The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 27, 1903, Image 6

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
The opera house block at Ashland
Ohio was destroyed by fire originat
ing from defective illuminating gas
The New York chamber of com
merce adopted a resolution for a state
building and exhibition at the St Louis
Hilda Clarke formerly prima donna
of tho Bostonians and Frederick Stan
ton Fowler were married at New York
Senator Fairbanks chairman of the
Joint high commission has written the
Canadian government suggesting that
the committee meet in March
The negotiations between Germany
and Russia for a new commercial
treaty have been opened by the usual
exchange of preliminary notes
Friends of Mayor Low of New York
confidently assert he will be renom
inated by the fusion element which
elected him sixteen months ago
A dispatch from Tangier Morocco
says it is persistently reported there
that El Menehi the minister of war
was killed in battle February 12
One of the citizens elected alder
man of Fairchance Pa last Tuesday
occupies a cell in the local jail await
ing trial on the charge of murder
The Ontario Lumbermens associa
tion meeting at Toronto adopted a
resolution condemning the proposed
export duty on pulp wood by the do
The resdents of Jackson county Illi
nois have started a movement supple
mentary to that of the school children
to erect a monument to General John
A Logan
The appointment of coadjutors to
the archbishops of St Louis and Cin
cinnati will be dedicated at a meeting
of the congregation of the propaganda
on March 2 J
A bill pending in the Indiana house j
of representatives makes it a misde 1
meanor to give or to accept tips The
penalty is a fine of not less than 5
nor more than 25
The office of E A Gould general su
perintendent of the Missouri Pacific
railroad will be transferred from St
Louis to Kansas City as soon as quar
ters can be obtained
Rev Dr W S Rainford of New
York when asked how he regarded
tho action of Vermont in repudiating
prohibition said I would rather see
a man free than sober
Brigadier General G W Baird has
been placed on the retired list For
many months past General Baird has
served as the chief disbursing officer
of the army in this city
The body of Rear Admiral Frank
Wildes arrived at Kennehunk Me
Wednesday from Boston and were
taken without ceremony to a receiv
ing tomb in the cemetery
All previous records in private pen
sion legislation were broken by the
house at Washington Saturday when
325 hills went through in much less
time than as many minutes
M Henry who claims to be travel
ing for Johnson Tomek of Chicago
was arrested in Sioux City charged
man a woman and a child all white
The board of supervisors of Orange
county California has adopted a quar
antine measure against all Florida
citrus stock and fruit on account of
the prevalence in that state of aley
rodes citri the dreaded white fly
Both houses of the legislature of
Wyoming adopted a joint resolution
strongly indorsing woman suffrage de
claring that it has been in vogue in
Wyoming since territorial days in
1SS9 and raised the standard of candi
dates made elections more
Cortelyou Submits Large Estimates
Lays Before Congress Details of
Moneys Needed to Carry on Work
of New Department
WASHINGTON All day there was
talk of compromise on the statehood
It was generally understood that
what was known as the compromise
bill would be satisfactory to the re
The democrats while talking in a
conciliatory spirit said they had little
hope that the republican proposition
would be acceptable to them It is
quite likely that when this proposi
tion is submitted the democrats will
have a conference
Probably a counter proposition then
will be made providing that when
Arizona has a population which is the
average for a representative in con
gress it shall be admitted as a state
and also that a census shall be taken
every year The democrats say they
want a provision fixing the date which
will bring Arizona into the union This
would not be satisfactory to the re
publicans While efforts for a com
promise continue there are only a few
senators who expect an adjustment to
be reached and the prospects of state
hood legislation are still remote
There was an earnest conference in
the senate chamber after the adjourn
ment participated in by Senators Al-
drich Quay Hanna Foraker Mc-
i Comas Beveridge and Kean when it
I was definitely decided that proposi
tions for a compromise on two states
should be submitted to the demo
Senator Quay presented a memoran
dum of the improvement features of
the compromise to Senator Bate who
will present it at a conference of dem
ocrats called for 10 oclock today It
is expected the republican proposition
will be rejected and a counter prop
osition made
Democratic leaders say they cannot
accept the compromise suggested and
the republicans say that no further
concessions will be made
A scheme for the organization of
the new department of commerce and
labor has been laid before congress by
Secretary Cortelyou in the estimate
transmitted to that body through the
secretary of the treasury
