The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1903, Image 3

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Women Made Stronir and Happy
Catarrh of the Pelvic Onrans is
Frequent Cause of Barrenness
Peru na
Eradicates Catarrh
the System
- S
y jiavcTiiemwxnc
AbOV SoltHfr
East Cambridge Siu
the woman of ancient Israel not to
TO become a mother was regarded as
the greatest of earthly calamities
To become a mother more especially the
mother of a strong healthy boy was the
height of glory for the faithful woman of the
good old Bible days Even now when ma
ternity is not esteemed as of yore the
mother of healthy children is an object of
admiration and sometimes envy by her
neighbors As compared with ancient
peoples the average American woman has
a low appreciation of motherhood There
are however a great many exceptions to
this statement
The accompanying letters from grateful
women who have been made strong healthy
and happy mothers need no added words of
ours to make them convincing Catarrh had
weakened and impaired their entire systems
Peruna made them sound and well
Mrs L M Griffith Arco Idaho writes
Your medicine did me a wonderful
amount of good It cured me of barren
ness I am 30 years old and never had any
children but since beginning your medicine
Tremendous J
worth to be sold at 30 per cent
oil eastern prices Strictly standard
1903 mtkes All positively guaran
26250 up to 35000
TERMSt Only S5 per month
Write at once to
Manufactures wholesale and retail
piano dealers
1313Farnam St Omaha Neb
To prove the healing and
Cleansing power of iaitlne
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package
with book of instructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample but a large
package enough to con
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are nraisinsrPaxtine for what
l1 iairit has done in local
n I rap nt of fMnaln Mr fiirlncr
nil inflammation and discharges wonderful as a
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
will do
Sold br drngglntg or sent postpnld by n SO
eenta largo box Satisfaction guaranteed
TILE K lAXTON CO Boston Mass
214 Colnmbas Ayr
BsietedithlnnmncnnHB Pva WafaF
crestueei imiiihi jw
Writes Aps W McRoberts
WimmBm w Will
I H ZR KISmsH illillll
B9BEBHB fsllllHrc k
Mrs V McRoberts writes to Dr Ilartmanfrom Delano Miss the following
Doctor S B Hartman Columbus Ohio
Dear Sir I feel perfectly well of catarrh J did as you directed me
to and took Peruna and Manalin The third of March I gave birth to a
10 pound baby girl and we are both well and happy I am very thankful
to you and Peruna saved my life I recommend it to everyone and cant
praise it enough
l send you my own and my babys picture She is so sweet and
good she is a Peruna baby I have such good health now J do all my
housework and take care of my baby and feel so good
There are three or four of my neighbors using Peruna now since it
did me so much good They were Just run down and they think it is
fine It is so good to give strength Mrs W McRoberts
I gave birth to a 10 pound baby girl She is
now six months old and weighs 25 pounds
My friends were all surprised Some would
not believe it until they came to see me
My husband says he never saw such a
change in any one as there was in me after
I had taken three or four bottles of Peruna
I am stronger than I have been since I was
quite young God bless you and your med
icine forever I can not tell you alL My
letter is too long already but I will say
Peruna cured me I never saw or heard of
anything half so good I can never thank
you enough for your kindness In cases of
la grippe it works like a charm It cured
my baby when other medicines failed She
was real bad with la grippe Mrs L M
MrsE E Thomas Alpha Ma writes
I have used ynur Peruna and Manalin
I had been doctoring for several years but
M i im w
Thi9 Trade Mark
appcaraor Cooklne StovestitniEaestmerlt The
Klean Kool Kitchen Kind
mate no emoko ell -soot dirt Bsb63Tr ex
cessive heat Save time work and worry
Economical and safe and always ready -Can bo
moved from room to room Cooking and baking
can be done on the Klean Kool Kitchen Kind
as readily as on any coal stove but quicker with
more comfort and In a Klean Kool Kitchen Bold
at good Btove stores Ask to see the Trade Mark
I Mlii
drj So
4TAUT cun leak in on the addle
cut ertra -wide and lone In the
skirt Extra protection at I
ner vetrrr arrant eel
terproof irjour
j dealer doenH Jb
kept getting worse One day a neighbor
woman brought me your book the Ills of
Life and wanted me to take your med
icine I told her that I had given up all
hope of ever getting well I had tried so
much medicine My neighbors thought I
was nearly dead with consumption
Finally I concluded that I would make
a last trial So my husband got me a bottle
of Peruna and Manalin I commenced
taking them according to directions That
was two years ago A year ago last No
vember I gave birth to a 10 pound baby
boy who is well and hearty and I am
doing my own housework I can never
gi e Peruna too great praise I think it is
the best medicine I ever heard of Mrs
E E Thomas
If you do not derive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state-
Most people borrow trouble Mor
mons marry it
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price
Theres many a
and the lip
nip twixt the cup
More Flexible and Lasting
-wont shake out or blow out by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one third more for same money
Her Equanimity Disturbed
4Dn one occasion Mrs Patrick Camp
bell was playing in The Trumpet
