The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1903, Image 4

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MMf M j ---- iJiwa i JilmHVi U jyA r Jf fc I J l PI i n null ill I -- - -- - u I M
Fifty Years ihe Standard
Highest Honors Worlds Fair
Highest tests US Govt Ghsmish
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A -Lodge No G12 meets first and
third Thursdays of each month McCounolls
hall 8 p in E B Hubek President W S
Gutee Secretary
lodge No 307 ments on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McCounoll hall R W Devok Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
SG2 moots second and fourth Thursday after
noons nt2 30 oclock in MoConnells hall Mns
Thad Shepherd Oracle Mns AuoustA Anton
Phillips the Pharisee is willing to
rislr the judgment that Hinky Dink has
finally struck his gait as a sugar beet
raiser by proxy
One of the marvels of the age is the
fact that any good comes out of Naz
areth considering the corruption and
grafts whlch are and have been pillag
ing ana disgracing Amercas cities
The Aegean stables are but flushed out
apparently to make room for new rot
There is only one creditable feature
connected with tfte recent disclosures in
the postofilqe department namely the
evident disposition of the department
head to probe the matter to the bottom
and to remove the offenders and bring
about justice Every other prospect is
Under the provisions of the new law
passed by the late legislature and which
wo believe will go into effect July 1st
indemnity or security bonds will have to
be given by all banks receiving county
funds Personal bonds wont go after
that date Various depositories over the
state are hurrying up and preparing
for the change
The strike or labor question is rapidly
forging to the front as one of the imper
ative questions for early solution and
settlement by the American people In
some of the larger cities the situation is
rapidly becoming well nigh intolerable
Outside the employed and employer the
people who ultimately pay all the
freight are most vitally interested in
having these labors troubles come to an
Moores won out in Omaha Tuesday
Howell the Democratic nominee proved
unexpectedly weak being third in the
race with Benson Independent Repub
lican considerably ahead of him Dem
ocratic treachery is credited with
Moores success which was entirely un
expected in view of Bensons heavy vote
Part of the Republican ticket was evi
dently traded off to the Democrats for
Moores votes hence the election of a
Democratic comptroller tax commis
sioner and city attorney -
Roads Located and Vacated
The commissioners -at their meeting
May 5th located and vacated roads as
Commencing at southest corner sec
tion 29-2-26 thence west on section line
two miles to southwest corner section
30 terminating thereat
Commencing at northeast corner of
northwest quarter section 29-2-28 run
ning thence south on quarter section
line one mile to southeast corner south
west quarter of southwest quarter said
Road 82 vacated as follows
northwest corner section 29-2-28
running thence south on section line
one mille to southwest corner section
I have derived great benefit from the
use of Chamberlains Pain Balm for
rheumatism and lumbago says Mrs
Anna Hagelgans of Tuckohoe N J
My husband used it for a sprained
back and was also quickly relieved In
fact it is the best family liniment I have
ever used I would not think of being
without it I have recommended it to
many and they always speak very highly
of it and declare its merits are wonder
ful For sale by L W McConnell
Indigestion Causes
CatarrH of the
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
KodoE Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cure3 bad breath sour risings a
sens of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Battles only Reenter 8tzs 100 holdB2tftlmas
ftto trill sirowhlch sells for 50 cents
Prepare by Ei O DsWiTT ft 00 Chicago Ufc
W w u t J3i V
Z -
- - - -
Two traveling libraries will be sent to
McCook during tho continuanco of the
junior normal this summer
Why does tho reader of today prefer
the now and the untried book to the
aid whoso qualities are known to the
book that has endured the severest test
that a book can bo put to tho test of
time Tho book for which most fre
quent calls are made is the latest while
tho old ones are neglected Take from
the library shelves any one of the new
books at least any one of them that
has been advertised and you will see
from an inspection of tho slip upon
which is kept a record of its comings
and goings that it has passed through
many hands and probably been read by
many people Turn then to the shelves
upon which tho works of Scott and
Dickens and Thackery stand and you
will find that many of these volumes
have not been out of the library
It is a phenomenon difficult to account
