TT TiH ay i 7 Cash I CITIZENS BANK n OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 B DIRECTORS FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD T J ytjrtrSriArtrJlrViAJtJAI Jm npjqyisp jyjtfipjyjycMMllluJSSS jXj fW IWiVIiWVWVi MimwKVWWWVAiVV i1 PIRST fWAWSVi - r 1 rsffl wv SNATIONALx BANK n Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 ossr GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director Cil z ac Jaf i sell acil ac if ac c 1 F TmiiTir y mr y -my - ir M f tr f l 3iWSiS DANBURY D A Waterman of Lebanon was a Danbury visitor Tuesday L W East came down from Ludell Kansas Friday returning Sunday W J Stilgebouer has a neat little barn com pleted on his town property William Sandon has just built a now hog house on his place north of town William McGuire and J H Wicks went with the stock extra Tuesday morning Otto Pulz and family are having a seige of sickness all under the doctors care Webster Bowles is having his residence paint ed as is also G B Morgan his store J Ii Sims shipped 10 cars of cattle and four of hogs on Tuesda s train from Danbury Mr and Mrs T F Ball spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in Driftwood precinct J N Walden shipped the last of the Rocker feller cattle from Marion on Tucsdaj s stock train We would like to have some one prove to us whether this is January or about the first of May A regular blizzard toda Wednesday Too late for last week J C Roesch is still verj sick J H Wicks was a business visitor up the line last week Q W Billings of McCook was in town on bus iness first of the week George Smiths family left last weqk for their new home at Superior Nebraska J G Evers mo ved in his newly purchased res idence on lower Granvillo avenue last week Mrs Hajes Pesrl and Roy visited with rela tives in Driftwood precinct Saturday and Sun day Cures When Doctors Fail Mrs Frank Chiasson Patterson La writes June 8th 1901 I had malaria fever in very bad form was under treat ment by doctors but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine the fever would return I used a sample bottle of Herbine and found it helped me Then bought two bottles which com pletely cured me I feel grateful to you for furnishing such a splendid medicine and can honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria as it will surely cure them 50c at A McMillens When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets They are easy to take and pleasant in effect For sale by L W McConnell BOX ELDER Wo had a big snow and blizzard Wednesday Miss Maude Harrison went to Friend last Fri day Messrs Frye and Younger are getting along nicely with A T Wilsons new house T M Campbell lost six head of nice hogs last week It is thought by some that theywero poisoned by eating cocklebur sprouts All in this community will bo sorry to learn of the death of J E Werner who moved from here two j ears ago this spring to Garnett Kansas He was taken with pneumonia and was sick but a short time passing away April 22 Miss Eliza Johnson and her mother returned to the homestead last Tuesday Miss Eliza closed her eight months of school last Satur day The pupils gave an ontertainment Satur day evening which was enjoyed by all present BOX ELDER SPECIAL Miss Eliza Johnson closed a successful term of school in district 63 Saturday Miss Eliza will be remembered by the kindness she has shown her pupils and they her during the eight months of school She had good control oer her pupils and they progressed nicely in their studies The children all took a great in terest in the school during the whole term Eliza was a splendid teacher there is no ques tion of that Those Who Live on Farms Dr Bergin Pana Illinois writes I have used Ballards Snow Liniment always recommend it to my friends as I am confident there is no better made It is a dandy for burns Those who live on farms are especially liable to many accidental cuts burns and bruises which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow Liniment is applied It should always be kept in the house for cases of emer gency 25c 50c S100 at A McMillens Spring laziness legs ache back aches feel tired no ambition no appetite all run down feeling Rocky Mountain Tea puts new life into your body you feel good all over 35c L W McConnell - - j H rsfu S II H I wi agree to sell you an all MAL LEABLE and STEEL Range the Majestic superior in every respect to that sold by the peddlers for their price and then let you select r 20 Worth of anything you like out of my stock Free of Charge Come in and look at my range and if I have not stated the fact to your satis faction I will give you 3 in for your expenses I CAUON flTSS n p Tgi s am n SSTvv xocrvou gfclvjg r XV pelirisftfD W T COLEflAN McCOOK NEBRASKA H IP 11 h n K H H m World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers and for its tonie influence on weak and unthrifty children as it neutralizes the acidity