- Lr Sir wB i f W I THE MAID sf MAIDEN liANE Sequel to The Bow of Orange Ribbon A LOVE STORY BY AMELIA E BARR Copyrisht lWO by Amelia E Darr CHAMPTER III Continued A Bhort time after Cornelia came home Doctor Moran returned from his professional visits Nature had left the impress of her nobility on his finely formed forehead nothing but truth and kindness looked from his candid eyes On entering the room he drew his wife close to his heart and kissed her affectionately I have had a morning full of feel ing There Is no familiarity with Death however often you meet him And you have met Death this morning I see that John You are right Ava I must now tell you that Elder Semple died this morning Tho dear old man He has beon sick and sorrowful over since his wife died Were any of his sons present Nono of them The two eldest have been long away Neil was obliged to leave New York when the Act forbidding Tory lawyers to prac tice was passed But he was not quite alone his old friend Joris Van Heemskirk was with him to the last moment The love of these old men for each other was a very beautiful thing There is nothing to fear in such a death Nothing at all Last week when Cornelia and I passed his house he was leaning on the garden gate and he spoke pleasantly to her and told her she was a bonnie lassie Where Is Cornelia In her room John she went to Duyckincks this morning for me and George Hyde met- her again and they took a walk together on the Battery She told you about it Oh yes and without inquiry for the Hydes fatner and son I would prefer to hear no more about them Nothing further was said on the subject but the doctor looked more attentively at his daughter than was usual with him He was more silent than ordinary and as ne went out told Cornelia she would do well not to appear in public The city is in mourning he said and respectable women who have no real business or duty to take them from their homes will pay the reverence of seclusion in them until after Franklins funeral A couple of hours later Cornelia was sitting at her tambour frame passing her needle slowly through and through the delicate muslin She was desiring no companionship when Arenta entered with her usual little flurry and rustle Arenta kiss ed her friend and took off her hat and cloak saying as she did so I have been at Aunt Angelicas all morning and we talked a great many people over that is Aunt Angelica talked Now I can tell you something worth hearing about Gen Hyde Lis ten When Madame Hyde was Kather ine Van Heemskirk and younger than you are she had two lovers one Capt Dick Hyde and the other a young man called Nell Semple and they fought a duel about her and nearly cut each other to pieces Arenta Oh It is the very truth I assure you And while Hyde still lay be tween life and death Miss Van Heemskirk married him and as soon as he was able he carried her off at midnight to England and there they lived in a fine old house until tho war Then they came back to New York and Hyde went into the Conti nental army and did great things I suppose for as we all know he was made a general And will you please only try to imagine it of Mrs General Hyde A woman so lofty So calm Will you Imagine her as Catherine Van Heemskirk In a short quilted peticoat with her hair hanging in two braids down her back running away at midnight with Gen Hyde He was her husband She com mitted no fault Cornelia shall I tell you why you are working bo close to the window this afternoon You are going to say something I would rather not hear Arenta Truth is wholesome if not agree able and the truth is you expect Lieut Hyde to pass But he will not do so I saw him booted and spur red on a swift horse going up the river road He was bound for Hyde Manor I am sure Now Cornelia you need not move your frame for no one will disturb you He will not be insinuating himself with violets and compelling you to take walks with him on the Battery Oh i I- Cornelia shall not have anything Very good I must look after that young fellow But he said the words without much care and Mrs Moran was not satisfied Then you do not disapprove the meeting John she asked Yes I do George Hyde has too many objectionable qualities His father is an Englishman of the most pronounced type and this young man is quite like him I want no English man in my family There have been many Dutch mar riages among the Morans That Is a different thing The Dutch as a race have every desir able quality The English are nat ural despots The young mans faults are racial they are in the blood Cornelia shall not have any thing to do with him Why do you speak of such disagreeable things Ava It is well to look forward John No It is time enough to meet nnnnvanres when thev arrive As 4 to do with him nelia you see I am not to be put out of your confidence Why did you not tell me You have given me no opportun ity and as you know all why should I say any more about it Cornelia my dear companion let us be honest if we die for it And you may as well tell me of your lit tle coquetries with George Hyde for I shall be sure to find them out Now I am going home for I must look after the tea table But you will not be sorry for it will leave you free to think of Please Arenta Very well I will have considera tions Good bye Then the door closed and Cornelia was left alone But the atmosphere of the room was charged with Arentas unrest and a feeling of dis appointment was added to it She suddenly realized that her lovers absence from the city left a great vacancy She had a new strange happiness new hopes new fears and new wishes but they were not an unmixed delight for she was also aware of a vague trouble a want that nothing in her usual duties satisfied in a word she had crossed the threshold of womanhood and was no longer a girl CHAPTER IV Throwing Things Into Confusion Prudence declares that whenever a person is in that disagreeable situa tion which compels him to ask what shall I do that the wisest answer is nothing But such answer did not satisfy George Hyde He was so much in earnest so honestly in love that he felt his doubts and anxieties could only