3s3r N A PROTOCOL AMERICAN VENEZUELAN AGREE IVJENT APPROVED INCREASE OF GUSTGM DUTY Claims to Be Adjusted by a Commis sion Of Whom It Will Constat Commissioners to Meet in Caracas on the 1st of June Next WASHINGTON Secretary Hay for the United States and Mr Bowen for Venezuela on Tuesday nigned a pro tocol providing for the adjustment of United States claims against Venezu ela by a commission to meet at Car acas This commission will consist of two members a Venezuelan and an Ameri can to be appointed respectively by Presidents Castro and Roosovelt and in the event of disagreement an um pire o be appointed by the queen of the Netherlands The commissioners are to meet in Caracas on June 1 to make awards which are to be paid out of 30 per cent of tha customs receipts at Puerto Cabello and La Guayra The Hague tribunal is to decide what proportion of this 30 per cent comes to America and what proportion goes to other claimant nations It is expected that the minister for foreign affairs will be appointed as Venezuelas representative and that either Mr Bowen or Mr Russell the United States charge will be named to represent the United States - Baron Gevers the minister for the Netherlands called at the state de partment Tuesday and gave notice of the acceptance by Queen Wilhelmina of the task imposed upon her her consent having been previously sought by both parties to the arbitration Some light is thrown upon the un pleasant reference mad by Mr Hag gard the British minister at Caracas to United States Charge Russell and published in the British blue book Monday by a naval officer now sta tioned at Washington who was in Ven ezuelan waters and frequently at the American legation during the period referred to by Mr Haggard Without going into details it appears in this officers statement that by trying to assist some British citizens in their distress without first losing the time necessary to hunt up and confer with the minister the American legation in curred the ill will of Mr Haggard and the difficulty got to be rather personal so that all the exchanges between the two ministers have since been of a most formal character The navy department Tuesday re ceived the following cablegram from Commander Diehl of the Marietta dated Willemstad February 17 Raised blockade War vessels with drawn all blockaded ports NEW YORK The Associated Press has received the following cable from President Castro CARACAS Monday Feb 1C I charge the Associated Press to trans mit together with my gratitude my sentiments of deference to the people of the United States PRESIDENT CIPRIANO CASTRO gets the American millions Another English Earl Trades Title for Good Dollars WASHINGTON D C Mrs Wiiiiam Thaw formerly of Pittsburg but now residing in Washington on Tuesday announced the engagement of her daughter Miss Alice Thaw to the earl of Yarmouth Miss Thaw inherited 1000000 in her own right from her father who was an iron manufacturer and will succeed to another large fortune on the death Gf her mother No dale has been set for the wed ding She first met the earl of Yar mouth who is the eldest son of the marquis aof Herfcfordjl about three months ago MISSING MAIL CASH FOUND ouch Containing 50000 Turns Up at Cincinnati Office INDIANAPOLIS Ind The missing mail pouch containing 50000 has been found and is now safely housed in the office of the superintendent of mails here The missing pouch arrived hero Tuesday from Cincinnati Eheitheory is that the pouch in this instance lost its destination tag and that the mail clerks mistook it for one containing other empty pouches that were being sent back to Cincinnati The pouch probably went to the Cin cinnati pouch storage room and lay there unopened EARTHQUAKES IN MEXICO Houses Thrown Down in Several Towns MEXICO CITY The state of Guer rero continues to report many and somewhat alarming earthquakes Chil pancingo which two years ago was al most destroyed by an earthquake now reports another which threw down houses as also happened in the towns of Ohilaua San Dieso and Mexical - i r 3T r MAN TO FEED WYOMING ELK Jeton Yellowstone Superintendent Has Hay Fed Wild Animals NEW YORK Steps were taken hero Tuesday to save 10000 starving elk on the Jeton Yellowstone reserves in Wyoming Seven feet of snow cov ers their feeding ground and temper atures as low as 10 degrees below zero have added to their sufferings News of the critical condition of the elk herds reached here from the chief of tile United States rangers to A A Anderson a special superin tendent of the Jeton Yellowstone re serves who spends his winters in New York Mr Anderson at once ordered that a temporary supply of wild hay at his own expense be distributed as soon as possible at convenient points by the force of thirty rangers He then pro posed that 1500 to 52000 be raised