1 p ------ ffo ftgnafc PM v K M FCIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance As indicntivo of the riso in fnrm lands in Nebraska there have boon two land sales recently at a high figure One farm of 100 acres in Richardson county was sold for 810000 This is the first sale of farm land in that county at that figure In Adams county Rudolph Firmo bought 480 acres for 823000 Mr Firine is one of tho well known Short horn breeders and will make a fine stock farm of tho now purchase A Nemaha county renter recently sold 2490 bushels of corn for 77190 which represented his net profits for tho year his ront having been paid and he holds enough corn in reserve to feed his stock and seed Taking into consideration that ho has had had Iris Jiving and that his stock is growing more valuable each day ho has evidently demonstrated that farming in Nebraska is a good proposi tion lie has recently bought a farm of his own The dairy business in Nebraska is making rapid headway increasing 335 in 1902 over 1901 and at the present rate of increase in five years Nebraska will lead in this product There are in tho state now 258 skimming stations and the number will bo increased this spring possibly to 300 Fifteen car loads of butter aro -being turned out each week from the Lincoln Creamery alone and the smaller concerns are doing as well Tho grade of dairy stock is being rapidly improved and with the finest water in tho world and untold acres of the finest dairy food ever raised alfalfa t h e future of the industry is assured and it means untold wealth for the state Miss Zella Leslie M Zella ippepssa i Leslie who plays Neo damia in San ford Podges production o f The Gladia tor has a con genial role and one in which she ex eel Is The picture of the beautiful Christian girl who surrounded by plot and intrigue is constant to her belief and when at last she is in prison sur rounded by tho fanatic mob she im plores her father to slay her rather than be thrown into the hands of the infuri ated populace is a situation once seen will never bo forgotten From the time that Flavian frees her from slavery when she denounces the empress when she is condemned to die in the arena Miss Leslie proves herself equal t o every emergency giving a finished portrayal of a most beautiful character leaving a lasting and inspir ing impression A Victim of Pneumonia Henry Glover of Perry precinct died of pneumonia last Saturday He was 03 years of age Mr Glover formerly lived at York this state coming to Perry precinct last Friday aweek and moving onto the Real farm acquired by the Glovers last fall Tho remains were taken on board No 2 Monday morning at Perry and ship ped to York for burial York Neb Feb 24 The funeral of Henry Glover whose death occurred at McCook Neb was held Tuesday after noon at the Methodist church the Rev O W Fifer officiating Mr Glover had left York only a short time previous to his death and tho announcement came as a shock to his many friends in this locality Consumption Claimed Her Mrs John McClung nee Tena McAl pine died of consumption Saturday at her home in Indianola The remains were shipped Monday to Firth Ne braska for interment the relatives from Denver and elsewhere accompanying the body to its last resting place The deceased had been ill for a long while and her death has been expected for some time The bereaved family have the sympathy of many McCook friends The Methodist ladies scored the usual success in their Washington dinner supper and bazar last Saturday It is stated that Engineer J E San born will go down on the Hastings Red Cloud run Indigestion Causes Catarrli of the Stomacli For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re peated attacks of indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach jm mm relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a sense of fullness after eating indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet Bottlescnly Regular size 100 holding 2 times the trial size which cells for 50 cents Prepared by E C DeWITT CO Chicago III THE OLD RELIABLE pOYAl VKlK POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Lincoln Letter Lincoln Neb Feb 23 1903 Specinl Correspondence The revenue bill is still tho prevailing topic of conversation at the capital Tho bill is to bo presented to the house this week and no doubt will bo discussed to the exclusion of other bills Tho new bill was agreed upon in detail by the joint committee a week ago and a sub committee has been at work carefully revising it and correcting the clerical errors in tho typewritten copies The expectation is that it will come before tho house in splendid shape and that very few important amendments will be offered or adopted There are some few who are skeptical about tho passage of a general bill but they seem to be in a decided minority In the senate there seem to be an overwhelming sentiment in favor of tho