7 2 vj ir s BRDWD SEITZER lOOBESAll HEADACHES Vhea Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper W N U Omaha No 91903 rnort uiMFRF 111 ELSE FAILS Tno Vinerh Svrtltl TaStCS GOCKi US8 In time Sold by druggists Kgwvu a s a - id ronHsi I II i I IIIIIIH I ail u ium mil vvjp soLDVJYimEiE yr Will Undermine Your Health Mulls Grape Tonic Cures Constipation When the sewer of a city becomes stopped up the refuse backs into the Btreets where it decays and rots spreading disease- creating germs mrougnouc me enure city An epidemic of sickness follows It is the same way when the bowels fail to work K JHB ThA undigested food backs into the system and there it rots and decays From this I festering mass the blood saps up all the dis ease germs and at every heart beat carries them to every tissue just as the water works of a city forces impure water into every house The only way to cure a condition like this is to cure the constipation Pills and the ordinary cathartics will do no good V KJ9H1 iffi fiEfflt3B TfiRIIft is a crushed fruit tonic laxative which nermanentlv cures the affliction fe The tonic properties contained in the grape strength and health It will quickly restore lost flesh and make rich red blood As a laxative its action is immediate and posi tive gentle ana natural Mulls Grape l onic isuaranteea or money oauw Send 10c to Lightning Medicine Co Bock Island HI for large 5am JIO UUtllC iVU uiusgiaia oc icsiui OUOU NEW DISCOVERY elves ODlfDCV quick relief and cures worst ascs Book of testimonials and 10 DAYB treatment msS DrHHGEEENSSONSBoxEAUantaG CIREQORYS I B Kk Sold nndtr izl VZ C LJVk three Yrarrnnta fwcitslopcofrce 3 3 11 C3XG0EY SOX XUrMehead Sui Sslc55vk SESiB n1f Thompsons Eye Wafer MifE 9w ra n I Peruna is recommended by fifty members of I I Congress by Governors Consuls Generals 1 I Majors Captains Admirals Eminent Physicians I B Clergymen many Hospitals and public institu I frans 2c thousands upon thousands of those in I I e humbler walks of life I Hot Stuff for the French A member of the staff of Figaro a spraightly Paris newspaper was sent to the United States to make psycho logical and analytical studies of America and Americans Tne Gallic journalist has published his observa tions on our economic social and po litical institutions A day or two ago he gave the readers of Figaro his views about our great national sport Le foot ball He saw the game between Harvard and Yale and describes it with a realism and a minuteness of detail which are said to be very im pressive The Gallic observer appears to have been startled by the ferocious cries of Kill him Kill him from excited partisans of the rival teams He explains that those who incite to murder are not really assassins at heart It may well be asked he adds whether a pastime which elicits such brutal frenzy can be good for civiliza tion It would be interesting to have a record of the Figar mans impressions of what in sporting parlance is de scribed as a hot base ball game Le foot ball it is conceded is not childs play But if the Paris journalist were to hear some of the blood curdling de mands for vengeance upon the umpire of a base ball contest if he were to see that unfortunate person attacked by a mob of bloodthirsty rooters he would possible conclude that Le foot ball is not such a savage pastime after all Baltimore Sun Just in Time Broadland So Dak Feb 23d Bea dle county has never been so worked up as during the last few weeks Every one is talking of the wonderful case of G W Gray of Broadland the particulars of which are best told in the following statement which Mr Gray has just published x I was dying I had given up all hope I was prostrate and as helpless as a little babe I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble for many years and it finally turned to Brights Dis ease All medicine had failed and I was in despair I ordered one box of Dodds Kidney Pills and this first box helped me out of bed I continued the treatment till now I am a strong well man I praise God for the day when I decided to use Dodds Kidney Pills Everybody expected that Mr Gray would die and his remarkable recovery is regarded as little short of a miracle by all who know how very low he was Dodds Kidney Pills are certainly a wonderful remedy If the wife is the better half and the husband is the better half then where on earth does the mother-in-law come