here by subscription to purchase more wild hay and it is believed niat prom inent persons will support the plan CATTLE AGAIN DISEASED Foot and Mouth Epidemic Takeea Fresh Start in Massachusetts WASHINGTON The loot and mouth disease has become serious again in Massachusetts and Dr Sal mon will return to Boston In a few days to investigate the situation BOSTON Mass The recrudescence of the cattle disease in Massachusetts reported by the bureau of animal in dustry at Washington Is in the towns of Needham and Medfield in Norfolk county some twenty miles southwest of Boston The cases were reported to the state cattle bureau last week and a herd of thirty nine pure ored Jerseys was slaughtered on Monday after con demnation by Drs Thompson and Durfce representing the fpderal au thorities and Dr Austin Peters of the state cattle commission SAYS THE MONEY HAS GONE Chairman of Montana House Com mittee Makes Serious Charges HELENA Mont Chairman Everltt of the Montana house committee on irrigation and water rights to which was referred resolutions calling for in vestigation of the stale arid lands committee announced in tne house Tuesday that inquiry had developed evidence of a shortage and that 30 000 received by certain members of the commission had not been applied as the law directs The charge was made that the money had been mis appropriated On motion of Mr Ev eritt the committee was allowed 300 to employ counsel and a stenographer with which to further prosecute an in vestigation Senate Encourages Breeders WASHINGTON D C The senate committee on finance on Tuesday agreed to report favorably the bill providing for free importation of thor oughbred live stock for breeding pur poses The bill extends the privilege to such live stock imported for sale Garfield Gets Good Place WASHINGTON D C The presi dent Tuesday sent to the senate the nomination of Jomes Rudolph Gar field of Ohio to be commissioner of corporations in the department of Tcir mcrce and labor Small Blze in the House WASHINGTON D C Some little excitement was created in the liouse of representatives just before that body convened Tuesday by the discov ery of a slight blaze in the flooring of the east reserved gallery The floor ing had caught fire from a defective flue in the democratic cloak room and when discovered about fifteen feet of the molding was ablaze The blaze was extinguished and the members suffered no inconvenience when the house met SEES SALVATION IN TRUSTS Holds Combines Alone Able to Meet American Competition BERLIN Minister O Comerie Mel ler in the course of an address in the chamber of commerce said The United States will be Ger manys chief competitor in the worlds markets in the future We must therefore learn from the Americans to adopt their business methods the salient feature of which is the concen tration of capital and trade into trusts The strong repugnance existing in Germany against such combinations will certainly be replaced in time by a better view especially after the evils of the syndicates have been re moved HOUSE WELL ADVANCED The Appropriation Bills are Nearly All Through WASHINGTON The appropriation bills are well advanced in the house for this -stage of the session With nearly three weeks remaining only three supply bills remain to be acted on THE TRUST BILL WHAT ATTORNEY GENERAL KNOX HAS TO SAY ADMINISTRATION IS SATISFIED The Legislation Will Give Opportu nity to Test Many Points and Obtain Useful Court Decisions Without Harming Countrys Industry WASHINGTON Attorney General Knox who Is known to have proposed many clauses of the anti trust bills recently passed being asked the ad ministrations opinion on the legisla tions said The legislation affecting the trusts passed at this session of congress is satisfactory to the administration and the prompt response to the presidents requests is highly gratifying A long stride in advance has been accomplish ed and the promises of last fall have been made good The giving and taking of railroad rebates is now prohibited by a law ca pable of effective enforcement against corporations as well as individuals and the courts of the United States are clothed with jurisdiction to re strain and punish violations The act creating the department of commerce vests in that department complete authority to investigate the organization and business methods of corporations engaged in interstate and foreign commerce and to that end to compel the testimony of per sons having the desired knowledge The legislation is concise in its terms but comprehensive in dts scope Under its provisions a fair opportu nity will be afforded to test the effect upon the tendency toward industrial monopoly of its guarantees of no fa vors for the great producer as against the small one Discretion is lodged in the president as to the publication