proposed bill Among tho standing committees dur ing the past week the principal interest has centered around tho proposed eleva tor bill and the investigation of tele phone rates After several hearingsthe Ramsey elevator bill house roll 70 has has been recommended for passage with some slight amendments In the mean time the committee to investigate tele phone rates has had several1 very warm meetings and at this date has come to no definite conclusion The evidence as to the expense of conducting a telephone business has been most startling in its varience and it is probable that further evidence will bo heard during the week In the strife as to whether the independ ent lines shall be allowed to establish toll stations in the large cities the spe cial telephone committee seems to have lined up with tho old line company The joint resolution calling for a con stitutional convention has passed the senate by an unanimous vote and is now in tho hands of the house commit tee It is said that it will receive con siderable opposition in the house and may not pass The statement recently made that the governor is opposed to the idea of a convention may have -some effect in retarding tho resolution There are many who advocate the adoption of amendmentSjinstead of calling a conven tion on account of the expense which would be incurred by tho convention Others however point to the fact that in tho last dozen years the state has spent 140000 attempting to adopt amendments and failing in each case Interesting bills recently introduced in thesenate 179 providing a penalty of not more than three years in the peni tentiaryor a fine not exceeding lC0O for the crime of desertion of minor childrenby parents 181 changing tho registration law to permit voters to regis ter at the office of the city clerk on any day during the month preceeding the election 183 amending the pharmacy law in regard to registered pharmacists 1S5 permitting the hooking or seining of fish in the Missouri river at any sea son of thejyear 1S8 providing that road tax in counties not under township or ganization be paid half in labor half in cash Interesting house bills 2S0 and 281 to prevent fraud or counterfeiting in the handling of railroad tickets 285 pro viding for a lien on grain for the thresh ing or shelling bill 289 to regulatethe use and prevent injury to bridges and public highways 295 to compel the cutting and trimming of hedges along public roads304 to provide for the full width of public roads 313 making the the birthdaysTof McKinley and Lincoln flag day public holidays Up to date the senate has passed 37 bills and killed 17 the house has passed 32 and killed 30 The senate has 38 bills on general file ready for considera tion and the house has 40 The num ber of bills that pass both houses is usually about 110 A Revised Order of Creation The following stray reached this office recently via the Bartley Inter Ocean In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth then the editor then the liberal advertiser which were all good The next day it snowed and he created the man who does not believe in advertising another who does not take the home paper and then he rested And then the devil got into the moulding room and created the man who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it After he had completed that sorry job and hav ing a few lumps left he created the excuse of a man who settles his sub scription by informing the postmaster to mark his paper refused TS AtfUi - ADDITIONAL RAILB0AD NEWS James Cumming has quit tho service Engine 289 was taken out of tho shop Tuesday Engine 75 has been transferred to tho Wyoming division Dave Eckhardt of tho paint gang re signed Wednesday The sunflower branches require the presence of tho snowplows today John Rice of the trainmasters office visited the homefolks at Haigler Sun day Chief Clerk Lawritson and family visited his brother at Indianola between trains Sunday Walter Leach inspector on the rip track spent Sunday with his brother George in Donver Conductor Moso Carmoney has been off duty part of the week on account of sickness in his family Firemen Ritchie and Crawford have resigned from the service A L Barnes returned home Mon day from visiting in Alma Conductor O R Amick will move to Hastings and gets the Hastings Red Cloud run Asst Genl Supt G W Rhodes of Lincoln was at headquarters Tuesday and Wednesday on company affairs Conductor Joseph Hegenberger will be assigned next week to a Southern division run on account of the mileage question Engines 350 351 352 353 and 355 of Sheridan will be sent to the Alliance division and put into use here Alli ance Grip Brakeman P E Potter was off duty Thursday on business and Brakeman M S Jennings made his run with Con ductor John Morris A couple of records for hauling ton nage were made this week A class D 4 engine pulled 2700 tons from Crete to Lincoln and a class