-II K l h u fcor v R- nm POOR DIGESTION LANGUID AND TIRED Just the same as ever ItJacobsOil continues to be the sure cure cf Rheumatism Hi Neuralgia An Interesting Letter Concerning Peruna J jBnkn I Miss rVfivic j nA i Miss Delia Janveau Globe Hotel Ottawa Ont is from one of the oldest and best Mown French Canadian families in Canada In a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co of Columbus Ohio she says Last spring my blood seemed clogged up my digestion poor my head ached and I felt languid and tired all the time My physician prescribed for me but a friend advised me to try Peruna I tried it and am pleased to state that I found it a wonderful cleanser and pur ifier of the system In three weeks 1 was like a new woman my appetite had increased I felt buoyant light and happy and without an ache or pain Peruna is a reliable family medicine Adia Brittain of Sekitan O writes After using your wonderful Peruna three months I have had great relief I had continual heaviness in my stomach was bilious and had fainting spells but they all have left me since using Peruna Adia Brittain If you do not deriTe prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio yburJbra Charlfeacf BMMO SMLTZBR 0I JElVJSRlfHrHrEJRE LITTLE JOURNEYS to lake resorts and mountain homes will be more popular this summer than ever Many have already arranged their summer tours via the Chicago Milwaukee 3f Paul Railway and many more are going to do likewise Booklets that will help you to plan your vacation trip have just been published and will be sent on receipt of postage as follows Colorado California six cents In Lakeland and Summer Homes six cents Lakes Okboji and Spirit Lake four cents F A MILLER General Passenger Agent CHICAGO BlThompsonw Iy Wafer No man ever yet succeeded in tak ing the gilt off the worlds pills with out absorbing their poison The hope of this world is neither in pulpit nor in press but is Christ in the hearts of the people When a man buys a healthy peace at the price of a sickly pride he has made a good bargain The wall of the conceit of knowl edge is worse than one of the densest ignorance no Th d i liriUi lio took of utifat ni xtatac tinin hii ut ef full troA Waarerocf OiW Cbttaf ii UuJof f tSt U irta m k a bo iM Ms Mj turn C tf wfKtl lu m ut mac at riWk Tow s oW clotinj Ven jcu ta w k i nut uujeu va etui xjtbott usajmi cu itie tj vd kUf or oil tadj of wrt mte war AtUtr m ttt jci or Manluuld U Ui of rtUMcfcitn7tet6MtUl THfJiCN tier evrot ksr ttt in of tit fciSnpuuCttttt frrt siuftk toiji MSSiip ttXV rJ Some men fight so anxiously for truths cast off garments that truth herself is almost slain Lewis Single Binder The richest quality cigar on the market at straight 5c Always reliable You pay 10c for cigars not so good A woman who would face a pack of mad dogs wouldnt have the cour age to tell the cook she cant afford not to have warmed over meals Ask Your Dealer For Allens Foot Ease A powder It rests the feet Cures Corns Bunions SwolIenSoreHotCallousAching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails Allens Foot Easemakesnewortightshoes easy At all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac cept no substitute Sample mailed Free Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N T If your life is a blank fill it out and have it sworn to ABE YOUR CLOTHES FADED Use Bed Cross Ball Bice and make them white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents Beware of the vice that goes around wearing the mask of virtue Try me just once and I am sure to come again Defiance Starch A chess tournament is always play ed on the square Its never too late to amend Price 25c and 50c OUR FOREIGN TRADE LARGE INCREASE BOTH IN IM PORTS AND EXPORTS Under Conditions So Satisfactory It Would Seem That Experiments With Our Economic System Are Neither Necessary Nor Desirable The export trade of the United States is rapidly resuming Its normal conditions It exhibits no pressing need of artificial stimulants in the form of special trade treaties Febru ary figures of the Bureau of Statistics show the largest exports of any Feb ruary in the history of our commerce and also show that the exports of the three months ending with February were larger than those of the corres ponding period of any earlier year On the import side the figures also show a continuation of the growth which has characterized the last two years The figures of the eight months end ing with February suggest that the Im ports of the United States in the fiscal year 1903 may exceed 1000000000 while the export figures seem likely to exceed 1400000000 In the short month of February alone the exports amounted to 125 502105 which is 12000000 in excess of any preceding February and more than double the figures of February 1893 in which month trie total exports were 59931984 Taking the three months ending with February 1903 the total exports are 407526200 against 215151471 in the tlyee months ending with February 1893 Thus considering either the month of February or the three months ending with