The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 20, 1903, Image 1

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Ed B Lincoln KlUF His On
Richard G Mitchell
Sunday morning Ed B Lincoln killed
his brother-in-law Richard G Mitchell
by striking him over the head with a
piece of wagon tiro death resulting in
a short time The sad tragedy was
enacted on the farm of the murdered
man about ten miles southwest of this
city on the Upper Driftwood just across
the- line in Logan precinct Hitch
cock county while Lincoln was de
ranged after suffering from an unusually
severe and prolonged attack of epileptic
fits to which he was subject
It seems that Lincoln had been suffer
ing severely for about a week with his
old malady and about two oclock last
Friday night he became so violent in
action and speech that his sister Mrs
Mitchell thought it advisable to call in
a neighbor A J Hatcher for safety and
self protection Mr Hatcher spent the
rest of the night at the house but
Lincoln remained very quiet and peace
able during his stay resuming his
threatening conduct as soon as Hatcher
had returned homo
On Saturday tho matter of sending
Lincoln to the insane asylum was dis
cussed by the sister and husband which
intensified a growing feeling on the part
of Lincoln against Mitchell and wife
which ended in the tragedy of Sunday
Mitchell was engaged in currying a
horse when his wife ran from the house
announcing that Ed was coming and
continuing her way on through the
barn thinking that her husband was
following Either Mitchell did not
heed the alarm or Lincoln was upon
him too quickly at any rate tho fatal
blow with the heavy and sharp pointed
wagon tire was dealt by Lincoln while
Mitchell was in a stooping position
The skull was crushed like an egg shell
the victim falling under tho horse
where he remained until dragged forth
not long after by the wife who returned
to see what had become of her husband
After striking Mitchell Lincoln started
after the sister who succeeded in evad
ing him however and when Lincoln
finally returned to tho house she went
to Hatchers after assistance
Help was finally secured among the
neighbors and after a terribly exciting
day a day full of apprehension and fore
bodings and thrilling incidents one of
them being a runaway with Lincoln as
the only occupant of the wagon be
having bodily thrown out of the wagon
the driver Mr French who was consid
erably bruised by his experience Lin
coln was finally gotten into a wagon and
taken to Julbertson by Sheriff Brown of
Hitchcock county and assistants The
sheriff did not reach the scene until
toward evening Sunday being here in
McCook on business when informed of
the tragedy imperfectly and he went to
Culbertson first and then to the farm de
laying his arrival several hours thereby
Lincoln was taken to Culbertson and
held under guard until Monday when
his case and condition were investigated
by the board of insanity of Hitchcock
county assembled at Culbertson The
finding Jwas that Lincoln is insane and
application was at once made for admis
sion to tho asylum at Lincoln Permit
was received on Tuesday and tho same
evening Sheriff Brown took the unfortu
nate man to Lincoln
The Tribute is informed by parties
to whom Lincoln made the statement
that Lincoln had threatened to kill
Mitchell and had expressed regret that
he had not done so years ago when suf
fering from a similar attack It is not
stated that Mitchell and Lincoln were
in the habit of quarreling for Mitchell
was an unusually quiet mannered and
close mouthed fellow but Lincoln
seemed to have taken an antipathy to
him and when laboring under the mad
spell of his malady naturally sought his
life and that of his sister
Lincoln is a man of gigantic build
weighing almost three hundred pounds
and until finally taken in charge by the
sheriff and assistants and conveyed to
Culbertson was a source of great alarm
and uneasiness among the people of
that neighborhood
The remains were buried in Logan
cemetery Logan precinct Hitchcock
county Tuesday afternoon thus closing
one of the saddest tragedies ever en
acted in this pait of Nebraska
J B Lincoln of Pacific Junction la
a brother of Mrs Mitchell attended the
funeral Tuesday
We are deeply grateful to all the
friends and neighbors for ready and will
ing assistance rendered us in our recent
bereavement and sorrow and are sincere
ly thankful for every kindness shown us
in our sad tragedy
Mrs Richard Mitchell
J B Lincoln
Stop that cough Cure that
McConnells Balsam will do it
Milo Path has returned to Filley
L Morse of Benkolman was with us
Mrs F E Whitney is down from
Alliance on a visit to relatives
