The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 23, 1903, Image 4

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    ft jfttCmtk fribnift
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The first issue of the Hitchcock
County Ilerald J C L Wisely editor
and publisher will appear at Culbert
son Friday next January 30th
The steamfltters of the Union Pacific
hayo joined the strikers at Omaha and
the woodworkers have agreed to follow
suit if tho piecework system shall bo im
posed upon them
Tjieke is some quiet casting about in
tho city sizing up the municipal situation
for tho approaching city election espo
cialry as regards tho mayoralty It is
quite proper for the peoplo to give this
matter some attention to tho end that a
competent successor may bo secured to
take Mayor Eldreds place
A Nebraska lawyer sent his steno
grapher over to tho office of an editor
whom he intended to prosecute for libel
or some other horrible crime to ask that
tho editor kindly produce his files and
allow the offensive article to be copied
That lawyers carcass would bo a capital
prize for a gall soap factory Lincoln
The manifest desire of the peoplo of
Manila that Governor Taft shall retain
his position as the head of civil adminis
tration in the Philippines and his re
ported willingness to stay at Manila and
do whatever he can to restore orderly gov
ernments tho archipelago ought to bring
to an end any further effort for his recall
If his health shall be prolonged ho will
no doubt bo able to render great service
both to the people of the United States
and to the peoplo of tho Asiatic islands
Of his ability and intregrity there is no
question Philadelphia Record
The Indianola Reporter cannot sup
port The Tribunes campaign for a
Junior Normal at McCook for the rea
son that McCook is too large wideawake
and enterprising The Reporters position
rominds us of Will Carletons farmer
who had a boy too indifferent for any
thing else of which he wished to make
an editor The idea is altogether fal
lacious and out of tune with this day
and generation and tho facts will not
bear out the Reporters contention at all
The enterprise vim and energy which
go to make a live wideawake uptodate
town do not work any harm or disad
vantage to the education of the young
but rather give them an impetus and
stimulus which are entirely lacking in
many of the oldstyle sleepy educational
towns Tho contact with bright ener
getic people always works advantageous
ly to the young American of the right
sort and spirit and its a dullard
who will fall out of the procession of
progress to fall into traps and footfalls
which by the way are not by any means
confined to live towns but flourish
in excelsis in mossgrown communities
with a peculiar emphasis and odor Vice
has its habitat in both live and dead
towns Each has its peculiar demon
stration of the evil that is in the world
Neither has particular advantage over
tho other in this respect Neither is to
be commended for the fact but the folly
of opposing the location of a school in a
live modern town of push and enterprise
is too apparent for a latterday American
to seriously consider There is no better
point in Southwestern Nebraska for the
the location of a Junior Normal than
McCook There is no part of Nebraska
more needy in this respect than South
western Nebraska And we might add
from the history of the past that no
section of Nebraska more sedulously and
continuously and persistently gets it in
the solar plexus from the legislature on
such propositions The average Neb
raska legislator dont know there is any
Nebraska west of Hastings
A Scientific Discovery
Kodol docs for tho stomach that wliich it is
unablo to do for itself even when it is bnt
slightly disordered or overloaded Kodol sup
plies tho natural juices of digestion and does
tho work of the stomach relaxing the nervous
tension while tho infJammed muscles of
that organ are allowed to rest and heal Kodol
digests what you eat and enables tho stomach
and digestive organs to transform all food into
rich red blood McConnell Berry
I lovo thco O yes I love thee
But its all that I can ever be
For in my visions in tho night
My dreams are Kocky Mountain Tea
m a
uvspepssa uure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food It gives instant relief and never
tails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
If cant help
biit do you goad
Prepared only by E O DbWitt Co Chicago
Lincoln Letter
