to g9 P cnu w fam NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT In county court Red Willow county Nebraska In estate of Michael Smith deceased To the creditors heirs lecatees and others in terested in the estate of Michael Smith Take notice that Ann Smith has Hied in the county court a report of her doings as Adminis tratrix of Michael Smith and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 14th day of March A D 1903 before the court at the hour of nine oclock a in at which time any person interested may appear and except to and con test tho same And notice of this proceeding is ordored given to all persons interested is said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook tribune for thrco successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand and tho seal of tho county court at McCook this 11th day of February A D 1903 seaii S L Geeex County Judgo NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TA LIEN Guy Lilly non resident defendant will tako notice that on tho 24th day of February 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff herein filed his petition in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska against said defendant the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon lot 4 in block 30 in McCook for the taxes for tho years 1899 1900 and 1901 There is due to plaintiff the sum of C2jo Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or be fore tho 12th day of April 1903 2-27-4 ts Edwakd B Cowles Plaintiff Gll Jdut J ot w LATEST IMPROVED EASIEST RUNNING MOST DURABLE Washing Machi ON THE MARKET H W T COLE MAN McCook Nebraska JVliffe at THE MODEL Is what every satisfied buyer of footwear says Their goods always win out They are good serviceable and have the style at prices that make it a sure thing to get your moneys worth whenever you buy at Tfts Modef Sftoe Store A E Petty Prop McCook Nebr V iiei o W 1 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the District court of Red Willow county state of Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Moritz Mohler insane This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of J E Kelley guardian of the estato of Moritz Mohler insane praying for license to sell the west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section number twenty eight in township numlwr fourv north range number twenty ninowest of the Cth P M or a sufficient amount of the same to bring the sum of 25000 for the payment of debts allowed against said estate and expenses of ad ministration there not being sufficient personal property to pay such debts and expenses It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at chambers at my office in McCook in said county on the first day of May 1903 at one oclock p m to show cause why at license should not be granted to said guardian to sell so much of tho abovo doscribed seal estate of the said Moritz Mohler insane as shall bo necessary to pay said debts and ex penses And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for four suc cessive weeks in Tite McCook Tribune a news paper printed and published in said county of Red Willow Dated this fifth day of March J903 3 6 4ts R C ORR Judge of the District Court C E Eldued Attorney Puts roses in her saucy cheeks Makes her eyes grow bright with fun Makes months seem like weeks Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea has done L W McConnell druggist NSSaaSKBSBNSNSSNHNSSHNKSJFsaS A wro JSftrj j r H HCin Solomon had a thousand wives f I1 j Blw ill nd wien Iie stald out ate If iMflfSl iSr JT H To face a thousand mothers-in-law 11 Ts5SfeSawKEry JB Was his unhappy fate JJfl fj Pir 48LA4 iHiaK JJ aa I ivreisSMSi fir m fiB2J lilSPWt i JSut after frequent trouble Kf iMl 71 1-1- ill TTfMmKil ffl i ie hui lie luca iiuiii 14 j 7 ir 40 7SSRfiSfMS 2SP I r 11 Tn hiei Tofnttn KcrtM tlffl i ZC l ISll u luo auiiib uiowuu iiyi WjfeSJbeT 3Lffifrr rt jPY U And everything was bright B 2 Tsllr f itv 7 Bl w m lte v JLUUtl WiLcl HI feB H m i SfeSSKsi KANSAS CITY I WLJBF MAWm mJM fcf BARTLEY r B Mrs T w snort is recovering quite la ft424k -HP ATlHi i rapidly at this writing - I Jones Lyman were taking an in- N I We want to make every patron a customer by giv ing the best values for the least money As an inducement to get you started we will give two Dress Shirts free of charge to every customer for a Suit of Clothing at from 500 up and two pairs of Silk Bro caded Hose with every pair of Ladies or Gents Patent Leather shoes at from 300 to 350 R L DIAMOND BRO ONE DOOR SOUTH OF X5XS5 SlJJlylNJtTAsg III lmiMxin wa ill J Jin mi 1 H in mi 1 mi Tr The Ocean Wave I voice of their goods Tuesday of this I week Mrs Lloyd McMahon is quite sick Later Mrs McMahon died on Thurs day afternoon James Sipes has bought the William Hamilton property and took possession first of the week Frank Teeters and Henry McKeen had an accident on the corner just north of Truman Woods Frank Teeters had a breakdown with a load of corn and later Henry McKeen s team became frightened at the broken wagon and ran into a fence breaking the buggy After an illness of several months Simeon Grisell passed quietly away Sunday morniug March 8 The fun eral was held in the M E church Monday at 3 oclock