N I f CATARRH THIRTY YEARS i CONGRESSMAN MKEKISON OF OHIO Hon David Mcekison is well known not only in his own State but throughou America He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms as Mayor oi the town in which he lives during which time he became widely known as the foundei of the Meekison Bank of Napoleon Ohio He was elected to the Fifty fifth Congress bj a very large majority and is the acknowledged leader of his party in his bection of the State Only one jlaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising statesman Ca tarrh with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp was his only unconquered foe Foi thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy At last Perunj came to the rescue and he dictated the following letter to Dr Hartman as the result have used several bottles of Peruna and I feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head I feel encouraged to believe that If I use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years standing David Meekison Member of Congress season of catching cold is upon us THE cough and the sneeze and the nasal twang are to be heard on every hand Theorigin of chronic catarrh the most common and dreadful of diseases is a cold This is the way the chronic catarrh gen erally begins A person catches cold which hangs on longer than usual The cold gen erally starts in the head and throat Then follows sensitiveness of the air passages Which incline one to catch cold very easily At last the person has a cold all the while seemingly more or less discharge from the pose hawking spitting frequent clearing of the throat nostrils stopped up full feel ing in the head and sore inflamed throat The best time to treat catarrh is at the cry beginning A bottle of Peruna prop erly used never fails to cure a common fold thus preventing chronic catarrh While many people have been cured ol chronic catarrh by a single bottle of Peruna yet as a rule when the catarrh becomes thoroughly fixed more than one bottle is necessary to complete a cure Peruna has cured cases innumerable of catarrh of twenty years standing It is the bestrf not the only internal remedy for chronic catarrh in existence But prevention is far better than curs Every person subject to catching cold should take Peruna at once at the slightest symp tom of cold or sore throat at this season ol the year and thus prevent what is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh Send for free book on catarrh entitled Winter Catarrh by Dr Hartman Health and Beauty sent free to womeD only Ask your druggist for a free Peruna Almanac fie - liASMW j 5SniS3SR m mimmmm REPEATING repeat They dont jam catch or fail to extract In a word they are the only reliable repeaters Winchester rifles are made in all desirable calibers weights and styles and are plain partially or elaborately ornamented suiting every purpose every pocketbook and every taste WINCHESTER AMMUNITION made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns r ppp Send name and address on a Postal met for our 164 page Illustrated Catalog 5 WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO NEW HAVEN CONN s MwiMMrBWiMJiMiJUtJBMJJIBtJMJtllLgiMVWltilBJW jmlt TTTrT1 111 WTWK8aBii Do you want to feed the best Stock Food made in the world Then feed the food that tells That is A stock conditioner and grower Sold by mail on a guarantee and at 5000 to 6000 per ton less than through traveling agents Write for folders explaining how we do it Ask for testimonials and prices THE OLIVE FOOD CO OUR REFERENCES ANY BANK IN UNITED STATES IMICli Up MARSHALLTOWN IOWA to the fire to night and have some one rub your LAME BACK with Mexican Mustang Liniment Youll sleep like a top and have a good sound back free from pain in the morning A EFEfffififl 3 a iiaifftffty in your town Small capital requIreU and SUfiBSDJ1 8 fSMK3 LAUHUKi ssTirfiSK Write us Paradox Machinery Co 181 E Division St Chicago 16SINGLIE JEW 3HmJ13feenEB TMEESTQUAWy 8TBA1GHIIbcCIGAR always reliable NEW DISCOVERY gives VIT W 0 quick relief and cures worst mikob Boofcor testimonials una iuuaxb treatment DrHHGSEjrS SOMGBox EUantaO The pine stands afar but whispers to its own forest GOOD HOUSnKEEPERS Uso the best Thats why thoy bay Red Cross Ball Blue At leading grocers 5 cents A good laugh will often put liver pills out of business A SENATE MUDOL INSISTENCE ON STATEHOOD BILL MAKES PROGRAM DOUBTFUL SENATOR QUAYCHANGESTACT1CS A Move to Tack the Omnibus State hood Bill Onto Another Measure May Cause Trouble Senators Ready to Appeal from the Chair WASHINGTON The omnibus state hood bill will continue to hold its place for the present as the unfinished busi ness on the senate calendar but it seems quite probable that the debate will be transferred to the appropria tion bills Senator Quay has entirely changed his tactics during the last week and after trying in vain to se cure a quorum for night sessions on two different occasions has abandoned all efforts in that direction leaving the senators who oppose the state hood bill to take the responsibility for delay He now apparently is the least concerned of all to secure late sessions He makes no confidants but it is evident that it is his purpose to make his fight in connection with the ap propriation bills and to secure prom ises to vote for a statehood rider to one or other of them Thus far there has not been delay on any