A i X - i PROMINENT PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE fiJLirusr g IVl J - SHUEir m If J Ul VI WL W N U Omaha HON MADE Dounlaa makes and sella more mens uootsycar welt ittantt Scvfcd Process shoes than any other manufacturer In tho world 25000 EEWAED Trill be paid to anyone -who can disprove this statement Because W Douglas islhelargcst manufacturer he can buy cheaper and produce his shoes at a lower cost than other con cerns which enables hiin to sell shoes for 350 and 5300 equal in every way to those sold else where for 4 and 500 The Doutrlos secret pro mi 1 cess of tannin the bottom coles produces abso lutely pure leather more flexible and -will wear longer than any other tansaee in the world The sales have mora than doubled the past four years which proves its superiority Why not civo w Xi Douglas shoes atrial and save money Notice Incrvitso 06P9 Sales S2SOi88t21 In Ituiue3 1902 Sales SiVOiMJIlOOO A gain of 3 820441070 In Four Years W t DOUGLAS S40O GILT EDCE LINE Worth SOO Compared with Other Makes The best imported and American Jeathers HeyCs Patent Calf Enamel Box Calf Calf Vlcl Kid Corooa Colt and National Kangaroo Fast Color Eyelets C3tlfnn Tho genuine have W I DOUGLAS all llUlla name and price stamped on bottom Shoes bvtnatl25c extra Jllus Catalog free W UOlGtAS UBOCKTOX MASS iiiieseeto Excursions April 21st TUESDA YS May 5th 19th June 2nd 16th To certain points in Southwest Mis souri Kansas Oklahoma Texas Ar kansas etc at very low rates Tick ets limited to 21 days for the round trip Stop overs allowed on the go ing journey within transit limit of 15 days For further information call on or address any agent of the company or Thomas F Godfrey Pass Ticket Agt CITY TICKET OFFICE Soutroast Corner of 14th ard Douglass Stroet No 181903 gMypfasacMsMiPaiiagjrggl COKES WHERE ALL ELSE fHILS Best Couch Syrup Tastes Good uso in time boia Dy oruggms Br M C Gee of Pe Hi is fit to ROBERTS SIJJL fR S Robert R Roberts M D Wash- xM llimlai Ca ijington D C writes V kMAl at mi A Through my own experience as YSjiM I Ml I Ji well as that of many of my friends s Mjw ltrrn rtC and acquaintances who have been c W j j cured or relieved of catarrh by the ikl vJUIL ill 3 use of Hartman s Peruna I can con- vBrntBirlv fill 11 i f fidently recommend It to those S Sffry ftill JlfiW Ml fering from such disorders and ffe vjjf fill J i fra ve no hesitation in prescribing it I yy issssg - I to my patients Robert RRoberts nvrwvntl CONSTANTLY increasing number A of physicians prescribe Peruna in their regular practice It has proven its merits so thoroughly that eren the doctors have overcome their prejudice against so called patent medicines and recommend it to their patients Peruna occupies a unique position in medical science It is the only internal systemic catarrh remedy known to the medical profession to day Catarrh as every one will admit is the cause of one half the diseases which afflict mankind Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict one hall of the people of the United States F H Brand M D of Mokena III uses Peruna in his practice The following case is an example of the success he has through the use of Peruna for catarrh Dr Brand says Mrs C age 28 had been a sufferer from catarrh for the past seven years could not hear plain and had watery eyes She came to me almost a physical wreck She had tried the Cope land cures and various other so called specialists and had derived no benefit 3AflilA from them She told me she did not want to spend any more money on medicines unless I could assure her relief F H Brand M D I put ner on Peruna and told her to come back in two weeks The effects were won derful The cast down look she had when I first saw her had left her and a smile adorn ed her face She told me she felt a different woman her hearing was improved and her eyes did not trou ble her any more This is only one case of the many I have treated with your valuable mediciue F H Brand M D Catarrh may invade any organ of the body may destroy any function of the body It most commonly attacks the head Superior quality and extra quantity must in This is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others Procrastination is worse than a serpents tooth WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS Upwards of 100000 American have settled In Western Canada during the past 5 years They are CONTENTED HAMS AXI MiOSMIKOUS and there Is room still for MILLIONS Wonderful yields of wheat and other grains The best Braxlng lands on the continent Magnificent climate plenty of water and