The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1903, Image 5

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muuhiih wwjwmtn
wftw r aL rf 1Kin Solomon had a thousand wives Tfl
43lrt WR ffl And when he staid out late M
i4lliij iCciftr iSillSeM B To face a thousand mothers-in-law M
SSferfSISEPw 33 Was his unhappy fate m
I IBut after frequent trouble Sr ST H
I He got the idea right- i MnWlXZ
ll To just Takoma Biscuit jg
V And everything was bright W SfQ Aj
Ibl JLoOSE WlLESl W jJT 1 1 1
iy r cfc v o k Dmf3k vamcac riTv I IK n a Vw IS B HI
a iarty msxcscyyt n ivnjn v hi jj 4QB7 n Isc3 H Hi
We want to make every patron a customer by
If X
h a
a Si ir ill oai
u 1
it i
Bil c
iWiCT itffflffiTTftMniffP
gg0 1
ing the best values for the least money
As an inducement to get you started we will give two Dress
Shirts free of charge to every customer for a Suit of
Clothing at from 500 up and two pairs of Silk Bro
caded Hose with every pair of Ladies or Gents Patent
Leather shoes at from 300 to 350
The Ocean Wave
McCook Nebraska
i9 i
In county court Red Willowcounty Nebraska
In estate of Michnol Smith deceased
To the creditors heirs legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Michael Smith
Take notice that Ann Smith has filed in tho
county court a report or her doings as Adminis
tratrix of Michael Smith and it is ordered that
tho same stand for hearing the 14th day of
March A D 190 before tho court at the hour
of nine oclock a m at which time any porson
interested may appear and except to and con
test tho same And notice of this proceeding is
ordered given to all persons interested i said
matter by publishing a copy of this order in The
McCook Tiuhune for threo successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing
Witness my hand -and tho seal of the county
court at McCook this 11th day of February
A D 190J
seal S L Green County Judge
Guy Lilly non resident defendant will take
notice that on tho 24th dav of February 1903
Edward B Cowles plaintiff heroin filed his
petition in tho ditrict court of Red Willow
couuty Nebraska against said defendant tho
object and praor of whit are to forecloso a
tax purchasers lieu upon lot 4 in block 30 in
McCook for tho taxes for tho years 199 1900
and 1901 There is duo to plaintiff tho sum of
Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and asalo of said premises You
aro required to answer said petition on or be
fore tho lith dav of April 1903
Edwaed B Cowles Plaintiff
In tho District court of Red Willow county
stato of Nebraska In the matter of the estate
of Moritz Mohler insane
This causo came on for hearing upon the poti
tion of J E Kelley guardian of the estate of
Moritz Mohler insane prajing for license to
sell tho west half of the northeast quarter and
tho east half of tho northwest quarter of section
number twenty eight in township number four
north range number twenty nine west of the 6th
P M or a suflicicnt amount of tho same to
bring tho sum of 25000 for the pajment of debts
allowed against said estate and expenses of ad
ministration thero not leing sufficient personal
property to pay such debts and expenses It is
therefore ordered that all persons interested in
said estate appear before me at chambers at my
office in McCook in said county on tho first day
of May 1903 at one oclock p m to show cause
why a license should not be granted to said
guardian to sell so much of the above described
seal estate of tho said Mqritz Mohler insane a9
shall bo necessary to pay said debts and ex
And it is further ordered that a copy of this
order be published onco each week for four suc
cessive weeks in The McCook Tribune a news
printed and published in said county of
ed Willow
Dated this fifth day of March 1903 3 6 4ts
Judge of the District Court
C E Eldked Attorney
Puts roses in her saucy cheeks
Makes her ejes grow bright with fun
Makes months seem like weeks
Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea has done
L W McConnell druggist
1 1st 1
Is what every satisfied buyer of footwear says L
Their goods always win out They are
good serviceable and have the style at
prices that make it a sure thing to get your
money worth whenever you buy at
W Modef Sftoe Stor i
A E Petty Prop McCook Nebr
Send all the news thats news
Give accurate dates of occurences whenever
Cover important items of news fully com
pletely minor news briofiy
Dont write it Mr Givo first name
in full or initials at least
Dont write ndvertis omontjn your correspond
ence unless the party benefitted expects to
pay for it
Bud Newland aud family have moved
into town
An aunt of Dr Hoyt is hero from
Lincoln on a visit
Georgo Younger is helping to rebuild
the bridge south of town
B B Duckworth took in the city of
the standpipe last Monday
Dr Brown and daughter Grace were
up from Bartley Wednesday
J W Dolan and family returned home
from California Saturday morning
Nick Uerling has purchased the Bell
property and will soon take possession
Miss Pearl Williams attended Uncle
Toms Cabin show here Tuesday night
C S Quick went to Kansas City with
cattle Monday returning Wednesday
