The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 30, 1903, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
inc news m DKicr 2
M W Savage recent purchaser and
present owner of Dan Patch the fa
mous pacer has insured the horse for
Prof a M Hall of the chair of ge
ology of the North Dakota agricultural
college Is dead of diabetes after a
ehort Illness
Senator Mallory or Florida has in
troduced a bill to restrict the absence
of district judges of the United States
from the districts to which they are
There Is little prospect of the Can
adian government following the action
of the United States congress in re
moving the duty on bituminous coal
The news of the passage of the sub
stitute Philippine currency bill by the
house of representatives at Washing
ton is regarded in Mexico as a serious
blow to silver
It Is announced that the Erie rail
road engineers will ask for an in
crease in wages when the general
board of engineers meets in New York
on February 15
W O Murray one of the leaders
of the convict mutineers who escap
ed from the federal prison at Leaven
vorth Kan November 7 1901 is un
der arrest in Georgia
The house of representatives of Cu
ba has appropriated 300000 for the
construction of a capltol At present
he house and senate are located in
conveniently and a long distance
The senate committee on military
affairs has ordered a favorable report
on Forakers bill appropriating 25000
for the erection of headstones to mark
the graves of confederate soldiers
burled In the north
Secretary Langtry of the Smithson
institution Washington trans
mitted to the house plans for a new
building for the United States Na
tional museum to cost not more than
The Elkins anti trust bill was con
sidered by the senate committee on
Interstate commerce and an adjourn
ment taken for further consideration
The purpose of the bill was commend
ed in general terms
Miss Helen Gould of New York no
tified the committee that she would
attend the international Railroad Y
M C A conference in Topeka Kan
April 28 to May 2 President Roose
velt has also been invited
One of the heaviest importers of dry
goods in Havana predicts that within
one year after the ratification of the
reciprocity treaty 25 per cent of the
Cuban dry goods trade will be in the
hands of the United States
Reports from Popular state that the
range in the northern part of Mon
tana is in very bad condition and
that cattle are dying for lack of grass
The snow has crusted and the cattle
are unable to do any picking
Surrogate Fitzgerald on an appli
ration made by General Frederick D
Grant ruled at New York that the
estate of Mrs Julia Dent Grant the
widow of the late President Grant
was not liable to pay inheritance tax
As a sanitary measure the govern
ment of Mexico has issued an order
that fishermen must clean and decapi
tate their fish at sea A heavy pen
alty is prescribed for cleaning fish and
leaving the refuse on the shore or
bringing undressed fish into the mar
Dr Leonard Pearson dean of the
veterinary department of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania announced that
experiments covering a period of more
than two years had proven conclu
sively that cattle may be rendered
immune from tuberculosis by vaccin
A Copenhagen dispatch says Fi
nance Minister Hage has introduced in
the lower house of parliament a bill
providing for the formation of a sugar
manufacturing company at Santa Cruz
Danish West Indies with a capital of
5810000 half of which will be con
tributed by the senate
Four of the largest cigar factories
In Havana inaugurated an independent
movement by the signing of an agree
mentnto refrain for ten years from
celling their brands or plants to the
tobacco trust Other factories are ex
pected to do likewise
TheEnglish government at the re-
quest of Secretary Chamberlain has
granted Abraham Fisher one of tho
Boer delegates in Europe and former
member of the executive council of the
Orange FreQState permission to re
Thjjmjnberoof millionaires in Pru
Eia hdsiincreased since 1899 from 6010
-to tC0ti according to the general tax
retard ffThe late Herr Krupps for
tune shrunk during the past three
years SlSoOOOO being now cs essed
U 4G750TJ00
The house on the 20th indefinitely post
poned Koeteters bill H R 30 making it
obligatory for country school districts
to maintain truant officers and optional
with city districts The bill was so rec
ommended by the committee on public
schools The house asserted its independ
ence of the senate in the matter of for
mulating revenue legislation when on
motion of Rouse of Hall it ordered plac
ed on file the resolution of Senator Har
rison that the senate authorize its com
mittee on revenue and taxation to hold
Itself in readiness to draft a revenue
bill and report not later than February
6 acting jointly with the house The
motion also specified that the senate
be notified that the house already had
taken action to draft a revenue bill It
was carried On motion of Gilbert of
Douglas his water works bill was pass
ed retaining its place on general file