Call at a London theater In the
middle of a strenuous scene the audi
ence was horrified to see that the
skirt of her dress had come undone
It slipped until it had almost reached
her knees before Mrs Campbell
noticed it Then she grabbed and
pulled back the garment at the same
time fairly hypnotizing the spectators
with her blazing black eyes The
LCt was concluded somewhat hur
riedly and the orchestra was instruct
ed to play fortissimo In order to
drown the remarks Mrs Campbell
was addressing to her maid
Was in Doubt Himself
An Englishman used to meet the
great philosopher Arthur Schopen
hauger every morning walking with his
ugly poodle along the promenade in
eccentric appearance deeply immersed
in thought excited the Englishmans
curiosity to such an extent that one
day he conlfl contain himself no longer
and walking up the philospoher ad
dressed him abruptly thus Tell me
sir who in the name of fate are you
Ah2M Schopenhauer replied I only
wish I knew that myself
Discovers Remedies That Restore
Sight to Blind People
Dr W 0 Cottee a noted oculist 360 Good
Block Des Moines Iowa has discovered med
icines for the eves that neoDle can iisp nt hnma
and cure Cataracts Scums Granulated Lids
ulcere or rmuuuess ana restore sight
Dr CoJee has published an 80 page book on
Eye Diseases which he will send Free to every
reader of this paper This book tells how to
prevent old sight and make weak eyes strong
Write Dr Coffee today for his book
Many of the so called gems of
thought are nothing but paste
IdonotbelievePisosCure for Consumption
cas an equal for coughs and colds John 7
BorEK TrinitT Springs Ind Feb 15 1900
Bores rob the busy man of both
time and patience
When Your Grocer Says
be does not have Defiance Starch you may
be sure he is afraid to keep it until his
stock of 12 oz packages are sold Defiance
Starch is not only Better than any other
Cold Water Starch but contains 16 oz to
the package and sells for same money as 12
oz brands
Perhaps the Gorgon was a myth but
did you ever tread on a ladys dress
I Co All My House
work and Take
Care of My Baby
and I Feel So
Delano Miss t NZV 0 X
i III rjJ 9 f
lb J W
ment of your case and he will be pleased to
jive you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Procrastination is the mother of in
but 10 cents per package
A blind master and a deaf servant
make an ideal combination
New Universal Language
Esperanto an artificial language
made by Dr L Zamenhof for a uni
versal language has gained 80000 ad
herents among them members of the
French Institute professors in conti
nental universities Count Tolstoi and
V7 T Stead Its object as stated by
a writer in Le Monde Moderne Paris
Is To furnish people who need to
communicate with foreigners travel
ers scientists and business men the
way to a mutual understanding with
out necesity of resorting to the study
cl many foreign languages
Patton and Peanuts
Dr Patton was delivering a lecture
recently in his course on ethics at the
Princeton Theological seminary and
experienced much annoyance because
some of the students ate peanuts in
stead of attending to him Finally he
administered this rebuke Gentlemen
I have delayed starting the most im
portant part of to days lecture hoping
that the stock of peanuts would be
consumed and a restful quiet be re
stored As the quantity seems ample
to meet the demands and the supply
appears inexhaustible I feel con
strained to request that your appetites
be restrained until the conclusion of
this lecture I would be greatly
pleased if in the future anyone wish
ing to conduct a 5 oclock tea in the
classroom would confine the refresh
ments to sponge cake
Feels Younger and Stronger
Festus Mo May 4th Mr January
S Lilly a highly respected old gentle
man aged 76 and whose home is in
Festus says
For many years I was failing in
health My kidneys were weak and
gave me no end of trouble I had
pains in my back and hips so bad that
I could not sit up straight without
bracing my back and could not sit
only a few minutes in any one posi
I had to get up during every night
very frequently to relieve myself
Our doctor said I had Kidney and
Bladder Inflammation I have suffer
ed for over five years in this way
always worse at night
I could get no relief and was get
ting worse till I used Dodds Kidney
After I had used a few boxes of
this remedy I felt stronger and better
than I have for years and years My
pains all left me and I can Test and
Every old man or woman who
feels as I felt should use Dodds Kid
ney Pills and I am sure they will not
be disappointed They brought ma
out wonderfuliy
Man born of woman Is of few days
and full of trouble and the fuller he
is of trouble the fewer his days
He Pronounces It Useless as a Tru3t
Remedy and Urges That No Rear
rangement of the Schedules Should
Be Attempted Until After 1904
That portion of- President Roose
velts speech at Minneapolis April 4
1903 relating to the question of tariff
revision was as follows
We are now in a condition of pros
perity unparalleled not merely In our
own history but In the history of any
other nation This prosperity is deep
rooted and stands on a firm basis be
cause it is due to the fact that tte
average American has in him the stuff
out of which victors are made in the
great industrial contests of the pres
ent day just as in the great military
contests of the past and because he
is now able to use and develop his
qualities to best advantage under our
well established economic system We
are winning headship among the na
tions of the world because our people
