i a fl m i r T nrgMrfcMfriiaoa McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA THE NEWS IN BRIEF Colo Younger and Frank James are In Chicago arranging for a tour o tlielr wild west show Two hundred persons wero made homeless by a fire which broke out In the Jewish quarter of Cleveland O J P Morgan says he will willingly give 500 to any one who smashes a camera containing a snapshot of him The British admiralty has ordered the second class cruiser Retribution to proceed at once to Trinidad to pro tect British officials there The cardinals of the congregation of the propaganada have been inform ed that a meeting of the congregation will be held May 4 to choose a bishop of Buffalo Colonel George Anderson at one time In charge of the Yellowstone Park reservation has been appointed the new commandant at Jefferson Barracks St Louis Bertha Stus an American student at the musical conservator at Leip sic who arrived a fortnight ago was stricken with apoplexy while in a swimming bath and drowned At La Crosse Wis C P Thompson was probably fatally Injured by the explosion of a soda water bottle Pieces of the glass cut his throat from ear to ear severing the arteries When General Ludington retired from the quartermasters department several days ago he received from the officers who served under him a beautiful gold and silver loving cup Major John L Bittinger who has just retired as United States consul general to Montreal arrived home at St Joseph Mo and was met at the train by a delegation of prdminent cit- zens The appellate court at Paris con firmed the sentence passed on Baron Henry de Rothschild of 10 francs fine and one day in prison for driving an autonfobile at excessive speed on the boulevards It is officially announced that the Chinese government has sent to the Russian government at St Petersburg a formal refusal to grant the latters demands in regard to the evacuation of Manchuria The St Louis Iron Mountain Southern railway was licensed by the secretary of state of Illinois to incor porate in Illinois witlTa capital stock of 69500000 The capital stock in Illinois is to be 3647G00 The king of Denmark who celebrat ted his S5th birthday a few days ago comes of a singularly long lived fam ily He was one of ten children of whom three still live The average age of the ten is 71 years Wolf Von Schierbrand formerly a newspaper man of Chicago but now Tesiding in New York is the only American press correspbndent who ever interviewed Bismarck and he ac complished the feat four times Chief Justice Fuller of the United v States supreme court has announced that the court will adjourn for the term on Monday June 1 He also stated that the call of the docket would be suspended on Friday May 1 Minister Leischman at Peers cables that the prohibition of American pork into Turkey which has been in effect for five yearsj has been removed and er steJJ LARGE AIRSHIP UNDER CONSTRUCTION as it struck the water and its occu pants were thrown into the sea All were drowned save the second officer Hamilton hovered around the wreck for more than an hour but no sign of life could be seen among the mass of floating freight Two bodies one of a man and the other of a woman clad only in night clothes were ob served drifting between bales of cot ton and cases of goods Railroad Wins Land Suit WASHINGTON D C The su preme court of the United States de cided the case of the Oregon Cali fornia Railroad company against the United States in a case involving cer tain lands in Oregon which were claimed by the railroad company un- i - Orders have been issued permitting l der patents issued in 1S71 under the entry after the customary inspection Oregon donation act The decision mi xt i liiu iuiuuiu uietiuug ui uie oriumr can Can company was held in Jersey City President Assmann reported that the profits for the year ending March 31 1903 had been 777711 Preparations have been made to close five can factories and one or two ma chine shops Tom Sharkey won his wrestling match with F C Quinn at the Hart ford Conn Coliseum Quinn won the Graeco Roman bout in 1835 and Sharkey won the catch-as-catch-can in 4 Sharkey selected catch-as-catch-can for the last bout and threw Quinn with a half Nelson in 730 The refunding operations of the treasury department have passed the 50000000 point the total amount of 3 and 4 per cent bonds so far ex changed for 2 per cent consols being 550037650 The rapidity with which the old bonds have been turned in since the secretarys offer one month ago is a surprise even to the officials who now express the belief that the whole amount which the secretary of fered to take 100000000 will be re funded within the next few weeks Milton M Fisher