be relieved by action I will go to my mother he thought And this resolution satisfied him so well that he carried it out at once But it was after dark when he reach ed the tall stone portals of Hyde Manor House The great building loomed up dark and silent there was but one light visible It was in his mothers usual sitting room and as soon as he saw It he began to whistle She heard him afar off and was at tho door to give him a welcome Joris my dear one we were talk ing of you she cried as he leapei from the saddle to her arms 80 glad are we Come in quickly Well are you Quite weLL Nov then am happy Happy as can be Look now Richard she called as she flung the door open and entered with the handsome smiling youth at her side In his way the father was just as much pleased Kate my dear heart he cried let us have some thing to eat The boy will be hun gry as a hunter after his ride And George what brings you home We were just telling each other your mother and I that you were in the height of the citys follies Indeed sir there will be few fol lies for some days Mr Franklin is dead and the city goes into mourn ing Tis a fate that all must meet said the General but death and Franklin would look each other in the face as friends He had a work to do he did it well and it is finished That is all What other news do you bring It is said that Mirabeau Is arrest ed somewhere for something I did not hear the particulars And the deputies are returning to the Prov inces drunk with ineir own import ance Mr Hamilton says Revolution In France has gone raving mad and converted twenty four millions of people into savages I hate the French said the Gen eral passionately It is a natural instinct with me If I thought I had one drop of French blood in me I would let it out with a dagger George winced a little He remem bered that the Morans were of French extraction and he answered After all father we must judge people individually Mere race is not much George Hyde What are you say ing Race is everything It is the strongest and deepest of all human feelings Nothing conquers its prejudices Except love I have heard father that Love never asks of what race art thou or even whose son or daughter art thou You have heard many foolish things George that Is one of them Men and women marry out of their own nationality at their peril I took my life in my hand for your mothers love She was worthy of the peril God knows it To be continued PRIZES OF THE BRITISH BAR High Salaries and Large Fortunes Are the Rule The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain is second only in position to the Archbishop of Canterbury and he enjoys an income of 10000 a year The Lord Chief Justice of England has a salary of 8000 a year The Mas ter of the Rolls has a salary of 6000 a year and the Lords of Appeal in Or dinary have the same The lord jus tices of the Court of Appeal and the judges of the High Court earn 5000 a year each The masters of the High Court are chosen either from barris ters or from solicitors but all the other officeholders to whom we have aHuded must have come from the bar The Attorney General makes much more money than any of these digni taries His salary is only 7000 bu he has fees as well sometimes to a very large amount The Solicitor Gen eral has 6000 a year besides his fees Of course the double work le gal and parliamentary which these officers have to undertake is most ar duous requiring an iron constitution and a mind that requires but little time for rest The private practition ers in some few cases make larger in comes than any of the official persons at the bar It is not indeed many who make salaries of five figures but there may be always one or two lead ers who are achieving this The lead ers who are chiefly before the public in ordinary cases do not often make more than from 5000 to 6000 a year Larger fortunes are frequently made by men who specialize in pat ent cases who are engaged in rating appeals and compensation work or who practice their profession at the parliamentary bar Cornhill Maga zine Entry by Nomination In Navy The writer of an article in Pages Magazine on Lord Selbornes new scheme for the training of British naval officers makes some pointed re marks on the present methods of en try to the navy He states that the proposed mode of entry by nomina tion is a relic of admiralty patronage which the board is unwilling to re linquish but whether the admirals like it or not it must soon go the way of all such antiquated privileges Open competition is sure to come within the next few years The re sult of this entry by nomination will be to keep the naval service as far as the officers are concerned in the family circles of the admiralty and their friends so that parents without influence inside of that charmed circle will have no chance of getting their boys into the navj i however desirable the boys themselves may be or how ever ready the parents may be to in cur the heavy expense of educating their boys for the service of their country Fast Railway Time Promised Offices of the Transiberian railway will be opened shortly in Paris Ar rangements are nearly completed for the running of the new express from Calais which will enable travelers from England to reach Pekln in fourteen days Smm THE MINERS WIN COAL STRIKE COMMISSION FIND INGS ARE FORETOLD A TEH PER CENT WAGE RAISE Payment by Weight When Practicable Will Also Increase Pay The Per Diem Men Are to Receive Same Sal ary for Less Work NEW YORK The Herald prints the following as a summary of the findings of the coal strike commission appointed by President Roosevelt which It is expected will be handed to the president within a wdek There will undoubtedly be at least a 10 per cent advance in the pay for mining to take effect from the time tho miners returned to work last Oc tober The per diem employes will not have their wages increased but will be recommended for the same pay of a day of nine hours The system of pay will be regulated Wherever practicable the operators will be required to pay by weight in stead of by the car and elsewhere by the lienal yard The miners