The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1903, Image 4

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- ZITZ - exr SSS
11 nun rii irii ii ii iinr i nil n minnriir iirn ii nil n i iiiirir1rTittrrfT mitoiffffliiitrffiBiiftatf
IflelMook frump
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodgn No 012 moots first and
third Thursdays of onch month McCounells
hall 810 p in E H Huhee President W S
Guykk Socrotary
lodgo No W7 moots on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each mouth at eight oclock in
McCounnll hall R W Devok Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
862 mootB second and fourth Thursday nfter
noons nt2IS0 oclock in McConnolls half Mns
Thad Shepiiuud Oracle Mns Acguhta Anton
The Northern Securities Co will pay
the regular quarterly dividend at 1 per
cent on May 4th
Boodlk seems to have controlled the
late session of Missouris legislature
killing desirable meritorious bills and
passing every graft
The Stockville Republican is now
owned by J A Williams county judge
of Frontier county and managed by his
son Glenn formerly of The Tribune
force but late clerk in the state Senate
during the last session of the legislature
The very important senator who
thought that the country press ought to
print matter for five cents per inch and
that most editors wore searching for
something to fill up with will find when
ho makes his long contemplated race for
that state office that ho will got a con
siderable amount of that space abso
lutely free of cost and that throughout
the campaign no Republican county
paper will lack for something to write
about Last week many unkind refer
ences to this gentleman appeared in the
county papers gratis and but one pub
lisher showed any inclination to be nig
gardly the exception being the editor of
the Bennett Union who did not use a
single capital letter when printing either
the senators name or his title This
sarcastic and scornful manner of treat
ing a distinguished name goes a long
way towards proving that the space at
the command of some editors is valuable
enough to bo saved with the greatest care
when a lower case h can bo made to
do the work and express the writers
sentiment Lincoln Star
Communities are subject to the inex
orable law which demands concerted
concentrated action to score winnings
The winning movements must be an
altogether effort Assuming the object
desired to be a reasonable one a pull
together will bring it Observe that it
is just about as important that stakes be
set in reason and common sense as that
the effort bo concerted and continuous
Much well meant effort is directed to
failure and disappointment because the
project is at once attached to a kite and
soars beyond the financial ability of the
community S1000000 project should
not be promoted in a 10000 town nor a
10000 proposition sprung in a 1000
burg Substantial success is always
best achieved by securing the advant
ages within reach rather than by the
exercise of hot air over the chimerical
and beyond attainment Wind has its
place in human economy but it iaout
of place when a substantial advantage
is sought A communitys head must
bo no more in the clouds than its feet
must be on firm earth In fine let Mc
Cook get together on some reasonable
practical proposition and keep everlast
ingly after it until its a reality be it an
auditorium or whatnot
Christian Preaching service every
Sunday evening Committee
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Regular services Sunday-school
10 Preaching 11 Epworth
League 7 Preaching 8 In addition
to the regular music a male quartette
will render a selection
L H Shumate Pastor
Baptjst Preaching 11 a m and 8
p m Bible school 945 B Y B U
7 Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 p m
Morning topic The Fact and Motive of
Mans Redemption Evening topic
The Moral Baseline A cordial wel
come to all C R Betts Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school 10
Sermon What a Church Has a Right
to Expect of Her Members postponed
from last Sunday Y P S C E 7
Sermon 8 The Most Important Date
in Human History Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 8 All are in
vited to worship with us
Frank W Dean Pastor
Splendid Ranch For Sale
A fine ranch property of 600 acres
Over 100 acres alfalfa land Part of
same in alfalfa 100 head of stock
Good running water and -plenty of
timber Will sell on long time and easy
terms Call on or write to 4-3-4
J J Osburn Osburn Neb
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For many years It has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make tba Stomach Sweet
