The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 20, 1903, Image 7

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is a Catarrhal Tonic
Especially Adapted to the De
clining Powers of Old Age
The Oldest Man in America Attribute8
His long Life and Good Health
Mr Isaac Brock of McLennan county
Texas has attained the great age of 114
years He is an ardent friend of Peruna
and speaks of it in the following terms
Mr Brock says
After a man has lived in the world as
long as I have he ought to have found out J
a great many things by experience I
think I have done so
One of the things I have found out to
the United States
have known a great
coughs colds catarrh
ho wilL
W N U Omaha
my entire satisfaction
is the proper remedy
for ailments due di
rectly to the effects of
the climate
For 114 years 1
have withstood the
changeable climate of
During my long life I
many remedies for
and diarrhoea I
had always supposed these affections to be
different diseases For the last ten or
fifteen years I have been reading Dr
Hartmans books and have learned from
them one thing in particular That these
affections are the same and that they are
properly called catarrh
As for Dr Hartmans remedy Peruna
I have found it to be the best if not the
only reliable remedy for these affections
has been my stand by for many
years and I attribute my good health
and my extreme old age to this
It exactly meets all my requirements
I have come to rely upon it almost entirely
for the many little things for which 1 need
medicine I believe it to be especially
valuable to old people although I have no
doubt it is just as good for the young
Isaac Brock
A New fflaa at 19
Major Frank OMahoney West Side
Hannibal Mo writes
I am professionally a newspaper cor
respondent now 79 years old I have
watched the growing power of the Peruna
plant from its incipiency in the little log
cabin through its gradationsof suceess up
to its present establishment in Columbus
Ohio and if conclude hat merit brings its
iull reward
Up to a few years ago I felt no need to
test its medicinal potency but lately when
any system needed at your Peruna relieved
oie of many catarrhal troubles Some two
years ago 1 weighed 210 pounds but fell
nway down to 168 pounds and besides loss
of flesh I was subject to stomach troubles
indigestion loss -of appetite insomnia
sight sweats and a foreboding of getting
my entire system out of order During
some months I gave Peruna a fair trial
and it rejuvenated my whole system I feel
thankful therefore for although 79 years
old I feel likeayoungman llajor Frank
In old age the mucous membrane be
come thickened and partly lose their function
This leads to partial loss of hearing
smell and taste as well as digestive dis
Peruna corrects all this by its specific I
Greatest Cheapest Food
on Earth EorSheep Swine
Cattle etc
TTIU be -worth 108 -to yon to read it
Salzer cUltgsay about rape
Billion Dollar Grass
Ttlll poihltclj cmlw yoa rich 12 zone
of har andlotf of pasture per acre so
alto Brcnn Ieaoat firltz Macaroni
vbcat far arid Aot aaile 63 Uu ptr H
acre zuttt vcntirrj oatj zou no per
acre and Tcoilnte Yiclui 100 tOE
C rcca Fodder pcraere
For this Notice and 10c
ve ball bis calalrc and 10 Tarm Seed
Koreltlei foUj worUitlOtogclaaUrt
CccnPn tacnnMF
irMuppaiuiiMWM nmwH
attract taK mere attention than any other district
in -the world
Xaa Qrnary of the World u Tie land of Sun
shine The Natural reeding Ground for Stock
Antaoinder crop in 1902 1987330 acres
ZieW 1202 117522744 bmheU
Abundance of Water Fuel
Plentiful Building Material
Cheap Good Grass for pasture
and nay a fertile sail a suffi
cient rainfall andacllmateclvinc
an assured and adequate
season of erowto
tbe onry -charge or -which Is 10for making entry
CJose w Churches Schools etc Railway tap all
fettled districts Send for Atlas and other literature
to Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada
orXoVV Bennett 801 New York LifeBldgOmaha
Neb ho authorized Canadian GoTernraent Agent
who will Bupjily you with certificate giving you re
duced railway jilea etc
E Ik
aB iB
zsmmt op
Made inNack orjdlow
of the best materials and
sold wife our warrant fcy
reliable dealers everywhere
tiyjVKOllSt itU IPSO aj
From the dealer who waxes fat
selling you farm wagons with
Maple axles Maple bolsters
Pirn or rioor Birch hubs Cotton
