ri V ii PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES For a fow days no books will bo lonned from tho library Tho librarian requests that tho books bo returned at tho twirli ost possible timo so that an invoice can be made of all tho books Wo hope soon to resume tho loaning of books II W Koyes of Indianola supplied the migsiug numbers of MeCluros Magazine for 1897 An invoice of new books has been re ceived from Chicago Tho last order included tho latest books ten of which had not boen issued from tho publish ing house These books will bo for warded to us as soon as tho wholesale house can procure them The following numbers of the Cosmo politan nro needed to complete tho dif feront years 1897 the twelve numbers aro needed for this year 1893 January February March April September October November December 1899 February March April May Juno July August September October No vember December 1900 January Feb ruary March April July August Sep tember November December The Tribune is only S100 year as- WVWWWWWWWWfli Profit in Raising1 Sugar Beets W A Coe of Orleans was in Alma last Saturday and in conversation with him ho informed us that his two acres of sugar beets brought him 8150 so after deducting all expenses his beets netted him 50 -per acre This should bo an object lesson to the people of this part of Nebraska that it pays to grow sugar beets Besides this Mr Coo says I had 10000 pounds of beet tops that I found to be one of tho best milk and fat producing foods I ever fed except grain If you will write or call tt the Record office we will furnish all the in formation possible Brother farmer dont neglect to plant some beets if it is no more than a fow to feed tho old cow Three things will make this part of Ne braska one of the richest countries in the world it is dairy cows alfalfa and sugar beets Pin that in your hat and see if the farmer editor is not right Alma Record A Physician Writes I am desirous of knowing if the profession can obtain Herhinu in bulk for iires cribiiiff pur poses It lias been of jjreat use to me in treat ing catos of dyspepsia brought on by excesses or overwork I have nover known it to fail in restoring the orguus effected to their healthful activity 50c bottle at A McMillens s When Your Appetite Plays Truant HJB To Coax It Back Sold only in Packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY VAVVVlftWLft JBANK V i V FRANKLIN President THE CITIZENS A C EBERT Cashier BANK OF MeCOOK NEB I Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 V FRAUKUH W DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND B W0LFEf C H A C WILLARD EBERT NATIONAL S Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 0255- GE0 HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director The McCook Tribune ITS ONLY 100 A YEAR DANBURY Mrs J L Sims and son went to Iowa on a visit to her old home on Tuesdays train The Teachers association was well at tended on Saturday considering the bad roads Robert Gore is planting a row of trees in front of the GW Billings property where he lives Mrs Harbaugh and Alice Jones in tend to continue the restaurant at H L Rubys old stand 3 G Evers has bought tho residence on lower Main street occupied by Charles Rogers and will soon move into it E M Woods returned on Mondays train from Oxford whore he Jiiad spent Sunday with his son V B and family Joseph Godown came in on Tuesdays train from his home in Iowa for a visit with his brother George and old friends around Danbury Mr and Mrs B N Leisuro returned Saturday from Los Angeles California where they had spent the winter with their son Will and family Rev Pogue started on Saturday by the way of McCook for his old home in Indiana in answer to a telegram that his father was not expected to live This week must be movers week E M Woods has moved to O B Woods place north of town Charles Rogers to E M Woods house Mrs Ruby to Miss Fairs property II L Ruby to his moth ers house Milo Harbaugh to H L Ru bys old stand Ed Eno to the Bastain house vacated by Harbaugh and J L Leisuro to his farm northwest of town Tuesday was stock day at Danbury There were IS cars of stock shipped 12 of cattle aDd six of hogs as follows Mr Rockerfeller soven cars cattle W T Henton three cars cattle S R Messner two cars cattle J L Sims four cars hogs William Nutt one car hogs Mr Mallack from near Indianola one car hogs The following went to see them through N J Walden D E Boyer W M Nutt S R Messner W T Henton W S Ryan Mr Mallack and J L Sims Childrens Coughs and Cotds Mrs Joe McGratli 32G E 1st St Hutchiiifcon Kaii writes I have sivon Ballards Hore liound Syrup to my children for cotichs and colds for tho past four j ears and find it tlio best inedi cino I liavu over used Unlike many couidi syurp it contains no opium but will soothe and heal any disease of throat or Iuuks quicker than any other remedy 25c 50c and 100 at A McMillons CULBERTS0H R Knowles was a Trenton visitor Wednesday Jerry Bahn sold a team of horses in McCook Saturday Mrs S E Solomon visited McCook friends Friday and Saturday Christ Ilogan took some horses down to Holbrook Friday returning Monday Mrs W Westy and daughter of Hope are in town