The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1903, Image 2

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    Vl WglM
Cordial Greeting to the Great Fsther
Who is Complimented with Having
Treated the Indian Well An Inter
esting Spectacle
BISMARCK N D Standing in the
private office of Governor White at the
tftutc capitol Tuesday afternoon Pres
ident Roosevelt received the assurance
of the friendship and support of the
great Sioux Indian tribe and similar
assurances from the chiefs of the Man
dans and Grosventres Twenty of the
most distinguished chieftains of the
tribes had come from their agencies
to wee the Great Father and assure
2iim of their support and good will
There were many famous Indians in
the assemblage John Grass the ora
tor and chief justice of the Sioux
made the presentation of the tribes
good will in a translation of the ad
dress which had been agreed upon in
council of the chiefs
At the same time Grass presented
the president with a peace pipe of
beautifully carved pipestone in token
of the good will and friendship of the
Indians Among the chiefs were Red
Tomahawk the Indian who killed Sit
ting Bull at the time of the uprising
in the early 90s Red Fish one of the
hereditary leaders of the Sioux Black
Bull Standing Bear Crow Ghost
Cross Bear and other Sioux chiefs
We have been treated well by th1
good great father said Grass and
we hope he will again be great father
wheu his time is over Water chief
of the Mandan Indians also presented
written assurance of the good will of
liis people
Tell him said President Roose
velt through the interpreter that 1
am glad to see them The Mandan In
dians have always done well
Then the wrinkled old chieftains
grasped the presidents hand and sol
emnly granted their approval
The presidents train reached the
capital city of the state on schedule
time and the president and party were
mediately taken through lavishly dec
orated streets to the capital Three
immense portraits of the president
were ranged on three sides of the de
pot representing the president at the
ranch at San Juan and at the White
At the capitol a brief reception was
held in the private office of Governor
White where the president met and
shook hands with many of the friends
of his western days Following the re
ception he delivered a brief address
from the balcony of the capitol to a
crowd of several thousand people as
eembled from all parts of the Missouri
plope I am an old setlter of this
stale said the president I lived
here twenty years ago and feel that I
am an old timer
Continuing he expressed his gratifi
cation at seeing so many of the friends
of his western days and said he ex
pected to see more of his old friends
os he continued westward He paid
n spocial compliment to the veterans
of ihe civil and of the Philippine wars
who were present to greet him He
expressed his great interest in the
growth and welfare of the state of
North Dakota
1 know the people of the wsst he
Bpid There are two ways to know
a man by working with him or by
fighting with him and on the range
there are men with whom I have
worked and with whom I have fought
Her Husband Was Dead While She
Showed Signs of Life
NEW YORK Evidence was given
Tuesday by a witness who says he saw
the automobile accident near Paris last
August which resulted in the death
of Mr and Mrs Charles Fair before
a referee in a suit instituted by Mrs J
Fairs mother Anna Nelson and other
relatives to recover from Mrs Theresa
Alice Oelrichs and Mrs Virginia Van
derbilt sisters of Mr Fair a large
portion ot the Fair estate
It is contended that Mrs Fair lived
after her husband The suit is ex
pected to determine also whether an
agreement to settle the estate by the
payment of 250000 shall be canceled
Lucian Mass of Paris testified that
lie witnessed the accident and when
lie reached the scene Mr Fair was
absolutely lifeless but Mrs Fair was
breathing He noticed a nervous con
traction of her face and hands
Drunkenness in German Army
BJDRLIN The hereditary prince o
Saxe Meiningen commander of the
Sixth army corps who recently issued
an order advising soldiers to lodge
complaints when they were ill treated
lias issued another order against
drunkenness He points out to the
privates the damaging effects of alco
hol on the health and usefulness of
men and directs the regimental doc
tors to demonstrate to the soldiers its
evil effects
- - iii Mil
For Fourth Time He is Elected Mayor
of Chicago
CHICAGO 111 Carter H Harrison
was elected mayor of Chicago Tues
day for the fourth time his majority
by unofficial count over Stewart the
republican candidate being 6948 The
total vote was Harrison 146323
Stewart 139375 Cruice independent
labor 9999 Breckon socialist 11212
Haines prohibition 2348 In the last
mayoralty election the total vote was
Harrison democrat 156750 Hanecy
