- v a - - - ffo iltfook frilttnjt Rv F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A LodgeNoC12 moots first and third Thursdnys of each month McCouriHlls -hall 830 p jh E B nuiJEtt Probidout W 3 GmtEU Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No 07 moots on second and fourth Mon day cvonings of each month at eight oclock in McCounnlliiall R WDhvoe Illustrious Pro tectory J C Mitchem Secretary ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo camp No 832 moots second and fSuTth Thursday after noons nt230 oclock in McConnclls hall Muh Tiiad Siieijiurd OraclojMus Augusta Anton Rocordor GnovEii Cleveland has gone afishing is tho latest political item of interest The state central committee will meet in Lincoln Tuesday evening May 26th at 8 oclock to fix the time and place for holding the Republican state con vention One judge of supremo court and two regents of the university will be elected this year The brethren of the Nebraska daily press are just now having an inning they would just as soon some other follow en joyed The Bee has just been soaked for 82500 and the Journal is now defend ant in a suit for 20000 damages for an alleged dofamatory article published on March 1st Theke is a movement now started which will if enacted into law provide what is known as the telephone stamp the purpose of which is to give tho post master the privilege to open letters bear ing such a stamp and read them over a telephone to the parties to whom they are directed The New York correspondent of the Cleveland Plain Dealer writes There does not remain a shadow of a doubt in tho minds of eastern democrats as to Grover Clevelands attitude toward the presidency They believe that he is not willing to accept a nomination but is hoping that one may be offered him The postal officials at Washington are proceeding in the presidents absence just as if he were there giving directions in person They know that Theodore Roosevelt insists above all things on absolute fidelity and integrity in the public service and that no public serv ant under a cloud need look to him for protection unless he can clear his skirts Bee The absorption of the Frisco road by the Rock Island may not come within the scope of the decision in the Northern Securities case but it accomplishes an object similar to that the men behind the Northeen Securities merger were seeking to attain The Rock Island gets the new road by exchanging securities at top prices with guaranteed interestt paymentsana tne people pay tne laeignt Bee The action of Governor Pennypacker -of Pennsylvania in signing the new libel -bill in that state has attracted general attention of the country The measure is something distinctly new in the line of libel laws and will doubtless work a re volution among the newspapers of the old Keystone state The Tribune is dis posed to the opinion that the newspapers have been grossly misusing their liberty and that more stringent measures are demanded for the protection of officials and public men especially against their often inexcusable assaults We shall watch with interest tho result of the -new Pennsylvania law Holding the Temple amendment un constitutional Judge M A Roberts of Ottumwa has sustained rhe demurrer of the Burlington attorneys in the case of McGuire versus the Chicago Burling ton Quincy for 2000 damages Mc Guire was a member of the Burlington voluntary relief association and accepted the benefits of the association eleven months after his injury in 1901 Briefly Judge Roberts held that the effect of the amendment was to enable a party to re cover twice for the same injury ouce from the association upon his contract to which defendant was a party and once by direct action against the de fendant A Financial Statement Treasurer I H Wasson of the South west Nebraska Industrial association submits the following statement of the financial condition of the association To the president and members of the Southwest Nebraska Industrial associa tion statement of finances Dues from 72 members S7200 Paid Tribune for printing 1775 Postage - 650 2125 Balance on hand v- 4775 I H Wasson JTreasurer BrokerLsteam mains at the intersection of Main and Dodge streets Monday caused tho electric light people some trouble and expense and those depend ing upon beat from their plant some dis comfort Tuesday until the repairs could be made and steam was turned on again The break was chargeable to the heavy rains Saturday night and Sunday Indigestion Causes CaiarrH of tlie Stomach For many years It has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion t inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of thestomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the Juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of tho mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the -serves and cures bad breath sour risings a senso of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodo Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Recnlff tb 1 00 holding 2JS times tho trill ieikfch sella for 50 cents Trsparsd by E O DtWiTT 00 Chicago IIL r THE OLD RELIABLE r0Y4 UFUI 4KlH5 POWDER Absolutely Pure WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Wo are accustomed in these days to hear much said on the subjectof war and its benefits to the participating gov ernments It is even maintained that war is essential to a healthful condition of the body politic as exercise is neces sary to the physical well being of the individual man In this country our recent experience should qualify us to speak with authority The question is one of wide scope and one on which we expect to find a diversity of opinions Among tho realistic authors who have written of war there is however una nimity of views Without exception they portray human warfare even in the civil ized form in which it is now waged as the most horrible of catastrophies Tolstoi has drawn a rather hasty sketch in