Lincoln Neb January 19 1903
Special CorrospondoDco
The first two weeks of the legislative
session as usual has boon devoted to
preliminary work Tho organization
tho work so far done there is little to in
dicate tbo strength or energy of the indi
vidual members
One feature of the organization which
has attracted favorable attention is tho
movement to cut off sinecure places
and hold down tho number of employes
to a reasonable limit Tho senate led
in this movement but there is indica
tion that tho number of places in the
houso will bo lower than ever before
In tho senato eight years ago there were
125 employes There has been a gradual
decrease until this senato is getting
along well with only 59 It is probable
that tho houso will keep almost within
tho same limit
A test of the earnestness of tho houso
was Feen when the Sears resolution was
adopted by a large majority It pro
vided that no bills should come up for a
third reading calling for appropriations
for public buildings until after an ade
quate revenue bill should bo formulated
to raise sufficient money to get the state
out of debt This resolution was
amended so as to permit appropriations
for rebuilding or repairing buildings
which would seem to open the way for
the completion of the penitentiary and
tho rebuilding of the Norfolk hospital
It is conceded that these two institu
tions nave better cnance tor appropna
tions in both ends of the legislature
without taking the Sears resolution into
consideration Many doubt the expe
diency of adding to tho other insti
tutions this session except in cases of
great emergency
In the houso there came up a propo
sition to form a special committee to
take in hand the matter of a complete
revenue bill While some doubted the
expediency of such a committee it was
acknowledged by all that some move
should be made other than to patch up
the old revenue law in a hap hazard
manner In the senate a move was
made to order the revenue committee to
report a new measure before February
15th giving it the right of way when it
came This motion was tabled after
some debate but members of the senate
freely expressed the opinson that a joint
committee of both houses for the pur
pose of formulating revenue bills would
be the proper way to get at the matter
There is also some talk about a revenue
committee to prepare a bill for presenta
tion to the next legislature or to be
acted upon in special session next winter
Not the least interesting among the
propositions already up is the proposal
to amend the Omaha charter so as to
permit that city to assess railroad pro
perty locally instead of distributing
the money along the counties along the
lines Those who favor the measure
argue that the valuable terminals located
in Omaha now pay only a small tax to
the city in proportion to other property
Those who oppose the proposed amend
ment argue that to take these taxes for
local purpose would mean a correspond
ing reduction in the amount now received
by tho rural counties It is certain that
the proposition will provide much dis
cussion before the end of the season
The Omaha delegations will come be
fore tho legislature with several other
propositions which will increase the stir
in the session One is to change tho
date of the city election to later in the
year ono to limit the service of any man
for mayor to two terms and one is to
permit the annexation of South Omaha
On these propositions there is much
division of sentiment in Douglas county
and several of the advance guard are
already on the ground boosting for or
against these amendents
Those who have made a study of
Nebraska legislature concede that the
membership this season is made up of
better material than ever before It has
often been remarked that more than
usual care was exercised in the nomi
nations and that fewer of the profes
sional politician class were elected than
in former years With this good material
and the overwhelming republican ma
jority in both houses there is reason to
expect the best of results
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Locghran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at ten
oclock Preaching at 11 and 8 Morn
ing subject The Leaven the third in
the series Epworth League at 7 oclock
L H Shumate Pastor
Eev J J Loughran of St Patricks
church attended the meeting of the Neb
braska Anti Saloon League in Lincoln
Tuesday He was reelected a trustee of
the league
The Dorcas society will meet with
Mrs J E Kelley nest Thursday after