wood box light irons and cheap paint Buy
of the man who will furnish you with the
NEW TIFFIN wagon which is built
ONHONOR and which runs easier and
lasts longer than any other Made by
If your dealer will not order one lor you
they will tell you where to find a
No 81903
Mf Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
nl In time Soldbydrncelsta
axmM tnJh g r i v twit IB h itirtnrMmnM
operation on all the mucous membranes of
the body
One bottle will convince any one Once
used and Peruna becomes a life long stand
by with old and young
Mr Samuel Saunders of Blythedale
Mo writes My disease was catarrh of
the urethra and bladder I got a bottle of
and began taking it and in a few I
days I was relieved and could sleep and h
rest all nignt 1 think that is a
vaiuauiu iuiiikaj j iiau lucu uiiici vciy j r
highly recommended medicines but they4
jj I i - u it I
that I could not expect to be cured of my
57 years I feel very thankful for what J
has done for me
in a later letter iur saunaers says
I am still of the same mind with regard
to your medicine
j nr jl uouaias mawes mna ssiis
more men Goodyear Wmlt Hand
Seurcd Proccxm shoe than any other
manutacturcr in the wona
25000 REWAED
will be paid to anyone who
can diaprovo this statement
Because W L Douglas
is the largest manufacturer
ho can buy cheaper and
produce his shoes at a
lower cost than other con
cerns which enables him
to sell shoes for 350 and
fedtw equal in every
way to those sold else
where for S4 and S500
TV L Douglas S350
andSSshoesarewornby thousands of menwho
have been payingS4 and S5not believing they
could get a first class shoe for 350 or 300
He has convinced them that the style fit
and wear of his 350 and 300 shoes is just
as good Give them a trial and save money
Aotlre Increase 1893 Sales 8220I883lil
In BtMlncaa l Salem S024H4000
A gain of SS 81iO4J070 in Four Years
Worth S60 Compared with Other Makes
The best Imported and American leathers Heyls
Patent Calf Enamel Box Calf Calf Vlcl Kid Corona
Colt and National Kangaroo Fast Color Euelets
Poniinn The genuine have W Tj XJOTJOItAS
UaUIIUll name and price stamped on bottom
ilwe by mail 25c extra Jllus Catalog free
lama w
Washington and Idaho productive soil
delightful climate choice farms Will al
low 3U on railway fare If you buy Write
Bossier Jackson Co Spokane Wash
Innocent flirtations are probably on
a par with white lies
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue
Large 2 oz package 5 cents
A womans imagination is so lively
that if her bare feet were in a tub of
snow she would believe that a hand
some iur around her necR was keep
ing her feet warm
Better thin kneading man to be
empty That is Half a loaf is bet
ter than no bread
Bathing the Baby
Young mothers naturally feel anxious
about the babys bath It is best to be
gin at six weeks to put the little one in
water flrst folding a soft towel in the
bottom of the basin Use only Ivory
Soap as many of the highly colored and
perfumed soaps are very injurious to the
tender skin of an infant E R Parker
The scandal business is usually con
ducted by retail
Plsos Cure cannot oe too highly spoken of as
a cough cure J W OBriev 322 Third Ave
X Minneapolis Minn Jan 6 1900
Hits a mighty good idee ter make
hay while de sun shine even er you
aint got no hoss ter eat It
Stops the Cough and
Works Off the Cold
Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets Price 25a
Insincerity sings that it wants to
be an angel and then senCs for a doc
HP i
f I if
unus i
tm iuti b4bii
111 HI 1 4BZI AB
tuO ztfsGiStiMiMniwMi h
III TTwhkflBafUU
aaaamTmwmuSMmwmm tfK I If MIm
mWu MWm InmrWrn Strong and
mWiw ill 11 n I Mllfnii 1
m liifi Ami BWtl
Vigorous at the
Eighty eight
Rev J N Parker Utica N Y
44 In June 1901 I lost my sense oi
hearing entirely My hearing had
been somewhat impaired for several
years but not so much effected but that I could hold converse with my friends
butinJuiie 1901 my sense of bearing left me so that I could hear no sound
whatever I was also troubled with severe rheumatic pains in my limbs 1
commenced taking Peruna and now my bearing is restored as good as it was
prior to June 1901 My rheumatic pains are all gone I cannot speak too
highly of Peruna and now when 88 years old can say it has invigorated my
whole system I cannot but think dear Doctor that you must feel very thank