fuel good schools ex cellent churches splendid railway facilities- HOMESTEAD LANDS Of 160 ACRES FREE the only charse for which Is 10 for entrr Send to the fallowing for an Atlas and other literature as wellas forceruncate Klungyou reduced railway rates etc Superintendent ot Immigration Ottawa Canada or to WVBennett 801 New York Life Bldg Omaha 27eb the authorized Canadian Government Acent K2 m -V W 3 yMHEHERJliCtO yF HERRICK JiS more room 14 less Ice White Spruce Enamel or Opal Glass linings Ask your dealer for them cr write for catalogue and prices HERRICK REFRIGERATOR CO WATERLOO IOWA WriTED TRAVELIMe SALESMAN I In this county Our men are making from 75 to 10 a month selling our Household and Stock Remedies and Flavoring Extracts direct to consumers Ex- elusive territory Goods are furnished on credit NO CASH OUTLAY Pleasant profitable lifelong positions No experience necessary wo teach you Write for Information Dont delay Incorporated THES D CONFER MEDICAL COMPANY ORANGEVILLE ILL I WILL PAY When I bought my last FARM WAGON it was painted nicely with paint that soon washed off and the Maple axles and bolsters the Cottonwood box and Elm bubs ESCAPED my notice 00 REWARD to any man who can fool me azain My next Farm Wagon wiJl be the NEW TIFFIN for it is an HONEST wacon in every particular is made o Hickory Oak and Poplar and in material con struction and finish is not excelled by any other tvacon on earth If your dealer does not handle it make bin do so or write to THE TIFFIN WAGON CO at TIFFIN OHIO and they will let yon know where the nearest acent is Yours truly SUBSCRIBES San Francisco Says of Especial Bene Women nose and throat but thousands upon thousands of cases of catarrh of the lungs stomach kidneys bladder and other pelvic organs have been cured by Peruna Peruna is able to cure catarrh wherever it may be located by its direct action upon the mucous membranes Catarrh means inflamed mucous membranes Peruna acts at once to cleanse and invigorate the ca tarrhal condition of the mucous membrane no matter where it may occur in the body Its action is the same on the mucous lining of the nose as on the mucous lining of the bowels It cures the catarrhal inflamma tion wherever it may occur Dr R Robbins Muskogee I T writes Teruna is the best medicine I know of for a cough and to strengthen a weak stomach and to give appetite Beside prescribing it for catarrh I have ordered it for weak and debilitated people and have not had a patient but said it helped him It is an ex cellent medicine and it fits so many cases I have a large practice and have a chance to prescribe your Peruna I hopo you may live long to do good to the sick and suffering We say Peruna cures catarrh The people say Peruna cures catarrh Prominent men and women all over the United States from Maine to California do not hesitate to come out in public print to say that Peruna ia what it is recommended to be an internal systemic catarrh remedy that cures catarrh wherever it may be located Dr M C Gees Experience Dr M C Gee is one of the physicians who endorse Peruna In a letter written from 513 Jones street San Francisco Cal he says There is a general objection on th6 part of the practicing physician to ad vocate patent medicines But wheii any one medicine cures hundreds o people it demonstrates its own value and does not need the endorsement o the profession Peruna has performed so many wonderful cures in San Francisco that I am convinced that it is a valuable remedy I have frequently advised its use for women as I find it insures regular and painless menstruation cures Ieucorrhoea and ovarian troubles and builds up the entire system I also consider it one of the finest catarrh remedies I know of I heartily endorse your medicine At C Gee At D Women are especially liable to pelvic ca tarrh female weakness as it is commonly called Especially in the first few weeks ol warm weather do the disagreeable symp toms of female weakness make themselves apparent In crisp cold weather chronic sufferers with pelvic catarrh do not feel so persistently the debilitating effects of the drain upon the system but at the approach of summer with its lassitude and tired feel ings the sufferer with pelvic catarrh feels the need of a strengthening tonic Peruna is not only the best spring tonic for such cases but if persisted in will effect a complete cure Write for a copy of Health and Beauty written especially for women by Dr Hartman If you want to read of some cures also write for a copy of Facts and Faces That will surely convince you that our claims are valid