The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 27, 1903, Image 5

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I v
Escaped an Awful Fate
Mr H llaggins of Melbourne Florida writes
My doctor told mo I Iincl consumption and
nothing could bo dono for me I wim givon up
to die Tlio offer of a free trial bottle of Dr
Kings New Discovery for Consumption induced
mo to try it Results were startling 1 am now
on the road to recovery and owo all to Dr
Kings Now Discovery It surely saved my life
This great euro is guaranteed for all throat and
lung diseases by L W McConnoll druggist
Trice 50c and 100 Trial bottles free
Time Card
McCook Neb
xi Model
No 6 Central Time 1110pm
2 603am
12 920am
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Time 1112 am
3 1140 rji
13 825 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p M
No 175 departs 700 am
Sleepiug dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
nssenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
TE2 iHr w H i a H a Jj
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anvono sending a sketch and description may
qtilckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
sent free Oldest acency for securing patents
Patents taken through JMunn Co receive
special notice without charge In the
Scientific Jftnericatt
A handsomely illustrated weekly largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
MlNBCo361Broad New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
In county court Red Willow county Nebraska
In ostato of Michael Smith deceased
To tho creditors heirs legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Michael Smith
Take notice that Ann Smith has liled in the
county court a report of her doings as Adminis
tratrix of Michael Smith and it is ordered that
the same stand for hearing the 14th day of
March A D 1903 before tho court at the hour
of niue oclock a m at which time any person
interested may appear and except to and con
test the same And notice of this proceeding is
ordered given to all persons interested is said
matter by publishing a copy of this order in The
McCook Tkidune for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing
Witness my hand and the seal of tho county
court at McCook this 11th day of February
A D 1903
seal S L Green County Judge
miWlim jWWW
I am now prepared to take your orders for
shipment for car lots of hogs and cattle on
Will also buy on same days Office at the
B M meat market F S WILCOX
ffis BnoSMFCcAN2
k A E Petty Prop McCook Nebraska
The Ocean Wave
Washing Machine
McCook Nebraska
Food Protection
A decision far reaching in its effects
and of interest to lovers of pure food has
just been handed down by Judge Adams
in tho Circuit Court of the United
Tho suit in question was brought
against The Union Biscuit Company for
infringement on the package
controlled exclusively by Tho National
Biscuit Company for tho protection of
of biscuit and crackers against dust
moisture odor and germs
In deciding against The Union Biscuit
Company Judge Adams says
The proof abundantly shows that
prior to the invention of the patent the
old paper cartoons or boxes were inade
quate to the demands of the service re
quired of themthat their contents deteri
orated rapidly in substance and flavor
that they were subjected to the baneful
effects of the air moisture and dust
Since the introduction of the box of the
patent a radical change has taken place
This box has been found equal to the cli
matic and other local conditions in all
parts of the country from New Orleans
to New YorK from Florida to Minnesota
and from California to Massachusetts
The uniform testimony from all these
regions is to the effect that the contents
of the box are preserved in their original
freshness and flavor
The whole testimony in my opinion
clearly shows that the box of the patent
materially facilitates the distribution of
inexpensive food products to the con
sumer and at the same time lessons the
cost and enhances the intrinsic value of
such products
Judge Adams full decision against
the infringement not only shows the
great importance of the pack
age but is so broad and conclusive as to
prevent any futher infringement or use
in violation of the rights of the National
Biscuit Company
The Tribune is only S100 a year
Guy Lilly non resident defendant will take
notice that on the 24th day of February 1903
Edward B Cowles plaintiff herein filed his
petition in the district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against said defendant the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a
