The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1903, Image 4

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wk Frikp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year In Advance
Caksaks wifo wouldnt stand much
show with t h o present legislature
Thoro nro u fow rubes who would insist
upon being shown
Gknxrous America Of tho 8258000
sent tho Swedish Norwegian famine suf
ferers America subscribed 885000 or
about ono third of tho total sum
Smith T Caldwell tho well known
South Platto politician died at his
homo near Edgar Sunday of Brights
disease in his 58th year Ho was a
pioneer Nebraskan
Thk heart grows sick in contemplat
ing tho contests guessing matches
premium oirers being everywhere otrored
the public Why not transact business
on business principles and leave the
grafters to their own
IIinkyDink has had another troubled
vision in which ho saw as it wore
tho businessmen of McCook making
fools of themselves and thereby driving
a prospective beet sugar factory out of
Red willow county Ilinky must be
tusseling with a particularly tough
worm in his little insides
One of the severest storms of the
winter prevailed in the mountains Wed
nesday coming as far east as the Ne
braska state line There were regular
cyclone conditions heavy snow severe
wind and low temperature The loss to
stock was tho greatest of the winter
Business and traffic in Denver were sus
pended during part of the day
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A -Lodge No 612 meets first and
third Thursdays of each mouth McConnolls
hull 830 pm E B IIubek President W S
Guyek Secretary
lodge No IJ07 meets on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McConnoll hall R V Dkvoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
862 meets second and fourth Thursday after
noons nt2fl oclock iu McConnolls hall Mks
Tiiad Shepherd Oracle Mks Augusta Anton
Catholic Order of services Mass
S a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Locghrax Pastor
Christian Sunday school 10 a m
Devotional services 11 Preaching by
Rev F D Hills atS subject Under
the Juniper Tree Committee
Methodist Regular service Preach
ing at 11 a m and S p m by tho pastor
Sabbath school 10 Epworth League
7 Mid week prayer meeting Wednes
day S p in L II Shumate Pastor
Death of Mrs Laura Lewis
Mrs Laura Lewis a sister of Mrs
Barney Lewis of our city died in Omaha
March 7th of consumption The re
mains were interred at Ceresco Saun
ders county March 9th Mr Lewis
attending tho burial Two children
both girls were left by the departed
mother one aged about nine years came
home with Mr Lewis and will have a
homo with them here the other girl
who is about thirteen years old will
make her home with Santford Lewis in
Denver a cousin of Barney Lewis
Notice to the Public
Mahala J Dunn my wife having left
my bed and board without provocation
air persons are hereby notified that I
will not pay any bills contracted by her
William F Duxx
Dated March 10th 1903 3 134ts
Furnished Room For Rent
Inquire of Mrs S E Griggs over the
Diamond clothing store
Working Overtime
Eight hour laws aro ignored hy those tireless
little workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Mill
ions are always at work night and day curing
indigestion biliousness constipation sick head
acho and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles
Easy pleasant safe sure Only 23c at McCon
nels drug store
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 8 37
Wheat 51
Oats 40
Rye 32
Hogs G
Eggs n
Butter 12
It Saved His Le
P A Danforth of LaGrange Ga suffered for
six months with a frightful running sore on his
leg but writes that Bucklens Arnica salvo
wholly cured it in five days For ulcerswounds
piles its tho best salve in the world Curo
guaranteed Only 23 cts Sold by L W Mc
Connoll druggist
y I M 8 a
Indigestion Causes
Ctarrla of tle
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the Juices of natural digestion This Is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kdtlol Sjspepsila Qyr
relieves all Inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sensa of fullness after eating Indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What Yon Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles only Regular sire 5100 fcoldine 2M ttmsi
the trial slzo which rells for SO cents
Prepared by E O DeWlTT CO Chicago III
Fifty Years the Standard
Highsst Honors Worlds Fair
Highest tests US Govt Ghimish
Lincoln Letter
Lincoln Neb March 1G 1903
Special Correspondence
The house spent tho greater part of
last week in the consideration of tho
revenue bill several evening sessions
being hold for that purpose Great
headway was made and it is expected
that tho house will finish tho considera
tion of the bill this week and send it
along to tho senate The members of
