The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 13, 1903, Image 2

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    MqCook Tribune
B M KIMMELL Publisher
Senator Matthew Stanley Quay Is
cloBlng up his forty sixth year as a
public officer
Mr Kiplings home in South Africa
during Bomo weeks to come will be
the house which in the past was lent
to him by Cecil Rhodes
The British war office has decided to
Invite tenders from Canadian farmers
for the supply of fresh meat to the
British army in South Africa
Maines receipts from fees for the or
ganization of new corporations were
nearly 100000 last year The cor
poration fees are doubling annually
A head on collision between two
Rock Island freight trains near Teco
late N M resulted in the death of
five men and the injury of several oth
B W Knott a wealthy citizen of
Bird City Kansas was found lying
dead in a pool of blood In his bed
room He is supposed to have been
Charles P Swigert for eight years
state auditor of Illinois and for the last
three years custodian of Memorial hall
public library building is dead of ap
Colonel A J Gordon aged 80 years
a civil war veteran and one of the
first settlers of Wright county Mo
was found dead In the warehouse of
his store at Hartville
Charles Ward one of the famous
crew of Ward brothers who held the
worlds championship for four oared
races died at his home on Park ave
nue Rockaway Beach
Prof Friedrich Delitsch of the Uni
versity of Berlin whose recent lec
tures on the Babylonian origin of the
Bible created a sensation will visit the
United States in March
The correspondent of the London
Standard at Tien Tsin telegraphs the
rumor that the empress dowager is
dead the news being concealed until
the New Year observances
A soecial from Hermosillo states
that there is little truth in the stories
published about the alleged fight be
tween the Yaquis and the Mexican reg
ular troops near San Marcial
At Butte Mont Walter W Brooks
a local bartender found his wife and
Emery Chevrier a barber in a room
in the Dubois house and he shot Chev
rier down He gave himself up
Lee S Overman the new senator
from North Carolina is 49 years old
He is a lawyer of ability a native
of Salisbury and In 1874 graduated
from Trinity college North Carolina
At Anniston Ala a boiler in the
Southern Car and Foundry company
plant exploded killing five persons in
stantly and wounding several The
cause of the explosion is not known
Italy has again threatened the porte
to the effect that if piracy in the Red
Sea is not effectively wiped out it will
be necessary for the Italian govern
ment to undertake the chastisement
of the coast tribes
The British press is after Lord
Cranborne under secretary of the for
eign office with a sharp stick for his
maladroit defense of the Venezuelan
policy and admitting that the govern
ment got into a mess
The territorial debt of Arizona is
2700000 of New Mexico 1100000
and of Oklahoma 527000 The as
sessed valuation of these territories is
Arizona 6S000000 New Mexico 36
000000 and Oklahoma 75000000
The executive committee to inves
tigate the cause for the coal famine
held its first meeting in Topeka Four
teen witnesses were summoned and ev
ery effort made to get the facts in
the case It is announced the inves
tigation will continue as long as neces
The Rock Island telegraphers have
decided to submit a new scale of
wages to the officers of the road in
Chicago next May It has been some
years since the Rock Island has had
a contract with the telegraphers on
account of the fact that the latter were
not organized
The Wyoming industrial convention
adopted resolutions that a strong me
morial be sent to the proper depart
ment of the general government for
the allotment in severalty of the lands
included in the Wind River or Sho
shone reservation in Wyoming The
reservation comprises 2803000 acres
and there are on it 1600 Indians
A New York legislator who travels
on a railroad pass is liable to forfeit
ure of office
Prince Hugo Hohenlohe is working
in a New York banc as a volunteer in
order to pick up American business
The Philippine commission has es
tablished a leper colony at Guilon in
the island of Calamian Work has
been commenced on the buildings and
the removal of the unfortunate who
are to live out their lives apart from
their fellow men has begun
Some Members -Wish to Consolidate
Territories Into Two States Danger
of Split May Kill Suggestion Re
publicans Seek Unanimous Vote
WASHINGTON All indications
point to the conclusion of the state
hood debate during the present week
but no one can tell at this time just
when or how the change will come
If the plans of the republican lead
ers who oppose the bill are put into
effect the committee on territories
will bring in a substitute bill early
in the week providing for consolida
tion and the admission of two
states This will probably not be
done however until assurance can
be secured that the full republican
vote will be cast for the consolidation
If this plan does not take shape
Senator Quay is likely to press his
statehood amendment on the agricul
tural bill and a test of strength will
ensue The vote on this amend
ment will be close if taken and
while the omnibus bill advocates
feel -that they have a majority they
realize that it will not be so large
as it would be on a direct vote on
