The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1903, Image 5

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Mi if
- 1 j cOh sad was pod King Solo- jM I
5 mon 4
A yt A When his thousand wives would
isk crsfl Shuo T x- L k 5 n s10PPn ken an eave m 3
lrx1 3 iA I With the itte ones at hom 1
And much happiness they t i iW d
Ivy 5 Kansas City Mo I II I I I I
1 Y hjmrmJiimnTmijjjmn - b I U I lfe
Than boys Ask any loy whicli is the
best base ball and he will invariably tell
you The Spaniel nig an el the same ap
plies to ail lines of base ball goods We
have just received the new Bats Balls
Gloves Masks etc all having- the traele
maik of Spaulding sold at one price
to every one
Nothing Like Experience
One truth learned by actual experi
ence does more good than ten experiences
one hears about Tell a man that
Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus
and ho will most likely forget it before
the end of the day Let him have a
severe attack of that disease feel that
ho is about to die use this remedy and
learnfromhis own experience how quickly
it gives reliefand ho will remember if all
his life For salo by L W McConnell
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
Appetite poor Bowels
constipated Tongue coated
Its your liver Ayers Pills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
25c Alt druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
RimiflMRUAMC nVCfortho
yUUlVI iiLlllrtlii O U I ta
Two Edged
In the fight between the combinations
of labor and the combinations of capital
the merger decision which now may be
recognized as an established principle
as it is not to be contested denies the
right of capital to combine in the re
straint of trade Public policy was the
sole consideration which prompted the
court to arrive at the decision
Upon the same principle but the other
party being affected does it not follow
that the boycott is another combination
in restraint of trade which cannot be
countenanced in this country Of
course no man can be forced to purchase
goods at anr particular shop but when
wholesalers notably dealers in plumb
ers supplies refuse to sell goods to any
dealer who does not comply with the
regulations of their association is not
that an act to restrain trade and does
not the welfare of the public demand
that the courts apply to such cases the
rule which recently was made to fit the
merger so nicely Lincoln Star
G A R Reunion
The Burlington will sell round trip
tickets to Fremont May 12 13 and 14 at
one fare for the round trip from Ne
braska points
We take pleasure in informing you
that we have on exhibition
froni several of the best
Merchant Tailors in the country
including the well known
A visit of inspection will be appreciated whether
you leave your order or not
Store in this part of the country
and that is the place to buy your
Shoes Our line is complete and
we feel certain we can please you
in pricesand know we can in
jyjodet ftoe 5tore
McCook Neb
Burlington Model Farm
Omaha Neb April 20 George W
Holdrege general manager of the Burl
ington and Missouri River railroad has
consummated arrangements with Prof
II W Campbell of Holdrege whereby
the latter will operate an experimental
farm of 328 acres near the latter place to
be known as the Burlington Model
Farm Mr Campbells methods of soil
culture are especially adapted to semi
arid localities their essential features
being the conservation of moisture by
means of frequent and shallow cultiva
tion during the growing season His
experiments have extended over ten
years in the Dakotas Kansas and Ne
A Sweet Breath
Is a never failing sign of a healthy
stomach When the breath is bad the
stomach is out of ojder There is no
remedy in tho world equal to Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach disorders
Mrs Mary S Crick of White Plains
Kentucky writes I have been a dys
peptic for years tried all kinds of reme
dies but continued to grow wcrse By
the use of Kodol I began to improve at
once and after taking a few bottles am
fully restored in weight and health and
can eat whatever I like Kodol digests
what you eat and makes tho stomach
sweet L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofiice April 20 1903
Mrs L A Burtou Harry Coley
HE Daltun T B Heeden
Grace Johnson S Kennedy
Frank Keoler Jacob Klein
Mrs Jennie Lee Philippius Morharfc
John Marsden A T Mathews
H H Ruby Jake Reinliart
F W Smith L C Woll
Jacob Webor
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M KiMMELt Postmaster
Ill Alt Af Anl
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years It pays to use the
right stuff
Men of oak are men in
health men whose
bodies are made of the sound
est materials
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con
stitution that will last for years
Scotts Emulsion is the right
Scotts Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and SlOO all druggists