are able to keep their high average
of individual citizenship and to show
their mastery In the hard complex
pushing life of the age There will
be fluctuations from time to time in
our prosperity but it will continue to
grow just so long as we keep up this
high average of individual citizenship
and permit it to work out its own sal
vation under proper economic legis
The present phenomenal prosper
ity has been won under a tariff which
was made in accordance with certain
fixed and definite principles the most
Important of which is an avowed de
termination to protect the interests
industrial conditions so frequently
chango as with us must of necessity
bo the case It Is a matter of prlmo
importance that we should bo ablo
from time to time to adapt our econo
mic policy to the changed conditions
Our aim should ho to preserve tho
policy of a protective tariff in which
tho nation as a whole 1ms acquiesced
and yet wherever and whenever neces
sary to change the duties in particular
paragraphs or schedules as matters of
legislative detail if such change is
demanded by the Interests of the na
tion as a whole
In making any readjustment there
are certain important considerations
which cannot bo disregarded If a
tariff law has on the whole worked
well and If business has prospered
under it and is prospering it may bo
better to endure some inconveniences
and inequalities for a time than by
making changes to risk causing dis
turbance and perhaps paralysis in the
industries and business of tho coun
try Tho fact that tho chango In a
given rate of duty may be thought de
sirable does not settle the question
whether it Is advisable to make the
change immediately Every tariff
deals with duties on thousands of
articles arranged in hundreds of para
graphs and In many schedules These
duties affect a vast number of Inter
ests which are often conflicting If
necessary for our welfare then of
course congress must consider the
question of changing the law as a
whole or changing any given rates of
duty but we must remember that
whenever even a single schedule Is
considered some Interest will appear
to demand a change in almost every
scedule In the law and when it comes
to upsetting the schedules generally
the effect upon the business interests
of the country would be ruinous
One point we must steadily keep In
mind The question of tariff revision
Z T 1 kV
tRCAN wuiS77S
Having foolishly invited the Free Trade interloper inside the wall the
poor little reformer begs him to go out again
of the American producer business
man wage earner and farmer elike
The general tariff policy to which
without regard to changes in detail I
believe this country is irrevocably
committed is fundamentally based up
on ample recognition of the difference
between the cost of production that
is the cost of labor here and abroad
and of the need to see to it that our
laws shall in no event afford advantage
in our own market to foreign indus
tries over American industries to for
eign capital over American capital
to foreign labor over our own labor
This country has and this country
needs better paid better educated
better fed and better clothed working
men of a higher type than are to be
found in any foreign country It has
and it needs a higher more vigorous
and more prosperous type of tillers
of the soil than is possessed by any
other country The business men the
merchants and manufactuers and the
managers of the transportation inter
ests show the same superiority when
compared with men of their type
abroad The events of the last few
years have shown how skillfully the
leaders of American industry use in
international business competition the
mighty industrial weapons forged for
them by the resources of our country
the wisdom of our laws and the skill
the Inventive genius and the adminis
trative capacity of our people
It is of course a mere truism to
say that we want to use everything
In our power to foster the welfare of
our entire body politic In other
words we need to treat the tariff as
a business proposition from the
standpoint of the interests of the coun
try as a whole and not with refer
ence to the temporary needs of any
political party It is almost as neces
sary that our policy should be stable
as that it should be wise A nation
like ours could not long stand the
ruinous policy of readjusting its busi
ness to radical changes in the tariff
at short intervals especially when as
now owing to the immense extent and
variety of our products the tariff
schedules carry rates of duty on thou
sands of different articles Sweeping
and violent changes in such a tariff
touching so vitally the interests of all
of us embracing agriculture labor
manufactures and commerce would
be disastrous in any event and they
would be fatal to our present well be
ing if approached on the theory that
the principle of the protective tariff
was to be abandoned The business
world that is the entire American
world cannot afford if it has any
regard for its own welfare even to
consider the advisability of abandon
ing the present system
Yet on the other hand where the
speaking broadly stands wholly apart
from the question of dealing with the
trusts No change in tariff duties can
have any substantial effect in solving
the so called trust problem Certain
great trusts or great corporations are
wholly unaffected by the tariff Prac
tically all the others that are of any
importance have as a matter of fact
numbers of smaller American competi
tors and of course a change in the
tariff which would work injury to the
large corporation would work not
