Spread of the Drug Habit With tho facta brought to light by tho state board of pharmacy which has secured indictments against cer tain druggists alleged to have sold co caine illegally tho need of energetic concerted action to suppress the durg habit becomes apparent Tho most dangerous feature of the abuse of drugs is that once established in a community it becomes almost ineradi cable A few of the victims are cured but the others do not cscajio its clutches until they die and meanwhile tho vice is steadily securing new re cruits There is reason to fear that were it left unchecked tho indulgence in cocaine opium chloral and similar dmgs might become as great a menace as drunkenness In its effort to stamp out tho habit by preventing tho sale of these drugs the board of pharmacy should have active support not only from boards of health and states attorneys but from the druggists themselves both Indi vidually and through their associa tions It would be a wise and timely action for druggists to take the in itiative in discountenancing the at tempt to gain profit in this way It should hardly be necessary to add that a conscientious physician who finds it necessary to prescribe drugs for his patients owes it to society to exert every precaution to keep his patients from becoming habituated to their use Chicago News French Taught by Phonograph They are beginning to use the phon ograph in teaching foreign languages If French for example is the language under study a native of France talks into the phonograph and the record is sent to the pupil who with the aid of a phonograph of his own hears the correctly spoken French and tries to reproduce it with his own vocal or gans The results thus obtained are no doubt better than the student could achieve by studying the language from books and guessing at the pronuncia tion and the phonograph method might be employed advantageously by educational establishments which un dertake to teach the modern languages but cannot afford to employ fully com petent instructors Oh yes there are such institutions One of them is the United States Military academy at West Point where one man has sole charge of the department of modern languages including English French and Spanish They have a French speaking phonograph at the Point and Superintendent Mills says it is a wonderful help He thinks that it would be well enough to have a Span iard and a Frenchman to talk to the cadets in class in their respective tongues Superintendent Mills con clusion seems reasonable But the United States is so poor Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Blessed is Work Work is the blessing of blessings if only we are properly instructed in it and if we choose wisely what we are able to do Merely as a resource in times of trouble and perplexity of mind work is worth all the exertion and pains one has put into learning it especially work where the br n takes its part The most wearing thing about routine housework is that it does not occupy the mind while one is about it One can think of ones trou bles over dishwashing I suppose there has been an ocean of tears shed over that prosaic work I knew a girl once who was in great grief over the death of her sister She diligently practiced singing her scales every morning while she worked about the kitchen It kept her from brooding over her trouble I never hear do re me fa without thinking of this brave cheery girl who became a great singer and what is much more important a very hap py helpful woman in after years February Womans Home Compaion A Careful Lad A school teacher in Kentucky had some trouble in teaching a little fel low to say double 1 double e dou ble s etc But after a while his ef forts were fruitful and he was grati fied by an extraordinary appearance of interest on the pupils part In fact the boy became a double letter hunter and ceased altogether to require atten tion at that point About that time they reached the lesson concerning the early riser beginning with Up Up and see the sun He read it Doupble up and see the sun February Womans Home Com panion A Professional Interest Caller My husband read this poem at a public celebration before hun dreds of people It was the last poem he ever wrote Editor glancing over manuscript Ah yes I see Did the lynching take place at once or did the mob wait till nightfall Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in tho Childrens Homo in New York euro Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomnch Teothing Disorders move and regulate tho Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 tes timonials At all druggists 25c Samplo FREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoy N Y The quiet man is generally there in an emergency To Cure a Cold in One clay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25c A bad promise is like a good cake better broken than kept