ypc Special Reductions of Prices on Our- Entire Stock of Shoes We Need the Room and the Money You Need the Goods There is no reason why we cant trade and trade quick Nothing to be Reserved You Get the Cut in Anything in the Shoe Line CITIZENS 2S22 Come in and pick out what you need and we will name a price you cant get away from We Mean Business Bee Hive McCook Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 GEO HQCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Of rector C J PLATT Director I F D Burgess i i Piumbe Ste r ana am Filter MeCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building Kodo Dyspepsia Gura Digests what yow eat xoooooooooooo - JT jiBr fit jSe ffl l3c ttftcjfirjgl -T ife Ttr rfSgjSt V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT THE A C EBERT Cashier BANK OF MeCOOK NEB fr Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 V FRANKLIN W DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE 0 H A 0 EBERT WILLARD gfcLjf3gj3aIffaTfe itVjBc yjm VlgC3ggciy3gFagg tin - iriLM I RAMIT I UTT A Good Thing German Syrnp is the special prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortun ate dis covories in medicine It quickly en roe coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the canse of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine bnt has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschees German Syrnp was intro duced in tho United Stato3 1S63 and is now sold in every town and village in tho civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac Finds a Way to Live Long The startling announcement of a discovery that will suroly lengthen life ia made by Editor OH Downey of Chnrnbusco Indiana I wish to state ho writes that Dr Kings Now Dis covery is the most infallible remedy that I havo ever known for coughs colds and grip Its invaluable to people with weak lnngs Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption Its relief is sure and certain McConnell Berry guarantee every 50c and 100 bottle and give trial bottles BOX ELDER Fine weather again and roads getting better T J Ruggles wao a Boxelder caller last Monday Miss Bertha Wolfo is helping Mrs J K Gordon again with her work Mrs George Henderson who has been very sick is improving very nicely Miss Clara Smith is visiting tho Misses Ida and Stella Modrell this week The proceeds of tho supper last Sat urday night wore eight dollars and fifty cents George Henderson threshed cane seed for Stephen BollesFuosdayand for J K Gordon Wednesday Corn husking is in order now Fred Satchell and Glenn Modrell started to work again Monday Mrs J H Stephens was out at the farm a few days this week She also visited her daughter Mrs James Spauld ing Last Thursday a week Roy Iiytlo went to get Miss Florence Youngors horse to hitch it up for her to go home from school He was riding tho horse out to the buggy when it slipped and fell with him breaking his leg and dis locating his ankle Mrs B F Shultz who has been a constant sufferer for about five months died last Friday January 16th at the home of her sister near Arapahoe Her husband and two little boys have the deepest sympathy of all in thoir boreave mont The little boys will stay with Mrs Winans Croup Tho peculiar cough which indicates croup is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children No time should be lost in tho treat ment of it and for this purpose no medicine has received morounivorsal approval than Cham berlains Cough Remedy Do not waste valu able timo in experimenting with untried reme dies no matter how highly they may be recom mended but give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear For sale by McConnell fc Borry MARION Wood cutting is the order of the day J C Lafforty visited in Indianola Friday Clifford Naden and Daisy Dolph spent Sunday with May Pew Ernest Galusha is doing some carpen ter work for H A Bull M Nilsson sold a team of horses to the horse buyer Monday J L Sims and Mr Benton were weighing cattle at the stock yards last Saturday A Lako took a load of wheat to the McCook mills Saturday and returned with a load of flour Mr Saunders and Gertie leave Thurs day of this week for Missouri where they will visit friends M Steele had the misfortune to break his collar bone caused by a runaway while at work for E B Stilgebouer Mr Burton of Oberlin sold the cattle that were being pastured on the Mc Guire farm to some Kansas City men If Unwell Try a EOc bottle of Horbino notico tho im provement speedily effected ia your Appetite Energy Strength and Vigor Watch how it brightens the spirits gives freedom from Indi gestion and Debility I Isaac Story Ava Mo writes Sept 10 1900 I was in bad health I had stomach trouble for 12 months also chills Dr J W Mory pre scribed Horbino it cured me in two weeks I cannot