of facts useful to the public and a wise administration of the law promises much that is help ful and nothing that is harmful The law to expedite the hearing of cases and giving an appeal dffectly to the supreme court from the court of first instance assures within a rea sonable time authoritative decisions upon important questions on the knowledge of which future legislation if necessary can be confidently fram ed Upon the whole the situation is em inently satisfactory and is the result of concessions modifications of views and forms of expression upon the part of many earnest and thoughtful men who have endeavored within a brief session to meet a rational public de mand in a rational and effective way SHIRKS HIS PERSONAL TAX John D Rockefeller Pleads Poverty to Commissioners NEW YORK John D Rockefeller jr is supposed to be about the richest young man in America but he owes 400000 and has only 30000 worth of personal property according to the statement filed with the department of taxes and assessments Mr Rockefeller was assessed at 9500000 From what could be learn ed at the tax office he called there and stated that he had 400000 in debts and that his personal properly above his debts was worth only 30 000 He said he was willing to pay taxes on an assessment of 50000 and the commissioners accepted his figures ROOT NOT READY TO RESIGN Will Continue in the Cabinet for an Indefinite Period WASHINGTON There Is no foundation for the story declared Secretary Root referring to the pub lication of a rumor in New York thai he will resign his position in the cab inet after the adjournment of con gress March 4 and resume his law practice in New York He said that the report undoubtedly originated from chance conversations he frequently had Avith friends when ever he visited New York He was asked if he did not expect to resume his law practice there and he invari ably replied that he did and when asked when he was likely to do so he usually gave the non committal reply that he would take up his law bus ness in New York when his job in Washington was done Many Cattle Are Perishing BONESTEEL S D Stockmen from the range country report that cattle are perishing by hundreds A Tripp county man lost over o00 steers The deep snow begins about fifty miles west of here and the range for 100 miles west of that point is covered with snow two feet deep making it impossible for stock to secure food Sigsbee Prefers League Island WASHINGTON D C Captaii Charles D Sigsbee who has been con sidered in connection with the com mand of the navy yard at Bremerton Wash has expressed a preference for assignment Kidney Pllfjj CURU Bac BAD BACKS Bad backs ara found In oyery household A bad hack Is a back thats lame weak or aching Most backache pains come from kidney derange ments and should be promptly attend ed to Reach the cause of backache by re lieving the kidneys and curing their ills Doans Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only and cure the dangers of urinary and bladder disorders from common inflammation to Dropsy Diabetes Brlghts disease Case No 40321 Mr W H Ham mer well known builder residing at 125 N HInde street Washington C H Ohio says I am glad to endorse a remedy which possesses such inesti mable value as Doans Kidney Pills They cured me of inflammation of the bladder which had caued me much an noyance and anxiety because of the frequency and severity of the attacks I have advised others to take Doans Kidney Pills and I know they will not be disappointed in the results A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr Hammer will be mailed on application to any part of the United States Address Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists Price 50 cents per box The Gospel of Art Work thou for pleasure paint or sing or carve The thing thou lovest though the body starve Who works for glory misses oft the goal Who works for money coins his very soul Work for works sake then and it may be That these things shall be added unto thee Kenyon Cox DO YOUR CLOTHES LOOK XEtXOWT If so useRed Cross Ball Blue Itwillmako them white as snow 2 oz package 5 cent Many of the people who live in glass houses go into politics and they dont seem to mind it a hit Puck DEFIANCE STAKCH should be In evert household none o Ijood besides 4 oz more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch A woman doesnt fully understand how essentially alike all men are until her hoy gets old enough for other wo men to make a monkey of Puck If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it in quality or quantity Tell a man he mustnt and he will tell a woman she mustnt and youll see Life Defiance Starch is pin up 10 ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for same money Justice only takes a mans part but injustice takes it