H V Takoma 4 ZZ CJ SI t BUCKINGHAMS DYEnIrs 50 ct OF Druggists oP ull a Co Nashua NH Js L E Wild wild wilh rage was IVV V- Fsw 111 ft S v W S Solomon ff 1n jflJSriS B J L To learn for Easter day 1 If A Ilis thousand wives had ordered I tVK Vf fnWwliE J And he refused to pay I But the milliner his weakness nf jd fkv And Solomon he paid LOOSE WILES CRACKER CANDY CO K 1 1 1 1 T IVyj 3 Kansas City Mo IB HH I I 1 I 1 I B KmJF B AmM BA BA i i ijrirznrEnnrgrznnfziTnnfira w iMmP p b S II THERE ARE NO GREATER CRITICS OF ATHLETIC GOOD Than boys Ask any boy which is the best base ball and he will invariably tell you The Spanieling and the same ap plies to all lines of base ball goods We have just received the new Bats Balls Gloves Masks etc all having the trade mark of Spanieling sold at one price to every one THE BEE HIVE Nothing Like Experience One truth learned by actual experi ence does more good than ten experiences one hears about Tell a man that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy will cure cholera morbus and he will most likely forget it before the end of the day Let him have a severe attack of that disease feel that he is about to die use this remedy and learnfromhis own experience how quickly it gives reliefand ho will remember it all his life For sale by L W McConnell Liver Pills Thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation and biliousness Gently laxative IHc A1I druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use McCOOK NEBRASKA APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska April 3 1903 Notice is hereby gien Mint Patrick Walsh has filed in the city clerks ollice his bond and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building at No 224 Main avenue in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 30 1904 Patrick Walsh Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nob April 8 1903 Notice is hereby given that A McMillen has filed in the city clerks oflico his bond and peti tion for a druggists permit to sell nialt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 21 block 22 in the First ward of the city of Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska during tho year ending May 1st 1904 A McMilien 4 10 3ts Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Xobraska April 10 1903 Notice is hereby given that L Cone Bro have filed in the city clerks oflico their bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 1G original town in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1903 to April 30 1901 L Cone Bko Applicants APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Indianola Nebraska April 17 1903 Notice is hereby given that A L Haley has filed in tho city clerks office his bond and peti tion for a licence to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 21 block 36 in the Second ward original city of Indian ola from May 1 1903 to April 30 1904 A L Halet Applicant The Tribune has some garden seeds for free distribution Call promptly We take pleasure in informing you that we have on exhibition SAMPLES OF THE NEWEST WOOLENS from several of the best Merchant Tailors in the country including the well known STRAUS BROTHERS OF CHICAGO A visit of inspection will be appreciated whether you leave your order or not E L DIAMOND BKO M cOooli Nebr I Theres Only Qne HE j Store in this part of the country and that is the place to buy your J Shoes Our line is complete and i Z we feel certain we can please you J in pricesand know we can in Z footwear 5 5 JVt0fef fto 5tore I J A E PETTY Prop McCook Neb Z Arrived Too Late For the Funeral Mrs Carruthers of McCook arrived in the city this morning en route to Filley where her mother Mrs R II Pete died suddenly Thursdriy night On arriving here Mrs Carruthers secured the assist ance of a policeman in telephoning her relatives asking that the funeral bo delayed until her arrival when she learned that tho funeral was held last evening Saturdays Beatrice cor Lin coln Journal A Sweet Breath Is a never failing sign of a healthy stomach When the breath is bad the stomach is out of ojder There is no remedy in the world equal to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach disorders Mrs Mary S Crick of White Plains Kentucky writes I have been a dys peptic for years tried all kinds of reme dies but continued to grow wtrse By the use of Kodol I began to improve at once and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight and health and can eat whatever I like Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet Li W McConnell Makes a Clean Sweep Theres nothing like doing a thing thoroughly Of all tho salves you ever heard of Bucklens Arnica Salvo is tho best It sweeps away and cures burns sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin eruptions and Piles Its only 25e and guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W McConnell druggist Like the running brook the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhere The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat Scotts Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats the pure cod liver oil For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale Scotts Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food It not only feeds the blood making organs but gives them strength to do their proper work Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street New York soc and 100 all druggists How to Ward off Rheumatism For ydnrs when spring time came on and I went into gardening I was sure have an attack of rheumatism and every attack was more severe than the pre ceding one says Josie McDonald of Man Logan county West Va I tried everything with no relief whatever until I procured a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm and tho first application gave me ease and before the nrst bottle was used I felt like a new person Now I feel that I am cured but I always keep a bottle of Chamberlains Pain Balm in the house and when I feel any symptoms of a return I soon drive it away with one or two applications of this liniment For sale by L W McConnell druggist Robbed the Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of -Philadelphia as follows I was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coated pain continually in back and side no appetite growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 50c guaranteed at L W McConnells drug store From Manufacturer to Consumer W T Coleman buys his rubber hose direct from the manufacturer in New Jersey and gets absolutely guaranteed hose He sell it at from 6c up no more than inferior stuff costs Has a full line of sprinklers nozzles etc BANKSVILLE Two peddlers wagons passed this sec tion Wednesday dull trade apparently A M Benjamin shingled his soddy this week qnd Naaby helped him a little F M Humiston of Tioga N Y was looking up land in this precinct this week This is a week of fair weather and grass and grain have started growing nicely The war is on over in Grant and trees aro so scarce it is dangerous to be safe Guess we will have to keep our guns loaded and well oiled Beauty and Strength Are desirable You aro strong and vigorous when your blood is pure Many nay most women fail to prop erly digest their food and so become pale sallow thin and weak while tho brightness freshness and beauty of tho skin and complexion depart Remedy this unpleasant evil by eating nourish ing food and taking a small dose of Herbino after each meal to digest what you have eaten 50c at A McMillens Splendid Ranch For Sale A fine ranch properly of GOO acres Over 100 acres alfalfa land Part of same in alfalfa 100 head of stock Good running water and plenty of timber Will sell on long time and easy terms Call on or write to 4-3-4 J J Osbukn Osburn Neb Due Notice Is Served Duo notice is hereby served on tho public that De Witts Witch Hazel Salve is the only salve on the market that is made from the pure unadulterated witch hazel DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of piles that would yield to no other treat ment and this fact has brought out many worthless counterfeits Those persons who get the genuine DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo are never disap pointed because it cures GEO J BUR GESS GKNEEAL DEALER IN Farm Implements Machinery Wagons Buggies Agent for Champion Binders Mowers and Rakes Cash paid for Eggs Poultry and Farm Produce McCOOK - - NEBRASKA CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Grandpa Ford drove over from Mc Cook Saturday Arthur and Hazel Patterson visited their sister Cora Sunday Miss Jessie Woofter of Traer spent Easter with her sister Mertie here Mrs Conway and daughter Norma are again keeping house for Mr Francis Mrs Clarence Brown of Herndon transacted basiness in town Tuesday Arthur Elson is helping Mr Rushton the busy depot agent with his work this week Elmer Henry returned Friday from Wisconsin and is now working for Mr Decker near Traer Rev Johnson preached to an atten tive audience Sunday evening We are all glad to learn that he will be with us another Tear Messrs Emerson and Robertson took the sheep away Wednesday Mr Rob ertson made many friends during his stay here who will be sorry to see him go Died At his home three miles east of town Wednesday April 8th at 9 a m Mr George Whitam aged nineteen years The family has the sympathy of the entire community Although Easter Sunday was rather a cold day a large crowd gathered early at tho church to enjoy the program that had been carefully prepared The church was nicely decorated with lilies flowers banners rabbits and a large nest of little chickens gave the finishing touch Maijiued Sunday April 12 that the residence of Rev Johnson Mr Joe Kennedy and Miss Anna Larson Miss Larson is quite well known in this neighborhood and Mr Kennedy has lived here for eighteen years Both are highly esteemed and their many friends will be