for The now books are not necessarily
in more attractive form than the old
They are not more modern if they are
more recent It is not because they are
of a time earlier than our own that we
read the new for some of the most pop
ular of the late books are historical and
deal with the past It is not that the
new is more entertaining than the old
for nothing can be more fascinating
than tales that were written long ago
With Mr Gladstone it was a rule not to
read a book unless it had survided at
least a year There are few of us who
would not do well to follow Mr Glad
stones example The books of last year
are not read now not for the reason that
has led to the neglect of the old books
but because the reading public has dis
covered that they are not worth reading
Who that has road Ivanhoe and Ken
nilworth David Copperfield and Tale of
Two Cities Vanity Fair and Esmond
has not derived infinitely more pleasure
from the perusal than he has from read
ing any of the current book that he can
name Who that has experienced the
delights of a first reading of any of
these would be willing to have foregone
that pleasure The old so much of it
has survived is literature as well as
fiction To read it is not only a past
time but an intellectual diversion
When the story for which you call is not
in take a volume from one of the neg
lected shelves and see if you do not
derive a keener enjoyment from the
hours you spend with it than you have
had for some time
Following is a list of the books in the
Traveling Library No 26 which have
just been received by the library
In tho Tennessee Mountains Craddock
Japhet in Search of a Father Marrj at
Men With the Bark On Remington
Inlander Robertson
Sweothearts and Wives Rogers
Dred Stowe
Story of Babette Stewart
Vanity Fair Thackerr
Heart of Toil Thanet
Marcella Ward
Days Out of Doors Abbott
Story of Our War With Spain Brooks
Story of the Stars Chambers
Wall Street Point of View Clews
Men I have Known Farrar
Nathaniel Hawthorne Fields
Little Journeys to Homes of American States
men Hubbard
English Songs and Lyrics Knowles
Land of Poco Tiempo Lummis
Methods of Bible Study Marshall
Worlds Library Morris
For tho Honor of the School Barbour
Story of the Odj ssey Brooks
Man Without a Country Hale
Little Colonels Holiday Johnston
Little Peter Malet
Four of Them Moulton
Child Stories and Rhymes Poulson
Youngest Girl in School Sharp
Captain Polly Swett
Lou Croutt Vaile
Uncle Sams Soldiers Austin
Birds and All Nature
Stories of Discovery Hale
Young Folks Book of Explorers Higginson
Among tho Farmyard People
Great West Pratt
Stories from Shakespeare Pratt
Great American Industries Picheleau
Childs Garden of Verso Stevenson
Nature Study Wilson
Tired Out
I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house I was
tired out all the time Then I tried
Ayers Sarsaparilla and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well Mrs N S Swin
ney Princeton Mo
Tired when you go to
I bed tired when you get
up tired all the time
Why Your blood is im
pure thats the reason
You are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion Take Ayers
Sarsaoarilla and be
quickly cured
100 a bottle
All druggists
A9k your doctor what ho thinks of Ayers
S irsapanlla He knows all about this grand
old family medicine follow his advice and
mo will be satisfied
J C Ater Co Lowell Mass
In almost every neighborhood some
one has died from an attack of cholic or
cholera morbus often before medicine
could be procured of a physician sum
moned A reliable remedy for these
diseases should be kept at hand The
risk is too great for anyone to take
phamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Eemedy has undoubtedly saved
the lives of more people and relieved
more painand suffering than any other
medicine in use It can always be de
pended upon For sale by L W Mc
Connell druggist
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 35
Wheat 52
Oats 35
Rye 35
Hogs - 06
Eggs 13
Butter 15
Miss Nellie Bennett returned to
school at Concordia Kansas Wednes
O M Marshall chairman general
grievance committee and a C B Q
conductor at Galesburg Illinois was in
the city Sunday He is making a tour
of the different divisions leaving on 3
Sunday night for Alliance
See McMillens wall paper before se
lecting for your home
KJ T 3 -Sr JSCT SXr 7
The Appetite
of Humixn Nature
S4 1
When Uneeda Biscuit were first introduced a conservative said -
sThey are all right as far as they go but they wont satisfy the worker The
worker you see wants something solid and substantial and plain like potatoes
cabbage or beef These delicate and crisp biscuit packed so daintily in that
Package will not appeal to him any more than winter strawberries
That sounded like good reasoning But fact upsets theory
Workers everywhere have been great consumers of Uneeda Biscuit
The outdoor worker seated at noon upon the sidewalk a house wall for his back
