1 f r fi TWENTY FIRST YEAR Redwillow County Beet Growers Organize The sugar beet growers of Redwillow couoty organized an association in this city last Saturday af tornoon as per call D T Welty of Furnas county occupied the chair and S R Smith of Redwillow county was secretary of the meeting There wore over a hundred farmers and others present from Rodwillow Furnas and Hitchcock counties besides representatives of both the American Sugar Beet Co of Grand Island and of the Standard Beet Sugar Co of Leavitt William Byfield of Redwillow county stated the purpose of the meeting namely for the benefit and protection of the sugar beot grower and the organized promotion of the sugar beet industry It was decided at once to organize a Boot Growers Association the member ship to consist of those who had grown sugar beets for shipment in 1902 and those who are prospective growers and shippers for 1903 To expedite the formation of an organ ization William Byfield J E Kelley of Redwilllow county and S E Solomon of Hitchcock county were constituted a committee to make a draft and report articles of association stating plans scope etc of tho association to the convention for action While the committee was out prepar ing its report tho members of the con vention had the pleasure and profit of listening to a number of talks on the subject of sugar beets growing and kin dred interests The talk of D T Welty of Cambridge was especially valuable to the farmers Perhaps no man in the Republican Valley or in the state of Nebraska can give figures reliable data to equal his Uo doubt the result in his case is un usual but that the possible results from the careful and intelligent cultivation of ugar beets are great cannot bo contra dicted Mr Welty planted a little less than eleven acres by actual measure ment 107 10 acres Tho gross receipts from the factory were 101580 His gross expenses were 36570 and he says he had to hire practically all his work done This leaves a net profit of 65010 or 6076 net per acre This he says does not take into account the fact that he partially fed ten head of cattle and sixty head of hogs during a period of sixty days from the tops of the beets He raised over twenty tons to the acre and received an average of 4555 6 dollars per ton These figures speak more elo quently than any words SR Smith of Indianola spoke briefly His most interesting statement was the determination to plant thirty acres to sugar beets this season C A Littel stated that he raised about twenty tons per acre of sugar beets on alkali ground that never had or would produce anything before and that they brought as high as 425 per ton Mr Welty raised the question of alkali soil and its possibilities for pro ducing sugar beets He said there were two kinds of alkali soil one white in color and the other black Ic was upon alkali soil that he had his marvelous success last soason Mr Leavitt of the Standard Sugar Beet Co of Leavitt Nebraska however and he is an able and practical chemist stated that it was mores question of physical difference than of chemical difference and that lime would cure the difficulty David Deveny of Redwillow countj stated that notwithstanding drawbacks and errors he had raised nine tons of beets to the acre in 1902 and expected to do better in 1903 Miohael Houlihan a divide farmer raised an average of oighteen tons per acre thi3 last season The question of factory contracts for 1903 was raised and it was developed that there was no difference between the American and Standard factories as to contract That the contracts would be the same as last year with this addition that where 500 acres or more are planted at one shipping point the factories will establish a weighing station there and that the beets will be weighed at that point tested and the tare fixed and tho shipper paid which by the wayisadesir concession to the sugar beet raisers It was also shown that the matter of having a weigher and testor at the fac tories to accommodate those who could not take advantage of the local shipping stations could be easily and cheaply ar ranged by tho shippers paying a small sum per acre for the privilege of having their personal representatives at tho factories during the shipping season G V Hunter of Culbortson announced that the people of Culbortson and vicinity would plant a thousand acres to beets this season President Leavitt of the Ames factory MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs J W Line is visiting in Denver H C Clapp lost his spurs as a Jehu last Sunday night Walter Devoe was over from Leba non Saturday on matters of busines Milo Pate who- has been at Pilley Nebraska for some time has returned to the oity Mia JonrfWWRAYof Culbertson was tho guest