noon at 230
Brakeman Thomas W Smith went to
Denver Thursday on 13 on a short
wedding trip
Charlio Emersons lottery scheme in
drawing cars forrepairs on the riptrack
is a lulu
No inducement to soldier
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach a bad digestion a
bad liver Ayers Pills are
the formation of committees and tho Jjyer pills They Clire COn
printing of tho early bills as usual has j stipation billOUSneSS dyS
hold tho attention of both houses In r I ju
pepsia sick headache
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
niiniiiiniiRiHsn nvrforthe
DUUMnbrmrYi o u in whiskers
80 ere of Dwoomts on R
P Hail A Co NH
The library board has arranged for a
lecture to be given Thursday evening
Jan 29 by M I Stritch S J of
Creighton University Omaha
Father Stritch will please evorybody
were are sure He is fluenteloquent and
witty and his subject Through tho
Invisible World With Dante must
interest all book lovers and is in line
with what we wish the library may do
for our people The lecture gives 1st
The Time 2nd The Man 3rd Tho
Poem The Divine Comedia its plan
and meaning with a glance at its unpre
cedented influence on European litera
Although ostensibly a book for girls
Brave Heart Elizabeth by AdeleE
Thompson can hardly fail to interest
the boys of every American family It
is a story of the Ohio frontier and is full
of adventure of the most stirring kind
Much of it is taken from life tho hero
ine being one of the famous Zane family
from which Zanesville takes its name
As an accurate pleasiner and vet at
times intensely thrilling picture of the
period of border settlement the book is
entitled to high rank among recent
writings of this kind
The new Carnegie library at Wash
ington D C was dedicated on January
7th President Roosevelt made one of
his finest speeches in praise of the donor
Among other good things he said In
founding librariesfor the benefit of those
who wish to educate themselves Mr
Carnegie has wisely adopted a middle
course between our two prime vices
hardness of heart and softness of head
The magnificent building at the capitol
is of white marble and cost 250000
McCook would be well satisfied with one
costing 10000 and may we live to see
it if not a donation from Mr Carnegie
then as a monument of our citys own
generosity and enterprise
We have been requested to call the
attention of the delinquent subscribers
to the library fund to the fact that
again the assessment is due Another
list of books is on the way and you can
not fail to reap the benefit of your in
Conductor L S Watson is visiting his
mother in Lafayette Indiana
Conductors Benjamin and Beyrer re
turned from Chicago last Sunday
Fireman R C Cole underwent an
operation in Denver Wednesday it was
thought for the relief of gall stones but
which we understand proved to be of a
more serious nature
Mr Ryder a representative of the
Rogers Locomotive Works of Patterson
N J is here with the new engines of
the 3700 class while they are being
broken into the service
Conductor O R Amick returned
Wednesday night from Omaha His
eyes are getting along nicely Mrs
Amick went down Saturday night and
returned home with him
The new air compressor and tank were
installed and placed in operation Tues
day of this week It is a great addition
to the power of the shop and through
the new air lifts will raise the largest
engines in the shop with ease The old
air compressor will onty be used as an
Consolidated engine No 5S4 of the
D4 class from tho Hannibal St Joe
has been received on the Western divi
sion this week Three more are ex
pected They are very powerful and
largo engines for freight service The
584 pulled 1784 tons west with ease
Wednesday morning
The entire eight of the new engines of
the 3700 class have been received at this
place and are now in service on the
Burlingtons fast passenger trains
They aro numbered 3700 3701 3702
3703 3704 3707 3708 3709 The 3705
and 3706 are at Lincoln They will be
known as the 3700 class engines
The gentlemens waiting room at the
depot is being divided east and west and
when completed will be used as a ticket
and express office combined There will
be no separate room for men hereafter
The present ticket box will bo removed
This will place a man in the ticket-express
office at all times and will be a
convenience to the public
J E Kelley returned on 6 Wednes
day from briefly visiting in Denver
Miss Mary Allen who has been vis
iting her brother Joseph Allen and fam