since a joint measure was going through
the senate H R No 29 a bill by Good
of Nemaha to repeal the law requiring
entrance examinations to normal schools
was taken up and the committee of the
whole on Goods motion recommended
the bill for passage H R No 46 by
Frederick of Cass was recommended for
passage The report of the committee
of the whole was adopted by the house
New bills were Introduced among them
the following Declaring prairie dogs to
be a nuisance and to provide for their
destruction as such For the relief of
state treasurers who have paid out mon
ey for guaranty bonds furnished by sure
ty companies refunding 3000 to William
Stuefer and 2500 to Peter Mortensen
To provide for the conveyance ani proof
of titles to real estate and to repeal sec
tions 1 to 56 inclusive of chapter lxxlil
Statutes of Nebraska entitled Real Es
tate and sections 1 and 2 chapter lxxxi
of said statutes entitled Seals To al
low county boards to let contracts for
county printing by separate items In
stead of In bulk as at present To pre
vent the mutilation of horses by dock
ing their tails To give to widows abso
lute estate Instead of dower interest
This is the bill introduced by the Ne
braska Womans Suffrage association
Concerning land titles and the registra
tion thereof and the registration of es
tates therein and easements encum
brances and charges thereon
H R a by Gregg of Wayne reducing
irfg the required vested capital of Incor
porated school entitled to common priv
ileges under the state superintendent of
public Instruction from 100000 to 30000
was recommended to pass in the house
A Synopsis of Proceedings in Both Branches
of the Twenty Eighth General
II R 87 substituted for S F 18 passed
the senate on the 23rd with all senators
voting for the measure This Is the bill
Introduced by Saunders of Douglas pro
viding for postponing the date of the
Omaha city election in order to allow
him time to make the race for mayor
of Omaha this spring The senate passed
the bill requiring that fees be paid tho
land commissioner for filing and making
copies of certain papers and contracts
This bill Is along tho lines of the rec
ommendations made by the land commis
sioner H R 22 appropriating money
with which to pay the expenses of the
legislature carried The committee on
municipal affairs reported favorably on
S F 10 to legalize bond issues of cities
of the second class A message was re
ceived from the governor with a copy of
the land leasing bill The senate went
into committee of the whole to discuss
general bills S F 28 In regard to en
tering delinquent taxes on tax receipts
was referred back to the committee to
have it constructed along grammatical
lines The committee reported favorably
on S F 27 to regulate fees paid by ap
plicants for dental license S F 10 to
legalize bond issues in cities of the sec-
ond class was recommended to pass The
governors message on the land leasing
bill was referred to the committee on live
stock and grazing
The senate on the 24th passed S F 30
to reduce the rate of interest on county
deposits to 2 per cent instead of 3 per
cent as the present law provides Grow
ing out of the Farmers and Grain Mens
association a petition signed by Henry
Slevers and others was presented to the
senate by Reynolds of Dodge requiring
all railroad companies operating lines of
railroads in the state to provide to any
and all persons or corporations engaged
In the business of dealing in grain or
coal necessary sites along the railroad
tracks of elevators or coal sheds or both
and to require them to furnish all grain
coal lumber and live stock dealers equal
facilities foi shipping out The following
bills were introduced To repeal free
school book law To amend section S3a
article i chapter xviii Compiled Statutes
relating to certificates of satisfaction A
joint resolution recommending to the elec
tors of the state to vote at the next elec
tion of members of the legislature for
or against a convention to revise amend
and change the constitution of the state
To provide for the admission of crippled
and diseased children Into the Home of
the Friendless To amend section 39 art
icle iv chapter xviii Compiled Statutes
relating to compensation for township of
When the senate met on the 26th no
committees were ready to report and con
sequently very little work was done Sen
ator ONeHl of Lancaster called the atten
tion of the senate to the slow progress of
the committees ONeills bill to prevent
the employment of elevator conductors
under IS years of age passed the commit
tee of the Whole after the lengthy discus
sion Hall of Douglas moved to amend to
make the age limit 14 but this amend
ment was lost S F 34 a joint resolu
tion to memoralize congress to establish
the status of the First Nebraska militia
passed the committee of the whole Bills
on first reading included To amend sec
tion 1032b chapter x title 30 Code of
Civil Procedure tenants to be responsible
for reasonable dangers during the pen
dency of action To provide for establish