Sebastopol hasty in the sense of brevity for it is artistic masterful fully worthy of its great author A few years ago Stephen Crane startled the reading world witn Tne Red Badge of Cour age This is a remarkable book in many ways but crude and faulty too It is the first important work of a very young man a man who had not seen war Neither of these books seeks to influence except by description Facts are re counted and the reader is left to draw his own conclusions The most graphic account of war is Ground Arms by the Baroness von Suttner an Austrian noblewoman Her tale is absorbingly interesting because her experiences are personal She of course was not a combatant but she visited the battlefields a few hours after the guns had ceased firing Let any who advocates war read this book and then say whether an institution that entails such frightful misery is beneficient The picture is too vivid too real It dwells in the mind It haunts the im agination It flashes back to the mem ory in after years And yet there is a lurid fascination aboutit that impels one who has read the book to turn to it again and again and to read on and on until a sickening realization of the horror of it all compels him for the time being to turn from it All these books may be had at the library CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Preaching service every Sunday evening Committee Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Xioughran Pastor Methodist Regular services Sab bath school 10 a m Epworth League 7 p m Preaching at 8 p m Bishop Fowler will spend Sabbath with us L H Shumate Pastor Congregational Sunday school 10 Sermon Grace to March or Halt 11 Y P S C E the pastor leader 7 Ser mon The Power of an Endless Life 8 Wednesday prayer meeting 8 All are invited Frank W Dean Pastor Episcopal Holy communion Sunday at 8 a m Sunday school at 10 Morn ing prayer and litany at 11 Evening prayer and sermon at 8 Every commu nicant urged to be present at all services and especially at the early celebration of the sacrament E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church All services of the church at the usual hours Bible school 945 a m Morning sermon top ic Victory Through ApparentDefeat 11a m Evening topic Busy Idle ness 8 p m Excellent music A cordial welcome to all C Richard Betts Pastor Rev L H Shumate went down to Cambridge Tuesday morning to attend the sessions of the Holdrege District Ministerial Association Tuesday-Thursday Rev Grigsby formerly Methodist pas tor here later of Liberty has gone to southern California for his health which is said to be severely effected This is saddening news to his former parishion ers and friend here The New Class K4b Engine Referring again to that new experi ment in locomotive construction the Klb now outside the shops the ma chine is somewhat an oddity in appear ance being radically different from any other locomotive yet designed in several respects We understand the Q is building a similar one as an experiment The height of the locomotive from rail to top of smoke stack is 15 feet 4 inches This is not on account of any large sized drivers but owing to the fact that the rear pair of three pair altogether sets directly under the cab and firebox which is the new wide pattern projecting over the drivers In consequence the boiler head is very high and the boiler itself sets high above the frame The engine has four truck wheels under the front but almost its entire weight sets on the drivers greatly increasing its tractive power One of the peculiarities of the construction and one of the best features are the long valve rods extending back and fastened directly to the rocker bar between the middle and the first pair of drivers under the firebox This does away with the transmitting rod simpli fying the construction making the work ing of the reverse lever a great deal easier and making the mechanism easier on the valves easier to repair and less liable to breakage Havelock Times Spring laziness legs ache back aches feel tired no ambition no appetite all run down feeling Rocky Mountain Tea puts new life into your body you feel good all over 35c L W McConnell w gg63SK 5flaas mi fc ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Louis Herstrom will leave for Denver tonight J Heun of theboilerwashers resigned Wednesday Mr and Mrs Sam Pickard are still visiting in Havelock Engine 3313 is in tho roundhouse for repairs to her firebox Engines 103 and 221 are in the shop for an overhauling No 265 will bo out of the shop next week Engineer L F Neilson has Engineer J E Sanborns run from Hastings to Red Cloud for a month Foreman Burton of Oxford Foreman Paver of Akron and Foreman Hutchin son of Red Cloud were up to attend the railroad meeting last night Se Kapke the South Main avenue tailor if you want a suit or pair of pants Orders taken and goods guar anteed Prices very reasonable Waycar No 33 is in the carpenter shop for an overhauling No 135 a Denver waycar will be out of the shop nexbweek if her cupalo puts in an ap pearance in time It is said that the Burlington will soon do away with tho car initialsB M C B Q H St J and the word Burlington will then be used The numbers will be changed to make them uniform for all system cars This will be done to make easier the work of the car accountants Mrs Lambert Rodstrom came down from McCook last Sunday to visit with relatives for a few days She will leave the first of next week for Lincoln where her husband who is a passenger fireman has been transferred from McCook and they will hereafter make their home at Lincoln Holdrege Progress 8th The Northwestern has a new model switch engine at work in the yards at Fremont It is smaller than the ordi nary locomotive has a low small boiler and an under sized cab There are no small front wheels and the engine rests only on the four drive wheels It is smaller in every way than the locomo tives hitherto used on this division A gang