McCook Tribune T jT2 F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA SSS5 SS THE NEWS IN BRIEF 1 25 S Oklahoma will spend about G0000 on her exhibit at the worlds fair in Sr Louis The sultans brother JSIxilai has bedn proclaimed sultan of Morocco by the Riff tribes The railway bridge winch connects Venice with the mainland is 12050 feet long and has 222 arches A person usually begins to lose height at the age of 50 and at the age of 90 has Ipst at least one and a half inches J E Atherton one of the richest and most influential men in the Ha waiian islands died after an extended illness The forests of South Africa are com posed principally of stunted and gnarl ed native trees fit only for weapon making and fence building The Indiana supreme court has de clared unconstitutional the law en acted by the legislature of 1S99 pro viding for a weekly pay day The Illinois house has passed the hill appropriating 9000 for the plac ing of a statue of Frances E Willard in Statuary hall in Washington I arge assemblies in Pittsburg and ALrgheny Pa celebrated the anni versary of Lees surrender to Grant at Appomattox thirty eight years ago Old New York employes of the White Star line of trans Atlantic steamships received about 50000 as an especial gift for long and faithful service The amount of 3 and 4 per cent bonds actually exchanged to date for the 2 per cent consols under Secre tary Shaws recent refunding offer is 14120000 Through service on the Siberian rail way from Moscow to Dalny was begun on February 18 says United States Consul Miller reporting to the state department from Niuchwang Charles McKini of Bedford la shot hs wife four times and thVi shot him self Both will probably die The shotting followed a quarrel with his wife at the home of her A conflict lasting for four days has taken place between the insurgents and Turkish troops in the district of Melsho north of Macedonia The vil lage of Berovo was surrounded and burned The Tonopath Railroad company with an authorized capital of 2500 000 was incorporated at Trenton N J The company is to construct a rail road from Rhodes to Tonopath in Ne vada sixty three miles The will of Gustavus F Swift late president of the packing firm of Swift Co was filed in probate court The estate is valued at 12200000 The principal feature of the will was a bequest of 250000 to charity Mrs Booker T Washington was a guest of honor at a meeting of the State Federation of Womens Clubs held in Dorchester Mass Mrs Julia Ward Howe honorary president of the federation was also present Governor Pennypacker of Pennsyl vania has signed the bill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes or cigarette pa per to any person under 21 years of age The penalty for violation of the act is a fine of from 100 to 300 During the week over 200 Wash- ington shingle mills have closed and upward of 2500 men have been thrown out of work The cause is attributed to a dull market in the east and a surplus stock of shingles at the Wash ington mills The receipts of the Omaha post office for the month of March were 43403 against 38897 for the same period of last year being an increase of 4566 The receipts of the post office at Des Moines were 41753 against 39396 being an increase of 2357 Herr Von Holleben will not be oblig ed to return to the United States to present his letters of recall Secre tary Hay has been informed by Baron Sternburg the present minister that the ambassador has been retired by the German government and that Em peror William as a mark of special favor has bestowed upon him the Order of the Red Eagle Advices from northwestern Kansas indicate that the cattlemen of that por tion of the state will bitterly resist the order of the interior department that their fences around government lands must come down A contest is being waged between the cattle owners and farmers there and up to this time the farmers have been unsuccessful in their efforts to have the fences re moved The Hurd mills six dwellings the Queen Soap companys factory Mich igan Central railway house and a fleet oF twenty pleasure yachts on the Kala mazoo river was destroyed by fire at Marshall Mich the losses aggregat ing 100000 The Washington Humane society has elected President Roosevelt ar honorary member in consideration o his message to congress recommend ing the exercise of kindness toward cavalry and artillery horses of the army NEW NEBRASKA STATUTES Additions to the Laws of the State Made by the Recent Legislature CONDENSATION OF THE WORK OF BOTH HOUSES Measures Passed That Have Received the Governors Sig x nature Other Enactments That He Has Not as Yet Passed Upon ixnd Still Others to Which the a Veto Power Hbls Been Applied frKM HOUSE BILLS Tlio bills pascd by the legislature are as follows II II 22 by Wilson appropriating SS 000 for the payment of members oflicers and employes of tho legislature Ap proved January 28 Emergency clause H R 87 by Gilbert changing the date of city elections in Omaha from the first Tuesday in April to the first Tuesday in May Approved January 2S Emerg ency clause II It C7 by Gilbert providing a meth od for the acquirement of a municipal -water plant by the city of Omaha re quiring the mayor and council to carry the method into effect and creating a municipal water board Approved Feb ruary 2 Emergency clause J I R CO by Wilson apropriating 2S 000 for the payment of the incidental ex