the statehood bill alone and by itself
There is some talk now of admit
ting only Oklahoma but if this should
be undertaken it will be only as a last
resort and will be postponed until
toward the end of the session All
senators are becoming restless under
the present conditions which it is
believed cannot continue much
Monday in accordance with notice
given by Senator Allison the bill
making appropriations for the Dis
trict of Columbia will be taken up
Some clauses will arpuse debate but
advantage will be taken of the oppor
tunity to further the efforts to com
promise the differences on the state
hood bill
An effort also will be made to secure
consideration of the Cuban reciprocity
treaty and a portion of the time next
Saturday will be devoted to eulogies
on deceased members of the house
The house of representatives Sun
day held a memorial session to pay
tribute to the memory of the late Sen
ator William J Sewall and the late
Representative Joshua S Salmon of
New Jersey Mr Parker of New Jer
sey presided
The eulogists of the two departed
statesmen were Messrs Gardner N
J Hull la Syell Ind Stewart
N J Foster Vt Graff 111 Wil
liams Miss Warner 111 Randself
Tex Lloyd Me and Ball Tex
Dead Engineer Leaves Statement Ex
plaining the Disaster
PLAINFIELD N J The coroners
investigation of the recent wreck at
Graceland in which twenty three per
sons were killed began Wednesday
The most important evidence was
that of Dr Westcott county physi
cian of Union county who read the
statement made to him by Engineer
James Davis on the afternoon of the
disaster Davis said his engine had
a leaking steam chest which had been
cracked for a month and that the
steam escaping from it prevented him
from seeing the tower signals He
did not see the train ahead until with
in sixty feet of it
David H Deeter master mechanic
of the railroad at Philadelphia ad
mitted that he had known of the leak
in Davis engine but insisted that the
escaping steam was not sufficient to
obstruct the engineers view
Kicks on the Pardon Granted to Cole
ST t OUIS Mo Frank James
brother of Jesse James said Thursday
that the pardon granted Coleman
Younger by the Minnesota board of
pardons will in his opinion deprive
Younger of any way of making a liv
He is not really freed said
James He is 60 years old and has
been in prison a quarter of a century
and has no trade or profession He
ought to insist upon being granted ab
solutely free citizenship or perhaps it
would have been better for him to have
remained in prison
Favor Hanna Pension Bill
FORT WORTH Tex At the regu
lar meeting of R E Lee camp Con
federate Veterans a resolution - in
dorsing the Senator Hanna biil to
pension ex slaves was introduced by
State Historian Judge C C Cum
mings and passed by an almost unan
imous vote There was some objec
tion on the ground that the resolution
might be construed as political
Provisions of One of the New Post
office Bills
WASHINGTON The postofflce ap
propriation bill passed on Thursday
by the house contains an important
provision that has not attracted much
The bill provides that hereafter
postofllces shall accept for transmis
sion in the mails quantities of not
less than 2000 Identical pieces of third
or fourth class mail matter without
postage stamps affixed provided that
the postage is fully prepaid This ac
tion was recommended strongly by
Third Assistant Postmaster General
Madden in the intereit of economy to
the government and to the business
public Under Its provisions as urged
by the department this proposed leg
islation will save the expense of man
ufacturing stamps the sale of them
to the public and the subsequent labor
of cancelling the stamps on the in
dividual pieces in the postofflces after
they are mailed It will also save the
public the work of attaching postage
stamps to the individual pieces of
Child Saving Institute of Omaha
The Child Saving Institute of Oma
ha is better equipped than any other
corporation for handling legal ques
tions concerning children and devotes
a large amount of time to the work
of rescuing children from vicious sur
roundings by legal processes A re
cent appeal from Washington county
Nebraska was promptly responded to
and proceedings were begun in the
county court against a woman who
was running a house of ill fame at
Blair having with her four small chil
dren the oldest one being a girl of
nine years She made confession in
the court concerning her criminal life
when she faced the evidence that was
presented and then requested that the
Child Saving Institute of Omaha
should take charge of her children and
place them in homes Three of them
have already found homes and it is
expected soon that a home will be
found for the boy who is
only three years of age
Macedonian Question Already Begin
ning to Take First Place
NEW YORK While the Venezuelan
affair still has precedence as the lead
ing foreign question there is a gen
eral feeling in Fleet street that it will
speedily be overshadowed by the Mac
edonian question
A formidable insurrection against
the Turks is expected in the early
spring by nearly all writers who are
following the course of events in the
Predictions of a similar nature have
been made year after year but never
with equal confidence since the pre
liminary stages of the last war be
tween Russia and the porte
The Turkish government clearly ex
pects trouble and the Russian and Aus