H W Keyes of Indianola had legal
business in the city Wednesday
W O Robinson of Stratton was a
Sunday visitor in tho valleys finest
Mrs Walter Stokes arrived home
first of tho week from a long visit in
Mrs J F Kenyon entertained tho
Bon Ton Euchro club last Saturday
Miss Mabel Wilcox entertained the
vounir ladies of the Owl Os club Tues-
day evening
Mrs Grant Smith and children went
down to Kenesaw yesterday morning
on a visit homo
Miss Frances McChesney gave a
party to a company of young friends
Monday evening
Miss Delon Shepherd came down
from Denver yesterday on No 2 on a
visit to the family
Mrs Barney Hoofer is ill and Miss
Eva Burgess is clerking in the lobby
pending her recovery
Mrs B J Sharkey Josie and Ceryl
departed Wednesday for Ohio to be
absent about three weeks
Mrs Sutton mother of H P ac
companied them home from Louisiana
and will make her home here
Bert Lufkin and family have gone to
Shelton Buffalo county where they
will make their homo for the present
Mrs L E Cann and sister Miss
Margaret Gibbons departed last Friday
for her home in Salt Lake City Utah
Mr and Mrs H P Sutton arrived
home last Friday night from spending
three weeks visiting his mother
Mrs W M Stoner went down
Weeping Water Tuesday morning
No 2 to visit her homefolks two
three weeks
Judge G W Norris will make his
first trip to Washington Sunday or
Monday to bo absent three weeks in
the national capital
Miss Eva Burgess who has been
visiting her sister Mrs N B Bush at
Almena Kansas for a few weeks arrived
home Saturday night
Mr and Mrs C W Goheen de
parted Monday night for Hope Idaho
expecting to finally make Seattle Wash
ington before settling down
Mr and Mrs Arthur Wood arrived
from Missoula Montana Monday night
to witness the marriage of Mis Nina
Doan They will make but a short stay
Dr J E Hathorn our representat
ive was in the city Friday afternoon
on his way home to Bartley from Lin
coln during a temporary adjournment
of that body
Mrs Frank L Brown arrived from
Menominee Michigan last Friday even
ing and will visit her old friends in the
city a while She is the guest of Mrs
A Campbell
John Selby who has been assisting
vocally in a series of meetings in
Arapahoe for the past six weeks re
turned home on 1 Tuesday He re
ports the addition of 36 members to the
Mrs Cora Kelly arrived from Har
lan Iowa Wednesday night and will be
here until last of next week She has
been at Kansas City buying goods She
is highly pleased with her new home and
Will Walters passed through the
city last week on his way to New
Brunswick N J on business at head
quarters of the great drug concern
for which he is traveling He will also
visit in Chicago and in New York city
Misses Hazel Rouch Ida Allen and
Fay Tipton gave an enjoyable Valentine
party Saturday evening to a company
of their young friends at the home of
H A Rouch A two course lunch was
served and a general good time had
The decorations were in pink and green
Jacob Wallers a brother of Mrs
Sophia Griswold whose death occurred
last week departed on Saturday night
for his homo near Chicago Both
children of the deceased sister a boy
and a girl the latter quite a bright and
attractive child of ten years of age
accompanied him home Wallers is a
well-to-do farmer near Chicago and the
children are fortunate in securing so
desirable a home especially so when the
misery and squalor of their life recently
is considered
A Most Joyous Nuptial Event
A happy wedding of charming simpii
city was consummated Wednesday even
ing at tho homo of Mr and Mrs E H
Doan thehigh contracting parties being
their daughter Nina and Mr Leroy
Kleven About forty relatives and friends
witnessed tho joyous affair
Mr and Mrs A G Bump welcomed
the guests and directed to tho cloak
Promptly at G30 tho young couplo ap
proached the marriage station little
Gertrude Snyder preceding them and
scattering the way with flowers tho
while Miss Maud Cordeal played Drieds
Norwegian Bridal Procession The
officiating minister Rev Frank W Dean
of the Congregational church stood with
in a bower effect of laco hangings and
clinging vines and in tho simple impres
sive and beautiful ring ceremony pro
nounced the words uniting their desti
nies in earths closest union
The brido has blossomed into young
and radiant womanhood in our city from
a young girl and numbers a host among
her friends and admirers The groom
was born in Culbertson and is a product
of Southwestern Nebraska of which we
are all prpud He is one of the Burling
tons most expert telegraphers and has
recently been advanced to the important
position of dispatcher at McCook head
quarters He is popular both within
