ft The Spirit of America is exemplified in Americas greatest food product Uneeda Biscuit A food for body and brain workers - almost all nutriment A food for busy people quickly bought and convenient The most skillful baking in the world money cannot buy better yet sold at a popular price A necessity for their food value and economy A luxury in their goodness and cleanliness Always packed in the Package which preserves the goodness of Uneeda Biscuit CIT V FRANKLIN t 4mm iw TV T3C NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY THE- i IZENS OF McCOOK NEB ana WFMcFARLAND BANK tt Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 4 a a a a a DIRECTORS A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD NATIONAL VWKi AAywwv rz A TvT XT - I ZJ - rx n Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 oCo GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director 3agggly J vvvrfwrwvrvvvvwvvwvvvv jj K i 4FIRST - 5 I CULBERTSON H C Benedict was a citv visitor Smidn M O Remolds was in McCook Wednesday Mr and Mrs Joun McNoico visited friends in McCook Sunday Harry T Tillman and Ed Blum of Palisndo 5nndnvcd in this villano II G Meyers attended tho Bachelors ban quot at Trenton Saturday night Tho various Sunday schools have commenced to prepare their Easter programs Miithow Newlon camu liouiu from McGook for 11 couple of days visit Wednesday night Miss Graco Benedict closed a very successful term of school in tho Yntrow district Friday Rov A J Clifton was in town again tho first of the week Ho is traveling for a telephone company Juntos Fleming canto tip from McCook Wed nesday to do some papering and painting for some of our citizens It will soon bo Arbor day and we hope our citizens will ilo tho proper thing and set out a Iol of trees and shrubs About sixteen families of Russians came in from Greeley Colorado Wednesday morning on No to work in the beet fields this summer John McNoico and wife moved out on tho HcNeico farm south of town Friday We hope this new venture will prove a success for John A number of young people attended tho spell ing school at tho Forest school house last Fri tlay nicht and at tho Roimer school house Thursday night of this weok Mr and Mrs James Ferrior went up to Wal lace Nebraska Tuesday to attend the wedding of their son James S to Maggie M Smith which took placo at tho home of tho bride Wed nesday at 8 oclock We wish the happy young couple success iu life A Physician Writes I am desirous of knowing if the profession can obtain Herbine in bulk for prescribing pur poses It has beon of great use to me in treat ing cases of dyspepsia brought on by excesses or overwork I have nover known it to fail in restoring the organs effected to their healthful activity DOc bottlo at A McMillens Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in ano day No cure no pay Price 25 cents BARTLEY Quite a number are putting in garden already Mrs J E Hathorn has returned here from Lincoln Mrs Dollio Russell wus on tho sick list fore part of the week Some from here attended Uncle Toms Cabiit at Cambridge Saturday Jim Arrasick Arthur Wood and Sam Bryan are threshing cano seed near Indianola Frank Green of McCook and Roy Kennedy of Indianola woro Bartley visitors Sunday Mrs Ella Ford of McCook visited out on tho farm northwest of town flrtt of tho week Mao Wood went up to McCook Wednesday night to work for Mrs Maude Casten Girls wishing work can write Iter and she will help them find a placo Working Overtime Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless littlo workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Mill ions are always at work night and day curing indigestion biliousness constipation sick head ache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure Only 2oc at McCon nels drug storo BANKSVILLE Wilson Ackerman was at Banksvillo Satur day Tho widow Roshong is visiting at A M Ben jamins Tho few days of fine weather causes stockmen to feel happy There were a number of Banksville people at tho show at McCook tho 20th inst H I Peterson has invested in a hand cream separator and that insures him the cash for the prodact of tho cow Tho cream separator has como to stay Cures Sciatic Rheumatism Mrs A E Simpson 509 Craig St Knoxvillo Tenu writes Juno 10th 1699 I have beon trying the baths of Hot Springs Ark for sciatic rheumatismbut I get more relief from Ballards Snow Liniment than any medicino or anything I have ever tried Enclosed find postoffco order for 100 Send me a largo bottlo by Southern Express Sold by A McMillen ISBaJanxjirjcaacsrjEBr yicitgKK jujs uii kh aus u ajjBiiwJicranjc xsuxucinnn jssraiirarann sr Vr V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W - f Vi S systems of tho world but at all times and under all conditions sees in tho progressive career of Jesus Christ tho manifestation of the spiritual Ideu tho typo of the perfect man Religion in the light of Christian Science is spirituality as opposed to Adamic materiality Religion is universal right Truth Justice Freedom Liber ty and selfless Lovo operating upon tho minds of men transforming reforming upbuilding and liberating from all that degrades material izes or begets