supply measure on account of the statehood debates but there will be a decided effort to attach the state hood amendment to the agricultural appropriation bill It is expected that the amendment will be ruled out on a point of order in which event there will be an appeal from the decision of the chair It is quite possible how ever that the question may be sub mitted to the senate without a ruling by the chair This plan has been pur sued in other cases and has been found to work satisfactory Senator Cullom will attejipt to se cure consideration of the Cuban treaty but until the statehood bill is disposed of all speculation as to what may be done with other questions is idle The anti trust bill which was sched uled for early consideration in the house this week will ot come up un til late in the week if at all and possibly may be postponed until next week The friends o the currency bill are exceedingly anxious to get consideration for it and it may most likely come in after the postoffice ap propriation bill is disposed of in which case the anti trust bill would be shut out this week Omaha Child Saving Institute A remarkable incident occurred some time past A woman with a young child was on the streets in a perfect ly destitute and helpless condition She was without friends and without means of support and had tried in every way she knew to find employ ment with her little child and failed In her desperation she appealed to a childrens society to take care of her little one temporarily until she could get in a better position She was told that she must sign papers of re linquishment and make absolute legal surrender of her child and give it up with the assurance that she would never see it again and would never know where it was or that she must go out again upon the streets She clung to her child and went on her journey although it was cold and dreary and she was hungry- Finally she concluded there was nothing else for her to do but to go baclc and sign the papers and give up her child for ever On the day to do this some one seeing her distress and learning the cause of her trouble told her of the Child Saving Institute and that it would help her She appealed to the institute and her child was tenderly cared for several weeks nd in the meantime the mother met with good fortune and reached a position where she was abundantly able to provide for her own child and to keep it per manently Must Not Offer a Pass ALBANY N Y Attorney General Conneen has written an opinion in which he holds that the offering of a transportation pass to a member of the legislature would constitute a mis demeanor and make him subject to forfeiture of his office The giving of the attorney generals opinion arose from the fact that the Pullman Palace Car company sent to Hon Francis G Landon member of assembly from Dutchess county an an nual pass and Mr Landon referred the matter to Mr Conneen Cattle Disease Disappears BOSTON Mass Within a short time it is believed the cattle embargo in force in several New England states because of the foot and mouth dis ease will be lifted Dr Salmon chief of the United States bureau of ani mal industry has returned to Wash ington and will not come back to New England unless there is a reappear ance of the disease There are no known cases of the disease in New England now THE LAND LEASING BILL Why a Texas Congressman is Opposed to the Measure WASHINGTON Additional opposi tion to the land leasing bill has arisen in the house from some of the south ern members of congress Represent ative Burleson of Texas introduced a resolution in the house calling upon the secretary of the interior to fur nish the house with full information as to what steps if any had been taken to prevent the illegal fencing of the public domain in Nebraska Wyoming and New Mexico He also desires to know the number of filings or appli cations for part of the public domain which have been made in the states of Nebraska and Wyoming during the year 1901 and 1002 under the home stead and desert land acts and how many persons who have made such filing have been fraudulently used to secure color of title to said lands for the purpose of conveying or transfer ring the same to others The resolu tions also directs that upon report be ing made the attorney general shall immediately institute proceedings against all persons who have illegally fenced in government lands and to declare all fraudulent appropriation of lands under the acts referred to and that in on event shall any money paid for land be refunded where it is shown that the filing was fraudulent When inquiry was made as to his motive for introducing the resolution and his opposition to the bill Mr Burleson stated that it would give the cattle growers of Wyoming and Nebraska an undue advantage over the Texas cat tlemen for the reason that when Tex as came into the union she retained all ner public lands and the state had to buy or lease their lands from private individuals and if the Nebraskans were permitted to keep up their fances without paying rent or allowed to lease lands at a few cents per acre it would continue to work an injustice upon the people of Texas COUNTRYS MILITARY STRENGTH One Hundred and Nine Thousand Or ganized Militia in Country WASHINGTON In view of the vague rumors of impending trouble for the United States growing out of the Venezuelan situation tho annual returns of