after which inter ment was made Ho leaves an aged wife and four sons three of whom were present at the time of his death Bartley like the other towns along this line has lost a part of its river bridge caused by floating ice Commis sioners were here and examined the remainder and will prepare to build a new one as soon as convenient For the present they have had a foot bridge erected for the convenience of tho south siders a good many of whom wore caught in town and couldnt get back home READ IT THROUGH Twould Spoil This Story to Tell it in the Headlines To use an eighteenth century phrase this is an oer true tale Having happened in a small Virginia town in tho winter of 1902 it is a story very much of the present Up to a short time ago MrsJohn E Harmon of Melfa Station Va had no pergonal knowledge of the rare cura tive propsrtiesin Chamberlains Cough Rempdy Last January she sajs my baby took a dreadful cold and at one timo I feared the would have pneumonia but one of our neighbers told me how this remedy had cured her little hoy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it soou cured her I heartily thank tho manu facturers of Camberlains Cough Remedy for placing so great a cure within my reach I can not recommend it too highly or say too much in its favor I Lope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was For sale by L W McConnell DANBURY The B M bridge gang are here this week W J Stilgebouer has a well put down on his residence lots W C Shockley has sold his residence to Mrs S EBoyer W A Minniear went to the eastern part of the state on Monday The Holiness people are holding forth in the town hall this week S G Boatman has had a wind mill put up this week by J L Sargent Chas Rogers has bought the Monroe barn and is having it moved to his Main street lots Pearl Hayes is at home after com pleting a successful term of school at Osburn Nebraska WHEifert moved to his own place this week WJ Stilgebouer is staying with his father until his house is finished Tragedy Averted Jut in tho nick of timo our little boy was saved writes Mrs W Watkinsof PleasantCity Ohio Pneumonia had played haoc with him and a terrible cough sot in besides Doctors treated but he grew worse every day At length we tried Dr Kings Xew Discovery for Consump tion and our darling was saved Hes now sound and well Everybody ought to know its the only sure cure for coughs colds and all lung diseases Guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist Price T0c and 100 Trial bottles free Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice March 9 1903 Mary Alhren C V Allaway C S Bradley Murrey Graham C E Goodale Frank McClure Dave Omen Jacobs Phillips J D Patton Kate Schade Abraham Shade F W Smith When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Ktmmell Postmaster SOUTH SIDE Littlo A mio BurtlcH3 is quite ilk with lung fever LaGrippo is quito prevnlont in this neck of tho woods W S Fitch is building a two story addition to his house Littlo Eddie Segaster is quito ill threatened with lung fever A social affair was hold at tho homo of W S Fitch hi3t Saturday evening Wakeful Children For a long timo tho two year old child of Mr P L McPhorson 19 X Tenth St Hurrisbnrg Pn wmilfl srfri hnt tvvn nr tltrnn lint u it tlm early night which nuirin it very hard for hor parents iier inouicr concluded that tho child had stomach troublo and gave her half of ono CliHinlmrljiiriM Stnmnrli nnil Tirr Tfililnfn which quited her stomach and she slept the wuoio nignc inrougn Two boxes or tlioso Tab lets havo effected a iwrniant cure and she is now well and strong Forsalo by L W nel Low Rates West 82500 to Portland Tacoma and Seat tle 2500 to San Francisco and Los An geles 82250 to Spokane 82000 to Salt Lake City Butto and Helena Proportionately low rates to hundeds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Idaho Ore gon Washington British Columbia California etc Every day February 15 to April 30 Tourist cars daily to California Per sonally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent Out 4 3 More Riots Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the sj stem Overwork loss of sleep nervous tension will bo followed by utter collapse uness a reliable remedy is immediately imployed Theres nothing so efficient to euro disorders of tho liver or kidneys as Electric Bitters Its a wonderful tonic an effective nervine and tho greatest all around medicine for run down systems It dis pells nervousness rheumatism and neuralgia and expels malaria germs Only f0c and satis faction guaranteed by LWMcConnelldruggist Makes mother eat makes fathor eat makes grandma eat makes grandpa oat makes tho children eat Rocky Mountain Tea does it A great spring tonic 35 cents L W McConnell druggist Miss 2ds M Snyder Treasurer of I lie Brooklyn East End Art Clnlu If women would pay more attention to their health wc would have more happy wives mothers and daughters and if they would observe results they would find that the doctors prescriptions do not perform the many cures they are given credit for In consulting with my druggist he ad vised McElrccs Vvinc of Cardui and Thcd fords Black Draught and so took it and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health and it