The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1903, Image 2

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Fast Express Plows Into a Crowd that
Had Swarmed Onto Tracks Man
gled Bodies Hurled n Every Dlrec
DETROIT Mich The Grand Trunk
Pan American flyer from Chicago ran
ing killing between ten and fifteen
men and seriously injuring about
thirty more The majority o the
killed and wounded are from
Toledo Fifteen hundred Polanders
from Toledo came up to Detroit
in the morning on a special Lake
Shore train to celebrate a holiday
here They left the corner of Dequin
der and Canfleld streets and went
over to St Josephs church where
they spent the day with that congre
The Lake Shore tracks run out De
quinder street and a special train was
to stop for the Toledo excursionists
at Canfleld street at 830 oclock Ac
companied by hundreds of their local
friends waiting for the train the ex
cursionists jammed Canfleld street
some time before the train was due
in readiness for it When the train
was sighted the crowd pushed across
the track and onto the Grand Trunk
tracks which adjoin those of the Lake
Shorc just as the Grand Trunk Pan
American flyer came thundering in
from the west The people vere
thrown into the air and dashed to eith
er side of the track
Many of them were ground under
the wheels The police department
was notified and all the ambulances in
the city rushed to the scene The vic
tims were scattered along the track
for a distance of two blocks
Lanterns were procured and the
work 01 rescue began immediately
The scene reflected by the light of
the lanterns was horrible Gradually
the mangled and crushed were recov
ered and sent to the hospitals where
there was a flicker of life and to the
morgue when there was none
At 9 oclock the police had identi
fied four of the dead
Patrolman Schultz who was one of
Will Start West Tuesday
- WASHINGTON D C The party of
German landholders and experts in
agriculture who are to make a tour of
tho United States spent Sunday in
Washington sight seeing They will
remain until Tuesday when they leave
for the wrest stopping first at Martins
sburg W Va where a fruit nursery
twill be visited John I Schulte as
sistant chief of the department of agri
culture will accompany the Germans
-- r af
Lackawana Western President Tell
Commission 7 Per Cent is Earned
NEW YORK When the Interstate
Commerce commission met Friday Mr
Shearn asked that further hearings be
adjourned to enable him to prepare
statements for the federal court re
garding the railroads refusal to pro
duce their accounts This was agreed
William H Trtiesdatej president of
the Delaware Lackawana Western
was put on the witness stand and ex
plained that a clause in his companys
charter gave it authority to own and
operate mines
He was questioned at length as to the
capital and earning of the company
and replying said a dividend of 7
per cent was paid in 1901
Desoite objection by Albert S Moot
of the Susquehanna road the freight
schedule of the Deleware Lackawana
The United States cable ship Burn
side launched last week at the Heath
shipyards Tacoma Wash is by all
odds the largest steamship ever con
structed at any of the Tacoma ship
yards and members of the Chamber
of Commerce and the business ele
ment of the city were present in large
numbers to witness her christening
The vessel Is vdue at Sitka early in
June to commence work on the Alas
kan cable
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the officers on duty at the crossing
said We made every effort to keep
the people off the tracks but it was
impossible There were 1500 excur
sionists going back to Toledo and
twice that number of local Poles who
had been entertaining them and were
down at the crossing to see them off
Those behind pushed and shoved the
foremost ones and they crawled under
the gates which were down properly
or jumped over them despite our best
efforts There ws no warning what
ever of the approach of the Grand
Trunk train No whistle was blown
and the bell was not ringing
Murder Trial in the Navy
department is making up the detail
of a court martial which will try Wil
liam Anthony a colored sailor on the
Olynjpia for killing another colored
sailor while the ship was in the
maneuvers The court will be heldi
by Captain Swinburne of the Texas
and Captain Lane of the marine corps
will serve as judge advocate It will
meet at Norfolk in a few days
Western Road was admitted An
analysis showed the average rate
per ton mile on coal to be 8 9 10 mills
and on other merchandise 6 8 10 mills
Nicaraguan Revolutionary Junta Is
Hopeful of Success
PANAMA Columbia The official