Lewis Single Binder straight 5c cigar Made by hand of ripe thoroughly cured tobacco which insures a rich satis fying smoke You pay 10c for cigars not so good A beautiful woman enhances her charm if she can surround herself with an air of mystery AXT UP TO DATE HOUSEKEEPERS use Defiance Cold Water Starch because it Is better and 4 oz more of it for same money It is easy to forget a slight when it is the other fellow that is slighted I do -not believe Pisos Curo for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds Jons P BorER Trinity Springs Inc Feb 15 1900 Illusions are the veils that destiny throws over our eyes to blind us or to enchant us yyyYVV PMyyyMrVVYYVVVyYVVVVY -- - THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Branches of the Twenty Eighth Genera1 Assembly SENATE In the senate on the JSth S F 137 Water rights and irrigation passed S F 49 providing that city treasurer shall bo ex offlclo treasurer of school hoard and providing for boards passed S F C5 relating to marks and brands passed S F 126 providing that state superin tendents shall prescribe general course of study which school boards may fol low Amended that no change In text books be required Bill passed Senate Went Into a committee of the whole with Sloan of Fillmore in the chair S F 120 realtlng to school lands and providing when they shall revert to the state upon non payment of taxes or interest amend ed and ordered engrossed S F 191 by Young by request Joint resolution fix ing the amount to be set apart for the erection of a sodhouse and modern farm buildings showing the progress of Ne braska as an exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase exposition Mrs Louise Bow ser wants the state to give her 2000 out of Louisiana exposition appropriation She agrees to erect a two story sodhouse with a restaurant in lower story upper story to bo open and public all to cost 20000 S F 192 by Sloan of Fillmore by request Re enacting representative feature in fraternal societies S F 193 by Marshall of Otoe by request Defin ing the name and purpose and providing for the government and maintenance of the Nebraska School for the Blind S F 1W by Marshall of Otoe by request Defining the name and purpose and pro viding for the government and mainten ance of the Nebraska School for tho S F 142 by Howell of Douglas had rough sailing in the senate on the 19th and after a long discussion in the com mittee of the whole no action was taken the bill to retain its place on general file The bill provides that before unincorpor ated mutual companies shall have power to insure outside of the members of the company or to pay officers more than 2 per day or to employ solicitors the com pany shall deposit with the state a surety bond for 100000 Standing committees re ported the following bills for general file Defining desscrtion of wife husband or minor child regarding game and fish commission and season for killing game no claim for subscription to news paper or magazine shall be valid except for time ordered providing that courts may order judgments paid in install ments providing for the supersedeas of cases appealed to supreme court provid ing for bonds to be given by parties sell ing liquor H R 114 providing for the printing of the report of state superin tendent amended that printing be let by state printing board recommended for passage IT R 4S providing for cost of bonds of school board treasurers to be paid by districts recommended for pas sage The following bills were reported back by committees in the senate on the 20th with the recommendation that they be placed on the general file for passage S F 132 providing that the deposit of a check or draft in a bank shall be deemed evidence of due diligence in col lecting the same S F 12S providing that no judge sheriff clerk or consta ble shall be allowed to practice as an attorney in any court of the county in which they hold office S F 149 pro viding when an injunction may be grant ed by the court S F 134 providing for a commission to revise the statutes S F S7 providing that heads of families shall have exempt from attachment S3C0 S F US providing a proceeding to re vive a judgment can only be brought within five years after the judgment becomes dormant S 125 providing the articles of incorporation of a corpo ration may be amended by a vote or three fourths of the capital stock S F 133 providing when a defendant is found guilty the court shall render judgment including costs S F 15S providing it shall not be necessary to serve notice of suit on a minor child to be adopted The following bills were read the third time and passed Senate file No 3S de fining conditions of child dependency prescribing methods of protection and penalties for neglect senate file No 9S to prevent the mutilation of horses by docking senate file No 173 legalizing bonds for the construction of irrigation canals