human discord disoaso and ulti mate death According to Christian Science religion is not necessarily embodied in tho ex ternal visiblo manifestations of tho so called religion but at all times abides as tho presence of tho Holy Spirit in human affairs tho verit able Emanuel or God with us bearing perpet ual witness to the existenco of tho divine Im manence God in nis world THE BIIlLn Christian Scionco is essentially Scriptural re ligion In th language of the lirst of its six brief Articles of Faith its text book affirms As adherents of Truth we take the inspired Word of the Biblo for our guide to eternal Life During its first third of a centurys existence Christian Science has made tho Bible the chief book in the lives of over a million individuals Next to the Bible it places tho Christian Science text book Science and Health With Key to tho Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Whj Be cause through tho prajerful application of the teachings of this text book tho spiritual signifi cance of tho Biblo has again been discerned and its physically healing gospel as well as its re generative message has once again beon proved capable of practical utility and daily demon stration iu the healing of sickness and sin Christian Science inculcates a dignified and lofty faith in the teachings and promises of Holy Scripture It substitutes a common sense understanding of the spiritual interpretation of the Scripture for tho crude literalism that in its blind worship of tho Bible has done perhaps more than anything else to obscure its real and practical meaning Christian Scientists are close and conscientious Bible students When it is remembered that the Christian Science churches with their thousands of at tendants have as an impersonal pastor two books the Bible and the Christian Science text book from which a duly appointed man and woman read as church Readers and that of these two books the Bible is given first placo cannot tho following question bo asked in sim ple justico to Christian Science Has any body of Christian believers ever paid a higher tribute to tho great text book of Christendom than has the Christian Science church under tho leader ship of its founder Mrs Eddy This great and growing body enters the twentieth century with personal preaching and personality displaced by the Word of God resident in tho Bible and spiritually interpreted in its scientific sense through the provable truths of the Christian Science text book Tho simple teachings of Jesus Christ as one continued discourse record ed in the four Gospels by his four students can be termed the Constitution of the Common wealth of Israel The recorded rules of life given by Jesus are the city laws of the New Jeru salem Tho kingdom of God or heaven Jesus taught came not through material observation but through the acquisition of mental right eousness and inward spirituality It is a well known fact that scholastic Christianity is more Pauline than Jesus like In justico to Christian Science should it not be admitted that the regenerative and healing works that have followed in tho train of the teaching of the Christian Science text book are ample ovidenco that it makes practical the promises of tho four Gospois Thus Christian Science is claimed to bo both Christian and Bib lical nrjALTn Health Christian Scienco defines as whole ness or holiness According to Christian Science true holinessChristian grace and moral rectitude must of necessity include a normal relationship with tho divine Being which wo call God Thus bodily health is made manifest in the quickening of what is called the mortal body by tho Spirit Mind according to the teaching of Scripture and Scientific law If God is All-in-all as divine perfection He has as intimate relationship with the physical health of man as with his spiritual harmony If im mortality is moral discord and materiality the reverse of spirituality physical ill health is cer tainly bodily discord If the body is to be transformed by the renewingof the mind health is therefore a spiritual condition and man in proper mental harmony with the divino Mind or spiritual law can no more have bodily disease than can men in harmony with tho law of God Good express moral deformity Therefore Christian Science teaches tho establishment of health through mental or spiritual processes It invokes tho divine aid through tho prayer of understanding spiritual communion with Diety It attacks all organic and functional diseases in tho realm of causation namely mentality and there conquers disease in its breeding ground i e tho conscious and subconscious mortal thought Jesus came to destroy the works of tho devil Ho spent his whole time in the re generation of the depraved in the healing of the sick in tho destruction of error and in the rais ing of the dead Is not Christian Science there fore both logical and Scriptural in its assertion that sin bodily sickness error and death are of mortal not divine origin and constitute the works of the devil or evil in human affairs CONCLUSION -Christian Scienco was tho greatest discovery of tho nineteenth century The Christian Scienco text book was tho greatest book of