fulto the all loving Father that you have been permitted to live and by your
skill be such a blessing as you have been to suffering humanity Rev
J N Parker
Mrs F E Little Tolona I1L writes
I can recommend Peruna as a good
medicine for
chronic catarrh of
the stomach and
bowels I have
been troubled se
verely with it for
over a year and
also a cough Now my cough is all gone
and all the distressing symptoms of ca
tarrh of the stomach and bowels have dis
appeared I will recommend it to all as a
rare remedy I am so well I am con
templating a trip to Yellow Stone Park
this coming season How is that for one
71 years old
In a later letter she says I am only
too thankful to you for your kind advice
and for the good health that I am enjoying
wholly from the use of your Peruna Have
been out to the Yellow Stone National
Park and many other places of the west
and shall always thank you for your gen
erosity Mrs F E Little
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Hartman giving a
full statement of your case and he will be
pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Scotch Stories
The recent St Andrews dinners ac
cording to the Westminster Gazette
have been noteworthy for the profu
sion of Scotch stories which in several
cases fairly set the tables in a roar
Some of them have an ancient ring
but there is one that is perhaps not
generally known A doctor was at
tending a dangerous case where a
Scotch butler was engaged On calling
in the forenoon he said to Donald I
hope your masters temperature is
much lower today than it was last
night Im no sae very sure about
that replied the butler for he deed
this morning
Finished the Quotation
Apropos of mottoes on houses a cor
respondent of the Westminster Gazette
relates that a man in Scotland wished
to have cut over the door of a new
house the text My house shall be
called a house of prayer He left the
workmen to carry out his wishes dur
ing his absence and on his return his
horror was great to find the quotation
completed But ye have made it a den
of thieves We had a wee thing
mair room ye see so we just put in
the o the verse was the explanation
given by the Bible loving Scot
The home is no place for the stor
age of neighborhood gossip
New Cure for Lame Back
Rutledge Minn Feb lGth Mr E
C Getchell of this place relates a
happy experience which will be read
with interest by all those who have a
similar trouble
It appears that last winter Mr Get
chell was seized with a lameness and
soreness in his back which grew worse
and worse till at last it became very
bad and made it very difficult for him
to get about at all
After a time he heard of a new rem
edy for backache which some of his
friends and neighbors said had cured
them and he determined to try it The
name of the remedy is Dodds Kidney
Pills and Mr Getchell has proven that
it is a sure cure He says
I used two boxes of Dodds Kidney
Pills according to directions and my
lame back was entirely cured and I am
all O K again Dodds Kidney Pills
are as good as represented
This remedy is very popular here
and has worked some remarkable
cures of Backache and Kidney Trou
A houre without a dog without a
cat without a little child Is a house
without pleasure and without laugh
Dont you know that Defiance
Starch besides being absolutely su
perior to any other Is put up 18
ounces in package and sells at same
price as 12 ounce packages of other
The gods honor her who thinketh
long before opening her lips
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTLE There was a very light run of
cattle so that the market went a little
higher again Buyers all seemed to have
Quito liberal orders so that trading was
brisk and everything offered sold in a
hurry There were only a few bunches of
cornfed steers on sale and those changed
hands freely ut prices ranging from strong
to a dime higher than yesterday As com
pared with Tuesday and Wednesday the
-market Is fully 15c higher The cow mar
ket was also active and btrong to 10c
higher Prices on cow stuff have im
proved the last two days fully as much as
values on beef steers so that the market
Is nearly back to where It was a week
ago today The same as with bteers the
situation could probably best be descirbed
by calling the market nearly steady to
a dlmo lower for the week Bulls are sell
ing in just about the same notches they