Low Rates West
2500 to- Portland Tacoma Seattle
S2500 to San Francisco Los Angeles
22 oO to Spokane
S2000 to Salt Lake CityButteHelena
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points including Big Horn
Basin Wyoming Montana Washington
Idaho Oregon British Columbia Cali
fornia etc
Every day until June 15
Tourist cars daily to California
Personally conducted excursions three
times a week
Tourist cars daily to Seattle
Inquire of nearest Burlington Route
Robbed the Grave
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows
I was in an awful condition My skin
was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue
coated pain continually in back and side
no appetite growing weaker day by day
Three physicians had given me up Then
I was advised to use Electric Bitters to
my great joy the first bottle made a
decided improvement I continued their
use for three weeks and am now a well
man I know they robbed the grave of
another victim No one should fail to
try them Only 50c guaranteed at L
W McConnells drug store
L A Dixon is visiting in Denver this
Conductor J J Larkey is still on tho
sick list
Brakoman C L Fonn took a short lay
off this week
Charles F Allen is a now employe in
tho train service
Auditor W P Foreman was at head
quarters this week
Luke Ilaydon of tho repair track ten
dered his resignation Thursday evening
James A Graham has beoa placed on
work piece and given tho shoe-and-wedge
J W Eastman of tho carpenter force
has moved into C 1J Sawyers old home
on lower Madison street
Brakeman C W Downey who has
been laid up with a mashed foot is now
able to be out on crutches
Way car 6 isabout ready to go to Den
ver No 126 will bo out of the carpen
ter shop in a few days also
Brakeman F S Scarborough fs in
Lincoln and Wymore visiting during a
short vacation His wife accompanied
Part of tho rails have been laid on tho
new yard tracks and the rest are on the
ground The tracks will be ready for
service soon
Agent T G Rees came down from
Imperial Wednesday evening and went
on G the same night to Omaha to
attend the meeting of Nebraska Masons
Harry Ellison and J F Laughlin have
traded with F A Henderson and L I
Culbertson and are now in the passenger
service the two other boys going into
the freight service
Conductor A P Bonno has gone to
Wisconsin to see the wife and baby in
EauClairo Conductor Fred Washburn
has his run meanwhile and Conductor
William Washburn has tho 150 tem
Rev C R Betts addressed the assem
bly on Friday morning last
Eighth grade examinations were con
ducted by Supt Thomas April 23rd and
24th for County Supt Dutcher The
pupils of the eighth grade city schools
were given the same examination
Pupils taking examinations for com
mon school diploma Cassius Dodge
Robert Lofton Lena Goodenberger and
Jennie Goodenberger Cedar Bluffs Kan
sas and Bert Goodenberger and Sallie
Bell McCook
The following is the Arbor day pro
gram rendered in the high school assem
bly room Wednesday morning
Morning hymn Sciiool
Quotations About Trees Pupils
Origin of Our Legalized Arbor Day Roy Rolfn
Governors proclamation George Campbell
Life of Morton Nellie Ryan
Sons No 82 School
When the Green Gits Hack in tho Trees
Bessie Bosworth
Carl Mortons Orchard Bossie Beam
Woodman Spare That Tree Clifford Brown
Quotations Pupils
America School
There were present the following vis
itors at this special assembly Rev and
Mrs F W Dean Lillian Burnett Mil
lie Elbert Louis Thorgrimson and Earl
Ludwick The collection taken for the
Morton monument fund amounted to
1820 of which sum Miss Beatrice Wib
ley of Chickasha Indian Territory was
the donor of one dollar
J F Welborn of Denver was here
Sunday between trains
Mrs G S Bishops condition is still
a source of much solicitude to the fami
ly and friends
C T Beggs came in Thursday morn
ing on No 2 from Leadville Colorado
and is looking after tho interests of a
Leadvillo poultry firm of which he is
Mr and Mrs Bert Potter of Lima
Ohio are in the city guests of Mr and
Mrs O M Knipple and enjoying re
newing numerous old time acquaintance
ships Bert is a traveling engineer and
will return to Ohio shortly after attend
ing the airbrake convention in Denver
first of next week The family will ac
company him to Denver but on the re
turn will stop here and visit for a month
or longer
A Burlington Change
Burlington trains on the Denver-Lincoln
line will run from this city to Mc
Cook hereafter instead of changing at
Hastings The first engine to make this
run was sent out Monday morning on
tram No 1 Engines 3709 and 3708 from
the west will be sent to McCook on their
next run The distance from Lincoln is
nearly double that formerly made by the
big locomotives but the addition of the
new engines has made it possible to cover
this distance without a change Lincoln
Star Monday evening
Due Notice is Served
Due notice is hereby served on the