K 2 engine hauled 3496 tons from Torrington to Bridgeport Alliance Grip Word was received by the relatives and friends of J R Phelan here that he has been seriously ill in New York City but is somewhat better now and hopes to be able to resume his wedding trip soon Alliance Times 24th Burlington freight No 303 telescoped Union Pacific freight No 20 at Sterling Colorado Thursday morning demol ishing caboose and three cars and kill ing 20 head of cattle Owing to a dense fog Burlington engine crew failed to see the signals Lately a New York Central train ran from Albany to Buffalo 302 miles in 295 minutes representing and average speed of nearly 92 miles an hour On the run they covered the distance from Palmyra to Macedon G29 miles in four minutes flat This corresponds to a speed of 109 miles an hour FSH in Alliance Grip The Burlington is getting through a new scale for the pay of encinemen which will give some of them a substan tial increase while others will not bo af fected by the change Tho new scale will date effective February first This is supplementary to the increase in pay granted in September and is made neces sary by the use of larger engines on both freight and passenger trains Just what the increase will be cannot be said It varies in many instances Some discre pances said to have existed in the for mer increase have also been corrected Lincoln Journal CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Baptist Preaching at Hand S oclock Bible school at 915 B Y P U at 7 Mid week prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 Cordial welcome to all who come CRichakd BETTSPastor Congregational Sunday school 10 Preaching 11 subject Can You Make the Sun Stand Still Y P S C E 7 Preaching 8 subject Doubt Dis armed Mid week prayer service 8 All are cordially welcome Frank W Dean Pastor The snowfall of Thursday and Thurs day night was one of the deepest of the the winter 4 to 6 inches VThe Keystoneb J of Good Health Nfr is pure food B S is all coffee no glazing of eggs or glue to conceal de fects and cheapen its quality Fresh and uniform rich in flavor because always in sealed packages never in hulk- tzHp Constipation is nothing more than a clogginrr of the bowels and nothing less than vital stag nation or death if not relieved If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system he would soon get relief Constipation invites all kind of contagion Headaches bilious ness colds and many other ail ments disappear when consti pated bowels are relieved Thed fords Black Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the purging of calomel or other vio lent cathartics Be sure that you get the origi nal liieclloru s Ulack Draiight made by The Chattanooga Medi cine Co Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and 100 packages Morgan Ark Mar 25 1901 I cannot recommend Thcdfords Black Draughttoo highly 1 keep It In my houso all tho tlmo and liaro used It for the last ten years 1 never gave my children uny other laxative I think 1 could never lie nblo to work without It on account or being troubled with constipation Your medicine is all that keeps me up C 11 McFAKLAND The Valley of the Grand Having spent my childhood near Mc Cook coming there when tho town con sisted of a sod postoffice I have always felt an interest in that section of Ne braska Thinking readers of The Tribune might like to know something of the Grand River valley I shall endeavor to tell of a few of the leading features There are at present about four inches of snow on the ground as level as a floor The writer has lived here four years and has not seen a snow drift in that time as the wind never blows in tho winter making blizzards impossible Since February 1st the government thermometer has registered as low as 15 below zero several nights the cold est ever known in the valley but our rural mail carrier still wears his last summers straw hat Surrounded by mountains on which the snow lies until July the summers are always cool and a ono days drive takes one to fine mountain lakes where flies and mosquitoes aro not known and fish and fowl abound Grand Junction is a city of over five thousand people with largo public library high school business college electric light business college sewer system fire department and excellent water works All country schools are graded and are second to none The products are rich and varied and all crops are raised by irrigation Rain does more harm than good as it causes a crust to form on top of the ground which is difficult for some tender plants to push through Our irrigation system is the best in the state as water is abundant and cheap Fruit and alfalfa might be called the staple products although all crops grown in temperate climates are cultivated to some extent here Pota toes are planted in larger acreage every year and command good prices Corn does well but does not produce as solid ears as