The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 01, 1903, Image 4

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    Trjms missims
imric fribity
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodgo No 012 meets first nnd
third Thursdays of uuch mouth McConnolls
linll8ftp m E B IIuiiEit Prosidont W S
Girrisn Secretary
lodge No 07 moots on tocond and fourth Mon
dny evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McCounoll hall K W Dbvoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 moots second and fourth Thursday after
noons tit 230 oclock in McCounells hall Mrs
Thad Snniiiuun Oraclo Mits Augusta Antov
The brethren who are running the ad
vertisement of Victor Rainbolt of Bloom
field Indiana may learn something to
their profit by rendering a statement for
a quarters advertising
IIousk roll 1 is the bill establishing a
western normal school It provides that
tho school is to bo located west of a
point five miles east of the ninety eighth
meridian and appropriates 850000 for
erection of tho school buildings
Christian Preaching service every
Sunday evening Committee
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 10
morning worship 11 Y P S C E 7
evening worship 8 Wednesday prayer
meeting 8 All are welcome
P W Dean Pastor
Methodist Regular services morning
and evening Prayer meeting Wednes
day 8 p m Election of delegates to the
Lay electoral conference at close of
prayer meeting
L H Shumate Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Aibans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Baptist All services at the usual
hours We especially call the attention
of the people of tho community to our
music Having secured some new talent
appropriate anthems will be rendered at
each service Sermon topics for Sun
day 11 a m The Gospel of Service
and Reward 8 p m The Distin
guishing Mark Gospel preaching and
a cordial welcome to all who come
C Richard Betts Pastor
Rev J J Loughran has been in
Omaha and Lincoln most of the week
on business connected with their pro
posed new church
Rev Deans young mens class in the
Congregational Sunday school known
as the Baraca class has prepared a fine
tennis court just north of the church
and is having fine sport at that pleasant
Group 9 Nebraska Bankers Association
The session Tuesday of this week in
this city was well attended and was of
special interest and value opening with
an address of welcome by Mayor Eldred
and a response by a visiting banker
There were addresses by P L Hall
cashier Columbia National bank Lin
coln on Taxes on Banks to Protect De
positors by J W Dolan president
State bank Indianola on Some Ideas
on Country Banking in Nebraska by
C F McGrew vice president Omaha
National bank on American Bankers
Association Meeting at New Orleans
by A A Billings assistant cashier Bank
of Alma on Bank Advertising
Among those present were C K Hart
cashier Franklin County Bank Bloom
ington president of group 9 J B Mc
Grewpresident Bloomington State bank
secretary group 9 W G Springer cash
ier Commercial State bank Oxford
treasurer group 9 V B Caldwell cash
ier representing U S National bank
Omaha Mr Parks representing First
National name Lincoln
The new officers elected are President
Ed L Willetts of ths Harlan County
bank Alma secretary A A Billings
assistant cashier Bank of Alma treas
urer G G Eisenhart Culbertson bank
Charles K Hart and Ed L Willetts
were chosen members state executive
Quite a long list of topics were dis
cussed during the sessions of particular
interest to bankers and banking
A Sure Thing
It is said that nothing is sure except
death and taxes but that is not alto
gether true Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption is a sure cure for all
lung and throat troubles Thousands
can testify to that Mrs C B Van
Metre of Shepherdtown W Va says
I had a severe case of bronchitis and
for a year tried everything I heard of
but got no relief One bottle of Dr
Kings New Discovery then cured me
absolutely Its infallible for croup
whooping cough grip pneumonia and
consumption Try it Its guaranteed
byL W McConnell druggist Trial
bottles free Regular sizes 50c S100
G A R Reunion
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets to Fremont May 12 13 and 14 at
one fare for the round trip from Ne
braska points
Indigestion Causes
CatarrH of tKe
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
tho Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
jlBettleaenly Reolar ska 100 hoIdtae2JJtIme
tho trial ba which sails for SO cents
Fraparad by E O DeWITT CO Chicago 10
Absolutely Pure
Orton Davis Wedding1
