers
The Model Shoe Store
Blind Boone is billed for this place the
21st inst
Mrs Owen was a Cambridge visitor
this week
Mrs C B Hoag went up to McCook
Weenesday evening
A H Bell has had the front part of
his restaurant painted
Miss Atcheson of McCook visited
friends here Saturday
Dan Lehn had his house just south of
town painted last week
Mrs Frank Moore and Mae were Mc
Cook visitors Saturday
E G Cains mother and sister of Kan
sas City are here on a visit
Win Mackey and wife from near
Danbury were Indianola visitors Satur
Miss Vivian Gossard of Cedar Bluffs
Kansas was visiting friends here this
Will Sheets and wifo are the proud
parents of a baby girl born Monday
Maud Allen returned to McCook Mon
day evening after a several weeks stay
at home-
Mrs Case of Cambridge was in town
this week in the interest of an insurance
Another good rain fell Saturday night
and Sunday and indications are still
good for more
W II Snfith has put up a new water
tank and proposes to have a lawn now
whether it rains or not
John Boyer has quit the Iloaer liverv
barn and has returned to Danbury He
is succeeded by Ed Miller
Mrs J E Enfield and children re
turned home Saturday evening from
their visit to Norcatur Kansas
The school board met last Monday
evening and re elected the entire force of
teachers for the ensuing year
Miss Molarky E B Duckworths late
pharmacist loft for Omaha Monday
evening after a brief stay in our city
A number of our youner people spent a
very pleasant evening at the home of
Miss Mae Hotze last Friday evening
Orson Lee came down from McCook
Tuesday morning and assisted by Ed
Smith is papering the Congregational
Miss Nettie Endsley came down from
McCook Saturday morning and spent
until Monday evening with Nettie and
Stella McCool
Mrs Snyder of Guide EockNebraska
is here visiting his father Charlie Snyder
who has been spending some time past
in our city on business
The ladies of the Methodist church
have had a larger choir platform and
pulpit built and have had the church
cleaned preparatory to putting down
their new carpet
Sidney Toogood was taken suddenly
m at tne meal market last Monday
afternoon with what the doctors term a
light paralytic stroke He is some better
at this writing
Roscoe Korns accompanied by Nellie
and Flossie Andrews and Sadie McNeil
spent last Saturday and Sunday with
Mrs Andrews and Herman in their new
home south of McCook
Dick Hatchers house about seven
miles northwest of town was struck by
lightning and pretty badly damaged dur
ing the thunder storm last Saturday
evening Several of the family were
stunned but not seriously injured
Joseph Pominville Stillwater Minn
after having spent over 2000 with the
best doctors for stomach trouble with
out relief was advised by his druggist
Alex Richard to try a box of Chamber
Jains Stomach and Liver Tablets He
did so and is a well man today If
troubled with indigestion bad taste in
the mouth lack of appetite or consti
pation give these tablets a trial and
you are certain to be mere than pleased
with the result For sale at 35c per box
by L W McConnell druggist
Strayed or Stolen
From J H Moore ranch seven miles
southwest of McCook Thursday April
23rd one bay mare large white stripe
on face heavy with foal one dark iron
gray mare 3 years old one black two-
year old mare branded TS on left stifle
Indications are that above were stolen
and I will pay 850 for information lead
ing to the conviction of guilty parties
George Plumleigh McCook Neb
Maud Last night Jack told me that
he wouldnt marry the best girl living
unless what unless she took Rocky
Mountain Tea Sensible fellow 35 cts
L W McConnell
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They are easy to take and pleasant
in effect For sale by L W McConnell
Richard May of Hayes Center was in
town Monday
S E Solomon was a McCook business
visitor Wednesday
D C Benedict attended tho recital at
Trenton Thursday night
Ma and Mrs G G Eisenhart drovo
to McCook1 Saturday afternoon
C F Larking returned from a visit to
Norcatur Kansas Saturday evening
M C Reynolds returned from Omaha
and other eastern pointa Sunday night
Judge Williams of Trenton spent sev
eral days in town later part of tho week
Mrs Frank Henderson of McCook vis
ited her father and brother at this place
G McGinley of Douglas Nebraska
was looking up land interests here Wed
Tho M E ladies held their bazaar
and supper Wednesday evening It was
a success
Frank and David Knowles visited their
sister Mrs Frank Henderson at McCook
Mr and Mrs Ray Brown are tho