visiting parents and friends Rev E H Gould of Bloomington a former pastor of this place stopped here between trains Tuesday Miss Ethyl Fellows went down to Mc Cook Monday where she has secured a position as clerk in Thompsons dry goods store Terrys Uncle Toms Cabin Co gave a splendid performance at the opera house Wednesday night The music was especially good Rev G L Snyder who has been as sisting the Salvation Army with their meetings came down Tuesday morning and will remain here for some time Miss Ann Miller is suffering with pneumonia and unable to attend to her school duties Different pupils of the graduating class fill this vacancy this week H Lehman the popular clerk who has been working for the Barnett Lum ber company at McCook severed his connection with that firm Saturday and came home to enjoy a much needed rest Mrs Jane Gibson who has been car ing for Grandma Wiggins was called to McCook Saturday by the illness of her daughter Miss Josie who is suffering with consumption and is in the care of Dr Duncan Mrs Gibson will take her daughter to Wray Colorado where it is to be hoped she will be benefited Colds Are Dangerous How often have yon heard it remarked Its only a cold and a fow days later learn that tho man is on his back with pneumonia This is of such common occurrence that a cold however slight should not be disregarded Chamber lains Cough Remedy counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia It always cures and is pleasant to take Sold by L V McConnell MARION Ole Steele went to Orinoco Kansas Sunday for a short visit Lena Ashton returned home Friday from Franklin where she has been at tending school Several of Miss Gamsbys Indianola friends attended the basket supper Friday evening The basket supper and entertainment given at Shiloh Friday evening was quite a success A very interesting pro gram was rendered by the school child ren which showed tho dramatic skill of their teacher The exercises closed with a laughable comedy Cause for Divorce which was given by the young people of Marion assisted by Miss Gamsby The proceeds which go to the library fund amounted to 83300 imm mgSftiwui ir - Jjwi4wfc ihhumh iiiiiumiiiiiiiiii mi iiiiiiiinini linn 1 diiili urn HTfniwriirTrTfirrTWTpiw iTTiinT V C LEBANON Two carloads of hogs wontout of Leb anon this week Tho party at Mrs Pooles was well at tended Friday night JWAtkins visited relatives in tho vicinity of Danbury this week Section Foreman Carlson made a bus iness trip to Danbury Saturday J B Cummings and son J B Jr at tended court at McCook Monday and Tuesday Mr and Mrs John Meyers gave a par ty Friday night Thoso who attended report an enjoyable timo Tho following teachers attended tho association at Dan bur Saturday Cora L Vincent Fanny Purviance Rosa Slutts and J E Boyd Urban Barthol omew and Bessie Slutts also attended the meeting Cures Sciatic Rheumatism Mrs A 12 Simp on 509 Craicr St Knoxville Tenn writes Juno 10th IiOO I liuvo hei tryiiiK the baths of Hot Springs Ark for sciatic rheumatism hut I set more relief from Ballards Snow Lininnnt than any medicino or mo thing I have ovor tried Enclosed ilncl postofTco order for 100 Send mo a lanje bottle by Southern Express Sold by A McMillen SOUTH McCOOK George Younger finished the work of repairing the South McCook bridge over tho Republican river Tuesday evening the 17th at four oclock The Salvation Army closed its pro tracted meetings Tuesday evening of this week and departed for Atwood Kansas to continue their work Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoliice March 17 1903 Mare Anion Chanic Brown SN Cox EuKene Flowers Master Alex P Moore Ed OShoa Refch Bros C S Smith D Anderson II J IJaker Leone DeardolT Cliit 11 Knopp Lola Moore C A Parsons 2 1 J Shipmau Dr L Schreiber William Wittiver When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Remarkable Case One of the most remarkable ca es of a cold deep seated on the luns causing pneumouia is that of Mrs Gertrude E Fenner Marion Ind who was entirely cured by tho use of One Minute CoukIi Cure Shes ajb The cougliiiiK and straining so weakened me that I rundown in weight from lib to fG pounds I tried a nmn berof remedies to no avail until I ued Ono Minute Coufdi Cure Four bottles of this won derful remedy cured me entirely of the cough strengthened my lungs and restored mo to my normal weight and strength EIHott Rheinheimer Elder II II Berry spoke the words Monday noon uniting in marriage Ira S Elliott and Allice Rheinheimer both of Grant precinct this county Ira is a son of Charles Elliott of Banksvillo and Miss Alice a daughter of Peter Rhein heimer of the old Taylor ranch They have the congratulations and good wishes of their neighbors and friends A carload of new buggies just received at W T Colemans Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suffer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering together with the most elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever published No matter what your form of rheuma tism is whether acute chronic muscu lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many socalled sure ciyres you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a doctor nor a professor simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and I want to tell everyone who suffers with cheumatism about it I wish to be rlearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this day and I will send you by return mail this work of mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring and to those who have been cast aside as incurable All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me tell you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send mo your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send me their ad dress and I will mail them a copy My address in Victor Raixbolt Bloomfield Indiana iiMiwiiifvrir rii r 1 i i u 74 r n a iclxurm r i - mm rasa ii iiA FSi fc64 svmwMzfflm 9Kf tijj ii to r9PF j v a BPSEi wmrum mm tT eSBiim Efti mi il Constipation is nothing more gj iiuuiiuiuiiif il 2 UJiUI VILUl jji nation or death if not relieved If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system he would soon get relief Constipation invites all kind of contagion Headaches bilious ness colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels arerelieved Thed forda Black Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics Be sure that j ou get the origi nal Thedfords Black Draught made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and 8100 packages Sloreaii Ark May 2 101 ICRnnotrecoiiimendTlieilforiJslUark DraiiLlittooIilirhlylkeepItln my house all the time and have used It for the last ten years 1 never gave my children any other laxative I think I could never nc auic to work without It on account or uelnir troubled with constipation Your medicine Is an that Keeps me up C IJ McFAKLlXD Lott Rates West S2300 to Portland Tacoma and Seat tle 62500 to San Francisco and Lo3 An geles S2250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake City Butte and Helena Proportionately low rates to hundeds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Idaho Ore gon Washington British Columbia California etc Every day February 15 to April 30 Tourist cars daily to California Per sonally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent Out 4 3 Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents FIVE PAIR 9J We have just received from the mill fifty dozen Ladies Fast Black Full Finished Seamless Hose the regular 15c quality Wewill put them on sale Saturday March 14th at 10 Cents per Pair If you intend to wear Hose this year it will pay you- to take advantage of this sale Remember we will only sell five pairs to one person To Reduce Cost of Beet Sugar Washington March 14 Experiments aro being made by tho agricultural de partment to reduce the cost of growing sugar beets The department is going about this in a curious sort of way but Secretary Wilson is confident experi ments will prove a success and that tho cost of raising sugar beets will be de creased by 23 per cent Secretary Wil son has on his desk an ordinary fruit jar which contains thousands of curious objects I am greatly interested in this said tho secretary as he picked up the jar This contains sugar beet seeds In somo seed there is but one germ while in others there are three or four each one of which will produce a seed which will contain but one germ I be lieve this can be done and if we succeed in our experiment the farmers of the country will be able to raise sugar beets much cheaper than they can now When a seed produces four plants it is necessary for tho farm hand to go over the field and eliminate all plants but one in each group If tho cost of this labor can be reduced and can produce seeds containing but one germ a large amount will bo saved to the farmer It will then be possible to utilize a machine which plants seed six inches apart and the problem of sugar beet raising will be much simplified E J MITCHELL H P r MCCOOK NEBRASKA L PREVOST DENTIST Grad late of Kansas City Liutal College II P SUTTON McCOOK OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska fioes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One per cent on sales 1MX and upward Correspondence solicited DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JKyRitj R MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAY and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska er Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW IdcCook Nebraska Office in Court House w i Phone 181 DR A P WEjLLES Physician and Surgeon McCOOK - - NEB fevcr - A re Kesidenca uuuuuTi uue Residence n innn fl niu phono 23 r Calls answered niijlit or day e aV tTt aSerfLiar rftT T JV Py t All Calls For The t wt Bus Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains ana an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska E t 0QQjiQo f AUCTIONEISK Phones OiHci 17 residence 95 Free Phonographic concert hour before sale opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 OVER McCONNELL BERRYS 4 rmr w l pumyij wCgfJlZmjBil I I HHIBaB Ml 111 IIH I T Core a Cold in One DayfiTl f I Take Laxative BrOHIO Qwinke Tablets on every 1 I I Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months This SlgBatnre - 7y box 25c I Jr -A I w i r jr j cuMtr -