Dick Ridgely is here from Saline coun
ty lie expects to farm his fathers
place this year
Rhoda Jones marketed a bunch of 18
hogs last Wednesday which brought
him between 8300 and 6100
Will Dolan wife and baby left Wed
nesday evening for Cripple Creek to vis
it a few days with relatives
Happy Jack of Casper Wyoming
is stopping a few days with Roy Smith
who lives southeast of town
Chris McKinney had tho misfortune
to loseta small sack containing about 4G
last Saturday while in town
Tho many friends of Rob Welborn
will be pleased to learn that he is con
valescing from his serious illness
Mr and Mrs McKillip and two chil
dren of Cambridge were visiting Martin
Andersons family a few days last week
Bernard Hillars resigned his position
as clejk in the M W A Monday even
ing and Dr Iloyt was elected to take
his place
Miss Bertha Porter came home from
McCook Monday morning where she
has been attending the Salvation Army
Charlie Russell was visiting the homo
folks a few days of this week Charlie
is a rustler and does not spend much of
his time in idleness
John Davis had the misfortune to get
his finger mashed while working on the
saction Saturday which necessitated
his laying off a few days
Uncle Toms Cabin played here to a
good sized audience Tuesday evening
The parade at noon afforded lots of
amusement for the children and big
people too
Ralph Madison of Chadron Nebraska
stopped olF last Thursday morning for
a visit with his uncle L B Korns and
family He left Monday morning for a
visit with his parents at Superior
Lester Simmons the operator here re
ceived the sad news Wednesday even
ing that his father living at Beaver
City had died very suddenly of heart
disease Mr Simmons left Thursday
morning on No 2 for that place
Died On last Monday morning Mrs
George B Smith after a long and pain
ful illness She was a consistent Chris
tian and died as she had lived in the
hope of a blessed hereafter The funeral
was preached at the home by Rev
The license and anti license caucus
met last Monday evening and nominated
the following tickets License Mayor
C B Hoag city clerk W H Smith
treasurer PBDuckworth councilman
2nd ward Nowt Smith councilman 1st
ward Joo Harrison civil engineer Mar
tin Anderson Anti license Maypr
Frank Mooro city clerk P B llardesty I
treasurer J B Hillnrs councilmnn 1st l
ward Henry Crabtree councilman 2nd
ward John Puckott civil engineer
Henry Shouse
More Riots
Disturbances of strikers are not nearly us
grave as an iiidividiinl disorder of tho system
Overwork loss of sleep nervous tension will he
followed by utter colhipo uness a reliable
remedy is immediately i in ployed Tliores
nothing so ellicleut to euro disorders of tlio liver
or kidneys ns Electric Hitters Its a wonderful
tonic mi effective norvino and tlio greatest all
around niodicine for run down systems Itdis
ixlls nervousness rheumatism and neuralgia
and oXpols malaria germs Onlj MJc and satis
faction guaranteed by LWMeConnolldruggist
Makes mothor oat makes fathoreat makes
grandma eat makes grandpa eat makes the
children eat liocky Mountain Tea doe it A
great spring tonic ICiconts L V McCounell
Its only one dollar a year
Robert Henderson was over from
Oborlin Monday
Mr and Mrs II S Kennedy spent
Sunday in McCook
Miss Cora Patterson spent a few days
of last week in Traer
Wo hear there was a dance at Rich
Hampers G miles west of town recently
Mr Dreccher has moved his family
into the house recently vacated by
Georgo Miner
Joe Kenndy and Jewet Coffey attended
the Uncle Toms cabin entertainment in
Oborlin recently
Ira J Peck and W F Everist ar
rived Sunday from Colorado where
they bought cattle
Mr and Mrs J P Boyer arrived in
town on the train Wednesday morning
and will live with Calvin Pryor
A spelling bee occurred in tho school
house the other day Mabel Werrick
and Elwin Kennedy being the best
Miss Minnie Rebman and Mertie
Woofter spent Saturday in Danbury
attending tho joint Redwillow Decatur
counties teachers association meeting
Wakeful Children
For a longtime the twojearold child of Mr
P L McPhorson 9 X Tenth St HarrNburg
Pa would sleep but two or threo hours in tho
early night which made it very hard for her
parents Her mother concluded that the child
had stomach trouble and gave her half of one
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
which rjuited her stomach and she slept tho
whole night through Two boxes of these Tab
lets have effected a pennant cure and she is
now well and strong For sale by L McCon
B P Shultz has moved his broom
machinery to McCook
T M Campbells baby has been on
the sick list this week
A T Wilson has been on the sick list
He went to McCook Tuesday to see tho
Berth Wolfe visited with her sister-in-law
Mrs Minnie Wolfe near Havana
last week
Mr and Mrs J S Modrell and Johnie
spent Wednesday with Mr and Mrs J
A Modrell
Mrs W B Sexson visited with her
parents Mr and Mrs I II Harrison
Thursday of last week
The Steltzer Bros showed at the M
W A hall at Centerpoint last Friday
night The people at the Point report
that tho boys have a fine show
Robert Larington gave