tho nine teenth century Love not creeds will be the iissaf keynote of twontieth century Christianity Sci entific religion will take the place of dogmatic mysticism and spirituality genuiro and natur al will displace materiality and mortal specu lation Work rather than belief will crown Christian activity Christ will le more than over buforc the central figure in all reformatory and healing work Health will become contag ious and disoai o occasional rather than uni form Not only Christendom will bo reunited uudor tho spiritual leadership of Christ Josus but all civilization will become essentially Christian and Christ will be in dood and truth tho Light of the world Wars will ceapo mam mon be dethroned sin disease and doath will by steady degrees be made the vanquished en emies of tho race Immortality will bo reduced to or comprehended us a demonstrable divino science Brotherhood will bo established through brotherly lovo and unsolilshncs9 and the animal instincts inherent in human nature will by suro degrees bo overcome and destroyed by tho acquisition of the Godlike Christiaulike mind The divine democracy of truo Christian ity will supersede all conditions and theories that tend to class legislation or despotic gov eminent Christianity will bo synonj mous with true science true othics truo law truo govern ment truo industrial integrity true health Tho white stone in tho forehead of its representa tives will bo pure lovo compassionate forgiv ing reformatory and healing Tho world will bo baptized into tho spiritual or divine scienco of Christs teachings motaphysicnlly understood and Christian Scienco will becomo tho Inw of life INDIANOLA norhort Allen is very poorly Georgo Sheppard was in town Monday F Venug is having his cano threshed this week Mrs John Fiess has been on tho sick list the past week Prof Casner attended tho Helm salo on tho Willow Monday Mrs C B Walls entertained her brother from McCook Sunday Arthur Cullen of McCook was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Mr Martzand family departed Monday morn ing for their now liome in Uhio Mr Kiser an agent for tho McConnick ma chinery was in town Wednesday Mr and Mrs Arnold are moving into the house formerly occupied by John McClung Charlie Lohn and family spent last Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Dan Lehn Newton West of Frontier county brought 12 hogs to town Wednesday which netted him Mrs J J Lamborn caino up from Wilcox Wednesday evening to visit a fow days with friends Mr Sholtz our now tonorinl artist is plan ning to put in a now bath tub in connection with his barber shop James W Boluf Ph D will lecture at the school ltonso Saturday evening on Wireless Te legraphy and X rays Jim Mathers a former Indianola boy re turned to his homo in Iowa this week after a fow days sojourn here Bob Thomas has purchased thotnilk wagon of Mr Martz and now supplies the thirsty I udian olaites with the lacteal fluid Mrs Lacra Adams and littlo daughter who have been visiting L B Korns and family left for their home in Alma Friday morning Tho ladies of the M E church uro making big preparations for their annual Easter bazaar which will bo held in tho Masonic hall April 11 Mrs Drew and two children who live on the McCool farm north of town spent last Sunday with Mrs Drews brother Win McCool anil family Prof Casners brother came in on No T Mon day evening Ho expects to spend the summer here and engage in beet culture with the pro fessor Miss Maud Allen camo down from McCook where she is learning the art of dressmaking Friday morning and visited until Monday even ing witn uio nome folks Jim Powell encountered a strike among his sectionmen in the yard here Mon day After announcing their decision the men retired to Little Russia to celebrate which resulted in Henry and Jake having a slight misunderstanding in their owu language and custom In an exciting incident of the celebration Jake shot himself through tho hand Never touched Henry Other men re placed the strikers and the incident was soon closed Tis said Henry speech to Jim Powell was a masterpiece Notice to the Public All debts made by J A Calvert from this date March 16th will not be set tled by me 1 Mr C C Calvert Corene Weyeneth and Vanche Plumb were over from Danbury Saturday Peter Gillen and E S Moore were up from Indianola Saturday If you have pimples or boils feel lazy have a headache or similar symp toms your blood js probably out of order and you need McCoxxells Sar saparilla Take it and youll feel like a new man Sold only by L W Mc Connell Cream received at W T Colemans from any centrifugal separator any day in the week at the highest market price He pays twice a month too Report of the Condition OF THE Citizens Bank of flcCook Charter no 2V6 Incorporated in tho state of Nebraska at tho close of business March IS llXKJ EESODECES Loans and discounts 151356 53 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 21 99 Stocks securities judgments claims etc 2215 35 Other real estate 12311 09 Current expenses and taxes paid 095 40 Duo from national state and private banks and bankers39132 l Checks and other cash items 1012 15 Bills 451100 rflh Specie 