ily departed on Wednesday night for
Iowa her home
Frederick Wietzek manager of the
Rocky Ford Colorado factory of the
American Beet Sugar Co and E Ewel
of the Grand Island factory went over
the ditch with J E Kelley yesterday
Wietzer was especially pleased with the
proepect t
Fast Travel by Railway
A Paris writer claims for Franco the
fastest railroad trains in the world no
says that the Northern railroad has a
special between Paris and Amiens doing
eighty one and three quarter miles in
seventy seven minutes giving an aver
ago speed of sixty threo and one half
miles an hour and on tho same route by
other trains it registers speeds of sixty
ono and one half miles an hour main
tained for 120 miles and fifty nino and
eight tenths and fifty eight miles an
hour for distances exceeding 100 miles
at a stretch
The Southeastern Chatham rail
road this yearhas conspicuously failed
to approach its own record of last year
ono hour and forty one minutes from
London to Dover pier which works out
at something under forty five miles an
hour for the seventy five an one half
miles Even with this liberal time al
lowance the English trains are never on
time but the French are invariably A
record is claimed in a recent run of the
mail and express from Boulogne to
Paris Owing to tho late arrival of the
boat from Folkestone the train was
forty six minutes lato in leaving Bou
logne but the engine driver made up
time and got to Paris punctually to the
minute His average speed for this run
in said to have worked out at sixty eight
miles per hour Tho distance is about
160 miles
Heads Should Never Ache
Never endure this trouble Use at once tho
remedy that stopped it for Mrs N A Wester of
Winnie Va who writes Dr Kings New Life
Pills wholly cured mo of sick headaches I had
suffered from for two years Cures headache
constipation billiousncss 25c at McConnell
Berrys drug store
Burlington to Change Main Line
Sewakd Neb Jan 19 The Burling
ton road has decided to change its main
track to Billings by building staight
from Lincoln to Tamora in this county
and thus let out the county seat The
citizens of Seward met in the Commer
cial club rooms to protest against this
reported action of the Burlington offi
cials The leading business men of the
town attended and a representative of
the railroad was present and explained
the necessity of the roads action There
are two big hills between Seward and
Lincoln on the main track which neces
sitates the maintenance of a pusher at
quite an expense to the company and at
times when the freight is heavy several
trains of through freights are held at
Seward waiting for help from the pusher
thereby causing expensive delays
Immediate action is necessary as there
has been a survey made and preparation
has been made for building this line
three miles south of Seward Special to
Lincoln Star 19th
Simple Colds
Cease to be simple if at all prolonged Tho
safest way is to put them aside at tho very
beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a
cold and removes tho cause of colds 25c 50c
and 1 bottle at A McMillens
Walter Huston Acquitted
Walter Huston whose trial on charge
of murder was held at Gering the
county seat of Scotts Bluffs county last
week was acquitted The general opin
ion during the trial was that ho would
be convicted of manslaughter and be
given a light sentence
An extremely pathetic feature of the
case was that Mrs Huston mother of
Walter died suddenly on Sunday pre
ceding the trial The Hustons live in
Colorado across the line from Lamar
Nebraska and expected to start for
Gering Monday Mrs Huston was
taken ill on Saturday and died the next
day Mrs Huston lived in Furnas
county many years and had many
friends here She leaves a husband and
five children It was annnounced at
first that the interment would be made
here but plans were changed and the
funeral was held Wednesday Beaver
City Tribune 16th
New Century Comfort
Millions are daily finding a -world of comfort
in Bncklens Arnica Salve It kills pain from
burns scalds cuts bruises conquers ulcer and
fever sores cures eruptions salt rheum boils
and felons removes corns and warte Best pile
cure on earth Only 25c at McConnell fc Berrys
drug store
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofiice Jan 19 1903
James Butler Chas Mehagen
F S Granger Geo Nelson
Willie Glover L A Roberts
Win Gatchack Win F Rodgers
C M Hollinger Geo Shultz
E E Hart Miss Emma Volsteadt