Bottles orfr Regular tzalopfcodtat2J5ttoe
Dua9ihoTtltila Which eells for 50 cents
1 Tnpuni by E O DeWiTT CO Chicago 10
sOCl xr
Fifty Years the Standard
Highest Honors Worlds Fair
Highest tests US Govt filnmisis
Sloans Life of Lincoln is now accessi
ble to those of the librarys borrowers
who care to read it Of a more serious
character than Miss Tarbells work the
book has a literary charm that compen
sates for lack of those qualities that have
made the other biography so popular
Miss Tarbell gives one pure facts and
leaves him to draw conclusions for him
self Professor Sloan has clothed a frame
work of facts with what he conceives to
be the philosophy of the life of which ho
has written
The two books are typical of two dif
ferent methods of writing biography In
the one case the reader is able to form
an unbiased opinion if he can or will
The difficulty of course is that the av
erage reader has neither the time nor the
inclination to devote much effort to di
gesting the raw material a requisite to
the formation of an intelligent estimate
He is in danger of retainirg as the sole
result of his reading a mere jumble of
anecdotes and incidents among which
he sees do consanguinity In the other
case after he has read the book he is
not without an impression His ideas
are not his own perhaps but ho had
better have anothers than none at all
Few of the opinions we hold on any sub
ject are our own and so long as they
are good the fact that they are not orig
inal should make but slight difference
We need not agree with an author but
familiarity with his views may suggest
to our mind what otherwise would not
have occurred to us A mere recital of
the incidents of a mans life does not ap
peal to our intelligence conveys no im
pression of the mans attributes We
know him no better for the knowledge
that he was born or that he died on a
certain -day of a certain year Facts of
that sort may fit many another
It is not the intention however to
compare these two books to the dispar
agement of either but merely for the
purpose of drawing a distinction between
the two They fill different spheres and
both of them should be read Indeed
it is scarcely possible to read too much
of what is really good in the way of bi
ography Nothing probably is a great
er incentive to well living than the story
of a great and a successful life and few
figures in American history are worthier
of attention than the figure of Lincoln
For two years I suffered 5
depression and was always feeling
poorly I then tried Ayers Sarsa
parilla and in one week I was a
new man John McDonald
Philadelphia Pa
Dont forget that its
Ayers Sarsaparilla
that will make you strong
and hopeful Dont waste
your time and money by
trying some other kind
Use the old tested tried
and true Ayers
rilld jlOO a bottle All druggists
Aslrirnnr doctor tvliat lie thinks of Ayers
Rurnnnnlln He knows nil about this grand
old family medicine Follow his advice and
ire Trill Desatnuen
J c aver uo Loweii Mass
High School Fete Day
On Friday May 8th the first annual
fete day for high schools will be held at
the State University in Lincoln The
program embraces a tour of inspection
of the university grounds and buildings
and exercises of welcome and a general
reception in the morning At noon a
basket dinner will be held on the campus
followed by a trolley ride to the univer
sity farm at 230 there will be athletic
contests on the campus and at 430 a
military band concert and university
cadet drill before state officers university
faculty and attending schools In the
evening there will be a stereopticon lec
ture in Soldiers memorial hall followed
by an electrical display by the engineer
ing departments An invitation has
been extended to all city and county su
perintendents and to principals teachers
and students of high schools to be pres
ent and assist The high schools of
Omaha Lincoln York Beatrice and
Ashland have already signified their in
tention of participating The railroads
have offered a rate of one and one third
fare for the round trip from points
within one hundred miles of Lincoln
Each school will wear a badge and will
be met at the train by regularly ap
pointed university guides This High
School Fete day will present an oppor
tunity for an enjoyable visit to the State
University Additional information will
be gladly furnished by H G Shedd
Nows the time to take Rocky Moun j
tain Tea1 it drives out the microbes of
winter it builds up the stomach kid
neys and liver A wonderful spring
tonic that makes sick people well L
W McConnell
German and Siberian millet seed at
W T Colemans
Holdrege to Meet Roosevelt
General Manager noldrege of the B