adjutant generals of the several states regarding the strength of the militia of the country which was transmitted to congress Monday by Adjutant General Corbin is of pe culiar interest at this time It shows that the United States has a grand to tal of 10S5339G men available for mil itary duty The total organized strength of the militia of the country officers and men of all arms is shown to be 10933S The strength of the militia of Nebraska Iowa South Da kota and Wyoming is as follows Nebraska General staff 8 engi neers C3 cavalry 101 light battery 148 infantry 1489 total 1711 To tal available men unorganized 112000 Iowa General staff 2G engineers 1G infantry 2450 signal corps 60 hospital ambulance corps 58 total 2G1C Total available men unorgan ized S1G0GS South Dakota General staff 12 cavalry 127 light battery 35 infan try 1085 total 1255 Total availa ble men unorganized 559GS Wyoming General statf G cavalry 52 light battery 42 infantry 2G0 total S60 Total available men unor ganized 9000 STATEHOOD BILL IS RIDER Committee Attnches it to the Agricul tural Appropriation WASHINGTON The senate com mittee on agriculture Saturday agreed to place the omnibus statehood bill on the agricultural appropriation bill as a rider The proposition was strongly an tagonistic but it carried by a two thirds vote Senators Hansbrough Foster Wash and Quay republi cans and Bate Heitfeld and Simmons democrats voting in the affirmative Senators Proctor Dolliver and Quarles republicans voted in the neg ative Asks America to Aid Finns CHICAGO Appeals for aid for the starving Finns are being made by Dr C J Sorrenson surgeon-in-chief of the Northern Michigan general hospital who is president of the Finnish cen tral relief committee with headquar ters in Calumet According to Dr Sorrenson no less than 400000 Finns are starving and not since the famine of 1S67 which caused the death of 100000 persons have the conditions been so desperate Younger Will Be Pardoned CHICAGO 111 A dispatch to the Chronicle from St Paul says Cole Younger who was paroled from Still water penitentiary two years ago with his brother Jim will be given a conditional pardon by the state par don board which will admit of the ex bandit returning to his former home in Missouri Warden Wolfer of Still water prison has recommended a full pardon GOOD DAYS WORK HOUSE PASSES A NUMBER OF MINOR MEASURES RELIEFFOR JVIILITARYAHD NAVAL Land Exchange Proposal is Rejected Refusal to Allow Holders of Arid Railway Acres to Trade for Other Portions of Public Domain WASHINGTON The house Monday passed about forty bills under suspen sion of the rules The most important of them was a bill to authorize the re sumption of the negotiations with Great Britain for the preservation of the Alaska fur seals and to give the secretary of the treasury authority if the modus Vivendi is not completed prior to the pelagic sealing season this year to exterminate the seal herd on Prybilof islands except 10000 females and 1000 males The senate bill appropriating 1500 000 for a new department of agricul tural building was passed Among other bills were a number to restore to their former rank in the army and navy and then retire officers who re signed years ago One bill advanced Brigadier General H C Merriam re tired to tho grade of major general on the retired libt When the house convened Mr Can non 111 reported the sundry civil appropriation bill and gave notice that he would call it up at the earliest op portunity This was suspension day and the speaker recognized Mr Bates Pu who moved the passage under suspen sion of the rules of a bill to provide for the better separation and utiliza tion of public and private lands within the limits of railroad land grants in the arid region Mr Bates explained that the bill was recommended by the interior depart ment and permitted the secretary of the interior to exchange arid and semi arid It permitted the secretary of the interior he said to exchange arid and semi arid lands within the limits of railroad and wagon grants for public lands of equal value in order to assem ble public and private lands in more compact bodies so as to permit them to be advantageously used Mr Jones Wash protested vigor ously against the consideration of such an important measure under suspen sion of the rules He declared that the amount of land involved was from 50000000 to 70000000 acres No man could tell exactly how much land was involved The proposition he said was to pass with twenty minutes de bate a bill affecting one fifth of the public domain of the United States People who had purchased lands from the railroads now desired the government at its expense to segregate them from the railroads lands in order that they could be used to advantage If they received the privilege of ex change they would select the best land available Messrs Kleborg Tex and Shafroth Colo also opposed the measure The bill was defeated on a viva voce vote The senate bill to authorize the con struction of a new building for the department of agriculture at a cost of 51500000 passed NO TENDER OF A LIBRARY International Court of Arbitration Waits on Carnegie THE HAGUE The foreign minis ter Dr Van Lynden replying to a question in the chamber as to whether an offer from Andrew Carnegie of 250000 to found a library for the in ternational court of arbitration had been rejected said it had not been rejected and added that no