tho latter body have been carefully
watching the amendments offered by
tho house and tho general belief is that
they will be generally accepted there
and the bill passed on short consid
Some of tho objections urged against
tho now bill at tho start were that it
would increase the taxes of the farmers
by taking valuation in the winter when
they had a largo amount of grain on
hand This was changed by the house
and the date of the assessment will bo
the same as under the old law Stock
under six months of age is expressly
exempted from assessment Tho propo
sition to mako taxes a first lien on per
sonal property from and after tho first
of April was changed so that the date
is now the first of October
The principal contest in the consider
ation of the bill therefore hung on the
proposition advanced by the Democratic
platform that railroads should b o
assessed on tho basis of their stocks and
bonds The Fusionists were lined up
on this question by their party whip
and some few Republicans were also
caught by the plausible argument The
debate on the question lasted two days
and on the final vote the fusion arrange
ment was defeated by a vote of 58 to 36
the Douglas county members generally
joining with the Democrats
During the progress of the discussion
on this bill it developed that the largest
railroad system in the state would under
the democratic experiment be assessed
practically on a capitalization of 810000
its stocks and bonds having been all
withdrawn by the Northern Security
company a uon resident corporation
This and some other features of tho
proposition showed that the Democratic
amendment was either foolish or pur
posely vicious The leading fusionists
admitted that they were advocating it
in order to furnish an issue for the com
ing campaign The bill as finally
amended in this section provides for
riving at the valuation of railroads from
every obtainable source being more
stringent than the old law
An attempt was made during the
week to have a sifting committee ap
pointed in tho house but the move was
a failure The members decided that
until the revenue bill was out of the
way and a start was made on the regular
appropriation bills there was no need
for the services of a sifting committee
It is expected that the appropriation
bills will be taken up this week There
will be an effort to dispose of them and
get them over to the senate in time so
as to avoid the haste and confusion
which has always marred and some
times disgraced the closing hours of
past sessions
Tho senate has introduced 303 bills
and tho house 487 Of these 19 have
passed both houses and have been
signed by tho governor One bill has
received thejveto of the executive
The sifting committee of the senate
comprises Warner of Dakota Wall of
Sherman Day of Nuckolls Way of
Platte Hasting of Butler ONeill of
Lancaster Hall and Saunders of Doug
las It will be the duty of this com
mittee to examine the Dills on general
file and decide each day which ones
shall come up for consideration
One of the bill sifted out by the
senate committee is II I 13G provid
ing for tho depositing of county money
in banks on the payment of 2 per cent
interest and providing that the money
be deposited in banks outside the county
where the county banks have pooled and
refused to pay interest as has often
been the case heretofore There is no
question that this bill will reach the
governor in a few days will result in
the correction of tho abuse of handling
Whats In A Name
Everything is in the name when it comes to
Witch HazellSalve E C DoWitt Co of Chi
cago discovered somejyears ago how to make
a salvo from Witch Hazel that is a specific for
piles Forblind bleeding itching and protrud
ing piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all
skin diseases DeWitts Salve has no equal
This has given rise to numerous worthless coun
terfeits Ask for DeWitts the genuine
E C McKay is home
Mrs Roy Bainett is visiting in
Stratton this week
Mrs Rufus Harp is visiting relatives
near Alma this week
Mrs Dennis Culltn and tho family
left for Omaha Friday night
Miss Oka McElvain departed on G
Tuesday night for Illinois on a vacation
Mrs J H returned home
Monday from her visit to her parents at
Nebraska City
Mrs C O LkHkw is visiting J S
Lellews family before joining her hus
band in Pueblo
Rkv John Edwards of Orleans was
a visitor at the home of Rev L II Shu
mate a day or two this week
RevCR Beits of the Baptist church
departed for Minnesota early in tho
week after tho members of his family
E B Austin postmaster at Stevens
was in the city yesterday morning on
his way homo from a trip to Holdrege
on business
S G Goheen and family departed
today for tho state of Washington to
make their future home May joy and
peace accompany them
Mrs J E Sanborn joined her hus
band in Hastings yesterday where ho is