in Att UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPERS Use Red Cross Ball Blue It makes clothes clean and sweet as when new All grocers When the poor pianist has music on the rack the hearers are in the same fix st P J THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There was a fair run of cat tle hero and tho market as a Whole was In very satisfactory condition Packers seemed to bo quite anxious for supplies so that a fairly early clearance was made The beef steer market though was not quite as brisk as It was tho day before on the pood cattle The heavy weights In particular did not sell very well and on that class salesmen were calling the market a little lower The cow market was active and stronger on cutters and the better grades of corn feds For the week the market on that class of cattle Is fully 25c higher and In some places more Canners however have been rather neglected all tho week and have not shown any Improvement Bulls were not any more than stead with the demand indifferent Veal calves sold freely at steady prices Sup plies of stock cattle were limited and as Is generally tho case toward the closo of tho week tho marekt was if any thing a shade lower as speculators were afraid to get many cattle on hand for fear of being obliged to carry them over HOGS There was not an excessive run of hogs at any point and as a result prices Improved a little under the In fluence of a good demand At this point the market was rather slow Sellers held for a 510c advance and that was tho way tho bulk of tho hogs sold Tho big end of the receipts sold from 605 to 705 The heavier weights sold mostly from 700 to 705 and as high as 715 was paid for prime heavyweights Tho me dium hogs sold largely from 095 to 700 while tho light hogs sold from 095 down SHEEP Choice western lambs G0OS3 C25 fair to good lambs 5C5SC0O choice native and Colorado lambs C00S625 choice yearlings 550575 fair to good yearlings 500550 choice wethers 475 525 fair to good J UOSMTo choice ewes f425tTi50 fair to good 325IOO feeder lambs 400500 feeder yearlings 375 400 feeder wethers 375400 feeder ewes 2255300 KANSAS CITY CATTLE Fat cattle slow steady cows and heifers steady to lower stock ers and feeders active steady quaran tine slow choice export and dressed beef steers 450fj525 fair to good 340 450 stockers and feeders 225440 western fed steers 275 5500 Texas and Indian steers 300400 Texas cows 190 P 25 native cows 2000405 native heif ers 2250425 canners LOO0225 bulls 22o425 calves 2500000 HOGS Market opened strong to Cc higher closed weak top 720 bulk of hsales 7000715 heavy 7100720 mixed packers 0950712 light 0700705 yorkers 6950705 pigs 5850070 SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady native lambs 4000065 western lambs 3So0G5O fed ewes 3150000 native wethers 3500555 western wethers 340 0370 stockers and feeders 2500305 PEACE POWERS PROTOCOL Agreements Between Other Claimants nd Venezuela WASHINGTON D C Among the callers on Herbert W Bowen Vene zuelas representative Friday Avas Ferdinand Van Dcrheid formerly charge daffaires of Belgium to Vene zuela who came with the Belgian minister Baron Moncheur Mr Van Derheid has been designated as charge daffaires to Chile but has stopped in Washington to give what assistance he can to Baron Moncheur in drawing up the Bengian protocol with Mr Bowen The representatives of the various peace powers are having cable ex changes with their governments to guide them in the drafting of the protocols for the settlement of the claims of citizens of their countries against Venezuela None of those protocols are yet in shape for signa ture Minister Bowenfc accompanied by Mrs Bowen ma call on the various diplomatic officials with whom he has been conducting negotia tions Affecting Pension Laws WASHINGTON D C Representa tive Sulloway on Friday introduced a bill reciting that in the administra tion of the pension laws and enlisted man in the military service of the United States during the rebellion shall be held to be entitled to a pen sion for any disability contracted by him during any and all enlistments recognized by the war department as valid provided his disability or disa bilities were contracted during the performance of military duty within the meaning of the pension laws any ruling or decision of the secretary of the interior to the contrary notwith standing Was With Roosevelt