republican 128413 Hoyt prohibition
3328 Collins socialist 53384
The early returns were in favor of
Stewart and at one time he was 2000
ahead but the later returns cut down
his plurality steadily and the repub
lican leaders in private conversation
admitted Stewarts dqfeat lv about
Adopt Canadian Customs
WINNIPEG Manitoba Peter Vere
gin the leader of the Dukhobours ar
rived Tuesday evening to purchase
horses for his countrymen in the Swan
river colony The Dukhobours ac
cording to his story are losing all
their old time aversion to animals and
machinery and are desirous of adopt
ing Canadian customs Another Im
portant reform he reports is that the
Dukhobours are entering homesteads
Pads Order with Poor Pads
chapter in the investigation of affairs
at the postoffice deparment was fur
nished Tuesday when charges were
filed with Acting Postmaster General
Wynne against M W Lewis chief of
the division of supplies The charges
allege that the hand stamps and ink
pads now being supplied to postoffices
under the present contract are infe
rior in quality and not up to contract
Counsel in Boundary Dispute
WASHINGTON The secretary of
state has selected as counsel for the
United States before the Alaska boun
dary commission Judge Jacob M Dick
inson of Chicago who was assistant
attorney general during the Harrison
administration David T Watson of
Pittsburg United States counsel in
the merger cases and Hannis Taylor
ex United States minister to Spain
They expect to go to London in Sep
Welcomes Former President
CARACAS Generar Ignacio An
drade the former president of Vene
zuela cabled to President Castro a few
days ago asking the latter for authori
zation with a guarantee of safety to
return to Venezuela with his family
assuring the president that he would
be loyal to the latter and assist him
in preserving peace Castro replied
that General Andrado would be wel
Signd by The Governor
LINCOLN Neb Governor Mickey
Friday signed house roll 102 by Crop
sey appropriating 100000 for build
ings on the state farm near Lincoln
house roll 23 by Nelson of Pierce ap
propriating 100000 for the rebuilding
of the Norfolk asylum and house roll
70 by Ramsey to require railroad
companies to turnish sites and facili
ties to independent elevators costing
not less than 3000
Allies Ask Still More Cash
WASHINGTON Mr Bowen and the
allies representatives resumed the
Venezuelane negotiations Friday The
three European powers asked that they
receive the costs of the blockade in the
event of The Hague tribunal refusing
their claims for preferential treatment
This Mr Bowen refused to consider
and it was agreed that his answer be
cabled to Europe
Bonilla Sends More Troops
PANAMA A dispatch from Hondu
ras received via San Salvador an
nounces that Saturday 4000 men be
longing to the forces of General Bo
nilla the president- elect of Honduras
who is seeking to reinstate himself in
the presidency from which he was ex
cluded by retiring President Sierra
will leave Comayague thirty seven
miles northwest of Tegucigalpa to re
inforce General Bonillas troops
Admiral Belknap is Dead
was received at the navy department
Tuesday from Key West announcing
the death of Rear Admiral George E
Belknap U S N retired Death oc
curred of apoplexy The deceased
was detailed for duty in the execution
of certain plans proposed by the board
for establishing a naval base He will
be buried at Brooklin Mass
Mob Views Bandits Fight
phens was shot and fatally injured
and Ben P Edens was shot and dan
gerously wounded during a battle with
highwaymen early Sunday morning in
the western limits of this city Ste
phens had his skull fractured by a
blow Edens leaped into a stream
and escaped The fight attracted
quite a crowd but the four highway
men escaped though without securing
any money
Straightening Out of the Government
System The Message of President
Palma Cubas Relations to the Uni
ted States
HAVANA Congress reassembled
Monday afternoon and will probably
continue its session three extra
months on account of the necessity
for passing many laws before all the
departments of the government get
their policy under way
The measure Includes approval of
the naval station agreement and a
permanent treaty covering Cubas po
litical relations with the United
States laws dealing with municipal
government and defining the duties of
cabinet officers laws concerning gold
and silver coinage divorce and revi
sion of the court system and customs
A message from President Palma
was read at the opening session He
congratulated the country upon tho
maintenance of peace and order since
the strike last November The sys
tem of reorganization he said had be
gun and advised a reform of the mili
tary laws which were not adapted
to a republican form of government
especially with reference to the juris
diction over soldiers guilty of penal