trian governments also dread a move
ment from Bulgaria which tney cannot
control since they cannot agree upon
a joint policy
Pacific Islands Are Depopulated by a
Fearful Storm
SAN FRANCISCO News of a fear
ful loss of life in a destructive storm
that swept over the South Sea Islands
last month reached here Sunday by
the steamer Mariposa direct from Ta
hiti The loss of life is estimated at
On January 13 last a tuge tidal wave
accompanied by a terrific hurricane
attacked the Society Islands and the
Puamotu group with fearful force
causing death and devastation
The storm raged several days reach
ing its climax between January 14 and
January 16 From the meager news
received at Tahiti up to the time the
Mariposa left it was estimated that
1000 of the islanders lost their lives
but it was feared that later advices
would add to the long list
Venerable Massachusetts Statesman
Passes Away at His Home
States Senator Henry Laurens Dawes
died Thursday morning at his home
in this city He was 86 years of age
Mr Dawes had been ill since Christ
mas night when he contracted a se
vere cold while driving The cold de
veloped into grip which undermined
his system
Whe President Roosevelt visited
Pittsfield last fall he called upon the
veteran statesman It was while re
turning from rhe visit to the Dawes
house that the trolley accident occur
red in which the president figured
Kansas Man Succeeds Dawes
V E Stanley has accepted the
position as a member of the Dawes
commission offered him by President
After a weeks adjournment the sen
ate reconvened on the 9th Chairman
Brown of the reevnue committee re
ported that the bill was not ready and
asekd for more time He stated that
the bill would probably be ready by the
middle of the week Chairman Warner
of the committee appointed to investi
jjate the charge of telephone companies
requested live days more time and that
the committee be authorized to sum
mon witnesses and compel companies to
produce books The requests were
granted Hall of Douglas reported the
time of meeting of the various commit
tees and this was ordered printed and
distributed At the afternoon session
the following bills were passed S F
14 authorizing county boards to appro
priate money for agricultural societies
S F 81 compelling those in charge of
portable engines to lay boards on cul
verts before crossing with engine S
1 117 to memoraize congress to oppose
the Dietrich land leasing measure The
bill was amended that fences around the
public lands come down by July 1 10i
H R CO appropriating 4S000 to pay ex
pension of legislature Amended to read
JCSOOO The committee of the whole with
ONeill of Lancaster in the chair re
ported favorably on S F 55 relating
to the raising of money by cities of
5000 inhabitants for the purpose of
water works Bills were introduced
Act providing for a commission to revise
the statutes and Code of Civil Proced
ure of the state of Nebraska and to
prepare the samo for the consideration
of the legislature of 1905 To amend sub
divisions 3 and 4 of section C9 of article
i chapter xlv of the Compiled Statutes
ertitled Cities of the second class and
villages and to repeal said original
subdivisions Streets to be graded by
two thirds vote of council three fourths
vote to construct sidewalks or curbing
Granting to persons associations and
corporations engaged in the generating
and transmitting of electric current for
power and other purposes the right of
way in along and across the public
highways of the state of Nebraska and
prescribing a penalty for the wilful and
malicious injury to or interference with
the poles or wires of such persons as
sociations or corporations Joint reso
lution making application to the con
gress of the United States to propose
an amendment of the constitution of the
United States providing for the election
of United States senators by direct vote
of the people
Speaker Mockett called the house to
order at 1130 on the 9th after a weeks
adjournment Belden of Richardson in
troduced this resolution which was re
ferred to the committee on revenue
Your petitioners residents and taxpay
ers of said state present the following
That we think it unjust that in case
property is mortgaged the property and
mortgage should both be taxed
That the law of ilmitation on promis
sory notes now and hereafter given
should be extended for ten years from
face of note
That the law should be so amended
that instead of districts immediately
along railroads getting the entire bene
fit of the school tax accruing from said
railroads that said tax should be dis
tributed equally among all districts in
the county voting bonds inasmuch as
all districts must assist in the payment
of the bonds
These bills were passed No 16 by
Davis of Buffalo to oermit township to
buy land for cemetery purposes No 24
by Jones of Richardson to make the
town clerk treasurer and justice of the
peace constitute the town board No S
by Perry of Furnas requiring all appli
cants for attorneys certificates to have
an education aside from that in law
equivalent to a three year high school
course before admission No 39 by
Jones of Otoe fixing fees for notarial
service No 4S by Koetter of Douglas
providing for school districts in metro
politan cities paying the cost of the
bond furnished by the treasurer of such
districts No 7G by Perry of Furnas re