DENVER Colo Sherman M Bell a member of Roosevelts rough riders during the Spanish American war lias been appointed adjutant general of the Colorado National Guard by Gov ernor Peabody Says Sun Is Inhabited LA PORTE Ind Alexander Young of La Porte makes the announcement that from observations made by him he is confident that the sun is inhab ited He claims to have seen on the suns surface mountain sides with great and precipitous rocks which glow with prismatic colors blended with the greenness of a perennial vegetation and with a floral radiance more beautiful- than that of the earth WiJ IJ PROVE DOANS FREE HELP Those who doubt who think because other Kidney Remedies do them no good who feel discouraged they profit most by the Free Trial of Doans Kidney PHls The wondrous results stamp Doan merit Aching backs arc eased Hip back and loin pains overcome Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment high colored excessive pain in pass ing dribbling frequency bed wetting Doans Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel Relieve heart palpita tion sleeplessness headache nervousness Salem Ind Feb 5 1003 I received the trial package of Doans Kidney Pills nnd I must confess they did mo woudcrf ul good It seems strange to say that I had tried several kinds of kidney medicines without doing me any good I had back ache pain iu my bladder and scalding urine and the sample package sent me stopped it all in a few days and with the package I am now using from our drug store I expect to be cured permanently It is wonderful but sure and certain the med icine docs its work I was in constant misery until I commenced the use of Doans Kidney Pills Cuas It Cook P O Box 90 Salem Washington Co 111 Foreign Born Senators Senator John P Jones of Nevada who says he will retire from public life after March 3 has served his state in the United States senate for thirty years The senator is one of tho five members of the upper house who are not natives of the United States He was born in Herefordshire England Senator Patterson was born in Ireland Senator Nelson in Norway and Senators Willard and Kearns in Canada while Senator Wetmore was born in London while his parents were abroad South Bahton villi III Feb 1000 I received the trial packago of Doans Kidneys Pills and havo bought several boxes of my druggist They havo done mo much good I was hardly able to do any work until I began taking them now I can work all day and my back does not get the least bit tired Jnn Gkay FREE TO MAKE YOU A FRIEND m mJ iic tj I vSmCEMr w mw g5 Doans Kidney -Pills o Tan j i4 - lOHt ofilco Stnto fvH7 tFwf My friends tried to persuade me to consult my physician but dread ing that he would insist on using the knife I would not consent to go Instead I got a small bottle of Cuticura Resolvent and a box of Cu ticura Ointment I took the former according to directions and spread a thick layer of the Ointment on a linen cloth and placed it on the swelling On renewing it I would bathe my neck in very warm water and Cuticura Soap In a few days the Cuticura Ointment had drawn the swelling to a head when it broke Every morning it was opened with a large sterilized needle squeezed and bathed and fresh Ointment put on Pus and blood and a yellow cheesy ttimorous matter came out In about three or four weeks time this treatment completely eliminated boil and tumor The soreness that had ex Mk sGSRSfcfiWfcjrf mr rosTCii Miuiuns Co RutTalo X Y llcaso Ketul inu by mull without charge i trial box Doana Klduoy Iilis Kamo Cut mt coupon on cloUci linen anil mnll to L Koater illllmrn Co llullalu N Y I Medlcnl Advice Free Strictly ConfldenTlslT Nervous Man and Chess Dr Lasker the chess champion in a recent interview declared that chess playing not carried to excess im proves a mans health Most of tho prominent players he added llvo to an advanced age But nervous people shouldnt play chess at night If they do they cant sleep Nor in tho morn ing or they cant work They shouldnt play at all in fact Chess is beneficial to the normal man just as athletics is good for him Tho chess player lives longer than the athlete Sends the Following Grand Testimonial to the Merits of Cuticura Remedies in the Treatment of Humours of the Blood Skin and Scalp I wish to give my testimony to the efficiency of the Cuticura Reme dies in what seems to me two some what remarkable cases I had