Nebraska corn in cood vears The Fruit Growers association shipped over 500 carloads of fruit the past season beside much more that was shipped locally The poultry business is one of growing importance Eggs are worth from 20c a dozen in the summer to 35c a dozen in the winter and frying chickens rarely sell at less than 12c per pound live weight There is also a good demand for thoroughbred poultry Wages are good Farm laborers get SI 75 per day or 8350 with team while workmen in town receive 6200 to 2 50 or 500 with team Ground is now be ing broken for a large smelter which all think is a great advantage to our town We also have a beet sugar fac tory which cost half a million dollars but is not as successful as it should be owing to the disinclination of operators to pay a remunerative price for the beets We wish McCook better success Mrs Frank P Mead Grand Junction Colorado February 20th 1903 COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Following are tho marriage licenses issued since our last report John R Balding age 24 of Trenton and Mary Crocker age 22 of Indianola Albert D Musgrave age 22 and Amy L Parker age 18 both of Danbury Married by the county judge W B Green age 37 and Clara L Allen age 36 of Norton Kansas Albert B Culver age 21 and Ada A Collicott ago 21 both of Cambridge Married by the county judge Samuel McClung age 30 of Oklahoma and Anna Lafferty age 20 of Danbury LEBANON Miss Ally Guy is reportod quite sick this week W S Fosick shipped a car of hogs Wednesday morning Tho Lebanon school celebrated Wash ingtons birthday in an appropriate man ner Friday afternoon John Foloy and wife are called to Wil cox again Thursday this time by tho death of Mrs Foleys father Jim Cummings who is an apprentico in the machino shop at McCook was visiting homo folks this week Tho infant child of Mr and Mrs Joo Jolly died last Saturday night Tho burial took place Mondaj at Long Branch Col Dick Wirts tho Beaver City auctioneer spent Thursday night in Lebanon going to Fred Wiggins sale Friday Mr and Mrs William Hiersekorn gave a houso party last Saturday evening Everybody who was there reports a splen did time Fred B Glover of Kansas City Mo attended his sale hero last Wednesday and was ocherwiso looking after h i s interests in tho vicinity of Lebanon Rev Edgar Miles formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church at this placo but now located at Hubbell Nebraska was calling on frionds in Lebanon this week Fred and Will Redfeldt will sell their stock implements household goods Saturday The boys have concluded to quit baching and will go to Oklahoma about Juno 1st Quite a serious accident occurred last Friday south of town While tho peo ple were returning from the Wiggins sale several teams being close together tho center piece on the neckyoke of Billy Murphys buggy broke The tongue fell to the ground frightening tho horses and causing them to run away At the time of the accident they were going down a long hill and it being impossible to guide the horses or turn them from the road they ran into Will Campbells buggy completely wrecking it and seri ously injuring Joe Morgan who was with Mr Campbell The Murphy team ran into a fence in a short time wrecking that buggy also Tho other buggies escaped injury At this writing Mr Morgan is improving but is not able to leave his bed DANBURY Mrs Maud Bell is visitincr relatives in Danbury Mrs F G Stilgebour was quite sick the first of the week but is now much better Grandma Fair and Miss Ada departed on Tuesday of last week for an indefinite stay at Friend Nebraska Mrs Rena Dewey has been very sick at the home of her parents JBDolphs but is now much better and able to be up Every day more of the beautiful white snow If our lives were as white and pure what a world it would be But then if as cold what then Whew To Relieve Russell F Loomis Representative Hathorn has intro duced in the legislature a bill to afford relief to Russell FLoomis of this county Land on which Loomis settled before it was surveyed happened to be school land and the state must now give some relief to him or dispossess him of it The bill provides that on the surrender of the lease by Mr Loomis to the state he shall be paid 83088 for the same This method was taken as the only legal man ner to effect the purpose of the bill Wji J Tabor is here from Oregon guest of the Glovers Mrs Fred Bosworth entertained the Alphabet club Wednesday evening Mrs Cora Kellev departed last night on G for her home in Harlan la Mrs A P Thomson departed for Omaha this morning on a visit to her sister Mrs C M Bailey and Mrs J G Schobel entertained the new card club last Friday evening at Mrs Baileys home Home for Families of IJanditi Not actuated by remorse but by pure philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of outlaws has concluded to devote all his money to the maintenance of a home for the orphans and