dance last Friday night anc
to leave Saturday morning
near Havana which he will
weather and the sickness of
daughter has hindered their
the present
a farewell
d expected
for a farm
farm the
coming season but the inclement
their little
moving for
Tvvould Spoil This Story to Tell It
in the Headlines
To use an eighteenth century phrase this is
an oer true tale Having happened in a
small Virginia town in tho winter of 1902 it is a
story very much or tho present Up to a short
time ago MrsJohn E Harmon of Melfa Station
Va had no pergonal know ledge of the rare cura
tive properties in Chamberlains Cough Remedy
Last January she sas my baby took a
dreadful cold and at one time I feared ho would
have pneumonia but ono of our neighbors told
mo how this remedy had cured her little boy
and I began giving it to my baby at onco and it
soon cured her I heartily thank tho manu
facturers of Camberlains Cough Remedy for
placing so great a cure within my reach I can
not recommend it too highly or say too much in
its favor I hope all who read this will try it
and be convinced as I was For sale by L W
Scale books for sale at The Tribune
l V J
do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it
7X B
comes in sealed air
tight packages no
chance for handling
or dirt or things to
get in
Clean Fresh and Fragrant
i tii
New Suits Skirts
You are Invited to Call and See Tiiem
We have many other New Items to interest
you New Dress Goods New Wash Fabrics
New Trimmings Etc
Miss Ruby Wheeler has been quite
sick with lagrippe
A brother of Mrs Clouse arrived here
Wednesday on a visit
It is reported here that the bridges on
the Medicine are all gone
An agent of a Chicago portrait firm
canvassed the town Tuesday
Frank Jennings upset with a big load
of hay Monday evening out on the fatal
News is scarce in these parts this
week owing to disagreeable weather and
bridges out
The remains of Mrs Lloyd McMahon
daughter of Mr and Mrs I M Beeson
were taken to Tyrone Friday afternoon
for burial She leaves a husband and
an infant daughter of but a few days
old besides parents four sisters and one
brother to mourn her loss
The Empire cream separator is caus
ing a peaceful revolution in the separa
tor business They are easy running
have few parts to wash and people who
have used them say they are the best
School in district No 5S closed Friday
George Honderson has moved onto the
S D McClain farm
Maud Coleman spent last week and
this visiting in McCook
James Ryan has fallen heir to a fine
farm near Kewanee Illinois It is
valued at 318000 to 820000 As the
farm is rented for this year Mr Ryan
willnot take possession till next spring
Here is our ITS James and we are glad
fortune has favored you
Tragedy Averted
Just in the nick of time our little boy was
saved writes Mr W Watkins of Pleasant Citj
Ohio Pneumonia had plajed havoc with him
and a terrible cough et in besides Doctor
treated but he grow worse e verv day At length
we tried Dr Kings New Dicovery for Consump
tion and our darling saved Hes now
sound and well Everbod ought to know
itS the only sure cure for cough- colds and all
lung diseases Guaranteed bj L V McConnell
druggist Price OUc and SlW Trial bottles free
It begins to look like spring
A M Benjamin pulled a load of al
falfa from Corwins Wednesday
Ira Elliott and Miss Alice Rhein
heimer were married Monday the ltGh
And may joy go with them
H I Peterson had to wait some time
for the finishing of the middle river
bridge to get across with the Banksville
March the 12 th Mr and Mrs B W
Benjamin were presented with a son that
turned the scales at eight pounds and
the prairie fairly echoed the event
ifcfca aAt fyslitx tyssts ziQ cv5i5
So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste
Mrs C 1oterson lIT Lake St Tp ka Kan
speaking of Mon hound bjrup ajs
It has never failed to give entire satisfaction
and of all cough remedies it m faiorile and
I miht to mj manj friends that it will
do and has done what is claimed for it Ut
speedily euro a cough or a cold and it is to
sweet ami pleasing in taste 2c Wc and
100 bottle at AMcMillenV
Great spring tonic Drives out all impurities
Makes the blood rich Fills you with warm
tingling life A spring blessing in Rocky Moun
tain Tea 33 cent L W McConiioIldriiggi
ti tBl
The walk in- sick what
a crowd of them there are
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed
Chronic cases thats
what the doctors call them
which in common English
means long sickness
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scotts Emulsion For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scotts Emulsion
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scotts Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut It makes new
rich blood strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food
Scotts Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
Theres new strength
and flesh in every dose
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free
Be sure that this picture vz
the form ot a label is 03 Ujs
ivranper cf exery bottle c
LmuKion jou buy
409 Pearl St N V
50c 2nd 1 all druggbtx