lating to sureties and stays of execu
tion making no material changes in the
present law No SI by Loomis of Dodge
requiring school teachers to be at least
IT years of age and otherwise fixing the
qualifications of teachers
Douglas of Rock as chairman of the
bourse special revenue committee re
ported that the joint committee had
failed to complete its work of drafting
a revenue bill and could not submit such
a bill for a few days
New bills were introduced as follows
Relating to regulations of the Solldiers
Home at Grand Island toy abolishing
visiting and examining board To regu
late the purchase of books by the state
library the university library and the
Nebraska Historical library Relating
to hail insurance companies prohibiting
the retention of more than three fourths
of the premium for expenses of the com
pany To establish an experimental sta
tion west of the 100th meredian in the
state of Nebraska fixing the control and
management of the same with the board
of regents and making an appropriation
of 5000 therefor
A committee of attorneys from Omaha
appeared before the joint judiciary com
mittee and urged for the retention of
the supreme court commission The
committee represented the State Bar
association also the Omaha Bar asso
ciation Three bills making different
provisions for the retention of the com
mission are pending before the legisla
ture The committee championed none
of these in particular but argued that
the multiplicity of cases demanding at
tention of the supreme court made es
sential the continuance of the commis
In my judgment it will require at
least a monthfor this committee to
complete Its work in proper shape said
A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Branches
of the Twenty Eighth General
a member of the joint revenue commit
tee In reference to the task confronting
a subcommittee appointed to codify all
the revisions of the revenue law made
by the committee at large This com
mittee consists of theso members Sen
ators Brown and Pemberton Represent
atives Thompson Sears Loornls and
Sweezy Its work is to whip into shape
all the fragments of revision thus far
produced by the main committee whose
work is incomplete Thert the main com
mittee Is to resume operations and play
for the goal by means of the codifica
tion of the subcommittee Under thoi
circumstances therefore the introduc
tion of a revenue bill is a very indilinlte
proposition Certiflnly there Is good rea
son for the general opinion that no such
bill will be ready this week and prob
ably not for a month as the member
quoted Intimates This member does not
look for any sort of complete revenue
bill but merely a few amendments By
this aame gentleman the substitution of
the Kansas bill for the Nebraska law
last week was explained Four of the
committee were absent he said and
that left ten at the meeting six of these
voted to repudiate the committees for
mer action in taking the Nebraska law
and substituting therefor the Kansas
bill Four opposed it
Lieutenant Governor McGilton has orig
inated a plan with reference to the con
sideration of bills before the legislative
committees which he thinks ought to be
incorporated in the rules of the senate
over which body he presides The plan
provides a method whereby all parties in
terested directly or indirectly in any
measure may appear before the Com
mittee having the bill in charge and be
heard In the discussion of it
Lieutenant Governor ilcGIlton has
framed his idea in this manner
All standing committees shall keep a
calendar of bills in the order in which
they are referred and consider the same
in such order except where passed by
the vote of a majority of all members
of said committee in which case the bill
thus passed shall not lose its place on
the committee calendar Each standing
committee shall give notice to tills body
through its chairman at least one day
in advance of the time and place of meet
ing and of the bills to be considered by
it so that all persons interested may ap
pear and request a hearing subject to
such limitatiens as the committee may
The lieutenant governor further outlin
ing his plan says
The time to be heard on any bill is
while it is before the committee The re
port of the committee while not necessa 1
rily or inevitably final as to its disposi
tion always has a great influence on the
action of the senate or house to which
ever body it is made It too frequently
happens that a bill gets past the eoF
mittee in the senate or house before the
committee of the whole and is placed on
its final passage before outsiders who
have a legitimate interest in the measure
get the opportunity of being heard on it
They have no way of knowing when the
committee is to consider the bill andi
consequently no opportunity of giving
expression to their views The adoption
of this proposed rule which could be
used in the house as well as the senate
would obviate all this and I think be
a very good thing for many other rea
I see that some adverse comment is
attempted said Attorney Baldwin be
cause the railroad companies utilize the
newspapers to present their side in the
tax controversy and because they ex
press a willingness to pay the expense of
printing Why should tley not The ar
guments presented are unanswerable
The outside counties of the stato are vi
tally interested The Omaha papers give