public that De Witts Witch Hazel Salve
is the only salve on the market that is
made from the pure unadulterated
witch hazel DeWitts Witch Hazel
Salve has cured thousands of cases of
piles that would yield to no other treat
ment and this fact has brought out
many worthless counterfeits Those
persons who get thg genuine DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve are never disap
pointed because it cures
Makes a Clean Sweep
Theres nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly Of all the salves you ever
heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is the
best It sweeps away and cures burns
sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin
eruptions and Piles Its only 25c and
guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W
McConnell druggist
From Manufacturer to Consumer
W T Coleman buys his rubber hose
direct from the manufacturer in New
Jersey and gets absolutely guaranteed
hose He sell it at from 6c up no more
than inferior stuff costs Has a full
line of sprinklers nozzles etc
Every school child should at home be
taught the sacredness of personal prop
erty and rights and should be instructed
in respect and courtesy to elders There
is a painful lack of these desirable quali
fications quite evident in trespassings
small depredations and thoughtless
rudeness The coin of common courtesy
is finer than fine gold and what is more
splendid than a fine regard for the
rights persons and property of others
Oliver Wendell Holmes said The
human race is divided info two classes
those who go ahead and do something
and those who sit and inquire why it
wasnt done the other way
I J 5
Do You Know
fl8 I 1a
I v
That We Have a
Very Good Line of
Separate Skirts-
for Hisses and
We have them
at all prices
ioo to 2250
Try Us if You Have Not
Bought Your Spring Suit
Do Not Forget Us
When Ordering Groceries
Phone 22
was ft
A Great Sensation
There was a big sensation in Leesvillc
when W H Brown of that place who
was expected to die had his life saved
by Dr Kings New Discovery for Con
sumption He writes I endured in
sufferable agonies from asthma but
your New Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a com
plete cure Similar cures of consump
tion pneumonia bronchitis and grip are
numerous Its the peerless remedy for
all throat and lung troubles Price 50c
and SI Guaranteed by L W McCon
nel druggist Trial bottles free
For liver troubles and constipation
Theres nothing better in creation
Than Little Early Eisers the famous
little pills
They always effect a cure and save
doctor bills
Little Early Eisers are different from
all other pills They do not weaken tho
system but act as a tonic to the tissues
by arousing the secretions and restoring
the liver to the full performance of its
functions naturally L W McConnell
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with sciatica
writes Ed C Nud Iowaville Kansas
going about on crutches and suffering
a deal of pain I was induced to try
Ballards Snow Liniment which re
lieved me I used three 50c bottles It
is the greatest liniment 1 ever used
have recommended it to a number of
persons and all express themselves as
being benefitted by it 1 now walk
without crutches able to perform a
great deal of light labor on the farm
25c 50c SlOO at A McMillens
Dont Be e ooledi
v2 Fact
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in bulk Accept no substi
tute Ask your druggist
Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell
lias iiled in the city clerks oilico his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to poll malt
I spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building oa
lot 7 block 21 in tho Second ward of tho city of
j McCook from May 1 lfttl to April V IWJl
1 L W McConnell Applicant
Indianola Nebraska April 17 lOX
j Notice is hereby given that A L Haley lias
filed in tho city clerks oilico his bond and peti
tion for a license to tell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in tho building on lot 21 block
in the Second ward original city of Indian
ola from May 1 lOttt to April 30 10I
A L Haley Applicant
McCook Neb April VJXi
Notice is hereby given that A McMilh n has
filed in the city clerks oilico his bond and peti
tion for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors in the building on lot
21 block 22 in the First ward of the city of Mc
Cook Red Willow connty Nebraska during tho
year ending May 1st 1S04 A McMillkn
McCook Nebraska April 10 VM
Notice 19 hereby given that L Cone 6c liro
have filed in the city clerks oilice their bond
and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 16
original town in the Second -ward of tho city of
McCook from May 1 1901 to April 20 10O1
L Cone Bko Applicants
When you order
crackers sent with your
other groceries
and dont want them
scented by
your other groceries
tell the grocer
Protected by the Package