Sili i v i 1 u t L QXsXj FARMERS SHIPPING ASSOCIATION I am now prepared to take your orders for shipment for car lots of hogs and cattle on EVERY V TUESDAY AND - SATURDAY Will also buy on same days Office at the B M meat market F S WILCOX 9 The Ocean Ware LATEST IMPROVED EASIEST RUNNING MOST DURABLE Washing Machine ON THE MARKET W T COLEMAN McCook Nebraska SXSXSSSX5SX A Big1 Wall Map Free We have a marvelous offer to make to readers of this paper Our reversible wall map of the United States and World is 46x66 inches It is mounted on rollers and ready to hang on the wall It is printed in colore and shows everything interesting and valuable We send it on approval and guarantee absolutely that it will please you To every one who will send us 1 for one years sub scription to The Prairie Farmer and The Prairie Farmer Home Magazine monthly supplement we will send this great map free upon condition that 15 cents be added to pay forpacking and postage on the map When you get the map if you are not entirely pleased return it to us and the full amount of your money will be refunded without one word We guarantee that it will fully please you Address The Prairie Farmer 160 Adams street Chicago Whats the matter old man been losing on wheatT No not that forgot to take Kocky Mountain Tea last night Wife said Id be sick today 35 cents McConnells drag store NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT In county conrt Red Willow county Nebraska In estate of Michael Smith deceased To the creditors heirs legatees and others in terested in the estate of Michael Smith Take notice that Ann Smith has filed in the cocnty conrt a report of her doings as Adminis tratrix of Michael Smith and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing the 14th day of March A D 1903 before the court at the hour of nine oclock a m at which time any person interested may appear and except to and con test the same And notice of this proceeding is ordered given to all persons interested is said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The McCook Tribune for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand and the seal of the county conrt at McCook this 11th day of February A D 1903 bhal S L Green County Judge ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES FOR 1903 In the matter of the necessary expenses dur ing the year on motion the estimate for the same for the year 1903 was fixed as follows County General fund 12000 00 County Bridge fund 5000 00 County Road fund 4000 00 Soldiers Relief fund 500 00 Willow Grove precinct 1700 00 Bartley Village bond 400 00 McCookCity bond 200 00 North Valley precinct 500 00 School District bonds 8000 00 E J Wilcox County Clerk McCook Neb Jan 13 1903 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The northeast quarter of section five in town one north range twenty nine west and Henry Ambler defendants will take notice that on the 29th day of January 1903 Edward BCowles plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska against said defendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the laud above described for the taxes for the years 1899 1900 1901 There is due to plaintiff the sum of 2615 Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or be fore the 9th day of March 1903 Edwaed B Cowles Plaintiff V The Test physic Once tried and you will always use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets says William A Girard Pease Vt These tablets are the most prompt most pleas ant and the most reliable cathartic in use For sale at McConnells drug store NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To John Hummell John T Farrell Edward Fnrrell Hannah Doyle Mary Farrell Albert O Latham Mary Ann Fitzgerald Minnie Farrell and Mar Ann Farrell and to all whom it miy concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of section twenty nino 29 township number two 2 north in range twenty six 26 west of the 6th p m thence west on section line two miles to the southwest corner of section thirty 30 thence north one mile to tho southwest corner of section nineteen 19 and terminating there at in Tyrone precinct Red Willow county Nebraska has reported in favor of the location thereof and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filod in the county clerks office on or before noon of the 17th day of March A D 1903 or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE In tho District Court of Lancaster county Nebraska In the matter of the application of Lillian McAlpine guardian of Maud McAlpine J Floyd McAlpine Harry McAlpine and Marian McAl pine minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of March 1903 the said applicant Lillian McAl pine guardian as aforesaid under and by vir tue of a license to her granted by said court at the front door of the court house in the qity of McCook in Red Willow county Nebraska and at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon of said day will sell at public vendue to the high est bidder therefor the following described lands owned by said minors her wards that is to say The undivided one half on the south half of the southwest quarter of section thirteen and the undivided one half of the northwest quarter of section twenty four all in township one north range twenty six west of the sixth Prin cipal Meridian in Red Willow county