penses of the legislature Approved Feb ruary 13 Emergency clause If R 32 by Jvoetter to make the free text book law to apply to schools in the city of Omaha Approved February 25 II U 42 by Burgess removing the 720 limit on the salary of the secretary of the Lincoln board of education Ap proved February 25 Emergency clause H R 279 by Good transferring 10000 from the unexpended balance of the board and clothing fund of the Norfolk asylum to the same fund of the Lincoln asylum Approved February 24 Emerg ency clause H R ICG by Kittell to repeal the law providing for a bounty on -wolf scalps Approved February 27 H R 48 by Koetter providing for the payment of the official treasurer of the Omaha school board by the school dis trict Approved March C Emergency clause H R 114 by Gregg reducing the num ber of the printed reports of the state superintendent and regulating their dis tribution Approved March C H R 1C by Davis to permit the estab lishment of county cemeteries in coun ties under township organization Ap proved March 7 Emergency clause H R 40 by Thompson providing that land leases to be binding for more than one year must be in writing Approved March 7 EXTENDING LAW COURSE H R S by Perry extending to three years the law course required to be com pleted in the state university to qualify for admission to the bar and requiring a higher qualification for admission un der examination Aproved March 11 II R IS by Douglas to provide an official seal for county treasurers Ap proved March 11 II R 119 by Gregg to require county superintendents to notify school district oflicers by the first Monday in July of their duty in submitting reports Ap proved March 11 H R G4 by Douglas amending the law prescribing penalties for carrying concealed weapons to prevent a sentence of both fine and imprisonment on con viction of the second offense Approved March 17 H R 7G by Perry to permit the sign ing of appeal bonds in justice court on separate papers and not to require the presence of sureties in court when they sign the bonds Approved March 17 H R SS by Douglas providing that when appeal is taken from county or justice court the appellant must serve notice on the appellee in writing either in person or by registered mail Ap proved March 20 II R 152 by Gregg reducing the num ber of members of the Lincoln board of education to five Approved march 21 Emergency clause H R 202 by Good appropriating 2 S3G14 deficiencies out of the Peru normal school and appropriating all matricula tion fees paid prior to March 31 1905 for the purchase of books for the library Approved March 20 Emergency clause H R rserassss by Rouse appropriating 163000 belonging to the state university agricultural experiment station fund the Morrill fund and the university cash fund for the use and benefit of the state university Approved March 23 Emerg ency clause GILBERT PRINTING LAW IT R 236 by Gilbert the Omaha party primary law which is to prevent fraud in primaries and to prevent persons from voting therein who do not affiliate ha bitually with the party Approved March 25 Emergency clause II R 167 by Weborg a joint resolution memorializing congress to submit a con stitution amendment to provide for the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people Approved March 25 II R 100 by Hanna appropriating 12 000 for the location of five junior normal schools in Western Nebraska under the direction of the state superintendent Approved March 26 Emergency clause II R 271 by Riggs the South Omaha school bill heretofore explained which places members of the board on a sal ary of 23 per month and requires them to give bond and reduces the number to five Approved March 27 Emergency clause II R 320 by Nelson the Omaha char ter bill amending the present charter Approved April 2 Emergency clause H R 27 by Loomis to cure certain minor defects in the charters of cities of from 5000 to 20000 population Ap proved March 31 Emergency clause II R 303 by Weborg to permit the annexation of territory by cities situated in two or more counties Approved April 2 II R 134 by Gregg limiting to a fixed amount the salaries of county superin tendents in counties that are sparsely settled Approved April 2 II R 23 by Nelson of Pierce appro priating 100000 for rebuilding and repair ing of the insane asylum at Norfolk Approved April 3 Emergency clause H R 70 by Ramsey requiring rail roads to furnish sites and necessary fa cilities for the shipping of grain to all elevators costing 3000 or more i II R 102 by Cropsey appropriating 100000 out of the state university funds for the construction of new buildings on the state farm near Lincoln Ap proved April 3 Emergency clause II R 136 by Davis reducing the rate of interest on county money on deposit to 2 per cent permitting the county treasurer to deposit such moneys outside the county if necessary and to permit the state treasurer to deposit money in depository banks at 2 per cent Ap proved April 3 Emergency clause II R 344 by the special revenue com mittee The general revenue bill which becomes effective September 1 1903 and tho provisions of which have heretofore H R 51 by Carrell making it the duty of road overseers during April and Oc tober to open all ditches necessary to prevent water from entering upon pub He roads Approved April G II R 14G by Christy flixng the annual meeting of the state horticultural so ciety for the third Tuesday in January