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmeix Postmaster
Its pretty hard to define real beauty Rare
and beautiful women everywhere owe their lov
liness to Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents
I LlOn wFf
I The greatest nation in the world is H
i the greatest consumer of coffee i
I i3 the standard beverage of every
I state and territory of the Union
Its pure thats why 1
1 Alw7ln 1 lb alr tisht sealed caekaces
insuring freshness and uniform qnalilj Jffl
Roses and Thorny
By Mrs Lillian VanBurgh
It was only n hunch of wild roses
That brought back tho inomory dour
Twos tho scent of tho sweet Juno blo8oms
That made you seem so near
Wo were out in tho moonlit garden
Whero only tho rosea could hear
Oh 1 how many beautiful socrets
Juno roses are guarding dear
Lifo seomed liko n garden of roses
Tho soft wind whispered sweet
As thoy lifted their creamy ixitaln
And showered them at our foot
Wo smiled nt tho dainty shower
So lowly and hnmblo then
But wo saw not tho cruol briers
They loft on tho parent stem
Do you mind when tho summer was ended
How wo Etood by tho drooping flowers
And found mongst tho withered blossoms
Thorns in thoso roses of ours
Sometimes I wonder now dear
Why tho buttorfly and tho beo
Took only tho sweet from tho ra8
Leaving tho thorns for you and me
Oh wo lovo tho swoet Juno roses
They nro always just tho same
And wo greet with joy their coming
Tho their coming gives us pain
I think in Qods beautiful garden
Where tho dow drops an angels tear
Mong tho roses fragrant petals
Are tho dreams that ivo cherished here
Thoro will be no hidden briers
To pierce tho tender hand
As heart meets heart in truth and trust
And soul to soul wo stand
And ofttimes I think that ilea ven
Will bo moro bright and fair
If you ond I can gather
Tho sweet June roses there
Holbrook Nebraska
The regular meeting of tho D of n
on tho night of January 12th proved to
bo one of unusual interest Tho mem
bership was more largely represented
than at any meeting of the lodgo for
several years The drill team with Mrs
Mary Walker as captain made its formal
bow to the fratornal public aid was
greeted with enthusiastic applause
There were 22 candidates in waiting to
be taken through tho mysteries of the
Degree of Honor Temple Judging from
expressions of approval on all sides this
was done very satisfactorily by the team
Later several of the gentlemen were
favored with a degreo created especially
for their delight and for tho entertain
ment of those already in the secret The
officers for tho ensuing year wero duly
installed Mrs Brewer acting as install
ing officer
The McCook lodge is making rapid
strides to the front rank in the state
Only fourteen lodges outside of Lincoln
and Omaha were ahead of No 3 in point
of membership on August 1st 1902
Our members have so materially increas
ed there are less than that ranking
ahead of us now
The prize of 1000 offered for a class
of 25 candidates is already won by Mc
Cook lodge there being cards enough
on hand to insure the number
Mrs Travek Bee
Mrs Ed Elledge was down from Bev
erly Monday
A L Taylor was down from the city
west on business Wednesday
G L Snyder held services in the Bap
tist church at McCook Sunday
Miss Ina and Iva Shumaker visited
friends in McCook Saturday and Sun
Mrs J W Wray went down to Mc
Cook Saturday for a weeks visit with
Miss Lillian McClain of McCook came
up this morning to visit friends here
over Sunday
Mrs S H Blum came up from Supe
rior Monday to visit relatives and friends
for a few days
Mrs Frank Henderson returned home
Monday after a weeks visit with rela
tives at this place
JFFilbert was down from the county
capitol Tuesday shaking hands with
old acquaintances
C B Crews and W J Taylor are
attending the meetingof the State Board
of Agriculture at Lincoln
Miss Edith Woodburn came down
from Trenton Saturday and spent Sun
day under the parental roof
Alfred Woodburn came up from Shel
ton where he has been staying for the
last six months to visit his parents at
this place
Miss Viola Ferrier returned home
Thursday from an extended visit with
her brother and family at Edgemont
South Dakota
Capt Stubb and wife of the Salvation
army arrived on No 5 Tuesday night
to assist Ensjgn R Martion with the
revival meetings
Elmer M Reynold departed for Fre
mont Friday where he will attend the
spring term of theTremont school His
sister Ona expects to follow him in a
few days to study music
Mrs J T Houston and family left
Thursday for Beatrice Nebraska where
