The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 01, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
MvWvCWtvw2 NywfiW
Premier Balfour announces that the
- - irish land bill will be taken up May
1 1 or 5
According to advices received from
ilclilla it is the intention of the Mo
roccan rebels to attack Fez
The directors of the Northern Pa-
- dfic railroad have declared the regular
iividend of yz per cent payable
Hay 1
The question of whether or not a
itrike shall be declared on the Great
Northern system is to be submitted to
i vote of the trainmen
A report published to the effect that
ilrs Benjamin -Harrison proposes to
sell her home in the Adirondacks is
Jenied by Mrs Harrison
Mail advices from Japan state that
i disastrous fire occurred in the mines
of the Otu colliery at Kinshu on April
i resulting in the loss of sixty five
The proceedings on the part of the
flrench government against the unau
thorized congregations continue and
aave occasioned trouble in various
Turkey has decided says the
fonica correspondent of the London
Daily Mail to concentrate an army of
240000 in Macedonia The troops are
pouring in daily
The first shipment of Philippine coin
will be made from San Francisco
about May 1 The largest shipment
of coin will be made from New York
about ten days later
C M Rathborn superintendent of
the Missouri Pacific lines north and
west of Kansas City has presented
his resignation to take effect May 1
The late Herr Krupps various works
have been organized into a stock com
pany with 19000000 capital under
the designation of the Frederick
Krupp company
The executive council of the Amer
ican Bankers association met in New
York and decided to hold the annual
convention in San Francisco not later
than October 15 next
Miss Alice Roosevelt accompanied
by Captain and Mrs W S Cowles
arrived home from Biltmore N C
where they were the guest of Mr and
Mrs George W Vanderbilt
The engagement is announced of
Frances eldest daughter of Fitzhugh
Whitehouse formerly of Chicago and
Baron Constantin Ramsy a
to the czar
The German Chinese Railway com
pany limited was incorporated at Ber
lin with a nominal capital of 2500000
for the purpose of carrying out the
construction of Chinese state railways
Owing to the requests of many colo
nists who are going to California to
live the Southern Pacific and its con-
nections have decided to make a low
tariff on household goods in small lots
It is expected that the Norwegian
government will take steps to check
the emigration to the United States
which threatens to denue the country
of the best class of its working popu
Chandler P Anderson of New York
has been appointed assistant counsel
for the United States in the presenta
tion of its case to the joint commission
which will consider the Alaskan boun
dary question
Postmaster General Payns has sus
tained the action of First Assistant
Postmaster General Wynne in order
ing the posting at rural free delivery
postofQces throughout the country of
names of residents on the routes
An imperial Chinese edict just is
sued orders Prince Ching the grand
secretary to reorganize the financial
system of the empire by establishing
a monetary standard for the entire
country and starting a mint at Pekin
In a dispatch dated Port au Prince
April 18 Minister Powell reports to
the state department at Washington
that after two days fighting General
Gill was compelled to capitulate to
General Vasquez and with his adher
ents took refuge on the United State
ship Atlanta
The monthly statement of the col
lections of internal revenue show that
for the month ftof March 1903 the to
tal collections were 1S62490S a de
crease as compared with March 1902
of 2602626 For the nine months of
the present fiscal year the total collec
tions were 173323913 a decrease of
30945366 as compared with the cor
responding period of last year
The reports in circulation in Havana
that Mr Carden the British minister
to Cuba will be withdrawn because
of Cubas preferential treatment of im
ports from the United States are de
clared at the London foreign office
to be quite unfounded
King Victor Emmanuel has signed
Cecrees appointing Vice Admiral Mor
In minister of marine to the post of
minister of foreign affairs to succeed
Efgnor Prinetti who resigned on ac
count of ill health and making Ad
miral Bettolo minister of marine
The Army Officer Declares Govern
ment Should Find Money to Build
Highways Mr Bryan Talks from
an Agricultural Standpoint
ST LOUIS The second days ses
sion of the National and International
Good Roads convention opened with
a better attendance President Moore
introduced General Nelson A Miles
United States army He was receiv
ed with great enthusiasm by the dele
gates Ho spoke on Military Roads
and a National Highway and said
in part
I know of no one element o civ
ilization in our country that has been
more neglected and yet that is sus
ceptible of bestowing a greater bless
ing upon our people than the im
provement of our lines of communi