ing a public road to and from lands sur
rounded or shut out from a public road in
certain cases
on the 21st A resolution introduced by
Jouvenat of Boone requiring all bills and
claims against the state to be filed with
the state auditor not later than the
twenty fifth legislative day and instruct
ing the committee on claims to Ignore
any bill or claim tiled later than that
was adopted This resolution introduced
by McClay of Lancaster was laid over
one day by request of its author Re
solved That It Is the judgment of this
house that the present revenue laws of
the state do not provide an adequate
means by which sufficient funds may be
raised out of which tho necessary gov
ernmental expenses may be met mainte
nance of state institutions making need
ed repairs and additions to public build
ings and other necessary and incidental
expenses may be paid To the end that
reasonable and conservative appropria
tions may be made to cover the foregoing
items and that the general fund may
not be overdrawn such revision of tho
revenue laws should be made as will
place all the taxable properties in the
state upon the assessment rolls that a
fair cas h valuation be placed thereon
and that adequate provisions be made
for enforcing payment of delinquent
taxes House roll No 40 correcting cer
tain ambiguities In the statutes against
frauds was oassed Following the intro
duction of a number of new bills the
house adjourned
McClay of Lancaster in the house on
the 22d moved the adoption of his resolu
tion seeking to place the house on record
L as favoring the assessment of all prop
erty of all property at its full value He
spoke in support of the resolution say
ing the house should adopt it as a formal
and official criterion to the committee ap
pointed to revise the revenue laws The
resolution was tabled
This resolution by Sweezy of Adams
was adopted
Whereas This house is at a loss to un
derstand the necessity for the use of so
much space and so little ink in the print
ing of bills and also desiring to know
the cost of the same I move that the
committee on public printing be instruct
ed to make a careful investigation and
1 Whether or not a contract exists for
such printing
Under whPt law and by whom said
contract if any was made
3 The time and the order of printing
4 Whether or not bids were asked or
received for such work
5 The usual price for such work in the
open market
6 To furnish this house with a copy of
any such contract and report In five
McAllister of Deijel introduced afuu
plicate of the senate resolution on irri
gation and it was adopted IT R 40 by
Thompson relating to leasing of lands
was amended and passed A number of
new bills none of them of great import
ance were introduced and the house ad
Governor Mickeys message on the Diet
rich land leasing bill was received in the
house on the 23d read and made a spe
cial order for Monday These house rolls
were recommended to pass No 67 Gil
berts Omaha water works bill No 76
by Perry relating to stays of execution
No 4 by Nelson to establish a negotia
ble Instruments law uniform with the
law of other states No S by Perry to
raise the qualifications of practicing at
torneys No 100 by Hanna appropriat
ing 12000 for the establishment of five
junior normal schools No 64 by Doug
las relating to the carrying of concealed
weapons H F 29 by Good of Omaha
repealing the normal school examination
bill was passed H F 46 by Rriedrichs
providing that school board meetings to
consider questions of building or chang
ing of location of schools shall be duly
advertised was passed This resolution
by McAllister of Deuel was introduced
and laid over until Monday
Whereas Senate file 6SS6 providing for
the leasing of public lands in Nebraska
does not meet the approval of any class
of stoekgrowers of the western portion
of the state
Resolved That while we are in favor
of leasing the public lands of Nebraska
in such manner as will meet the approval
of the Interior department and the stock
growers of that portion of the state we
recommend that congress authorize the
appointment of a commission to investi
gate the existing conditions of that por
tion of the state in line with the recent
message of President Roosevelt and Gov
ernor Mickey pending the report of said
commlslon the existing condition be per
mitted to remain
Whereas Said deficiencies are unfair to
the merchants and unfair to the employes
of said institutions and departments
therefore be it
Resolved That the heads of the differ
ent departments and the superintendents
of the different institutions where defi
ciencies exist shall furnish to the chair
man of the deficiency committee a certi
fied statement of the estimated deficiency
for the months of February and March
These were among new bills introduced
Act to amend sections 3 4 and 11 of an
act entitled An act creating a food
commission by authorizing employing
of chemist at 1000 food inspector at 903
extending the commissions scope to all
food products Authorizing the commis
sion to order all food products branded