of ten linemen are at work in the vicinity of Holdrege reparing the telegraph lines on the main line and the Cheyenne and Edgar branches of the Burlington During the sleet storm last week it is reported there were over 400 breaks in the wires between here and Minden a distance of twenty three miles The corps of linemen now at work here expect to have the lines clear ed up by Saturday night There will remain however a large number of shattered telegraph poles to replace Progress 8th Lost Hair My hair came out hv the iui ana ine gray nairs began to creep in I tried Ayers Hair Vigor and it stopped the hair from com ing out and restored the color Mrs M D Gray No Salem Mass Theres a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayers Hair Vigor It gives to all who use it such satisfaction The hair becomes thicker longer softer and more glossy And you feel so secure in usin such an old and reliable prepara tion 109 a bottle All druggists If your druggist cannot supply vou send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle Be sure and give the name of your nearest express ofhee Address o vy jiijchuu iowen Mass SabsidlDa to Support Art The government of Bavaria haa voted a considerable sum for the main tenance of art institutions throughout the kingdom during the coming year The allowances for the purchase of paintings and their preservation is particularly liberal The various art institutes in Munich receive handsome subsidies and the Germanic museum In Nuremberg gets an increased allow ance Various other institutions have been voted large amounts for repairs and maintenance These art allow ances in all reach 3108163 marks 739741 Emil Hensel in Chicago Record Dynamos Driven from Car Axle The Great Western Railway of Eng land is lighting its corridor trains by electricity obtained from dynamos driven from the car axle Storage bat teries are carried for use when the vunnlng speed is slow and for stops 1 AMERICAS I 1 BE8T Editorially Fearless Consistently Republican News from all of the world well written original stories answers to queries articles on health the home new books and on work about the farm and garden The Weekly Inter Ocean Is a member of the Associated Press the only western newspa per receiving the entire telegraph ic news service of the New York Sun and special cable of the New YorK World daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents throughout the county ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Subscribe for The Tribune and TheWeeiJy Inter Ocean one year both papers for 140 McCook Public Schools - - Report to Board of Education for the month ending May 1st 1903 of all grades of tho McCook schools by G H Thomas superintendent Number of boys enrolled 367 Number of girls enrolled 401 70S Transferred 4 Withdrawn butnot re entered 73 77 Present membership 691 Average daily attendancebpys 308 Averago daily attendancegirls 328 636 Averago number belonging 703 Per centof attendance on number belonging 90 Per ct of attendance on enrollment 83 Not absent during month 233 Half days absent 2544 Cases of tardiness 70 Number of persons tardy 59 Visitsby board 0 Visits by superintendent 48 Visits by others 39 Half days teachers were absent 0 The high school cadets would make a fine appearance as an addition to tho usual Decoration day parade Mrs Ida E White of the first east grade is in Omaha called there by the illness of her daughter Her grade is in charge of Mrs R M Douglass Word came last Friday night of tho serious illness of Miss Gorbys moth er and she left on No 14 same night for Nelson The sickness resulted fatal ly on Saturday afternoon Funeral oc curred on Monday Deep sympathy is felt among tho pupils for Miss Gorby MUSIC PROGRAM Morning hymn School Piano solo Mrs Bush Vocal solo Mr Kimmell Mr McGillin 7 1 Violin and piano duet Mg Millg Song No 134 Choir March I have derived great benefit from the use of Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago says Mrs Anna Hagelgans of Tuckohoe N J My husband used it for a sprained back and was also quickly relieved In fact it is the best family liniment I have ever used I would not think of being without it I have recommended it to many and they always speak very highly of it and declare its merits are wonder ful For sale by L W McConnell BEAUTY TmMPHS TIs a Priceless Treasure Beauty is womans greatest charm The world adores beautiful women A pretty woman dreads maternity for fear of losing this power What can be done to perpetu ate the race and keep women beautiful There is a balm used by cultured and un cultured women in the crisis Husbands should investigate this remedy in order to reassure their -wives as to the ease with -which children can be born and beauty of form and figure retained Motliers Frieze is the name by which this preparation is known It diminishes the pain allied to motherhood Used throughout pregnancy it relieves morning sickness cures sore breasts makes elastic all tendons called upon to hold the expanding burden Muscles soften and relax under its influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue in the comfort thus bestowed Mothers Friend is a liniment for ex ternal application It is gently rubbed over the parts so severely taxed and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles Druggists sell it for 1 per bottle You may have our book flotherhood free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA New Postal Curreney Committees of congress have consider ed with favor a bill authorizing a postal currency for which its advocates claim a wonderful combination of flexibility and versatility The bill proposes to print all govern ment paper money of denominations of five dollars and under except national bank notes in the form of post check notes Lines are to be printed on the face of the notes in addition to special devices When these lines are left blank the notes circulate from hand to hand like the