tax purchasers lien upon lot 4 in block 30 in
McCook for tho tases for the years 1899 1900
and 1901 There is due to plaintiff tho sum of
Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a sale of said premises You
are required to answer said petition on or be
fore tho 12th tlav of April 1903 2-27-4 ts
Edward B Cowles Plaintiff
Thats what The Model Shoes would
wv if f hftir tnna itfc rnnm tnilc ilnrf JL
graceful too theyd add
Ease and Grace are Found
In Every Pair of flodel Shoes
We are receiving our spring lines
and will soon have them on exhibi
tion Come in and see them
gajgTrrrarrirTrmTfTii irirrmi
An OrUcir That Wu Iromptly Hon
ored at the Box Olllce
Once when Nat Goodwin was play
lug in Chicago two men approached
his manager who was standing in the
lobby of the theater and introduced
themselves as a couple of actors Their
names were entirely uiikiiowii to him
and they had nothing to show that
I they were what they claimed to be
Accordingly he refused to give them
seats but they were peCjistent One
of the men in particular was offensive
ly so He shook his fist under the
managers nose and demanded who it
i was that dared refuse him passes
Ill see Air Goodwin he declared
Ill see if a little whipper snapper
like you can refuse me seats You dont
know who we are eh Well who are
you Lets see your card Ill see Mr
Goodwin about it
The manager who feared a scene
handed over one of his cards and told
the men he was responsible and quite
willing to take the consequences of re
fusing to give them seats
A few minutes later the two men
came back to the theater One of them
had written Pass two on the man
agers card lie presented the card at
the box oflice and it was promptly
honored Then they went in
When half an hour later the man
agers attention was called to what
had been done he was at first inclined
to take some severe action but later
he saw the joke on himself
Let them alone he said If theyve
got nerve enough to do that they are
entitled to seats You had better send
an usher down and ask them if they
wouldnt like a box Chicago Trib
Sain Jones to Reporters
A prominent Baltimore physician
tells in the Baltimore Sun the follow
ing anecdote about Sam Jones the
Georgia evangelist
When several years ago Mr Jones
was at Emory Grove camp the news
paper reports of his sermons caused
him to complain
At the last service he looked down
at the reporters who sat at a table
just in front of the pulpit and said
And I want to tell you fellows that
I like you a lot in spite of your mani
fold faults You boys dont treat me
right though You take my sermons
and pick out a piece here a piece there
and a piece somewhere else Then
you string the pieces together and
naturally they read funny
Now suppose 1 reported the Bible
that way A man asks me what the
Bible tells him to do I read in one
place And Judas went out and hanged
himself I turn over and read Go
thou and do likewise And in another
place I And And do it quickly
Now you see boys that sort of
thing wont do It aint fair
How n Great Surgeon Bled
While Bichat the famous surgeon
was dying of typhoid fever he turned
to an old colleague who was sitting be
side his bed and said to him
My friend I am lost but it is some
consolation to know that my case is
very curious During the last few
days I have noticed some odd symp
toms and I am studying them care
Oh you may recover yet said the
That is impossible replied Bichat
and if it were not for one thing I
would be quite willing to die
What is that asked the friend
I am exceedingly sorry answered
Bichat that I shall not have an op
portunity to perforin an autopsy on
myself after my death for I know that
I would make some wonderful scien
tific discovery
An hour later he was dead
Hares That Swim
I have many times seen hares sever
al of them at a time cross a stream to
feed on summer evenings and coolly
return in the same way back to the
woods says a writer in London News
The act has been quite voluntary but
one thing I have noticed they invaria
bly sat up to see if they had time to
cross before any surprise came For
instance the movements of a person
walking along a footpath in the dis
tance would be watched with some
anxiety before the plunge was made
I have also seen snakes swim across
streams in the same way apparently
to bask on the sunny side
Mamma she said what preacher
do you think I ought to have marry
Cecil and me I feel as though Mr
Goodman is so young and not being
married himself he could hardly