repealing sections of old law for payment
of inspection fees and repealing section
authorizing commission to issue permits
to manufacture imitation products H R
225 by Ferrar by request Making more
rigid the adulterated food law by adding
to Its prohibitions and increasing its pen
alties It amends sections 1 2 3 4 and
5 of an act entitled An act to provide
against adulteration of foods etc
This resolution was Introduced In the
house on tho 24th and adopted
Whereas Deficiencies exist in many of
the state institutions and departments
some of which have existed for the past
two years
The houe on convening on the 26th Im
mediately took up Governor Mickey
message on the Dietrich land leasing bill
as the special order After tho reading ol
the governors message the resolution sub
mitted Saturday by McAllister of Deuel
was read and a number of resolutions
on the subject introduced But on motion
of Sweezy of Adams consideration of th
entire subject went over one day The
committee on public printing reported In
compliance with previous instructions ol
the house that the contract for printing
houBe documents was let by Auditor Wes
ton Treasurer Stueffer and Secretary ol
State Marsh as the State Printing Board
to the State Journal company at 131 a
page of 500 copies as compared with 111
last term providing for tho return ol
bills In their order and within three days
after their delivery and a penalty of 2J
for each breach of contract The judi
ciary committee was Instructed to exam
ine the contract let by the State Print
ing Board to the State Journal company
and report as to Its legality and binding
effect H Rs from 116 to 119 inclusive
by Gregg of Wayne relating to schools
were recommended for passage II R 26
by Hathorn of Red Willow for the relle
of Russell F Loomls was also recom
mended to pass S F 35 by Fries of Val
ley substituted for H R 5 by Gregg ol
Wayne at latters request reducing from
100000 to 50000 the Investment of normal
schools before they shall be authorized
to Issue teachers certificates was passed
New bills introduced included the fol
lowing Making it a penal offense to re
ceive conceal or buy any horse live stock
mule cow steer bull heifer or calf
of any value or any other personal prop
erty of the value of 35 or more which
has been stolen in another state or ter
ritory of the United States knowing the
same to have been stolen To provide for
the participation by the state of Nebraska
in the Louisiana Purchase exposition for
the appointment of a state board of com
missioners by the governor to provide for
a notification by the governor to provide
for the reimbursement of each member
of said board for hotel traveling and in
cidental expenses to provide for a state
exhibit at said exposition to define the
duties of the board of commissioners in
relation thereto for the payment of sal
aries to employes and for the appropria
tion of 73000
The governor sent this message on the
land leasing bill to the legislature
As your honorable body is well aware a
bill is now pending in congress known
as senate file No 6SS6 and Introduced by
our senior senator Hon Charles H Die
trich contemplating the leasing of such
of the public lands within the state of
Nebraska as are in their natural condi
tion valuable only for live stock grazing
purposes and are not capable of irriga
tion The plan as outlined in the bill
and the conditions incident to the leasing
of said lands are so novel In their char
acter and in such contradiction to time
honored custom that the proposed legisla
tion lias attracted general attention
throughot the state and has occasioned
much comment both favorable and un
favorable On January IS I received from
Washington a copy of the bill accom
panied by a petition signed by our en
tire congressional delegation This peti
tion requests that I call the attention of
your honorable body to the proposed na
tional legislation to the end that you
may take such action as will Indicate to
our senators and members of congress
the wishes of the state in the premises
The matters involved are of great con
cern not only to that portion of the
state wherein the grazing lands are sit
uated but to all other sections as well
and it is therefore most fitting that the
legislature should memorialize congress
on the subject I herewith transmit to
you for your consideration a copy of the
bill a copy of the petition from our con
gresional delegation two sets of resolu
tions adopted by the stockmen of western
Nebraska and the correspondence received
by this office relative to the matter In
his recent message to congress President
Roosevelt recommended the appointment
of a commission of experts to investigate
the conditions affecting the leasing and
fencing of public lands and to make re
port of its findings Such a course while
it would delay immediate action would
in my judgment afford such a guaranty
of ultimate satisfactory settlement of the
perplexing questions involved as to make
the plan most desirable I trust that you
will confer with the concurrent branch of