Nebraska Such lands will be sold subject to the incum brance of a life estate belonging to Lillian Mc Alpine in an undivided one third thereof And said sale will be held open for one hour from two oclock till three oclock in the afternoon of said day Lillian McAlpine Guardian as aforesaid NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Gottlieb Weyeneth and Marion Powell and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the southeast corner of section twenty nine 29 township one l range twenty-eight 23 as a starting point thence west on section line between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 about 633 feet to the bridge thence in a southwesterly course 1840 feet to a point 232 feet south of the section line between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 thence in a northwesterly course 683 feet to a point on the said section line 300 feet east of the bridge on said section line that is located near the quarter section line has re ported in favor of the establishment thereof as follows Commencing at the southeast corner of sec tion twenty nine 29 township one 1 range twenty eight 28 as a starting point thence west on section line between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 nine 9 chains and thirty three 33 links thence southwest twenty three 23 degrees thirty 30 minutes fourteen 14 chains and thirty four 34 links thence northwest eighty nine 89 degrees fourteen 14 chains and thirty two 32 links to section lino between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty two 32 terminating thereat And all objections thereto or claims for dama ges must be filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of tho 17th day of March A D 1903 or said road will be established without reference thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk Style Is The Distinguishing Feature About All the riodel Footwear Yet style does not obscure the presence of abandon qualityquality that means elegance that insures ease and durability Nothing But Good Shoes Here The best dressers men and women wear Model shoes on all occasions Different kinds for different uses Big reduction on all Winter Shoes Overshoes and Mittens The Model Shoe Store flcCook Neb t THE BEST DAY OF ALL ISto neaiona Why Sunday Alwy Appeals to the Children On weekday mornings father had gone to work when you came down stairs but on Sunday mornlngB when you awoke a trifle earlier If anything Father Silence Father a little louder Then a sleepy Yes We want to get up It Isnt time yet You children go to Bleep You waited Then Father is it time yet No You children lie still So you and Llzbeth wideawake whispered together and then to while away the timeJ while father slept you played Indian which required two lit tle yells from you to begin with when the Indian You arrived in your war paint and two big yells from Llzbeth to end with when the Paleface She was being scalped Then father said it was no use and mother took a hand You were quiet after that but it was yawny ly ing there with the sun so high You listened Not a sound came from fa ther and mothers room You rose cau tiously you and Lizbeth in your little bare feet You stole softly across the floor The door was a crack open so you peeked in your face even with the knob and Lizbeths just below And then at one and the same Instant you both said Boo and grinned and the harder you grinned the harder father tried not to laugh which was a sign that you could scramble into bed with him you on one side and Lizbeth on the other cuddling down close while mother went to see about breakfast It was very strange but while it had been so hard to drowse in your own bed the moment you were in fathers you did not want to get up at all In deed it was father who wanted to get up first and it was you who cried that it was not time Weekdays were always best for most things but for two reasons Sunday was the best day of all One reason was Sunday dinner The other was fa ther Harpers Magazine JAPANESE REGALIA Royal Emblcnin Without Which the Emperor Could Not Role The Japanese royal emblems consist of a copper mirror symbolic of knowl edge a steel sword symbolizing cour age and agate jewels representing mercy The story of their origin was told thus by a Japanese official The sun goddess became angry with the earth and withdrew into a cave plunging everything into darkness The other deities could not induce her to come out so began to make a noise as of great rejoicing which aroused the curiosity of the irate goddess She finally came to the mouth of the cave to learn the cause of the uproar and was told that they had found a more beautiful goddess than herself The sun goddess came out then demand ing to see her rival and the crafty dei ties held the mirror before her which drove all her sulkiness away The sword was taken by Susenoo the brother of the sun goddess from the tail of an eight headed serpent that had been annually devouring a beautiful girl Susenoo placed eight great tubs of wine in his way and when he was sleeping killed him and took the sword as a trophy The sword is kept in an apartment near the imperial bedchamber and called the Room of the Sword The jewels have also a room to themselves and the mirror Is in charge of a priest ess The regalia have the highest sig nificance in the eyes of the people