news emanating from Managuay Nica
ragua to he effect that the revolution
has been put down is contradicted
The Nicaraguan revolutionary junta
here has received a report from Gen
eral Emalanio Chamenro saying that
the Nicaraguan government steamer
Once de Julio has been sunk by the
rebel vessel Victoria The entire
crew of the government boat was lost
notwithstanding the efforts made to
save them The rebel victory at
Acoypa and the capture of Omotepe
and San Carlos has been confirmed
The members of the juna are hopeful
of success and declare that the rebels
cannot be attacked the government
forces being not sufficiently strong
to do so
New Mast for Shamrock III
GLASGOW The new mast intended
for Shamrock III has been completed
and will be stepped Friday It is
hoped the cup challenger will be
ready for a trial spin May G
Turks Defeat Insurgents
SALONICA European Turkey A
band of about 500 insurgents partly
in Bulgarian uniforms was defeated
by a Turkish force near Radovitz
April 19-
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Recent Happenings Shown in Caricature
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President Receives and Dedicates the
ST LOUIS The rites which pres
ent the Louisiana Purchase exposition
to the world were performed in the
Liberal Arts building Thursday with
all the dignity and splendor befitting
such an occasion
A parade of 11000 soldiers down Lin
dell boulevard to the Worlds fair
grounds formed a brilliant prelude
to the ceremony of dedication
This prelude over 60000 people
were crowded into the big auditorium
where in the presence of official rep
resentatives of all the civilized na
tions of the world the words of dedi
cation were spoken by the president
of the United States As the last
syllable fell from the presidents lips
and as the words of dedication were
completed 60000 voices rose in a pro
digious basx note of applause
Following the invocation of the
cardinal former United States Sena
tor Thomas H Carter of the national
commission who acted as presi
dent of the day was Introduced ana
made a speech
After the rendition of The
Heavens Proclaiming by the chorus
of 2000 voices David R Francis
president of the fair association de
livered an address presenting the
buildings of the fair
At the close of President Francis
address terrific cheers broke to greet
President Roosevelt whose dedication
address was in part as follows
The work of expansion was by far
the greatest work of our people dur
ing the years that intervened between
the adoption of the constitution and
the outbreak of the civil war
Never before had the world seen
the kind of national expansion which
gave our people all that part of the
American continent lying west of the
thirteen original states the greatest
landmark in which was the Louisiana
purchase 4H
When our forefatners jomea 10 call
into being this action they undertook
a task for which there was but little
encouraging precedent The develop
ment of civilization from the earliest
period seemed to show the truth of
two propositions In the first place it
had always proved exceedingly diffi
cult to secure both freedom and
strength in any government and in
the second place it had always proved
well nigh impossible for a nation to
expand without either breaking up or
becoming a centralized tyranny
The exercises closed by a benedic
tion by Bishop Potter of New York
At the conclusion of the speeches be
ing the 100th anniversary of the sign
ing of the treaty which transferred
the Louisiana purchase from France
to the United States a centennial
salute of aerial guns was fired
Russian Ambassador Talks
sini the Russian ambassador called
at the state department Thursday and
had a long interview with Secretary
Hay in whicli the whole Manchurian
matter is understood to have been
fully and frankly discussed The dis
cussion throughout was of the most
amicable and satisfactory character
called later and discussed Manchurian
Term Marriage Scandalous
LONDON At Wednesdays session
of the London diocesan conference the
bishop of London Right Reverend
Arthur E Ingram received a letter
from representatives of the clergv of
the diocese drawing attention to the
Vanderbilt Rutherford wedding and
requesting him to make such reference
during the conference to this scan
dalous and deplorable incident as
shall serve to ally the distress of the
w VTf
X I - rv t - t
St Louis Mo Received sample
aud am on my first bottle from tho
druggist they helped me wonder
fully I had a feeling of wanting to
urinate all the time and trouble in
passing burning and itching That is
all gone now and I feel thankful