M has gone to Billings Montana
whore ho will meet President Roosevelt
Saturday and as the official representa
tive of the Burlington escort him in
Nebraska and Omaha reaching this
city Monday afternoon Mr Holdrege
has given personal attention to the de
tails of the presidents tour over his road
and has arranged to insure the safe
transportation of the presidential train
through the state Journal
For Sale
Improved irrigated farms in southern
Wyoming on a lino of railroad and a
good town Close to the mountains in
a beautiful valley Grain of all kinds
does well and alfalfa is a money maker
I also have a few choice mountain
ranches for sale Write to
D D Wallace
Wheatland Wyoming
Beauty and Strength
Are desirable You are strong and
vigorous when your blood is pure
Many nay most women fail to prop
erly digest their food and so become
pale sallow thin and weak while the
brightness freshness and beauty of the
skin and complexion depart Remedy
this unpleasant evil by eating nourish
ing food and taking a small dose of
Herbine after each meal to digest what
you have eaten 50c at A McMillens
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 8 35
Wheat 54
Oats 35
Rye 34
Hogs 660
Eggs 12
Butter Viy2
Open the door let in the air
The winds are sweet the flowers fair
Joy is abroad in the world for me
Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
The threatening weather of last Sun
day morning led Rev Dean to postpone
his sermon on The Demands of the
Church Just or Unjust until the
coming Sunday morning All will want
to hear it especially church members
A Handy Washing Machine
To be Used in Tub or Boiler
Hf iji
A Terror to wash blankets
spreads fine lace and linen goods
and all wearing apparel clean
and easily No wear or tear to
clothing- Price only 100
At his Furniture Tinware Store
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble When the stomach fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged the liver and kidneys
congested causing numerous diseases
the most fatal of which are painless and
therefore the more to be dreaded The
important thing is to restore the stomach
and liver to a healthy condition and for
this purpose no better preparation can
be used than Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets For sale by L W
McConnell druggist
Did You Do It
Take a Day Off and Think
is Doing
Every assertion made by its manufact
urers is being proven true by
true testimonials of the thous
ands of users of this great germ
destroyer all over this land If
it is doing good for them it will
do for you good Give it a trial
and be convinced
Read What Others Say
Coleridge Neb Dec 13 1902 i
T Vinxro Wisn nQlrnr Tinnirl TConl ciriio lncf n
June a j ear ago and have not had a sick
hog since I am snre it is all right and
think that if a man will use it as directed
ho will never have sick hogs I will not bo
without it Yours John Hintz
Lansel Neb Dec 13 1902
National Medicine Company
Dear sirs Will just say that your Liquid
Koal is a good thing and I will not do with
out it It is good all around remedy Every
one ought to use it if he has only one or two
hogs It is a good germ destroj or I rec
ommend it highly Yours
Stanley Mastin
Randolph Neb Dec 12 1802
Your Liquid Koal is just the stuff for sick
hogs At least I have found it so I have
been using it for most a jear and it has not
gone back on me yet My hogs are all right
and I am going to keep them so with Liquid
Koal and dont you forget it
E E Banst
For Sale by James Gain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Herbine Cures
Fovor and ague A doso will usually
stop a chill a continuance always cures
Mrs William M Stroud Midlothian
Texas May 31 1899 writes Wo havo
used Herbine in our family for eight
years and found it to be the best
medicine wo have ever used for la
grippe bilious fever and malaria 50c
atA Millens
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxativo Bromo Quinino Tablols cure n cold in
one day No euro no pay Prico 25 cents
At tH Prico of Stzffox img
Woman on her way to semi invalidism
caused by pregnancy suffers much paiu
Ignorance prompts her to suffer alone
in silence and remain in the dark as to
the true cause motherhood
Mothers Friend takes the doctors
place and she has no cause for an inter
view She is hen own doctor and her
modesty is protected Daily application
tr the breast aud abdomen throughout
pregnancy will enable her to undergo the
period of gestation in a cheerful mood
and rest undisturbed
Mothers Friend
is a liniment for external use only It
would indeed be shameful if the sacrifice
of modesty were necessary to the success
