The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lo1bo No 012 moots first and
third Thursdays of ouch month fllcCouuolla
hull 8150 p in E B Hubkh President W S
QuTiiu Secretary
lodge No 07 moots on f ocond and fourth Mou
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McConnoll hall It W Dkvok IllubtriouB Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 moots Hccoml and fourth Thursday after
noons it 1 2 10 oclock in McConnolls hull Mns
TiiAD SirniUERn Oraclo Mus Augusta Anton
The absorbing topic in railroad circles
continues to be the defeat of the great
railroad merger deal of Magnate Hill of
the Northern Pacific While the game
is not out until it has been finally played
out in the U S supremo court the ad
verso decision of the federal circuit court
is encouraging and convoys to some
minds the assurance that there is still a
God in Israel
James J IIili seems to bo having all
colors of fun with the people of Ne
braska more especially Lincoln and
Omaha these spring days removing
headquarters to Chicago and the like
but if he will articulate his good right
auricle with our virgin soil ho will hear
rumblings which will before many vernal
equinoxes make the old grange and
anti monopoly movement resemble a
mutilated kroner Jim seems to be try
ing to determine just how much the
people will stand for
Christian Preaching service every
Sunday evening Committee
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Regular services Sunday-school
10 Preaching 11 Epworth
League 7 Preaching 8
L H Shumate Pastor
Congregational Sabbath school 10
sermon What the Church has a Right
to Expect of its Members 11 Y P S
C E 7 sermon A Brother to Jesus
prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 All
are invited Prank W Dean Pastor
First Baptist Church Preaching 11
a m and 8 p in Bible school 945 a
m B Y P U 7 p m Sermon topics
for the Sabbath day Morning Courage
an Essential Part in True Greatness
Evening The Ethics of Speech A
cordial welcome to all who come
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 8 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
church notes
Rev and Mrs G L Uenkelman went
down to Lincoln Wednesday to be
absent until the 23rd
The Memorial sermon will bo preached
by Rev Shumate in the Methodist
church this year on the Sunday morn
ing before Decoration day Sunday af
ternoon he will preach the Memorial
sermon in Indianola Methodist church
Items of Improvement In the City
Engineer Ellis Fords new dwelling on
North Main avenue is weli under way
A Barnett and M R Gates are re
placing their wooden sidewalks with
Charles Emerson is adding a barn to
his new residence property corner Mad
ison and Dodge
H F Pade is adding to his new resi
dence on the north side to its improve
ment in appearance besides adding to
its size and convenience
One of the important improvements of
the spring will be the Baptist parsonage
upon which work will be commenced at
once It will cost in the neighborhood
of two thousand dollars and will occupy
the lots just soutbof the church Stone
for the foundation is now on the ground
Buried on Sunday Afternoon
Louise Ebert aged mother of Albert
Ebert of Valley Grange precinct died
on last Saturday at the farm home of
her son being 72 years of age Services
were held in the Christian church of
our city Sunday afternoon conducted
by Elder Smith of the Adventist faith
after which the remains were interred
in Riverview cemetery
What a Dollar Will Do
It will pay for the Hitchcock County
Herald one of the best papers published
in western Nebraska from now until
January 1 1904 Now is the time to
subscribe Call on or address
The Herald Culbertson Neb
A disordered stomach may cause no
end of trouble When the stomach fails
to perform its functions the bowels be
come deranged the liver and kidneys
congested causing numerous diseases
the most fatal of which are painless and
therefore the more to be dreaded The
important thing is to restore the stomach
and liver to a healthy condition and for
this purpose no better preparation can
be used than Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets For sale by L W
McConnell druggist
indigestion Causes
Catarrh of ibe
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Mae the Stomach Sweet
Bottlescolr Reealaraka 100 holdtoe 255 time
the trial sirs which fella for 50 cents
JPrtparrt by E O DeWrrr CO Chicago VJ
Within the last week a number of
bound volumes of magazines have been
added to the library Tho magazines
contain much of what is best in the liter
ature of tho period of their publication
What a pleasure it must have been to
read tho stories of Dickens Thackory
and Elliott which have since become
classics as they appeared serially in tho
periodicals of tho time Even of recent
years many works that have enjoyed
wide popularity have first seen light in
tho pages of tho magazines Those who
have been privileged to road them in in
stallments have derived a- keener pleas
ure from their perusal than have those
who waited for the bound volumes They
have had tho further satisfaction which
wero recompense for inability to read
cqnsecutively of being among the earli
est readers superior because of the dis
tinction that knowledgo confers More
fascinating than a new magazine is an
old one To renew ones acquaintance
with the old pictures and the old stories
is likd meeting old friends and talking
over old times and to read tho old stories
for the first timo in the form in vhich
they originally appeared how much
moro interesting they seem read so than
in what is called by the publishers their
permanent aspect Lovers of old maga
zines will find several shelves full of de
light as recent accessions to tho library
Among tho books of a more serious
character to which tho magazines have
given space is Miss Ida M Tarbells