E K Stevenson 5331 Easton Ave
Corn Anril 10 1Q03
Doans Kidney Pills accomplished
ths desired result in my case relief
came tho second day after I com
menced taking them I was troubled
with retention and dribbling of the
urine Now it is natural and free as
ever in my life D L Stafford
Most girls close their eyes when
they are kissed do you blame them
The poor ye havo always with you
often so close that they touch you
Politeness is the salt of life you
hate to have it rubbed into you when
you are cut up
It does not make it right to do
what you ought not to do when you
dont do what you ought to do
A lot of people who should be
spending good time getting good
money spend good money getting a
It is all very well to get a good
start but the start you get when
some fool puts his cold hands down
your neck may be too good Prince
ton Tiger
Bear Worshipers in Japan
The queerest and perhaps the old
est people of the earth are the Ainos
the bear idolators who are found in
the Japanese islands of Kovriles Sah
kalino and chiefly in Yezo or Hon
naido They number not more than
18000 souls in all and they are fast
disappearing They have the broad
nose and the oblique eyes which char
acterize the Chinese and Asiatic races
generally but there the resemblance
ends The Ainos are a large and
powerful people straight as an arrow
All the Ainos declare they sprang
from the Great White Dog the bear
and a princess of the south The
bear is their chief god
Judge Promptly Saw the Point In Pol
iticians Advice
One of the most hospitable citizens
o Sioux Falls was Judge Fuller of
the Supreme Court He was intro
duced to the presidents attention
with tho following incident of his
The judges made a strong campaign
to get the legislature to raise their
salaries The bill met with great op
position Judge Fuller who had no
small political influence went up to
Pierre to see about it He was met
by one of the leaders of the party
How about this thing said the
Judge said the other politician
gravely you better drop this salary
business I tell you as a friend You
dont want it to go through It Is not
in your interest
Why aint it
Dont you see judge explained
the politician that if we put the sal
aries of the judges up to the figure
you want the people will turn around
and elect real lawyers to the bench
The point of the story is that the
judge dropped the amendment at
once New York Sun
Teachers Learn Something Not In
the Class Books
A number of young women attend
ing a teachers convention at Okla
homa City some time ago learned a
valuable lesson in hygiene through a
sister teacher who says About a
year ago I had my first attack of poor
health and it seemed a terrible thing
to me for I had always been so well
and strong My stomach distressed
me terribly it seemed like it was
raw especially after breakfast and
it would burn and hurt me so I could
not rest I was soon convinced that
it was caused by coffee drinking and
at the request of a friend I gave up
coffee and began to use Postum Cof
The change in my condition was
something marvelous I had actually
given up teaching because doctors
were unable to help my stomach trou
ble but since I quit coffee and used
Postum my troubles have disappear
ed and I have gone to teaching again
Some time ago I attended a con
vention at Oklahoma City and I de
termined to have Postum at my
boarding house where there were
eight other teachers four of them
suffering from coffee sickness My
landlady did not make the Postum
right but I showed her how and we
all found it delicious We all drank
it the rest of the time we were there
and the young ladies in question felt
much better and declared that their
heads were much clearer for study
and their general health much im
proved I have their names if you
care for them Names furnished by
Postum Co Battle Creek Mich
v sm
Vjwii itMiwMuMWnMjMiaaciiWwyy rj n
- i - Lww tCija
riCtfJiaawaHTitMicirirrTJ -
Ttmnnv M7v 1
Everett IHass I received the
sample of Doons Pills and they stop
ped all my trouble of pain in the back
from which I have suffered for two
years I am a sole leather cutter and
being on my feet and lifting heavy
dies all day appreciate the help
Doans Pills have given me I feel
like a new man Geo A Bdkgess
163 Belmont Street
AMitnrtiif anrAttaiv TTln llfick flnd loin DainS
LVUtS -- rf iww
umo sweiungs auu uropsy liripl signs vmuau
Pfin oninf nrlnaw Uh l llfc fiffllTinnt 11 11
colored pain in passing dribbling frequency bed
wetting Doans Kidney PHls remove calculi and
ravcl Jtedievo heart palpitation sieepiuaauw
izzinesshcadache nervousness
im r m nr
- v v v a
Consult our Physician by mail medical advice free