and outside railroad circles They have
the heartiest congratulations and well
wishes of all
The bride was handsomely gowned in
heavy white satin trimmed with pearl
passementerie en train The waist had
a long yoke effect of tiny tucks finished
with pearl passementerie The sleeves
were tucked close fitting to tho elbows
with fancy under sleeves of white chif
fon ruffles The skirt was made with
yoke and trimmings of pearl passemen
terie across foot of yoke and down sides
of front panel
Miss Cordeal and Gertrude Snyder
the little flower girl received gifts at
the hand of the groom
Congratulations over the guests were
seated at small tables attractively spread
and a three course luncheon was taste
fnlly served The decorations were in
scarlet and white A candelabrum burn
ing a scarlet candle occupied a central
place on each table The color scheme
was carried out also in the refreshments
There was a tulip at each guests plate
Those assisting in serving refreshments
were Mr and Mrs A G Bump Mrs
G R Snyder Mrs F S Wilcox Mrs
A J Chambers Miss Maud Cordeal
Those present from out of town were
Mrs Bertha Kleven and Henry Kleven
mother and brother of the groom and
Miss Pearl King all of Culbertson Mr
and Mrs Arthur Wood brother-in-law
and sister of the bride and Mr and Mrs
James C Barber of Havelock
The presents were many handsome
and rich in silver curglass china etc
For the present the young friends will
have rooms in C A Hedges residence
boarding with the parents of the bride
Attend the Parody Social
Tho B Y P U will give a Parody
social at the home of Engineer H L
Donovan next Thursday evening Feb
ruary 26th There will be a program of
music and literary numbers Refresh
ments will be served Arrangements are
being made to give all who may come an
enjoyable and profitable time Remem
ber the date and place Only ten cents
The County Doctors Organize
The doctors of Redwillow county held
a meeting in this city last Friday after
noon completing their organization and
transacting such other matters of busi
ness as properly came before the organi
Seed Barley For Sale
This barley will stand early sowing
Ready for harvest June loth Can be
harvested before hoppers are large
enough to damage it Also a few high
scoring pure white Plymouth Rock cock
erels J F Helm Redwillow Neb
Special Prices on Wall Paper
Until March 15th will sell last years
patterns of wall paper at reduced prices
to make room for new stock Now is
the time to get bargains
Yours for business
A McMillen
Wall Paper Buy it this month of
Cone Bros and save 50 per cent
Roy Miller is visiting in the city
Mrs J W Hupp entertained thj
Alphabet high five club last evening
Mrs J E Kelley and Supt A Gamp
bell divided the honors Mrs J F
Kenyon took the booby single handed
I J Reynolds is clerking in The
Model Shoe Store now and the boys are
engaged in the laudable purpose of
making The Model the finest exclusive
shoe store in Western Nebraska And
theyll win
T r
Engineer F G Westland is sick
M EWells was in tho city Thursday
J E Davison is visiting in Donvor
this week
C Amen and wifo are visiting in
Mrs J G Inglis is visiting in Den
ver this week
George Meyer is a now helper in
Walkers gang
E L Rhodes shop clerk spent Sun
day in Lincoln
F J Schwarb machinist helper re
signed Saturday
Engineer S V Ives and wifo spent
Sunday in Denver
A R Geddes of M Ms force spent
Sunday in Holdrcge
Fireman W A Lauby is visiting his
parents near Elwood
J S Swartwood is a new member of
the boiler washers gang
C E Jones blacksmith helper re
signed last Wednesday
Charles Blackburn has returned from
visiting folks near Eustis
Fireman A T Fitt and wifo aro visit
ing in Plattsmouth this week
Hostler Helper J D Remington spent
Sunday with relatives near Wray
E F Stephens of tho Crete nursery
was tho guest of J II over Sunday
E M Dawson of the blacksmith force
is on tho relief with a sprained back
Machinist C E Reeso resigned last
Saturday and left for St Joe Monday
G H Ilollister roundhouse foreman
at Red Cloud was in the city Thursday
Conductor T H Malen has the Hastings-Red
Cloud run vice C O LeHew
J C Barber store keeper at Have
lock was in the city Wednesday and
Conductor T E McCarl spent Sunday
between Nos 2 and 3 in Lincoln visiting
J Raymond
Conductor C O LeHew was up from
Hastings Tuesday on a short visit to
the homefolks
C H McBride returned home from
his trip to Holbrook in time to catch
the pay car here
Brakeman and Mrs W S Tomlinson
arrived home Sunday from their trip
to the old home in Ohio
Boilermaker Helper C Esher is visit
ing in Lincoln and expects to be gone
until the last of tho month
Fireman I L Rodstrom who has