will have checking representatives at their own expense This will practically amount to a second increase in wages There will be Indirect recognition of the union which will come when the findings are submitted by President Roosevelt to John Mitchell as presi dent of the miners union The causes of the strike as found by the commission will not be comforting to the coal mining companies The boycott will be condemned and the principle will be laid down that a miner has a right to work without molestation even though he does not belong to the union The terms of the verdict are to hold good for three years and recommenda tions are to be made for settlements of other questions at the end of that period In local disputes the operators will be advised to treat with committees of the miners and there may be a sug gestion of a local board of arbitration MORGAN DOES NOT BUY CUBA Denies Reports of Hotel and Railroad Purchases TAMPA Fla J P Morgan arrived at Port Tampa Sunday afternoon from Havana Immediately after dis embarking his party boarded a spe cial train for New York A rumor that the Flagler system of hotels in Florida and the Florida East Coast railroad had been turned over to Morgan presumably for the Southern railway and that the At lantic Coast Line and Southern were to own the property jointly and that he Intended to build a large tourist tourist business in Florida and estab lish a modern line of steamers be tween this state and Cuba was men tioned to him I know nothing whatever of such a deal he said making the state ment with considerable emphasis HE DESCRIBES LA SOUFFREIRE American Geologist Examines the Vol cano KINGSTON St Vincent Ernest Howe of the United States geological survey after a personal inspection of La Soufreire gives this description of the slight eruptions now frequently oc curring Without warning big puffs of steam rise constantly and countless rockets of black mud and stones are shot up from the crater and spread outward Then the mud and stones fall back Into the lake with a loud roar Other clouds of steam charged with dust rise and drift over the country An other interesting feature of the region is the deposit of ashes The Wallibou river is still hot enough to cause the water in the stream to evaporate in huge columns laden with dust Mexicans Pray in Streets COLIMA Mex At 10 oclock Fri day forenoon the volcano was again in action the eruption being the most violent yet The people of Tuxpam are in consternation According to advices from that point the eruption was accompanied by showers of ashes and dense clouds darkening the sky Some of the people have fled to neigh boring hills and the people have in their fright knelt in the streets to pray Many houses and stores have been closed Investment in the Philippines WASHINGTON D C The largest single investment of American capital in the Philippines yet made is record ed in a cablegram received at the war department from Governor Taft This relates to the allotment to an Ameri can of a contract of ownership and maintenance of thirty five miles of electric light heat and power works This allotment was made in conform ity with an act of the Philippines com mission in October last iiii i IL MURDER MINERS Marshals Fire on Defenseless Citi zens INDIANAPOLIS The official re port of Chris Evans who was sent to tho West VIriglnia coal fields to in vestigate the killing of colored miners at Atklnsvllle on February 25 has been received at the headquarters of tho United Mine Workers The report says General St Clair who is the attorney for the coal com panies created an agitation to have the men aVresied and taken to Charleston and that immediately afterward arrangements were mado with the United States marshal by the Mine Workers officials to give bond for all who were arrested but that later on account of the agita tion created by Deputy Marshal Cun ningham the agreement entered Into with the marshal was broken and Cunningham was sent to arrest the men According to the report there was great feeling against Cunningham and the men decided not to allow him to arrest them and he was driven away Mr Evans says he sent a telegram to the men to submit quietly but the coal companies who own all the tel egraph and telephone lines connected with the town refused to deliver it and before he could get any message to the men Cunningham and his dep uties who he says were the worst characters he could collect went to the town a second time and killed the miners in the night time in their beds Mr Evans says he went to the scene of the trouble the next morning when forty eight men had been arested for conspiracy to kill Cunningham and found in a house occupied by a col ored man called Stonewall Jackson the dead bodies of William Dodson William Clark and Richard Clayton all colored The report continues On inquiry we find that the wife of Jackson with four children together with eight colored men were in the house and that about daybreak all were awakened by shots being fired into the house from the outside This shooting took place without anything being said and the three colored men I have mentioned were found dead on the floor Two were in their night clothes and the other one partly dressed with one shoe on partly laced and the other foot bare We visited another house where Joseph Hizer lay mortally wounded having been shot through the window as he was stooping to put his trousers en after getting out of bed Hizer lived with his sister and she made the state ment at the inquest that she pleaded with those shooting not to kill her children and in reply Cunningham said Women and children must take care of themselves In no instance do we find where the persons were asked to surrender until after the deputies had commenced to shoot at the occupants of the houses named ELKINS LAW IN COURT First Opinion in an Interstate Com merce Case WASHINGTON The United States supreme court on Monday rendered its first opinion in an interstate com merce case in which the Eikins act passed at the last session of congress was involved The case was that of the Missouri Pacific Railroad company