Oh pshaw Have Dr Easleigh
Ive had him for four of mine and he
always gave thorough satisfaction
Chicago Record Herald
Showed What She Could Do
Phoxy I got a good square meal last
night the first in several weeks and I
have you to thank for it
Friend Me to thank Well thats
news to me
Phoxy Yes I know I telephoned to
my wife yesterday morning that you
were coming out to dinner with me
Philadelphia Press
A Good Tallcer
Clara Is Mrs Flitter a good conver
Dorothy Yes indeed She makes
yon think of lots of good things to
say but talks so much that you dont
get a chance to say jthem Detroit
Free Press
should religion and
Why indeed
Why not say that man is descended
from the monkey Eve made of Adam
and let it go at that Puck
- VLUMMUJb - -
Yet This Dread of Meeting tho In
evitable la So Unlverxn1 That Our
Entire Social Fabric In Ijiirjrcly
Built Upon It
Do we dread death on the same
principle that half a Hock of sheep
leap through a certain hole in a fence
because the other half has done so
For unless the fear bp traditionary
and hereditary it is hard to account
for it
Deatli is a change occupying a mo
ment from one form of life to another
Whether it come in the course of na
ture or by accident or design it is sel
dom painful never probably so painful
as a bout of the toothache It brings
us from a condition of bondage and
uncertainty at best to one of freedom
and security But often it Is a change
from slavery both physical and moral
to emancipation comparatively perfect
or if we hold the materialist view to
everlasting unconsciousness The spir
itual state is emancipated from the
inertia of matter and the tyranny of
space therefore thought will be pres
ence and a mans surroundings as to
both thing and person will be inevi
tably such as are most desirable to
him The evil will be emancipated
from the opposition of the good and
the good will not be grieved and ham
pered by the machinations of the evil
The whole chapter of accidents which
here looms so large will there be elim
inated Time which now makes us
long for the arrival of an appointed
hour and now dread its too speedy
coming will be no more But we shall
measure life by its intensity and by its
opportunities In other words we shall
be the makers of our own times and
Death takes us from a world of ef
fects to one of causes The soul is
made of will and thought and as we
may daily perceive it is only the ob
struction of material conditions that
prevents lv from immediately accom
plishing out desires and beholding the
realization of our thoughts Again
death is inevitable to all and to any
one who chooses is at any moment at
tainable By what logic can our fear
of it be defended
Yet we fear it so much and so uni
versally that our entire social fabric is
built largely upon that fear Our law
makes deatli the supreme penalty Our
funerals are occasions of mourning
and the medical profession one of the
most numerous extant spends its ex
istence in combating death We seek
eagerly all nostrums or elixirs that
promise us continuance of life We
ascribe supreme merit to the soldier
who risks his life for his country or to
the individual who sacrifices it for oth
ers We laud the stoicism which af
fects to despise death but which bases
the virtue of that despising upon the
acknowledged terror of the event Our
humanitarians spend sympathy and
money in attempting to prolong the
miserable condition of the poor and
diseased We shudder to hear of a vast
natural calamity like that of Marti
nique or of avoidable accidents such as
are furnished daily by railways and
other instruments of civilization And
all the while it is the survivors who
suffer if any one does though they
too are soon comforted by time or the
insurance companies The dead man
the man who has entered upon the new
and spiritual life whom we absurdly
pity is free and his troubles are over
Suicides it is true are said to in
crease with civilization But few
philosophical suicides occur The ma
jority are induced by dread of life
overcoming dread of death It may be
doubted if suicide be ever the act of a
man at once perfectly brave and thor
oughly sane The value of this life
and it is a real value is in the disci
pline and experience it gives which it
is our honest and sensible duty to im
prove to the utmost and to the last
Life may be interesting and arduous
it may be disappointing and irksome
It is very seldom if ever uniformly and
positively agreeable Fear on the oth
er hand is one of the worst and basest
of evils and fear of death the most
irrational It must have originated in