recommend it too highly it will do all you claim for it Sold by A McMillan CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS A R Wright spent Sunday at I A Rushtons F J Henderson was buying horses here last week H S Kennedy spent Sunday at George Miners Mr Emerson is hero looking after the companys Bheep Harve Tracy was a McCook business caller Monday of this week Peck Everist shipped a car of hogs to Denver Saturday morning Mrs A L Nichols visited at her brother Justin Averys at Traer last week J O Hainlin returned Friday from his St Francis visit and expects to start about the 16th for Portland Oregon to make his home LEBANON too late fob last week S R Jolly hulled alfalfa Tuesday C B Huff and wife were Wilsonville visitors Monday M B Lehn of Indianola wa3 over to the farm last week Mrs Nichols who was reported im proving last week is very sick again J W Hupp of McCook was in Leba non on business Wednesday and Thurs day John Feichters sale Monday was well attended and thing3 brought rea sonable prices J B Cumming who is working in the shops at McCcok was home on a few days visit last week Mrs P H Walters started Tuesday for Thayer Iowa to see her aged father who is not expected to live Rev W H Schofield who has been helping the U P minister at Wilson- ville returned home Monday B F Bradbury arrived homo Wed nesday from Lincoln Denver and other points where ho has been visiting for several weeks Mrs Bruce Cumming and daughter Iva departed Thursday for their old homo in Illinois on a visit to her mother who is very sick Rev R E Poguo attended quarterly conference at Shiloh and Danbury Mon day and Tuesday leaving the revival services in chargo of Revs Howe and Schofiold Miss Mattio Castor visited her parents in Lebanon Sunday S R Jolly shipped a car load of hogs Wednesday morning John Fiechter moved into tho Heck man property Tuesday Mrs E B YouDg of Danbury visited relatives in Lebanon Sunday Tho revival services at tho M E church closed Wednesday night Van Pelt and Hayward will give a a phonograph entertainment at tho Ham burg school house Friday night Jan 23 J R Correll who has been working at Liberty for some timo arrived here Wednesday Mrs Correll did not come Daniel Reeves returned Wednesday from Oklahoma where he was called to see his mother She had a stroke of paralysis and is not expected to recover Miss Rena Hastings loft Monday for California by way of Colorado where she oxpecta to stop over a few days to visit hor cousins Mr and Mrs Allen Pennington Rev and Mrs Howe returned to Ox ford Saturday where Rev Howe filled his own pulpit He returned Monday to continue the revival services at the M E church Robert Nichols and wife of Nemaha county came in last week to visit his mother who has been very sick V e are glad to note that Mrs Nichols is improv ing though slowly Good Advice Tho most misorable beings in the world are those suffering from dspopsiu and liver com plaint More than seventy five per cent of the people in the United States are ofllicted with these two diseases and their effects such as sour stomach sick headache habitual costivo nest palpitation of the heart heartburn water brash gnawing and burning paina at the pit cf tho stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreoable taste in tho mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Goto your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve yon Try it Get Greens Special Almanac INDIANOLA Mrs Geo B Smith is on the sick list H W Keyes had legal business in the county capitol Thursday Mrs C E Williams of Bartley visited a few days this week with friends in this city Ed Smith is papering Adolph Smiths house about nine miles north of town this week George Sheppard tho jeweler of Cam bridge was in town on his regular trip Tuesday Prof Casrier was unable to attend to his school duties Monday on account of sickness Emil Hillars is laid up with pneumonia His father ia running the store during his sickness Maud Allen closed a successful five months term of school in the Dutoher district last week MrsHerman and two children went up to McCook Tuesday evening to visit friends a few days Quite a number of tho Masons at this place attended Dentist Williams funeral at Bartley Sunday Jack and Jim McAlpine were out from Denver last week to visit their sister Mrs John McClung who is no better The D of R and the Odd Fellows held a Joint installation and supper in the Masonic hall last Tuesday evening Mrs Elmer Thompson was taken seri ously ill Tuesday evening and was very bad for a while but she is able to be up now Mrs Henry Powell Merle and Fran cis went down to Lincoln on a visit Mondav They expect to be gone about two weeks Mr and Mrs Kern and children drove up to McCook Saturday Mr Kern re turning in the evening Mre Kern re mained