The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1903, Image 3

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A Stealthy Insidious Weakening Enemy to Women Many Thousand Women Suffer
Needlessly From This Cause
There are a multitude of women es
pecially housewives and all other women
obliged to be on their feet constantly who
are wretched bcond description simply
hecauM their strength and vitality is sapped
away by catarrhal discharges from the
pelvic organs These women get up in
the morning tired drag themselves through
their daily duties tired only to go to bed
at night as tired as before
Mm Era Iiurtho 133 Kast lath Street
N Y City X y ivrlteu I suffered lor
three years with vliat is cencrally known as
Icucorrhcn in connection with ulceration or the
womb The doctors advocated an operation which
J dreaded cry much nnd rtroncly objected to to
tinder it Rendini of the value of Peruna I thoucht
it best to cive this well known remedy a trial to I
boucht three bottles of it at once Now I nni a
chanced woman Peruna cured me it took nine
bottles but I felt so much improved I kept taKint
it as I dreaded an operation so much 1 am to day
in perfect health and liaic not felt so well for
fifteen jears Mrs Ea Bartho
MlS IOlllsO Million 3 Glltl Ttnllln Kfront
Toronto Ont Can Secretary of tho Kings
uuuiniorH ana secretary or Lady Macca
bees writes -if all women knew of hfhinfij
to be derived from taking Peruna we would have
many happier and more healthful women My
jieaiin nas never been too robust and I am easily
latikucd and can not stand much About aear
ego i was so run tlown that I had to take to my bed
nnd became weaker and weaker A friend advised
me to try Peruna and I have great reason to be
crateful for in two weeks I was nnf of hn nnrl
month I was perfectly well and I now find that my
iicuim is luuta more roDusc man lormerly so that
I take Peruna once or twice a month and keep
ncu iumtc uanon
Peruna is such a perfect specific for each
case that when patients have once used it
they can never be induced to quit it until
they are permanently cured 1 1 begins to
relieve the disagreeable symptoms at once
The backache ceases the trembling knees
are strengthened the appetite restored the
digestion made perfect the dull headache
is stopped and the weakening drains are
gradually cured These results certainly
follow a course of treatment with Peruna
Barbara Alberty corner Seventh and
Walnut streets Appleton Wis writes as
follows in regard to Peruna
For years I have suffered with back
ache and severe pains in the side I
doctored so much that I became discour
aged A school friend told me how very
much Peruna had benefited her and I sent
out for a bottle which did more to relieve
me than all the other medicine I have ever
The Reason Why more wheat Is
Brown in Western Canada In a few
hhort months than elcewhere Is
because v c etatlon grows in pro
portion to the suiillput The more
northerly latitude In which grain
wlllcome to perfection the better
Itis Therefore G2 lbs per bushel Is as fair a standard as
CO lbs In the Kast Area under crop in Western Canada
1902 1987330 Acres Yield 1902 117 322754 Bus
the only charge for which Is S10 for making entry
Abundance of water and fuel building material
cheap good grass for pasture and hiy a fertile soil
n sufficient rainfall and a climate gh ing an assured
and adequate season of grow th
Scud to the following for an Atlas and other
literature and also for certificate giving vou re
duced freight and passenger rates etc etc
Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada
or to W V Bennett 801 Xow York Life Bldg Omaha
Keb tho authorized Canadian Government Agent
21 Kit
ItlsafactthatSalzersseedsare found lnj
moregarrteniandon more farms man
any other in America l nere is
reason for this We own and op
erate over 6000 acres for the produc
tion of our choice seeds In order to
p Induce yon to try themwemaRei
Fat 16 Cents Postpaid
iorU wonderim onloni
25 ort elrgant cbbi jt
15 tort ntagnlBetntearroU
2S peerless lettuce ttrletltf
5 rare lnteoi radUb -
n nnilf bt nrf
5 gloriously ueinuiui Dower leeu -
In all 210 unas positively inmisning
hiiBhelsof charming flowers and lots
andlotsof choice vegetables togeth i
er with our great catalogue telling an I
About Macaroni Wheat ltllllun lol I
lar Gross Teosinte Bromus SpeltzV