cation and avenues of internal com
Our government has expended
500000000 for the improvement of
our harbors and waterways and now
the attention of the public is being
called to our postal roads and avenues
of communication are most useful and
important to all our people
If such expenditures of the na
tional treasure have been made in the
past for the development of railroads
and waterways is it not now a most
appropriate time that the improve
ment of our roads should receive na
tional attention and governmental
The property of the people the
wealth of the nation comes from the
ground The factory and foundry in
crease and utilize the products of the
soil and mine agriculture is the prin
cipal industry so the great mass of
our rural people are our main de
pendency their patriotism their pub
lic spirit their welfare must ever be
the salvation and glory of our repub
lic Therefore every measure for the
good of the national government the
state or municipality that can pro
mote the welfare of the people should
not be withheld but should be most
earnestly advocated and most gener
ously bestowed
Any roads that can be made use
ful for industrial and peaceful pursuits
can be utilized for military purposes
We are not an empire or a military
despotism and therefore are not de
vising means for purely military pur
W J Bryan took the agricultur
ists side saying
The expenditure of money for the
permanent improvement of the com
mon roads can be defined first as a
matter of justice to the people who
live in the country second as a mat
ter of advantage to the people who
do not live in the country and third
on the ground that the welfare of the
nation demands that the comforts of
country life shall as far as possible
keep pace with the comforts of city
It is a well known fact or a fact
easily ascertained that the people in
the country while paying their full
share of county state and federal
taxes receive as a rule only the gen
eral benefits of government while
the people in cities have in addition
to the protection afforded by the gov
ernment the advantage arising from
the expenditure of public moneys in
their midst
Trade Responds Promptly to Better
Weekly Review of Trade says on Sat
Tide responded promptly to bettor
weather in many sections of the coun
try notable activity appearing in sea
sonable lines of wearing apparel yet
wholesalers report conservatism as
compared with earlier months this
year although business is more active
than it was a year ago Some branch
es are still backward and there is
still more or less complaint regard
ing collections while renewals are fre
quently asked Outdoor work is vig
orously prosecuted agricultural com
munities endeavoring to make up lost
time and structural undertakings call
for large quantities of lumber and
building materials sustaining quota
Alleged Insurance Swindle
NEW YORK The trial of Joseph
Trepani charged with grand larceny
in collecting money from a life insur
ance company for the pretended death
of Cassimera Croone who was after
ward found to be living was begun
Monda5r Trepanis arrest was made
after an investigation which disclos
ed extensive insurance swindling op
erations in which a number of Ital
ians are believed to have taken part
j f
Hundreds of Thousands Greet Him as
He Travels
OMAHA President Roosevelt put
in a strenuous day in his tour of Ne
braska on Monday Starting out
from Grand Island he traveled on
four different railroads stopping at
seven different points speaking to
thousands upon thousands of Nebras
kas men women and children
So far as temperature was concern
ed the day was all that could be de
sired although until late in the after
noon its comfort was marred by high
winds and heavy dust followed by
showers in Lincoln Wahoo and Fre
mont to be capped with most favor
able weather conditions upon his ar
rival in Omaha at 5 oclock In the
latter place a vast throng greeted
him the streets being crowded all
along the route of travel He dined
with representative citizens and in
the evening spoke at the Coliseum to
as many as could crowd into the big
To the assembled multitude Presi
dent Roosevelt made a lengthy speech
saying among other things
Mr Chairman and You My Fel
low Citizens It is a great pleasure
to come before you this evening Smce
Saturday I have been traveling
through your great and beautiful state
I know your people I have been with
them I have worked with them and
it is indeed a joy to come here now
and see from one end of your state
to the other the signs of your abound
ing prosperity I feel that the future
of Nebraska is secure There will be
temporary ups and downs and of
course if any of you are guilty of folly
from our own folly nothing can save
you but yourself But if you act as I
believe and trust that you will act this
state has a future before it second to
that of no other state in this great
Anthony Fiala Who is to Head the
Party Talks
NEW YORK Anthony Fiala who
is to head the Ziegler Arctic expedi
tion was a passenger on the Ameri