February 1903 the total exports are not only larger than in that period of any preceding year but practically double those of a decade ago The following table shows the total exports from the United States in the three months of December January and February from 1893 to 1903 Three months ending with February Ttl exp February Ttl exp 3893 J215151471 ISM 347279191 1S94 2446C72SG 1900 3602921CG 1S95 2220S9544 1901 3931724SG 1S96 257201049 1902 3G7G5G414 1S97 29095SS95 1003 40752G200 1S9S 32S39S0S8 The outside world keeps right on buying of us much more than R sells to us and we keep right on increasing our purchases from abroad because we are prosperous and able to buy It would -seem on all accounts to be a very satisfactory state of things al most an ideal state of things Why then should we venture upon doubtful experiments that are approved neither in theory nor in practice Why both er our heads about reciprocity INSISTS ON THE IOWA IDEA Gov Cummins Evidently Bent on Keeping in the Public Eye The redoubtable young governor of Iowa Mr Cummins has an idea and cannot get rid of it He eats it sleeps it and works it on all occasions He announces that he will insist from now until the national convention that the Iowa idea of tariff revision be made a feature of the platform He is not a free trader but he is against a tariff on iron and steel for instance and on other undefined things which go to make up monopolies All of us are against monopolies hut until Mr Cummings can place his finger directly on the tariff and show the country a section which works un doubted ill without any compensations there will be little tendency to take him seriously Just why at this time there should arise in the gopher hills of Iowa a desire to emancipate the rest of the country from the duty on iron and steel manufactures is not apparent The schedules in question do not af fect any Hawkeye industry If Gov Cummins has given that attention to the subject which he ought he will know that prices of iron and steel manufactures are not governed by the tariff but by the enormous demand so that not only are we selling every pound that can be manufactured here but we are importing largely from va rious parts of the world It Avould not be a dollar in the pockets of any man in Iowa if the whole iron and steel schedules were wiped out but it would be ruin to many of the people there who are interested in other industries The farmers of Iowa do not eat steel rails for breakfast nor feed pig iron to their hogs They get rich feeding the people of this country who are just now able to buy enormously sincethey have big wages or incomes from one source or another It is regrettable that Mr Cummins should insist on a campaign which can be of no service to the country and can only give aid and comfort to the Democracy We wonder if Mr Cum mins remembers the situation in Iowa in 1S93 to 97 Does he want to live those weary years over again Of course not The trouble is that he has some of the Democratic absurd no tions about political economy which are learned only in books He sets aside experience for the allurements of sentimental philosophy Mr Cum mins is mistaken - He is keeping his name before the public but not in a way that will do him or his party any good We have no doubt that the Dingley bill could be improved but we do not think it can be along the lines proposed by Mr Cummins If once the effort is made to tinker with that instrument we will have depres sion in business and losses all alonsr the line with mighty little compensa tion anywhere We suggest that the Iowa idea be embalmed and buried Philadelphia Inquirer Free Trade and Coal The Great Falls Tribune asserts that instead of hurting the coal mining industry in this part of the stato the repeal of the tariff on coal is likely to cause an increase in the consumption of Belt and Sand Coulee coal The Record certainly hopes such will be the case but nothing that tho Tribune offers would lead to that con clusion The Tribune argues that tho action of the Canadian mine owners will lead to this increased consumption of home coal This action consists in reducing the price of Canadian coal 25 cents a ton from what it has been selling at in the American markets The Trib une argues that this reduction will make American consumers so wroth at the selfishness of the Canadian companies that they will buy more coal than ever of the home companies Let us hope so although we dont be lieve a word of it However that is no argument in fa vor of free trade or as the Tribune would put it tariff reform which would put coal on the free list for all time instead of for a year as a tem porary expedient to relieve the dia tress in the least caused by the short age The reduction of the duty is 67 cents a ton and the Canadian compa nies could make a reduction to that extent if they so desired in order to control the markets this side of tho line They can mine coal cheaper than we can because they employ Chi nese and Japanese labor with Asiatic wages while American mines pay