and works senate file No 120 providing if any lessee of educational lands shall be in default of payment for six months or any purchaser yhall be in default for one year the lands shall be declared forfeited by the board of edu cational lands and fnns house roll No C2 providing for district ownership of text books in cities house roll No 279 appropriating 10000 from the fund of tho hospital for the insane at Norfolk for use of the hospital for the insane at Lincoln house roll No 42 providing for the organization of school board salary ot secretary etc In the senate on the 22d notice was re ceived from the governor to the effect that he had signed senate file No 3 which empowers county boards to en force quarantine regulations to prevent the spread of contagious diseases In committee of the whole senate file No 13 repealing the law which provides for three days of grace on notes drafts etc was considered Senator Marshall who introduced the bill explained that the law allowing three days of grace be longs to the time of staere coaches and that such a law is now obsolete Tho law has been repealed in twenty five states Senator Jennings and Anderson spoke in favor of repealing the law and Senators Coue Wall and Way against its repeal Senator Brady called atten tion to the fact that only the bankers and money lenders in the senate were in favor of the repeal of the law The bill was reported back for Indefinite post ponement by a vote of 13 to 12 The re spects of the senate were paid to the memory of Washington by a recess of five minutes during which Senator Wall spoke on the life of the first president Among bills introduced were the follow ing Changing the period of order of IW iitT3k 5TT xirki1ckickicktt1ckirkirkick sale of mortgaged premises from nine to twelve months Regulating the sale the exposition for sale or the offering for sale of any article made manufactured or produced in any jail work house prison penitentia y or other penal in stitution protecting persons purchasing such articles and providing penalties for tlie violation thereof Providing all art icles manufactured in the penitentiary shall be marked prison made except in cases where such action would conflict with national law To compel school di rectors to make an itemized statement of what money is to be spent for when annual levy is made To change method of apportionment of state school funds This is practically the same as the Too Iey bill introuced in the house some time aco HOUSE In the house on the ISth II R 2C3 by Burgess of Lancaster providing for an appropriation of SS5O0O to erect a mus eum and library building by the State Historical society in Lincoln was rec ommended for indefMjte postponement as was also II R 237 by Gilbert of Douglas providing for a commission of engine and boiler inspectors The house took up a special order the report of the committeo on public lands and build ings that the Girls Industrial home at Geneva be closed on the plea that there are not enough inmates to justify its maintenance and that he inmates be re moved to the Boys Industrial school at Kearney After discussion the report of the committee was tabled Sweezy moved that two items In the bill approved by the committee be stricken out These Items were 450 for blue books furnished by the State Journal company and 43750 for bills furnished by Harry Porter Sweezy claimed that in the first place tho contracts for these supplies ought to be made by the house instead of the secretary of state lie ulsputed the fair ness and justice of both bills and de clared as to the files that while they cost the house 175 each they were worth not more than 30 cents The mo tion was carried New bills were intro duced as follows To license and provide against the extortion of pawnbrokers and to fix the maximum rate of interest charged by them at 10 per cent per an num and to provide that pledged articles must be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation for four consecutive weeks before they can be sold Penalties from 30 to 500 To declare void sales trades or other disposition of entire stock of goods or merchandise wholesale or retail or portions theref in bulk or otherwise than in the ordinary course of the vendors business The house convened at 2 oclock on the 19th and immediately went into commit tee of the whole considering bills on gen eral file Among the important bills acted in was II R 13G by Davis of Buf falo providing fcr a Jccrease of interest rate oi county funds in banks from 3 to 2 per cont and that counties may deposit money within 50 per cent of the capital stock of the bank instead of 30 per cent as now and that where banks located in the county refuse or neglect to bid en said money or whore there are no banks in the county or none having suf ficient capital stock then any surplus over the 50 per cent that ne county may receive shall be