etc all tor out ic m stamps ana
ims ncticc
Onion seed at DntGUc n poena
La Crosse Wis
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world
of U- M C make is now
accepted by shooters as
the worlds standard for
it shoots well in any gun
Your dealer sells it
The Union Metallic
Cartridge Co
Bridgeport - - Gonn
S I oulck relief and cures worst
tares Boot of testimonials and 10 DAYS treatment
W N U Omaha
No 131903
ixrarncTTur uuws uuuu u
In time Sold by drugcict
X - - VBaSflW BMg8 S -
aft d93flUHEBft
yiJ Bmg2mMfflSJRs
t mmmmHEuk
v iSlljreWwsX
QSfr rrT5sK EKis3 fn
w mmmmmmi
tQV Wlbk riN
sui imp -a
The best iroteriali billed wsrkntn end
TOWER5 ilicters Coab and Hats
famous the world over They are nadein
bbek ortllovfor all Kiridj cf wet work
end fltrenrmerit bearingthe 5IGN OF
THE riJH u aiarantcid to oive x
isfadioaAII relAbledealera sell thetn
TOWtt ORAPIAH CaltaitedTSOirci OK
The man who is his own best friend
has few others
Very few people can be delightfully
improper successfully
Ask Tonr Dealer For Allens Foot Ease
A powder It rests the feet Cures Corns
Bunions SwollenSoreHotCallousAching
SweatingFeet andlngrowing Nails Allens
Foot Easemakesnewortigtatsboes easy At
all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac
cept no substitute Sample mailed Free
Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy N Y
Americans are going to put up
seven thousand miles of barbed wire
fence No it will not be around the
Philippines it will inclose one little
cattle ranch
Flsos Cure cannot oe too highly spoKen of aa
a cough cure J W OBrien 322 Third Am
N Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1900
Worry is not to be encouraged but
the man who never worried never ac
complished very much
Mrs Winslows SootMnff Syrup
For children teething softens the gamt reduces In
Bamnjatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Today the prophet wags his head
and people heed him tomorrw ah
tomorrow None so poor to do him
Any woman who speaks ill of her
neighbors gives them license to get
back at her
vil I c
taken I used it faithfully for two weeks
and it completely cured me I have not
had any pains since anywhere but feel
like a new woman I am truly thankful
fbr what Peruna has done for me Bar
bara Alberty
Mre Kate Mann 800 Bathurst Street
Toronto Out Can Vice President of the
IiuUIob Aid Suclety writes I am pleased
to cive praise to Peruna for the blessed relief I
found throueh its use I suffered for years with
backache and dragging down pains and often had
to so to bed and stay there when I was so busy
that I could illy be spared It was therefore a
simple godsend to me when Peruna was brought
to my notice Every drop seemed to civo me new
life and every dose made me feel much better
and I promised myself that if I found that it cured
me I would advocate it so that other suffering
women should know of it 1 have been in perfect
health for one ear I enjoy work and pleasure be
cause in such fine health and no trouble seems too
heavy to bear when jou are in good health Peruna
has simply been a household blessing and I never
will be without it again Mrs Kate Mann
Mrs Anna Martin 47 Hoyt St Brooklyn
N Y writes Peruna did so much for mo
that I feel it my duty to recommend it to others
v ho may be similarly afflicted About a year ago
my health was completely broken down had
backache dizziness and irregularities and life
seemed dark indeed We had used Peruna in our
home as a tonic and for colds and catarrh and I
decided to try it for my trouble In less than three
ClOCths I became regular my pains had entirely
disappeared and I am now perfectly well Mrs
Anna Martin
Mrs Wm Hetrick Kennard Washing
ton County Neb writes
I am fifty six years old and have not
felt well since the Change of Life began
ten jears ago I was in misery somewhere
most of the time My back was very weak
and my flesh so tender it hurt me to lean
against the back of a chair I had pain
under my shoulder blades in the small of
back and hips I sometimes wished my
self out of this world Had hot and cold
spells dizziness and trembling of ths limbs
and was losing flesh all the time After
following your directions and taking Peruna
I now feel like a different person Mrs
Wm Hetrick
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis
Peruna can be purchased for Si per
bottle at all first class drug stores