annually at Lincoln Approved April 6 H R 1S7 by Jones of Otoe to provide for the appointment of a matron of tho state penitentiary Approved April 6 H R 44S by the committee on claims repealing the law providing for the pay ment of a bounty of 1 eacli for the scalps of wolves wild cats and coyotes Approved April 7 Emergency clause II JR 417 by Warner appropriating 2 000 for the benefit and relief of the people suffering from famine in Northern Swe den Approved April 7 Emergency clause II R 292 by Knox to authorize and require cities counties precincts town ships towns cities villages and school districts to compromise their indebted ness and issues bond in payment thereof when unable to pay in full after making a satisfactory arrangement with creditors Approved April 7 Emergency clause II R 209 by McCIay appropriating 7G1 or the relief of General Victor Vifquain for salary due as adjutant general during the Boy interregnum Approved April 7 II R 440 by Rouse to appropriate 4 103 out of the penitentiary fund to be de voted to the construction of the addition to the state penitentiary Approved April 7 II R 422 by Thompson to permit county commissioners in cases of emerg ency to construct bridges costing less than 300 without advertising for the let ting of contracts Approved April 7 II R 96 by Warner to make the county surveyor ex oflicio county en gineer in Lancaster and Douglas coun ties Approved April S H R 331 by Kennedy to permit the parking of streets in cities of the sec ond class and in villages Approved April 8 II R 229 by Perry to permit county boards to transfer funds in county sink ing fund not levied for the payment of bonds to the general fund and empow ering the board to pro rate unexpended balances of funds collected in precincts for the payment of bonds to the several school districts of the precinct accord ing to population Approved April S II R 207 by McCIay to permit county commissioners to install matrons in coun ty jails at their discretion II R 339 by Sears appropriating S1 for the payment of the premium on the official bond of Lieutenant Governor Mc Gilton Approved April S H R 24 by Jones of Richardson mak ing the town treasurer a member of the town board and removing the assessor therefrom Approved April S H R 33 by Koetter to permit the Om aha school board to expend sums under 2000 without requiring a written con tract Former limit was 200 Approved April S II R 164 by Robbins appropriating 3 000 for the payment of the cost of the official bond of ex Treasurer Stuefcr and 2500 for the payment of the cost of the bond of Treasurer Mortensen Approved April S II R 113 by Warner to provide for indictment and summons against corpora tions in criminal actions Approved April S II R 17S by McAllister to permit the transfer and sale of marks and brands Approved April S II R 1SG by McCIay to provide for a board of examining plumbers in the city of Lincoln and for the licensing and reg ulation of plumbers in Lincoln Approved April S II R 210 by McCIay to permit the city of Lincoln to levy not to exceed 20000 annually for the purchase of a city hall and grounds Approved April S II R 157 by Perry to authorize county boards to audit fees for justices of the peace constables and sheriffs Approved April S II R 401 by Jouvenat to provide for the printing of the annual report of the state banking board Approved April S H R 7 by Jahnel providing that in condemnation proceedings for right of way the land shall not be occupied until the appraised value has been paid Ap proved April S H R 231 by Rouse appropriating 35 000 for a Nebraska exhibit at the Louisi ana Purchase exposition and for the appointment by the governor of three commissioners Approved April S H R 222 by Ten Eyck to bring poultry under the protection of the cruelty to animals sections of the criminal code Approved April 8 II R 240 by Jouvenat amending the state banking laws by fixing a minimum capital stock for the state banks at 5000 to 50000 according to the population of the cities in which they are located in creasing the salary of the secretary of the board to 2000 and placing state bank examiners on a salary of 1600 and ex penses Approved April S H R 38B by Shelby to vest in the board of fire ant police commissioners In South Omaha the power to isue liquor licenses Approved April S Emergency clause - j - SSEHBSSBWB3t5SSr w jjm tz t rT T1 - 7 - Si p 4 - - T II R 239 by Spurlock to give the mayor and city council of cities of from 6000 to 25000 population tho power to extend and decrease tho city limits the decrease to be when five acre tracts or less which have been platted are used exclusively for agricultural or horticul tural purposes Approved April S II R 213 by Nelson to legalize oaths and acknowledgements heretofore taken beoro or administered by commissioners of deeds Approved April S H R 358 by Sears to provide for the appointment by the governor of three citizens at a salary of 10 a day to act with a like body appointed by tho gov ernor of South Dakota as Nebraska South Daokta boundary commission Approved April 8 II R 338 by Roberts to create the department of architecture of the state of Nebraska to bo under the control of the board of public lands and buildings the governor to be tho chief of the de partment and to appoint a deputy state architect at a salary not exceeding 2000 Approved April S II R 428 by Sears to authorize pipe