of Mrs C W Barnes early in the week E J Mitchell of the Republican is haypg his Main street home altered and improved S R Smith of the Indianola Inde pendent had business in this wicked town Monday Mns Sah Pickard who has been visiting in Havelock returned home on 3 Monday night Mrs S M Kinsinger came down from Hayes Ceuter last week to secure medical attendance Harlet Fad ley of Hayes Center spent last week in the city taking medical treatment for cancer Mrs L W Stayner and Mrs George Martin went in to Omaha Wednesday night on 6 to return homo on Saturday Amos Bower will leave on next Mon day for Omaha to attend the Omaha Commercial College during the winter term Mrs James Hatfield returned home from Lebanon Kansas Sunday night Mr Hatfield meeting her at Superior Nebraska W A Dilworth the Omaha lawyer and a prominent K of P was here Wednesday and attended the Pythian smoker that evening C E Williams tho Bartloy dentist died on last Friday in nendley of pneu monia The remains were buried Sun day in Bartleys cemetery D S Hasty our state senator from Arapahoe on his way home over Sun day spent Saturday in the city attend ing the beet sugar convention Mr and Mrs A Barnett went down to Lincoln yesterday to be absent a few days Mr Barnett attending the sessions of the state lumbermens association in the capital city Glenn Williams a copyist in the state senate came from Lincoln Friday night and continued his journey on to Stockville Saturday morning via In dianola to spend Sunday at homo M J Hkay an employe of Havelock is now at the home of his sister Mrs John H Bennett of our city a very sick man we aro sorry to state His condi tion is a source of some worry and solici tude W N Rogers of McCook breeder of fine Hereford cattle was in town Mon dayinvestigating the feed grinder which is running at the Holbrook mills and will install one on his ranch at McCook Holbrook cor Clarion John Parkins a merchant and post master at Bellflower Missouri arrived in the city Wednesday morning on 13 and will be a guest of Rev and Mrs LHShumate for a few weeks He is a brother of Mrs Shumate Mrs John F Rowell and the two children who have been the guests of Mr and Mrs C B Rowell for several weeks left for their Colorado home on Tuesday of this week They will visit in Max and Fort Morgan en route M B Reese dean of the Nebraska university law school visited Sunday with his brother JWReese of Chariton Iowa who with his wife are guests of Mr and Mrs Lee I Culbertson The judge came up from Lincoln Saturday nightand returned homeSunday night Dr Lewis Schlessinger of Chatta nooga Tenn who practiced the most ancient cult spiritualism among us recently has been startling the citizens Mr and Mrs H C Clapp entertain er n am nil nnmnnnv nf frinnrlu Mnnrlnw JSg3pl52ft8wa JtlcCwfi After a Long and Painful Illness Doath came to Mrs Julia A Fox last Saturday afternoon after a long and painful illness covering over a year of a disease which baffled the skill of the doctors and which they did not name The deceased was in her 73rd year having been born on January 12 1831 dying January 17 1903 She was the mother of nine children five of whom preceded her to the grave Services were held at the home of her Bon Ned H Fox in West McCook where she died and interment was made in the Rivorview cemetery beside the remains of her hus band on Monday afternoon Rev L H Shumate of the Methodist church con ducting the services Deceased was an early settler of this part of the county having lived on a homestead a few miles northeast of the city over twenty years ago He husband a veteran of the Rebellion preceded her to the spirit land many years since Of the surviving children the daugh terMrsGeorge Burns lives in Nebraska City one son Ned lives in the city but the address of the other son is not known to the writer G A R Circle Officers Installed Last Saturday afternoon the officers elect of tho GA R Circle were installed in due form Unfortunately part of the officers were not present so the installa tion embraced but the following President Mrs F M Rathbun First Vice President Mrs Henry Walker Second Vice President Mrs J S Le Hew Secretary Mrs W S Morlan After the ceremonies a supper was spread in the lodge room by the ladies and this feature was enjoyed by the members of the post and the families of the members In this connection we are requested to urge a full attendance by the members of the circle at the next regular meeting of the circle on the first Saturday after noon in February the 7th Important matters of business will come up for action It Was a Great Success The ladies of the Methodist Aid society cleared between 50 and 60 at their pillow show Tuesday in the Clyde building The ladies had on exhibition