ful issue of healthy children All women
about to become mothers need send only
to a drug store and for 100 secure the
prize childbirth remedy Healthy babies
are the result of useing Mothers Friend
Our book riotherhood mailed free
Farm Implements
Machinery Wagons Buggies
Agent for
Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes
Cash paid for Eggs
Poultry and Farm Produce
ftflMwJlJilWlijnMWg BjBAflWgeS
Gentle Spring I
I havo on hand and ready for sale
Everything in tho list to a dinner pail
Garden hose and garden seed
Garden hoes to stir tho weeds
Spading forks long handled rakes
We sell tho best they are not fakes -
Hinires and latches wo keep in store
A Thoughtful Man
M M Austin of Winchester Indiana
knew what to do in the hour of need
His wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble physicians
could not help her He thought of and
tried Dr Kings Now Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured
25c at L W McConnells drug store
The district fair project still sleeps for
lack of personal interest and united
action Its desirableness is admitted
Word of Warnin
- m
Screen wire for parlor or kitchen door f
Saws and hammers nails and tacks
Hatchets and springs or a good keen axo -
Its a ploasure to know you can buy what you wish
From a Majostic range to a baking dish
Chicken wire and barbed wire too
From a half inch to a 4 inch screw
Bolts and wrenches planes and files
Rope that will reach a hundred miles
Wash tubs and boards clothes pins andJines
Bird cages hooks and all kinds of twine
O K washers and Ocean Wave
Dont let your wife work like a slave
Knives scissors shears and plated ware
Clippers that clip for clipping hair - -
Chains and buckets pulleys and rope
Blasting powder and wagon dope
Shot guns and rifles pistols and caps
Halters and collars whips and snaps
Paints and brushes varnish and oils
Wire on spools as well as coils
We also have whips with a 12 foot lash
And you can save money by paying the cash
Everything for the kitchen to a dish pan
And a hundred more things you can buy at
- 2
A number of peddlers are now in the county prepared to
canvass this county and this section of the state sell
ing and delivering to the farmers and others a Range
Which Any Regular Dealer
in the County will Duplicate
in Quality and Style at 4000
At least onehalf cheaper than the peddlers A word to
the wise should be sufficientIet no peddler unload a
steel range on your premises Some of our poor farm
ers were a few years ago asked to sign a little memo
randum of agreement that they left the stove at their
place This socalled agreement after you sign it be
comes a fullfledged promissory note as the following
copy of their memorandum of agreement shows
County of Ked Willow 190
This memorandum of agreement made and entered into this day of A D 1904
between the Wrought Iron Range Co of St Louis Mo of the first part and of the sec
ond part witnesseth that the Wrought Iron Range Co this day sold the parties of the second part one
Home Comfort Range No and delivered the same in good order and in consideration of the same
the parties of the second part have caused to be executed their promissory note bearing even date here
with for the sum of Sixty Nine Dollars 6900 payable to the order of Wrought Iron Range Co with
out discount or offset and due on the first day of March 1904
Signed in Duplicate WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
At a county court held at tho county court
room in and for said county April 21 A D
1WX5 Present S L Green county judge
In the matter of the estate of Mirelda E Ham
mond deceased
On reading and filing the petition of James M
Hammond praying that tho instrument tiled mi
the 21st day of April 190 and purporting to bo
the last will and testament of tho suid deceased
may bo proved approved probated allowed
and recorded as tho last will and tuHtament of
the said Mirelda E Hammond decease and
that the execution of said instrument may Lfe
committed and the administration of said estates
may be granted to James M Hammond and
Milton H Hammond as executors
Ordered thattfio 16th day of May AD ISM at
2 oclock p m is assigned for hearing said iioti
tion when all pen ons interested may apjear at
u county court to bo held in and for said county
and show cause why the prijor of petitioner
should not be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and tho hearing there
of bo given to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order in The
McCook Tkihone a week newspaper printed in
said county for three successive weeks prior to
said day of hearing S L Gkeen
County Judge