In addition to twelve branches of
the public service transferred to the
new department from other depart
ments which have been appropriated
for Secretary Cortelyou asks for ap
propriations for salaries aggregating
GG5690 The salaries are for the
secretarys office the bureaus of cor
porations and manufacturers and
subordinate divisions as follows
Secretarys office twenty salaries
38000 under the chief clerk seventy-one
salaries 61500 appointment
division twenty salaries 2G01G
division of mails and files twenty one
salaries 21300 division of station
ery nine salaries 12rG0 library
seven salaries 8340 office of soloci
tor eleven salaries 19100 bureau
of transportation 116 salaries 150-
1000 for compensation of special ex-
with stealing valuable diamonds from
aminers in the field 29G9G0 bureau
the Wm Hiles jewelry store j Qf manufacture twenty one salaries
A wrecked house boat floating its
on 30980 connection with the new
side in the Tennessee river near Pa- I duties lmposed on the bureau of sta
ducah Ky was caught and found to
tstjcs 55 570
contain the hodies of three persons a j
Great Structure to Protect Galveston
From Tidal Waves
GALVESTON Tex The corner
stone of the 125000 sea wall was laid
Monday with impressive ceremonies
and a parade of citizens and marines
and officers from the United States
battleships at anchor in the harbor
here The work of the wall has pro
gressed satisfactorily since its begin-
orderlyj i ning last October
improved the character of the The wall will be three miles an
ture and developed womanhood to a length and will give absolute proteV
Uroader use
The Idaho house passed a bill pro
viding for a bounty on beet sugar for
two years of 1 cent a pound the first
year and cent the second year
The measure aroused much dehate
which was largely directed to amend
ments making the payment of the
bounty conditional upon abstention by
manufacturers from the employment
of Chinese or Japanese in their works
Stephen B Wing reputed to be the
first man to raise strawberries and
peaches in northwestern Arkansas is
dead In 1S97 he controlled the en
tire peach crop of the Ozark moun
Committees from the Spanish War
Veterans association and the Spanish
War Veterans met at Washington
Wednesday to effect if possible an
amalgamation of interests and put an
end to the factional strife
j tion to the city even from a stage of
water equal to the great and disastrous
tidal wave of the 1900 storm The
funds for its construction were raised
by popular subscription to a bond
issue most of the money being sub
scribed by local men The city has
been exempted from state taxes for
a period of eighteen years as assist
ance in the erection of the great wall
for its protection
Outlook for a Settlement
TOPEKA Kan The outlook for a
peaceable settlement of the Santa Fe
wage dispute is looking rather unfa
vorable More conferences have been
held but the only development is a
more persistent unwillingness on the
part of either side to give in The
national officers of the conductors and
trainmen who are here appear to be
firm in their determination not to ac
cept less than a 20 per cent increase
Fatal Fire in
N P Merger Case Reacts
NEW YORK Camille Weidenfeld
a member of the stock exchange was
on Monday suspended for one year
The exact character of the charges
and specifications against Mr Weid
enfeld were not disclosed but it was
accepted as a matter of fact that he
was regarded as the author and in
stigator of the Peter Power merger
suits and that the brokers believed
those suits to have been conceived in
bad faith
I itfllif J
a Cedar Rapids Iowa
CEDAR RAPIDS la Nine lives
according to the best information ob
tainable under difficulties were lost
in a fire which Friday morning de
stroyed the Clifton hotel in this city
The fire started at 230 and at 10
the smouldering debris furnished so
fierce a heat that search for bodies
was impossible The list of the dead
may prove longer than the number
given but it is hoped that the informa
tion which accounts for all but this
number is correct
Two persons were fatally injured
and forty two more hurt more or less
severely mostly by jumping from
windows The work of identification
is complicated by the loss of the hotel
register which was burned
The hotel a three story veneer
structure is said to have been a ver
itable fire trap The flames started
in a pile of rubbish in the basement
presumably ignited by defective elec
tric light wires
The night clerk was on the third
floor when the cry of fire raised by
a bell boy startled him He took up
the cry and in an instant the hall
ways were choked with frightened
guests A rush was made for the
stairways It was then that the crowd
already collected in the street heard
heart rending cries of anguish and
desperation for the fire feeding rav
enously on the tinderlike material of
the lower floor had completely cut off
There followed a stampede for the
windows the only means of exit left
The street below was now filled with
a crowd scarcely less frantic than the
dspairing ones in the fast burning
It was like a Dore picture of In
ferno sprung to life said one spec