whose death in the town of Medway Mass at the great age of 92 Is chronicled clarmed and probably with truth to be the old est living man who had identified him self with the Garrison movement for the abolition of slavery The Pennsylvania state capitol building commission has already re ceived 400000 and expects to expend this year 1250000 additional in the erection of the new capitol at Harris burg The lrnl appropriation Is 4 000000 was favorable to the company The contention in behalf of the United States was that the patent had been issued by mistake as the land in dis pute had been located as oarly as 1853 but the court held that as the land had not been reclaimed as re quired by law the settlement of 1853 was not valid Coup Abandoned or Postponed WASHINGTON D C The Chinese minister called upon Secretary Hay and discussed the Manchurian situa tion There is good reason to be lieve that negotiations have taken a more favorable turn and that the Rus sian coup which was expected has been indefinitely postponed Mad Mullah Is Repulsed ADEN Arabia It is rumored that the Mad Mullah has recently attacked a British column at Galadi Somali land and was repulsed with heavy loss The British also suffered con siderably Roosevelt Wires Dewey WASHINGTON D C President Roosevelt recognized the anniversary of the victory of Manila bay May 1 1S98 by sending the following tele gram to the hero of that occasion TOPEKA Kas To George Dewey Admiral United States Navy Wash ington On this anniversary of your great services to the nation I wish you all possible happiness and long life THEODORE ROOSEVELT TSH5JJ3rr E r Jiid TrirtJirHTiiiili i nn im hi i nrff iHTiii mi inn in Hint- - r f -in n i ii 1 fwrtfli iiiVfrn -- n - The largest airship ever devised is now building in San Francisco and even In its present half finished con dition it spreads itself out over about a block of territory It Is made of aluminum and will be TWENTY GO DOWN PASSENGERS LOSE THEIR LIVES IN A COLLISION THE DISASTER CAUSED BY FOG The Steamships Saginaw and Ham ilton Come Together on the Virginia Coast Panic Stricken People Rush Over the Decks NORFOLK Va A collision that cost the lives of twenty or more and the sinking of the Clyde steamship Saginaw by the Old Dominion Steam ship companys liner Hamilton oc curred between Winter Quarter light ship and Fenwick Island lightship on the Virginia coast at 440 Wednesday morning A dense fog settled along the coast shortly after nightfall whiich made it impossible for the sailors to see each others vessels though the warning whistles were heard by both Run ning at reduced speed Hamilton smashed in Saginaws side about twenty feet from the stern According to Captain Boaz of Ham ilton his ship was making about nine miles an hour and Saginaw about ten The fog was so thick that objects a ships length away were invisible and when the two boats hove in sight of each other bow on there was but a moments interim before they met Saginaw veered as did Hamilton but they had not time to clear till the steel prow of the Old Dominion ves sel cut away the entire rear part of the Clyde ship Saginaw settled rapidly and by the time Hamilton reversed steam and hove in sight again Its stern was un der water Panic stricken people rushed over the decks and scrambled toward the bow Life boats were lowered and into the first fifteen colored women were placed The boat was swamped bigger than the ordinary Mississippi river steamboat More than 100000 has already been spent on the machine and it will cost more than 200000 Charles Stanley is the inventor AGAIN MAYOR OF OMAHA Frank Moores Succeeds Himself to the Mayoralty OMAHA At the election Tuesday Frank E Moores was- elected mayor for the third time by a plurality of about 1000 With the mayor the republicans elect the treasurer clerk and seven of the nine members of the city council The totals for mayor are Moores republican 0043 Howell democrat 4544 Moore socialist 1429 and Ben son independent 5100 Under the verdict of the voters Mayor Moores will succeed himself and on May 26 will begin his third term as mayor of Omaha MRS BURDICK GETS 25000 Portion of PennelPs Insurance Goes to Her BUFFALO N Y By an order hand ed down by Justice Kruse in the su preme court Monday Attorney Wal lace Thayer will get 10000 insurance left by Arthur R Pennell A decision or xne court some time ago gave Thayer 15000 insurance from an other company The 25000 it is un derstood goes to Mrs Burdick Mr Thayer sued for the money as trustee of a secret charge left by Pen nell Opposition to the suit instituted by J Fredrick Pennell as adminis trator for his brothers estate was dropped after the document left in Thayers hands had been