were a week ago Prices have not
changed much as they have been ex
tremely low for some time past About
the only change In the market from day
to day was in the demand as it was much
easier to sell bulls on some days than on
others Veal calves held up in pretty
good shape all the week There wore
only a few btockers and feeders on sale
and the demand was limited with prices
a shade lower
HOGS The demand on the part of the
packers was quite liberal so the market
opened active and 510c higher The bulk
of the medium weight hogs sold from JG75
to JGS5 while the prime heavyweights
sold largely from 6S5 to JC90 The light
hogs sold from JG75 down It was evi
dent that packers were anxious for sup
plies and it only took a short time for
them to buy up all the early arrivals
SHEEP Quotations Choice western
lambs 57o60D fair to good Iambs 350
575 choice native and Colorado lambs
G0OG25 choice yearlings J475S500
choice wethers 450490 fair to good
4XX5T4oO choice ewes 400440 fair to
good 325400 feeders lambs 4250475
feeder yearlings 3754C0 feeder wethers
3753400 feeder ewes 250300
CATTLE Corn cattle firm canner cows
weak good cows steady stockers and
feeders slow and weak choice export and
dressed beef steers 440535 fair to
good 2003435 stockeTS and feeders 200
415 western fed steers 275S300 Texas
and Indian steers 300400 Texas cows
2G0305 native cows 2C0375 native
heifers 200375 canners 100S200 bulls
223350 calves 250600
HOGS Market steady to 5c higher top
702 bulk of sales G73G90 heavy 680
702 mixed packers 565690 light 555
675 yorkers 370675 pigs 605633
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady
native lambs 4O0G15 western lambs
35G05 fed ewes 3000510 native weth
ers 3304S5 western wethers 3000490
stockers and feeders 2500350
Hawkeye and Seven Other States May
Send Scholar to Oxford
CHICAGO Eight American stu
dents representing as many central
states will be able to go to Oxford
university next year on Cecil Rhodes
scholarships according to the provi
sions made at the convention of the
University of Chicago
One or more from each will go tne
j ear following and thereafter two will
go from each state during every three
years Each student will have 4500
for three years at Oxford
The eight states all of which were
represented in the convention are
Iowa Illinois Michigan Indiana Ohio
Kentucky West Virginia and Wiscon
Dr G B Parkin met the university
and college presidents and as repre
sentative of the Rhodes will trustees
authorized them to make the detailed
provision It was decided that each
scholar must have legal residence in
the slate from which he is appointed
and that a standing selr perpetuating
committee in each state shall conduct
the annual examination and make ap
pointments on the basis or these tests
These examinations are to be open
to all students from the particular
state whether they have attended col
lege in other states or not
Caught in a Fly Wheel
CHICAGO 111 John Ward an oiler
m the engine room of the Grand Pa
cific hotel was instantly killed Friday
while oiling the machinery His body
was carried around in the large fly
wheel time and time again before the
power could be shut off He was
dead when finally extricated from the
machinery Ward was 21 years old
and was at one time known as a suc
cessful jockey on southern and west
ern tracks
Acre Trouble is AH Over
LA PAZ Bolivia The Bolivia
government Friday delivered its re
ply to the ultimatum presented by Bra
zil Bolivia accepts unconcitionally
but under protest all the demands
Therefore it is most improbable that
any collision between the Braziliar
and Bolivian forces will occur It i
generally supposed here that the Aeir
revolutionists will surrender their
arms to the Brazilian troops immedi
Young Lad Manages Depot
CARBONDALE 111 Charles Dixon
aged 15 has been appointed agent of
the East and West railroad at Redd
leyville 111 The boy is believed to be
the youngest railroad agent in the
country to have active charge of an
TZis Wonderful Yield of Wheat Attract
ing Thoacanda
Until tho last five or six years but
little attention was given to that vast
area of grain producing land lying
north of the 49th parallel and Imme
diately adjoining tho northern boun
daries of Minnesota and Dakota
Tho Canadians themselves wera
aware of tho wealth that lay there
but being unable to fully occupy it