If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of Thi Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio The man of vivid imagination looks upon facts as a bore No chromos or cheap premiums but a better quality and one third more of Defiance Starch for the same pi ice of other starches Excessive politeness is little remov ed from absolute rudeness The Klean Kool Kitchen Kind is the trade mark on stoves which enable you to cook in comfort in a cool kitchen Women like to be considered the most serious part of mans thoughts Plsos Cure cannot oe too highly spolten of at fl cough cure J W OBkiejt 322 Third Ave N Minneapolis Minn Jan 0 1900 Women figure to advantage when administering to a man who is ill PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle ex cept green and purple No girl wants to be spoken of as one who never had a beau BED CROSS BALL BLUE Should be in every home Ask your grocer for it Large 3 oz package only 5 cents A happy home is largely promoted by a few extra dollars Stops the Cough antl Vorks Off the Cold Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets Price25c It is a long lane that dreads the fire CITC permanently enreu No ats or nervousness aftei II 3 O first days use of DrKline sGreatNerreRestor en Send for FKEC 3200 trial bottle and treatlfo DE R H Kline Ltd S31 Arch Street Phlladeluhia Haste is between the cup and the lip To the housewife who has not yet oecome acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once Not alone because it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand but because each 10c packago con tains 16 ozs while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs It is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other Quality and quantity must win Watered stock the fish sellers I i WiH Hr n H H i I THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations From South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There was not a heavy run of catle hut local packers seemed to bo pretty well Hlled up for the week nnd as a result they did not tako hold with much life and started In from tho begln nlnif to pound the market A liberal pro portion of tho receipts consisted of beef Bteers and tho buyers started In bidding generally a dime lower Sellers wanted steady prices so It was some time before many cattle crossed tho scales Packers refused to raise their bids so that tho bulk of the cattle had to sell at the de cline Tho cow market also suffered Buyers said that if they could not get tho cows a dime lower they did not want them so the most of the offerings sold that way The same as was tho way with steers the handy weights of good quality sold to tho best advantage and In soma Instances were not as much as a dime lower Bulls veal calves and stags did not show much change from yesterday About the usual conditions prevailed on the stocker and feeder market Anything strictly choice sold about steady but all others were slow and weak The demand from the country has been In good shape all the week so that speculators have carried over very few good cattle from day to day HOGS There was not a heavy run of hogs and under the inlluence of a good local demand the market improved a lit tle Trading was fairly active and the market could safely be quoted strong to 5c higher The bulk of the decent weight hogs sold from 702 to 707 with the choicer loads from 77V to 715 The lighter loads sold from 5700 down There was not much change in the market irom start to finish though then- -considerable unevenness in the prices paid SHEEP Quotations for clipped stock Choice western lambs 600C50 fair to good lambs 3r0C0O choice western wooled lambs 67700 fair to good wooled lambs 525550 fair to good yearlings J3CKrS525 choice wethers 00 52o fair to good wethers 473go00 choice ewes 150J74G3 fair to good ewes 420 150 feeder lambs Sl001i525 feeder yearlings U0H7j feeder wethers 375 425 feeder ewes 225350 KANSAS OTY CATTIjE Beeves steady to strong quarantine cows and stockers nnd feed ers steady bulls and calves quiet choice export and dressed beef steers 1701 525 fair to good 3G0tl70 stockers and feed ers 2SOS300 western fed steers 2501 505 Texas and Indian steers S300t475 Texas cows 3001400 native cows 3001 440 native heifers J8S460 canners 150S2G0 bulls 2O450 calves 2001i 700 HOGS Market active and strong top 717 btdk of sales 70O1715 heavy 71051717 mixed packers 700g712 mixed packers G75705 yorkers GS0 705 pigs GC0gGS5 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market active and strong native lambs 450750 west