tator in describing the scene The
flames looking blood red from reflec
tion against the snow lit up the pale
drawn faces of the people in the win
dows with a glow that was unearthly
The victims were literally driven
by the flames to jump Nearly every
one of them lingered to the last mo
ment urged by the people below to
wait as long as possible in the hope
of assitsance Then a cry would tell
that the fire had reached them or the
smoke had made it imposible to
breathe and one after another jumped
some to the street and some more
fortunate to the roofs of buildings ad
joining In a short space of time the
street was filled with men and
men bruised and battered with brok
en limbs and half crazed All were
in their night garments
In an hour St Lukes hospital con
tained fifteen injured while many
more chiefly those who had escaped
with comparatively slight hurts were
being cared for in buildings near the
scene of the tragedy
Some who jumped owe their lives to
the fact that their falls were broken
by telegraph wires which interposed
in their downward flight A number
of the guests who were able to con
verse calmly following their escape de
clared that they had stumbled over
prostrate bodies as they rushed to the
Would Have Been Done Sooner but
for Delay Here
Squiers minister to Cuba arrived here
Sunday direct from Havana and had
an audience with the secretary of the
navy Mr Squires said his mission
here is to clean up certain matters
connected with the Piatt amendment
Awaiting him at his hotel was a ca
blegram stating that on Monday next
the Cuban congress would take up the
consideration of the reciprocity treaty
and Mr Squires expressed the opinion
that it would be ratified during the
coming week
It was learned that this treaty would
have been acted on sooner but the
Cuban government was awaiting action
by the United States senate Now
however that the matter has been de
layed the Cuban government will use
every means in its power to expedite
action on the treaty in the hope of
favorable action by the United States
The flames literally were chasing
them and the smoke made it almost
impossible to breathe The proprietor
of the hotel placed his estimate of the
number of people in the building at
between seventy and eighty Many of
them were delegates to the state con
vention of the Young Mens Christian
Ten Cash Measures Still to Deal
With Only Eight Days are Left in
Which to Make Appropriations
Long Sittings Seem Certain From
Now to Close
WASHINGTON The course of
proceedings in the senate during the
present week will depend largely
upon the statehood bill If there is
no agreement the bill will continue
to cut a figure in the proceedings
whether it be under consideration or
not just as it has done for the
greater part of the session If the
canal treaty is proceeded with tho
statehood bill it will do much to
shape its course if the treaty is put
aside and the appropriation bills
taken up the statehood question will
present itself in the shape of riders
on those bills
According to the present program
the postoffice appropriation bill will
be the first of the supply measures
to be considered It is indeed the
only one of those bills not yet
passed which has been reported
from committees It carries the state
hood bill as a rider and unless an un
derstanding is arrived at before the
bill is taken up the question of its re
tention will immediaiely confront the
senate That will be the critical period
in the statehood bills career Some
of the anti statehood senators contend
that it can be beaten as a rider and
advocate an invitation to this test of
In accordance with the annual cus
tom in the senate on Washingtons
birthday the proceedings will
begin with the reading of Washing
tons farewell address The reading
this year will be performed by Sen
ator Dubois la At the conclusion
of this ceremony Senator Cullom
111 will move that the senate pro
ceed to the consideration of the
canal treaty in executive session If
in the meantime a compromise on the
statehood bill has been effected it is
believed the ratification of the treaty
can be secured within a day or two
But whether there is an adjustment
on the statehood bill or not or
whether the treaty is ratified or not
it is intended that many more days
will be allowed to elapse before taking
up the appropriation bills With only
eight working days of the session left
all senators appreciate that it is essen
tial that there should be little more
delay in voting the necessary supplies
for the support of the government for
the next fiscal year
Of the thirteen appropriation bills
six have so far been considered by the
senate proper but several of the re
maining seven have had the attention
of senate committees Three have not
however been received from the house
of representatives
Two of the appropriation bills
namely the pensions and the diplo
matic and consular bills have passed
both houses and received the signature
of the jresident The legislative ex
ecutive and judicial bill is ready to go
to the president the army bill is in
second conference the Indian and the
District of Columbia bills are both in