merely injury but destruction to its
smaller competitors and equally of
course such a change would mean dis
aster to all the wage workers con
nected with either the large or the
small corporations From the stand
point of those interested in the solu
tion of the trust problem such a
change would therefore merely mean
that the trust was relieved of the com
petition of its
weaker American com
petitors and thrown only into com
petition with foreign competitors and
that the first effort to meet this new
competition would be made by cutting
down wages and would therefore be
primarily at the cost of labor In the
case of some of our greatest trusts
such a change might confer upon them
a positive benefit Speaking broadly
it is evident that the changes in the
tariff will affect the trusts for weal
or for woe simply as they affect the
whole country The tariff affects trusts
only as it affects all other interests
It makes all these interests large or
small profitable and its benefits can
be taken from the large only under
penalty of taking them from the small
To sum up then we must as a
people approach a matter of such
prime economic importance as the tar
iff from the standpoint of our business
needs We cannot afford to become
fossilized or to fail to recognize the
fact that as the needs of the country
change it may be necessary to meet
these new needs by changing certain
features of our tariff laws Still less
can we afford to fail to recognize the
further fact that these changes must
not be made until the need for them
outweighs the disadvantages which
may result and when it becomes nec
essary to make them they should be
made with full recognition of the need
of stability in our economic system
and of keeping unchanged the princi
ple of that system which has now be
come a settled policy in our national
life We have prospered marvelously
at home As a nation we stand in the
very forefront in the giant internation
al industrial competition of the day
We cannot afford by any freak of
folly to forfeit the position to which
we have thus triumphantly attained
Philadelphia Record
How frcquontly wo find reason for
self condemnation
How seldom men repeat tho smart
things said by women
How little attention men pay to for
malities with other men
How many men of intelligence show
lack of knowledge of small affairs
How many things wo do which wo
liavo often declared wo would not do
How few women know how to draw
out a mans best power In conversa
How often women go beyond tho
bounds of reason in their praise of
How many men devoto attention to
fads which seem to havo no end In
How many women eacrlfieo per
sonal comfort for personal appear
How often women glvo up their
opinions to adopt those of a man
Philadelphia Bulletin
A Royal Bull Fighter
Prominent among the king of Portu
gals varied tastes is an English pas
sion for sports of all kinds and it la
known that once when duko of Bra
ganza he entered the ring to faco tho
bull with points unbated that1 is to
say not padded as is generally tho
case In Portugal as distinguished from
Spain One of the ladies of the court
had dared the duke to face a bull with
its horns unguarded and so he entered
the arena In the Spanish manner In
cognito though everyone know who
tho bold banderlllo was Unfortuntely
the duke slipped and fell but starting
up before the bull could charge again
he ran for the barricade and cleared
it at a bound just a moment or two
before the infuriated animal splintered
the woodwork with Its horns
Use Rod Cross Ball Blue It mnkon clothes
clean und sweet as when now All grocers
Emperor William of Germany makes
it a point never to be behind in his
Why It Is the Best
is because mnde by an entirely different
procebs Defiauco Starch is unliko any
other bettor and ono tuird inoro for 10
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn7
Shake into your shoes Allens Foot
Ease a powder for the feet It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy Cures
Swollen Hot Sweating Feet Corns
and Bunions At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores 250 Sample sent FREE
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
We are told that the truth will out
and it seems to be everlastingly out
of some people
Iowa Farms 54 Per Acre Cash
balance H crop till paid MDIHAII Slous City la
The best man in a controversy is
the one who does the most listening
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch ha3 no equal in Quantity or Qual
ity 16 oz for 10 cents Other brands con
tain onlv 12 oz
Ignorance and conceit are twins
Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar
Made of ripe mellow tobacco so rich in
quality that many who formerly Hrnoked
10c cigars now smoke Lewis Single
The phrase single blessedness was
coined by some anonymous married
Should be in every home Ask your grocor
for it Large 2 oz package only 5 cents
The Philosopher Wondered
An Englishman used to meet the
great philosopher Arthur Schoppen
hauer every morning walking with his
ugly poodle along the promenade
in Frankfort-on-the-Main Schoppen
hauers eccentric appearance deeply
immersed in thought excited the Eng
lishmans curiosity to such an extent
that one day he could contain himself
no longer and walking up to the
philosopher adddressed him abruptly
thus Tell me sir who in the name
of fate are you Ah Schoppen
hauer replied I only wish I knew
that myself
The man that talks most is usually
heard the least
The eld isvariabfe virtue cf
makes it the king aire for
I Sprains
i and
I Bruises 1
X Price 25c and 50c J