rest mill hands in the mill yard seated on comfortable bales teamsters and
draymen on their high box seats all have eaten Uneeda BIscuSf and their
wives have eaten them and their children have eaten them
Another conservative took another view
Uneeda Biscuit are all right he said to sell to the workers
but you must not expect to sell them to the more prosperous people They are
too cheap Five cents a package that kills Uneeda Biscuit so far as the
wealthy are concerned The price should be higher they are worth it
That too sounded reasonable but it also turned out to be only theory
Tor the greatest grocers of the city and of the country say Uneeda
Biscuit have taken the place of the more expensive biscuit Over 200000000
packages have been consumed
The worker eats Uneeda Biscuit because of their goodness
The wealthy eat them because of their delicacy
The whole world eats them because they represent the highest value as
a food product pure wholesome good
The appetite of human nature always relishes
a good change of diet Uneeda Milk Biscuit
is a change that never disappoints
Lines in Memory of Maurice Heafy
He is gone God be with him our own darling
Our hearts feel full sorely and sadly this
Yot in some sense there is cause for much joy
Since only the body is mouldering away
The spirit the soul the senses of pleasure
Of peace and of happiness they never die
This knowledge alone is to us a vast treasure
Well knowing the life of our own darling boy
He lived as one should he avoided the evil
He worshiped his God he was ready to go
Thoughtful and honest decent and civil
Willing for justice to dare and to do
Respected by all who happened to know him
Patient in suffering slow to complain
Long w ell remember him discarding oblivion
Thankful to God that our loss is his gain
He is gone to receive his well earned reward
In mansions of bliss with our Heavenly
Bo grateful my heart he is now free from pain
Though lost to us here we shall see him
When you want a pleasant physic try
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets They are easy to take and pleasant
in effect For sale byL W McConnell
the many so called birth medicines and
most remedies for women in the treatment
of her delicate organs contain more or
less opium morphine and strychnine
Do You Know that in most countries
druggists are not permitted to sell narcot
ics without labeling them poisons
Do You Know that you should not
take internally any medicine for the
pain accompanying pregnancy
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is applied externally only
Do You Know that Mothers Friend
is a celebrated prescription and that it
has been in use over forty years and that
each bottle of the genuine bears the name
of The Bradfield Regulator Co
Do you know that when you use this
remedy during the period of gestation
that you will be free of pain and bear
healthy hearty and clever children
Well these things are worth knowing
They are facts Of druggists at 100
Dont be persuaded to try a substitute
Our little book Motherhood free
Otoe County by Congressman VanWyck
When Charles H VanWyck was still
a resident of New York state and a mem
ber of congress from the Empire state
he made investments in Otoe county
lands After returning home from a
visit to the county in the early spring of
1872 he wrote the Middleton N Y
Press a description of that county two
paragraphs of which are here repro
duced from the Red Willow Gazette of
February 1872
It opens upon one of the most beau
tiful and rich agricultural counties the
eye anywhere beholds Gently swelling
prairies roll beautifully away to the
north the south and west so that the
eyes tire not in looking and are only
limited by the faroff horizon A soil
soil rich in fertility equal to the richest
of the Nile with but little labor from
man rewards generously the husband
No matter how often you may roam
over these boundless prairies the wonder
will still grow at the grand and bound
less munificence of the Creator in un
rolling this vast region almost as limit
less in extent as inexhaustible in fer
tility and the mind is always bewil
dered in the contemplation of the great
wealth hidden in the soil not hidden
but more open to the eye and hand of
man than the spangles of gold that en
rich the gulches or sparkle by the foamy
water courses of Colorado Why should
man anywhere hunger when these broad
savannahs could furnish bread not only
for our own but all the nations of the
earth The sky with all its system of
planets the ocean without depth and
bounds do not impress the beholder
more with the power and goodness of
the Creator than the life sustaining
capacity of the western prairies
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tired feeling
the liver bowels and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive the digestion im