can line steamship St Paul which
arrived from Southampton Mr Fiala
went abroad a month ago to look
over the ground and to see to the
purchasing of supplies and he now
returns to consult Mr William Zieg
ler Speaking of his trip Mr Fiala
We expect to get off some time
in June The ice broke up early and
the prospects for the expedition are
good The American was sent down
from Tromsoe to Trondheim under
her own steam She is being clean
ed new decks being put in and other
repairs being made The American
will sail as soon as she is ready but
I cannot give the date
Pest Must Be Distinguished from Oth
er Infectious Diseases
BOSTON Dr Courcilman of the
Harvard Medical school on Tuesday
told the Boston Society of Medical
Science that smallpox is caused by a
micro organism representative of the
lowest form of animal life He thus
claimed to have established a rela
tion between smallpox and such dis
eases as malaria and to distinguish it
from other infectious diseases caus
ed by bacteria
The doctors reported discovery is
the outcome of investigations conduct
ed with the assistance of Dr George
Burgess Mograth and Dr Walter Rem
sen Brinckerhoff with the co-operation
of the Boston Board of Health
during the recent epidemic of the dis
ease in this city
Carnegie Aids Eooker Washington
NEW YORK The trustees of the
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial insti
tute in Alabama have received 600
000 toward the endowment fund from
Andrew Carnegie who attended the
recent meeting in behalf of the Tus
kegee institute The trustees will
meet soon to take formal action in
accepting the gift and at the same
time to take measures to still further
increase the endowment
Visible Supply of Cereals
NEW YORK The visible supply of
grain Saturday April 25 as compiled
by the New York Produce exchange
is as follows Wheat 3556000 bush
els decrease 1125000 bushels Corn
7734000 bushels decrease 610000
bushels Oats 6505000 bushels in
crease 16000 bushels Rye 1137000
bushels increase 173000 bushels
Barley 1355000 bushels decrease
203000 bushels
Strikers Grow Violent
MONTREAL The longshoremens
strike is assuming a more serious
character There are about half a
dozen vessels in port now and on four
of these work was commenced Most
of the non union laborers are Italians
and Jews Tuesday afternoon 300
men and their sympathizers went from
ship to slip crying Kill the Jews
Police on guard at the various piers
drove them back at the point of re
- -
I Slj
Arbor day was quite generally ob
served throughout the state
The annual meeting of the United
Commercial Travelers will be held in
Beatrice May 1 and 2 About 200
delegates are expected to attend The
meeting will open with a grand ball
Ed Misch who has been clerking
in a drug store in Nebraska City for
severa years and who was to have
been married to a well known young
woman last week suddenly left for
parts unknown
The county commissioners of Cass
county have notified every road over
seer in the county to strictly enforce
the road law which was passed by the
legislature four years ago and which
prohibits plowing or planting of crops
of any kind in the public highway
On Arbor day in the northwest cor
ner of the capitol grounds Lincoln
eight trees sent from Arbor Lodge
were planted and dedicated to the
memory of J Sterling Morton father
of Arbor day The trees enclose what
is hereafter to be known as Morton
Harrison Harford of Wahoo while
hauling a wagon load of brick met
with a severe accident His team be
came frightened and he was thrown
under the wagon The wheels passed
over his chest breaking several ribs
His injuries are very serious but not
thought fatal
Official reports show that the Union
Pacific earnings are being well sus
tained For the first week in April
they amounted to 616790 which is
a gain over the corresponding month
of last year of 88739 From the first
of last July the companys earnings
have amounted to 22113S9S
At Cedar Bluffs H H Tribbey a
barber was assaulted by Hank Ken
drick of Fremont and beaten so badly
that he remained unconscious most of
the night The two men had been
drinking and gambling nearly all day
The trouble arose over some money
won by Kendrick which Tribbey did
not pay
Adjutant General Culver has honor
ably discharged from membership in
the National Guard twenty five men
Most of the men had served out their
term of enlistment A large number
of soldier boys have been shaking off
the blue lately but the adjutant gen
eral announced that many of them
were re enlisting and other applicants
were being received
The Harvard Co operative Grain and
Live Stock company shipped its first
oar of grain a load of wheat for one
of its wealthy farmer members The
board of directors has organized and
elected the following officers Presi
dent M F Harrington vice presi
dent M L Hartman secretary Jesse
F Eller treasurer William Schwank
The company has incorporated with
10000 capital
Judge Briggs in the county court
of Dodge county dismissed the case