now making his headquarters having a
run on the Hastings Oxford line
Mr and Mrs James Irwin enter
tained a company of young lady and gen
tlemen friends Wednesday evening in
their rooms in the Babcock building
Rev L II Shumate delivered his
popular lecture Dixie beforo an ap
preciative audience last Saturday night
at Danbury returning homo in time for
morning service Sunday
Mrs S C Beach and tho two chil
dren arrived from Missouri on No 3
Tuesday night rejoining the doctor
after an absence of two or three months
at her home in Princeton
Maud Hegenrerger was happily sur
prised last Thursday evening by a
company of young friends and school
mates A three course lunch was served
in fine style and a pretty remembrance of
the occasion was presented Miss Maud
Dr J A Gunn and family expect to
get away Monday for their new home
in DesMoines Iowa where the doctor is
connected with an insurance company
in tho medical department They have
lived in the Republican valley more
than twenty years and have made a host
of friends who will regret their removal
and will join The Tribune in wishes for
their contentment and prosperity in the
new homo
Mrs Mary Thompson whose illness
was referred to in a recent issue of The
Tribune died at the home of her daugh
ter in University Place near Lincoln
Wednesday of this week Tho remains
were taken to the old home at Chester
Nebraska for burial Her son Harmon
Thompson of our city attended the fu
neral Tho deceased is well known to
many Tribune readers having made a
number of visits here All will deeply
sympathize with the bereaved
Burlington Grants Increase in Wages
Burlington Iowa March 17 The
officials of the Burlington system have
authorized the announcement of an in
crease of ten per cent in the pay of sta
tion agents telegraph operators station
employes bridgemen pumpmen round
house men pump men bridge men
water service men car repairers and
others who yet have not been given an
increase Last fall the road increased
the wages of the trainmen tho engine
men acd tho switchmen The present
increase which is effective April 1 is
entirely voluntary on the part of the road
Well Again
The many friends of John Blunt will be pleas
ed to learn that he has entirely recovered from
his attack of rheumatism Chamberlains Pain
Balm cured him after the best doctors in tho
town Monon Ind had failed to givo relief
Tho prompt relief from pain which this lini
ment affords is alone worth many times its coot
For sale by L W McConnell
Tho best pill neath the stars and stripes
It cleanses tho system and never gripes
Little Early Risers of worldly repute
Ask for DeWitts and take no substitute
A small pill easy to buy easy to take and
easy to actbut never failing in results DeWitts
Littlo Early Risers arouse the secretions and
act as a tonic to tho liver curing permanently
IS w
7 It He
6 n onsrn
F - fl a ft A
rS Xr i
ii - i jjy mrtuffr
For 25 years I have never
missed taking Aver s barsapanlla
every spring It cleanses my
blood makes me feel strong and
does me good in every way
John P Hodnette Brooklyn NY
Pure and rich blood
carries new life to every
part of the body You
are invigorated refreshed
You feel anxious to be
active You become strong
steadycourageous Thats
what Ayers Sarsaparilla
will do for you
100 a bottle All druggists
wln lm Miltila ft ArArs
Sarsaparilla He knows nil abmitthls grand
J U- AYSK v O LOireiii inass
Hans Olson is a now helper
W S Chlanda is among tho sick
V- McMurrin is a now car repairer
B J Wright is a now coach cleaner
Georgo Schramer is a now coach
John Ilaaso has returned to Amherst
this state
Arthur Cullen is resting up until a
soro band hoals
Engine No -15 left for Ilavelock on
No 70 Tuesday
E P Moore of the paint gang re
signed Thursday -
C A Stono of tho machine shop forco
resigned Monday
Jacob Waekor is also a now car re
pairer this week
Conrad Yost is back at work again
after a brief sickness
G F Kinghorn is a now man in the
paint gang this week
Engine 210 of Tuesdays wreck is about
ready for the road again
Georgo Fabrenbruch is a now machin
ist helper in tho back shop
Peto Kern of tho boiler gang is on the
relief with a sprained back
13 F Briggs tho small pox man
returned to work Thursday
John Ilaaso of the boiler gang left the
companys service Monday
W H Sexton of Middletons force is
on the relief with a bruised knee
Brakeman and Mrs II P Ilenckel
went down to Holdrege last night
Mr and Mrs L P Neilson aro visit
ing relatives in Hastings this week
F L Barnes of the round house force
has been transferred to the boiler gang
Conrad Bauer is a new car repairer
this week transferred from round house
D B Gates of Walkers gang re
signed Wednesday and expects to farm
this summer
James Graham machinist who was
off on account of an injured hand is in
the harness again