to visit a while with relatives W H Smith received the sad intelli gence Wednesday morning of tho death of his sister living in Dodge City Kan sas She had long been a sufferer from the dread disease consumption Last Saturday evening at six oclock at tho home of tho brides parents Miss Sybil Rozell and Mr Lem Hickman were united in marriage Rev Halbersleben of the Congregational church was the officiating clergyman The young couple left Wednesday morning for Illinois where they will make their future home K63Kia iMifattaK3K8fiSSS How Suit Come and clothing on a i 4 T MMc niupn im to rif with quick consumption I then began to use Ayers Cherry Pectoral I improved at once and am now in perfect health Chas E Hart man Gibbstown N Y Its too risky playing with your cough The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over Be gin early with Ayers Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough Three sizes 25c 50c SI All drugjtsts Consult your doctor If he sayg take It then do as he says If he tells you not to take It then dont take It lie know3 Leave it wltli mm we are wining J C AYKR CO ixmeii Maw SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of salrt issued from the District Court of Red Willow CountyNobraaka under a decree in an action wherein John E Kelloy is plaintiff and George P Smith and Mrs George P Smith et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at pub lic sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 2nd day of Fobruary 1903 at the hour of one oclock p m the followingdeecribed realestato to wit Lots one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 fire 5 and six 6 in block two 2 in the third addition to McCook Red Willow county Dated this 31st day of December 1901 A C Ceabtebe Sheriff J E Kelle Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the District Court of Red Willow CountyNebraska under a decree in an action wherein Kate Car roll is plaintiff and Edwin N Benjamin ot al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court housein McCook Red Willow CountyNebraska on the 2nd day of February 1903 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit The east half of the northwest quarter and the south half of the northeast qnarter of fac tion thirty one town two north raugH twenfcj nine west 6th P if in Red Willow county fu a jq elf Dated thi3 31st day of Dumber 1302 A C Ceabteee Sheriff E Eldeed Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtuo of an order of sale issued from the district court of Red Willow County Nebraska in an action wherein William T Wootton is plaintiff and Samuel N Troth et al are de fendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash at tho front door of tho court hone in McCookRed Willow County Nebr on the 2nd day of February 1903 at tlio hour of ow oclock p m the following described real estateto wit Lota eight nine and ten in block twelve West McCook Nebraska Each of said lots to be offered for sale separately Dated this 3Utday of December 1902 A C Ceabtebe Sheriff W S MoELAJf Attorney for Plaintiff About That of Clothes There are many kinds of clothes There is one kind some people call tailor made which they send away for This kind we do not sell THE KIND WE SELL ARE MADE BY FIRST CLASS WORKMEN right here at home and fitted on you before it is finished That is the only tailor made suits Now is the time to order one BUSINESS SUITS 25 PANTS 650 see m e i before you buy Yours for Business L 0 Melius Tailor MCCOOK Office in Court House J MITCHELL NEBRASKA j j3 I 1M1 JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales One por cent on sales 1000 and upward Correspondence solicited DR W V GAGE flcCook Nebraska C H E0YLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska ffAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Phone 181 DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon 2 MeCOOK - - NEB Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Avouue Residence phono 53 Office phono 2S Calls answered night or day - AUCTIONEER Phones Oflica 17residouco 95 Free Phonographic concert Yt hour beforo sale opens Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 McCook Nebraska OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS MeCOOK NEBRASKA W1 jiliiSfe EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Share Hair Cut Sham pooanythingln my lirioia an artistic manner Gira me a call and trial H L PREVOST DRNTIST Grad tate of Kansas City Lsntal College Oyer Jas McAdams Telephone 43 All Calls For The Answered by the BLUB FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 B M fSv OO B Cnres Grip fa Two Days Take LaxatlVe BFm IPLSHIB xauiets V oa every Seven Miffion boxes sold in past 2 months This slgnatHTC y7Wt bOX 25c fr W H Ackerman w McCook Nebraska b HHf VWvrjLjULJfjir P n