of the state vs Thomas D Buchanan
and the American Express company
charged with violating the state game
law by having in their possession two
barrels of quail and prairie chickens
shipped from Verdigre and consigned
to Chicago The court held that as
criminal intent was not shown the de
fendants could not be held for trial
Fire destroyed a full block of busi
ness houses at Fairbury entailing a
loss estimated at 250000 The fire
broke out in Boone Boones lumber
yard and quickly communicated to the
entire block fanned by a high wind
The fire department was unable to
stop the fires progress The buildings
destroyed include the postoffice Lln
cher Dickinsons Weisels McLaur
ins Harbine bank Morris Todt
Pease Weils The fire destroyed
Switzers lumber yard and hotel the
Farmers hotel the Fairbury Times
printing office McCulloughs plumbing
shop and Lynds tailor shop
Governor Mickey last week mailed
to A Grip minister to Sweden and
Norway a draft for 1500 and to
Comte Cassini the Russian minister
at Washington a draft for 500 this
being the 2000 appropriated by the
last legislature for the starving people
of Norway Sweden and Finland In
closing the letters to the ministers
Governor Mickey took occasion to
say The people of Nebraska are so
licitous for the welfare of those of
other lands and desire to take notice
of the deplorable condition existing
in the famine regions of Europe This
appropriation is therefore a practical
expression of their sympathy
Mrs William Paasch wife of the as
sessor of Cuming township Dodge
county was drowned in Cuming creek
near her home The drowning occur
red during the absence of her husband
on an assessing trip
Mrs J M Summers is the cham
pion fisherman of Tecumseh While
fishing in the Nemaha with a common
line and pole she succeeded in land
ing a carp which was over twenty
four inches in length and which weigh
ed ten pounds and six ounces
Matters in Nebraska
- v jvp
imw tM 1
MM a wn
Is Still Glad that He Vetoed the Ex
emptions Bill
Governor Mickey is reading with
marked interest a number of articles
in trade papers concerning his action
in vetoing the senate exemptions bill
which was calculated to permit the
garnishment of one fifth of the wages
of laboring men receiving over 35
per month A marked copy of the
Omaha Trade Exhibit containing a
signed article by H Fischer an offi
cer of an Omaha dealers association
and several other paragraphs reacher
the governor All the governor would
say to those who complained because
merchants were not allowed greater
freedom with laboring mens wages
would be to ask whether every per
son with property did not have 2000
exemptions as his homestead right
If that was true why should a wage
earner have his income at the mercy
of persons who might use the power
unscrupulously The governor did
not regard the bill as vicious except
that it would permit unscrupulous
persons to persecute those against
whom the law was directed Some
corporations will discharge a man
who is garnisheed twice and each
time the garnishment is repeated a
bill of casts is run up which the
wage earner pays The governor
saw more possibilities for harm in
the bill than for good
Shocking Manner in Which a Woman
Took Her Life
ASHLAND The death of Mrs A
G Benlz of this city was a most
shocking one Several months age
she began to show a tendency to take
her life and after some earnest at
tempts was placed in the insane hos
pital at Lincoln It is only a few
weeks since she was brought home
and while it was hoped that she was
cured a very close watch was kept
over her by the family But finally
her opportunity came She slipped
into the cob house where the kero
sene can stood poured oil all over her
clotTes and over a quilt which she
wrapped around her and set them on
fire As tne flames flared up around
her she ran out screaming around the
house A son-in-law seized her and
tore off the burning clothes Medical
aid was obtained and everything done
to save her life but she died in a
few hours After being taken intc
the house she was very anxious to
have the fire in the cob house extin
guished in order not to burn down
the residence and other buildings
Thrdugh Run
HASTINGS Neb According to
a new arrangement which went
into effect last week Burlington en
gine crews running on the fast trains
between Lincoln and McCook will
hereafter run through instead o
changing at Hastings By the new
schedule the engineers will earn 200
per month on an average Where they
formerly received 740 for the trip
to Hastings and return they will now
get -1550 for the trip to McCook and
Burlington Model Farm
OMAHA George W Holdrege
general manager of the Burlington
and Missouri River railroad has con
summated arrangements with Prof
W H Campbell of Holdrege Neb
whereby the latter will operate an
experimental farm of 328 acres nea3
the latter place to be known as thq
Burlington model farm Mr Camp
bells methods of soil culture are es
pecially adapted to semi arid locali
Nebraska Flour for Export