Two new yard tracks will be laid in
the near future They will bo the entire
length of the yard and will be laid south
of track eight
Joe Boyer is a new machinist he is
an all around man having been in the
Philippines Australia and pretty much
all over this country
Hog No 3S2 is being converted into a
switch engine Her rear drivers will be
amputated as well as the truck wheels
and her frame will bo cut off in front
Tho new separate boilerhouse is said
to bo a sure go and the new case-hardening
furnace is to bo installed in the
building in order to connect with the
big brick Hue
The money drawer at the Burlington
station Riverton was robbed of about
S700 Wednesday Roy E Ward of
Cameron Missouri 18 years old con
fessed and is being held for the crime
Tho Burlington superintendents and
master mechanics are holding a three-
days session in Omaha this week to
close today Supt Campbell and Mas
ter Mechanic Archibald are among those
Notice of Estray
Came to my pasture west of the city
about January 25th 1903 one black
steer rather wild Has cropped ears
Owner can have the same by proving
property and paying charges
oThe Stomach Is the Man
A weak stomach weakens tho man because it
cannot transform the food ho eats into nourish
ment Health and strength cannot be restored
to any sick man or weak woman without first
restorinp health and strenpth to the stomach
A weak stomach cannot dipest enouph food to
feed the tissues and revive tho tired aud run
down limbs and orpans of tho body Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure cleanses purifies sweetens and
strengthens the plauds and membranes of the
stomach and cures indigestion dyspepsia and
all stomach tronble
Uoidr for Families of Knnlit
Not actuated by remorse hut by pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance of a
home ior the orphans and widows of
men he hus run to earth in particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now 65 years old and has
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers Ir this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Eill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 3S95
Tn tho Dalton raid in fnfrVvvillfi Knc
- i
Jenkins was shot eight times lis
mates his hag of bad men at about 150
The homfc which is being built on a
5000-a-re farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
Typhoid Rate nnd Para Water
In Vienna the typhoid rate of 12
deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to il
after a pure water supply was ob
tained In Dantzig the mortality fell
from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich
after the introduction of a good -water
supply and proper sewerage the rate
fell from 21 per 10000 to 63 and in J
Boston from 174 to 56
Back Pay For Old Soldiers
Washington March 11 Shortly be
foro leaving Washington for Nebraska
Represontativo olcct G W Norris of tho
Fifth district received a letter from an
old soldier in McCook enclosing a circu
lar letter from n firm of lawyers in this
city Tho circular lettor was to tho
effect that tho veteran was entitled to
collect a sum of money from tho United
States government and tho attorneys
agreed to mako tho collection upon a
contingent feo of 40 per cent Tho
amount of the alleged claim and its
naturo wero not stated and tho old sol
dier was ignorant of any monoy duo him
from Uncle Sam
Mr Norris was unablo to attend to
the matter beforo ho departed and
Senator Dietrich consented to investi
gate it Tho result of tho investigation
reveals tho fact that a number of old
soldiers have been credited with certain
amounts of back pay because tho dato
of muster has been found to have been
earlier than tho dato formerly ascer
tained and for other reasons Tho
amount duo any one soldier is scarcely
over more than 100 or S200 and tho
cases in point aro not numerous
It is thought by tho war department
ofiicials that several firms of attorneys
have secured lists of names of old sol
diers probably from clerks on tho in
side and have sent their circular letters
broadcast over tho country in tho hope
of rounding up a largo numbor of
clients for it has been found that many
old soldiers who havo received similar
letters havo nothing coming to them
from the government upon tho grounds
suggested In a number of cases ac
cording to officials at tho war depart
ment veterans havo received five or six
letters from as many different lawyers
or firms asking permission to mako col
lections alleged to bo duo
If its a hilious attack take Chemherlnins
Stomach and Liver labletsand a quick recovery
is certain For sale hy L W McConnoll
If you have pimples or boils feel
lazy have a headache or similar symp
toms your blood is probably out of
order and you need McConnells Sak
saiauilla Takeit and youll feel like
a new man Sold only by L W Mc
fc A
ikanrf R