versus the United States involving a question of discrimination on the part of the railroad as between places It was brought at the instance of the In terstate Commerce commission The railroad filed a demurrer chal lenging the regularity of the proceed ings but the circuit court and court of appeals decided the case in favor of the government These decisions were reversed by Mondays opinion which was delivered by justice White He said that by the terms of the old law under which the case was tried the proceedings would not have been regular but that under the Eikins law it would be The court therefore re versed and sent the case back for a new trial under the Eikins act Riot Ends College Debate ATCHISON Kan The regular ora torical contest of the Kansas Intercol legiate association ended in a disgrace ful riot Friday night The trouble arose over the eligibility of Malcolm Garrard of Kansas university to com pete as one of the orators He at tempted to speak but was hissed down by the audience The police were fin ally called in to expel the unruly Kan sas university students CUBAN RECIPROCITY TREATY Is Not Smooth Sailing at Havana De nounced as a Scheme HAVANA The reciprocity treaty was up in the senate again Friday and the debate was adjourned until Sat urday In the course of the debate Senor Sanguilly denounced the treaty as a scheme on the part of the United States designed to keep European com merce out of Cuba OUT OF THE ORDINARY Little Stories Tending to Weaken Some Popular Theories I watched ray wife dressing her hair the other evening By Jove her hair is longer and darker than It was when we were married Tho teacher asked us to day If there was over a greater man than Lincoln and I told her My papa This at dinner from Mollle our elrest aged G A neighbor brought my wife tickets for a swell muslcale recently On tfio night It was to come off I went home not particularly uplifted In anticipa tion At dinner my wlfo said Wo wont go out to night dearie You look tired What do you say to a rubber of crlbbage Jack Davis an old huddle of mine came out to dinner the other evening Really everything did run smooth ly I went to the door with him lie whispered Say old man for ravish ing cooking an ideal don and tho can dy outfit all through youve got tho world beat And say pardon and all that but this is from an old pal Tho missus Is one of tho finest little women I ever saw Last week my wifes father phoned me to hustle over to his office My boy said he when I arrived youve got two hours and a half to scrape to gether every piece of collateral In your name 150 minutes theres something doing It only took mo a half hour This morning referring to mo one of the papers printed the following The streot is recognizing a new Napoleon of finance In tho per son of young Mr who has just turned a mighty clever and exceed ingly profitable dqal Pittsburg Dis patch A SURE ENOUGH AMERICAN Repaired the Church Roof But it All Came Back The following story is told of an American who visited an old Eng lish church and struck up a conversa tion with the rector The two went up to the roof for the sake of the view and the rector pointed out how badly in need of repair were the leads going on to talk in a hopeless way of the poverty of the parish The American rubbed his chin and then offered to put on a new roof at his own expense The delighted rec tor closed with the offer The Ameri can was as good as his word and when on the completion of the work the rector thanked him effusively he quietly confessed to having made a very respectable profit out of his charitable work The rector asked for an explana tion and then the American informed him that there is a certain amount of silver in lead which was now ex tracted but in old times it was left because its presence in the lead was not suspected The quantity of the silver in the lead on the church roof was sufficient to pay all expenses and to give the American a tangible profit Pearsons Weekly Where the Toddy Went Here is a characteristic story of Captain afterwards General George Pickett famous at Gettysburg It was at the time of the disputes be tween England and America as to the boundary line between British Colum bia and Washington territory Capt Pickett had just mixed himself a toddy when his attention was arrest ed suddenly by a courier whose mes sage caused him to mount immediate ly and ride off leaving the drink be hind him He was gone some hours When he returned the empty glass was on his camp table whereupon en sued the following colloquy Orderly Yes sir Wheres that toddy Threw it away sir thought you had done with it sir Where did you throw it down your throat Yes sir down my throat sir accompanied by a regulation sa lute Pittsburg Gazette An Easy One to Answer Representatives Brownlow and Gib son are the only Republicans in Con gress from Tennessee To relieve their loneliness they indulge in a good deal of good natured banter Brown low took great care in selecting persns in his distrct to stand civl service examinations for positions and as luck would have it not a single one failed toattain the requir ed grade Gibson was not so luefcy and not a single man from his dis trict passed the examinations How is this Brownlow asked Gibson All your men have passed the examinations while I cant get a single one through in my district Oh thats easy replied Brown low If there was a single man in your district capable of passing a civil service examination you wouldnt b in Congress Not Complete The brother of one of the Secretar ies of the Turkish Legation at Wash ington recently paid a visit for the first time to this country and on his arrival at New York was met by sev eral of his former countrymen the latter pro Americans and very anx ious to exploit the greatness of the satropolis After directing his at tention among other things to the great buildings in course of construc tion the excavations and the other far reaching improvements tinder way one of them turned to the new comer and asked Well what do you think of New York I think said the otner it will be a very nice place when it is fin ished