the legislature and adopt such joint reso
lution as will indicate to our senators and
representatives in congress the attitude
of your constituents toward the land leas
ing bill As the measure is now pending
before the short session of congress the
necessity for expeditious action is ap
Kennedy of Douglas the democratic
member from Omaha made his first ap
pearance in the house on the 26th hav
ing been detained because of illness Mr
Kennedy was presented by Ten Eyck and
sworn in by Speaker Mockett The chief
justice and the asosciate justices were
out of the city and the lawyers of the
house decreed that the speaker had the
right to perform this function
Rouse of Hall has Introduced In the
house the bill providing for participation
by Nebraska in the Louisiana Purchase
exposition at St Louis in 1904 It makes
provision for the appointment of a board
of commissioners by the governor to look
out for the states Interests and appro
prltes 75000
Omaha labor unions are against the
pasage of H R 1S2 introduced by Reed
of Nemaha to modify the present exemp
tion laws Gus Hollo a member of the
Omaha Central Labor union is quoted as
saying The bill is Intended solely to
help the grocers trust It cannot be of
service to the laboring man The grocers
claim that the bill will do away with the
losses incurred by giving credit to men
who never pay and thereby reduce prices
but the claim is too thin Every grocer
keeps a blue book in which is the record
of his customers If a customer has a
reputation of failing to pay his debts he
will be refused credit
I cannot understand sir why you
permit your daughter to sue me for
breach of promise You remember
that you were bitterly opposed to our
engagement because I wasnt good
enough for her and would disgrace the
Young man that was sentiment
this is business Judge
Doubt always travels on snowshoes
Telephone rates have been reduced
In York
Beatrice has secured a splendid crop
of Ice for 1903
Religious revival meetings are in
progress at Wymore
The town of Orchard In Johnson
county has been incorporated
Grandma Powers one of Polk
countys oldest citizens is dead
The B M depot at Greeley caught
fire but the blaze was quickly sup
Wolves have been seen on the island
near Fairmont and a grand hunt Is
on the tapis
The matter of establishing free mail
delivery in the vicinity of Plattsmouth
is being investigated
The Millard hotel at Omaha on the
1st of February -will pass into the
hands of Rome Miller
It Is estimated tbat Callaway doe3
more business in the way of shipments
than any other town in Custer county
The farmers from the vicinity of
Ellis will meet and consider the pro
position of building a 100000 bushel
grain elevator
Rev Blakesen pastor of the Congre
gational church Ashland has accepted
a call from Wisconsin and will soon
remove to that state
It is reported that a United States
army recruiting sfation is soon to be
established in Beatrice and that It
may become a permanent thing
A M Walker a rural mail carrier
who delivers on a route in the vicinity
of Cedar Bluffs has bought an auto
mobile which he will use in his work
The north wing of St James orphan
age In Benson a suburb of Omaha was
gutted by fire causing a loss of about
20000 None of the inmates were in
Mr Lou Frazier of the Fairmont
Chronicle has been appointed secre
tary for the state printing board He
succeeds L A Williams editor of the
Blair Pilot
Ex State Senator L H Woods fine
residence on his farm adjoining Vio
let was completely destroyed by fire
entailing a loss of 11000 which was
partly insured
Miss Carrie Rasmussen of Lancaster
county has brought suit in Beatrice for
breach of promise and 10000 damaged
affections against Thomas G Mont
gomery of Gage county
The January jury term of the Dodge
county district court proved to be the
shortest on record The jury was ex
cused for the term without a case hav
ing been submitted to them
The four rural mail carriers from
the Tecumseh postofflee walked their
respective routes one day recently as
the result of a banter The average
walk for each was about twenty two
Governor Mickey has appointed Mrs
Sohus as superintendent and Mrs
William Faulkner as matron at the
Lincoln Home of the Friendless These
two have held these positions for the
last two years
The large general merchandise store
of Langdon Drake at Odell Neb
was burned to the ground The stock
was valued at about 6000 with very
little insurance The loss will be total
as very little was saved
M T Rowland of Central City left
for Yaldez Alaska in which district
he has some valuable mining property
George Batty of Clarks William Tra
ver G Peterson and C S Beard late
of the Nonpariel accompanied him
Much apprehension is being felt by
the Griswold Seed company of Lincoln
over its inability to obtain cars It
has orders for fifty cars of seed corn
to be shipped to several different
points in Texas and although planting
time is nearly at band in that state
and their customers are urging imme
diate delivery they are unable to make
The State Board of Agriculture elect