Address Dr Hartman President of Tho
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Bituminous Coal
It will perhaps surprise some people
to know that the production of bitum
inous coal was eight times as great
as the production of anthracite dur
ing the year 1902 for in that year
owing to idleness at the mines the
hard coal position fell to where it was
in the year 18S5 While there is a
great deal said and heard of the an
thracite industry because it is concen
trated in the hands of a few persons
and worked as a rule at a profit there
is a vast extent of the country which
takes the soft or bituminous coal
takes it to the extent of 250000000
net tons
Ambition is often the assassin of
Should be in every home Ask your grocer
for it Large 2 oz package only 5 cents
American Girls With German Titles
Twenty six German titles are worn
by American grils who have married
abroad and twenty English peerages
There are three French duchesses and
five French countesses of American
birth Seventeen Italian noblemen
and six Russians of title have laid
their coronets at the feet of American
brides Holland has two baronesses
American born Bavaria one countess
and the sovereign Princess of Monaco
closes the list
ntThompsons ye Wafof
Superior quality and extra quantity
must win This is why Defiance
Starch is taking the place of all
To Cnre a Cold in One day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund money if itf ails to cure 25c
Give a man a drink or two of
whisky he said in announcing the
warning and he is bound to have
some kind of a grievance
Practice is said to make perfect
yet few doctors or lawyers are mod
els of perfection
Amateur photographers are willing
to take anything except advice
Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily
Aches and Pai
for which an external remedy may be used
Price 25c and SOc
sOil I
OS 1
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were not as
heavy as they were yesterday but there
was a fair run Tho demand though
was in good shape so that prices held
fully steady on dcslrnblo grades Trad
ing was quite brisk and an early clear
ance was made
Buyers took hold of the beef steers In
good shape and tho market wa3 actlvo
and firm on practically all kinds As high
as 535 was paid for a prime load of six
teen head averaging 13S3 pounds This
is tho hlgkest price of the year for a full
load of cattle and were bought for ex
porting There was not a very large sup
ply of beef steers on sale so that prac
tically everything was disposed of In good
Tho cow market opened fairly actlvo
and just about steady Along toward the
close however trading was not quite as
brisk and some salesmen found it a little
hard to get steady prices on the close
Bulls veal calves and stafs sold with
out much trouble in just about yester
days notches There were scarcely
enough stockers and feeders in the yards
to make a market Tho few that ar
rived though sold readily at steady
prices if the quality was at all satisfac
tory in spite of the fact that tho end
of tho week Is at hand
HOGS There was a very light run of
hogs owing probably to the bad condition
of the country roads The local demand
was brisk and reports from other points
were favorable to the selling interests
so that prices improved -The advance
amounted to just about a dime The bulk
of the good heavy hogs sold largely from
730 to 735 and as high as 740 was paid
Medium weights went largely from 725
to 730 and the lghter weights from 725
SHEEP Quotations Choice western
lambs C50C75 fair to good lambs
550 C25 choice Colorado lambs G75
715 choice light weight vearllngs 600
C25 choice heavy yearlings 550575 fair
to good yearlings 500550 choice weth
ers 550575 fair to good yearlings
500o50 choice wethers 550575 fair
to good 500550 choice ewes 500
D25 fair to good ewes feeder
lamus 4ioSd25 feeder vearllngs 125
475 feeder wethers 4XK1C5 feeder
ewes 300Q350
CATTLE Beef steers 10 cents lower
than yesterday quarantine stuff steady
cows steady to 10c lower stockers and
feeders slow choice export and dressed
beef steers 45O520 fair to good 400
450 stockers and feeders 300450 west
ern fed steers 3005350 Texas and In
dian steers 375455 Texas cows 225Q
315 native cows 150425 native heifers
2400435 canners 2000225 bulls 2750
425 calves 1750700
HOGS Market 10015c higher and active
top 745 bulk of sales 7250710 heavy