and It is held that no emperor can possibly rule without the three virtues which they represent He must moreover hold the actual tokens and in the im perial code it is enjoined that on the death of the sovereign his heir must take possession of them The Basin of an Apple One end of the apple bears the name of basin and contains the -remnants of the blossom sometimes called the eye of the fruit This part of the apple is deep in some varieties and shallow and open in others This is the weak est point in the whole apple as con cerns the question of the keeping qual ity of the fruit If the basin is shallow and the canal to the core firmly closed there is much less likelihood of the fruit decaying than when it is deep and the evident opening connects the center of the fruit with the surface As It Really Was Lay on Macduff cried Macbeth Macduff was motionless WhatH be the matter noo said Macbeth Dinna ye ken thats the cue I waB na sure said Macduff whether ye were just recht in yer grammar I thought ye meant lie on an that I wadna stand but its all recht noo And the conflict began Toledo Bee Quick Promotion I hear your brother is an assistant bookkeeper Yes indeed And do you know he proved himself so clever that theyve passed him over the first and second assistantships and made him third as sistant right off New York World Sever Still Mrs Naggem And do you love me Btill Naggem wearily I dont know Ive never had the chance San Francisco Bulletin No one likes to be reminded that there is another side to the story Atchison Globe One does not have to fall asleep to dream New York News c Orleans St Francis Branch Orleans Neb Feb 10 1903 Special to McCook Tribnne Parkers double new brick is finished at Wilsonvillo tho largest in town The snow is a foot deep on the levol at Orleans Winter wheat is in excellent condition Mrs Leono Fairchild has roturned home from Beatrice after a visit of several weeks The Hollonbcck hotels now hack is a gem of beauty and construction tho best ever seen here Marion Nebraska is baling 300 tons of hay This town is fast coming to the front as a shipping point The equipments of Judgo Kuesters telephones have arrived at Orleans and soon his sixty odd patrons will have connections from their residences to the central office David Booth will have charge of tho central office at Orleans The Lady Maccabees of Orleans will give a reception and entertainment called The Butterfly Social St Val entine night Supper 6 to 8 They have been preparing several weeks and are noted for the success of their enter tainments Thursday will witness a gathering of Masons from Alma Wilsonville Beaver City and Oxford at Orleans the occa sion of conferring the M M degree on Hays Banwell the son of Dr W H Banwell master of Melrose lodge No GO A F A M The visiting brethren will bo the guests of the Orleans lodge and a sumptous feast will be spread after the ceremonies are over Sol Moran of St Francis has been a Burlington employe fifteen years He came to St Francis when that burg was a straggling collection of huts and the drifting sands threatened to overwhelm him A quarter of a century ago Sol was a noted plain man Indian fighter and scout Tho Sioux called him Big Sandy His body is scarred the me mentos of an ambush when he stood Sioux warriors at bay and was gener ously carved and tattoed by a butcher knife Bleeding from face and limb his captors shook him by the hand and called him heap brave and the famous Sitting Bull desired an alliance by be stowing tho hand of his favorite daughter in marriage He sojourned several months with the savages and escaped from the noted chief His ad ventures on the plains in the seventies would make interesting reading rivaling Kit Carson and Buffalo Bill He was at St Francis when the dusky savages dwelt where the town now stands ASSASSINATION OF BENJAMIN KNOTT Bird City Kans Feb 10 1903 During the heavy storm Tuesday when the sky was obscured by scurrying snow obliterating land marks obstruct ing railroad traffic and blockading the cuts so that Bird City was severed from the outside world one of the most atro cious crimes of criminal records was perpetrated and added a bloody chapter to the history of northwestern Kansas The time and place were propitious the raging storm forced man to the comforts of the fireside no traveler ventured on the snow drifted streets or braved the the howling blast from the north that drowned all cries of distress In his suite of rooms above the old Ardeny hardware store at Bird City Benjamin W Knott the aged pioneer and first county clerk of Cheyenne county was invalided in his cozy apartments secure from the blizzard and supplied with the comforts to cheer one during a siege of cold A flight of stairs led from the ground to the upper rooms and these were covered with eight inches of snow At 4 p m Monday Mr Knott was last seen alive and he carried on his person 8300 or 400 the proceeds of a land sale All day Tuesday he was not missed or any suspicion of his lamentable fate entertained for his feeble health and habits of isolation while indisposed were well known When Wednesdays sun rose brightly the storm subsided and all attended their usual vocations and he did not make his appearance or frequent his habitual haunts fears were expressed that something wrong might have befallen him and Charles B Eeed