The president says negotiations
have been completed providing for the
entrance of Cuba into the postal union
and for special arrangements with the
United States and Mexico and he ad
vises an entire reconstruction of the
postal telegraph system He contin
The majority of the municipalities
exist with difficulty because their rev
enues are inadequate The govern
ment feels that further assistance in
many cases is unauthorized beyond
paying the expenses of charities
schools and prisons but the obliga
tions of the municipalities can not
continue to be met unless congress
specifically authorizes the government
to act The work of sanitation as at
present conducted by the government
is not in harmony with the constitu
tion Since the Piatt amendment
makes the government responsible for
sanitation it is urged that an act cov
ering the work of sanitation be passed
It is unnecessary to recall the fact
that in the naval station agreement
which is in the hands of the senate
the United States has obtained sites
at Guantanamo and Bahia Honda af
ter asking also for Nipe and Cienfue
gos It being impossible to evade car
rying out our duty in accordance with
the Piatt amendment the executive
believes that the convention has been
made as favorable as possible and rec
ommends a speedy approbation so
that it may be possible to negotiate
an additional agreement to establish
the price of the leases and other con
It is necessary to hasten the per
manent definition of Cubas relations
with the United States so as to elim
inate the Piatt amendment problem
which is keeping Cuba at present in
a state of political uncertainty
Colombia May Start a Revolution as
Result of Big Ditch
KINGSTON Jamaica The Royal
Mail companys steamer Atrato which
arrived here Sunday from Colon and
Cartagena brings the report that con
siderable opposition is developing to
the Panama canal treaty in almost ev
ery department of Colombia except
Panama It is believed the majority
in congress will favor the treaty but
there are fears that trouble will arise
because the political situation in Co
lombia is becoming more complicated
and the presidency is surrounded by
Stolen Kics Causes Death
PEORIA 111 William Dixon at
tempted to kiss MissTota Callahan
a servant at a Coarding house The
girl threw up her hand to ward off
his caress when a knife which she
held accidentally penetrated the back
of his neck severing the spinal cord
Dixon was taken to the hospital and
died a few hour late
Soldiers to Be Sent Home
HAVANA It has Tieen learned that
four companies of artillery compris
ing one half of the United States ar
tillery force remaining in Cuba short
ly will be ordered to return to the
United States
Salute to the President
Yosemite valley President Roosevelt
will be given a salute by a battery of
dynamite cartridges The walls of the
valley are 3000 feet high and the re
port of a toy pistol within them rever
berates like a series of volleys by
heavy artillery The explosions of
dynamite cartridges is expected to pro
duce extraordinary results An enor
mous bonfire will be built on the over
hanging rock
ZZ3C c sumzezx
German Comment on President Roose
velts Speech
LONDON Commenting on Presi
dent Roosevelts speech on the Mon
roe doctrine at Chicago the Vossische
Zoitung takes the view of the average
prosperous Berliner when it says it
was due to his prudence and the cir
cumspection of the Washington gov
ernment that the Venezuelan affair
passed off without serious disaster
Reverting to the Monroe doctrine
the Vossische Zeitung says No logi
cal objections can be raised to the
doctrine It is for North America as
a matter of national sentiment and
national business and any attack on
it from this side of the ocean would
be mere tilting at windmills Since
Frances luckless adventure in Mexico
there has been no instance of an at
tempt to upset the doctrine during the
last hundred years On the contrary
European possessions on the American
hemisphere have been steadily
dwindling by revolution and sale The
American is like a dragon that imag
ines he has to protect the American
girl from violence while Europe is
like the man who though always be
ing bled is constantly accused of
sucking the blood of others The
best proof of the disinclination of Eu
rope to acquire territory on the Amer
ican continent is the fact that there
was no attempt to do so when Amer
ica had no fleet worth mentioning
In conclusion the paper says it re
grets that there is still a part of the
American press and even American
dignitaries who frequently lack the
tone of good society and are addicted
to the shirt sleeve diplomacy of the
far west It says that doubtless time
will alter this as America is making
gigantic progress in every field and
it may be hoped that the country is
improving in that of political manners