lines to exercise the power of eminent domain In the piping and conveying of petroleum and like oils Approved April S II R 1 by Warner appropriating 50000 for the establishment of a new normal school west of a point five miles east of the ninety eighth meridian to be located by the state normal board in some city donating above 10000 in money or prop erty Approved April 8 Emergency clause If R 2 by Good appropriating 435C0 for the building of a new chapel at the slate normal school at Peru Approved April S II R 277 by Merdith appropriating 15 000 from the temporary university fund for the establishment of an agricultural experiment station in Western Nebraska to be under the direction of the board of regents Approved April S II R 473 by Dougals to provide that In counties having less than 20C0 popu lation the county attorney shall be ap pointed by the county board and be al lowed an annual salary not exceeding 300 Approved April S II R 437 by the special revenue com mittee to increase the maximum state levy from 5 mills to 7 mills for the pur poses of this years assessment Approved April 8 Emergency clause II R 364 by McAllister defining the power and duties of under assistants of irrigation districts and providing a pen alty for interfering with headgate or tak ing water from natural stream Approved April S II R 329 by Kennedy to define and punish the crime of abandonment of wife and child Approved April S II R 259 by Jones of Otoe to require the attendance of blind deaf and dumb children at the state institutions provid ing for their education unless they are being otherwise educated Approved April S Emergency clause II R 3S3 by Gregg to prohibit and punish the sale or giving of tobacco or cigarettes to minors under IS years of age Approved April S H R 2S by Deles Dernier to legalize and make valid foreclosures of tax liens not based on tax certificates and to leg alize sheriffs deeds thus prematurely is sued Approved April S Emergency clause IT R SS by Shelly to prohibit and punish dcecration of the American flag by printing of devices of any kind upon it or using it for advertising purposes Approved April S II R 133 by Ferrar permitting library boards to control their own funds and issue orders for the payment of claims thereon Approved April S II R 4SS by McCIay to authorize the board of public lands and buildings to ting on the state capitol grounds Ap petition for the repaving of streets abut proved April S H R 449 by Sears to authorize the governor to appoint three men at a pci diem of 10 to serve with a like number appointed by the governor of Iowa as a Nebraska Iowa boundary commission Approved April 8 II R 105 by Loomis to prohibit trap shooting of live birds Approved April S II R 303 by Ribble appropriating 15 000 for the payment of rewards for the discovery of gas or crude oil and 4030 for the discovery of iron or coal Ap proved April S 11 R 2S2 by Ribble to prohibit and punish the counterfeiting of railroad tickets Approved April S H R 311 by McAllister to make pos sible the abandonment and disorganiza tion of irrigation districts Approved April S IT R 353 by Barton to make assault with intent to do reat bodily injury a felony punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary for from one to five years Approved April S Emergency clause SENATE BILLS S F No 10 by Senator Marshall lega izing the issuance of bonds for the main tenance of a heating and lighting plant by the village of Syracuse Approved January 30 Emergency clause S F No 35 by Senator Fries provid ing normal schools to issue teachers certificates must employ five or more teachers and have an investment of 50 000 Approved February 2 Emergency clause S F No 3 by Senator Sheldon pro viding county boards shall establish beards of health make and enforce quar antine rules and shall have jurisdiction outside of towns and cities to prevent the spread of contagious diseases Approved February 20 Emergency clause S F No 34 by Senator Sheldon me moralizing congress to establish the true military status of the First Nebraska militia Approved February 27 S F No 147 by Senator Sheldon pro viding county boards shall keep roads open leading from bridges across streams dividing two counties to the most convenient public road Approved March 25 Emergency clause S F No 117 requesting congress to oppose Senator Dietrichs land leasing till Approved March 2G S F No 304 by Senator Warner fix ing fees to be charged by the commis sioners of public lands and buildings for copying instruments certificate and seal forfeiture of lease and contract etc Ap proved March 25 Emergency clause S F No 69 by Senator Brown making it the duty of land owners to exterminate prairie dogs infecting their premises and in case they fail to destroy them mak ing it the duty of the road overseer to do so and allowing that official 3 per day for so doing the expense to be paid by the land owner Approved April 1 S F No 145 by Senator Norris pro viding a drainage district may be formed I - by a majority of interest of the resident owners In any contiguous body of swamp land for tho purpose of draining and re clamation of swamp overflowed or sub merged lands Approved April 2 S F No51 by Senator Way providing nil persons engaged In generating and transmitting electric currents arc granted right of way for poles and wires along public highways and making such per sons liable for damages