deposited in banks out side of the county having sufficient cap ital stock This bill was recommended for passage as was also H R 7 by Jahnel of Washington changing the method of appraising the damages in condemnation proceedings by railroads and H R 51 by Cassel of Otoe compell ing road overseers to open ditches in April and October and IT R 148 by Perry of Furnas allowing uniform fees for sheriffs for service in justice district and county courts II R 96 by Warner of Lancaster precipitated the house into a brisk discussion in which Douglas county members especially Kennedy figured prominently It provides that the county supervisor shall be made the coun ty engineer and have charge of all the work devolving upon the latter It like wise brought up the old bridge bill dis cussion and Kennedy opposed the bill and finally secured the adoption of an amendment excluding Dougals county frtm the operation of the measure which in its amended form was recom mended for passage Two eventful proceedings occurred in the houso on the 20th one an appeal from the decision of the speaker and the other a call of the house to note absentees and members present and not voting Both came as a result of the fight over IT R 103 by Jones of Otoe the bill providing for the election of the county commissioners by vote of the en tire county which had been denominat ed a party measure Jones the author was absent and an effort was made to have the bill passed over until the au thor could be present Sweezy and oth ers opposed this Sweezy who was against the bill agreeing to pair with Jones The speaker ruled that action on the bill should be taken and Spurlock o Cass moved to appeal from the de cision of the chair and was seconded by McAllister of Deuel The speaker was sustained The other remarkable inci dent was when the bill was put to a vote Several members present refused to vote whereupon Douglas of Rook moved the call of the house and the motion carried The bill was finally lost fifty one votes being necessary for pas sage The house then took up the bridge bill II- R 112 and voted to recommit it It passed II R 79 by Loomis of Dodge requiring teachers in district schools to keep school the statutory term oi make report showing the tax levy has been made and is exhausted The house in committee of the whole recom mended for passage II R 127 by Mere dlith of York as amended by Speaker Mockett providing that no intoxicating liquors shall be sold on the premises or within two miles of any federal army post or fort also IT R 1C7 by Weborg of Thurston providing for a memorial to congress for a constitutional amendment v1 s wii IMifcllilf permitting tho popular election of United I suites aciiuiuia Tho entire time of the houso on tho 22d was occupied by the reading of the revenue bill save for the Introduction of a number of other bills and the re ports of standing committees These lat ter reported thirty six bills back to tho house of which twenty six were placed on tho general file The following bills were Introduced and read for the first time Repealing that section of the in surance law providing that the agents premiums shall be paid by the purchaser of a short rate policy A bill for an act to extend the boundaries of all cities villages school districts and other mu nicipal Incorporations bordering upon navigable streams which constitute state boundaries For tho relief of Lieutenant Governor McGllton to pay the cost of his official bond furnished the state amounting to 81 Providing that state board of equalization shall consist of six members and shall be elected one from each congressional district and the providing for method of election and ten ure of office Providing the clerk of the supreme court shall pay all fees in ex cess of 1000 per year into the state treasury Providing that no liquor li cense shall afford protection to any one except the person to whom It is granted his employes etc and Increasing the penalty for selling adulterated liquors A bill for an act to provide for the coloring of all kerosene or coal oil for Illuminating purposes and to provide a penalty for the violation thereof LEGISLATIVE NOTES H R by Bacon of Dawson providing for an aprpopriatlon of 50000 for tho purpose of determining whether petrol eum coal or gas exists and can be ob tained in paying quantities in Nebraska has been recommended for passage in the houso by the committee on internal improvement The plan of the bill is to sink six wells as a means of getting at the desired information In the house Weborg introduced a bill to provide that the Board of Equalization shall consist of one member to be elected from each congressional district of the state to be elected at the November gen eral election Three members shall be elected each alternate two years there after The first terms of those elected in even numbered districts shall be two years and