they have asked the Americans to
assist them in converting the land
from its virgin state to one that will
largely supplement the grain producing
area of the North American continent
and the response has been most lib
During the year 1901 upwards of
20000 from the United States went
over to Canada being induced to set
tle there by the reports that reached
them of the success of those who had
preceded them during the previous
years This 20000 was increased to
30000 during the year 1902 and it is
fully expected that there will be fully
50000 during the present year Tho
work of the immigration branch of tho
Canadian government is not now be
ing directed towards giving informa
tion as to the advantages of settle
ment In Canada as it is to extending
an Invitation to the Americans to fol
low those who have gone
Those who have charge of tho work
point with considerable pride to tho
success of those who have been In
duced to take advantage of the offer
of 160 acres of land free in Canada
and have no cause to hesitate in con
tinuing the Invitation Many of those
interested say there are no more free
homesteads to be had in Canada but
the writer has most positive assurance
from the Canadian government that
there are thousands of such home
steads to be had and In one of the dis
tricts now being opened up fully as
good as the best and it is probably
the best
The Canadian goveTiment has es
tablished agencies at St Paul Minn
Omaha Neb Kansas City Mo Chi
cago 111 Indianapolis Ind Milwau
kee Wis Wausau Wis Detroit
Sault Ste Marie and Marquette
Mich Toledo Ohio Watertown S
Dakota Grand Forks N Dakota and
Creat Falls Mont and the suggestion
Is made that by addressing any of
these who are authorized agents of
the government it will be to the ad
vantage of the reader who will be
given the fullest and most authentic
information regarding the results of
mixed farming dairying ranching
and grain raising and also supply in
formation as to freight and passenger
rates etc
A mans heart is blamed for a lot
of things that his head is responsible
Charlotte Yongcs Growing Popularity
Charlotte M Yonge died two years
ago and since that event a steadily
increasing demand for her stories has
developed so the publishers report
Whether it is because or a turning
from the problem novel and the super
strenuous historical story to the qui
eter style of the older novelists or
whether it is due to renewed interest
in an old favorite is difficult to say
but the fact remains that sucn stories
as The Cunning Womans Grandson
Founded on Paper The Patriots of
Palestine The Herd Boy and His
Hermit and The Making or a Mis
sionary are selling better now than
they did during the several years just
preceding the authors death
A Historic Irish Hill
The historic hill of Tara In County
Meath Ireland which was sold at auc
tion Thursday to an unknown woman
was closely identified with the early
history of Erin and was the seat or
the Irish kings at one time From
its crest was taken the famous coro
nation stone which is now in the
throne of Edward the Confessor in
Westminster abbey having been car
ried thence from Scone wnere it was
used as the throne of the Scottish
kings The last great Irish gathering
on Tara hill was in 1S43 when Daniel
OConnell addressed a great assem
bly in favor of the repeal or the union
Two noblemen in the reign of Max
imilian II one a German the other a
Spaniard who had each rendered a
great service to the emperor asked the
hand of his daughter in mamage Max
imilian said that as he esteemed them
both alike it was impossible to choose
between them and thererore their
own prowess must decide It but be
ing unwilling to risk the loss of either
by engaging them in deadly combat
ordered a large sack to be brought
and declared that he who should put
his rival into it should should have the
fair Helena And this whimsical com
bat was actually performed In the
An Extraordinary Strike
An extraordinary strike is reported
from Crezieres near Poiteres France
the school children of the elementary
school having refused to attend their
classes unless their head master a M
Cail was dismissed from his position
The children allege that they have
been harshly treated by the master
They are supported by their parents
who have petitioned the government
to send down an official to inquire into