which may re sult to private property and fixing a pen alty for interference with poles and wires Approved April 2 Emergency clause- S F No 93 by Senator Brown giving Nebraska Insurance companies the right to do business outside of the state Ap proved April 7 S F No 217 by Senator Anderson fix ing the deputy state treasurers bond at 10000 and providing he may perform all the treasurers duties whicli he may be authorized by the treasurer to perform in his absence and providing the treas urer shall be responsible for all his dep utys acts in the discharge of his duties Approved April 7 S F No 21S by Senator Anderson providing for tho appointment of his pri vate secretary by the governor Approv ed April 7 II R 422 by Thompson authorizing county boards to make repairs and let contracts for making repairs to bridges in cases of emergency without advertis ing for bids for such repairs do not ex ceed the sum of 300 Approved April 7 S F 5 by Senator Sheldon fixing tho fees to be paid by applicants for certifi cates to practice medicine fee for reg istration 25 of which 5 goes to tho state board of health to be used as a fund for the prevention of illegal prac titioners and the remaining 20 to be equally divided as fees between the four members of the board also pro viding applicants shall be examined by the member on the board of the same school to whicli the applicant belongs Approved April 3 S F 31 by Senator Pcmberton for the purchase by the state of 500 copies of the compiled statutes to be prepared by J E Cobbey at a total cost of 4500 This bill was vetoed by the governor but passed over his veto Emergency clause S F S by Senator Marshall provid ing that county commissioners shall bo nominated by districts and elected at large Approved April 7 Emergency clause S F 25 by Senator Marshall provid ing cities of the first and second class may issue bonds bearing not to exceed C per cent interest for establishing and maintaining heating and lighting sys tems and providing for the disposition of monies collected for the use of such systems Approved April 7 Emergency clause S F 9S by Senator Saunders to pre vent the docking of horses tails and fix ing a penalty of imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding one year or a fine of not less than 100 or more than 3C0 for violation Approved April 7 S F 120 by Senator Jennings requir ing lessees of school lands to pay de linquencies and costs of forfeiture for lease at public auction Approved April 7 S F 1SS by Senator Sheldon provid ing road tax in counties not under town ship organization to be paid one half in cash and one half in labor and fixing the rate which shall be allowed for labor Approved April 7 Emergency claue S F 125 by Senator Harrison defining the form of registration books which shall be used in metropolitan cities and cities of the first class having more than 25000 inhabitants Approved April 7 S F 237 by Senator Sheldon providing a county commissioner shall be appointed to examine into the expediency of a pro posed road leading to a wagon bridge whenever such bridge has been erected across a stream which forms a dividing line between two counties Approved April 7 Emergency clause S F 11 by Senator Hall of Douglas providing that there shall be nine su preme court commissioners for the first year and three for the second year and one stenographer for each commissioner Approved April S Emergency clause S F 143 by Senator ONeill providing for the appointment of a state surveyor and draughtsman by the board of pub lic lands and buildings Approved April S S F 12S by Senator Warner providing no person who holds a public office sh ill be permitted to practice law in the courts of the county in which he holds such office Approved April s S F 105 by Senator Howell making It the duty of all insurance companies in corporated under the laws of this state to file a semi annual report with the state auditor such statement to be published in some newspaper in the city of Lincoln Approved April S S F 61 by Senator Saunders providing insurance companies shall pay the fol lowing fees For filing and examination of first application 50 filing statement 20 certificates issued to foreign com panies or their agents each 2 agents certificates home companies 50 cents Approved April S Emergency clause S F 222 by Senator Harrison placing government of tontine and home co-operative companies under control of state banking board Approved April S S F 55 by Senator Giffin providing cities and villages of less than 5000 may vote bonds of waterworks also providing for the appointment of a water com missioner at a salary of 400 Approved April S Emergency clause S F 30 by Senator Way permitting irrigation companies to use natural streams and providing how damages shall be assessed in cases of condemnation by such companies Approved April S Emergency clause S F by Senator ONeill providing for the appointment by the auditor of public accounts of an insurance deputy and fixing his bond at 10000 Approved April 9 Emergency clause HOUSE ROLLS VETOED IT R 46 by Freidrich requiring no tice to be given if attempt is to be made at annual school meeting to raise taxes for building a new school or for removing it to a new site II R 323 appropriating 2000 to reim burse the general school fund for deed ing to Russell L Loomis of Red Wil low county school land mistakenly pre empted by him H R 37 by