3 I rr J TOftiT P H Kto Solomon had a thousand wives 1 llp jf iMkWM m And when he staid out late W liifeS If To face a thousand mothers-in-law It VTSf Was his unhappy fate M If fSut after frequent trouble 6pT Sfi I He got the idea right- 1 HBSL M To just Takoma Biscuit M ijA And everything was bright W IP 4 1SL JpLoOSB WlLEsI i C 1 1 IT I ISRSI KANSAS CITY LF Kfe wl I SySsSxS I W The Ocean Wave 9 CoPtnMT f1 - LATEST IMPROVED EASIEST RUNNING MOST DURABLE Washing Machine ON THE MARKET T COLE McCook Nebraska M A 1 or Spring x93 N We Will Clothe a Man for We have several new styles of Ladies and Gentle mens Fine Shoes Selling prices 200 to 400 These shoes are made of the softest finest leather that can be obtained and by the most skilled work men and are in fact the Best Shoes in the city Our line of Misses and Childrens Shoes is complete and the Finest in the City Tfie Atodsf Sftoe Store A E PETTY Prop Footwear Exclusive McCook Neb 1 i m mri inn n i i 1 1 1 n iiiini i in imT Complete from head to foot with a stylish perfect fitting Spring Sack Suit of Clothing a pair of stylish dress Shoes a pair of fancj Hose a fashionable Derby or Fedora Ilat i fine fancy Percale Shirt a pair of Cuffs a Collar a rich silk four-in-hand Teck or bow Necktie a pair of fine Suspenders a good linen Handkerchief This oiler will only last for a short time Should you not be able to visit our establishment send 695 and give height and weight chest waist and crotch measure for suit state size of shoes hat and shirt style of hat and tie and we will send the complete outfit as described subject to examination convey charges to be paid by you If everything is not satis factory we will return your SG95 on receipt of the outfit R L DIAMOND BUG McCook Nebr CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS J W Miners new house is nearing completion Kev Johnson preached his farewell sermon Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert Kennedy were Danbury visitors Tuesday Blanche Henderson will begin work ing for Bert Everist Monday next T J Henderson exhibited his smiling countenance in this burg Monday even ing The Sunday school will observe Easter Sunday with special exercises appropri ate to the occasion A basket supper will be given in the Methodist church April first Come with well filled baskets and enjoy a good time with us It Saved His Leg P A Danforth of LaGrangc Ga suffered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg but writes that Bucklens Arnica salvo wholly cured it in five days For ulcers wounds piles its tho best salve in the world Cure guaranteed Only 23 cts Sold by L W Mc Connell druggist If its a bilious attack tako Chemberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain For sale by L W McConnell Low Rates West 2500 to Portland Tacoma and tie 2500 to San Francisco and Los Seat- An- geles 2250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake City Butte and Helena Proportionately low rates to hundeds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Idaho Ore gon Washington British Columbia California etc Every day February 15 to April 30 Tourist cars daily to California Per sonally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent Out 4 3 Whats In A Name Everything is in tho name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C DoWitt Co of Chi cago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and protrud ing piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts Salve has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless coun terfeits Ask for DeWitts the genuine l Vf8l off Notice of Estray Came to my pasture west of the city about January 25th 1903 one black steer rather wild Has cropped ears Owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges R M Osborn Scale books for sale at The Tribune ollice The Stomach Is the Man A weak stomach weakens the man becauso it cannot transform tho food ho eats into nourish ment Health and strength cannot bo restored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to tho stomach A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive tho tired and run down limbs and organs of the body Kodol Dyspepsia Cnro cloanses purifies sweetens and strengthens tho glands and membranes of the stomach and cures indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach trouble J A u it Stt Of Millinery Mw4r 4mp if COURT HOUSE NEWS Tho following actions have been dock eted with the district court clerk since our last report In tho matter of tho estate of John Kolb deceased petition for license to soil real estate Robert II Thomas vs Tho Frees Hocknell Lumber Co equity Joseph S McBrayer vs William Jef fries equity Union Stock Yards National Oank vs W F Everist et ill equity Western Land Co vs Ellen Rielly et al same vs Henry II Mitchell ot al samo vs William Coleman et al all equity cases Colds Are Dangerous How often have you heard it remarked Its only n cold and a fow days later learn that tho man is on his hack with pneumonia This is of sncli common occurrence that a cold however slight should not ho disregarded Chamber lains Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia It always cure1 and is pleasant to take Sold by L V McConnell Most Popular Man In Norway Iu Norway it is Bjornsons pictures one sees in the places where in other lands one finds those of tho king or the ruler of the country In the shop win dows of the towns and cities it is Bjornsons photograph that looks out at one while even at tho stations in tho country colored prints of Bjornson hang on tho walls Nearly every houso in the land has his biography and at least one of his books on the family table April Cosmopolitan Tho host pill neath the stars