sheer ignorance and thoughtlessness
It ought to vanish before our modern
enlightenment and sagacity and with
its disappearance will appear social
changes that cannct but be revolution
ary and Julian Hawthorne
in Brandur Magazine
Danscrons Criminals
Why said a lady reproachfully to
her husband you know when I say
Denmark I always mean Holland
Perhaps the city girl in the following
story told by the Philadelphia Tele
graph allowed herself a similar lati
tude of expression
She was sitting on the porch lazily
rocking to and fro and watching the
fireflies flitting about through the
shrubbery Suddenly she turned to
her companions and said in a musing
I wonder if it is true that fireflies
do get into the haymows sometimes
and set them afire
Everybody laughed at what was ap
parently a pleasantry but the young
lady looked surprised
Why said she it was only yester
day that I saw in the paper an article
headed Work of Firebugs It said
they had set a barn on fire Really
Following Good Preaching1
Vicar severely to his cookj Mary
you had a soldier to supper last night
Cook Yes sir hes my brother
Vicar But you told me you had no
Cook So I thought sir until you
preached last Sunday and told us we
were all brothers and sisters London
Tit Bits
Lfcl OUK
MicU Winter
- -
The Great Germ Killer
Contains all tho antiseptic and disinfect
ant properties found in coal It is used in
the treatment of
and all Rerm dis eases of animals Price
100 per quart 500 per gallon
Send for a tl pngo book on germ dis
eases of animals sent free
Best Remedy on tlieMarket
For Texas Itch
Its advantages over lime and sulphur dips
and saponified dips are 1 It is less expen
sive 21 1 destroys the parasite while
others do not A It can be used in cold or
warm water 4 It does not hurt the eyes
was fit
5 It is a sure worm killer and a good thing j
for thejammal to swallow a little of
Kearvey Colntt Nursekt
G A Strand Prop
Grower of Choice Nursery Stock
Minden Neb Doc 3 1002
National Medical Co York Neb
About two months ago many of the farm
ers around here lost very heavily by hog
cholera I do not wish to write ion a long
flattering statement about your mediciue
but will say that I bought a quart run of
Liquid Koal and the improvement was so
marked that I bought a gallon can and npfl
it with the result that my hogs all recovered
and I did not lose one My herd of over 2X
are in line condition and yon mayput rno
down as a constant user of LK id Koal
G -- Stkand
Manufactured by National Medical Co
York Nebraska and Sheldon Iowa
For sale by James Cain
McCook Neb
file s5l
Be i ooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medl
cire Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
in balk Accept no substl
tute Ask your draggut
Students can
workfor board
Send for Catalogue free
Prof A J LOWRY Prln
Shorthand Typewriting English
Book keeping
1W0 Banking Law etc
A C ONG A H LLB Pres Omaha
I im
We want to move then We
need the space for other goods
which are coming in We give
25 per cent discount on Annis
Furs the best you know
LadiesSuits at reduced prices
Ladies Jackets at half price
and less Others at cost AH
sure enough bargains
Our Grocery Stock is com
plete Give us a trial order
W9 fcaW SZjrtWiSb
When jou feel blue and evorythinggoeF wronp
take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets Thoy will cleanse and invigorate
onr stomache regulate your bowely gnvjotj
a relish for jour food and mako you feel that
this old world is a good place to live For sale
at McConnelli drug store
A Mothers Recommendation
I have used Chamberlains Cough Kemeclv for
a number of years Jaud have no hesitancy in
sajing that it is tho best remedy for cough
colds and croup I have eer used in my family
I have not wonK to express my confidence in
this remedy Mr J A Moore North Star
Michigan For sale by L M McComiell
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer Wrong feeding is
loss Right feeding is profit
The up-to-date fanner knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk his pigs to get
the most pork his hens to
get the- most eggs Science
But how about the children
Are they fed according to
science a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia
Scotts Emulsion is a mixed
food the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh blood and muscle
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
i i im
Send for free
Be su tu this picture us
the nrm ot a s on the
wrapper ot every bottc o
Lri ot ou b v
Scott Bowr
409 Pear St NY
50c and SI s all dragjs