present currency When they are to be remitted by mail the lines are filled in with the name of the payee and a 2 cent postage stamp is attached tn the corner cancelled The note in this con dition is payable only to the person named It no longer circulates as cur rency but is redeemable at any money order postoffice or national bank and is thence forwarded to be treated as muti lated currency sent to the nearest sub treasury for reissue free postage and registry being stipulated for this process Although no absolute deduction can be made in advance of the success of such an experiment there would seem to be merit in tho claim that this plan is well worth trying It is the simplest most promising yet proposed for meeting an urgent demand If the people find no use for the bills as checks they will continue to circu late as money until worn out as at pres ent and no one will be injured If they are used as checks the revenue from postage stamps attached will abundantly repay all expenses incurred and a great public convenience will be assured Colliers Weekly In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of cholic or cholera morbus often before medicine could be procured of a physician sum moned A reliable remedy for these diseases should be kept at hand The risk is too great for anyone to take Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other Tnprlimnn in iicp Tt ran nltrnvs rift I pended upon For sale by L W Mc Connell druggist For Groceries- 1 Banker H J Bradley R A Drummoml J C Floerke Herman Frost Mrs B T Grundy J J Hunt P S Melville C J Robinson Francis Weston Clarence BONE uase J iu Dennis C Foster S L Gallaway Emma Qilday Xeoami Hall G E Rogers A Thomafc Guss When calling for these letters please say they were advertised P M Kimmeli Postmaster Made Young Again One of Dr Kings New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my teens again writes D 11 Turner of Dempseytown Pa They are the best in the world for liver stomach and bowels Purely vegetable never gripe Only 25c at A McMillens drug store FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding Call the disease rickets if you want to The growing child must eat the rio ht food for growth Bones must have bone food blood mut have blood food and so on through the list Scotts Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children Little doses everyday give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have Bow legs become straighter loose joints grow stronger and firmness comes to the soft heads Wrong food caused the trouble Right food will cure it In thousands of cases Scotts Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and 2 1 00 all druggists 60c Silk Striped Grenadines Now 45c v - This is your chance to take advantage of the extremely low price we are offering on these j beautiful Summer Dress Goods and Waistings But a lew pattern left dont wait Fancy Striped Neck Ribbons Now 15c We are giving you the advantage of this extra- ordinary purchase of these beautiful Neck and Sash Ribbons which we have just received from New York Ladies Handsome l Patent Leather Slippers A new and beautiful assortment just arrived and you cant help but be pleased with their beauty style and price Call and see them A few of those 50c Neckties- left and they are yours for only 35c v X Fresh Groceries Dont forget Honest John His phone is No 16 He will please you in Groceries Dry Goods Notions Carpets Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods - JJLGrannis Phone 16 A Sure Thing It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes but that is not alto gether true Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung and throat troubles Thousands can testify to that Mrs C B Van Metre of Shepherdtown W Va says I had a severe caso of bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but got no relief One bottle of Dr Kintrs New Discovery then cured me absolutely Its infallible for croup whooping cough grip pneumonia and consumption Try it Its guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Regular sizes 50c 8100 Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice May 11 1903 American Copying t o iiarues A Jilum Katie McCOOK NEBRASKA GEO J BURGESS GEN EEAL DEALER 1T Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies Agent for Champion Binders Mowers andjRakes Cash paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produce McCOOK - - NEBRASKA 100 Deposited In the City National Bank York Neb and SheldonlStatelBank Sheldon la To Be Paid to Anyone Finding any of our testimonials not genuiEe i do 1 o OJls f WyrJmrfiJ f 1 W 4t Is sold under a positive guarantee to do what it is advertised to do and its success is proven by the testimonials of thousands of its users Investigate its merits Read what it has done for others St Paul Neb April 9 1503 National Medical Co York Neb Gentlemen -This is to certify that I have used Liquid Koal for ergot disease and be lieve it a cure for this disease from the ex periments I have made but believe it ought to bo used when tho animal is first taken with the disease And for a lice killer it cant be beat by anything I know of Your respectfully l Little Hartington Neb Dec 8 1802 National Medical Co York Neb Dear Sirs Regarding LianiH Ki t would not be without it as I am sure I saved most of my hogs with it a year ago and I have been using it with good results ever since I would advise all farmers to keep it on hand and use it with their hogs as di rected and I am sure they will be satisfied A M Haeeis MeadowGrove Neb Dec 13 lXo NationallMedical Co York Neb Gentlemen -I have used Liquid Koal for some time and find it all the company rec ommends it to be I would not be without it at any price Vm Hankin9 Price 1 per Quart 3 per Gal Send to tho National Medical Co qi don Iowa or York Neb for ffi nI el For Sale by James Cain Op-to-Date Hour and fte4 store Phone Ho 20 HcCooiTrfel J A- h I A r j if 4 f ft To