ed the following officers J B Dins
more Sutton president W B Ewing
Franklin first vice president C W
Caley Creighton second vice presi
dent E Mclntyre Seward treasurer
W R Furnas Brownville secretary
The following were elected as a board
of managers C H Rudge Lincoln
L E R Williams and Peter Younger
Geneva W R Mellor Loup City and
T A McKay Aurora
Secretary Furnas has Issued the fol
lowing report to the state board of
agriculture The total resources of
the board were Balance on hand
from last year 39173 current re
ceipts for the year including state aid
301500 with which to pay premiums
3819508 from this sum 13968C2
were expended in payment of prem
iums 2283146 For all other expendi
tures 3680008 were used leavipg a
balance on hand of 17SG73
The secretary of the interior says a
Washington dispatch reported favor- J
ably upon the Dietrich bill for leasing
public lands for grazing purposes
which had been referred by the sen
ate committee on public lands Com
missioner Richards of the general land
office wrote the report which says the
bill protects the homesteader and
and must minimize the disturbances
over the illegal fencing of the public
domain Should the bill fail the de
partment will compel the removal of
all fences on the range The action
of the Nebraska legislature on the
subject is awaited here with interest
Mrs F Wrieht of Oelwein
Iowa is another one of the
million women who have been
restored to health by Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
A Young- New York Lady Tells
of a Wonderful Cure
My trouble was with the ovaries
I am tall and the doctor said I grew
too fast for my strength I suffered
dreadfully from inflammation and
doctored continuallj but got no help
I suffered from terrible dragging sen
sations with the most awful pains low
down in the side and pains in the back
and the most agonizing headaches
No one knows what I endured Often
I was sick to the stomach and every
little while I would be too sick to go
to work for three or four days I work
in a large store and I suppose stand
ing on my feet all day made me worse
At the suggestion of a friend of
my mothers 1 began to take Iiydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound and it is simply wonderful
I felt better after the first two or three
doses it seemed as though a weight
was taken off my shoulders I con
tinued its use until now I can truth
fully say I am entirely cured Young
girls who are always paying doctors
bills without getting any help as I did
ought to take your medicine It
costs so much less and it is sure to
cure them Yours truly Adelaide
Pbaht 174 St Anns Ave New York
City 5000 forfeit If original of above letter
proving genuineness cannot be produced
Happiness and success are syn
onyms but success and happiness are
In Winter Use Allen Foot Eae
A powder Your feet feel uncom
fortable nervous and often cold and
damp If you have sweating sore feet
or tight shoes try Allens Foot Ease
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores
25 cents Sample sent free Address
Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Watch out for the
bids you Good by
devil when he
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue
All grocers sell large 2 oz package 5 cents
Old truths are too great a price to
pay for new doubts
Some grocers say they dont keep De
Sance Starch because they have a stock
hi hand of J oz brands which they know
Cannot be sold to a customer who has
once used the 16 oz pkg Defiance btarch
or same money
Putting coal into the small boys
stocking was this year a really costly
Drs Richards Van Camp of UOlFarnam street
bmaha Neb treat Catarrh and guarantee a care
Ihe doctors are old established and reliable pby
llclau of Omaha Write them a statement cf
four case and valuable Information will be gent
jou free For Catarrh of the nose throat and
mips they will fend you one months treatment
Inhaler ana Constitutional Treatment on receipt
jf one dollar by postal order draft or exprets
tioney order
Many a commonplace man has rea
son to be grateful for his wifes strong
Sales Greater Than the Population of
Four States
Population of Iowa Minnesota Ne
braska and South Dakota combined
not so great as th of the Single
Binder cigars and othr brands of the
Lewis Factory during the yean 1902
Internal Revenue Count cigars
sold 5801300 Population of Iowa
2231853 population of Minnesota
1751394 population of Nebraska
1068539 population of South Dako
ta 401570 total 5453356 The
Lewis Single Binder Factory Peoria
111 sold 347944 more cigars than
there are people in these four great
states Greatest years sales in the
history of the Lewis Single Binder
Factory Reliable quality brought
the business
Old associations sometimes cling
like a wet bathing suit
Mrs Wlnslows aoorninpr Syrnp
Tor children teething softens the guns reduces la
amniatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
If a man doesnt repeat the cute
things his baby says its a sure thing
ne hasnt any baby
Rheumatism g
Headache g
Feetache g
All Bodily Aches