glad to have this young couple settle down among us This makes the fourth time Snapper has had to dance at his younger brother or sisters wed ding They will go to house keeping in a few days County Eighth Grade Examination The eighth grade examination will be conducted by the principals o f the schools at McCook Indianola Bartley Danbury and Lebanon April 23 and 24 Eugene S Dutcher Co Supt - rtswwwlss Do You Know i j That We Have a Very Good Line of Separate Skirts- for Hisses and Ladies We have them at all prices ioo to 2250 Try Us if You Have Not Bought Your Spring Suit Do Not Forget Us When Ordering Groceries Phone 22 THE Wfi iz was ft mat gain Iv B sS C L DeGROFF CO WWSQ WSf SVb A Great Sensation There was a big sensation in Leesville when W II Brown of that place who was expected to die had his life saved by Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption He writes I endured in sufferable agonies from asthma but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a com plete cure Similar cures of consump tion pneumonia bronchitis and grip are numerous Its the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles Price f0c and 81 Guaranteed by L W McCon nel druggist Trial bottles free For liver troubles and constipation Theres nothing better in creation Than Little Early Risers the famous little pills They always effect a cure and save doctor bills j Little Early Risers are different from all other pills They do not weaken the system but act as a tonic to the tissues by arousing the secretions and restoring the liver to the full performance of its functions naturally L W McConnell Walks Without Crutches I was much afflicted with sciatica writes Ed C Nud Iowaville Kansas going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain I was induced to try Ballards Snow Liniment which re lieved me I used three 50c bottles It is the greatest liniment 1 ever used have recommended it to a number of i persons and all express themselves as being benefitted by it I now walk without crutches able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm 25c 50c 8100 at A McMillens I 3jgc L Fresh I Clean t 4 L f Wholesome biscuit are those which are packed fresh from the oven in Packages Uneeda Biscuit biscuit are those which combine freshness clean liness and right materials rightly baked rightly packed rightly kept Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT l RESOLUTION A resolution ordering tho replacing mid con struction and building of sidewalks along the west side of lots 1 2 i 4 i and i in block 80 and the north side of lot 12 in block C5 and tho oast side of lot 2 in block 10 all in tho - court addition to the city of McCook and the east bide of lot 4 in block 20 in tho original town of Mc Cook Whereas it having been made apparent to the Mayor and City Council of tho city of McCook that it is necessary tliit the sidewalks herein after described and located should be replaced and that new sidewalks should bo built and con structed at Mich locations and Whereas the owners of tho lots alone which said sidewalks aro located having failed and neglected to replace or to build and construct new sidewalks at such locations Therefore be it resolved by the Major and Council of the city of McCook 1 That the sidewalks as hereinafter located and described bo anil they are hereby ordered replaced and that new bidowalks be built and constructed at such locations of either brick btono or concrete and in tho manner and ae cording to tho specifications provided bj ordi nance Xo 107 lho location of said siduwaikg and tho width and length required are as fol lows to wit Along the wei t side of lots 1 2 and 3 in block ISO one hundred and fifty six feet of walk five feet in width along the west tide of lot 4 in block i0 fifty feot of walk five feet in width along the west side of lots and 0 in block 80 one hundred and six feet of walk five feet in width along the north side of lot 12 in block C5 one hundred and forty six feet of walk five feet in width and along the east side of lot 2 in block 10 fifty feet of walk five feet in width all of the foregoing being in tho second addition to the city of McCook alio along the oast side of lot 4 in block 20 in Uie original town of Mc Cook fifty feet of walk live feet in width 2 That if said walks are not replaced and built and constructed within twenty days from the publication of this resolution that the City Council shall enter into contracts and canso said sidewalks to be replaced built and con structed and shall levy a special tax to pay the samo on the lot or lots along which eaid side walks are replaced built and constructed as provided by ordinance No 107 Adopted and approved this loth day of April 1901 C E Eldeeij Major Seall Attest C I Hall Citj Clerk 5fc sys biscuit are those which are baked in absolute cleanliness never exposed to dust never handled by any one between you and the baker y need a Biscuit u COMPANY JU