and stripes It cleanses the system and never grijws Littlo Early Risers of worldly reputo Ask for DeWitts and take no substitute A small pill easy to buy easy to tako and easy to actbnt never failing in results DaWitts Littlo Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver curing permanently Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by tho McCook postoflice March 23 1903 Jacob Detter W S Loreo D Osgood 5 Ar J V Hull Will McCIure C O Rodgors ITed Stinrp When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Childrens Coughs and Colds Mrs Joe McGrath 326 E 1st St Ilutchinson Kan writes I havo given Ballards Hore hound Syrup to my children for coughs and colds for tho past four years and find it tho host medi cine I havo over used Unliko many cough syurps it contains no opium but will sootlio and lieal any disease of throat or lungs quicker than any other remedy 2jc r0c and 100 at A McMillens lA1 - ON DISPLAY THURSDAY Afternoon and Evening April 2nd 1903 Everything New and of the lat est patterns and designs You are all Most Cordially Invited to Call and Inspect the Same Mrs M M DELHUNTY efter il First We will show the most beautiful line of JMiiiimgry amd Dry QQms Ever displayed in McCook YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITEDg WW t 0 l aSr i - V t Millinery Display Hi I will have my Spring Stock on display Hi Thursday April 2d AFTERNOON and EVENING Goods are all new and line of Pattern Hats one of the pretti est to be seen this season All ladies interested are especially INVITED TO CALL U Hi J VANDEPOEL t fffe rtSbZifiLWsV V New Suits Skirts For LADIES and MiSSES are NOW IN You arc Invited to Call and See Them We have many other New Items to interest you New Dress Goods New Wash Fabrics New Trimmings Etc THE wasft wy 3to grandma eat makes grandpa eat makes the children eat Rocky Mountain Tea doe3 it A great spring tonic a cents L Y McConnell druggist raaiti o a L DeGROFF GO iL S WtoWQ lSkbiSTQSyl BOX ELDER Mrs Elizabeth Winans moved to Mc Cook this week Miss Eliza Johnson is having a hard tussle with a cold Mrs M S Satchell visited Mrs Geo Younger Tuesday Fred Satchell is husking corn up in the Quick neighborhood Born to Mr and Mrs Nathan Tubbs March 21st a ten pound son The mud is getting pretty well dried up so that traveling is better even on the bottom roads The young people who attended Uncle Toms Cabin in McCook last Friday night came home well pleased Miss Nellie Canaga and her Uncle Jacob Crockford were the guests of the Misses Ida and Stella Modrell last Sun day T M Campbell and Jesse Younger hauled D P Browers household goods to McCook last Wednesday to ship to him at Livingston Montana where he is now located The Steltzer brothers were at Box Elder last Tuesday night with their moving picture machine They had a good audience and all went home well pleased with the entertainment Tragedy Averted Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved writes Mrs W Watkinsof Pleasant City Ohio Pneumonia had played havoc with Mm and a terrible coukIi set in besides Doctors treated buthe grew worse every day At length we tried Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consump tion and our darling was saved Hes now sound and well Everybody ought to know its the only sure cure for coughs colds and all lungdiseases Gnaranteed byL W McConnell druggist Price 50c and 5100 Trial bottles free fThe Strength I of the coffee you buy adds to its M I value in the cup g comes to you fresh and of full jj strength always in sealed air tight i 1 packages Bulk coffees lose their I I strength deteriorate in flavor and a I also gather dirt 1 Uniformity freshness and full ntrensth a A ire insured to users of Lion Coffee 9 Well Again The many friends of John Blunt will be pleas ed to leam that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism Chamberlains Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town Monon Ind had failed to give relief The prompt relief from pain which this lini ment affords is alone worth many times its cost For sale by L W McConnell Makes mother eat makes fnthnrnat tnnl oa So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste Mrs C Peterson 25 Lake St Topeka Kan speaking r Ballards Horehoutiil Syrup cays It has never failed to give entire i alKfaction and of all rough remedies it is my favorite antl I must confess to my many friend- that it will do and has done what is claimed for it to speedily cure a cough or a cold and it is so sweet and k pleaiing in taste ic SOc and 100 bottle at AMcMillens Great spring tonic Drives out all impurities Make tho blood rich Fills you with warm tingling life A spring blessing in Rocky Moun tain Tea 35 cents L V McConnell druggist Ill IF IF II C Consu ption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs Like other weeds its easily destroyed while young when old sometimes im possible Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear The best lung fertilizer is Scotts Emulsion Salt pork is good too but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself Others see it you wont Dont wait until you cant deceive yourself any longer Begin with the first thought to take Scotts Emulsion If it isnt really consumption so much the better you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump tion you cant expect to be cured at once but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will win Scotts Emulsion fresh air rest all you can eat all you can thats the treatment and thats the best treatment We will send you a little o the Emul sion free Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on tha wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl St N Y Koc and St all druggists