conference with many differences to
adjust the postoffice bill has been re
ported to the senate the agricultural
bill and the military academy bill have
received final consideration at the
hands of the committees having them
in charge and are ready for report
and the sundry civil bill is undergoing
the scrutiny of the committee on ap
propriations and will be reported dur
ing the week The naval bill the for
tification bill and the general de
ficiency bill are sti1 in the house of
Right to Tax Railroad Stock
ion delivered by Justice Holmes in
the case of Kidd against the state of
Alabama the United States supreme
court Monday held that a state has
the right to tax the stock of railroads
incorporated in another state which
is held by an estate in the state seek
ing to exercise the power The opin
ion affirmed the decision of the su
preme court of the state of Alabama
Strike Commission at Work
cite coal strike commission met here
Thursday to begin the work of form
ulating their conclusions and framing
their report All the members of the
commission were present The ses
sions -will be held behind closed doors
and are likely to continue for a con
siderable period of time
The President Invited
WASHINGTON Senator Kearns of
Utah and Dietrich of Nebraska Will
iam Glassman mayor of Ogden Utah
and Edward Rosewater editor of
the Omaha Bee have invited Presi
dent Roosevelt to attend the eleventh
irrigation congress to be held in Og
den on September 9 10 and 11 The
Measure Passes the Lower House of
WASHINGTON At tho end of n
protracted session the house on Thurs
day passed the naval appropriation
bill Many amendments were offered
to tho provisions relating to the in
crease of the personnel and the author
ization of the new ships to be built
The most important amendment
adopted authorized the secretary of
tho navy in his discretion to pur
chase or contract for submarine tor
pedo boats after invesigation of their
As passed the bill provides for three
new battleships and an armored crui
ser two steel straining ships and one
wooden brig for training purposes in
addition to the submarine boats dis
cretionally authorized
Without preliminary business the
house proceeded with the considera
tion of the naval appropriation bill
An amendment was adopted giving
members of congress whose districts
are not now represented at the naval
academy the privilege of immediately
appointing cadets to fill such vacan
Mr Dick O offered an amend
ment which was adopted to provide
for the summary expulsion of any
naval cadet found guilty of hazing
When the paragraph providing for
the increase of the navy was reached
Mr Mudd Md a member of the
naval committee raised a point of or
der against those sections providing
that the machinery and material used
in tho construction of the ships au
thorized should be of domestic manu
facture and authorizing the secretary
of the navy in case of a combination
of bidders to have the ships construct
ed in government yards
Mr Gillett Mass sustained the
point of order whereupon Mr Kitchin
N C appealed The chair was sus
tained 109 to 88
Mr Fitzgerald N Y raised a point
of order against the provision requir
ing the construction of the ships au
thorzide by the bill by contract and
the words were struck out
An amendment was then adopted
reinserting the provision requiring the
use of domestic machinery and ma
terials in the construction of the ships
Mr Taylor O on behalf of the
naval committee offered an amend
ment authorizing the secretary of the
navy in his discretion to expend 5
000000 for submarine torpedo boats
tested and found to be acceptable to
the navy
The amendment was agreed to 84
to S7
By unanimous consent the provision
which had gone out on a point of or
der authorizing the secretary of the
navy to construct the ships in govern
ment yards was restored
The committee rose and the naval
appropriation bill was passed
Mazatlan Prisoners Put in Bull Ring
While Jail is Disinfected
MAZATLAN Mexico There was
only one death from bubonic plague
Monday and that at the observation
station There are thirty five patients
at the lazaretto with the condition
of eight doubtful Two hundred per
sons are now isolated The bull ring
is now being used as a prison as
the jail is undergoing disinfection
Among the new cases two occurred
among the sentries at the military
hospital and one was that of a serv
ant girl who died a few hours later
Her employers who live next door to
the governor are now in quarantine
Governor Canedo is active in all pre
ventive measures and shows great
personal courage He refuses to
leeave the city and go back to the
state capitol until the plague is stamp
ed out
Tax Franchise in One State Only
States supreme court on Monday de
cided the case of the Louisville and
Jeffersonville Ferry company adverse
ly to the contention of the state of
Kentucky that that state had the
right to tax not only the companys
Kentucky franchise hut also its In
diana franchise The opinion was de
livered by Justice Harlan who said
that the Kentucky authorities had no
jurisdiction over the Indiana fran
chise The opinion reversed the de