a number of skin tumours small ones on my arms which had never given me serious trouble but about two years ago one came en my throat At first it was only about as large as a pinhead but as it was in a position where my collar if not just right would irritate it it soon became very sensitive and began to grow rapidly Last spring it was as large if not larger than a bean A little unusual irritation of my collar started it to swelling and in a day or two it was as large as half an orange I was very much alarmed and was at a loss to de termine whether it was a carbuncle or a malignant tumor - a i HbcLj rfeslSt Jii rL tended down into my cnest was all gone and my neck now seems to bo perfectly well About five or six years ago rny sister had a similar experience Sho had two large lumps corne under her right arm the result of a sprain They grew rapidly and our physi cian wanted to cut them out I would not listen to it and che tried the Cuticura Remedies as I did a few months ago with magical effect In Gix weeks time the lumps iiatl entirely disappeared and have never returned 1 have great faith in the Cuticura Remedies and I believe they miffht be as efficacious in similar cases with other people and thus save much suffering and perhaps life I have derived so much benefit from the use of them myself that I am constantly advising others to use them Re cently I recommended 1 lFzvnr7r HrBrnn w Jt3 r F few them to an oince boy for his father who was dis abled with salt rheum The mans feet were swollen to an enormous ze and he had not orked for 6ix weeks Two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment worked a perfect cure You never saw a more grateful manmyourlife I am very much in terested in another ease where I have recom mended Cuticura just now My housemaids mother has a goitre which had reached a very dangerous point The doctors told her that nothing could be done that she could live only two or three weeks and that she would die of strangulation She was confined to her bed and was unable to speak when her daughter at my suggestion tried the effect of the Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Resolvent Strange to say she was very shortly relieved of the most distressing symptoms The swelling seemed to be exteriorized and she is now able to be around her house and can talk as well as ever It seems to me that I have pretty good grounds for believing that Cuticura Remedies will prove suc cessful in the most distressing forms of blood and skin humours and if you wish to use my testimonial as herein indicated I am willing that you should do so with the further privilege of revealing my name and address to such persons as may wish to substantiate the above state ments by personal letter to me Chicago Nov 12 1002 ClTIClVIA REMEDIES aro sold throuchont the civilized world PRICES Cntleara Kc t bottle in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills tic per vial of tO Cuticara 0 jitsiestCCc per box and CuUccnk Soap C5c per rate Send for the great wort llumoara of the Elood Stia aad Scalp and Uoir to Cure ThemC4 Pages 300 Disease with Illustrations Testimonials and Direction in all lantnaeea mdedinc Japanese and Chinese British Depot S7 C3 Charierhouie Sq I ondoa E C French Depot 5 Kne de a Pali Paris Australian Depot E Towns Co Sydney Porrea Decg asd Chuucj1 Conrosxxxos Sole Proprietors Iioston U S A People who try to appear wise are often only plain every day fools Asfc Your Dealer For Allens Foot Ease A powder It rests the feet Cures CornB Bunions SwolIenSoreHotCalIousAching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing 2s ails Allens Foot Easo makes new ortight shoes easy At all Druggists and Shoe stores t3 cents Ac cept no substitute Sample mailed Free Address Allen S Olmsted LeRoy X Y A man hates a clever woman but a woman adores a clever man GENS WANTEC for The New York Evening Hews tha daily Eay to get RubscrtpMons I KOt4 J vrywitlz 15 mlnntes Keep posted Latest ratrces fa hMns Etorle politics etc Joseph Howard Jr tho rot famoinnempoer man In Ymcrli writes exclusively for us In New York Ilowar ls cijmn e is worth more tlin the entire price uf the paper Oniy ine pnTTTrrPy I K nf ronr ppnrrr huv X UlilJLlU eyss it ai bidr -Quick returns and the highest prices ihat location facilities and experience can slve Write for tass and prlce MOBEUT PLKVJh Jb tntllBa 1870 Omaha Seb