examined MONEY MARKET STRINGENT Wabash Abandons Construction in West Virginia PARKERSBURG W Va The Wa bash has abandoned work on its Lit tle Kanawha extension one of the most important links in the trunk lines This was determined on at a meeting in New York A statement was received here from President Blair who says Owing to the stringency of the money market it has been decided to go no further with the Little Kanawha extension from Burnsville W Va ami The line westward to Zanesville O a road which will cost 6000000 This action was taken by Mr Gould Mr Ramsey and myself Our property along this line will not be sold now but at present there is no chance for the completion of the Wabash trunk line in this state Held Up the Contractors NEW YORK Henry C Wilson for merly chief clerk in the financial de partment of the United States army was put on trial Tuesday on a charge of attempted extortion It is alleged that he collected 4500 from a firm of contractors for the use of government boats to fill in Rikers island though the government had granted their use Buy Timber Pulp Lands ST JOSEPH N B A syndicate of American and Canadian capitalists headed by Henry Melville Whitney of Boston has purchased 2000000 acres of timber pulp lands in New foundland and intends to undertake development on a large scale The syndicate paid over 1000000 for its proprieties Denies Funstons Request WASHINGTON D C The judge advocate general by direction of Sec retary Root sent a letter to General Funston denying the latters request for a court of inquiry in connection with the charges that General Funston had been guilty of cruelty to Filipinos Find Clews but Not Men HONG KONG The United States gunboat Callao which was dispatched to the nearest point up the river from Canton to aid the engineers recently attacked by a mob reports having found the broken instruments and the books belonging to the engineers and the empty drifting house boat Thousands of Cattle Die SHARON SPRINGS Kan Snow in the valleys yet tells of the severity of the past weeks storm in western Kansas Farmers are coming in with reports of serious cattle losses It is probable that more cattle have been killed than in all other storms of the winter combined In Wallace county the losses will amount to 500 head while other counties have equal losses owing to the stock drifting against barb wire fences IZ733T rytssprzsx r o - iZm2iM J HKKWH HvJIHHJXI General Nebraska Mews BILLS LOST IN THE SHUFFLE No New Laws Against Ticket Brokers and Confederates LINCOLN Neb One railroad bill though passed by both branches of the legislature and not yet vetoed by the governor seems destined to re main off the statute books This is H R 28 aimed at the ticket brokers It was introduced by Ribble of Saline along with two other companion bills The two bills found their way all right to the governors office and were signed but this particular one was lost presumably somewhere between the office of the clerk and the house enrolling room Its whereabouts has remained a mystery and apparently will continue to do so The bill was entitled an act to pre vent frauds in railroad tickets by im posing a penitentiary sentence on per sons altering a ticket or restoring its appearance or nominal value or upon whoever trades traffics or deals or uses such ticket which would have been taken up or cancelled The other two bills are to prevent forging or making dies or plates of tickets TO SAVE LIFE OF RHEA Efforts Made to Have Sentence Com muted LINCOLN Neb Another attempt is being made to save the life of Wil liam Rhea sentenced to be hanged July 10 William V Menzies a promi nent attorney from Southern Indiana was in the city for the purpose of starting a movement to that end He states that the parents of Rhea who is little more thana boy are respectable citizens of an Indiana town and are heart broken over the fate which threatens their son The real name of the young man is not Rhea but that has been carefully concealed The boy has been away from home for many years and detectives had been employed to find him but had been un successful until he was located a short time ago in the with the death sentence hanging over him LABOR BUREAU AFTER FACTS Gathers Information on Industrial Conditions in the State LINCOLN The labor bureau ex pects to get decidedly busy within a few days Schedules have been pre pared and will soon be sent out to the various manufacturers throughout Ihe state asking for information as to he details of their business in order that they may be incorporated in the next biennial report The following circu lar letter is being prepared Please find enclosed a schedule which I hope will receive your careful