4040 10 49920 19 Total 21C55G 55 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50fXX 00 Surplus fund 3000 00 Undivided profits 3312 15 Individual deposits subject to check 70S01 52 Demand certificates of de posit 35847 S5 Time certificates of deposit 32709 00 Cashiers checks outstanding 2505 62 Due to state and private banks and bankers 123S0 21 160244 40 Total 216556 55 State of Nebraska County of Red Willow Ps I A C Ebert cashier of tho above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is corroct and a true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board Attest A C Ebert V Franklin Director W B Wolfe Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of March 1903 H H Berry seal Notary Public iBmnansBOBBssBanns ion A Remarkable Case One of tho most remarknhlo cnbes of a cold deep seated on tho lungs causing pneumoniu is that of Mrs Gertrude E Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely cured by the uso of Ono Minute Cough Cure Shofcayp Tho coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 14S to 92 pounds I tried a num ber of remedies to no avail until I ued Ono Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this won derful remedy cured mo entirely of tho cough strengthened my lungs and restored mo to my normal weight lind strength V 1 1 1 1 1 1 Jiayj um 4 yjv mmm 8Kf2SaS2 vZffzU wtr - 3 oi sAws T3Z Mrs Fred President Country Club Kenton Xlnrlntr 3Iici After my first baby was born I did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave mc a tonic which he consid ered very superior but instead ct getting better i grew weaker every day My hus band insisted that 1 take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month 1 was able to take up my usual duties I sm very tnthusi astic in its praise Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth It prevents mis carriage No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the cominp of her child If Mrs TJnrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow OF All Calls For The J WttlJ IS us Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city T Cure Take Laxative Bromo Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months EKacKai PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska tUSUMe Tablets This signature i mr it I A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 Grad tate of Kansas City Intal College H P SUTTON McCOOK 111 rT im iiirJifr 9 USKSd5330 rf I WHEN IN NEED 1 Of a Curtain Pole Carpet Beater Clothes Line Tack Hammer Tacks Tack Puller Screw Driver Brass Cup Hooks Bottle Cement Mending Tis sue Gold Bronze or any of those lit tle things that come so handy in hpusecleaning time you will find them at THF RFF o - HIVE McCOOK XOOOoOOOOOOOOO A Butchering Difference is tho diiTerenco between our way and other ways tho difference between good meat and poor meat and our customers gain by the difference in methods Wo are careful in selecting and killing our meats and in selling aim to please our patrons Maksu Meat Maicket Notice to the Public Mahala J Dunn my wife having left my bed and board without provocation all persons are hereby notified that I will not pay any bills contracted by her William F Dunn Dated March 10th 1903 Tho Empire cream separator is caus ing a peaceful revolution in the separa tor business They are easy running have few parts to wash and people who have used them say they aro tho best a uarioau or new uuggieajusb rcueivuu at W T Colemans E J MITCHELL OVER McCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DENTIST Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 10U0 and upward Correspondence solicited DR W V GAGE FlcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNJSY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p O Building V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska r2TAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW STcCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Office over Mclhllens drue store Residence OJMainAveune Residenco pbone 53 Office puone 1A Calls answered niht or day - ill EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shavo Hair Cnt Sham pooan ythincr in my line in an artistic manner Give mo a call and trial r S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA NOTICE OF SCTTL Rrevp In tho connty conrfc nT Ri wt Nebraska luuw county 1 estate of John D--1 j tT In Hr rr Reel ueceaseu lo the creditors linir it toi in rLiTirat legatees and ntTmra interested the estate of John pL i I1 i Reel Take notico thatTnhn pi H eceased lias llled in the i Di luuuij uuurt a report of Iiij nin trator of John TY i Liil01nKsas adminis is ordered that the same stand for hewimTthn lerestea may appear and exennfJA V the same And notice nt S or contest ordered iven to TkeMcCK is paper printed in said county fifr Mil a nows sive weeks counij ror three Witness my hand and thp wi f i court at McCooV tiiT iff aA th county 1 S IJ Si l90 vuuuiy Jtirtiw Cures Grfn fa Two Days v every 25 box 25c t - s 1 J J 4 -7 j x I i NEB It AUCTIONEER Phonos Oillca 17 rosidouco 95 IJroo Phonographic concert V4 hour before sale opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBF1CKES n