Action to Be Taken Against Hoof and
Mouth Disease
LINCOLN The statements in the
morning papers that the live stock
sanitary commission of Kansas was
considering means of suppressing the
foot and mouth disease near Concor
dia has created activity here Gov
ernor Mickey Friday at the sugges
tion of State Veterinarian Thomas tel
egraphed Governor Bailey of Kansas
for a statement regarding the preva
lence of the disease
If Kansas is infected with the dis
ease Nebraska will immediately quar
antine against the state
The hoof and mouth disease said
a prominent veterinarian is not a5
dangerous as many people imagine It
ishowever very contagious It af
fects the mouth and hoofs of stock
and- usually runs its course in two
weeks However everything possible
should be done to keep it out of Ne
Secretary Moody and Payne Have a
Lively Time
SAN JUAN P R Secretary Moody
and Postmaster General Payne were
busy Thursday making official calls on
Governor Hunt the commander of the
troops the commandant of the naval
station and tho captains of the Ger
man and Italian warships The secre
tary also inspected the naval station
reviewed a dress parade of Porto Rico
troops and went with Commandant
Dunlap to look over some land at
Puntila over the possession of which
the insular government and the war
and navy departments are disputing
Mr Moody will remain here until
Friday a day longer than he expected
A large reception was given by Gov
ernor Hunt to Messrs Moody and vis
itors were pleased with the appearance
of the Porto Rican soldiers
Reaches an Agreement
DENVER Colo Subject to the ap
proval of General Manager Russell
Harding an agreement has been reach
ed between Manager Edson of the
Denver Rio Grande railroad and the
Order of Railway Conductors and
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
The new schedule gives passenger con
ductors and trainmen an approximate
increase of 12 per cent and freight
men an increase of 15 per cent
Senator Assaults Writers
ator Walter J Peake assaulted John
H Cantrill and William Dowling on
Market street the principal thorough
fare The trouble is the outcome of
articles published over the signatures
of Cantrill and Dowling attacking
Peake for his position on the water
works question PeaKe has been cited
to appear in police court to answer to
charges of assault and battery
Help Irish Farmers to Market
LONDON It was said that Lord
Iveagh of Dublin and Alderman Pirrie
of Belfast are prepared to put at least
2500000 into their transportation
scheme planned to help the Irish farm
ers and that probably central depots
will be established to which produce
would be conveyed by an extensive
system of collection wagons drawn by
horses until light railroads are built
and motor car services are es
a iiiwiniifriiiiium -
What a Woman Says About Western
Although many men have written to
this paper regarding the prospects of
Western Canada and its great possi
bilities it may not be uninteresting to
give the experience of a woman set
tler written to Mr M V Mclnnes the
agent of the government at Detroit
Mich If the reader wishes to get
further Information regarding Western
Canada it may be obtained by writing
any of the agents of the Government
whose name is attached to the adver
tisement appearing elsewhere In this
The following Is the letter referred
Ililldown Alberta Feb 5 03
Dear Sir I have been hero now
nearly five years and thought I would
write you a womans impression of
Western Canada in Alberta There
are several ranchers in this district
who in addition to taking care of
their cattle carry on farming as well
their herds of cattle number from 100
to 200 or 300 head and live out all
winter without any shelter than the
poplar bluffs and they come in in tho
spring in good order Most of the
ranchers feed their cattle part of the
time about this time of the year but
I have seen the finest fat cattle I ever
saw that never got a peck of grain
only fattened on the grass You see
I have learned to talk farm since I
came here farming Is the great busi
ness here I know several in this
district who never worked a day on
the farm till they came here and
have done well and are getting well
I think this will be the garden of
the Northwest some day and that day
not very far distant There has been
a great change since we came here
and there will be a greater change In
the next five years The winters are
all anyone could wish for We have
very little snow and the climate is
fine and healthy Last summer was
wet but not to an extent to damage
crops which were a large average
yield and the hay was immense and
farmers wore a broad smile accord
We have good schools the govern
ment pays 70 per cent of the expense
of education which is a great boon
in a new country Of course churches
of different denominations follow the