Following is taken from tho Washing
ton Evening Star of March 21st which
also printed halftones of the bride and
At the First Congregational church
last night Miss Helen Amelia Davis and
Mr William Allen Orton were married
in the presence of several hundred
friends Tho ceremony was performed
by Rev S M Newman pastor of the
church The chancel of the church
was profusely decorated with palms and
Easter lilies The ushers were Messrs
Allen A Davis W L Symons M B
Waite Duncan Stuart Kirk Holmes
Carleton R Ball Dr Joseph S Cham
berlin and Dr R E B McKenney
Previous to the entrance of tho bridal
party Mrs Bischoff sang a solo As tho
party advanced to the chancel Dr
Bischoff rendered the wedding march
from Lohengrin The bride entered
the church with her father Mr V A
Clark of Geneva N Y was best man
The bride wore a gown of white crepe
de chine The diamond and pearl
brooch worn was the gift of the groom
He tulle veil was held under a cluster of
lilies of the valley and she carried a
shower bouquet of bride roses and lilies
Mrs Albert F Woods sister of the
bride as matron of honor wore a white
organde and carried a bouquet of Ameri
can beauty roses The bridesmaids
were Miss Alice Orton of Fairfax Vt
sister of the groom and Miss Emma H
G Holdsworth of Penn Yan N Y
cousin of the bride Miss Orton was
attired in pink silk mousseline and Miss
Holdsworth in blue silk mousseline and
both carried bridesmaid roses The
bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs
Charles W Davis of Takoma Heights
D C and is a lineal descendant of three
colonial governors including Governor
Bradford Mr Orton is a descendant of
Ethan Allen Ho is assistant patholo
gist at the department of agriculture
After the ceremony the couple left for
an extended trip south including a
stay in Florida The brides traveling
gown was of green voile with hat to
match The wedding presents were
numerous and valuable and included
cutglass silver furniture
etc x nenas in itussia sent a samovar
Mr and Mrs Orton will make their
future home at Takoma Heights
Takoma Park where they will be at
home to their friends the third and
fourth Wednesdays in June
Regular Session of City Council
The mayor and councilmen were in
regular session Monday evening with a
full official complement present
Bills as follows were allowed and pay
ment ordered
Judges of election J S LeHew A G
Bump C J OBrien each 300
Clerks of election C F Lehn J G
Schobel and Louis Thorgrimson each
McCook Electric Light Co S9407
b M jvimmell supplies 1450
Rache Berry books 824
G W Godfrey nursing and care and
expenses incurred for Clydo Scott dur
inff smallpox 12500 rejected
Saloon licenses were granted Patrick
Walsh M U Clyde William Lewis and
and Harry Barbazett
Druggist permits were granted L W
McConnell Albert McMillen Alonzo
Cone Bro
Billiard table licenses were granted
William Lewis and John H Bennett
Card table licenses were granted John
H Bennett and A S Kennedy
Petition of Charles Arnold and other
South McCook property owners for the
laying of a water main along First street
commencing at the north end of Louis
street in Original South McCook run
ning east to the north end of C street in
First addition to South McCook with
the agreement of 29 persons to tap said
main was read and referred to C H
Meeker supt of waterworks
W R Starr was appointed and con
firmed as city attorney
Renewal was ordered of last years
street sprinkling contract with John P
Jikstedt Adjourned
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 37
Wheat 63
Oats 45
Rye 34
Hogs 620
Eggs 1
Butter 15
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure R W Groves signa
ture is on each box 25c
Maud Last night Jack told me that
he wouldnt marry the best girl living
unless what unless she took Rocky
Mountain Tea Sensible fellow 35 cts
L W McConnell
To enable us to print on time we must
insist upon having communications ad
vertisements etc in the office earlier in
order to avoid possible disappointment
Miss Daist Cline of McCook is spend
ing the week in the city guest of Mrs
O S Moore Holdrege Progress 24th
Ambrose is great both humorous
and ethical Governor Will Cumback
of Indiana
German and Siberian millet seed at
W T Colemans
Gleaned from an Early Publication
The Tkiijune has in its possession a
copy of tho Red Willow Gazette a news
paper published in Nebraska City Feb
ruary 1872 by tho Republican Valley
Land Co with John Roberts as editor
and manager which with increasing
years becomes more and moro interest
ing and valuable
Tho Gazette opens with a prospectus
of the company and a description of the
Republican valley in general and what is