cision of the Kentucky court of ap
Schley Enthusiastically Received
NEW ORLEANS Admiral Schley
Friday visited the New Orleans cot
ton exchange in company with Colonel
A K McClure The admiral was
given a wildly enthusiastic reception
and made an address expressing his
pleasure at being in New Orleans
Eulogize on the Sabbath
WASHINGTON The house held a
session Sunday to pay tribute to the
memories of three deceased members
the late Representatives Tongue
Ore Rumple la and Moody N
C Mr Moody of Oregon presided
in the absence of Speaker Henderson
The customary resolutions were adopt
Trust not the woman that thinketh
more of herself than anotner mercy
will not dwell in her heart
Drs RlchardB Van Camp of H04 Farnam St
Omaha Neb treat Catarrh and guarantee a cure
The doctors are old established and reliable phy
sicians of Omaha Their treatment includes a
lunjr tester Inhaler local and constitutional
treatment and they guarantee to cure any case
of catarrh of the nose throat or lungs In ninety
days or refund the money If you aro afflicted or
Interested call or write for further Information
Social reformers seldom think it
worth while to qualify themselves for
their task
Should be in every home Ask your grocer
for it Largo 2 oz package only 5 cents
Those who cater to evil propensities
never satisfy the hunger of their pa
Mrs A lnsloTT s aoominsr Syrnp
For children teething eoftens the gums reduces In
tlaintnatlon allays pain cures wind colic 23c a bottle
Even the comparatively sober have
no objection to the gold cure
buy Defiance and jjet the best 16 cs for
10 cents Once used always used
If you have a heart never let the
world know it It is such awfully bad
Bay your goods at
Wholesale Prices
Our 1000 paso catalogue will be sent
upon receipt or 15 cents This amount
does not even pay the postage but it is
sufficient to show us that you are acting
in eood faith Better send for it now
Your neighbors trade with ns why not
you also
The house that tells the truth
FOR ONLY 16800
On S5 Monthly Payments Write for
Catalogue Prices Etc v v
Manufacturers Wholesale rjd Refal Piano Dealer
The Farmer In Western Canada AchlaTM
VonilerfnI Snccea
One of tho first things that tho man
who wishes to change his residenco
endeavors td find out Is where he can
go and succeed It need bo a mattor
of littlo doubt or indecision now Dur
ing the past four or fivo years tho de
velopment of Western Canada has
been so rapid and tho conditions of
lifo there so widely known that up
wards of 100000 Americans have taken
up their homes there and tho experi
ence of theso people Is that they are
thoroughly satisfied with their choice
of home
The methods of farming thero aro
similar to those adopted in tho United
States but the operations aro simpler
tho yield of grain greater and the
profits more satisfactory Ranching
is carried on with lots of success
Mixed farming is always profitable
while the results in grain raising aro
as certain as splendid soil excellent
climate and lots of sunlight can give
The yields of but nothing is as
satisfactory as tho experience of the
farmer himself and extracts are se
lected from one
A good intelligent farmer named
Mears John Mears to be exact left
Cavalier county North Dakota two
years ago and followed tho thousands
who had already gone to Canada no
had twenty five years experience in
Minnesota In buying grain Including
flax but in all his experience ho never
saw a district so well suited to the
growth of flax as Western Canada
The financial results of Mr Mears
operations in a single season are as
follows Wheat 3000 bushels 1 hard
at 57c 1785 2C80 bushels 1 North
ern at 54c 145720 Oats 1750 bush
els at 35c G1250 Speltz 154 bush
els at 75c 11550 Flax 324 bushels
at 2 G28 Total 459820 a return
of more than 4500 from a littlo over
250 acres an average of 18 per acre
is surely testimony sufficiently strong
to satisfy the most incredulous as to
the money to be made out of the soil
of the Canadian West It is to facts
like these arguments expressible and
demonstrable in dollars and cents
that the steady northward movement
of American farmers is due Mr
Mears is settled near Areola Assa
A number of Americans who have
chosen Western Canada as a homo
had the idea that a man enjoyed less
freedom in Canada but they soon
found their mistake and say tho laws
of Canada are the most liberal in tho
world and such as prevent the litiga
tion which breeds so much bad feel
ing between people in the United
States and costs them so dear in law
yers fees
Tho government has established
agencies at St Paul Minn Omaha
Neb Kansas City Mo Chicago 111
Indianapolis Ind Milwaukee Wis
Wausau Wis Detroit Sault Sto
Marie and Marquette Mich Toledo
Ohio Watertown S Dakota Grand
Forks N Dakota and Great Falls
Mont and the suggestion mado
that by addressing any of these who
are authorized agents of the govern
ment it will be to the advantage of
the reaJer who will be given tho
fullest and most authentic Informa
tion regarding the results of mixed
farming dairying ranching and grain
raising and also supply information
as to freight and passenger rates etc