consideration Nebraskas industrial activity is a source of pride to all braskans We are growing It is our aim and intention to aid and stimulate this growth by showing to the world our industrial advancement and our resources which produce the advance ment We desire to bring within ihe confines of this state men and capital and we can only do so by laying be fore them the inducements which ex ist With this end in view I sincerely request your kind co operation by fill ing out the enclosed schedule and re turning same to this office as soon as possible Ashland Exports Flour ASHLAND James H Snell pro prietor of the Jewel roller mills of this city has recently shipped the fourth car of wheat flour since the be ginning of the present year to Great Britain The last car for export trade was billed to Glascow Scotland Within the last year Mr Snells mill has sold seventeen cars of flour for shipment to points outside the United States One Way of Blowing Money FALLS CITY Neb Mrs J N Hrbst drew 200 from the bank here in 10 bills and started down the street In some manner her pocket Dook came open and the high wind blew the bills in all directions before she was aware of it She recovered only 70 of the money Bullet Enters His Stomach KIMBALL Young Hickenkemper a boy working at the Bennett live stock ranch was accidentally shot with a revolver The bullet shattered his watch and entered the stomach The doctor has little hope lor his re covery Loses Foot Under Disc BENEDICT While George Barker who lives eight miles northwest of this place was discing a field some thing got in front of the disc He tried to kick it out with his foot The disc caught his foot and rolled him underneath inflicting numerous and serious injuries The toes were cut off his left foot and his right ankle was crushed A deep and painful gash was cut in his right thch THE STATE IN BRIEF Fremont this year will get along with thirteen saloons Several business houses In Scotts Bluff were destroyed by fire Mr Ed Church of Lincoln has been appointed state oil Inspector The Union Pacific depot at Albion was entirely destroyed by fire A soldiers monument is to be erect ed at York by patriotic citizens The bridge over the Blue river re cently destroyed by flood is to be re built In and around Arapahoe much dam age was done to lruit uy tne iaie freeze Polk countys jail is empty the last man occupying it a wife beater hav ing been discharged John Whitney lost a valuable horse and a barn valued at 500 in the prai rie fire which swept over the south west part of Loup county By order of the adjutant general the resignation of Harvey W Major sec ond lieutenant of the Thurston Rifles of Omaha has been accepted At Fairbury Bert Clemmer a day laborer became overheated while fighting fire and died of heart failure He leaves a wife and six children The Nebraska Telephone company will run a line from Lincoln to Ray mond to be used locally by subscrib ers giving them free service to Lin coln James W McFadden living eight miles northwest of WoodRiver was severely injured by being kicked by a horse which he was attempting to harness Rev Knox Blonde pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Osceola has been elected ministerial delegate to the general assembly at Los An geles A serious scandle involving the phy sician of the state asylum for the in sane at Hastings Dr Carlyle became public and resulted in his retirement from the service of the state George Hansen of Elba was brought to St Paul under a charge of cruelty to his four-old-son It is alleged that he is in the habit of inflicting in human punishment upon the child A stock company of the Modern Woodmen has been formed at Ray mond with a limit of 3000 stock One half of the stock has already been sold at 5 a share The asso ciation will build a hall 30x70 feet While George Barker who lives eight miles northwest of Benedict was discing a field something got in front of the disc He tried to kick it out with his foot This disc caught his foot and rolled him underneath inflicting numerous and serious in juries James L Paxton W A Paxton and W Farnam Smith of Omaha have filed articles of incorporation of the Cres cent Farm company The new com pany is capitalized at 50000 and its business will be the buying and sell ing of farm lands Henry Mason a painter and paper- hanger of Bradshaw was taken sud denly sick and unconscious while seat ed on a bench in front of Browitt Bros store He was taken to the home of his mother where he died in a short time without ever gaining consciousness Through the passage of H R No 430 by the legislature Lincoln is like ly to have three justices of the peace instead of two as at present The bill was