now Red Willow station in particular
Those named as associated in tho pro
ject to locate townsites etc are J N
Converse J F Kinney J II Madison
Royal Buck Brock Kinney Samuel Tate
B M Davenport E S Reed J V D
Patch J Sterling Morton Lathrop El
lis John Longnecker and V C Utley
The prospectus announces that an ex
ploring party started out in November
1871 to explore tho Republican river and
its tributaries and then proceeds with
quite a graphic account of what this par
ty saw after leaving Kearney the termi
nus of the Burlington Missouri R R
R in Nebraska about 130 miles west of
Nebraska City and proceeding south by
southwest overland in wagons
The party decided to locate a town at
the mouth of Red Willow creek and to
organize a county The Gazette has
this about the creek and selected town-
Red Willow creek at the mouth of
which the party located the town of Red
Willow is one of the largest tributaries
of the Republican from the northwest
and has its rise west and south of Fort
McPherson and is a stream probably
fully 50 miles or more in length with
more than an ordinary amount of timber
along its banks Near its mouth it flows
with a strong current with a fall of
about 16 feet to the mile the fall increas
ing as wo go farther up The water is
clear and good evidently made from
never failing Springs and of an average
width of 15 to 20 feet and about two
feet in depth Thus we have a power
for milling and manufacturing that is of
great value to a town and surrounding
Our townsite selection is on the sec
ond bottom or table with part of it ris
ing gradually still higher thus giving
us something of a variety and views that
overlook the whole country in the most
pleasing manner Besides this it is so
situated that water can be taken by
pipes from tho Red Willow but a short
distance up and brought into all parts
of the town
It was the unanimous voice of the
party that we call our town Red Wil
low and that we seek to organize a
county by the same name
Around this proposed site is to all
appearances a country of unsurpassed
beauty and excellence The valley wid
ens out here on both sides of the river
and dotted here and there in the dis
tance are groves and skirtings of timber
all seeming to converge to a noint near
our town South of this point about 10
or 12 miles is the valley of Beaver creek
with a beautiful plateau of tableland
between and it is evident that around
this may be organized a county of great
wealth and influence
The officers of the Republican Valley
Land Co are given as Royal Buck
president J Sterling Morton vice-president
B M Davenport secretary J V
D Patch treasurer The directors
were J N Converse John F Black
V C Utley John Roberts W W W
Jones Samuel Fate J H Madison
John Roberts was also named as general
Besides a lengthy article on govern
ment lands copied from the State Emi
gration Pamphlet the Gazette con
tains a number of articles by men who
have left their impress on Nebraska
Here is a paragraph or two by General
C H VanWyck then a member of
congress from New York state giving a
roseate description of Otoe county
which would put to blush the most
highly imaginative land agent
And a two column address from the
pen of the late J Sterling Morton de
livered at tho meeting of the State Hor
ticultural society January 4th 1872
Then Robert W Furnas president
State Board of Agriculture is given
space for an announcement of special
premiums at the coming state fair
This circular is dated January 20th
1872 at Brownville
Thb Burlington time table as given in
the Gazette is signed by A E Touzalin
as general ticket agent C EPerkins
as general supt and E D Smith as
agent at Nebraska City
It is announced that The B M
railroad sold during the month of
January of their Nebraska lands 6315
acres at an average price of 838 The
company still has about 1500000 acres
of choice lands for sale
I have derived great benefit from the
use of Chamberlains Pain Balm for
rheumatism and lumbago says Mrs
Anna Hagelgans of Tuckohoe N J
My husband used it for a sprained
back and was also quickly relieved In
fact it is the best family liniment I have
ever used I wTould not think of being
without it I have recommended it to
many and they always speak very highly
of it and declare its merits are wonder
ful For sale by L W McConnell
For 25 years I have never
missed taking Ayers Sarsaparilla
every spring It cleanses my
blood makes me feel strong and
does me good in every way
John P Hodnette Brooklyn NY
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body You
are invigorated refreshed
You feel anxious to be