been on the sick list for tho last month
returned to work Thursday
L O Graves former fireman out of
here now of Trinidad Colorado was
visiting the boys this week
Fireman A E Mellin left on No 2
Tuesday for a ten days visit with
friends and relatives near Axtell
M S Parks is on freight with Con
ductor H C Brown now and Lee I
Culbertson is flagging in his place
Engineer Charles Arnold and wife left
first of the week for a thirty days visit
with relatives near Breckenridge Mo
E C McKay went to some point on
the Union Pacific Tuesday it is re
ported to take a position on the road
Asst Supt D F McFarland was
down from Holyoke yesterday on busi
ness coming down via Denver on No 2
J C Birdsell is acting division super
intendent at Alliance during the ab
sence of Supt Phelan on his wedding
Conductor C O LeHew has severed
his connection with the Burlington and
on Wednesday went west in search of a
James Egan foreman of the pipe gang
and tinsmiths is on the relief with an
injured leg He was hit with a large
piece of brass just below the knee
A pile driver and a gang of men from
Alliance were sent up on the Lyons
branch close of last week to rebuild a
bridge recently burned on that branch
Engineer A Clark and Fireman J A
Thurlin with the 116 double headed No
77 up from Oxford Thursday night
While here they had some light repairs
made on the 116 and returned to Oxford
Friday night
Wednesday evening Arthur Colfer
was agreeably surprised by a num
ber of his young friends who came
in unannounced with well filled bask
ets There were about 35 in the party
All had a good time spending the ev
ening in dancing card playing and other
games and last but not least in eating
ical Society
A Swell Social Event
Tho colonial dancing party givon by
tho ladies of tho Fortnightly Dancing
club last Friday evening in tho Men
ard opera houso to tho young gentlemen
of tho club and invited guests was ono
of tho swollest social affairs of tho win
ter It was largely attondod and thor
oughly enjoyed in every particular and
It is claimed for tho decorations that
they havo never been equaled at any
function over givon in tho opera house
a strong claim tis true but ono which
tho facts well warrant Rugs curtains
fancy pillows galore furniture and other
tasteful accessories gavo tho scene an
attractivo appearance of comfort
Tho ladies wore all gowned in colonial
styles with bepowdered hair and tho
scene was quito bewitching withal
Tho gentlemen restricted themselves to
plain black and powdered hair
Tho grand march was led by Mr II
C Clapp and Mrs F A Pennell
RalphBosworth and Dollio Pennell dis
tributed carnations to tho dancers dur
ing the grand march tho gentlemen re
ceiving white and the ladies red
Tho ladies of the L O T M hive
served refreshments during tho evening
utilizing tho stage for tho purpose
This feature was very cleverly managed
by tho ladies From a convenient and
pretty booth in the southeast corner of
the main floor punch was served during
the evening by Misses Emma Perry
Jessie Popo and Edna Waite
The gentlemen were all delighted with
the happy manner in which they were
entertained by tho ladies who have
much cause for satisfaction and gratifi
cation upon tho success of the affair
Wall Paper at Half Price
I will until March 1st sell any pattern
of wall paper carried over from last sea
son at ono half the regular price I
have about 4000 rolls all in complete
combinations of sidewall ceiling and
border in perfect condition A rare op
portunity if you expect to paper soon
L W McConnell
Do You Need a Cream Separator
If you do dont fail to call at W T
Colemans store and see the very latest
improved separator You can ship your
cream from any station and draw your
pay twice a month Separators are sold
on payments and part of each check can
be retained as a payment on the ma
Piano For Sale
We have a high grade piano located
close to McCook for sale at a sacrifice
Write us and we will tell you why Now
is your opportunity if you are in need of
a musical instrument Cash or terms to
suit Address Tho Knight Campbell
Music Company Denver Colorado for
Is your head working or aro you pay
ing ten cents a pound for meat by tho
quarter when you can get better meat
by tho quarter at Marshs meat markot
for six and eight cents a pound Dont
let tho peddlers bump you so hard when
the regular dealers can do so much bet
ter in price and in quality as well
Over 40 dress skirts of our own make
now ready 200 to 750 To your
measure at the same price New spring
goods to select from The Thompson
Dry Goods Co One price plain fig
ures cash only
Household Furniture for Sale