settlements Summer picnics and win
ter concerts are all well attended and
as much or more enjoyed as in the
East Who would not prefer the pure
air of this climate with its broad acres
of fine farms its rippling streams its
beautiful lakes its millions of wild
flowers its groves of wild fruit of
exquisite flavor its streams and lakes
teeming with fish and its prairies and
bluffs with game to the crowded and
stiff state of society in the East- I
would like to go home for a visit
some lime but not to go there to live
even if presented with the best farm
in Michigan Beautiful Alberta I will
never leave it And my verdict is only
a repetition of all who have settled in
this country This year I believe will
add many thousands to our population
And if the young men and old men
also knew how easy they could make
a home free of all incumbrance in this
country thousands more would have
settled here I would sooner have 160
acres here than any farm where I
came from in Michigan but the peo
ple in the East are coming to a knowl
edge of this country and as they do
they will come West in thousands All
winter people have been arriving in
Alberta and I suppose in other parts
as well which is unusual so we ex
pect a great rush when the weather
gets warmer
We have no coal famine here Coal
can be bought in the towns for 2 to 3
according to distance from the mines
and many haul their own coal from
the mines getting it there for 50 cents
to a dollar a ton Very truly yours
Signed Mrs John McLachlan
Two Vanrevels are better than one
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and get the best 16 oz for 10
cents Once used always used
Good manners are a part of good
morals and kind courtesy Archbish
op Whateley
I am sore PIsos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Thos Robbixs
Maple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900
A new broom sweeps clean
Get Red Cross Ball Bluo tho best Ball Blue
Large oz package only 5 cents
Dont look a gift book in the bind
Authors will happen even in the
best regulated families
Marriage adds either to a mans
happiness or his misery
A laugh is worth a hundred groans
in any market Charles Lamb
The French sold in America in 1902
more than 800000 of automobiles
Americans are making an effort to
establish a steel plant at Flushing
TKe lowest priced vehicle at the
New York automobile show was 500
the highest 1800
Some are born Corelli some
achieve Corelli and some have Corelli
thrust upon them Life
Always look on the bright side of
things and if you are going to invest
your coin therein look on both sides
It is said that more wrinkles are
caused by laughter than by worry
Girls remember this when you see a
man do a flip flop on an icy pave
fr 1
II CaTrTrt Nm
ll ltic
F bViiiiiiS
oflk hWft
s ii
- ii
09B v A
yHw 1
f Sciimoller Mueller
FOR ONLY 16800
On 5 Monthly Payments Write for
Catalogue Prices Etc v
Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail Piano Dealers
ix itadkiam crtnrtrT nMAHA
iiiiiwiimnn t -
PlncK Perchcions
German Coachers
20 Per Cent Off for
the Next Thirty Days
A savlngof S200 to S300 on each Staiilon
These are cold blooded facts Wepay
buyers railroad fare to Lincoln and return
Come and see us at once and Ret a Winner
Barns and Office 33d and Holdrege Streets
Long Dis Tel 575 A t SULLIVAN Mfl
o prove the healing and
Cleansing power of 1axtlne
Toilet Antiseptlo we will
mail n large trial package
with book of instruction
absolntely free This is not
a tiny sample but a larga
package enough to con
vince anyone or its value
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtlue for what
it has done in local treat-
u vi uuuiu inn uunug
all inflammation and discharges wonderful a3 a
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
will do
Sold by drncEUts or sent postpaid by na 50
cents large box Satisfaction gunrantacu
THE B KAXTON CO llontou Blast
314 Columbus Av
Upwards of 100000 Americans
have fettled In Western Canada
during the pasts years They ar
and there Is room still for
Wnnriprfnl vfplrin nf vh nrA nT i iw
best grazing Isnds on the continent Majrnlflcem
climate plenty of water and fnel rood schools ex
cellent churches splendid railway facilities
the only charge for which is 10 for entry Sendtotna
following for aa Atlas and other literature as wellaa
for certlflcate giving you reduced rallwnr rates etc -Superintendent
ot Immigration Ottawa Canada
or to V Bennett 801 er York Life Uldg Omaha
heb the authorized Canadian Government Agent
You can buy of us at whole
sale prices and save money
Our 1000 page catalogue tells
the story We will send it upon
receipt of 15 cents Your neighbors
trade with us why not you
The house that tells the truth
If winter left
you all tun down
wind up with
That will uu you going
k - Hve gallons for IS cents
Charles E Hires Ce
Maivsrn Pa
i i
r t