ern lambs 40011740 fed ewes 4O054O native wethers 42O620 Texas clipped sheep 415I5JG15 stockers and feeders 3S0g4S0 FAVORITE RATES FORBIDDEN The Railroads Are Enjoined from Dis criminating CHICAGO 111 Judge Grosscup on Friday entered an order in the United States circuit court of appeals enjoin ing six railroad companies from dis crimination against small shippers in the western territory The decision is especially important as being the first under the new El kins law The government according to the decision is entitled to the injunction against the offending railroads under the interstate commerce act as well as the Elkins law The ruling applies to fourteen rail roads which were covered by proceed ings instituted in the federal court Six of these companies were defend ant in the local court The others are under the jurisdiction of the Kansas City federal court MRS BEEMER IS THE MATRON Governor Mickey Names Woman for Penitentiary LINCOLN Neb Governor Mickey on Friday appointed Mrs Belle E Beemer as matron of the penitentiary Mrs Beemer is the first official mat ron of the institution the position hav ing been created at the last session of the legislature Mrs Beemer is the wife of Warden Beemer and has an in timate knowledge of the work that will be required of her in her new po sition The salary of the office which is fixed by the beard of public lands and buildings has not yet been de termined Richards Grows No Better CHEYENNE Wyo Governor De Forest Richards is little improved and a specialist has been called into con sultation by the attending physicians Fire Alarms Thousands PEORIA 111 An incipient blaze in the Tabernacle a large frame build ing at Main and Globe streets Friday night three 5000 people into a panic The building is used as a roller skat ing rink and was crowded when the blaze was discovered In an instant there was a mad rush for the exits and many of the skaters were knock ed down and trampled on Twenty persons were painfully injured 11 The real heroines of every day are in our homes Frequently how ever it is a mistaken and useless heroism Women seem to listen to every call of duty except tho supremo one that tells them to guard their health How much harder tho daily tasks become when some derangement of tho female organs makes every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung Irritability takes the place of happiness and amiability and -weakness and suifering takes tho place of health and strength As long as they can drag themselves around women continue to voile and perform their household duties They have been led to believe that suffering i3 necessary because they aie women What a mistake The use of Iylia E Pinlclinms Vegetable Compound will banish pain and restore happiness Dont resort to strong stimulants or nar cotics when this great strengthening healing remedy for women is always within reach FIIEE MEDICAL AIVICE TO WOMEN If tlicre is anything in your case about which you would lileo special advice write ireely to Mrs Pinkhnm No man will see your letter She can surely help you for no person in America 1ms such a wide experience in treating female ills as she has had She has helped hundreds of thousands of women hack to health Her address is Iynn Mass nnd her advice is free You arc very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation For proof read the symptoms suffering and cure recited in the following letters Drab Mrs Pkjkuasi I wish to express to you the great benefit I have derived from vour advice and the of Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound My trouble was female weakness in its worst form and I was in a very bad condition J could not perform my household duties my back ached I was extremely nervous and 1 could not eat or sleep and tho bearing do vn pain3 were terrible My husband spent hundreds of dollars to get me well and all the medicine that the doctors prescribed failed to do mo any good I resorted to an operation which the physician taid was necessary to restore me to health but I suffered more after it than I did before I had hemorrhages of the womb that nothing eonld seem to top I noticed one of your advertisements and wrote jon for advice I re ceived your reply and carefully followed all instructions I immediately began to get stronerer and in two weeks was about the house I took eight bottles of Iiydhi E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and continued following your advice and to day I am a well woman Your remedies and help are a Godsend to suffering women nnd I cannot find words to thank