McCIay amending the law relating to the management of Wyuka cemetery at Lincoln by making possible encroachments upon the plot laid aside for a soldiers and sailors burial ground SENATE FILES VETOED R F 29 by Senator Warner providing for the payment of feen to the commis sioner of public lands ana buildings This bill was vetoed because it was uncon stitutional in form Rich American Dies In London John Temple Loader an Amerlcam by birth and very wealthy has Just died In London Ho owned tho castle ot VIncigilata near Floronce which Is fitted up magnificently In tho medieval style A book In the hand is worth two In the press LIVE STOCK BREEDERS Attention is called to the advertise ment of the Lincoln Importing Horse company They have a large number of imported black Percherons Eng German Coach stal lish Shires and lions which they are offering a special Inducement to buyers in the way of a discount of 20 per cent This com pany has been in business in Lincoln for sixteen years with the largest and most convenient barns in the Uni ted States one barn costing over 10 000 They own their own plant and their guarantees and statements are well fortified both financially and morally This is a rare chance to buy a first class stallion at a low price Visit their barns or write them at once Ye cannot serve good English and Mammon Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury As mercury will surely destroy the sense ot smell and completely derange the whole system when enteriiiK it through the mucous surfaces Such artirles should never be used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians as thp damage tho will ilo is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manu factured by F J Cheney Co Toledo O con tains no mercury and is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho sjstem In buyinir Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you get the Genuine It is taken internally and mado in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney Co Testi inonialsfree Sold by Druggists price 75c per bottle Halls Family Pills are the best Too many people try to accumulate by adding nothing to nothing Sensible Housekeepers will have Defiance Starch not alone because they get one third more for the same money but also because ot superior quality A good name is rather to be chosen than great characters The individual who ignores a chance to get even is wise Picos Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds N W Sjlmd l Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1900 Most men who go to church like a finished discourse DONT SPOIH TOUR CLOTHES TJso Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them White as snow AH grocers 5c a package A publisher is known by the Co he keeps Iowa Farms S4 Per Acre Cash balance 4 crop till paid MULII ALL Sioux City la Everything a millionaire says goes if he doesnt say automobile Dont you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely supe rior to any other is put up 16 ounces in package and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds Z Crank notions are all right -if they can be turned to good advantage Some people are in mighty poor com pany wlien alone It costs more to support one vice than ten virtues Dickens Prefaces Students of Dickens will be inter ested in a collection of all the prefaces written for his books which is a fea ture of a new English edition of his works No one hitherto has got all thees prefaces to various editions to gether and the collection recalls some interesting discussion as for instance Dickens somewhat ill tempered argu ment as to the possibility of the spon taneous combustion of hard drinkers as depicted in Bleak House It is said that Dickens used to get very angry when anyone in a company would challenge his facts but the ver dict of science seems to liave gone against him A Veterans Storv Bath N Y April 13th The first consideration of the Commandant and Officers in the conduct of the Soldiers and Sailors Home here is the health of the Veterans Kidney Troubles are the most common cause of ailment very few of the old men escaping these in some form or other Of course the comrades do as much as possible for themselves and one or the most popular and useful remedies employed is Dodds Kidney Pills which seem to be almost infallible in cases of Kidney derangements Indeed there are among the veterans several who claim to owe their lives to Dodds Kidney Pills For instance A E Ayers who came to the home from Minneapolis Minn was given up by four doctor - l city He had Brights Disease and never expected to live through it but his life was saved and his health re stored by Dodds Kidney Pills His experience has made theremedy very popular among the men and no one who has used Dodds Kidney Pills for any Kidney Trouble has been Qls appointed Too many second claispoliticianS are drawing first class salaries It takes more than the germ of suspicion hot air to kin 7 Ravens Friendship for Dog A raven kept at the Old Bear inn at Hungerford struck up a close friendship with a Newfoundland dog When the dog broke his leg the raven waited on him constantly catered for him forgetting for the time his own greediness and rarely if ever left his side One night when the dog was by accident shut within the sta ble alone Ralph succeeded in pecking VQ1 C11C uuui an uuu targe enough to admit his badj f J tl 111 L t P