proud parents of girl twins born Mou
day morning May 10
M H Yerrick and Channing Benedict
two popularTrentonites were movingon
our streets Thursday
Ed Wilson and sons Edwin and Hugh
of Stratton visited with H W Daven
port Wednesday and Thursday
Carl Crews is suffering with tho ton
silitis this week He is under tho doc
tors care and we hopo to see him around
James Mairce has been transferred
from Hartwell to Rivorton He came up
to Culbertson for a few hours visit Mon
day returning on No 2 Now wo didnt
see Jim but we understand ho was well
taken care of
Casper Ilougan has been unable to at
tend to his duties at tho store the past
week being confined at homo with ton
Spring Aliments
There is an aching and tired feeling
the liver bowels and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive tho digestion im
paired with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up The trouble is that during
winter there has been an accumulation
of waste matter in the system Ilerbiue
will remove it secure to tho secretions a
right exit and by its tonic effect fully
restore the wasted tissues and give
strength in place of weakness 50c at
A McMillens
Tribune Clubbing- List
For convenience of readers of The Tribune
we have mado arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribune at
the following very low prices w ith
Detroit Free Press 1 00 51 50
Leslios Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 100 125
Chicago Inter Ocean 100 1 10
Cincinnati Enquire 100 150
New York Tribune 100 125
Ifemorests Magazino 1 X 175
Toledolilade 1 Oo 125
Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65
Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50
New York World 1 00 1 05
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 160
St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 1 20
Farm and Home 100 120
Word and Works 1 00 1 70
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
Engine Disdains Obstacle
Denver May 8 An attempt was
mado last night to wreck the westbound
train on tho Burlington by stacking ties
on the track near Barr eighteen miles
east of Denver The large engine tossed
the ties to one side It is supposed that
the bandits had planned to ditch the
train and rob the passengers and express
I flr jQlv
A Av
Come Today and
Select from our
Line of
A man living on a farm noar bore
came in a short timo ago completely
doubled up with rheumatism I handed
him a bottle of Chamberlains Pain
Balm and told him to use it freely and
if not satisfied after usin it he need not
pay a cent for it says C P Ravder of
Pattens Mills N Y A few days later
he walked into my store as straight as a
string and handed me a dollar saying
give mo another bottle of Chamberlains
Pain Balm I want it in the house all
the time for it cured me For sale by
L W McConnell druggist
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning J
Corn 33
Wheat 55
Oats 53
Rye 32
Hogs 5 75
Eggs 12
Butter 15
if JToun
the Jlaterial for
your Summer
Dresses and Waists
Big- assortment of
White and Colored
in the newest
New Line of Parasols
Let us show them to you before the assort
merit is brokerr
For Groceries call Phone 22
j was ft
w j
ifcfc S SSiSQsblrtrtl WW
I JJII 11 M LIP 1 1
A Startling Test
To save a lifo Dr T G Merritt of
North Mehoopany Pa made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure lie
writes a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages caused by ulcer
ation of tho stomach I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom
ache and liver troubles so I prescribed
them The patient gained from tho
first and has not had an attack in 11
months Electric Bitters are posit
ively guaranteed for dyspepsia indiges
tion constipation and kidney troubles
Try them Only 50c at A McMillens
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure E W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
And Casey will soon be at tho bat
AboVe All
Food that forms the greatest fund of
vitality is the food that contains the greatest
amount of strength giving properties
The grain which makes the flour which
makes Uneeda Biscuit must possess to a high
degree the elements of nutrition
This is necessarv not onlv to reach the v
highest standard of food value but to maintain
the same degree of excellence without any devia
tion in each and every baking
For goodness that does
good Uneeda Biscuit belongs
to the family of bread and meat
Sold in the Package
identified by the famous red and
white trade mark design