active You become strong
steadycourageous Thats
what Ayers Sarsaparilla
will do for you
5100 a bottle All drujilsti
Alk jour doctor what lie thinks of Ayers
Sarsaparilla He knows all about this grand
old family medicine Follow bis advice and
weTTHl DesHiisnen -
J C ATBK Co Lowell Mass
Brakeman C B Clark arrived home
Wednesday from a short visit in Denyer
T A Endsley mail carrier was ill
and confined to the house early days of
the week and Chris Larson was in the
accustomed harness meanwhile
Trainmaster Kenyon went over on the
St Francis branch Thursday morning
with a snow plow to open up the line
which was blockaded by the snowstorm
of Wednesday
April Retires in a Blizzard
The rainstorm of Tuesday afternoon
developed into a snowstorm during Tues
day night and into a minor blizzard
Wednesday all day concluding on Wed
nesday night with a severe freeze which
conclusively settled the fruit question
if indeed any doubt existed before as to
the utter destruction of all fruit pros
The storm was one of those extraordi
nary exhibitions of bad temper and
worse judgment on the part of the
weather clerk to which this clime is very
occasionally subject and it so happens
this season that the damage is unusually
large on account of the splendid promise
of a bountiful fruit harvest of all varie
ties perhaps the prospect has never
been equaled
The loss to fruit raisers and gardeners
will be severe while the gain to small
grain will bo large
Telephone and telegraph wires suffered
from the snow and sleet and service was
greatly impaired during Wednesday
Many poles weres broken down by the
weight of ice
For so late in the season perhaps so
general and severe a storm has not been
experienced in many years The total
damage over the western states will be
immense in the destruction of marvel
ous fruit prospects Trees and gardens
will soon revive A wholesale destruc
tion of flowers is a painful incident of the
2000 Given Away
Read the offer made by W T Cole
man in connection with sales of the
Great Majestic Range Announcement
will be found on last page of The
Tribune this issue Dont miss this
unprecedented offer 2000 absolutely
given away to purchasers of the greatest
and best of ranges made
ihe Honiara
Ah if only I were beautiful
How Happy life would be
Many a forlorn maid has said this as she
looked into the mirror It is the one pos
session in the lottery of human life -which
woman -would not refuse
Female Regulator
for young girls on the threshold of woman
hood is invaluable When they become
Eale and languid the eyes dull aching
ead feet and hands cold appetite gone
or abnormal obstructed periods and pain
ful menses and their systems generally
run down they need a tonic building up
and their blood cleansed
Bradpelds Female Regulator for women
is particularly valuable and useful owing
to its tonic properties and as a regulator
of the menstrual flows Painful obstruct
ed and suppressed menstruation is perma
nently relieved and all diseases peculiar
to her genital organs are cured by it
Regulator clears the complexion bright
ens the eye sharpens the appetite re
movesmuddy and blotched conditions of
the skin and cures sick headache at once
Of druggists at roo per bottle
Perfect Health for Women can
be had free by sending us your address
Within a few days the library will re
ceive a new invoice of books comprising
about fifty volumes about half of which
will be for juveniles and the balance for
older readers In the list which in
cludes the best of current fiction will be
found A Comedy of Conscience by Dr
S Wier Mitchell whoso books are us
ually so well worth reading because of
their serious mindedness The latest
book of Dr Mitchell does not attain to
the length of the authors former works
being scarcely more than a sketch
Another new book that will be re
ceived is Irving Bachellers Darnell of
the Blessed Isles It will be remembered
that the authors first novel upon its
appearance a few years ago scored an
immediate and phemonenal success
reaching a circulation that few enjoy
One of the books of which the critics
write with great enthusiasm is Jack Hen
derson Down East the story of a wes
terner who after a long absence goes on
a visit to his native town in New Eng
land lie is astounded at the marks of
progress he sees and tells his experiences
in a manner that is said to bo irresisti
bly human
The Rose of Normandy is a historical
novel dealing with the invasion of Mex
ico by Maximilian It is a story of the
conventionel historical type a story of
love and adventure wholesome if harm
The Bishop by Cyrus To wnsend Brady
is a collection of western tales and for