only one side of the question The out
side newspapers are entitled to receive
information exposing the selfishness of
tho Omaha real estate boomers And the
railroads have a perfect right to pay for
the expense of printing this information
The railroads have no newspaper of
their own to present the case and there
is no one newspaper of wide circulation
standing up for the rights of the country
as against the encroachments of the large
city The defense of the country must
come from the country papers We can
not demand that they use their space
without recompense although many of
them recognizing their own local inter
est in the controversy decline compensa
tion and freely open their columns to
forcibly express their opinions of the
Omaha scheme The criticism from the
Omaha boomers is ridiculous It sounds
like the plaint of a failing and hopeless
The constitutionality of the law creat
ing and defining the powers of the state
board of Irrigation is upheld in a deci
several letters from men in various lines
of business In his district urging him to
push this bill insisting that it was of
extreme necessity
Mr Curries bill provides that all farm
ers within the territory most affected bv
these pests shall take proper means anJ
these means are described in the bill
for exterminating prairie dogs at the
proper season and imposes a penalty
upon all who fail to observe this law
In the penal provision it is ordered that
the road overseer shall be paid J3 a day
or hire someone at that price to dis
tribute the prairie dog killer for the
farmer and assess the cost to the latter
Many are driven with a blind bridle
to a blind bridal
True charity begins at home but it
doesnt end there
Speed Record In Novel Writing
Although Marion Crawford now pro
duces on an average of two novels a
year Mraios Crucifix was written
in ten days and his The Tale of a
Lonely Parish a 120000 word novel
was completed in twenty four days
It took him however eight months
to write Via Crucis not Including
the time spent in gathering the mate
rial for it The story of George El
iots reading for Daniel Deronda is
too old to repeat but it shows that the
actual writing of a book is a small
affair compared with the task of get
ting ready to write one Harris
Dicksons The Black Wolf Breed
was written in a little over two
months time Another piece of quick
work was Julia Magruders Princess
Sonia completed In eighteen days
No Public Library in Constantinople
A petition for leave to establish as
public library in Constantinople was
refused by the minister or
public Instruction special objections-
being made to several books on- the1 - -proposed
list among them the fables
of La Fontaine The frequent refer
ences to the lion the king of animals
it was held would be regarded by
norant people as degrading to the
kingdom and insulting to the sultan
An Important Discovery
Granton Okla Feb 9th After teiu
years E H Gosney of Granton has at
test found a cure for Kidney Trouble
Mi Gosney suffered very severely with
Kidney Complaint and some ten years
ago made up his mind to find a euro
if one was to be had
He has tried and tried and experi
mented with every kidney medicine ho
could hear of Although he was always
disappointed he kept on trying till at
last his perseverance was rewarded
and he found a complete cure
He is a well man to day and explains
it as follows
Everything failed to cure me and I
was growing worse and worse till I
tried a new remedy called Dodds Kid
ney Pills and I had not taken many r
them before I knew that I had at last
found the right thing I am entirely
cured and I cannot say too much for
Dodds Kidney Pills
The average wife dislikes to ask
her husband for money almost one
tenth as bad as he dislikes to have
her do it
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make them
white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents
Those whom we love make lifes
sunshine or shadows
Mind This
It makes no difference
whether it is chronic
acute or inflammatory
of the rruscles or joints
It Jacobs Oi
cures and cures promptly
Price 25c and 50c
Em K Jr9fi
W N U Omaha
Kts thi rider perfectly drr Vo
wattr can teak in on the saddle
cut extra iridf and long in the
Bklrt FXIra protection at annul
der seams Warranted wb
terproor Ifjour
u iicr aoesn l
hnetheni write
fur catalogue to
A SOS SoleSfra
East Cambridge BassT
Upwards of 100000 American
have settled in Western Canada
during the past 5 years They are
and there Is room still for
Wonderful yields or wheat and other grains The
best grazing lands on the continent Magnificent
climate plenty of water and fuel good schools ex
cellent churches splendid railway facilities
the only charge for which Is 10 for entry Send to the
following for an Atlas and other literature as well an
for certificate giving you reduced railway rates etc
Superintendent ot Immigration Ottawa Canada
or to W Bennett 8ul New York Life Bldg Omaha
Keb the authorized Canadian Government Agent
Buy your goods at
Wholesale Prices
Our 1000 page catalogue will be sent
upon receipt of 15 cents This amount
does not even pay the postaue but it Is
sufficient to show- us that jou are acting
in eooi faith Better end for It now
Your neighbors trade with us whj not
you aKo -
The house that tells the truth
No 71903
Best Cough Uvrup ratesGooa TJse
in time t j d by druggist