put through simply to make the election law correspond with the rev enue law by providing for the election of a county assessor every four years Mrs Anna Searle has filed a claim against Plattsmouth for 1000 dam ages for personal injuries alleged to have been sustained by reason of a certain defective street and sidewalk Under the provisions of a new law re cently passed Mrs Searle will be en titled to no damages as she failed to file her claim within thirty days after the accident occurred A horse belonging to T H Brima comhe who lives near Ames was stolen by his hired man J E Dever eau who brought it to Fremont and sold it for 25 Hansen Bros were the purchasers On Sunday Mr Brim acombe came to Fremont and asked the sheriff to help him- find the ani mal It was soon located and has been returned to the oner Efforts are being made to locate Devereaux who has disappeared Otis Reason employed by the Te cumseh Milling company came near suffering a very bad accident He was at work about the mill machinery and his jacket sleeve got caught in the gearing His arm was pulled into the machine but he managed to pull it out and save it From his elbow to his hand the flesh of the arm was badly lacerated The proposed Omaha horse show in Omaha is likely not to be held be cause work on the auditorium has been delayed DYSPEPSIA OF WOMEN Mrs E oraasnaw 01 Guthrie Okla cured of a severe case by Lydia E Pinkbams Vegetable Compound A great many women suffer with a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which does ncA seem to yield to ordinary medical treatment While the symp toms seem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion yet the medi cines universally prescribed do not seem to restore the patients normal condition Mrs Pinkham claims that there is a kind of dyspepsia that is caused by derangement of the female organ ism and which while it causes dis turbance similar to ordinary indiges tion cannot be relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic but has peculiar uterine tonic effects as well Thousands of testimonial let ters prove beyond question that nothing -will relieve this distressing- condition so surely as iLydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound It always works in har mony with the female system Mrs Pinkham advises sick women free Address Lynn Mass A bard in this land is worth two In the Bush To Cure n Cold in Ono day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggistsrefund money if it fails to cure 25c Great men are ordinary men with their shoes carefuly polished WESTERN CANADA GRAIN CROWING MIXED FARMINC The Reason Why more -wheat grown In Western Canada In u lew short months thnn elsewhere Is because egctatlon prows in pro portion to the sunlight The moro northerly latitude In which praln will come to perfection the better itis Therefore 62Ihs per bushel Is as fair a standard as COIbs In the East Area under crop in Western Canada 1902 1387330 Acres Yield 1902 117922754 Bus HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE the only charge for which Is 10 for making entry Abundance of water nnd fuel building material cheap good gratis for pasture and hay a fertile foil a sufficient rainfall and a climate giving an assured and adequate season of growth Send to the following for an Atlas and other literature and also for certificate giving you re duced freight and passenger rates etc etc Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada or to WVBennett 801 New York Life Bldg Omaha Ueb the authorized Canadian Government Agent LITTLE JOURNEYS - to lake resorts and mountain homes will be more popular this summer than ever Many have already arranged their summer tours via the Chicago Hiiftaukee Sf Paul Railway and many more are going to do likewise Booklets that will help you to plan your vacation trip have just been published and will be sent on receipt of postage as follows Colorado California six cents In Lakeland and Summer Homes six cents Laes Okoboji and Spirit Lake four cents F A MILLER General Passenger Agent CHICAGO imeseeto Excursions April 21st TUESDAYS May 5th 19th June 2nd 16th To certain points in Southwest Mis souri Kansas Oklahoma Texas Ar kansas etc at very low rates Tick ets limited to 21 days for the round trip Stop overs allowed on the go ing journey within transit limit of 15 days For further information call on or address any agent of the company or Thomas F Godfrey Pass Ticket Agt CITVTICKETOFFICE Southeast Corner l ttli nnd DouKlai St Omnhn Xelj When Answsrmg Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paaer W N U Omaha No 1919031 JM AK li EISF rarSft GoodT Use in rvff cum r f iv F 1 I IV -A 7 J A f c ni ii o f 1 4 t -I Xi