Life of Lincoln which appeared in Mc
Clures a few years ago In all the vast
volume that has been written of Lincoln
Miss Tarbells Life occupies a unique
position She gathered her material ex
clusively from original sources She
visited the scenes of Lincolns early
struggles and saw and talked with all
those who know him before he had at
tained the high oflice he occupied at the
time of his death Her book is anec
dotal in character and has a human in
terest possessed by no other biography
of the great man of whom she writes
Indeed except for the bare skeleton of
the Life the facts that sho records are
not found elsewhere in accessiblo form
When one has read the work he feels
that he has an intimate and personal ac
quaintance with the man As the chief
interest to children in a fairy tale is the
conviction that it is true so to their
elders this story of Lincoln is moro fas
cinating than fiction not only because
of tho manner in which it is told but
for the further and better reason that
the incidents written of actually occur
red Miss Tarbells Lincoln is a book
for both old and young This most en
tertaining and valuable book is now
available to the patrons of the library
who desire to read it
In Justice Berrys Court
The suit to collect on note by the
Northwestern Life and Savings Co vs
Mark H Griggs which was tried to a
jury last Friday afternoon resulted in
a verdict for Defendant Griggs Note
was given in payment of insurance
J A Emberlinghad three suits in Jus
tice Berrys court Saturday afternoon
against J H Grannis The complaint
in two cases was selling note to an Iowa
party who garnisheed plaintiffs wages
The first complaint was dismissed and
the second case was continued until
May 11th The third suit was a civil
action to recover amount of debt repre
sented by the note sold it was -continued
to May 11th The cases are all
the result of garnishment proceedings
instituted against Emberling C II
Tanner of Stock ville represented Ember
Open the door let in the air
The winds are sweet the flowers fair
Joy is abroad in the world for me
Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
I first used Ayers Sarsaparilla
in the fall of 1848 Since then I
have taken it every spring as a
blood - purifying and nerve
strengthening medicine
S T Jones Wichita Kans
If you feel run down
are easily tired if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine
Ayers Sarsaparilla
Its a regular nerve
lifter a perfect blood
1100 a bottle Alldrureists
Ask yonr doctor what he thinks of Ayers
Sarsaparilla He knows all about this grand
old family medicine Follow his advice and
we will be satisfied
J C AYER CO Lowell Mass
For Sale
Improved irrigated farms in southern
Wyoming on a line of railroad and a
good town Close to the mountains in
a beautiful valley Grain of all kinds
does well and alfalfa is a money maker
I also have a few choice mountain
ranches for sale Write to
D D Wallace
4-10-its WTheatland Wyoming
Herblne Cures
Fever and ague A dose will usually
stop a chill a continuance always cures
Mrs William M Stroud Midlothian
Texas May 31 1899 writes We have
used Herbine in our family for eight
years and found it to be the best
medicine we have ever used for la
grippe bilious fever and malaria 50c
at A Millens
A Thoughtful Man
M M Austin of Winchester Indiana
knew what to do in the hour of heed
His wife had such an unusual case of
stomach and liver trouble physicians
could not help her He thought of and
tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally cured
25c at L W McConnells drug store
Nows the time to take Kocky Moun
tain Tea it drives out the microbes of
winter it builds up tho stomach kid
neys and liver A wonderful spring
Ltonic that makes sick people well L
W McConnell
rfitfftf TTV r
G W Franklin is a new wiper
E N Easton is a new boiler washer
E C Hanson is a -new wiper nights
IC Nixon of tho paint gang resigned
C A Pevlor is a new member of the
night force
Jack Green machinist expects to
quit Saturday night
Engine 158 of tho Eopublican Oberlin
lino was in for repairs Wednesday
Conductor J J Lhrkey is sick and
Conductor H C Kisor is relieving him
Mr Rugh tho coal man was at head
quarters for the Thursday evening meet
Engines 90 and 2G5 are in for an over
hauling and 263 and 261 are just out of
the shop
Work is progressing on tho two new
tracks which will extend full length of
the local yard
Foreman nollister of Red Cloud was
hero for last nights meeting of tho rail
way mens club
Way car 125 was badly smashed up
first of the week and is in the shop for
an overhauling and repairs Engine 268
was considerably damaged in tho same
Wedding of a Former McCook Girl
Cards aro out announcing the mar
riage of Helen Amelia daughter of Mr
and Mrs Charles W Davis of Washing
ton D C and Mr William Allen
Orton The event will transpire at the
First Congregational church of the
national capital on next Monday even
ing April 20 at eight oclock Miss
Helen was a resident of McCook for
several years and is remembered by
many with pleasure They all join The
Tribune in congratulations Tacoma
Park a suburb of Washington will be
their future home
Mr and Mrs C W Truxal and Mr
and Mrs Barnhart of Meyersdale Pa
stopped over in the city Thursday on
their way home from a trip to California
and the west of three months They
were guests of Albert McMillen
Supt and Mrs A Campbell enter
tained the Alphabet high five club last
evening Mrs J F Kenyon and Mr
II H Tartsch were first prize winners
Mrs F A Pennell and Mr HP Sut
ton the booby prizes
Did You Do It
Take a Day Off and Think
is Doing
Every assertion made by its manufact
urers is being proven true by
true testimonials of the thous
ands of users of this great germ
destroyer all over this land If
it is doing good for them it will
do for you good Give it a trial