paired with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up The trouble is that during
winter there has been an accumulation
of waste matter in the system Herbine
will remove it secure to the secretions a
right exit and by its tonic effect fully
restore the wasted tissues and give
strength in place of weakness 50c at
A McMillens
4500 to California and Back
Via the Burlington Route for the Gen
eral Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the United States at Los
Angeles May 21st to June 2nd
Tickets on sale May 3 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 limited for return to July 15
1903 Stopovers allowed at many points
of interest
Ask the ticket agent for particulars
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure R W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
G A R Reunion
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets to Fremont May 12 13 and 14 at
one fare for the round trip from Ne
braska points 4r2i ts
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for ail
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that Mrs C B Van
Metre of Shepherdtown W Va says
I had a severe case of bronchitis and
for a year tried everything I heard of
but got no relief One bottle of Dr
Kings New Discovery then cured me
absolutely Its infallible for croup
whooping cough grip pneumonia and
consumption Try it Its guaranteed
by L W McConnell druggist Trial
bottles free Eegular sizes 50c 100
Scotts Emulsion is the
means of life and of the en
joyment of life of thousands of
men women and children
To the men Scotts Emul
sion gives the flesh and
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease
For women Scotts Emul
sion does this and more It is
a most sustaining food and
tonic for the special trials that
women have to bear
To children Scotts Emul
sion gives food and strength
for growth of flesh and bone
and blood For pale girls
for thin and sickly boys Scotts
Emulsion is a great help
Send forfree sample
r09 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and SlOO all druggists
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
At a countj court held at the countj court
room in and for said countj April 21 A D
1903 Present S L Green countj judr
In the matter of tho estate of Mirelda E Ham
mond deceased
On reading and filing the petition of JVime5 M
Hammond prajing that the instrument filed on
the 21st day of April 1WW and purporting to bo
the last will and testament of the sud deceased
may bo proved approved probated allowed
and recorded as tho last will and testament of
the said Mirelda E Hammond deceased and
that the execution of said instrument may be
committed and the administration of said estate
may be granted to James M Hammond and
Milton H Hammond a executors
Ordered that the 16th da of May AD 1903 at
2 oclock p m is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested may appear at
a county court to bo held in and for said county
and show cause why the prayer of petitioner
should not be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing there
of beKiven to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order in Thb
McCook Tribune a week newspaper printed in
said county for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing S L
County Judge
In At
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
100 Deposited
In the City National Bank York Xeb
and Sheldon StatelBank Sheldon la
To Be Paid to Anyone
Finding any of onr testimonials not genuine
1 1008DT
Is sold under a positive guarantee to da
what it is advertised to do and it success
is proven by the testimonials of thousands
of its users Investigate its merits Read
what it has done for others
St Paul Neb April 9 190
National Medical Co York Neb
Gentlemen This is to certify that I have
used Liquid Koal for ergot disease and be
lieve it a cure for this disease from the ex
periments I have made but believe it ought
to be used when tho animal ib first taken
with the disease And for a lice killer it
cant be beat by anything I know of Your
respectfully l
Hartington Neb Dec S 1S02
National Medical Co York Neb
Dear Sirs Regarding Liquid Koal I
would not be without it as I am sure I saved
most of my hog3 with it a year ago and I
have been using it with good results ever
since I would advise
all fanners to keep it
on hand and use it with their hogs as di
rected and I am sure they will be satisfied
A M Hakeis
Meadow Grove Neb Dec 13 ISP
NationalMedical Co York Neb
Gentlemen I have used Liquid Koal for
some time and find it all the
ommends it to be I would not be without
it at any price Wa Haskiss
Price 1 per Quart 3 per Gal
Send to the National Medical Co Shnl
don Iowa or York
Neb for a 32page Wr
on Germ Diseases of Animals dnd itn
be mailed you free of charge
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed store
Phone No 20 McCook