or sourness of the stomach improves their digestion and assimilation o f food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to the health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood 25 cents at A McMillens A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach a bad digestion a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25c All druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYEMU SOcts or Druggists or R P Hall Co Nashua NH PROSPECT PARK R M Wade is still quito poorly Mrs Ella Sly and daughter Minta were out from McCook Friday Miss Gerda Andorson is in Omaha taking treatment for her eyes Mrs Alice Harmon of Chicago is visiting her parents Mr and Airs R M Wado We understand that our neighbor Samuel Ball intends to start for Canada soon to look up a location Tom Ball and wife drove over from Danbury Sunday on a visit to relatives returning home Monday afternoon Charles Lee and T C Kelley went down to Bartloy Saturday returning home Monday with two loads of cane seed The infant daughtor of Mr and Mrs Jacob Crocker died Sunday and was buried in Cal vary cemetery Monday afternoon Made Young Again One of Dr Kings New Life Eills each night for two weeks has put me in my teens again writes D H Turner of Dempseytown Pa They are the best in the world for liver stomach and bowels Burely vegetable never gripe Only 2oc at A McMillens drug store V FRANKLIN President THE A C EBERT Cashier BANKSVILLE The blizzard hit us hard Probably four or live inches of snow fell after the rain that came first J H Rclph went over to August Weschs Su a day Harvey Rowland was a McCook patron Sat urday T A Rowland started ou a trip to Indianola Monday J A Hoffman has been listing somo corn and is about through B W Benjamin was in McCook Saturday gutting feed ground and attending toothor bus iness Thorny Gordon of Traer Kansas has moved on the Claude Fowler place in Grant precinct and has listed somo corn A came man living on a farm near here in a short time aero comnletelv doubled up with rheumatism I handed him a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after usinjj it he need not pay a cent for it says C P Eayder of Pattens Mills N Y A few days later he walked into my store as straight as a string and handed me a dollar saying give me another bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm I want it in the house all the time for it cured me For sale by L W McConnell druggist INDIANOLA Miss Daisy Chinn is homo from McCook Charlie Kent of Kansas City is hero on a short visit J W Dolan is having quito an addition built to his residence Miss Ena Gamsby closed her school on the Beaver last Friday Mrs Dr Hojt went down to Lincoln Tuesday morning on a short visit State Evangelist Rev Ogden preached at the Christian church Sunday m do you suppose dip into that bulk coffee before you buy it comes in sealed air tight packages no chance for handling or dirt or things to get in Clean Fresh and FragranS i F D Burgess 1 I Plumber and Steam Fitter J McCOOK NEBR m Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass 7 b Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings 5 L Agent for Halliday Waupun telipse j 7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker- fj 9 Phillips Building v M0l J t - ft r firk FB1 J A- 4 - fgli A case of Binnllpoxsia reported at Mr i em Give the children Kocky Mountain Tea this month makes them strong makes them eat sleep and grow Good for the whole family A spring tonic that makes sick people well 35 cents L W McConnell Jiianx THE GREffif I ISHIDr PflEDlciR Thedfords Black Draught has saved doctors bills for more than sixtyyears Tor the common fam ily ailments such as constipation indigestion hard colds bowel com plaints chills and fever bilious ness headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary It invigorates and reg ulates the liver assists digestion stimulates action of the kidnevs purifies the blood and purges the bowels of foul accumulations It cures liver complaint indigestion sour stomach dizziness rhills rheumatic pains sideache back ache kidnev troubles constipation diarrhoea biliousness piles hard colds and headache Every drug gist has Thedfords Black Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for 100 Never accept a substitute Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company I believe Thedfords Black Draught is the best medicine on earth It is good for any and everything I have a family of twelve children and for four years I have kept them on foot i ana neaitny with no doctor but Black Draught A J GREEN Hlewara La Wr tftrTyfr ifo1riaijjM All Calls For The witij J3us Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains ana an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska rgt rnysjyr prrsrxgt ft r I r r ft ONT BE l OOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medl cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accent