7300740 mixed packers 7150740 light
7000725 yorkers 7200725 pigs 6500
0 90
SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep steady
lambs strong native lambs 4000700
western lambs 4500700 fed ewes 340
600 native wethers 3SO059O western
wetheTS 3700590 stockers and feeders
President and Cabinet Gratified with
Work of Congress
cabinet meeting the president and
members of the cabinet expressed sat
isfaction with the result accomplished
by congress at the regular session and
by the senate extra session which ad
journed Thursday Both the president
and members of the cabinet are sat
isfies that the Cuban reciprocity treaty
will be ratified by the Cuban congress
as it was ratified by the senate
President Roosevelt is particularly
gratified because the American senate
has demonstrated what he regards as
the good faith of the United States in
extending so far as it may the relief
of this country to Cuba
Receivers Asked For Capital of Over
BUFFALO N Y C Moensch Sons
company and Moensch Fisher Gaen
slen of Goanda two of the biggest
tannery concerns in this part of the
country are insolvent Applications
for the appointment of receivers for
both companies were made Friday
The capital stock of C Moensch
Sons company is 1500000 and that of
Moensch Fischer Gaenslen is 600
000 The motion for the dissolution of
the companies was made in behalf of
the majority of the directors It was
stated in the petition that the apparent
assets of Moensch Sons company
are 1248000 Actual liabilities were
given at 634000 and contingent lia
bilities at 500000
Swung Off for Murder
LITTLE ROCK Ark James Ruffin
and Jay Green both negroes were
hanged at Star City Friday for the
murder of Don McGhee in January
Bonded Warehouse Burns
SYDNEY N S W Hentschs bond
ed warehouse containing 10000 tons
of merchandise was gutted by fire Fri
day The loss is estimated at 2
Intercollegiate Gymnastic Meet
MINNEAPOLIS Minn The annual
western intercollegiate gymnastic
meet which was originally scheduled
to be held at Champaign III will be
held at the University of Minnesota
April 30 Finding that the meet would
be unprofitable there Illinois offered
it to Wisconsin who in turn offered
it to Minnesota Teams from Chicago
Wisconsin Grinnell Northwestern and
Illinois universities will attend this
years meet
Its the gentle and effective action of Doans Kidney Pills in Kidney
Bladder and Urinary troubles that make them famous with
Men Women and Children
Mr Pleasant Ohio I received the
sample of Doans Kidney Pills and never
had any medicine do me so much good in
bo little time I had Congestion of the
Kidneys nnd Bladder bo severe it caused a
pressure on tho lungs like Asthma but
through the use of Doans Pills I am free
and easy now Geo W Ssiith Veter
inary Surgeon P O Box 41 ML Pleasant
Aged people find Doans Kidney Pills a
great comfort for declining jcurs
They cure incontinence nnd urinary
weakness peculiar to children
Baxteii Springs Kansas I received
the free sample of Doans Kidney Pills
For five years I have had much pain in my
back which physicians said arose from the
kidneys Four boxes of Doans Pills have
entirely cured the trouble I think I owe
my life to these pills and I want others to
know it Sadie Davis Baxter Springs
Aching backs arc cased nip hack and
loin paius overcome Swelling of tho
limbs nnd dropsy signs vanish
They correct urino with brick dust BedN
ment high colored excessive pain in pass
ing dribbling frequency bed wetting
Doans Kidney Pills dissolve nnd rcmovo
cnlculi and gravel Relieve heart palpita
tion sleeplessness hcadacho nervousness
ii i g
w t vi tncnauj
V A SlcwFo Tna
V fcVi r
Ilenso koihI inn by mull without charge
trial box Doaua KiJuuy HI la
Cut out coupon on dotted lliwi and miUl to
KoiUir Mllbura Co Uufflo N Y
Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential
Tired Mothers Touching Story oi
Oaaticara Brings Blessed Oare to sa
Tortured Baby aaid Peace and Resfi
to Its Worn Otat Mother
It is no wonder that Mrs Helena Rath was taken sick
Single handed she did all the housework and washed cooked and
mended for her husband Hans and their six children After a
plucky fight to keep on her feet Mrs Rath had to yield and early
in 1902 she took to her bed What followed she told to a visitor
who called at her tidy home Xo 821 Tenth Ae New York City
I hired a girl to mind the chil
dren and to do whatever else she