went to his rooms with a presentiment of dread Traversing the snow laden steps he onened the unlocked door of Mr Knotts apartments Beyond the threshold a sight met his gaze that appalled him On a pile of coal in the room used for fuel stretched the life less form of his friend clothed in the garb of winter with cap drawn closely over his head and feet cased in over shoes The face and bosom were satu rated with blood and a gory trail led from the body with bloody pools at intervals till the bed was reached which presented a spectacle with pillows and covering smeared with blood He met his death probably while reposing ly ing on his left side the assasin stole in and dealt him a deadly blow over the right ear crushing the skull and robbed him of his money and retreated in the darkness taking advantage of the storm to cloud the brutal crime with ob scurity and cover his trail from pursuit Whether he succumbed to the fatal blow on the bed or crawled to the fuel room to replenish the fire or was carried there by the assassin probably will never be known The room was cold when the body was discovered the fire a long time out Dr Waterman coroner arrived late Wednesday night impaneled a jury who first thought that Mr Knott had been overcomed while r V LET OUR Mid Winter Cf xj23f eqriiKj taooroTC3iaa Ask your drnegiat yf Sbortftand Tjjfewittag Esglisii StHteBfeca vert for tear JZ Sewi fer Cabtegse free Prof A J L03T Prlii BcoMaepteg Ba6UBgLaffetc 44a44 Ls vhrhdr A C N6 A H LLB Pro Onaba Safi BE OF INTEREST TO YOU Q We want to move then We need the space for other goods which are com in We give 25 per cent discount on Annis Furs the best you know LadiesSuits at reduced prices Ladies Jackets at half price and less Others at cost All sure enough bargains Our Grocery Stock is com plete Give us a trial order PHONE 22 THE cfcx C h Store C L DeGROFF CO 8fe tWWV WW - tHfc bending over tho coal pile with hemor rhage of the lungs but when the cap was drawn the ugly wound over the right ear told its bloody story and the jury rendered a verdict of murder by party or parties unknown No clue of che perpetrators of the heinous crime has been unearthed the awful tragedy is veiled in deep obscurity MrKnott was a Kentuckyan by birth and came to Bird City 18 years ago He took a homestead adjacent to Bird City and was the first county clerk of Cheyenne county Bird City was the county seat then and a presidential post office In those days Wano existed and St Francis was not on the map The deceased was a life long Metho dist conspicuous for his honesty in tegrity and piety The deep damnation of this atrocious crime clothed in all its shocking brutal ity and heartlessneBS beggars language Assassination of a feeble aged man ib a cowardly murder that no words can paint its savagery or phrase its fiend ishness Benjamin W Knott who was brutally murdered by an assassin at Bird City last week was a life long Mason in good standing He was buried with Masonic honors by the Atwood lodge at Atwood Kansas The brethren went to Bird City to bestow the last token of broth erly love and friendship on a brother who had belonged to the Atwood lodge since it was organized many years ago No relatives were there to shed a tear but Masons in token of their sincerity and sorrow lovingly carried him to his resting place and mourned his lament able fate struck down by unhallowed hands in lifes winter near the sunset of career Mr Knott was an ideal Mason led a blameless life a Christian This atrocious crime its barbaric cruelty and savagery appeals to justice to mete maxi mum penalty to the blood thirsty murderer of the innocent and aged Baby sleeps and grows while mamma reste if Rocky Monntain Tea is riven It is the greatest baby medicine CTer offered motherb 35 cents McConnells drugstore Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you -well Onr trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never oM in bulk Accept no substl When you feel bine and every thing goea wronK take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They will cleanse and invigorate your stomachc regulate your bowels give yon a relish for your food and make you feel that this old world is a good place to live For salo at McConnells drug ft torn A Mothers Recommendation I have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy for a number of years Jandhavo no hesitancy in saying that it is the host remedy for coughft colds and croup 1 havo ever used in my family I have not words to oxpreps my confidenco in thi3 remedy Mrs J A Moore North Star Michigan For salo by L M McConnell frfO The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer Wrong feeding is loss Right feeding is profit The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk his pigs to get the most pork his hens to get the most egg Science But how about the children Are they fed according to science a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia Scotts Emulsion is a mixed food the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh blood and muscle the Lime and Soda make bone and brain It is the standard scientific food for delicate children n a Send for free sample Be sure that this picture in Jhe form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy Scott Bowne CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and 1 all druggists