von for what you have done for me Mrs Lottie V Naylok 13L8 N J Ave NW Washington D C Dear Mrs Pixkiiam I write to tell you what Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound has done for me I was suffering with of the womb and cnnld hardly drag- about but after taking live bottles of JVydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound I was completely cured 1 am now a well woman and able to do all my work I think your medicine one of the best remedies in the world Mrs J M Lee 141 Lyndal St Newcastle Pa Deab Mrs Piskhaxi Tydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound has done a great deal for me I suffered s o much from falling of the womb and all the troubles connected with it I doctored for years with doctorsand other remedies but received only temporary relief I began taking your medicine and had not taken it long before I was feeling better My husband said that I should keep right on taking it as long as it gave me relief from my suffering as I could not expect to be cured by one or two bottles I did so and am now able to be on my feet and -work hard all day and go to bed and rest at night Thanks to your Vegetable Com pound I am certainly grateful for the relief it gave me It is the mothers great friend I would not be without it in mv house for when 1 feel tired or out of sorts 1 takea few doses and feel all right c I would recommend your medicine to all tired mothers and especially to those suffering as I was Mrs R F Cuamreus Bennet Neb S5000 FORFEIT If wo cannot forthwith produce tli original letters and signatures of above testimonials which will provo ther abHuto pen imrncsx Lydis 1Z IiuVham Mciliciuo Co Lynn Maes DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications as thev cannot reach the D0NT short DO YOUR CLOTHES LOOK VELtOWT If so useRedCrobS Ball Blue Itwillivaks them white as snow 2 oz package 5 cents Marry in haste is penny wise Iowa Farms S4 Per Acre Cash balance J crop till paid MCLHALL Slom f Ity la ASK YOUR DEALER FOB THE MADE FAMOUS BY A REPUTATION EXTENDING OVER MOPE THAN J nALr a LtNiuur TAUCITC - 1 k vi iu vvik o tarmenti ana rS u if r L L Tj iiau arc iiiouc oi inc ocit r A material in bfacK or yellow i i for all kinds of wet work S- ifSi ft - ft SATISFACTION 15 GUAPAHTEED IF YOU STICK TO THP SirW OP PKH tip Jpr m fstrXf Rnin j are here V MWi Iff Mire m IU Rootbeer i3 M SUl The Preatet sprinc tonic f0Ml fc riuEliOli iMMijjM ili InJ laL fcod everywhere iSJcfM HillU4b or by malIfor 2 cents Jf KfKI jtWllillCk CHABKSK HIRES CO ViklSjSSl SMsSHlfJlWlfwy ZalTtra Pi sjdirl flHKl - iu t turvcK soooaTgN MA55u 3 A TOWER CANADIAN CO ticd TORONTO CAN i nrrrwBmwvtcgg i h af Wv rr V J sthe best quality gum tWjtajaij IIM iJZ 113 vfc i BIMPER remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- olffiHuHISCEoAK ALWAYS RELIABLE union or the mucous iimnc of the Eustachian lube When this tube is inflamed jou have a rumbling J closed deafness is the result nnd unless the in- ft WcEK I UJ JU of B Sfl B BJ flammation can be taken our and this tube restored t B O rfr T ti W UdI9nllii to its normal condition hecring will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused b ca tarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case i of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cirrulais free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists 75c Halls Family Pills are the best The burnt child dreads the cut To rrne the btalinv nnd Cleansing powrr of Jaxtlue Toilet Antiseptic wo will mall a large trial package with book of instructions abHoIutely free This Is not a tiny sampip hut a largo package- enough to con vince anvoir of its value WomPn all ovr r the country are praiinIaxtine for what it has done in local treat ment Of fpinuln IIIh Clirinrf all inflammation anil discharges wonderful as a cleansing atinl douche for sore throat nasal catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card will do Hold by ilrncKiKtBorsent postpaid by uro cout 1 tree box Satisfaction KuiiraoteCu THE 2 1AXTON CO Konton Man 21- Colambus Av TITTLE JOURNEYS J to lake resorts and mountain homes will be more popular this summer than ever Many have already arranged their summer tours via the nicago ivaukee Si Paul Railway and many more are going to do likevise Booklets that will help you to plar your vacation trip have just been published and will be sent on receipt of postage as follows Colorado California six cenis In Lakeland and Summer Homes six cents Lakes Okoboji and Spin Lie four cento F A MILLER General Passenger Acent CHICAGO 4 i I