offer had been made in a form rendering either acceptance or refusal possible The minister observed that in view of the special character of the arbitration court the best form for such a gift would be to make it a special foun dation Meanwhile the government was willing to administer the gift if it were offered Tries to Hold Up Morgan TRENTON X J Botho Struble who with three others was arrested some time ago in Jersey City charged with sending letters to J P Morgan threatening him with death unless money was sent them pleaded guilty in the United States district court and was sentenced to one year and to pay a 100 fine Doings of Congress WASHINGTON The house com mittee on appropriations Monday re ported the sundry civil appropriation mill Among its numerous items are the following providing appropriations to carry on the work of public build ings South Dakota To complete Battle mountain sanitarium 350000 Aber deen postoffice 75000 Deadwood 50000 and Spearfish hatchery 3 4S0 AT A STANDSTILL Venezuelan Embroglio Still far from Settlement WASHINGTON No answer has como from tho allies to Mr Bowens last proposition Tho British ambassador sent a long cablegram to Lord Lansdowne stating what might bo expected in case Great Britain and Its two allies insisted upon the preferential treatment blockading the other powers Tho text of the cablegram cannot bo published but it informed the foreign office that Mr Bowen in the event of a refusal of his proposition would call on the rep resentatives of the other claimant powers in Washington and explain to them that Venezuela was being forced by the triple alliance to yield to a plan which would affect seriously the interests of France Belgium Nor way and Sweden Denmark Spain Holland and the United States When this step is taken it is expect ed France will make representations at once to London Berlin and Rome protesting against any interference with the previous arrangement it has made with Venezuela for the settle ment of claims France may be join ed in this protest by the other claimant nations There is reason to believe that the French government already has sound ed the United States government to learn how much in common there may be between their interests in Vene zuela It is said that there is a strong resemblance between the claims of the two nations perhaps enough to link them together in resistance to any policy on the part of the allies which would tend to destroy those interests The French officials had not doubted that equal treatment would be recog nized and this unexpected turn of events has caused much surprise and concern For the present it does not appear to be the purpose of French authorities to assume an imperative position but rather set forth what they regard as the manifest equities of the case After conferring with those in au thority an official said that the French position is based on two essential principles The first is that a pacific settlement between two sovereign nations is en titled at least to equal treatment with a war settlement If not a precedent would be established which would be an incentive to war as countries first adopting force in the collection of claims would have superior rights to those observing the usual pacific means of settlement The view is freely expressed here that the United States France and Belgium are in effect pacific allies as they did not resort to force against Venevuela It is insisted that the present attitude of the allies tends not only to prejudice the rights of the pacific allies but also establishes the dangerous principle that a resort to war is preferable to efforts to main tain peace SOMETHING IN BUTTER NAME A Ruling that Renovated Cannot Be Replaced with Process OMAHA Process butter manufac turers of the city have received from James Wilson secretary of agricul ture a letter in which he refuses to consider the request of the national as sociation of process butter manufac turers that a change be made in the regulations of the department by which the word process may be sub stituted for the word renovated on the packages of butter sent out by the factories In his letter the secretary says that the word renovated has been adopted by the department after considering the question at length and upon the recommendation of dairymen and that no good reason has been shown why the regulations should be changed He also refuses to make a rule for butter for export different from that for process butter for do mestic consumption Cabinet Talks It Over WASHINGTON It is known the Venezuelan question was under con sideration for some time at the cabi net meeting Tuesday but at the con clusion of the sitting no member would discuss for publication this phase of the meeting It can be said that this government while deeply interested in the pending negotiations has taken no part in the controversy Both the president and his cabinet are entirely hopeful of an early ad justment although it is realized fully that serious obstacles yet remain Ui be overcome Congressman Rumple Dead WASHIXGTOX A telegram receiv ed here announced the death of Rep resentative John X W Rumple of the Second Iowa district at St Lukes hospital Chicago Saturday morning Mr Rumple was afflicted with cancer and had been in the hospital practio ally all winter LONDON Amelia Sach and Annie Walters baby farmers were hanged at Holloway jail Tuesdav I Af f V