the affair This the government has
agreed to do
Substitutes for Tobacco
Dried holly leaveB tho bark of tha
willow and loaves of tho staga horn
sumach are among the substltutoo
for tobacco used by the American In
dians In Switzerland a weed called
mountain tobacco is smoked in great
quantities It is powdered before us
ing and causes the smokor to becomo
a mental and physical wreck Tho
natives of South Africa aro peculiarly
affected by smoking tho dried Toovea
of the camphor plant Tho smoker
trembles with fright at nothing wecpu
bitterly and uses all sorts or woruo
which do not in tho leat oxprcsH h
meeaning Tho wild df rca another
South African plant polaona slowly
any one using 1L
English Laborers View
Mr Barnes the engineers delegate
who camo from England to America
with Mr MoseleyB industrial commis
sion having arrived home given this
summary of tho conclusions ho camo
to in the course of tho inquiry Into
American push Machinory More
used than at homo Sanitation Not
so good Hours of work Longer
Work Not so good Wages Higher
Cost of living Higher still Trades
unionism Not so strong Providing
England uses the best machinery ho
thinks Britain has nothing to fear from
America and is quite able to hold hor
Many artists who claim to bo
wedded to their art seem to liavo been
handicapped by divorce proceedings
from the start
6100 Howard 3100
Tho readers of this papor will bo pleased to
learn that there Is at least oao droaded dlscauo
that sclenco has been able to euro In all ltJ
Mages and that is Catarrh Hall8 Catarrh
Cure is thp only pqsltlyo euro npr known to tho
medical fraternity Catarrh belng a c6nslttii
tional disease requires a constitutional treat
ment Halls CaUrrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon tho blood and mucous sur
faces ot tho system thereby destroying tho
foundation of thedlscascandglvlng tho patient
htrength by building up tho constitution and
assisting nature In dolu Its work Tho pro
prietors have so much faith in Its curatlvo
powers that they oHor One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it falls to cure Sond for Hs6 ot
Address P J CHENEY CO Toledo a
Sold by druKpIsts 75c
Halls Family Pills are tho best
Small eyes are commonly supposed
to indicate cunning
People of melancholic temperament
rarely have blue eyes
No muss or failures made with
Eyes with long sharp corners Indi
cate great discernment nnu penetra
can be obtained only by usliiff Defiance
Starch besides tettlnpr 4 oz nioro tor
same money no cooking required
The downcast eye has in all agea
been typical of modesty
PITQ Vermanenuj cured TTo fits or nervousness rtey
II BO flrfltajsueeor Dr KlineflOrentNcnrollestor
rr Send for FltKK 82 OO trial bottlo and treatlxx
Sslt II Xlue Ltd Ml Arch
The proper distance between tho
eyes is the width of one eye
Double Your Income
by Gecuring agency in your city for tho
Northwestern and Life Saving9 Co of Dea
Moines Iowa It is a strong company
Write thorn to day
Upturned eyes are typical of devo
I nulck relief end cures wornt
cases Book of testimonials anil 10DAY8 treatment
I want your poultry bnt
tor ctfTim Yftl hMfffl vti
Quick returns and the hfgbevt prices tHatlocflilfcn
facilities and experience cnn give Wrtto for tag
and prices IIOBEIIT IlEVIH
Jfatabllahra 1M70 Omaha Tlcb
a Bbl
T rcfteroweroffleedJotatoela America
The KurolStw Yorker plvefiaUeriKar
It Wisconsin b field of 4vbo ners riea
dirt chenp Mammoth seed book anil sample of
leoiaic nnriix jnscaroni n nesi vo dh per
a uiani uorer eiaupoa receipt oi iuo SMun i
Buy your goods at
Wholesale Prices
Our 1000 pace catalogue will bo sent
upon receipt of 15 cents Ihla amount
does not even pay the postage but it Is
sufficient to show us that you are acting
in rood faith Better fiend for it now
Your neighbors trade with us why not
you also
The house that tells the truth
IC7 -
m eaciot rtWE
Made n bkk cr ytllow for all Imtfa
or Viet worK On Ie evtrnTicrt
Look for the 5ifti of the Fbltwid
UxraiM TOWER en the buttons
rwrts cAJUsim Ttsonra cm
K sJ
IW W j
ZAL yvw
STADT Mi TEA1S S AIlftlflDV toyonrtownSmall capital TeqnlredsmJ
Write us Paradox Machinery Co 131 E Division St Chicago
As miles test the horse
so years test a remedy
flexican Flustang Liniment
Buy has been curing everything that
it a good honest penetrating liniment
now can cure for the past 60 years