those in odd numbered dis tricts four years Thereafter each term shall bo four years The board shall have power to raise or lower county assessments Senate lilo 203 introduced in the senate by Fries of Valley is a second edition of the Tooley house bill which was killed in the house last week It is a bill for the rearrangement of tho apportionment of school money It provides that one fourth of the money shall be given to counties according to the number of school district and the remaining three fourths shall be divided pro rata accord ing to the number of pupils Senator Fries said he believed the bill was not thoroughly understood in the house hence he introduced it in the senate It seeks to take from the larger school districts money that they now get under the apportionment law and give it to the smaller districts The revenue bill introduced in the house on the 22d is entitled A bill for an act to provide a system of revenue and to repeal articles 1 2 3 4 and 5 of sections 4 5 0 7 S 9 10 11 and 12 of articles vii of chapter lxxvii Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1901 It was introduced by J A Douglas George L Loomis W T Thompson W G Sears F A Sweezy C J Warner and W II Wilson the special house committee appointed by Speaker Mockett to act jointly with Senators Brown Femberton Fries Saunders Day Ander sen and Reynolds in the framing of a revenue bill The committee has been at work about a month TO COMPEL MEN TO VOTE Representative J A C Kennedy of Douglas county may introduce a bill providing for compulsovy voting in cities He is known to be interested in the sub ject and is said to be collecting data and information witli a view of drawing up such a measure A bill to compel every qualified elector in the country districts to vote already has been introduced into the legislature by Representative Ellers and is known as IT R 139 being now In tho hands of the committee on elections and privileges It provides a voting tax of 3 a receipt for which shall be given by the judges of election when each man casts his ballot the receipt to be ac cepted by the county treasurer in pay ment of the tax The only other alter native than paying the amount is a sworn statement dcalring physical dis ability on election day Mr Ellers also has introduced H R 15S which seeks to make the general election day each year a holiday on which the schools and all places of labor shall be closed To City Engineer Rosewater is given the credit for originating the compul scry voting idea for cities He says It is one of the reforms that I would make to improve citizenship If citizen ship is good for anything it is worth earning I do not believe in sending carriages variously labeled for people on election day I do believe however that if every man is compelled to ote or pay a fine we will get an honest expression at all times either in special or general elec tions I would have a board of regis tration like a census board to check over the list of registered voters to see wheth er each casts a ballot and to keep close tab on the eligible voters of the city The fine that should be administered in case of failure to vote should be enforc ed by the board and 3 for each offense would be the proper amount TELEPHONE INVESTIGATION The telephone investigation Is is prom ised will be under day soon The first testimony the committee hears will prob ably be that of C H Judson general manager of the Twin City Telephone company of Minneapolis and St Paul Mr Judson is in Lincoln and it is an nounced he will remain until he has had a chance to appear before the commit tee It is expected to be shown by his testimony that in Minneapolis and St Paul an independent company makes rates little more than half as high as they are in Omaha that the company has several thousand more subscribers than has the Nebraska Hell company In the Nebraska metropolis and that it has complete modern equipment such as the Nebraska company has- for some time been promising to put in and which gives it a much superior and more satis factory service j - fill 7 IBB Miss Rose Peterson Secretary Park dale Tennis Club Chicago from experi ence advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex to rely on Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound ITow many beautiful young girls develop into worn listless and hopeless women simply because sufficient attention has not been paid to their physical development No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain and young girls just budding into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally If you know of any young- lady who is side and needs motherly advice ask her to write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass who -will give her advice free from a source of knowledge which is un equaled in the country Do not hesitate ahout stating- details which one may not like