widows or men he has run to earth in particular and of criminals of the great South west in general Jim Jenkins now of Kansas is now 65 years old and has spent forty years as a scout and hunt er or banaiis ana train robbers In this way he has made about 50000 Among the distinguished outlaws he has chased were Jesse James and his broth er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill Cook while he was the leader of the band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1S95 In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas Jenkins was shot eight times He esti mates his bag of bad men at about 150 The homfc -which is being built on a 5000-a-re farm owned by Jenkins near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20- 000 Buffalo Express Kiryptolojrlc Kntlmsiinm It may he noted as an agreeable evi dence of the spread of Egyptological enthusiasm in America that nearly half the aggregate income of the fund unariesA wasson age JU and Anna j for the last year came from M Jacques age 1G of McCook United States London Spectator the BEAUTY TRIUMPHS TIs a Priceless Treasure Beauty is womans greatest charm The world adores beautiful women A pretty woman dreads maternity for fear of losing this power What can badone to perpetu ate the race and keep women beautiful There is n balm used by cultured and un cultured women in the crisis Husbands should investigate this remedy in order to reassure their wives as to the ease with which children can be born and beauty of form and figure retained Mothers Friend is the name by which this preparation is known It diminishes the pain allied to motherhood Used throughout pregnancy it relieves morning sickness cures sore breasts makes elastic all tendons called upon to hold the expanding burden Muscles soften and relax under its influ ence and the patient anticipates favorably the issue in the comfort thus bestowed Mothers Friend is a liniment for ex ternal application It is gently rubbed over the parts so severely taxed and being absorbed lubricates all the muscles Druggists sell it for i per bottle You may have our book rtotherhood free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C I P A LcmIko No 612 meets first nnd third Thursdays of each month McConnolls hull 830 p m E B Huukk Prosidont W S Guyek Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodfjo No IS07 nieots on tocond and fourth Mon day evonitifis of each month at oitiht oclock in McConnoll hall K W Devok Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary A Weak Stomach causes n weak body andinvites dis eae Kodol Dypcpsia Curu cures and streriKthens tho stomach and wards oil and overcomes disease J B Taylor a prominent merchant of Cliries man Texas says I could not oat because or a weak stomach I lost all strength and run down in weight All that money could do was done but all hopo of recovery vanished Hear ing of some wonderful cures effected by tho use of Kodol I concluded to try it Tho firat bottle benefitted me and after taking four bottles I am fully restored to my usual btrength weight and health L W McConnell druggist Mysterious Circumstances Ono was pale and sallow and tho other fresh and rosy Whence tho difference She who is blushing with health uses Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills to maintain it By gently arousing tho lazy organs they compel good digestion and head oil constipation Try them Only JJoc at L V McConnell druggist RHEUMATISM AT LAST Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suiFer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering together with the most elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever published No matter what your form of tism is whether acute chronic muscu lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many socalled sure cures you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a donrnr nor n nrnfnccn simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and I want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism about it I wish to bo clearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this day and I will send you by return mail this work of mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring and to those who have been cast asido ic inrnmi All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me tell you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail vou this wonderful story If you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send me their ad dress and I will mail them a copy My address in Victor Rainbolt Bloomfield Indiana Your Tongue If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Ayers Pills will clean your tongue cure your pepsia make your liver right - iu iaivc easy iu operate Z5C All druggists t r iii i am juur xnnuticiie or heard intTfrTT a be i brown or rioli Yii9i o ft lu DeauiUui BUCKINGHAMS BYEtei ML A CO Nivn A N H 1 T 7 t i Hi 3 1 I 1