all 3Irs Winston- soollilnfj Syrup For children ssptliin tofti nt the ums reduces In flammation allays pain cures wind colic SJcabottla Love may laugh at bolts but politi cians do not KfUfcw J v w vt r -- An Amusing Verdict At Fort Scott Kanl the other day a jury In the district court returned a verdict finding a certain accused per son guilty of larceny The verdict had not been prepared In the technical form desired and the judge sent the jury back to make the necessary cor rections The Jury was gone for half an hour and when It returned it brought in a verdict acquitting the prisoner But a verdict even more abusing was perpetrated by a jury at Pittsburg last Monday The case was a criminal one and after a few min utes consultation the jury filed into the box from its room Have you acreeil unon a verdict asked the judge We have responded the fore man passing It over The cleric win read said the judge And the clerk read We the jury agree to disa gree Excavation Near Pompeii Excavation will shortly he commenc ed in a marsh near Sannazzaro on the River Sarno in the vicinity of Pom peii because it has been ascertained that a very ancient city and necropolis were buried underneath during the eruption of Vesuvius several centuries before the destruction of Pompeii A collection already exists in the mu seum at Naples of great historic value consisting of indigenous vases and or namental objects dating from the eigth and ninth centuries before Christ The excavations are expected to lead to other important discoveries A Bright Dog Speaking about dogs said Repre sentative Beldler of Ohio I suppose I have the most intelligent iox terrier in the country and hes only a puppy yet The other day he spilled his milk and I cuffed his ears and chucked him out of the window The next day after he had spilled his mlik again he cuffed his own ears and went and jumped out of the window ONLY TEN DOLLARS FOR THREE MONTHS TREATMENT Drs Richards fc Van Camp of H0 Parnam St OmahuNeb treat Catarrh and cuarantee a cure The doctors are old established and reliable phy sicians or Omaha Their treatment Includes a luntr tester Inhaler local and constitutional treatment and they iruarantee to cure any case of catarrh of tho nos throat or lunsra In ninety days or refund the money If you are afflicted or Interested call or write for further Information Engaged people put on magnifying glasses when they look at each others virtues The day they are marred they take them off A mother not spoken well of by her children is an enemy of the state she should not live within the kingdoms wall - CI FACTORY New LOADED An Ideal Womans MedicfoB So says Mrs Josie Irwin of 325 So College St Nashville Tenn of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Never in the history of medicine has the demand for one particular remedy for female diseases equalled that at tained Ijv Iiydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and never during- the lifetime of this wonderful medicine has the demand for it been bo preat as it is to dny From the Atlantic to the Pacific and throughout the length and breadth of this great continent come the glad tidings of womans sufferings relieved by it and thousands upon thousands of letters are pouring in from grateful women saying that it -will and posi tively does cure the worst forms of female complaints Mrs Pinldiam invites all wo men who are puzzled about their health to -write her at Iynn Mass for atlviee Such corre spondence is seen by women only and no charge is made IFttfl WTHtBUTQIMUTY fUMDEil SffiUfiHl5ClGAR ALWAYS RELIABLE ttSaIj v jgagsff fl JU Ism I -v VfiV L r uiii - r M - t -S-Vi I VSS flSiSBSW i 7 i Gil iV rl mmmmmm a hw GREGORYS For 40 jfrj the B tf Uadjrd for 3 En tblHtr Alitars thabtst New catalotue fn e J llUrcsory goo Harblebeail Xatxu SHOTGUN SHELLS Rival Leader Mk V9tottAjfuU i et IjvMpi ft ii i Repeater F you are looking for reliable shotgun am munition the kind that shoots where you point your gun buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells New Rival loaded with Black powder Leader and Repeater loaded with Smokeless Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells and accept no others ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM iw Su ilo Lucuiiai ciict ib uuy tne genuine manufactured by the f r ijr n a ycts piesaovtly Acts Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well informed and to the healthy because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance In the process of manuiactunng ngs are used as they are pleasant to the taste but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants Known io ue ineaicmany laxative and to act most beneficially h v i Louisville- Ky new YorkftS For sals by oil druiats Prciy cervts perubottld d if j yf s S - M i t J C r 1 i a m