American wages Helena Mont Record Let It R I P I WAS WELL WOULD BE BETTER 44 ITOOKMEDiCiNEr IV Wm JP THE IOWA IDEA BORN 1902 fMWMT tru Mll l DIED Jg03 Mill II llf Ii Fighting Cummins No -It is neither fair nor logical on the part of the Sioux City Journal to ac cuse the Des Moines Capital and the American Economist of fighting Cummins To resist the program of partial or complete free trade as a means of dealing with the trust ques tion is not fighting Cummins To oppose the potential competition of foreign products for the sake of reduc ing domestic prices is not fighting Cummins To deprecate reciprocity in competitive products as an unjust domestic policy and an unwise foreign policy is not fighting Cummins To urge that Republicans keep their hands off the Dingley tariff for at least two years to come and let the Demo crats do all the agitating for tariff re form is not fighting Cummins As we understand the Capitals position that very sound and able newspaper is not fighting Cummins at all Neith er is the American Economist fight ing Cummins In both cases there is no desire to lay a straw in the way of the Governors ambition for re-election If Iowa Republicans want him as governor for another term that is their business not ours What we are fighting is not Cummins but the idea which he stands for We be lieve that that idea involves the ul timate breaking down of the American protective tariff system Hence we are fighting the idea Tariff on Coal The coal duty is the very oldest of the protective measures on the statute books of this country The original tariff act of 1789 imposed a duty upon coal of every kind and quality and there has never been a time until now when bituminous coal entered the country free of duty The need for protection in the East and Middle West has long gone by so there was not a coal operator in any of the sec tions now suffering from the coal shortage who interposed the slightest objection to the repeal of a duty which was meaningless to him The tariff did protect an industry in the state of Washington Its removal is a heavy blow to this state and the worst of it the really irritating point is that the action of Congress will be absolutely without any benefit to the coal consumers in whose interests it was ostensibly taken Seattle Post Intelligencer Why Not Senator Nelson introduced an amendment providing for the change of flour from the general class which receives a 20 per cent concession from the Cuban tariff to that class which is to receive a 40 per cent concession Well why not If the Northwestern farmer is going to be prevented from raising sugar beets because of the preferential bounty voted to Cuban planters he might at least be compen sated to a trifling extent by a wider opening through which flour may en ter the Cuban market It wouldnt make up for the loss of profits on beet growing to be sure but it would be something As the treaty stands the American farmer gets precious little out of it except a black eye All the prize packages go to the Cuban farm er FASTEN AGE MARK5 Sick Kidneys make people look older than they are hasten the evening days of life fasten the marks of premature old age The world over Doans Kidney Pills Is the recognized Kidney Specific i Aching backs are eased Hip back and Join painB overcome Swelling of the Jimbs and dropsy signs vanish They correct urino with brick dust sedi ment high colored excessive pnin in pass ing dribbling frequency bed wetting Doaus Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel Relievo heart palpita tion sleeplessness headache nervousness Sai em Mass March 31 1903 I received the 6ample of Doans Kidney lills ami with the use of one more box from my drugibt I am cutirely cured of a very aiuo back W A Cleveland GALEsnono III March 30 1003 Tho sam ple of Doaus Klduey lills came to hand I also got one 50 cent box from our druggist and I am thankful to say tho pain across the small of my back disappeared like a snow bank in hctsun Doaus lills reach the spot Elmer Waiifel Rose Gles Ta March 29 1903 The free trial of Doans Kidney lills have been of great benefit to me Since ubiug them I have no oc casion to get up fo often at night My com plaint affected the bladder more when catching cold JOSElU Leitehal A man is seldom as smart as as fool ish as his wife thinks he is PUTNAM FADELESS DYES pro duce the brightest and fastest colors I A third party may be all right in nna uui n nun it iuinj iu luiii LSinp its different Blothor Crays Sweot Iowders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Homo in New York cure Constipation Foverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the Boweleand Destroy Worms Over 30000 tes timonials At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy K Y The want of money is the root of evil PIsos Cure is the best medicine ever usb1 for all affections of the throat and lunps Wit O Endslet Vanbuien Ind Feb 10 1900 Hunts Copy with Decoys Clay Emery author of Capn Titus and in private life Clinton Mayo of New York says that he hunts copy and local