between 300 and 400 pillows many handsome and valuable ones among the number Refreshments were served It was a unique affair very satisfactory to both public and society The first prize went to Mrs F M Kimmell No of votes 46 the second to Mrs Louis Suess No of votes 20 Tho ladies hereby return thanks to all loaners of pillows The ladies of the Aid society hereby tender M U Clyde a vote of thanks for generous use of his store room Jaspers Cure For a LHXury The pauper business is getting to be an expensive luxury in this county We believe it is time that tho county should have a poor farm 160 acres of river bottom should be purchased and half of it seeded to alfalfa The old county seat buildings could be utilized in improving the place We would suggest that some place between Indianola and McCook be selected It should be centrally located Properly managed there is no reason why in three or four years the farm shouldnt almost if not quite pay the ex pense of keeping the paupers Indian ola Reporter The Best Yet No former effort directed to the same end has been so successful as the present clearing sale of The Thompson D G Co More goods have been sold and better goods Those participating are reaping solid benefits and every customer proves an advertiser of the sale The people of McCook and vicinity know a good thing when they see it Dont defer your participation in the event Do You Need a Cream Separator If you do dont fail to call at W T Colemans store and see the very latest improved separator You can ship your of Holbrook since with hi3 great skill cream from any station and draw your and marvelous knowledge He is due at McFaddens Pasture or Beaver City next Mr and Mrs Frank Watson of St Joe Michigan arrived in the city Sun- day on 1 and have been the guests of Mr and Mrs H C Clapp all week They made a side trip to Denver Wed nesday on 13 returning on 2 Thursday morning They will depart for Michi gan on 2 tomorrow morning pay twice a month Separators are sold on payments and part of each check can be retained as a payment on the ma chine Dunning Spaulding Mr Jobe Dunning of Indianola Neb and Miss Nettie Spaulding of Oxford were married at the Mitchell hotel in this city last Monday by County Judge Beghtol Holdrege Progress 16th Are you thinking about getting a washing machine If so you should see the Ocean Wave at W T Colemans of the Standard Co said that he would evoning at a King Pedro card party to Its the latest improved easiest running uo one or cne planters or sugar Meats m meefc their visiting friends Mr and Mrs most durable washing machine on the wis vicing vnis uouxg u prank Watson of St Joe Mich Light is that he will plant I the prospect now refreshments wero 8Brved Ifc was a fel and cultivate at least 100 acres Ho stated that he and the able corps Ofciton3 social occasion F M Kimmell experts under him would willingly assist j and F A Pennell wero the captora of Concluded on page five I tho prises market Four wolves were killed in the hunt last Saturday Quite a number escaped through the line where the hunters were not provided with shot guns RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine No 30 is in for an overhauling Warren Traver has been given a fire Sam Bayless returned to work Mon day Arthur Colfer is Mack Hughes new clerk W W Williams is the freight office a new employe in M E Wells arrived here on his special bdsiness yesterday on 1 Engine 70 a K4 class la out of the shop after an overhauling Gus Budig the airbrake king has a new work bench this week Burton can toll you just how much Pete Kern can outpull Decker Sam Pickard arrived home on No 3 Monday night from Havelock E F Ballanco machinst is expected home from Plattsmouth Monday Engine 345 is down on her wheels and will be out of the shop early next week Asst General Supt Rhodes was at headquarters Wednesday from Lincoln Switchman and Mrs A P Ely of Red Cloud are visiting Lincoln relatives this week Conductor Mose Carmony is sick and off duty and Conductor J F Utter has his run The Q engines 1726 and 1728 will bo sent back across the river in a day or two Piecework Inspector and Mrs W J Krauter will visit Hastings relatives Sunday W C Chlanda of the air bench visited relatives in Longmont Colorado Saturday-Tuesday The January meeting of the railway mens club was postponed on account of press of work The iron house has been placed under the storehouse management and Ira Dye is a striker again Engineer John Hicks wa3 down from Alliance this week guest of his sister He returned home Thursday Harry Spauldingwho is now a messen ger between Lincoln and Hastings visit ed McCook friends Sunday Two Burlington freight cars left the track at Oreapolis Junction Monday morning delaying traffic