Chiffonier refrigerator small cook
stove chairs couch pictures book
case folding bed dishes etc
Mrs Delhunty
He Has Them
Dont send away Buy your seeds
from W T Coleman and know what
you are getting Dont get left
8 Monte Carlos now 550 1150
jackets now 750 3 long ooats now
475 Childrens 2 jackets now 139
Misses 350 long coats now 239 See
them before buying The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Teeth kept clean and free from germs
dont decay Minardene kills the germ
Made and sold by McConnell druggist
All lovers of fine perfumes should try
the California odors made where the
flowers grow for sale at Cone Bros
A large invoice of Lincoln mixed
paints the very beat just received at
McMillens drug store
Mens extra stout cotton worsted pants
24 ounces to the pair for The
Thompson D G Co
Mens black suits at 5 6 750 and
up to 1250 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
New spring dress goods arriving and
displayed at The Thompson D G Cos
Bargains in Silk Remnants at De
Save money on drugs at McMillans
Now things in fiction at McConnells
Scale books for sale at The Tkiuunk
McMillous cough euro will stop your
cough Try it
McConnell will sell wall paper at half
price until March 1st
First class meats of all kinds at tho
B x M meat market
Whito Pino and far Tho best for
coughs Buy it at Cono Bros
Tho B M meat markot sells tho
best of everything in their lino
Another shipment of now books has
just been received by Cono Bros
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
250 Special price 129 DeGroff
Sizes 0 1 and 2 in hooks and eyes now
at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
Irrigated farm for rent tf
C H Meeker
Gunthors caudies always fresh
L W McConnell
For sale A second hand organ
Price 1000 Inquiro at this office 2
Sizes 46 and 44 in porealo wrappers
now at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Liquid Koal and National Dip for sale
by James Cain Kill tho germ of Texas
You want tho best at a right price
You will get it at tho B M meat
The best bargains in Wall Paper ever
offered to McCook people aro at Cono
Bros until March 1st
New percale wrappers with flounce
and finishing braid from 75c up at Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co
If you anticipate using wall paper
soon you can save money by calling at
McMillens before March 15th
Pickles sauer kraut and everything
seasonable at Marshs meat market
Highest quality and lowest prices
Over 50 styles of new spring ginghams
from 8c to 12Jc received and showing
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Tho Dorcas society of tho Congrega
tional church will meet at tho parson
age next Thursday afternoon tho 26th
Tho cheapest easiest quickest and
best way to smoko meat is to uso Mc
Connells Condensed Smoke In 25 cent
It seems to bo definitely settled that
there will bo a district fair in McCook
next fall Plans are now forming to
that end
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for sale at Trib
une office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
There is nothing more profitable to
people in general than a good garden
In order to have one you must get some
of W T Colemans seeds
Boys extra stout corduroy knee pants
50c Suits of the same 325 Mens
corduroy suits 750 Pants 2 at Tho
Thompson Dry Good3 Co
Dont forget the Washington dinner
and supper Saturday February 21st
in the Coleman building on Main ave
nue Dinner served from 11 oclock
Are you thinking about getting a
washing machine If so you should see
the -Ocean Wave at W T Colemans
Its the latest improved easiestrunning
most durable washing machine on tho
The members of tho Baptist church
have negotiated for the two vacant lots
lying south of their church building
upon which they will in the very near
future erect a neat and attractive
What is more acceptable to a friend
or your wife than a set of pearl handled
knives and forks a chaffing dish baking
dish or anything in the silverware line
which you can get at a reasonable price
at W T Colemans
Estray Cows From slaughter house
yard two cows one red heifer 3 years
old weighs about S00 wire about neck
one pale red cow weighs about 1000
pounds Reward will be paid for in
formation leading to their recovery
D C Marsh
Seven important men are discussed in
the February number of the Cosmopoli
tan The Young Napoleon by Field
marshal Viscount Wolseley Leo Tols
toy An Interpretation Done in Little
by Elbert Hubbard August Belmont
by R II Graves Henry M Whitney by
A E MacFarlane The Trimphal Tour
of Adolf Lorentz by John Brisben
Walker William Andrews Clark by H
R Knapp and President McKinleys
Tours by W W Price