they expect to make their future home
They spent the summer here and their
many friends wish them success in their
new home
James Ferrier G V Hunter S E
Solomon J S Ferrier George Motzer
C G Crews Squire Forbes EdNewlon
W V Harvey and Jacob Wiggins
attended the beet sugar meeting at Mc
Cook Saturday
Mrs M M House of Brush Colorado
is visiting her daughter Mrs J A Kirk
of this place Mrs House is well known
here her husband having been county
judge and a leading attorney of Cul
bertson for anuatber of Tears
Mothers Friend
Womans greatest dream of beauty and
glory is when nature has chosen her to
become a mother Every faculty is keenly
alert as she foresees the joy ambition
success and the lifcJong satisfaction com
fng nearer day by day in the dear and
innocent being so soon to see light and
the uncertainty whether she shall see a
sweet girl or a brave boy face beside her
on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy
Mothers Friend applied externally
throughout pregnancy will relieve the
pain of parturition and no mother and
child can fail to be healthy hearty strong
clear complexioned pure blooded and
cheerful in disposition who are mutually
influenced by the continued use of this
great liniment MOTHERS FRIEND
Buy of druggists roo per bottle
Our treatise Motherhood mailed free
A Big Wall Map Free
Wo have a marvelous offer to make to
readers of this paper Our reversible
wall map of the United States and World
is 46xGG inches It is mounted on rollers
and ready to hang on the wall It is
printed in colors and shows everything
interesting and valuablo Wo send it
on approval and guarantee absolutely
that it will please you To every ono
who will send us 1 for ono years sub
scription to The Prairie Farmer and The
Prairie Farmer Homo Magazine monthly
supplement we wili send this great map
free upon condition that 15 cents be
addod to pay for packing and postage on
the map When you get tho map if
you aro not entirely pleased return it to
us and the full amount of your money
will be refunded without ono word Wo
guarantee that it will fully please you
Address The Prairie Farmer 160 Adams
street Chicago
The nicest and pleasantest medicine I havo
used for indigestion and constipation is Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets sayn
Melard F Craig of Middlegrovo N Y They
work like a charm and do not gripe or hare any
unpleasant effect For tale by McConnell it
Good News For all Who Suffer With
Rheumatism Free
To all who suffer with rheumatism I
will gladly send free the wonderful story
of how my mother was cured after years
of suffering together with the most
elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever
No matter what your form of rheuma
tism is whether acute chronic muscu
lar inflammatory deformant sciatic
neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat
ter how many doctors have failed in
your case no matter how many socalled
sure cures you have tried I want you
to write to me and let me tell you how
my mother was cured
I am neither a doctor nor a professor
simply a plain man of business but
I have a cure for rheumatism and I
want to tell everyone who suffers with
rheumatism about it I wish to hv
clearly understood and trust that ail
who suffer with this terrible disease
however apparently beyond the reach
of cure will write to me this day and I
will send you by return mail this work
of mine I appeal especially to the
chronically ill who are wearied and
discouraged with doctoring and to those
who have been cast aside as incurable
All you have thought about rheumatism
may be wrong Let me tell you our ex
perience Surely if you have rheuma
tism or have a suffering friend it will
pay you to investigate my offer anyway
and prove for yourself the claims I make
Send me your address today a postal
card will do and I will mail you this
wonderful story I f you have any
friends suffering with rheumatism rr
matter where located send me their ad
dress and I will mail them a copy My
address in Victor Raineolt Bloomfield
Best Liniment on Earth
Henry D Baldwin Supt City Wator Works
Shnllsbnrg -writes I have tried many
kinds of liniment but have no vpr received ranch
benefit until I n nl Ballard Snow Liniment
for rheumatism and pain- 1 think it the best
liniment on earth 2Cc Mc and 1 bottle at A
Slsartftujtf Tjpewritljg EagHsS
Boci faeplag
StKisats can VSss3sJ
wrtfor board fwP wvfie
Scad far Catalog oe frw
Prof A J lotbt PrUj
W Krm4rim
k c ok A UI Pre 9ta