for an bour T W Hawksworth absent on fur lough and injured is now somewhere up northwest and has written for his time The floor of the roundhouse extension is being bricked and the tracks ex tended Gradually the extension is being completed T M Phillippi went east on No 2 Saturday morning to be absent a few weeks on a vacation Chris Larsen is carrying the mail nights in the mean while Jake Brening went up to Loroland Colorado last Friday night to act as best man for a friend who was married to Miss Anna Walker formerly of this place Sunday Asst Supt McFarland was at head quarters Saturday on railroad business and was an interested visitor at the beet sugar convention in the court house in the afternoon Dispatcher W B Mills expects shortly to commence the erection of a dwelling house on the north lot of his North Marshall street property Much of the lumber has already been prepared for the building George Paxton machinist who was summoned to Michigan City Indiana about a week since on account of the illness of his father returned home on 1 Sunday and resumed his place in the shop on the following morning His father died from a stroke of paralysis on the night he left here for home The organization of theO R C chap ter in Alliance last Wednesday was one of the most brilliant affairs that city has witnessed and participated in this sea son Conductor and Mrs Frank Kend len of our city lead the grand march and Conductor and Mrs Henry Beale of our city were also guests of honor on that occasion Burlington linemen with a special train were in Lincoln over Sunday having strung new copper wires from Omaha both for telegraph and tele phono service Thoy were due to leave today in the direction of Alliance It is said that they can put up twenty five miles of wire per day This train an ideal workmens train consists of a sleeper diner wardrobe and lavatory car and a tool car Lincoln Star Mon day frtbttit McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 23 1903 Good bye Furs 150 fur muffs now 89c 175 now 129 225 ones now 139 now 169 350 ones now 249 fur collarettes now 119 375 now 269 500 ones now 299 ones 300 175 ones 600 ones now 3 99 190 childs sets now 99c 250 ones now 149 If vn i wnifc longer wont you be too lato Tho Thompson D G Cos clearing sale He Sale Sixty head or i tses weighing from 900 to 1200 pounds Some broke and somo unbroken On J H Mooro ranch 6 miles southwest of McCook Prices reasonable 1-23-4 tB Georor Plumlkiou To Sugar Beet Growers The contract for tho American Bekt Suoab Co of Grand Island Nebraska for the 1903 crop may be seen at the office of J E Kklley D of H Notice The next meeting of the Degree will be in Odd Fellows hall on January 27th Friday evening as usual By order of C of H Valentines Valentlnesl Newest and finest lino wo have ever had Ready in a few days L W McConnkll He Has Them Dont send away Buy your from W T Coleman and know you aro getting Don1 t cot left seeds what Kafir Corn For Sale A nice slender stalk well seeded a good feed for milk cows Inquiro at McMillens drug store 16 2ts Sutton carries the Mathushek Story Clark Bush Gorts and Cablo lino of pianos in all styles and prices and on easiest possible terms It will bo your mistake if you buy elsewhepe fore seeing his stock and learning his prices and terms Dont make such an error Save money and troublo by buy ing right at home The Knights of Pythias luxuriated in a smoker Wednesday night in their castle hall after the regular session There was a good social time a discus sion of tho fraternal building question and light refreshments on tho side Tho membership was out in force Ladies jacketscoatscapes and Monte Carlos as follows 300 ones 222 350 ones now 249 450 ones now 299 500 ones 369 600 ones 399 750 499 1000 ones now 699 1150 ones now 750 at The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale We are agents for the Edison phono graphs and records and carry the 10 20 and 30 machines and a large lino of records in stock to select from Our prices are guaranteed and we save you the freight L W McConnbll There are some thines Sutton does not offer or agree to do He doesnt agree to sell a 350 piano for 165 But ne win sen you ror tx cne Desc piano on earth for that amount of money And its a good instrument too The G- A Noren lots opposite Supfc Campbells residence have been pur chased by Mitchell Clyde who expects to build thereon coming summer Tho price paid was in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars What is more acceptable to a friend or your wife than a set of pearl handled knives and forks a chaffing dish baking dish or anything in the silverware line which you can get at a reasonable price at W T Colemans Boys good black knee pant suits 125 