no ubati iftcoitpoRATEDtaca tute Ask your druggist TT MSPk J I lock8 Ave miles south of town Oporntor Culver has boon transferred to Or leans and is succeeded by a Mr Cole Miss Bono Epporly of Bartloy is visiting hor sister Mrs Clnronco McCord this weok The flonr mill is undergoing repairs this weekf in the shape of new flues for tho boilor Dr3 Hoyt and Mnckochnie went down to Lin coln Tuosday to nttond a M D convention Mrs Martin and tho two children accompa nied Rev Martin on his rogular trip to Bartloy Sunday Mr Tnggort enrouto to Hastings from Lovo land Colo was snow bound hero n fow dns this weok J W Dolnn went np to McCook Monday oven ins to bo in nttendanco at tho Bankers as sociation meeting Section Bass Kern purchased an incubator at McCook last Saturday and is now prepared to furnish chickens on short notice A wedding occurred eight and one half miles northeast of here last Sundny Miss VanDoron becoming the wifo of Hirnm McCord of South Bartley Tho groom is a brother of our follow townsman Clarence McCord Mrs Frank Hill living seven miles north of town died vory suddenly Tuesday morning of blood poison The funeral was had from tho Congregationnl church Wednesday The de ceased leaves a husband nnd nine children Tho supper given by tho Odd Fqllows last Tuesday evening was not very woll attonded on account of tho inclemency of tho weather Ice cream coffee and cako wore served and tho few presont madothe most of tho situation by en joying themselves immensely A big snow storm the last of April I It began snowing last Tuesday evening and ended in a regular blizzard horo Wednesday with a heavy freeze Wednesday night Fruit trees wore all in full bloom but are now sorry looking bights and our hopes for fruit are entirely gone The like has never been known before At the rogular meeting of tho Eastern Star last Friday evening tho following officers were elected Patron W PElmer matron Mrs W D Mackechnio conductoress Edith Smith associate conductress Jennie McClung treas urer Stella McCool secretary Edna Rovnolds After tho meoting ices cako and coffee were served amid much merriment Dr Mackechnio and Harry Letts were guests at supper v I mi ITT TI INVESTMENT In tho shares of theThunder Motm taln Consolidated Gold Mining and Milling Co will give yon an interest in one of tho greatest free milltag sold properties in the New Thunder Mountain District No present op portunity for investing moderate sums in Thunder Mountain or else where compare with this Write for price of shares and full informa tion to the THUNDER MOUNTAIN CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING MILLING CO NewYorkLife Building NewYorkCity H P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS E J MITCHELIi NEBRASKA I AUCTIONEER Phones Office 17 residence 95 Freo Phonographic concert Vi hour before sale opens Write or Phono for Terms and Date Dr Herbert J Pratt DENTIST Successor to Over McConnells Dr J B Fickes Drug store Phone 160 McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College Overjas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales Ono per ceut ou sales 1XJ0 and upward Correspondence solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEE McCook Nebraska EgfAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW BTcCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Office over McMillens drug store Residence Anle Residence phone 53 Office u phone 2S Calls answered nisht or day - DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p q Building Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA RERTOF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow connty ss At a county court held at the conntvVnn t Vi HWJ Gfeen county judfte nonTdd110 f Mirc Ham- nmmnnrf S i PnOn Of JmeS Jf fcBS JE3335ISS on be may bo proved n i u deceased and recorded as the last will Vn1 auWed that the execution of said instrumnf aS Milton HHantnon0dmIeSCutorSamni0ld and Ordered thatthe 16th day of May AD 2 o clock p m is assiimed for hpnw 1 - aP turn when all personsinterH Dff Sai1 VGti a county court to hS 1m Iedma aPIear at and show cause whv ih VI uu Ior fai county should not be canted- andPtr Joner pendencj of said petition fefc inot of tho of be given to all arsons fafJ kearimrtbere ter by publishing d mSai 1 nat McCook TEiBcxk a 3- nLhlS order in Tn said county for three ncrPaperprnted said day of hearing sncce38lve weeks prior to h Geeex County Judge APPLICATION FOR LICENsi Notice is1 filed in the city clerkIofl Au L Halor has tion for a licen1 to wffefe3 S an W vmous liquors in the hniMw spituous and 3 in thesecond ward Sfin Iot21V blok ota from May 1 ion ft A S5 V1 S of Indian- IIH A L HAtBT A I To Core a Cold in On uav 1 V Two Days I I Take LaatlV8 BrOUlO Qninilie Tablets plj OTi every I I Seven MDHon boxes sold in past 12 months ThlS Signature P ag box 25c I 3 ftl 01 if i 3 Ul i i 1 Vl - 1- V m 9