that reason will appeal to western read
ers Mr Brady recounts many of his
own experiences in these stories for he
was a missionary in nansas ana UKla
homa in pioneer days That is why
those who aro not unfamiliar with the
primitive life of tho new country find a
keen personal interest in this authors
It is said the London publishers are
unable to supply the demand for Wee
Macgreegor by James Joy Bell who at
the age of 30 years finds himself one of
the most talked of men in the literary
world This is a book of incidents rather
than a piece of sustained fiction The
hero as the title indicates is a small
boy yet the work is one which none can
appreciate more thoroughly than parents
Are offered you in our com
plete stock of Summer Dress
Goods And we have a hand
some assortment of Trim
mings Laces Swiss Embroid
eries in sets of different
widths with insertions to
match Lace Collars Turnover
Collars etc Give us a call
Waterloo Underskirts
are gaining- a wide reputation
as producing the very best
values ever offered in this line
of wearing apparel They are
made of the best Mercerized
Sateen and are extra wide at
the bottom Prices ranging
from 125 to 425 each
Visit our Grocery Department
or call us by Phone No 16
or shall our solicitor call at
your door Our goods are
delivered promptly and sat
isfaction guaranteed
J H j
j Phone 16
It is said that George A Dinsmore of
DesMoines Iowa will build an irrigat
ing ditch from Palisade to Beverly on
the south side of the Frenchman river
The proposed ditch is to be about twelve
miles long and will be capable of water
ing 5000 acres of land
Eight cents a pound is
what a young woman paid for
twelve pounds of flesh
She was thin and weak and
paid one dollar for a bottle of
Scotts Emulsion and by tak
ing regular doses had gained
twelve pounds in weight before
the bottle was finished
Eight cents a pound is
cheap for such valuable ma
terial Some pay more some
less some get nothing for
their money You get your
moneys worth when you buy
Scotts Emulsion
We will send you a little
409 Pearl Street New York
50c and 100 all druggists
Spring Ailments
There is an aching and tired feeling
the liver bowels and kidneys become
sluggish and inactive the digestion im
paired with little or no appetite no
ambition for anything and a feeling
that the whole body and mind needs
toning up The trouble is that during
winter there has been an accumulation
of waste matter in the system Herbine
will remove it secure to the secretions a
right exit and by its tonic effect fully
restore the wasted tissues and give
strength in place of weakness 50c at
A McMillens I
For Sale
Improved irrigated farms in southern
Wyoming on a line of railroad and a
good town Close to the mountains in
a beautiful valley Grain of all kinds
does well and alfalfa is a money maker
I also have a few choice mountain
ranches for sale Write to
D D Wallace
Wheatland Wyoming
McCook vs Cambridge
Remember the baseball game between
the high school clubs of McCook and
Cambridge in our town tomorrow after
noon commencing at 230 oclock Ad
mission 10 and 25 cents
GEO J burgess
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
100 Deposited
ft vvj
SUiSL National
and Sheldon StatelBanlf Siieldoiiria11
Tope Paid to Anyone
Finding any of our testimonials not genuine
Is sold under a positive guarantee to do
what it is advertised to do and its success
is proven by the testimonials of thousands
of its users Investigate its merits Read
what it has done for others
St- Pau1 Neb April 9 ISO
National Medical Co York Neb
Gentlemen -This is to certify that I have
used Liquid Koal for ergot disease and be
lieve it a cure for this disease from the ex
periments I have made but believe it ought
to be used when the animal is first taken
e disease And for a
can t be beat by anything I kn
lice killer it
ow of Your
L Little
Partington Neb Dec 8 ISO
National Medical Co York Neb
Dear Sirs Regarding
Liquid Koal I
would not be without it
as I am sure I saved
most of my hogs with it
a year ago and I
have been using it with good results ever
since 1 would advise
farmers to keep it
on hand and useKitwith
their hog as di
rected and I am sure they will be satisfied
A M Harris
MeadowGve Neb Dec 13 1902
XationaUMedicaHColYnrir1vi L
some time nnri fitirl iiT ML
it at any price
jt all the company
Iwouldnotbe witlwut
vm Hawkins
rnce si per Quart 3 per Gal
Send to the National
don Iowa or York Neb Medical for w Cn c hel
on Germ Diseases of Animals iHKbo1f
be mailed you free of charge andltwU
For Sale by James Cain
Hour aid Feed
PhntiA Wn on
- WMW 41UI 4bU
McCook Neb