color with decoys On the shore of a little bay on the Massa chusetts coast he has a boat house equipped with comfortable chairs and settees A very ancient mariner in the neighboring fishing village knows the place and has a pipe marked with his name in the cupboard that hangs on the boat house wall When Mr Mayo is at home he hoists a big Hag on the top of a sixty foot pole and then the sailor folk flock down to the boat house levy on the hosts tobacco find their especial pipes and spin yarns by the hour A Chip Off the Old Block Winston Churchills fearlessness in his speeches has won him much praise in England He is said to pos sess the same audacity the same ir reverence for his elders the same mocking sarcasm as his father the late Lord Randolph Churchill Al- ready he has made any number of en- emies among the older politicians who j take themselves very seriously and to whom it is not agreeable to be held j up to public derision by one whom they regard as a mere stripling But j young Winston cares little for the ani mosity he excites and seems determin ed to follow the policy of his father who was always a terror to his own party They Waited and Saw i Warrens Corners N Y April 20th Wait and see youre better now of course but the cure wont last This was what the doctors said to Mr A B Smith of this place These doctors had been treating him for J years and he got no better They thought that nothing could perma 1 nently cure him He says My kidnevs seemed to be so large Pills for four days my kidneys pained CITY me so bad I could hardly sit down On the morning of the fifth day I felt j some better and the improvement j continued until I was completely cured I This is months ago and as I have had no symptom of a return of my old trouble I am sure I nently cured a n A woman thinks she is a good talker when she is able to entertain herself Camiiria Wtomino Trcvlous to taking the sample of Doans Kidney Iilln I could scarcely lioltl my urluc Now I can sleep all night aud rarely have to ict up and that ach ing ncross my hack a little above my hips la gone Isaac V JJtsiUess Cambria Wyo s FREE TO BETTER KIDNEY HEALTH i niMM I liS I fIWfTFfcr B I fs IIjaii I y3a svt Stato Doarrc Kidney H J3 w 9 TlllS 1 irfe ran - srfB Rootbeer ilellTPerancR 1 Pottg vera if p KfiSfefi X TO- Mm 23rar w Foster Milbokx Co UufTnlo N Y Please send mo by mail without cliorgo trial box Douuh Kidney Tills Nume i Cut out routMin on ilottftl lines mi- mall to Kotterltllburn Ci Uuffalo N Y Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential ALABAST1NE IS WHAT A natural rock base composition for walls and ceilings to be used in white or any number of beautiful tints in powder form to be mixed with cold water making a durable sanitary and cleanly home Any one can brush it on KALSO MINES are what Unnatural glue and whiting decompositions for walls and ccilingsthnt stick only until the glue by exposure decays when they rub and scale off spoiling walls and rendering them unsanitary and the rooms almost uniuhub itable Alabostine possesses merit while the only merit hot or cold water kalsomines possess is that your dealer can buy them cheap There are many reasons why you should not use poisonous wall paper and unsanitary kalsomines Buy Alabastine in 5 lb packages only and properly labeled Please write us for Suggestions from our Artists in Decorating Your Rooms with ALABASTINE ALABASTINE COMPANY New York Office 105 Wator St Office and Factory GRAND RAPIDS MICH Stands for Union Metallic Cartridges It also stands for uniform shooting and satis factory results Ask your dealer for UMC ARROW and NITRO CLUB Smokeless Shot Shells The Union Metallic Cartridge BRIDGEPORT CONN Ifyour COnstltiu0n M nuieijtis FE WANT YOUR TRADE You can buy of us at whole sale prices and save money Our 1000 page catalogue tells the story We will send it upon receipt of 15 cents Your neighbors trade with us why not you CHICAGO The house that tells the truth v Jf that there wasnt room for them and TUESDA YS May 5th 19th at times it seemed as if ten thousand Ttrt J Rr16U needles were running through them - To crtam po Ms I could not sleep on my left side for Eoun Kansas- Oklahoma Texas Ar years the pain was so great in that nncitinn t 11 in tmoQ kansas etc at very low rates Tick- jWkitwu a uuu IV b Kt AA4UU7 L1111l - to urinate and my urine was some times clear and white as spring water and again it would be high colored and would stain my linen The pain across my back was awful I was ravenously hungry all the time After I had taken Dndrts Kirinev JfomeseeKcrs Excursions April 21st ets limited to 21 days for the round trip Stop overs allowed on the go ing journey within transit limit of 15 days For further information call on or address any agent of the company or Thomas F Godfrey Pass Ticket Agt W TICKET OFFICE Southeast Corner of l4tK and Dougles Street When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper N U Omaha No 1719037 IHHlEilHllil afiaMrKWB cbses warn m else fius Xcst Cough Syrup Taatea Good Uae in time ioia dv arumruu