SCHUYLER A thing unprecedent
ed in the history of shipments from
Schuyler was the shipment Saturday
of a car of export flour by Messrs
Wells Abbott Nieman containing
105000 pounds
Reports from Custer county say that
fall grain is looking fine
Becomes Violently Insane
BEATRICE George Peterson a
farmer residing two miles south oi
Holmesville was taken violently in
sane and was brought to this city
handcuffed and ordered to the asylum
Building New Elevators
Since the enactment of the Ramsey
elevator law applications for the erec
tion of new elevators have increased
in number at the Burlington freight
headquarters in Lincoln Under this
bill railroads are obliged to build a
sidetrack out to an elevator on theii
right of way where such elevator ia
erected by farmers at a cost of at
least 3000 Some effort was made
to establish the invalidity of the bill
before it became a law
3 es wr E33a nv t
Wl TTTTM mi ll yL7W ItVtW AvM I
2 JE2SBmtimmc
z II i m J
iSBHSSpJK When the back aches M
HAS NO REGRETS tj H and pains so badly Vu T
I MfSMI cant work cant rest -
cant sleep cant eat
It is hard to bear
Thousands of aching backs have
been relieved and cured
People are learning that backache
pains come from disordered kidneys
that Doans Kidney Pills cure every
Kidney ill cure Bladder troubles uri
nary derangements Dropsy Diabetes
Erights Disease
Read this testimony to the merit of
the greatest of Kidney Specifics
J W Walls superintendent of
streets of Lebanon Ky living on
East Main street in that city siys
With my- nightly rest broken ow
ing to irregularities of the kidneys
suffering intensely from severe pains
in the small of my back and through
the kidneys and annoyed by painful
passages of abnormal secretions life
was anything but pleasant for me
No amount of doctoring relieved this
condition and forthe reason that noth
ing seemed to give mo even temporary
relief I became about discouraged
One day I noticed in the newspapers
the case of a man who was afflicted
as I was and was cured by the use of
Doans Kidney Pills His words of
praise for this remedy were so sin
cere that on the strength of his state
ment I went to the Hugh Murray
Drug Cos store and got a box I
found that tho medicine was exactly
as powerful a kidney remedy as rep
resented I experienced quick and
lasting relief Doans Kidney Pills
will prove a blessing to all sufferers
from kidney disorders who will give
them a fair trial
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr Walls will
be mailed to any part of the United
States on application Address
Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists Price 50 cent3
per box
On -the Latesn
Libby Luncheons
We sell the product In ker openinsr cans
Turnakey and you find the meat exactly
as it left us We put them up in this way
Potted Ham Beer and Tongue
Ox Tongue Whole Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham Brisket Beef
Sliced Smoked Beef Etc
AH natural flavor foods palatable and
wholesome Your trrocershould hae them
How to Make Good Thintr to Eat wiU
be bent free to any address for the asking
Libby McNeill Libby
Chicago Illinois
Shocks Microbes to Death
Dr Samuel J Metzler a Berlin phy
sician has come to the conclusion that
all microbes may be killed by a series
of violent shocks He seems to have
proved his theory at least to his own
satisfaction by attaching to the waist
of a girl a number of bottles of soup
filled with microbes and making her
skip and dance until she was almost
exhausted By that time the microbes
were well nigh exterminated
Accurate Uncle Sam
The postmaster at Eloise Fla be
ing short one cent in his cash at his
last settlement with the government
made up the deficiency out of his own
pocket but in checking his accounts
the auditor for the postoffice depart
ment found an arithmetical error
whereby Uncle Sam had been overpaid
to the extent of a cent Thereupon -the
department sent the postmaster a
draft for 1 cent which he has just
It is the opportunity that makes
everything the rich man and the
Men are generous to a fault when
they are in love
Union prices marriage fees
After Four Months in Bed
Powersville Ky April 27th Mrs
j j who has been ill
over eight years says
Yes it is truly wonderful T
36 yeare of age and for the last eight
years I have suffered with acute Kid
ney trouble
I tried all the doctors within
reach and many other medicines but
got no relief till I used that
edy Dodds Kidney Pills
IaSCnfined t0 m bed r four
months this winter and had such a
pain in my side I couldnt
get a enod
breath I had smothering
spells was
light headed and had given up 5
hope for I didnt think I couW Hve
After I had
taken a few of Dorlcr
Kidney Pills I began to improv
I kept on tlU now
as you
see I
am well
I have been uP and doing
my own
work for
sometime now and haven
felt pain or weakness since
I praise the Lord for
my WoPor
ful restoration to health and tm
always recommend Dodds Kidney
Marconi should
proceed tn n
a long felt want by inviietofin
1 politics
2j ii