only took three months to cure me Wine of Cardui is a regulator of the menstrual functions ancles a most as tonishing tonic for -women It cures scanty suppressed too frequent irreg ular and painful menstruation falling of the womb -whites and flooding It is helpful vhen approaching -womanhood during pregnancy after child birth and in change of life It fre quently brings a dear baby to homes that have been barren for years All druggists have SI 00 bottles of Wine of Cardui A Physician Writes I am desirous of knowing if the profession can obtain Herbine in bulk for prescribing pur poses It has been of great use to me in treat ing cases of dyspepsia brought on by excesses or overwork I have never known it to fail in restoring tho organs effected to their healthful activity 50c bottle at A McM illens r tfwnpftia AMMmMDW Frtfc i mm t t mju To tfte toadies E WISH TO SAY to you that now is the time to buy your laces and embroideries Why Because the as sortments are now new and complete We have just received a large ship ment which contains more good val ues and neat patterns than we have ever owned in laces and embroideries Come and see them Also the new things in Ginghams Wash Fabrics and Wool Dress Goods We assure you that our prices too are the lowest you will be able to find quality considered We will expect you Telephone No 22 for Groceries THE 1 wasfi 4 j aTcT 1 1 L I Iwrg M g nan toe ost S - jt I I I It lO If Li Ply ll G L BeGROFF CO s m et wir sa sea 8FWi has better strength and I i IjSW flavor than many H j BWE ed fancy brands U B m Bulk coffee at the same H dlij X 01i 0 O I B In 1 lb air tight j B0 yPir J III1II1H1 ll1l IIIMIliW illllU C oThe Stomach Is the Man A weak stomach weakens tho man because it cannot transform the food ho eats into nourish ment Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive tho tired and run down limbs and organs of tho body Kodol DyspopMa Curo clean es purifies sweetens and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach and cures indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach trouble The Tribune is only S100 a year The Great Germ Killer Contains all the antiseptic and disinfect ant properties found in coal It is used in the treatment of HOG CHOLERA SWINE PLAGUE CORN STALK DISEASE PINK EYE and all germ diseases of animals Price 100 per quart 500 por gallon Send for a i2 page book on germ cases it nn mn sent of animals free NATIONAL DIP Best Remedy on the Market For Texas Itch Its advantages over lime and sulphur dips and saponified dips are 1 It is less expen sive 21 1 destroys the parasite while others do not 3 It can be used in cold or warm water 4 It does not hurt the eyes 5 It is a sure worm killer and a good thing for thejanimal to swallow a little of Keabnet County Nhrsert G A Strand Prop Grower of Choice Nurery Stock Minden Xeb Dec 3 lOi National Medical Co York Neb About two months ago many of the farm ers around here lost very heavily by hog cholera I do not wish to write you a long fijitt rin Qfjitmnpnt nhrmt finr mpdifMnp but will ay that I bought a quart ran of I Liquid Koal and the improvement was so marked that I bought a gallon can and Used it with the result that my hogs all recovered and I did not lose one My herd of over 200 are in fine condition andjou may put me down as a cotibtant u er of Liquid Koal G A Strand Manufactured by National Medical Co ljiA iiuuiacnu uuu tjuciuuu jutu For sale by James Cain McCook Neb ONT BE POOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade i mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no aubstl mconpoMTcsit tute Ask your druggist Shortantf Typewriting English ieMadc Students can workfor board Send for Catalogue free Prof A J LOWRY Prln A C ONG A H LLB Pres Omaha Book-keeping- Banking Law etc U4M104 r atis tre d 5 eVfc S f XsTlSy V - So Sweet and Plnasinjf n Tasre Mrs C Peterson rii Lake Sr Tif ka Kan speaking of Ballards Ilorehoiinil brup says It lias never failed to give entin and of all cough remedi it N m favorito anil I must confers to my many friend- that it will do and luib done what is claimt 1 for it to speedily cure a cough or a cold and it is eo sweet and to pleasing in taste 2ic Wc aad 100 bottle at A McMilleuN Great spring tonic Drives out all Makes the blood rich Kills jou with warm tingling life A spring in Uwfcy Moun tain Tea 35 cents L W Mcfoni idrnKHit LMbw m tMhil When vou cant eat break ki take Scctis Errulsion When you cant cat bread and butter tcke Scotts Irriisfoion When vets have been living on a milk 6ki and want something a little more nourishing take Scotts Emulsion To get fat you must eat fat Scotts Emulsion is a great fattener a great strength giver Those who have lost flesh want to increase ail body tlssuzs not only fat Scotts Emulsion increases them all bone - flesh blood and nerve For invalids for con valescents for consumptives for weak children for all who need flesh Scotts Emulsion is a rich and com fortable food and a natural tonic Scotts Emulsion for bone fiesh blood and nerve PvJ JI JstttS5a We will send you a free sample in the form of z label is on the wrapper of every bottk of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOVNE CHEMISTS 409 Pear St M Y 50c and 1 all drutgisti