Corduroy knee pants 50c Mens cordu roy suits 750 pants 200 Good black suits 500 650 750 to 1250 at The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale The regular annual stockholders meeting of the McCook Building and Savings association will be held on Tues day evening February 10th There is nothing more profitable to people in general than a good garden In order to have one you must get soma of W T Colemans seeds The Alphabet high five club ha3 reor ganized and held its first meeting Wed nesday night at the home of Mr and Mrs J E Kelley The Bullard yard has put up some new buildings in the yard for the hous ing of stock The Bowen restaurant i3 now owned by S D McClain and J H Stephens 50c golf gloves now 35c 25c ones 19c at The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale McCook lays no claim to being a sani tarium for the cure of heart disease Tho B M meat market sella the best of everything in their line Thi3 has been examination week in the public schools Thb Tpibunu is only 100 a year NUMBER 36 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Annis Furs at DoGroffs Monto Carlo Coats at DeCroffs Save money on drugs at McMillons Scale books for sale at The Triijunh office Go to C L Sorosis Skirts DeGrotT Cos for McMillons cough cure will stop your cough Try it Somo good values in Potticoats at CL DoGroff Cos First class meats of all kinds at tho B M moat market All the latest and best books aro to be found at Cone Bros Stop that cough Cure that cold McConnolIs BalBam will do it Irrigated farm for rent tf C II Meeker Gunthers candies always fresh L W McConnell You want tho best at a right prico You will got it at tho B M inoat market 40c Ice Wool fascinators in black or white now going at 23c at Tho Thomp son D G Cos clearing sale Pickles sauor kraut and everything seasonablo at Marshs meat market Highest quality and lowest prices The old Kellogg flour feed and seed store is now owned and managed by Taylor Shepherd and George Droning Edison phonographs from 10 up Big lino of records vocal and instrumental Seo L W McConnkll Copy of tho 1903 contract of the Stand ard Beet Sugar Coof Leavitt Nebraska Can been seen at C II Meekors office under the pest office Cards with envelopes to match for at homes receptions etc for sale at une office bamo neatly printed sonable if desired This is the time to make your pur chases of underwear and at C L Do Groff Cos is the right place to got tho best goods at the right prices The new spring patterns of wall paper are arriving Lino will bo better this year than ever bofore You know what that means L W McConnkll 50c flannelette waists now 39c 75c ones now 49c 125 flannel ones now 89c 250 ones 113 200 ones 139 all at The Thompson D G Cos clear ing sale Pianos at Suttons at from 165 up on easy payments Seo him first beforo making a purchase No one can givo you lower prices or better terms for a reliable instrument A recent issue of the Toledo Bee uses half column space to prove conclusively that being a good fellow dont pay The dividends are not equal to tho ex pended energies and character Cut it out toys The O R C ball will be given on Monday evgaing April 13th and tho boys announce now in advance of the affair that it will be tho swellest thing over This will bring the ball right after the lenten season Hinky Dink of the Indianola Inde pendent has had another pipe dream to the effect that McCook conspirators have joined Indianola kickers to rob Indianola of the county fair Not on your princealbert have they Estray Cows From slaughter houso yard two cows one red heifer 3 years old weighs about 800 wire about neck one pale red cow weighs about 1000 pounds Reward will bo paid for in formation leading to their recovery D C Marsh Dont fail to hear Father Stritch in the court house next Thursday evon ing January 29th on Dante The prico of admission 25 cents is but nominal The lecture will b high class in every respect by an able speaker Tho sub ject one of the greatest of the old mas ters of literature Under public library auspices Is your head working or are you pay ing ten cents a pound for meat by tho quarter when you can get better meat by tho quarter at Marshs meat market for six and eight cents a pound Dont let the peddlers bump you sohard when tho regular dealers can do so much bet ter in price and in quality as well Sutton the jeweler has a reliable op tician in his store all the time Eyes tested and glasses fitted scientifically and satisfaction guaranteed Hundreds of people in McCook and vicinity will bear testimony to tho high excellence and reliability of his optical work If your eyes need attention dont wait until some pilgrim comes along but go to Sutton at once Ho remains hero to warrant his work