and bo convinced
Read What Others Say
Coleridge Neb Dec 13 1902
I have beeu using Liquid Koal since last
June a car ago and Lave not had a sick
hog since I am sure it is all right and
think that if a man will use it as directed
ho will never have sick hogs I will not be
without it Yours John Hintz
Lansol Neb Dec 13 1902
National Medicine Company
Dear sirs Will just say that your Liquid
Koal is a good thing and I will not do with
out it It is good all around remedy Every
one ought to use it if he has only one or two
hogs It is a good germ destroyer I rec
ommend it highly Yours
Stanley Mastin
Randolph Neb Dec 12 1802
Your Liquid Koal is just the stuff for sick
hogs At least I have found it so I have
been using it for most a joar and it has not
gone back on me yet My hogs are all right
and I am going to keep them so with Liquid
Koal and dont you forget it
E E Banst
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
A Handy Washing Machine
To fce Used in Tub or Boiler
A Terror to wash blankets
spreads fine lace and linen goods
and all wearing apparel clean
and easily No wear or tear to
clothing Price only 100
At his Furniture Tinware Store
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablols euro u cold in
ono day No euro no paj Price 25 cents
iTT Wk V
kiitn tY
makes childbirth easy by preparing the
system for parturition and thus shortening
labor The painful ordeal is robbed of its
terrors and the danger lessened to both
mother and child the time of confinement
is shortened the mother rested and child
fully developed strong and healthy
Morning sickness or nausea arising
from pregnancy is prevented by its use
As pregnancy advances the breasts en
large become swollen and hard Long
before the child is born they are prepar
ing for the secretion of milk It is import
ant that they receive early attention
Mothers Friend softens the skin and
facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid
Undeveloped breasts hard caked shortly
after delivery are the result of non
treatment and likely to culminate in
Mammary Abscess from which so many
suffer excruciating pain and are left with
these organs permanently impaired
Softness pliability and expansion are given to
the muscles and sinews thus bringing comfort
and causing an easy issue of the child Try it
Of druggists 100 Our book Motherhood free
McCook Xobraska April 10 1903
Notice is hereby Riven that L W McConnell
has filed in the city clerks office his bond and
petition for a druggibts permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in tho building on
lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 190 to April ISO 1901
L W McConnell Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 3 190
Notico is hereby given that M U Cljdo has
filed in tho city clerks oflice his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block
21 in the Second ward Original city of McCook
from May 1 1901 to April ISO 1901
M U Clyde Applicant
McCook Nebraska April IS 19CM
Notice is hereby given that William Lewis
has filed in the city clerks oilice his bond and
petition for a licence to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building at No 103
Main avenue in tho First ward of the city of
McCook from Mav 1 190U to April ISO 1904
William Lewis Applicant
McCook Nebraska April IS 1903
Notice is hereby given that Harry Barbazett
has filed in the city clerks oflice his bond and
petition for a licence to soil malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building at No 113 Main
avenue in the First ward of tho city of McCook
from May 1 190 to April 30 1904
Harry Barbazett Applicant
I Ppiitu RRp HIppHp 1p I
Any of those reversible narrow Four-in-Hands
for and 50c and a few
which have been selling 45c
of those 50c Tecks we will give you a chance to se
cure at 35c Until May First
Kknosiia Wis
We have just received our new
spring stock of
Black Cat Hosiery
and the values in ladies child
rens and misses hose were
never greater than this season
The Best Hosiery Made
-Accept no utner
The Waterloo Underskirt
Our new complete stock of these most excellent petti
coats now presents some of the best M 25 tO 425
ues ever offered in this line Prices from
Fit the nicest and
wear the best of any
corset made They
have no brass eye
lets and the loop
eyelets will outwear
the corset
We are Exclusive Agents
iiV I J
See Our Line of Summer Dress Goods BPfrSaYseu
JJL Grannis
I I Phone 16 i
A Word of Warnin
A number of peddlers are now in the county prepared to
canvass this county and this section of the state sell
ing and delivering to the farmers and others a Range
Which Any Regular Dealer
in the County will Duplicate
in Quality and Style at 4000
At least onehalf cheaper than the peddlers A word to
the wise should be sufficientlet no peddler unload a
steel range on your premises Some of our poor farm
ers were a few years ago asked to sign a little memo
randum of agreement that they left the stove at their
place This socaled agreement after you sign it be
comes a fuIMledged promissory note as the following
copy of their memorandum of agreement shows
uounty 01 Jttea w mow j iqq
This memorandum of agreement made and entered into this day of j j iqq
between the Wrought Iron Range Co of St Louis Mo of the first part and 0f the sec
ond part witnesseth that the Wrought Iron Range Co this day sold the parties of the second part one
Home Comfort Range No and delivered the same in good order and in consideration of the same
the parties of the second part have caused to be executed their promissory note bearing even date here
with for the sum of Sixty Nine Dollars 6900 payable to the order of Wrought Iron Range Co with
out discount or offset and due on the first day of March 1904
Signed in Duplicate WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO