IVteCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK I NEBRASKA O TUP AtFllC III DniCP IULllSno IN UIHLla J Very Kgv George C Bradley is dead at London Dr Manuel Barros Borgono the emi nent surgeon and rector of theUni versity of Santiago Chile is dead Emperor Francis Joseph has con ferred the Cross of Officers of the Francis Joseph Order on George Hitch cock tho American artist A reward of ten thousand dollars has heen posted for the apprehension of the murderers of Policeman Paul Menailsohn at Waterbury Conn Anthony Fiala who is to command the Ziegler expedition in search of the north pole was recently a passenger on the steamship Oceanic which sail ed from New York The Burlington and Alton railroads have concluded an arrangement where by the two lines will have the joint use of a new short line between Kansas City and St Louis Green aged twenty seven whose home is believed to be at Lacon 111 committed suicide at Chicago by inhaling gas A broken engagement is said to have led to the suicide The Kansas senate killed the child labor bill which passed the House last week The bill provided that no child under the age of 12 years should be employed in any factory shop or mine Senator Money of Mississippi has in troduced a resolution requesting the president to inform the senate whether postal facilities are now be ing afforded the people of Indianola Miss Frank E Brady former secretary of the Imperial Building and Loan com pany of Toledo O was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for al tering the companys books to deceive creditors Francis J McKay business repre sentative of the striking shipbuilders said that between 5000 and 6000 men were out This includes the men in the Brooklyn Staten Island and New Jersey yards The directors of the Western Union Telegraph company declared the reg ular quarterly dividend of 14 per cent A statement issued estimates the net revenue for the quarter ending Marcah 31 at 51850000 An amicable agreement has been reached between the officers of the American Steel foundry and a commit tee representing the 800 employes of that company at Alliance O and the works were started The Union Pacific Railroad company and the Postal Telegraph company have come to an agreement by which the Postal company will build a line of wire on the Union Pacific right of way from Omaha to the Pacific coast Seven stockholders of the Union Oil Gas and Refining company Lima O residents of Dubuque Hampton and Pringer la have brought an action against the directors of that company asking for an accounting and the ap pointment of a receiver to wind up its affairs It is officially announced that a divi sion of the Austrian navy consisting of three armored cruisers and a tor pedo boat at the end of March will visit the ports in the Greek archipelago and Asia Minor The authorities say that the cruise is entirely without po litical significance Remorse and fear over the belief that he had killed a playmate named Laura Wainwright by hitting her with a stone caused Warren Fleming aged nine of Belleville 111 to shoot him self through the heart after ascertain ing from his eleven-year-old sister on which side his heart was located Francis G Keene of Milwaukee has received notice from Secretary Hay that he would be appointed as consul to Florence Italy to succeed Edward C Cramer resigned Mr Keene is a former member of the Wisconsin legis lature a prominent club man and a former messmate at Harvard of Pres ident Roosevelt A run on the State Savings bank at Butte Montana caused no little sensation in financial circles The run was caused by a canard to the effect that John A Creighton the Omaha millionaire who is president of the bank had withdrawn his support He is said to have sent 500000 to the bank In addition local men of wealth rushed in deposits of from 5000 to 50000 and the excitement subsided John Mitchell is to visit the west and organize the miners of Colorado Wyoming New Mexico and Utah E S Cunningham of Tennessee consul at Aden has been transferred to the United States consulate at Ber gen Norway vice Victor E Nelson The Minnesota house adopted a res olution appointing a committee to in vestigate the Minneapolis chamber of commerce and the allegations that by maintaining high commission charges for handling grain a hadicap was placed on grain growers generally M VVYVVVVVVYYVYYYYVyVYYYYYYTYYYVVyYY 2 TBI NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Branches of the Twenty Eighth General Assembly HOUSE In the house on the 12th Hunter of Webster offered a motion that the speak er appoint a sifting committee of seven members to whom all bills on general file should be submitted and that all bills reported to the house by this committee should have precedence In committee of the whole in the order reported except appropriation and revenue bills The motion was tabled Nelson of Douglas moved to have S F 11 engrossed for third reading The bill was placed on gen eral file On motion of Nelson of Doug las H R 320 the Omaha charter bill was ordered engrossed for the third read ing and Its amendments printed The committee on accounts and expenditures reported than on investigation it found three custodians of the supply room W H Clark and J H Jallison appointed by the secretary of state with the con currence of the house and Homer Gage appointed by Speaker Mockett The com mittee reported that it found need for but one custodian and recommend that Clark and Jallison be dispensed with The report was adopted and therefore these two employes cut off the pay rolL The remainder of the day was taken up in consideration of the revenue bill H R 374 the salaries appropriation bill was placed on the general file of the house on the 16th with amend ments appropriating 3G00 for a dep uty clerk of the supreme court 5400 for three assistants at a salary of 900 1800 for an assistant state li brarian raising the salary of the stew ard at the Lincoln insane asylum from 1200 to 1500 raising the salary of the head nurse at the Lincoln home for the friendless from 300 to G00 raising the salary of the teacher of the industrial home at Milford from 300 to 000 H R 225 by Ferrar and H R 214 by Christy both pure food bills were reported to the general file by the committee on agriculture A number of senate files were then read for the second time after which the house took a recess until 730 At the night session the house considered the revenue bill in committee of the whole An amendment by Kennedy of Doug las was adopted providing that where railroads fail to make returns to the state board the board shall proceed to ascertain the value from the best information obtainable and to such value add 50 per cent as a penalty Many amendments were adopted to make the bill correspond throughout to the change in the date of assess ment from February I to April 1 Good ot Nemaha offered an amendment striking out the proviso exempting from taxation live stock under thre months old The motion was adopted after considerable discussion by a ris ing vote of 41 to 2S The senate committee on accounts and expenditures instructed to examine into the workings of the state printing boards thinks the expense of the state printing is entirely too much and in Its report on the 11th made recommen dations to overcome the evil Following this report S F 275 providing for the purchase of legislative supplies and the care of the same by the state board of public lands and buildings and S F 27C providing that this board shall con sist of the secretary of state treasurer attorney general and land commission er were placed at the head of the gen eral file and then ordered engrossed S F 190 providing for the appointment of a state accountant at a salary of S1S00 was ordered engrossed This bill was the result of a recommendation made by the commissioner of public lands and buildings in his report It was later recommended by Governor Mickey in his message to the legisla ture The original bill provided that a salary of 2000 be paid the accountant but this was cut down by the senate It shall be the duty of the state ac countant to check up the books of the various state institutions and to insti tute a systematic method of bookkeep ing H R 1G7 providing that the legis lature memorialize congress to enact legislation providing for a constitutional amendment providing for the election of United States senators by popular vote was amended by the senate and passed After adding another long list of bills to the general file the senate passed the following S F 177 relating to the commitment of girls to the state industrial school S F 103 relating to boys under IS years old convicted of crime and their commitment to the in dustrial school S F 237 providing foi roads to bridges across streams on coun ty lines Senate In the senate on the 12th the following bills were passed S F No 190 provid ing for a state accountant to be appoint ed at a salary of 1S00 per annum S F No 1S2 providing qualification necessary for appointment of county soldiers and sailors relief commissions S F No 276 authorizing the board of public lands and buildings to buy all state supplies S F No Ill fixing salaries of township of ficers S F No 42 regulating the width of public highways S F No 275 provid ing how supplies shall be purchased by the board of public lands and buildings H R No 19S providing for the election of councilmen at large in the city of Lincoln The following bills were indef initely postponed in the senate today S F No 211 raising the amount which may be recovered In case of death caused by negligence from 5000 to 10000 II R No 127 to prohibit the keeping or selling of Intoxicating liquors -within three miles of an army post S F No 32 providing the limit of Indebtedness which applies to other corporations shall not apply to railroad companies Committees report the following bills back for the general file S F No 252 providing for the ex amination and licensing of land survey ors S F No 170 fixing the number and remuneration of senate employes S F No 15C providing for repair of streets and alleys in cities of the second class a id villages S F No 20 regulating tho organization and operation of mutual lfo Insurance companies S F No 251 to enable domestic mutual insurance companies to reinsure in other domestic companies S F No C9 declaring prai rie dogs to be a nuisance and to provide for their destruction S V No 277 mak ing the Nebraska Historical society the custodian of all historical records of tho state S F No 2S0 relating to the action to be taken in case of executions issued S F No 234 for the regulation of tele phone rates and service in cities of tho metropolitan class S F No 235 repeal ing the death penalty H R No 323 pro viding for the relief of Russell F Loomls THE PRINTING INVESTIGATION Following Is the report of the com mittee appointed to Investigate workings of the state printing board Your committee on accounts and ex penditures instructed to Investigate the workings of the state printing board have duly examined the records of said board and find that only a portion of the printed supplies contemplated by law to be purchased by and through the printing board have been so pur chased and this not only during the last biennium but during the biennium preceding it Questioned by your com mittee as to why all supplies had not been purchased by said board the offi cials of the board stated that it was due to the failure of heads of depart ments and state institutions to furnish quarterly estimates as is plainly requir ed by law Inquiry from the officials of the board prior to the last biennium elicited the same information The board was of the opinion that if the law should be observed by all state offi cials and the officers of state institu tions and the entire printing supplies of the state be purchased and contracted for by the printing board as directed by law the costs of same would be mate rially reduced Your committee visited each depart ment of state and by the heads of each in turn it was admitted that during the last biennium the heads of each depart ment from the governors office down and the heads of each state institution had purchased stationery and their needed office supplies as they saw fit aiming to place orders to the best ad vantage possible Their attention was called to the law governing the pur chase of such supplies and by each it was admitted that the provisions of the statutes had been disregarded Ignor ance of the law was given by some as the reason for such disregard while others stated that they were familiar with the law but had simply followed in the footsteps of their predecessors All agreed that the law should and would be strictly adhered to hereafter and each was of the opinion that such a course would result in a great saving to the state A further conference was held with the printing board and it was agreed that hereafter the board would insist that all printing and printed supplies must be furnished through and by the printing board as contemplated by law In the senate on the lGth the follow ing bills wero passed Providing for the destruction of prairie dogs Pro viding that all wan ants issued by proper authority of any county city township or school district shall draw interest and providing the rate Pro viding that the balance of funds in the hands of the Nebraska Relief associa tion shall he paid into the state treas ury and that Rev Ludden shall be re imbursed for postage and stationery expense Providing for registration of voters The registration shall be held at the office of the city clerk and shall begin on the first Monday of the month preceding each and every elec tion except school district elections and shall end on the Saturday next preceding said election The board shall also be in session on election day The order of business of the report of standing committee was returned to and the following reports were made H R 235 which was indefinite ly postponed Saturday was recalled from the house This bill increases the amount of indebtedness to be voted by school districts H R 7 providing how railroads may condemn property in order to get the right of way Gen eral file S F 295 providing for the open season of fish Placed on gen eral file S F 290 providing for the open season for certain game was indefinitely postponed The senate went into committee of the whole with Howell of Douglas in the chair and made the following disposition of bills S F 201 placing constitutional amend ments at head of official ballot Or dered engrossed S F 223 providing for certificates of satisfaction in case of foreclosure of tax liens Ordered engrossed S F 200 and H R 112 were indefinitely postponed The for mer is an act repealing the law relat ing to the destruction of weeds in the public highways H R 112 is the county commissioners bridge bill It provides that the board shall have greater power and shall not be com pelled to furnish specifications upon which bids are made A similar bill has already passed the senate Bills That Have Become Laws The following is the list of bills that have been approved by Gover nor Mickey H R No 22 by Wilson Appropri ating S5000 for salaries of members and employes of the legislature H R No 87 by Gilbert Providing that the city election in Omaha shall take place the first Tuesday in May and every three years thereafter H R No G7 by Gilbert Requiring the city council of Omaha to acquire title to the Omaha water works plant H R No 60 by Wilson Appropria ting 2S000 for incidental expenses of the legislature H R No 32 by Koetter Making the free text book law applying to Omaha H R No 42 by Burgess To per mit the school hoard of Lincoln to pay more than 720 a year salary to a secretary H R No 279 by Good Transfer ring 10000 from the maintenance fund of the Norfolk asylum to the Lincoln hospital for the insane H R 106 by Kittell Repealing the law for a bounty on wolf scalps H R 48 by Koetter For the pay ment of a bounty on wolf scalps H R 114 by Gregg Regulating the printing and distribution of the state superintendents annual report H R 16 by Buffalo To permit townships to buy and maintain ceme tery grounds H R 40 by Thompson Providing that land leases for a longer period than one year from the making there of shall be void unless in writing H R 8 by Perry Regulating ad mission to the bar H R 18 by Douglas Providing a seal for county treasurers to be at tached to tax deeds and certificates H R 119 by Gregg Making it the duty of county superintendents to notify school districts when reports are due S F 10 by Marshall To legalize heating and lighting bonds heretofore voted by villages for the relief of the city of Syracuse S F 35 by Fries Permitting nor mal schools having an investment of 50000 to issue teachers certificates upon approval of the state superin tendent S F 3 by Sheldon Giving county boards added powers as boards of quarantine with jurisdiction outside of incorporated towns S F 34 by Sheldon Asking con gress to establish the true military status of the First Nebraska militia by declaring it to be a volunteer regi ment S F No 29 by Warner Was ve toed by the governor on account of its form He presented a bill to rem edy the defect The bill authorizes the commissioner of public lands and buildings to charge certain fees for recording and filing papers The ti tle states that the fees shall be paid to the land commissioners The su preme court has held that no state officer except the state treasurer has a right to receive money for fees Demand of Farmers The farmers throughout Nebraska who are demanding of this legislature that a law be passed which will com pel railroad companies to allow them to handle and ship their own grain will watch with eager eyes the ac tion of the senate on the Brady bill this week Senator Brady January 22 intro duced a bill to require railroads to build a side track or switch to any elevator or elevators erected for the purpose of buying storing or shipping grain and providing a penalty of 1 000 payable to the state for violations of the act He has consanted to amendments wmch require that the elevator cost at least 3000 and that the side track need not be built unless the railroad first refuse to furnish a site on its right of way for the elevator asking for it In this shape the bill has the en dorsement of farmers associations in practically every county in Nebraska A number of mass meetings have been held in Boone county Butler county and other counties to petition the leg islature to pass the bill in this form The object is to secure relief from the elevator combine Pure Food Bill Agreed To The pure food hills will be reported to the house at the earliest opportu nity for passage with a few imend ments The bills provided for a re peal of the law providing for a sys tem of fees and permits to sell cer tain goods in the state This provi sion made the board almost self-supporting Under the proposed bill these sections were to be repealed and the law left as it was drafted in other particulars Before the committee acted on the measure a delegation of wholesale grocers and manufacturers of Lincoln were given a hearing They strongly obpected to the measure on the ground that it worked a hardship on the home manufacturer It would permit the outside manufacturers who make adulterated goods toman ufacture them still and sell them in the state while the home manufac turer would not have the privilege of manufacturing even unless he sold all his goods outside of Nebraska This argument was strongly urged against the rigorous provision of the measure Time is Passing In a few days the legislators will be wishing they had been more ac tive early in the session Friday March 13 was the forty sixth day In the fourteen remaining days all the appropriation bills must he consider ed and other measures that are de sired must be rushed through unless a long time is spent here without pay It is quite a task especially as the aprpopriations loom up with mon umental height before the members With the new revenue law in pros pect they will feel more free how ever in passing these bills The state normal school bill is at the head of the general file ready for an early resurrection With it is the bill ap propriating money for a new chapel at the state normal at Peru The bill appropriating 100000 for new buildings at the state farm under the Sears resolution though favorably acted upon in committee of the whole in the house may not he read and put on passage till the revenue bill is disposed of Sir Robert Hart inspector general of customs in China is 68 He has been in the China consular service since 1S54 and in 1SS5 was gazetted minister plenipotentiary but declined Sir Robert has received orders from every European state and in China has been decorated with the Red But ton the Double Dragon and the Pea cocks Feather In 1901 he published his impressions of the land in which he has spent his life under the title These From the Land of Sinim A good ancestry is desired if you have none found one for your des cendants NEBRASKA IN BRIEF The spirit of improvement Is on In full forco at York Organized labor of Omaha will this year put up a building of their own Employes of tho Argo starch factory at Nebraska City are on a strlko for Increased wages Charles Wands of Richardson coun ty was hurt in a runaway necessitat ing amputation of his left leg The hardware store of F W Brown at Byron was entered by burglars by opening the front door and about 100 worth of property taken Michael Zaksik of South Omaha thirty five years of age ended his existence by shooting himself In the heart with a 32 calibro revolver Sheriff Curry and Ed Blake special stock detectives have located the horse stolen from a ranch on tho Niobrara and went after tho animal The thief left for parts unknown after disposing of the animal to a promi nent stockman The infant son of John H Langdon living near Havelock was burned to death by the explosion of a lamp The child was in the house alone with a 10-year-old sister Mrs Langdon hav ing gone out in the yard when the ex plosion occurred The county board of Dawson coun ty demonstrated that the county which it represents is prosperous by taking up 50000 county funding bonds be longing to the school fund The bonds are not due for several months so the county paid the interest in ad vance John Groschinzer of Stanton county a young unmarried man about 35 years of age committed suicide Ho took a small rope tied it about a spike driven in tho wall tied it about his neck and simply knelt down bear ing his weight upon the rope No cause is known for the act Fred Kentner the farmer near Hum boldt who caused excitement by in timidating Dr Gandy and forcing him to sign a check for 100 and who was locked up on a charge of drunk eness as a result of the escapade has been released after paying a fine of 5 and costs for drunkenness An August 31 1900 Mr Wm De vaney rode a horse into Bradshaw and tied it to a hitching post and when he returned the horse was gone and no trace could be had of it Now the horse and thief have been overhauled in Pottawattamie county Iowa The transgressors name is Martin Johan Elof Johnson aged about 21 years while attempting to steal a ride on train No 46 at Anselmo fell beneath the wheels and was so badly mangled that he died in the hospital From papers found on his person it was learned that he left Oskar Kroks go Knlmar Sweden in March 1902 The bridge over the Republican river two miles south of Bartley was broken down by an ice gorge and a large portion of it was carried away This deprives Bartley merchants of a large amount of trade as there is no other bridge near that the farmers can cross in coming to Bartley Ralph Smith residing three miles southwest of Dakota City met with an accident which caused the ampu tation of his left hand above the wrist He was going after a load of hay and took a shotgun along hoping he might see some ducks The gun exploded prematurely with the result that the injured member had to be amputated Samuel Parker of Plattsmouth who went to England some time ago to claim a portion of an estate left by a deceased relative has returned home He found that the property in ques tion was being held by other heirs who claimed right of possession by reason of the fact that Mr Parker had been absent from th9 country more than twelve years the limit prescribed by the English laws in matters of that kind He expects to make another trip to his native coun try in the near future when he hopes to be more successful in pressing his claim The Nuckolls county sheriff had quite a time last week He was called to Superior by phone to arrest a crazy woman and bring her to Nelson While on the way she was so violent that she had to be handcuffed and she screamed murder and help all the way When they drove through Smyrna she made such an outcry that a number of men got up and mount ing horses overtook the sheriff and surrounded the carriage asking what about all this fuss As soon as they knew who it was he was permitted to go on his way Her case was not in sanity but drunkenness pure and simple George W Williams of Omaha the negro who was shot by the wife of Policeman Edward Morrison when he attempted to rob her on the street pleaded guilty to assault with intent to rob and was sentenced to five years in the penitentiary Last week was a record breaker in the office of register of deeds of York county Forty instruments were filed on Monday and one hundred and seven the other five days making a total of one hundred and forty seven for the week ALL TIRED OUT Tho weary worn out all tired f o o 1 1 n g s como to every body who taxes tho kidneys When tho kid neys are over worked they fail to perform tho duties naturo has provided for them to do When tho kid neys fail danger ous disease quick- ly follows urin ary disorders diabetes dropsy rheu matism Brights disease Doans Kidney Pills cure all kidney and bladder ills Read tho following case Veteran Joshua Heller of 706 South walnut street Urbana 111 says In the fall of 1S99 after getting Doans Kidney Pills at Cunningham Bros Jdrug store In Champaign and taking a course of treatment I told the readers ot the paper that they had relieved mo of kidney trouble disposed of a lamo back with pain across my loins and beneath tho shoulder blades Dur ing the interval which had elapsed I have had occasion to report to Doans Kidney Pills when I noticed warnings of attack On ih and every occa sion the results ootained wero just as satisfactory as when the pills wero first brought to my notice I just as emphatically endorse the preparation to day as I did over two years ago A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr Heller will be mailed on application to any part of the United States Medical advice free strictly confidential Ad dress Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists Price 50 cents per box When some men hear of a neigh bor losing his good name they are probably glad they have none to lose If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cross Boll Blue Lurgo J oz package 5 cents Dont prolong a quarrel Make a hard fight and then quit win or lose INSIST ON GKTTJNG IT Some grocera say they dont keep De fiance Starch This Is because they havo a stock on hand of othe brands contain ing only 12 oz In a package which they wont be able to sell first because De fiance contains 16 oz for the same money Do you want 1G oz instead of 12 oz for same money Then buy Dcfianca Starch Requires no cooking Practice is said to make perfect yet few doctors or lawyers are mod els of perfection MOKE AMI LASTING wont shake out or blow- out by using Defiance starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money The trouble with the average man at 50 is that hes only about half ay smart as he thought he was at 25 Senators Eiographies In the directory of the Fifty eighth congress just out Senator J Frank Allee of Delaware describes himself as president of the Bay State Gas company this announcing his identi fication with Addicks Mr Heyburn the new Idaho senator is described as not affected by tiie silver craze of 1S9G Representative Ames of Mas sachusetts is probably the only mem ber of congress who gives the name of his grandfather Benjamin F But ler and also that of his father Adel bert F Anaes The new senator from Utah in a six line sketch takes pains to say that he was married Septem ber 17 18S4 to Alpha M Eldridge He thus makes the attack of the Utah remonstrants an endeavor to correct the record Chicago Mans Remarkable Light A Chicago inventor Mr George Ma grady has discovered a process of manufacturing a thirty six candle pow er light that will never go out While experimenting with photographic chemicals four years ago Magradys attention was attracted by a glow in a small globe The glow was caused by a chemical which the inventor keeps secret Magrady enlarged tho glow and perfected the light by plac ing it in an air tight glass He says there is no reason why the light will not remain brilliant forever if it is not broken A company has been formed to manufacture the lights in numer ous sizes A patent hood fits over tho globe and covers it completely when the light is not needed WAS REFUSED LIFE INSURANCE Rejected on Account of Coffee Heart Life insurance companies have fully established the fact that the use of coffee causes an organic derangement of the heart shortening the long beat and imperiling life For this reason habitual coffee drinkers are refused life insurance in many cases A well known merchant of Whites Creek Tenn proprietor of a large store there says Three years ago I was examined for life Insurance and to my surprise was rejected because my heart action was at times out of place 15 beats in 60 I consulted several good doctors and was invariably asked by them Do you drink ardent spirits use tobacco or drink coffee To the first I an swered Very little to the second No to the last Yes and they would all say Quit coffee I determined to do this I had read about Postum Cereal Coffee and bought and used it and I liked it as well as the best of real coffee and as a re sult of its use in place of coffee I find myself without a skip in my heart action and I can get insurance on my life cheaper by 25 per cent notwith standing the advance in age than I could when I first commenced usin Postum Name furnished by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich tf UiU -Mi S IN tfJ f IU V r r i M 1 i I