to talk ahout and which are essential for a full understanding of the case MM Hiss Hannah E ilershon ColHngs wood N J says I thought I would write and tell you that by following your kind advice I feel like a new person I was always thin and delicate and so weak that I could hardly do anything Menstruation was irregular I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Com pound and began to feel better right away I con tinued its use and am nowve1 and strong and menstruate regularly I cannot sny enough for Ignorance is the stepmother of prej udice Sensible Housexeepcrs will have Defiance Starcn not alone because they get one third more for the same money but also because of superior quality The homely woman can afford to be so good Dropsy treated free by Dr H H Greens Sons of Atlanta Ga The greatest dropsy specialists in the world Read their adver tisament in another column of this paper A man carries his memoiy in his pocket when there is little else there Economy is the road to wealth PUTNAM FADELESS PYE is the road to economy Industry is something the lazy man admires in the other fellow case Catarrh Cure HoW3 F J CHENEY CO Prop Toledo C We the underMgn d have known F J Cheney for the last 15 wars and believe him pef f ectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any oblijM tions made by their linn West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0- Waldinp Kinnan u ilarvin Wholesale Drugcists Toledo Ohio Halls Oatarrh Cure is taken Internally act ing direct v upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials svrt free Price T5c per bottle Sold by all fl i ugzists Halls Family Pills are the best V7arm friends are more plentiful in summer than in winter what your medicine did for me How firs Pinkham Helped Fannie Kumpe Dear Mrts Pinkham I feel it is my duty to write and tell you of the benefit I have derived from your advice and the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound The pains in my back and womb have all lef t me and my menstrual trouble is corrected I am very thankful for the good advice you gave me and I shall recommend your medicine to all who suffer from female weakness Miss Fanxie Kumpe 1922 Chester St Little Rock Ark Dec 1G 1900 Lydia E Pinkham s Vegetable Compound will cure any woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles inflamma tion of the ovaries kidney troubles nervous excitability nervous prostration and all forms of womans special ills To Make Popcorn Bails Popcorn balls are quite in order at this season and it will afford the chil dren entertainment to make them at home Pour one pint of New Orleans molasses in a rather deep saucepan and set over the fie After it comes to a boil let it cook five minutes Add three cupfuls freshly popped corn cook two minutes stirring carefully and pour into a buttered pan or on oiled marble As soon as cooled shape into balls and roll in some fresh corn so that the outside will not be sticky It is better to enjoy a laugh at your own expense than at the expense of others who may not be able to stand it Dealers say that as soon a- a custo mer tries Defiance Starch it is im possible to sell them any other cold water starch It can be used cold or boiled RUNNING or tmn THE ORIGINAL s s fPLriv y wvi wwYmm 102 Please eend this adv with lCc to alzer WmM P MgfflWMzl BSS CLOTHING KAM IN MACTAfO rttlOW WILL COVER YOU AMD KP YOU PRY IN IMTTKT WEATHER OH SALE EVERYWHERE TAXE HO SUBSTITUtfv AJT0YZR COB0STCHHAS5 U5A te lOHttR CANADIAN COLW TOROHTOCAH Salzcrs RapfL food atJk 2rC a ton FARrVS SPELTZ sVhatlsit vi1 Vielrle33 arley Bromus v1 hj cu a ruirt vrun jff fWMlVUIJk VI UUfclUC - in Biamna msi Catalos SALZERS SEims mror p vtti tens 1000000 Oustemers1 TrtV uA 1 nVrt f ii if u CI seeasman on earth CIlci1 nut ior more Wo desire by July ist scow more and banco this unprecedented offer i3 0jT M i We will mall npon receipt of Me in stamnn our peat catalogue vtlnh Vluaoo ttHSyi a wide an axe Xarmer rr Z rijZZr VT i tilKUOK ttlUTTP m Send at oncel WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR M LLI O rs S Lpwards of 100000 Americans have settled In Western Canada during the past 3 years They aro CONTKNTJED IIAIlV AM IMJOSlEROUS and there Is room still for We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for anv Wonderful yields of wheat and other grains Tha of Catarrh that caaaot be cured by Hail s hft J rznK lands on the continent JIaanlflcent iur 1 kui ui water anu met Cood schools ex- w - uvuo ojicuuiu runway iacilities HOMESTEAD LANDS Of 160 ACRES mt for certllicate irlrfnpyou reduced railway rates et Superintendent ot Immigration Ottawa Can or to W VBennetr hoi New YorkLlfe Kid- n Neb the authorized Canadian GoverSaent fife Storekeepers report that the extra quantity together with the superior quality of Defiance Starch maks it next to impossible to sell any other brand i f 4 y MJ ffev -