Loaded Black Powder Shells
shoot stronger and reload better
than any other black powder
shells on the market because
they are loaded more carefully
and made more scientifically
Try them They are
This Will Interest Mothers
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Child
ren used by Mother Gray a nurse in
Childrens Home New York Cure Fever
ishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders
move and regulate the bowels and destroy
Worms Sold by all Druggists 25c Sample
yREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
What should you do if you split
your sides with laughter Run till
I got a stitch in them
Insist on Gettlncr Tt
Some grocers saj they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they ha e a stock
in hand of 12 oz brands whicli they
know cannot be sold to a customer who
has once tised the IB oz Defiance
Starch for the same money
Hypocrisy always bows too low
t -
Is claimed they relieved
they are all that
lieved a pain in my back and dkl all
U L xvax
that was represented
R F D No 1
f TATLonsvrLLEpMissomancan
tell the good of JJoau s Ajunuy
until he tries them for a weak back
I tried everything and got no relief
until I used Doans Pills J JN
WnsTBitANcn SIicn April lltli
Many thanks for the sample of Doan s
Kidney Pills Wo had tried many
remedies with little benefit but found
Doans act promptly and hit tnecase
which was an unusual desire to urinato
had to get up five and six times of
nieht I tuinK iJiaDCies was weu
under way the feet and ankles
swelled There was an intense pain in
the back the heat of which would
feel like putting ones hand up to a
lamp chimney I havo used the freo
trial and two full boxes of Doans Pills
with the satisfaction of feeling that I
am cured They are the remedy pari
excellence B F Baixabd
J Bromo Selteer J
1 Promptly cures all I
I Headaches
Had Missed Him
When a shot was fired in the wings
of an opera house during the third
act of Carmen on Zelie de Lussans
opening night in San Francisco a dis
appointed spectator who considered
Tennerys Don Jose about the limit
remarked with a sigh of relief
Thank God Those about him who
shared his feelings snickered sympa
thetically But their smiles were
turned to peals of laughter when Don
Jose presently bobbed up serenely
and the talkative wag exclaimed trag
ically Ye gods her aim was bad
She missed him
Senator Studies Meterology
Senator Dillingham of Vermont is
a close student of meterology finding
much amusement in watching the
changing temperature lines on the big
weather map at the senate and of the
capitol That pond fascinates me
said the senator pointing to the Gulf
of Mexico It gives up most of the
water that is carried overland and falls
as rain in the Eastern and Middle
states What should we do were it not
for the Gulf of Mexico he asked
with the enthusiasm of a teacher in
structing a geography class
The Young Critics Idea
Friends of R J Couse the artist
are laughing over a remark made
by some seminary girls who attend
ed an exhibition where his picture
The Peace Pipe took the Hallgar
ten prize I like that Couse canvas
better than anything Ive looked at
said one and I want mamma to
come and see it Which one was
that her friend Inquired Oh
That Peace Pipe Dream was the re
Santos Dumont Building Again
Reports from Paris state that Santos-Dumont
is busy building a big bal
loon shed which will house at least
three of his airships He has pur
chased 12000 square meters of land
facing the Seine at Neuilly just op
posite the island of PuteauXj where is
situated the famous summer club for
Parisian sportsmen M Dumont lives
in the Champs Elysees and goes about
on a tiny electric American runabout
His new balloon will be the tenth that
he has built and as M Dumont is of
the opinion that No 9 was much too
heavy No 10 will be of a much light
er design Experts say that No 10
will be a beautiful toy but not a ma
chine to conquer the air
mmm conon
There is no satisfaction keener
tnanoeino dry and comfortabJei
when out in the hardest storm
1 TfllVfO m V1
K he wia not supply you rvz
xnu iur ota iree cniaiogue of Carmen
- mi
U Bnrt tut I
9IBI 0BJt2unlf
In this conatr Our men are making from S75 to 3150
amonthKUtag our Household and StoTt Kemed
ra7r B EracS dlrect t0 consumers e
OUTZAv0arefUralshcaoacredt NO
Zr7 feasant profltable melon
pos ttona No
necessary We tewn y0r
Write for information Dont delay Incorporated
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world
of U- M G make is now
accepted by shooters as
the worlds standard for
it shoots well in any gun
2our dealer sells it
TKo Union Metallic
Cartridge Co
Bridgeport -
f y