could I couldnt stay in bed long
Sick as I was it was easier for me
to crawl around than to lie and
worry about my little ones So
I got up after a few days and let
the girl go I had noticed that she
had sores on her face hands and
arms but I paid no attention to that
until Charlie my youngest began to
pick and scratch himself lie was
then ten months old and the girl
had paid more attention to him than
to any of the others Charlie was fret
ful and cross but as he was cutting
teeth I didnt think much of that
Even when a rash broke out on his
face I wasnt frightened because
everybody knows that that is quite
common with teething babies Sev
eral of my others had it when little
and I thought nothing about it
But the rash on Charlies poor
littie face spread to his neck chest
and back I had never seen any
thing quite like it before The skin
rose in little lumps and matter
came out My babys tkin was hot
and how he did suffer He wouldnt
eat and night after nig it I walked
the floor with him weaV as I was
Often I had to stop because I felt
faint and my back throbbed with
pain But the worst pain of all was
to see my poor little boy burning
with those nasty sores
I believed he had caught some
disease from the girl but some of
the neighbors said he had eczema
and that is not catching they told
me Yes I gave him medicine and
put salves and things on him I
dont think they were all useless
Once in a while the itching seemed
to let up a bit but there was not
much change for the better until a
lady across the street asked me why
I didnt try the Cuticura Remedies
I told her I had no faith in those
things you read about in the papers
She said she didnt want me to go
on faith nor even to spend any
money at first She gave me some
Cuticura Ointment I think the
box was about half full and a
piece of Cuticura Soap I followed
A woman lays out an echo by get
ting in the first words as well as the
the directions bathing1 Charlie and
putting that nice Ointment on tho
I wouldnt have believed that
my baby would have been cured by
a little thing like that Not all of a
sudden mind j on Little by little
but so surely Charlie and I both
got more peace by day and more
sleep by night The sores sort ot
dried up and went away I shall
never forget one blessed night when
I went to bed with Charlie besido
me as soon as I got the supper
dishes out of the way and the older
children undressc d when I woka
up the sun was streaming in For
the first time in six months I had
slept through the night without a
Yes that fat little boy by tba
window is Charlie and his skin is
as white as a snow flake thanks to
the Cuticura Remedies 1 think
everybody should know about the
Soap and also the Ointment and if
it is going to help other mothers
with sick babies go ahead and pub
lish what I have told your
The agonizing itching and burning of the skin as in eczema
the frightful scaling as in psoriasis the loss of hair and crusting
of the scalp as in scalled head the facial disfigurements as in
pimples and ringworm the awful suffering of infants and anxiety
of worn out parents as in milk crust tetter and salt rheum all
demand a remedy of almost superhuman irtues to successfully
cope with them That Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent
are such stands proven beyond all doubt No statement is made
regarding them that is not justified by the strongest evidence
The purity and sweetness the power to afford immediate relief
the certainty of speedy and permanent cure the absolute safety
and great economy have made them the standard skin cures blood
purifiers and humour remedies of the civilized world
CTJTICTTR V REMEDIES are sold throughout tli civilizwl trorM PRICES rmicuraRsolv
ent 00c per bottle in the form of Chocolite Coated Pills 2V j vial of Cnticnrn
Ointment 30c per box and Cuticura So ip 15c p r tablet Pnd fo tic great work Humour
oftheBlood Skin and Poalp and How to Cure Them tepse 500 D asei -with Illustrations
Testimonials and Direction in all latifruace1 including Iapane and Chinese Britiib IVpot
27 28 Charterhouse Sq London KC French DeDOtSRupdelaPaix Parip Australian Depot
prietors Boston U S A
Have something to do or you will
be a nobody
All that glisters is not gold
No chromos or cheap premiums
but a better quality and one third
more of Defiance Starch for the sama
price of other starches