ri -
l rJ Til rt v S f 5l
V r7 Sr2asJ
A vegetable liquid for governing or
equalizing the flow of menses
which occur once in every lunar month
ITemaie JEegnalator
is the essential quality of powerful herbs
It is a concentrated essence best adapted
for womens delicate organism aud put iu
such form that it is always properly
assimilated and taken into the system
Stoppages suppression painful or other
irregularity of the menses and sickly flows
are corrected and cured by the regular
use of this superior emmenagogue
Menstruation or periodic flows neces
sitate a breaking down of cells lining the
mucous membrane and a reconstruction
after every sickness which is
nieu wiui mariceu congestion ana loss or
blood Such changes are very apt to pro
duce chronic catarrh Leucorrhea or
Whites is the result of these irritating dis
charges Regulator cures these troubles
and restores to perfect health the patient
who suffered the debilitating losses
Buy of druggists roo per bottle
Our illustrated book mailed free
Perfect Keath for Women
Bates Old
McCook Neb
Shave Ilair Cut Sham
pooanvthiniin my line in
an artistic manner Give
mo a call anil trial
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
i i
PlMo3aTN 1 a His ell
In the county court of Red Willow county
In etate of John Reel decead
To the creditors heir and others
interested in the estate of John Reel deceased
Take notice that John Reel has filed in the
county court a report of his doings a s adminis
trator of John Reel deceased and it is ordered
that the same stand for hearing the Cth day of
April A D 19IM before the court at the hour of
IU oclock a m at which time any persons in
terested may appear and except to or contest
the same And notice of thi proceeding is
ordered given to The McCook Tribcxe a news
paper printed in said county for three succes
sive weeks
Witness mv hand and the seal of the county
court at McCook this 17th day of March IPO
S L Greex County Judge
vm WJ
Take a Day Off Think
mm wPJ
Will do vhat we claim for it
what is the cost compared to the
improved condition of your stock
Think it over and givo us a chanco
to demonstrate that it will pay you
to buv and use LIQUID KOAL
J and Liquid Koal will get them for
you ovury iiino
True Testimonials Tell the Tale
Read These
IIouso of Representatives
Lincoln Nob
Victor Aiulorson Representative COth Dist
Decembor 5 1002
To whom it mny concern
Some timo ago I purcliusul Liquid Koal
from Ilenrr Ditmer ugent for tho National
I Medical Co and used tho same with ontiro
satisfaction Tho Liquid Koal proved to l0
exactly what Mr Ditmer claimed it to bo
and I can recommend tho remedy to any fur
mor and stock raiser iu this county
Vory truly yours Victois Andeeson
Mindon Nob Dec 27 1002
I havo used Liquid Koal and liml it a
Rood preventive 3 C Kusk
Stock Dealer
Unrtinston Neb Dec S 1002
National Medical Co York Nob
Dear Sirs Resardinf Liquid Koal T will
not bo without it as I am sure I saved tho
most of my hops with it a jear apo and havo
been usiui it with pood rosults ovor sinci I
would advifco all farmers to keep it on hand
and use it with thoir hops as directed and
I am suro tlioy will bo satisfied
A M Haimus
For Sale by James Cain
Piumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
No 6
4 3
Students cm
Time Card
McCook Neb
Send for Catalogue fres
Prof A J LOWRY Prln
Central Time 1110 P jr
i CffiAM
12 920 am
No fi arrives from east at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 1112 am
1110 pm
Vi 823 A 51
No 175 arrives Mountain Timo 310 p m
No 173 departs 700 am
Sleopinc dining and reclining chair cars
beats free on through trains Tickets told
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
assencer Agent Omaha Nebraska
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach a bad digestion a
bad liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure con
stipation biliousness dys
pepsia sick headache
25c All druggists
Want your moustacho or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
vwiunMimui j u 1 1 vnisKers
L SOcts or Druggists or R p mii acq Nmmu NH
Trade Marks
Anrrnn0nr1fni o oVaaI s
quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable Communlca
tlonsatrictlyconndentinl Handbook on Patent
sent free Oldest ncency for securing patents
Patents taken throuzh Jlunn Co receive
tpeeial notice without charge in the
Scientific Jftnerican
A handsomely Illustrated weekly largest cir
culation of any scientlflc Journal Terms S3 a
HmSrn0nhS L Sold by all newsdealers
ffiUfffl Co3BBroady New York
Branch OCiceffiS F SU Washington I C
TaKe tue genuine original
if r iiuuiiun wis it
Keeps you well Our trade
raark cut oa each packaZe
- nt5 Nver sold
rtccepi no
ihcoiipoihti3s8 tute Ask your druggist
Shorthantf Typewriting English
- tr 7 v
Baok keepln
mHw m 9 y 5 N
A C 0H5 A U LLB Prix Oailia
- V